How Anna Shulgina lost weight: three pillars that led her to success

Russian television viewers first recognized Anna Shulgina as the daughter of the famous singer Valeria. However, this is where the similarity between the girl and the singer ended. The slender, chiseled figure of Valeria and the heavy, corpulent body of the little girl - what kind of relationship could there be? But Anya decided to pull herself together and lose all the excess. Now she is an adult, slender girl, with a beautiful smile and toned body, who is confidently making a career in show business. Rumor has it that she managed to lose 25 kilograms. Let's find out what helped her in this difficult matter, and how exactly Anna Shulgina lost weight.


Anna Shulgina's weight loss has haunted her fans for a long time. No one believed that such incredible success could be achieved on one’s own in such a short period of time. Accordingly, they thought that Thai pills, miracle drinks and other chemicals were indispensable assistants for the daughter of a talented singer.

The second part of the public decided that the girl had taken extreme measures - she had liposuction, fortunately, the family’s income allows her to take advantage of such an expensive procedure.

The girl is tired of watching fans suffer in guesses. She gave many interviews in which she told the whole world her success story.

Rules for healthy eating according to Shulgina

1. You need to eat small meals, do not overeat and do not fill yourself up at night

Three main meals and two additional snacks are the best food regimen, the observance of which will never awaken the feeling of hunger in someone losing weight.

2. Include only healthy foods in your diet, preferably low-calorie foods

The basis of the artist’s daily menu is: vegetables, fruits and berries, cereal porridges (whole grain), low-fat fish and meats, legumes, nuts, as well as fermented milk products with a low fat content (yogurt, kefirs, cottage cheese).

Prohibited for consumption: confectionery, baked goods, sweets, carbonated water, smoked meats, pickles, fried foods, as well as food waste such as crackers, chips and fast food.

3. The daily diet should always include liquid dishes and meat

Every day Anna eats vegetable soups and lean boiled meat (chicken, turkey, quail), but if the girl is haunted by an acute feeling of hunger, she snacks on low-fat natural yogurt and a handful of dried fruits.

4. Maintain water balance in the body

It is advisable to drink at least 2 liters of water a day, which not only removes excess fluid from the body, but also significantly dulls the appetite, filling the stomach.

Goals and motivation

Singer Valeria leads an active lifestyle: she plays sports, travels, and learns new extreme hobbies. She doesn't need plastic surgery. At her age, she looks great even without modern medical sacraments. She taught her entire family to have a healthy lifestyle. The star’s daughter has been going to the pool since childhood, doing fitness and fencing. It was difficult to call the girl’s lifestyle inactive. Despite this, she is always a plump child. In adolescence, with a height of 169 cm, her weight exceeded 90. The reason for this was unhealthy foods: an addiction to sweets, fast food and fatty foods.

What made the girl change so dramatically? What were her motivations and goals?

  • It's no secret that all girls want to be like the person who gave them life. Anna Shulgina's mother looks great. In the photo, these two beautiful girls look like sisters.
  • Being overweight did not prevent the appearance of fans of the opposite sex. But self-doubt prevented her from starting a relationship.
  • The girl acquired the genes of her parents - she had excellent vocal abilities. The producers assured that the time would come when this little beauty would conquer the stage. An attractive appearance without a flaw will certainly not hurt a star.

The motivation was incredibly strong. Now you can enjoy seeing how Anna Shulgina has lost weight. Her entire path of transformation rested on three main pillars.

Anna Shulgina has turned from a “chubby” woman into a slender beauty - the singer’s secret to losing weight

Russian television viewers first recognized Anna Shulgina as the daughter of the famous singer Valeria. However, this is where the similarity between the girl and the singer ended. The slender, chiseled figure of Valeria and the heavy, corpulent body of a little girl, what kind of relationship could there be? But Anya decided to pull herself together and lose all the excess. Now she is an adult, slender girl, with a beautiful smile and toned body, who is confidently making a career in show business. Rumor has it that she managed to lose 25 kilograms. Let's find out what helped her in this difficult matter, and how exactly Anna Shulgina lost weight.

In childhood and adolescence, Anna Shulgina was a “chubby girl!”

Since childhood, Anya Shulgina was, as she herself admits, an ugly duckling. With her most ordinary appearance and plump cheeks, she touched adults until she began to gain weight too quickly. By the end of school, she began to scare those around her with her excess of extra pounds. She lost the first kilograms before the prom, apparently in order to amaze her classmates with a beautiful dress and toned figure. But she was not completely able to achieve ideal forms, and the girl, after finishing school, continued her further movement towards the coveted number on the scales. We would like to warn you right away that Anna Shulgina did not take any miraculous pills, teas or mixtures for weight loss; what she managed to achieve was the result of hard training and proper nutrition. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves and tell you about everything in more detail.

Valeria's daughter Anna Shulgina lost weight and began to look simply amazing!

On her Twitter, Anya posted a post in which she especially emphasized that you should not offend fat people. After all, fat people can be much kinder than skinny people, and fat cheeks can be caused not only by eating too much, but also by taking pills. Then they can get thinner, prettier, and become much more attractive than you.

The most important thing in losing weight for the daughter of a famous singer is a strong incentive. For her thinner daughter Valeria, the incentive was the desire to become a singer, and, as you know, it is very difficult for overweight people to get on the stage. The girl sincerely wants to become even more famous and popular than her mother, so she tries to do absolutely everything for this.

To lose extra pounds, Valeria’s daughter adhered to a few simple rules and advice that nutritionists gave her. Let's take a closer look at them.

