Fasting day with fermented baked milk: tasty, satisfying and inexpensive, but how effective?

  • The essence of weight loss
  • Contraindications
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Useful tips
  • Sample menu
  • Options
  • Recipe

In search of the perfect weight loss product, people have tried everything.
As it turns out, milk, which is familiar to our stomach and available at any time of the year, is one of the most proven and effective ways to combat extra pounds. It can be used both for long-term diets and for one-day hunger strikes. If we talk about the latter, a fasting day on fermented baked milk, a drink that is treated with caution in dietetics, has worked well, despite all its nutritional value. Is it worth spending your time on it?

The essence of weight loss

Ryazhenka is a popular and very tasty fermented milk drink made from baked milk (only cow's milk) by lactic acid fermentation. It contains probiotics and many other substances beneficial to the human body. By consuming it during a fasting day, you trigger biochemical processes that can contribute to weight loss. In particular, the following happens:

  • improved digestion;
  • cleansing of waste, toxins and other debris;
  • the constant intake of protein into the body preserves the physical volume and chemical composition of muscle mass;
  • excess weight disappears gradually, consuming fat tissue rather than muscle tissue;
  • excellent satisfaction of hunger, long-term feeling of satiety, which leads to a reduction in consumed portions.

It seems that after such a biochemical revolution inside the body, the results should be the most impressive. However, in reality, losses rarely exceed 800 g-1 kg. Most often, about 500 grams are minus. This is explained by the fact that the breakdown of fat tissue is a very slow process. So such a mini-fasting is nothing more than a good start for a longer protein diet.

Through the pages of history. There is an opinion that they first learned to make ryazhenka in Ukrainian villages in the 17th century. But products similar to it are found in the cuisines of other nations - Georgian matsoni, Egyptian leben, etc. So the exact place of her birth is still unknown.


Ryazhenka is a very fatty product, and because of this, there are a number of contraindications in which it is prohibited to lose weight on it:

  • allergic reaction to milk protein;
  • gastritis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • individual intolerance;
  • compulsive overeating;
  • nervous disorders;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • renal failure;
  • problems with blood vessels;
  • serious eye diseases;
  • ulcer.

Exacerbation of these conditions is a consequence of abuse of fermented baked milk. It contains glycotoxins (substances formed as a result of prolonged baking), which can injure blood vessels, kidneys, nerves and organs of vision.

Curious! Just 4 glasses of fermented baked milk satisfy the daily requirement of the human body for calcium.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you arrange fasting days on fermented baked milk, weigh the pros and cons of such “fatty” and satisfying weight loss. What can it do to your body in just 24 hours?


  • It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys, preventing the formation of stones in them (in the absence of chronic diseases of this organ);
  • relieves thirst and hunger at the same time;
  • easy to digest;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • provides the necessary energy for the whole day;
  • enriches with vitamins (B1, B2, C) and microelements (calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus);
  • preserves muscle mass;
  • saves from systematic headaches;
  • improves well-being and mood;
  • eliminates constipation.


  • Stimulates appetite;
  • the stomach reacts to a large amount of drink with discomfort;
  • weight loss is slow.
  • contains too much.

On the one hand, this is a very satisfying drink that will qualitatively satiate you throughout the day. On the other hand, it is often used to stimulate appetite. And he and losing weight are incompatible concepts. And the high percentage of fat content excludes it from the range of dietary products.

Extra bonus. It is recommended for women to drink during menstruation to relieve pain.

Diet menu for 7 days

If you need to lose more than 5 kg or you have a lot of excess weight, then you can try the fermented baked milk diet for 7 days. The set of permitted foods is similar to the three-day option, and if you wish, you can simply continue to eat like this for a week. Since many people cannot go long without liquid meals, nutritionists recommend introducing soup with vegetable or chicken broth into the lunch meal.

Due to the high sugar content, fruits are removed from the diet, since their long-term consumption does not contribute to weight loss. An exception may be grapefruit or kiwi.

Menu for seven days

  • First breakfast: any porridge, except wheat, 250g. fermented milk drink.
  • Second breakfast: one cup of fermented milk product.
  • For lunch: 200g. vegetable broth soup or low-fat meat. For soup, you can take 1 small potato, a couple of cauliflower florets, a handful of fresh or frozen green peas.
  • Afternoon snack: a cup of fermented milk drink
  • Dinner: A small piece of lean fish, chicken or veal, cooked in a double boiler. Vegetable Salad. We remember that it is prohibited to consume starchy vegetables in boiled form.

