Rules and expert advice on how to organize a fasting day on cereals

A fasting day on cereals is a gentle way to get rid of 1.5-2 kg in one day.

It is recommended to do this unloading once a week.

And not only for a slim figure, but also for normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

You can choose the cereal at your discretion, any will bring results. Let's figure out whether there are porridges for weight loss that burn fat.

General rules for unloading cereals

There are different options for fasting days on porridge with their own rules. But the general rules are:

  1. Porridges are cooked for no more than 5 minutes or are not boiled, but steamed.
  2. Sugar, salt, and butter are not added to porridge.
  3. You should always eat, at any time and in the quantity you want. We must not allow ourselves to go hungry.
  4. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  5. You can drink coffee and tea, but without sugar.

If the purpose of the fasting day is simply to “clean” the body, then you can add vegetable oil, unsweetened fruits, nuts, and honey to the porridge.

Be sure to look: Meat fasting: features of a fasting day on chicken breast or broth 8 best options for fasting days on cottage cheese Secrets of fasting days for pregnant women How to easily lose weight in one moment? A fasting day will come to the rescue

Options for fasting days on porridge

It is important to remember that not all porridge options should be used during fasting days. On which of them will unloading be the most effective and beneficial for health?

Fasting day on oatmeal

Oatmeal is a traditional dish for diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as during diets and fasting days. It envelops the mucous membrane, reducing its irritation. To lose weight, the following properties are important to us:

  • 10% consists of fiber, which suppresses appetite and cleanses the intestines of toxins;
  • reduces cholesterol absorption;
  • normalizes the function of the stomach and intestines.

The desire to lose weight on instant cereals is wrong. After numerous treatments, only glucose and preservatives remain in them. It is better to have a fasting day on rolled oats, which retain all the beneficial properties.


  • It is advisable to make preparations in advance. To do this, you need oatmeal broth - pour half a glass of oatmeal with a liter of water and boil until the liquid is reduced by half. Strain and drink in the morning on an empty stomach (ideally within a week). This is an excellent cleansing of the intestines from toxins.
  • For a fasting day on oatmeal, use 700 g of oatmeal, boiled in water without salt and sugar. Divide into 6 servings. Between meals we drink only water or green tea without sugar.

Does it help you lose weight?

A porridge diet leads to weight loss. Porridge is a carbohydrate food. It would seem how you can lose weight on porridge if any nutritionist tells those losing weight - no carbohydrates! However, the facts say that:

  • Cereals contain complex carbohydrates that take a long time to digest, which means hunger is less frequent;
  • there is almost no fat in porridges, and it does not have time to be absorbed;
  • the pleasure of eating porridge is very dubious, so the portions will definitely be small.

All together lead to weight loss.

What are the contraindications?

There are no special contraindications. But there are features of the procedure that take into account the state of health:

  • those with heart and kidney failure should not choose oatmeal for a fasting day;
  • It is better for pregnant and lactating women not to choose this method of combating excess weight;
  • A porridge diet is not suitable for diabetics;
  • for constipation, rice porridge is not the best option, as it strengthens;
  • You need to choose cereals to which there is no individual intolerance.

If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, including gallstones, buckwheat steamed in hot water would not be the best choice.

Contraindications for fasting days on cereals

There are no special contraindications for spending a fasting day on cereals, with the exception of individual intolerance. If you are prone to constipation, you should weigh the pros and cons before consuming the rice menu, since cereals have an astringent effect. A day on oatmeal is contraindicated in case of kidney and heart failure. And most importantly, despite all the benefits of the product, do not turn a fasting day into a mono-diet, as this will lead to protein deficiency and provoke a nutritional breakdown.

Recommendations for conducting

Before you eat porridge all day, you need to prepare your body. For this it is desirable:

  • do not eat fatty, fried and rich foods;
  • drink clean water, herbal tea - at least 6-7 glasses;
  • avoid stress and heavy physical activity on a fasting day;
  • On the day of giving up regular food, the main thing is not to break down.

