Cheap and satisfying: 10 culinary ideas for modern students

Sandwiches in a hurry

When you're in a hurry to get to a lecture, but want a quick snack, good old sandwiches come to the rescue. For example, students like to eat them with mayonnaise and sprats or sausage. It also turns out delicious when you fry bread, after putting a slice of cheese on it and pouring egg over it all. A student's sandwich always saves him.

Sausage sandwiches are a real treat


Salad with garlic and chicken

This tasty and satisfying salad actually doesn’t “weigh” that much - although there are enough calories, there are not too many. So a simple recipe for salad with garlic and chicken should interest everyone who is watching their figure!

Quick pancakes

I'll tell you how to quickly cook pancakes. Step-by-step photos will help even a beginner understand how to prepare this excellent breakfast. Read and cook!

Cheese flatbreads in a hurry

Quick cheese scones are an incredibly tasty and satisfying addition to tea.:) Prepare them, and your breakfast will become much brighter and more fun. Fortunately, they are prepared very simply and quickly.

Cauliflower puree

The cauliflower puree turns out a little piquant, garlic is added to it. Perfect as a side dish for any hot dish, both meat and fish.

Beetroot with pickled cucumber

Beetroot and pickled cucumber salad is a great addition to the main dish. It can also be prepared as an independent dish and eaten with black bread.

Pizza "Minutka"

Pizza “Minutka” is an excellent dish for bachelors, students and lazy people.:) Pizza “Minutka” is prepared literally in no time, but its taste can hardly be distinguished from ordinary pizza. The simplest recipe.

Fast pizza

Quick pizza is a recipe for those who love pizza, but are too lazy to cook it according to all the rules of Italian cuisine. We simplify the recipe to the extreme, but we still get a very tasty and appetizing pizza :)

Pizza in a frying pan

Delicious, juicy pizza in a frying pan in 10 minutes is a great dish for a quick lunch or dinner. This simple pan pizza recipe is especially good for beginner cooks.

Pizza with sausage

Recipe for pizza with sausage. The pizza turns out quite filling and very tasty.

Pizza with tomatoes and sausage

There are a lot of recipes for making pizza. Pizza with the addition of tomatoes acquires a special sour taste, thanks to the special aroma of tomatoes.

Pizza “Favorite”

Pizza “Favorite” is a very impressive, cute and tasty pizza that is well suited for a romantic dinner (for example, in honor of February 14 - Valentine's Day). Both beautiful and very tasty.

Sausages in the microwave

Cooking sausages is very simple. What if we complicate this banal process a little and cook sausages in the microwave? Let's try. A recipe for those times when only a microwave is at hand.

Sausages in dough in the oven

I bought sausages in dough in the oven back in the school canteen, and in general before you could buy sausages in dough on every corner. For children this is a real delicacy. We make them in the oven!

Stewed cabbage with sausages

Stewed cabbage with sausages is a very easy to prepare German-style dish. If you have sausages and cabbage lying around in the refrigerator, arm yourself with the recipe and feed your family a delicious dish! :)

Pasta in the oven

Oven-baked pasta is a delicious recipe with lots of cheese. But the dish is not vegetarian, since we will use cracklings. Pasta in the oven turns out nourishing, beautiful and tasty.

Pasta with meat

This step-by-step recipe with photos will tell you how to cook pasta with meat tasty and aesthetically pleasing. We will cook pasta with minced meat in tomato sauce. Real jam! :)

Pasta with champignons

A classic recipe for pasta with champignons... probably this doesn’t exist - every housewife prepares this dish in her own way. I want to tell you how I cook pasta with champignons!

Fried pasta

Fried pasta is a very tasty culinary item that is quite easy to prepare and does not require any effort. Fried pasta is for pasta lovers who want to try something new!

Rice and beans

Rice and beans is a dish that can be prepared in minutes. In addition, it is nourishing and tasty. Great for weekday dinners. You can cook it with “yesterday’s” rice.

Cutlets with bell pepper

Cutlets with bell peppers can be prepared for the whole family for a couple of days. Soft, airy with aromatic paprika and potato

Fried potatoes with garlic

Life situations lead to a dead end when you don’t know what you want - love or fried potatoes.:) Love is a capricious matter, you may have to wait, but you can fry potatoes in half an hour!

Pancakes with apples

Sometimes for an afternoon snack or Saturday-Sunday breakfast you want something sweet, made from dough and so that you can eat normally. Pancakes are such a dish for me. Especially the pancakes with caramel apples.

Chops with tomatoes

Here is a classic recipe for chops with tomatoes. The chops turn out tender, satisfying and juicy - this is thanks to the tomatoes. They never burn. Great recipe!

Tomatoes with egg and cheese

The recipe for tomatoes with eggs and cheese will come in handy if you are looking for an economical and light appetizer for the holiday table. A minimum of effort and ingredients, and everyone’s very tasty favorite snack is ready.