Diet 5 5 (minus 5 kg in 5 days) for weight loss

No potatoes, carrots, beets. Moreover, it is undesirable to consume the last two vegetables boiled, but it is allowed to grate them raw into a salad. You can season the dish with olive or corn oil. It is better to limit the consumption of sunflower oil during the diet.

Eating fermented milk products every day is a great healthy habit. If, when leaving the diet, you supplement your diet with fruits and lean meat, then you can eat this way for quite a long time, and the way of eating can be called healthy.

If we compare fasting days on fermented baked milk and the kefir diet, the first is much easier to tolerate. People who have tried the diet note that fermented baked milk perfectly satisfies hunger, and the diet provides enough energy for work and physical activity.

Remember, no matter how good the diet is, it is better to develop the habit of eating healthy and varied and exercising.

Useful tips

If you still decide to lose weight with its help, try to make every effort to make this day a truly fasting day and properly cleanse the body of everything unnecessary.

  1. For a fasting day, you need to choose fermented baked milk with minimal fat content (2.5%).
  2. Be sure to combine it with other fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese) and fruits.
  3. Avoid simultaneous consumption with alcoholic and carbonated drinks, flour products and sweets.
  4. The drinking regime should consist of at least 2 liters of ordinary water and approximately 1 liter of other liquids - unsweetened freshly squeezed homemade juices, fruit drinks, green tea.
  5. The product should be as fresh as possible: light cream color, with a slight sour-milk aroma, thick consistency.
  6. You should not drink fermented baked milk with dishes or foods that cause fermentation and contribute to the formation of gases: pickles, cabbage, brown bread, baked goods.
  7. It is useful to drink it an hour after the main meal or half an hour before the next one.
  8. It is not recommended to consume on an empty stomach or immediately before bedtime (it is better to do this 1-2 hours before).
  9. The recommended daily volume is no more than 300 ml. Moreover, it is better to drink not in glasses, but 100 ml at each meal.

You should not resort to such fasting days too often. 1-2 times a month will be enough. But you can use this drink as a dietary salad dressing.

On a note. An open package of fermented baked milk reacts very quickly to high temperatures: if it is kept in a room where +22 °C for only 3 hours, it will spoil.

Advantages of the fermented baked milk diet

  1. Thanks to the relatively low caloric content and satiety of the main diet drink, the diet allows you to lose weight without feeling acute hunger and maintains the stomach and digestive system in a comfortable state.
  2. If you follow all the above rules, the destruction of adipose tissue will be ensured, but at the same time you will not experience negative phenomena such as mood swings, etc.
  3. It is appropriate to pay attention to the beneficial properties of fermented baked milk. This fermented milk drink is rich in prebiotics, which help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins well.
  4. Ryazhenka stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, helping to digest food more easily. Therefore, it is good to drink fermented baked milk even if you have eaten too much.
  5. This miracle drink also improves immunity and allows the body to easily cope with thirst during the hot season.
  6. Regular consumption of this yummy will supply the body with calcium, which has a positive effect on the strength and health of teeth, nails, hair, improves appearance and overall health.

Sample menu

Since the fasting day excludes the possibility of a mono-diet, the menu needs to correctly include products with which fermented baked milk goes well. An approximate version will allow you to create your own diet.

The fruits listed in the sample menu can be replaced with any others - just watch their calorie content. But it is recommended to leave the serving size.

Keep in mind. Ryazhenka is easy to prepare at home using baked milk and a special starter.


It does not go well with foods high in protein - meat, fish, eggs. It is better absorbed by the body and promotes faster weight loss when combined with fruits and berries.

  • With apples

To deeply cleanse the body, use fasting days on fermented baked milk and apples. You can use them to prepare salads with the addition of other fruits or healthy smoothies. Pectin and fiber in combination with protein will make digestion work harder. Apples at least somehow block the appetite that comes with every glass of our fermented milk drink.