And breakdowns can occur due to a bad mood or a very strict diet. You can enrich your diet with unsweetened fruits, kefir or milk, but with reduced fat content.

Tips for a fasting day on cereals

If you decide to lose weight with a fasting day on porridge, remember a few tips from nutritionists:

  • cook the cereal only in water, without adding salt and sugar;
  • Coarse grinding is preferable, quick cooking is excluded;
  • Be sure to drink water (fiber swells better, reduces appetite and removes toxins).

A fasting day on cereals has no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to individual components.

General recommendations:

  1. You need to prepare for the fasting day so that it does not become stress for your body. Do not try to eat enough for 2 days the day before; on the contrary, exclude heavy foods from your diet: fried, fatty and starchy foods. Drink more fluids - plain water, green or herbal tea.
  2. On day X, avoid physical activity and stressful situations, otherwise by the end of it you will feel not light, but a loss of strength.
  3. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids (up to 2 liters) - water, still mineral water, unsweetened green or herbal tea.
  4. The next day, limit your consumption of fatty and fried foods and sugary carbonated drinks. But boiled beef or chicken breast, vegetable salad, freshly squeezed juices and fruits will come in handy.

Ways to relieve the body

There are different options for fasting days using cereals. They differ in duration and types, as well as in the composition of the menu. The choice depends on taste preferences and goals that a person sets for himself. What kind of cereals can you eat when losing weight to unload?

On buckwheat

Buckwheat is called “golden grain” for its many valuable properties. It is rich in potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine, phosphorus. Buckwheat cleanses blood vessels and the liver, helps fight depression, strengthens bones, and normalizes metabolism. Types of menu on buckwheat:

  1. With milk. The cereal is steamed overnight with hot water. And when consumed, add 1 percent fat milk, as well as a spoonful of honey. You can eat as much as you like. This diet lasts no more than a week. In the first three days you can lose more than 3 kilograms.
  2. With vegetables. The porridge is prepared fresh - by the usual cooking method or steamed with hot water for several hours. Vegetables can be eaten in unlimited quantities. Salt, oil, spices are prohibited.

  3. With fruits. With such a diet, the weight loss process will be slower, but at least 3 kilograms per week is guaranteed. You can eat unlimited amounts of fruit, just like porridge. But no salt, sugar or butter.

  4. With Chiken. Fillet is better, it has less fat. The meat is boiled and baked without salt or spices. The cereal is also brewed overnight. You can eat it with chicken meat.

In any of the options, the porridge should be fresh. You need to eat in small portions, but often. And between meals, drink a glass of water. A buckwheat fasting day is perfect not only for losing weight, but also for saturating the body with nutrients.

On oatmeal

Oatmeal contains a lot of fat, so it is best to consume it without additional inclusions. But thanks to the large amount of fiber, it acts as an active intestinal cleanser.

Boil the oatmeal in water for 15 minutes and keep it covered for several minutes. No salt, no sugar, no oil should be added. You can eat porridge in any quantity. This diet lasts no more than a week.

On white and brown rice

If you prefer rice, it is better to choose a diet based on brown rice. It is considered more useful due to the large amount of fiber and increased content of vitamins and minerals. The rice dish contains a storehouse of nutrients and a minimum of calories.

The following method gives a quick weight loss effect:

  • pour a glass of rice with two glasses of hot water and leave overnight;
  • Divide the portion into five parts and eat throughout the day.

This diet will allow you to lose a maximum of 5 kilograms in three days. Another way is to cook rice in water without salt, sugar, or oil. Leave for 15 minutes and eat as much as you want. Five days with rice porridge - and the extra pounds are gone, which is an excellent option for losing weight.

On millet porridge

Millet porridge is tasty and healthy at the same time. It contains a bouquet of important amino acids and minerals. It prevents stress and promotes a good mood. It is boiled for 15 minutes in water without salt, sugar and oil. You can eat without restrictions.