Sausages in the microwave

Sausages in the microwave are a simple thing to prepare that even a child can figure out. An excellent option for lightning-fast preparation of a full-fledged dish.

Chicken fillet pieces in batter

Crispy chicken fingers will delight everyone, young and old. This dish is ideal for both family dinners and friendly gatherings in front of the TV. Your favorite sauce will go with it.

Grilled salmon

Salmon is a delicious fish and an irreplaceable source of unproduced Omega-3 fats. I bring to your attention a “healthy” recipe for grilled salmon with soy and honey sauce.

Chicken fillet with beans

Chicken fillet with beans is a great dish that can be prepared in literally 20 minutes from available ingredients, but it turns out surprisingly tasty. A good idea for a quick and tasty weeknight dinner.

Pasta with chicken and broccoli

Pasta with chicken and broccoli is a simple and quick to prepare Italian dish. A minimum of fuss and dirty dishes, just 20 minutes of effort - and a great dish on your plate!

Salad in pita bread

Recipe for making salad in pita bread. This dish can be confidently classified as one of those dishes that are prepared very quickly and do not require special culinary skills.

Meat in Armenian lavash

If a large company is coming to visit you, and you want to surprise them with an unusual dish, cook meat in Armenian lavash. It turns out very original and tasty.

Sausage “roses”

Sausage “roses” are a very beautiful and unusual appetizer. Creatively prepared food always tastes better, so sausage roses attract attention with their originality and entertainment.

Buns with sausage

Homemade sausage buns are another option for preparing sausages in dough.

Lentils with sausage

I love this tasty and filling dish! Lentils and sausage are a great combination that was invented especially for men. Suitable for bachelors and for those who have escaped the attention of their wives ;)

Rassolnik with sausage

Rassolnik with sausage is a hearty, tasty soup that both children and adults enjoy eating. My grandmother often cooked this pickle with sausage, so I always remember my childhood when I eat it.

Sandwiches with sausage and tomatoes

Sandwiches with sausage and tomatoes are a delicious snack for all occasions. You can take it on the road, have a snack at home, and prepare it for the evening while watching TV. And you can feed unexpected guests!

Homemade sausages

Homemade sausages are a classic Slavic dish that is prepared from two types of minced meat, mustard, onion, garlic, bay leaf and sausage casings. An urban version of a country dish

Sausages in dough

A recipe for pork sausages in dough, baked in the oven, a traditional Christmas delicacy in European countries.

Pork sausages with lentils

Recipe for pork sausages with lentils. In Italy, the New Year is not complete without this dish.

Crab sticks in batter

Crab sticks in batter are simply a great appetizer for the New Year's holiday table. Easy to prepare, tasty and looks beautiful on the table. A song, not a snack!

Chicken fillet in batter

Battered chicken is a very simple way to cook chicken. I noticed that children especially like this dish. Although, in principle, adults really like it too :)

Meatballs with buckwheat in the oven

Meatballs with buckwheat in the oven is an excellent, new, vegetarian dish, the recipe for which I got hold of from a friend. The meatballs turn out aromatic, tasty, and healthy. I am sharing the recipe with you!

Potatoes stuffed with minced meat

What Slav doesn’t like potatoes with meat?!
I really like potatoes stuffed with minced meat. It turns out a new interpretation of a classic dish. Tasty and beautiful! Any minced meat is suitable for this dish. The best gratitude is to share the post with friends;)

Fried dumplings

There is no student who would not call this dish his favorite. It looks simple, but in fact it is important to prepare it correctly. The poor student makes sure that the dumplings are not too overcooked. It is important to catch the line between crispy crust and burnt dough. This is a whole art, because in the hostel friends can distract you at any moment...

Fried dumplings are also delicious with sour cream or cheese sauce. Some even eat them with milk-coated anniversary cookies.

Fried dumplings are beautiful!

Is proper nutrition available to students?

A student can eat right for little money. In fact, there is nothing complicated about this if you follow the simple advice of nutritionists and therapists. You all know them from childhood:

  • Eat more vegetables
  • Eat meat at least 3-4 days a week
  • On other days it is advisable to eat chicken
  • Don't eat fast food
  • Eat less sugar, flour and confectionery products
  • Also eat less canned food and sausages

You can learn more about what proper nutrition is in our previous article.

However, it is not always possible to follow these rules. Firstly, studying does not leave free time for cooking in the kitchen. Therefore, you often have to eat fast food at bus stops and in cheap cafes.

Secondly, proper nutrition is not always tasty. Of course, a delicious wok with chicken and vegetables is of little use, but stewed vegetables with boiled chicken are not so tasty. What can we say about burgers and shawarma.