Anna Shulgina's diet during weight loss

  • The doctors have compiled a menu for Annie that excludes meat soups and broths, but includes vegetable soups and simple mineral water. For example, broccoli or cauliflower soup with herbs will be tasty and healthy.
  • Pork in this diet was replaced by veal, beef and boiled chicken. It is also allowed to steam meat and bake it in foil with spices.
  • The girl was allowed to consume several plain yoghurts during the day as snacks. By plain we mean yoghurts without sugar, additives or colorings.
  • Black tea, coffee and soda were replaced by green tea. Previously, the girl didn’t love him, but what can’t you do for a beautiful figure? Now she very often brews this drink for herself, and drinks it with pleasure all day long.

Having lost weight, Anna Shulgina began to look much younger than her age, and now she can afford bright and beautiful clothes that highlight her beautiful figure. You can see photos of Valeria’s thinner daughter on Instagram, which she constantly updates with new shots. They show how a girl, dressed in sportswear, spends all her time in the fitness club.

If you want to lose weight, tone your body and strengthen your muscles, take Ani’s example! One can admire her perseverance and envy her results! If you want to make your weight loss even more effective and improve your results, carefully study the materials on our website about weight loss.

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I want you to know that I read everything, I see everything.? And thank you for your attention to my video for the song “Not Loved”. ? . Style by Hair by @maki.lab. #SHENA ? #disliked #silence broken

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Keith first

The first thing the future singer did was to visit several qualified nutritionists. Everyone unanimously said: in order to achieve the desired result, you need to eliminate all harmful products.

They developed nutritional standards and a competent diet, which consisted of the following products:

  1. All types of meat that have been processed in water or steamed. The exception is pork.
  2. Any fruit or vegetable salads seasoned with lemon juice.
  3. Low-fat dairy products with the addition of dried fruits or nuts.
  4. As for side dishes, the girl focused on buckwheat. I ate rice and pasta extremely rarely.
  5. She learned to drink liquid in its pure form, up to 1.5 liters of water per day. Of the drinks, I preferred only herbal tea.

Anna Shulgina's diet seems strict. After all, there is not a single wrong product in it. After a while you get used to it, and the desire to “clog” your body with something high in calories disappears.

Three pillars of Anna's weight loss

Having seen a photo of the matured Shulgina, society suspected her of using pills and dietary supplements for weight loss. But her slimming program excluded such methods. Anya lost weight using an integrated approach consisting of the following methods:

  • proper nutrition;
  • sport;
  • visiting the pool and sauna.

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Keith third

During the period of weight loss, it is very important to devote your time to skin care. Otherwise, it will remain stretched and weakened. Once a week, the singer’s daughter visited the sauna. She claims that this procedure brought her great pleasure. Complex warming of the body helped her not only speed up her metabolism and cleanse herself of excess toxins, but also fully relax. Changing your lifestyle is always a difficult step. Strength, perseverance and a great desire to achieve her goal did their job, and now everyone is surprised at how much weight Anna Shulgina has lost.

Mother's daughter

Anna Shulgina and Valeria
Fans have always known Valeria as fragile and graceful from her youth, so the dissonance with her eldest daughter was striking. Many simply did not believe that the massive girl, who already weighed almost 90 kg at the age of 16, was the star’s own daughter. And Anna was embarrassed by her weight, trying to attract the attention of strangers to herself as little as possible. Although sports were not alien to her: from early childhood, Shulgina loved outdoor games, attended a fencing club and even rode horseback. But a slow metabolism prevented me from being slim. And besides this, eating habits put a spoke in the wheels. Anya never ignored fast food, buns, chips and candies.

The singer said in one of her interviews that in her youth she also struggled with extra pounds, often went on diets, and went completely hungry before concerts and filming. This fact was simply not disclosed to the general public. After becoming a mother, Valeria began to exercise regularly and got used to starting every morning with long exercises. The singer’s daughter followed the same path, but in her case she had to deal with a larger problem - losing weight by as much as 30%.

What's wrong with her now?

Now the charming blonde is at her peak. She performs on stage, organizes her own charitable foundations and acts as a critic on television programs. Many of the girl’s fans are concerned about how Anna Shulgina lost weight. For this reason, the star girl created her own blog. In it, she publishes her photos, shares advice and supports those who have just begun their path to perfection.

A blond girl with a charming face and a sweet smile. It would seem that this is a fragile and innocent creature that is easy to offend. A spoiled child who grew up in a celebrity family? This is far from true! Anna Shulgina has an incredibly strong core. She always achieves her goal and tries to do it on her own. On her path to an ideal body, she realized how important it is to find close contact with her inner world. The daughter of a famous singer remembers with a smile how she greedily ate sweets and starchy foods at school age, and does not understand what made her fall in love with this particular lifestyle. Fortunately, she managed to get rid of this addiction.

What does Anna Shulgina look like today?

Shulgina’s diet is not a starvation diet; in principle, it can hardly be called a diet. To be precise, the principles by which the star lost weight are real proper nutrition, so you can stick to it for a long time, not only for the purpose of losing weight, but also as a prototype of a daily nutrition system.

According to the latest data, with a height of 168 cm, the actress weighs 58 kg, which is considered the absolute norm for a girl of her physique. I am glad that she is not excessively thin; on the contrary, Anna boasts a fit, athletic figure.

The slimmer Anna is becoming more and more like her star mother - both in figure and face.

Now she is in demand not only as an actress and TV presenter, but also as a model. The sexy girl is often invited to star in candid photo shoots for popular men's magazines, and this is not surprising, because her seductive figure is admired by thousands of representatives of the stronger sex!

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