On Hercules

Hercules porridge can be used both in a mono diet and with the consumption of fresh fruits, kefir, vegetables, honey and nuts. A strict diet is difficult to maintain, but it is the most effective. You can start with a seven-day course:

  • eat oatmeal cooked in water three times a day, but not more than 100 grams per serving;
  • suppress hunger with green tea;
  • You can add 1 percent fat milk to oatmeal.

If a strict diet does not work, you can extend the process for 12 days. And eat a little honey, apples, pears, and nuts along with rolled oats. There should be no salt, no sugar, no butter.

On the pearl barley

Barley is distinguished by a rich range of useful substances, so it is extremely useful for weight loss. In the first week, the body is almost completely cleansed of toxins. Having enough protein will prevent weakness and lethargy, which is typical during diets.

Pearl barley requires soaking for 12 hours. Then cook for at least 30 minutes. And then you still need to leave it for 15 minutes under the lid. You need to eat in small portions throughout the day. No salt, no sugar, no butter. You can add green tea to your diet, as well as a small portion of vegetable salad without salt and spices.

Interesting! Barley expands 5 times during cooking. The same can be said about millet. Buckwheat increases 2 times, rice - 3 times.

Combined with apples and other fruits

Any of the selected cereals in combination with fruits and especially apples will give excellent results. Moreover, apples can be eaten with buckwheat and oatmeal. For example, bake in the microwave with a spoon of honey. This green tea dessert is nice and delicious. In addition, it removes excess water, and this is also a step towards slimness.

When choosing fruits, you should give preference to unsweetened varieties. They are able to satisfy taste needs and prevent the breakdown during a strict diet. They also replenish the required minimum of vitamins for the body.

The essence of a fasting day on porridge

To permanently add cereals to the list of dietary products, you need to find out the essence of why extra pounds accumulate and how you can get rid of them during a fasting day.


They are divided into two types: fast (sugar, fruits, bread, sweets) and slow (cereals, vegetables). The first ones are instantly and completely absorbed. Glucose levels rapidly rise, and the hormone insulin is released, which “transfers” it into the cells. The person experiences hunger again, and excess intracellular glucose is converted into fat.

Slow carbohydrates consist of polysaccharides. What are their benefits for weight loss:

  • they take a long time to break down, a lot of energy is spent on this process;
  • give a lasting feeling of satiety (due to fiber and a constant level of glucose in the blood without sudden fluctuations);
  • have a beneficial effect on microflora;
  • neutralize decay processes;
  • removes waste and toxins.

Nutritionists believe that proper nutrition should consist of half slow carbohydrates.

Calorie content

Porridges are foods with medium calorie content. Most contain from 80 to 300 kcal per 100 g. To lose weight, the total energy value of the daily diet should be no more than 1000 kcal. Therefore, on a fasting day you can eat an average of 700 g of porridge.

Glycemic index

Shows the rate of carbohydrate breakdown. The smaller it is, the slower the process goes. As a result, glucose in the blood increases gradually and almost all of it is spent on the needs of cells (especially the brain). At the same time, a person does not experience hunger or mood swings.

Cereals are foods with a low glycemic index, which is comparable to cottage cheese and vegetables. Many fruits that are traditionally used for weight loss have a higher GI.

Vitamins and minerals

Not directly related to weight loss. But for regular fasting days, it is important to choose products with a sufficient amount of nutrients. Otherwise, health problems are guaranteed. Porridges are rich in vitamins A, E, B, PP, calcium, potassium, magnesium and many other minerals.

Which one to choose: the pros and cons of buckwheat, rice, rolled oats and other porridges

Each cereal has its own characteristics. Even diabetics can eat oatmeal. Hercules porridge is good because it perfectly cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, but can lead to constipation. Buckwheat is rich in fiber, which means it will also quickly clear the body of all “blockages” and also drives away excess water.

Rice porridge is a great idea for those who want to achieve results faster and improve their stomach function.

Important! Each porridge has its own energy potential. The success of losing weight will also depend on the caloric content of foods.

This table shows the energy value of each cereal in kilocalories.

GroatsRawBoiled in water
Pearl barley320110
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