Thirdly, modern students do not know many recipes that they can prepare on their own. However, you can find them on the Internet. Not every student wants to study cooking, so there are few who like to cook at home. It’s much easier to order delivery to a cafe and wait for your favorite pizza or rolls.

If you want to maintain your health from a young age, then we recommend that you find time to cook at home. At least you will be able to know what ingredients were added to the dishes and whether they were cooked well. In addition, it will cost much less than fast food, chips and even short bread.

So, it is possible for a student to eat healthy, but it takes time and common sense. Next we will look at how a student can eat cheaply.

Dembel porridge

In order for a student to have strength, he must eat porridge in the morning. Have you ever heard of “demobilization porridge”? So, this is a real delicacy not only in the army, but also among students! Cookies are crushed in a bowl, poured with condensed milk and the whole thing is mixed. The porridge is ready!

Another recipe: boil oatmeal in water and add raisins and apple. If you wish, you can boil beets instead, chop them finely and add them to the porridge with butter.

For breakfast, you can also make an omelet with carrots. You need to beat the whites until fluffy and fry the omelette. Before frying, grate the carrots and season with olive oil, and then add to the whites.

What does a student eat?

After calling out on social networks, managed to find out that students are divided into three categories.

The first category saves time on cooking and actively eats “doshiraki and rolltons”, soup in bags, pasties, sausages with pasta and even “sawdust (fried) with ketchup - inexpensive and satisfying.” And if there is not even sawdust, then “the only way out is to drink.”

The second category , which includes mainly representatives of the fair half of students, tries to eat healthy food to the best of their ability. Oatmeal, buckwheat, rice and vegetables occupy leading positions, apparently due to their relatively low cost.

Lavash student style

On cold winter evenings, when a student wants a quick and tasty snack, lavash comes to the rescue! In 10 minutes you can make a very satisfying dish from it. For example, fry it with an egg and put tomato, cheese and sausage inside.

You can also make a roll with crab sticks - take pita bread and put the filling on it: grated cheese, chopped crab meat or sticks, egg, cheese, garlic and a little herbs, all this needs to be seasoned with mayonnaise. Roll up the pita bread and leave it in the refrigerator for an hour.

How to eat to stay healthy from a young age

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When you're young, it's easier to buy something than to grab a quick bite. Today these are chips, salty crackers and all kinds of fast food products: muesli, noodles, mashed potatoes, etc. Among drinks, preference is given to sweet sodas and packaged juices.

There is no benefit at all in such food. One continuous chemistry, which is fraught not only with stomach diseases and obesity, but also with the risk of developing oncology. It’s better to snack on a loaf of kefir than to poison yourself with something unknown from a young age.

What is

A proper and healthy diet for a student should include:

  1. Vegetables in large quantities.
  2. Fruits are limited - 1-2 pieces per day.
  3. Cereals.
  4. Pasta made from durum wheat.
  5. Black bread.
  6. Meat.
  7. Dairy products.
  8. Dried fruits, honey and nuts.
  9. Vegetable oils.
  10. Unsweetened drinks: tea, cocoa, coffee, compotes and fruit drinks.

Of course, at a young age it is difficult to do without treats. But high-calorie sweets and cookies can be replaced with healthy sweets. Dark chocolate, marshmallows, marshmallows, jam, marmalade, fruit jelly, candied fruits.

What products to remove from the menu

Junk foods are completely excluded from the diet:

  1. Fast food.
  2. Fast food products.
  3. Sweet sodas and packaged juices.
  4. Ready-made snacks (chips, crackers).
  5. Margarine.

I would like to add confectionery and baked goods here, but at a young age it is not necessary to completely abandon them. You just need to eat in moderation. Since the metabolism is still working normally, there will be no harm from a couple of cookies or a bun with tea. But it’s better to leave cakes and pastries for the holidays.

Is it useful to prepare for the week?

Preparing food for the week is beneficial in all aspects. Firstly, when frozen, all minerals and most vitamins are preserved in products. Secondly, it saves a lot of time and money.

Basic rules for preparations:

  • creating a menu for the week;
  • purchasing products according to the list:
  • cooking process;
  • placing food in containers or bags;
  • freezing

Food that will be eaten tomorrow must be transferred from the freezer to the refrigerator every evening so that it thaws gradually.

Advice! You can freeze almost everything: cereals, pasta, sauces, etc. But there are foods that are harmful at low temperatures: cucumbers, chopped cabbage, radishes.

When there is

If you organize your daily routine correctly, you will always find time to eat. You definitely need to have breakfast. If you don't have time, you can quickly drink a mug of cocoa with milk. You can have a snack during the break between lectures.

What if you don’t have time to cook?

If you don’t have time to cook on weekdays, you need to set aside a couple of hours on the weekend to prepare food for the week. When it is not possible to freeze food for future use, you need to overcome laziness and learn how to cook quick and healthy meals.