  • With cottage cheese

If you want to do a purely protein fasting, sit for a day on fermented baked milk and cottage cheese, which are considered an ideal tandem for athletes. They saturate, preserving muscle mass and promoting weight loss. Cottage cheese should be low-fat. 300 grams of product should be divided into small portions.

  • With kefir

The second option for a protein fasting day is with fermented baked milk and kefir. Many argue which of them is healthier for weight loss, and the wisest ones combine them in one diet to enhance the beneficial properties of both drinks. Alternate them with each other. But kefir can be drunk in much larger quantities - up to 1 liter as a daily volume.

  • With fruits

The most effective option for a fasting day is with fermented baked milk and fruits (do not bypass vegetables and berries either). The combination of protein and plant fiber provides a comprehensive cleansing of the body from harmful substances. This menu leads to harmonious energy expenditure and maintaining water balance. The diet can include melon, strawberries, oranges, kiwi, cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes, grapefruits, pineapples, watermelon, bananas, greens, Brussels sprouts.

Find differences. Kefir is made from regular milk, fermented baked milk is made from baked milk. In the first case, along with lactic acid fermentation, alcoholic fermentation is also used, in the second - only lactic acid. One may contain fat content from 0 to 3.5%, the other - from 2.5 to 6%. The calorie content of the first drink, depending on the fat content, is 30-56 kcal, and the second - 54-100 kcal.

Fasting day on fermented baked milk

It is recommended to do one fasting day per week; you can lose one or two kilograms.

Throughout the day you need to drink two liters of fermented baked milk, divided into 6 doses every two to three hours.

You can also drink plain water as a drink, as well as unsweetened green tea.

Fermented baked milk diet for weight loss

You need to stick to this diet for two or three days. As a result, you can get rid of three kilograms of excess weight. In addition to fermented baked milk, it is recommended to eat fruits. Consider an approximate diet menu for three days

Day 1:

Breakfast: half a glass of fermented baked milk, melon (100 grams).

Lunch: fruit salad of strawberries, kiwi, oranges with 150 ml fermented baked milk dressing.

Dinner: boiled lean chicken (100 grams), vegetable salad with lemon juice (100 grams), half a grapefruit.

You are allowed to drink half a glass of fermented baked milk at night.

Day 2:

Breakfast: muesli with strawberries (200 grams), half a glass of fermented baked milk.

Lunch: 2 mugs of pineapple.

Dinner: 170 grams of lettuce and boiled chicken, half an orange.

Day 3:

Breakfast: fermented baked milk (250 ml), 3 small pieces of watermelon.

Lunch: 150 grams of strawberries and bananas, apple juice (1 glass).

Dinner: 100 grams of Brussels sprouts, 170 grams of steamed fish.

At night, drink a glass of fermented baked milk with fruit in the form of a cocktail.

Despite the fact that fermented baked milk for weight loss has many positive properties, it also has contraindications.

These include: intolerance to dairy products, increased acidity of gastric juice, peptic ulcer, exacerbation of gastritis, obesity.

Author of the article: Kashirskaya Anastasia


The store-bought drink undoubtedly has excellent taste, but it also contains plenty of impurities. They may not have the most beneficial effect not only on the body, but also on weight loss. Therefore, learn how to prepare a natural product at home for fasting days.

  1. Pour 2 liters of fresh milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat. It is very important to prevent it from escaping.
  2. Boil for 10 minutes.
  3. Turn off the fire.
  4. Pour into a pot (it is better to take a ceramic or clay one). Place in the oven preheated to 180°C.
  5. After boiling, lower the foam to the bottom with a spoon each time.
  6. As soon as the milk stops boiling, close the oven and leave to simmer for 3 hours. The liquid should darken, become thicker and evaporate to 1 liter.
  7. Remove the baked milk from the oven.
  8. Cool to 40°C.
  9. Dissolve a tablespoon of sour cream in a small part of the melted liquid, pour into the rest, and stir thoroughly.
  10. Wrap the pot in a terry towel and place in a warm place for 8 hours or overnight.

This is the kind of dietary product that can be obtained from fermented baked milk if you use it as the main drink for fasting cleansing days. If your stomach is accustomed to it, this will avoid discomfort and digestive problems due to the large volume of such a fatty liquid. But it is still more advisable to use such a mini-hunger strike as an ideal springboard for a further protein diet. Otherwise the results will be very modest.

