What is more effective: an exercise bike or a treadmill: which is better to choose for your home?

Both exercise machines are useful and have a positive effect on the user's physical condition. But, since there is still a difference between them in the load on various muscle groups, joints and other systems, let’s consider what is better: an exercise bike or a treadmill.

Which is better, a treadmill or an exercise bike?

It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally. This largely depends on personal preference and health status. After all, some people with musculoskeletal problems find it difficult to run, but they can do it on an exercise bike.

If there is no significant difference in physical capabilities, you need to answer the question for yourself why you need a simulator and for what purpose you are buying it. The important point here will be the need to lose weight. then the choice will be easy to make based on the number of calories burned during training.

Pros and cons of training on an exercise bike

At first glance, it seems that there is not much difference, and during training on both machines the same muscle groups work and the main load falls on the legs. But in fact it turns out that it is distributed differently.

When performing exercises on an exercise bike, the following muscles are mainly involved:

  • Lumbar
  • Gluteal
  • Anterior superficial and internal thigh muscles
  • Calf

In the process of climbing uphill, with increased pedal resistance, the abdominal muscles, arms and shoulders are activated. The spin is practically not involved in the process. This is different from riding a regular bicycle. There she also has an important role; the back is responsible for maintaining balance.

Exercise bike

An exercise bike is a sports unit that simulates cycling. Basically, it creates a load on the leg muscles, as well as the buttocks. The back, arms and some other muscles of the upper body are practically not involved in training - unlike riding a real bicycle, where they are subject to additional stress (due to the need to keep a moving vehicle in balance and control it).

The effectiveness of training depends little on the functionality and technical characteristics of the exercise bike itself. Of course, high-end models support additional inertial load, which acts like weights on the legs. However, in general, the effect of training on different models of exercise bikes is the same.

The exercise bike is also a complete cardio machine. When exercising on it, a load is created on the cardiovascular system and respiratory system. Thanks to this, the overall endurance of the body increases, health and immunity improves, and metabolism accelerates. Of course, cardio training on a stationary bike also helps you lose weight by speeding up the burning of fatty tissue in the body.

Overall, the exercise bike is very well suited for use for maintaining fitness, overall health improvement and minor weight loss. It is characterized as follows:

  1. Has a noticeable positive effect on the respiratory system

    , cardiovascular system and other internal organs and systems. In fact, it is a cardio exercise machine, since it involves aerobic and (at high intensity exercise) anaerobic exercise. Improves overall health, strengthens the immune system;

  2. The main load is directed to the muscles of the legs and lower torso

    . The muscles of the back, abdomen, chest and arms are practically not used - and therefore require additional training. But thanks to the load on the muscles of the legs and hips, the exercise bike will help in modeling the figure - for example, in creating elastic and toned buttocks or chiseled shins;

  3. Burns calories at a fairly average rate

    . A half-hour workout at a comfortable speed will help you get rid of about 250 kcal. And if you increase the intensity, you can “burn” up to 400 kcal during the same period.

The relatively average rate of burning kilocalories is compensated by the high comfort of exercise. Training on an exercise bike is not grueling, so you can spend more than half an hour behind the wheel - and feel good all this time. So, most users spend about 45-60 minutes a day or two on an exercise bike. This helps you burn up to 500 kcal per workout and not feel exhausted.

In addition, there is no element of “impact” load in training on exercise bikes. Not only are the muscle contractions not too sharp, but also the weight pressure from above does not appear - the person sits on the seat. Therefore, the exercise bike is suitable for people who suffer from joint diseases or are prone to them.

So, let’s summarize by highlighting the pros and cons of exercise bikes.


  • High comfort of training. Despite the fact that exercise on exercise bikes belongs to the cardio group, they are not too grueling. So you can spend about an hour and a half and not experience much fatigue;
  • Low load on joints. Thanks to this, exercise bikes are suitable for people with arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis and similar diseases in the initial stages - or a tendency to them;
  • Well suited for modeling the figure, helping in the formation of elastic buttocks and “chiseled” shins.