For example, many grains do not need to be cooked at all. It’s enough to pour salted boiling water over them in the evening, wrap them in a warm blanket, and get crumbly porridge in the morning. If you have a thermos, it is more convenient to steam cereals in it. You can eat porridge all day, and in different versions: flavor it with milk and butter in the morning, sausages or meat at lunch, and vegetables in the evening.

As it is

Even a busy student can afford to eat 5 times a day with three main meals and two snacks. You can have breakfast and dinner at home or in the hostel, and go to the canteen for lunch.

Energy balance of a healthy diet

The daily calorie intake for students is 2500-3000 kcal. As for the ratio of BZHU, it is recommended to maintain the following balance:

  1. Proteins: 100-150 g.
  2. Fats: 100-150 g.
  3. Carbohydrates: 430-630 g.

Food should be varied, but easily digestible. Overeating negatively affects the liver, intestines and pancreas.


As a snack, it’s not difficult to throw some fruit or a couple of sandwiches into your bag. You need to eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly. So, saturation will come faster, and it’s healthier for the stomach.

How to eat healthy and inexpensively

There are no secrets here:

  1. Create a menu for the week.
  2. Buy food for future use.
  3. Give preference to vegetables and cereals.
  4. Prepare simple meals.
  5. Indulge in treats during the holidays.

To reduce the cost of your diet, cook soups more often. They saturate well, have low calorie content and are good for the stomach.

Be sure to check out:

Rules and recipes for a menu with proper nutrition Rules for compiling and a sample menu for a week as part of proper nutrition The meaning and rules for creating a regimen with proper nutrition for a healthy person We create a menu for older people correctly: we take into account the characteristics of the body at 60 and 80 years old

Bread is the head of everything

And how students love bread! For example, a dish like “mother-in-law’s tongue” - you need to grate cheese and mix with mayonnaise, add a little garlic. First cut the eggplant into slices, fry in a frying pan and put the mayonnaise-cheese mixture on it. And after that on bread.

You can also cut the apple into pieces and add to the cottage cheese. Spread butter on bread and add this mixture.

When you want something sweet but don’t have money, you can sprinkle sugar on your bread. Some students also like to dip it in juice from vegetable salad. It turns out very tasty.

Bread with butter and sugar is a favorite dessert among students

A la pasta

The mother of Pavel Suprunchuk, a student at Brest State Technical University, was not the least bit worried when she sent her son to the dormitory.
Pavel often helped in the kitchen: kneading dough for pies, cutting vegetables for salads and making cutlets. Therefore, there was no need to read cookbooks. Once every two days, the sophomore goes to the store to buy groceries. His basket always contains oranges, apples, bread, pasta and waffles for breakfast tea. For lunch, Pavel sometimes goes to the university canteen; he likes the soup here: “I haven’t tried cooking the first one myself yet: it’s long and difficult.” I often cook pasta, I love buckwheat. When I go home, my mother packs cutlets, chops, fried chicken with her - enough for a week. But I consider navy-style pasta my signature dish.

What will you need?

minced onions and carrots for frying ketchup
How to cook?

Place a small pan of water on the stove. At the same time, place chopped carrots and onions in a frying pan with oil. When the mixture is browned, add minced meat; it can be replaced with mushrooms. Pavel has chanterelles from his mother’s preparations. Pour some boiled water into the frying pan, squeeze out a packet of ketchup and leave to simmer. At this time, place the pasta in boiling water. We note the time indicated on the package. Drain the water and mix the pasta with the contents of the pan. You'll lick your fingers!

Kefir with bread

Finally, we will tell you what students drink. Of course, no one canceled the compote. But they love to cook something interesting and, at the same time, simple. For example, you can cut an apple into slices and add yogurt to it without any additives. If the poor student is lucky and has a mixer, then he can whip milk with berries, and then eat this cocktail with a spoon. By the way, it turns out to be very tasty when combined with eating a sandwich with cheese.

You can also do something interesting with tea: add 100 ml of drinking yoghurt to a glass of black tea with milk. No sugar needed. The same can be done with green tea, but add a banana to it.

And a student cannot do without kefir! He drinks it with bread, lemon and oatmeal cookies.

Kefir with bread - and you can continue to study

What should a student eat for lunch that is tasty and healthy?

  • If time permits, it is better to go to the university canteen or cafe.
  • The best option in terms of price and benefits is to buy salad and soup. This will be a good combination of protein-fat-carbohydrate ratio.
  • If you don’t have time to have lunch in the canteen, you should try to choose a good snack: tea and juice with cottage cheese, a sandwich with salad, ham and cheese. Lunch, even if it is in a reduced format, should not consist of one bun with meat. It is better that vegetables are also present.
  • You can think of a snack, buy it and put it in your bag in the morning.
  • You don't need to eat too much. Food is not stored for future use, and a lot of energy will be spent on digesting a large volume of food.
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