Read about other fasting days on:

  • Cottage cheese;
  • Milkweed.

Diet requirements for fermented baked milk

The shortest way to transform your figure using fermented baked milk is to spend one or two fasting days

, during which 1-1.5 extra kilograms successfully leave the body. This way you can get back in shape after the holidays with a hearty feast or prepare for an important event so that your outfit fits perfectly and your stomach can more easily cope with a considerable amount of food. The menu for such a short diet using fermented baked milk is absolutely simple. During the day you need to drink one and a half to two liters of this fermented milk drink and do not forget to supply the body with ordinary water without gas. If you want to achieve results, you should forget about other drinks and food.

For those who want to slowly and surely say goodbye to excess weight and are not ready for long-term dietary restrictions, you can spend one or two such fasting days weekly and watch the transformation of your figure. In this case, it’s easy to get rid of 4-5 unnecessary kilograms in a month (and if you are noticeably overweight, the weight loss will be even more significant).

The recommended amount of fermented baked milk should be divided throughout the day and try to drink it at regular intervals. To better feel full, you can slow down your meal by eating fermented baked milk with a teaspoon.

To distract yourself from “food” thoughts during fasting, try to occupy your day with various activities, but it is advisable that they are not too energy-intensive. Still, the calorie content of your diet is now significantly reduced. Therefore, by being overly active, you risk encountering weakness and fatigue. It is better to refrain from sports training during the mini-diet. At most, you can do light and short exercises. Or better yet, just take a walk, it’s both useful and pleasant.

Three days

You can follow the following diet option. It is recommended to have breakfast and lunch with fruits (you can have berries) in the company of fermented baked milk. The fruit and berry part should weigh 100 g, and you can drink up to 150 ml of fermented baked milk in one sitting. Try to choose non-starchy fruits, as they contain fewer calories and sugar and thus contribute to more significant weight loss. Breakfast can be partially replaced or supplemented with unsweetened muesli or oatmeal. In the evening, the table contains 100 g of lean meat or up to 170 g of fish, a portion of vegetables seasoned with freshly squeezed lemon juice. We cook meat and fish in any way without using oil or fat. Fresh vegetables can be replaced with boiled or baked ones. We finish the dinner by eating half a grapefruit, famous for its strong fat-burning abilities. You can replace this fruit with some other one, but it is better to opt for citrus fruits. It is recommended to avoid salt during the diet. As a rule, when you follow the rules of this technique, at least three kilograms of excess weight are forgiven from your body.

A weekly diet using fermented baked milk is also popular

. You can lose up to five kilograms in seven days. This diet is more balanced than previous options, and helps the body, by normalizing metabolic processes, get rid of not only excess weight, but also toxins, waste and similar harmful components. The seven-day method involves five meals. Food portions should be small (up to 200, maximum 250, grams). It is advisable that all food be evenly distributed throughout the day. On a weekly diet, in addition to fermented baked milk, you can eat cereal grains, low-fat soup with lean meat or vegetable broth (it is best to eat a hot dish for lunch), low-fat fish cooked without adding fat, and salads from non-starchy vegetables. Three meals should be complete, but afternoon snacks and snacks can be limited to fermented baked milk. If you want, you can allow yourself a couple of cups of tea or coffee a day, but without added sugar.

In any of the options for losing weight using fermented baked milk, you need to stop eating 3-4 hours before bedtime (a small amount of fermented milk products does not count).

It is important to exit the diet smoothly and correctly, otherwise the lost kilograms can quickly return. Nutritionists recommend organizing your exit as follows. For one snack, instead of fermented baked milk, eat vegetables or fruits. And eat like this for several days without changing the rest of your diet. Next, add boiled or baked meat to the menu instead of the second “communication” with fermented baked milk. All other food components should appear on the table gradually. If you sharply attack the harmfulness, you may not only return the lost weight (even with an additional gain), but also problems will appear with the functioning of the body, which during the diet period has already become accustomed to eating properly. Try to always adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. To avoid the accumulation of excessive amounts of feces and excess fluid in the body, be sure to include a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. And it is better to choose one that has a mild diuretic and laxative effect (in particular, beets and dried apricots). Various herbal decoctions are also excellent at removing harmful substances from the body and speeding up metabolic processes.

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