  • Relatively low rate of calorie burning. With a not too intense, comfortable workout, you can get rid of about 250 kcal in half an hour. Therefore, the speed of weight loss will not be fast enough;
  • Uneven load. The main effect is on the muscles of the legs, buttocks and pelvis. The rest of the muscles - on the back, stomach, chest and arms - remain practically unused;
  • Good for use as a hanger - and this can stop people with low motivation;
  • Since the effect of an exercise bike is practically independent of its functions, choosing a suitable device is not particularly difficult. You can buy any! But for those who like heavy loads, devices with weighting agents, for example, with a flywheel, are suitable. It creates inertial weight, resulting in greater training intensity when pedaling.

Which is better - an exercise bike or a treadmill?

So, the treadmill is good for losing weight and develops all muscle groups - but training on it is grueling, and it is also not suitable for people with joint diseases. An exercise bike is much more comfortable to use, but you won’t be able to lose weight quickly on it, and you need to combine it with other equipment for harmonious development.

But the difference between the two sports simulators does not stop there.

Characteristics Treadmill Exercise bike
Main muscle groups developed Musculoskeletal on legs, arms, back and chest On foot
Additional useful action Cardio machine, significantly increases endurance Cardio machine
Calorie burning during a comfortable workout, kcal/hour (approximately) 700 500
Calorie burning during intense training, kcal/hour (approximately) 900 800
Exhaustive training High Low
Negative side effects Dangerous for people with joint diseases or a tendency to them None

In general, both exercise machines are suitable for maintaining a healthy lifestyle or fitness. The exercise bike impresses with its comfort, but for harmonious development you will need to combine it with other equipment or activities that stimulate the muscles of the back and arms. A treadmill will be extremely useful for losing weight, but it is worth considering the impact load on the joints and the general grueling nature of the workout.

Is it possible to lose weight by exercising at home on an exercise bike?

For many people, an exercise bike will help them lose more weight. After all, here the exercises are performed while sitting. But their duration can be made longer, because in a sitting position a person does not get tired as quickly as during intense running.

To increase the load and speed up the process of losing excess weight, you can increase the resistance of the pedals. If you only need to tone your thighs and buttocks, then choose an exercise bike. It will help make them fit and sculpted.

Pros and cons of a treadmill

No shock absorption system installed on a treadmill can protect the leg joints from the heavy load when they come into contact with the running belt. This is especially dangerous for people with spinal and leg injuries.

Benefits of a treadmill:

  • You can reach speeds of up to 16 km/h.
  • Easy to do interval training
  • If you place mirrors next to the exercise machine, you can control your running technique
  • Training without the presence of strangers
  • You can change the speed mode, set running programs
  • By installing the running belt at an incline, you can run uphill

Electric models are equipped with an excellent shock absorption system, so the machine will not damage the spine and joints.

But not all models are safe for health. The treadmill also has disadvantages:

  • On mechanical and magnetic tracks, the athlete himself sets them in motion. This increases the load on your legs. Therefore, people with joint or spinal injuries are not recommended to exercise on cheap mechanical or magnetic models.
  • During training in an apartment, the body quickly loses water in dry air
  • A completely flat surface does not allow you to set an additional load, as when running in the forest
  • In natural conditions, the athlete’s body is exposed to wind and air currents. During training, due to the lack of wind, it is in the wrong position
  • During training, there is no need to go around obstacles: holes, puddles, tree branches.
  • Exercises on the treadmill are monotonous, the landscapes here do not change. Therefore, it seems that the athlete has run much more than he actually has. This reduces the effectiveness of the workout.

What's best for the heart and lungs

Both the treadmill and exercise bike increase the body's aerobic capacity (the ability to take in and use more oxygen for muscle function) and improve cardiovascular health. system. But the treadmill does it a little better. Physiological responses to treadmill and cycle exercise. .

Fat oxidation rates are higher during running compared with cycling over a wide range of intensities., Differences in oxygen uptake but equivalent energy expenditure between a brief bout of cycling and running. than during exercise on an exercise bike, the heart beats faster Treadmill and Bicycle Ergometer Exercise: Cardiovascular Response comparison. In addition, a treadmill forces you to maintain a set pace, while an exercise bike allows you to move at a comfortable pace.

To make cycling more effective, try high-intensity interval training. They increase The effect of running versus cycling high-intensity intermittent exercise on local tissue oxygenation and perceived enjoyment in 18–30-year-old sedentary men heart rate and VO2max even more than running intervals.

Break up your cycling workout into several intervals of varying intensities. For example, pedal at high speed for 60 seconds and then pedal at a leisurely pace for the next 60 seconds to regain your strength. Alternate intervals of 10–30 minutes.

How does running on a treadmill help you lose weight?

For those who want to lose excess weight, it is better to buy a treadmill. You can lose more calories on it in an hour than on an exercise bike. But don't expect it to be easy. To achieve the effect stated in the characteristics, you need to run intensely and for a long time at high speed uphill. Usually, novice athletes cannot do this. Therefore, they will not be able to lose weight soon.

In 60 minutes at low intensity you can burn about 300-400 calories. During high-impact interval training, if you alternate movement techniques, you can burn up to 800 calories per hour.

Which exercise machines are best for burning calories?

How many calories can you burn when exercising on an exercise bike or on a treadmill, which has more?

  • Treadmill:

With 30 minutes of exercise, a person weighing about 60 kg burns from 335 kcal to 465 kcal, this depends on the running speed, approximately 8 km/h and 12 km/h.

  • Exercise bike:

With 30 minutes of exercise, about 260 kcal are burned, and with an overload you can burn about 390 kcal. It turns out that a treadmill helps you lose weight faster if your goal is, for example, to lose weight. The difference is from 15 to 20%.

What is more effective for losing weight, an exercise bike or a treadmill?

Who is an exercise bike best for?

An exercise bike has virtually no contraindications. It can be used by people who are overweight and older people. There are models with modified movement mechanics - “recumbent” exercise bikes, which completely relieve the load on the lower back and spine.

Who should use a treadmill?

The treadmill helps to tone all the muscles, including the back and arms. Therefore, for those who have problems with these parts of the body, it is better to give preference to it.

During training on this simulator, the gluteal and calf muscles, quadriceps and thigh muscles, and partly the abdominal muscles, are involved. The arms, shoulders and back are little involved in the running process. Therefore, the spine and leg joints are not overloaded.

Running for an hour can burn between 500 and 900 calories.

Running uses more oxygen than riding an exercise bike. The lungs and blood are better saturated with oxygen, the heart beats faster. Therefore, for those who are indicated for caryotherapy training, it is better to do it on a bike path.

What to remember

  1. If you want to lose weight, tone your core, and increase your cardiorespiratory capabilities, choose the treadmill.
  2. If you are overweight, have flat feet, or have joint problems, give preference to an exercise bike.
  3. The most important thing in cardio training is regularity. Therefore, choose exercises that bring you more pleasure.
  4. To maximize the benefits of cycling, try alternating free pedaling with high-intensity interval training. They will help you burn more calories and increase the workload on your heart.

How to understand which exercise machine is best for you

If you have a sufficiently trained body, you can start with an exercise bike. For beginners, it is more advisable to purchase an exercise bike and start exercising on it. After you have strengthened your muscles and learned to breathe correctly, move on to the treadmill.

If you have never ridden a bicycle, you can exercise on a treadmill, but not run, but walk on it. When running, you need to hold your back correctly, work with your hands, and place your feet. But pedaling on an exercise bike is not so easy. You need to learn to move your legs evenly without bending your knees in or out. You need to press the pedal with a certain part of your foot,

What muscles work

Due to the position of the body and the movement of the arms during running, COMPARISON OF TRUNK AND LOWER EXTREMITY MUSCLE ACTIVITY AMONG FOUR STATIONARY EQUIPMENT DEVICES: UPRIGHT BIKE, RECUMBENT BIKE, TREADMILL, AND ELLIPTIGO® work the upper body muscles, tense the abs and back extensors.

When you pedal, you only pump your legs.

Moreover, it is quite monotonous: there are Differences in leg muscle activity during running and cycling in humans. basically concentric contractions, where muscles shorten under load.

Running involves more eccentric contractions. During tension, muscles lengthen, are more damaged Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage and Running Economy in Humans, and therefore grow faster. True, after running your legs will hurt more than after cycling.

Comparison in tabular form

Let's summarize the main characteristics of both simulators in a comparative table

CharacteristicsExercise bike
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