Anastasia Denisova: “In a month and a half I lost 15 kilograms”


Anastasia Denisova was born on May 17, 1985 in Moscow. I always dreamed of becoming an actress and after my first attempt I entered the prestigious capital’s theater university - GITIS. Even before completing her studies, she was noticed and invited to the Moscow Regional Theater for Young Spectators. Yes, her work there was important for experience, but it brought in little money. But she needed money, and she had to think about looking for a better paying job.

And she found it, but, unfortunately, this work was no longer connected with her dream of becoming an actress. But since the pay there was quite decent even by Moscow standards, she had to come to terms with it. She accepted the position of secretary with a stable salary and good prospects. Then Anastasia had to convince herself that it was just a dream, far from reality.

Her career in this industry took off, and soon she was working for a successful foreign corporation in a fairly prestigious position. Then it seemed to her that she would never return to the acting profession.

Charming Palna from the series “Deffchonki” has lost weight. Transformation of Anastasia Denisova

There are more than enough ways to lose extra pounds today: the Internet alone can generously offer many different tips.
But not all of them will be effective and applicable in practice. A completely different matter is a personal example of some celebrity with revealing “before” and “after” photos. Girls often share that it is much easier to follow the example of a star than abstract advice from the Internet. In practice, this approach really works, so we decided to tell you how Anastasia Denisova lost weight so quickly. We fell in love with this actress as Palna from “Deffchonok”, and, I must say, the role of the chubby girl suited her and created the desired image. Almost all girls understand Katya Schwimmer in her unsuccessful attempts to lose weight and her frequent breakdowns for some “yummy food”. What is there to lie about, everyone who is losing weight knows how sweet the forbidden fruit is. Sometimes everyone opens the refrigerator door at night with something so tasty and desirable inside.

But Palne from the series “Deffchonok” is tired of this situation, she decides to pull herself together and decisively begins to lose weight. The same truly militant mood captured Anastasia Denisova at the time of filming. In this article we will tell you how the beautiful actress lost weight.

TV series "Deffchonki"

But one day she received a call that reminded her of her childhood dream. The call came from Mosfilm itself with an offer to play one of the main roles in the new comedy series “Deffchonki”. The money they offered was decent, in no way comparable to the salary of a theater actress. But the role turned out to be specific - a not very pretty boring girl, secretary Ekaterina Pavlovna Schwimmer, whom everyone calls “Palna”.

Palna’s personal life is not going well; the only joy in her life is her friends and work. Anastasia saw herself in Palna and decided that she would definitely cope with this role. There was only one catch: Palna, as planned by the scriptwriters, was a rather plump girl, plumper than the actress Anastasia Denisova herself, by 10 kg. And she had to gain this weight for the role. But even after this, she was not immediately approved for this role, but only six months later. In addition to the series “Deffchonki,” she starred in two more films: “Middle-aged Girl” and “Citizen Katerina.” She also became the host of the TV show on the TNT channel.

Work and acting life

After 11 years of schooling, Denisova receives a certificate and enters the Institute of Theater Arts. Here she was awarded a diploma in 2006. After this moment, Anastasia Denisova ended her dream and got a job completely different from her specialty - as a secretary, and later as a logistics manager.

Anastasia’s work in acting began with the filming of the TV series “Deffchonki”. "Mosfilm" offered her the role of Catherine with the nickname "Palna". Many girls showed up for the casting, so Denisova had to try to get into the series, because the role reminded her of herself. To do this, she had to gain weight up to 70 kg.

The next step to popularity was the 2013 TV show “”, which she hosted. In this program, designer Alexandra Podielskaya changes the image of unhappy girls, the result is assessed by beauty experts Alexey Yaroslavtsev and Evgeny Zhukov.

In the same year, Mosfilm is filming a documentary about its project “Deffchonki”, namely about the filming of the series.

2014 comes and Anastasia is called to star in two works. The first series is called “Middle-aged Girl”, consisting of 4 episodes. In it, Nastya plays the role of Alla, the best friend of Ksenia (Elvira Bolgova), who is seriously ill. Alla is trying to help her friend with solving all the problems left to her for later.

The second is a short film called “Looking for a Friend.” It tells the story of a dog who goes looking for his owner and ends up in an adventure. Denisova plays the role of a saleswoman. Interesting fact: the director and screenwriter were children treated at the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital.

A year later, the actress had the opportunity to star in the series “Citizen Katerina”. Here Anastasia plays the role of Zina, the chef. It consists of 4 episodes, which describe Katya’s fate - she decides to adopt her little sister. To do this, she needs a fictitious husband, whom she doesn’t know well, but when she gets better she falls in love with him.

Personal life

While still studying, the actress became pregnant and gave birth to a son, Yura, but did not get married then, becoming a single mother. Moreover, after the death of her father, she had to adopt her own brother, who was only a year older than her son.

But after she gained fame, on the set of the film “Middle-aged Girl” she met her future husband Bogdan Osyk, who was 5 years younger than her. They got married on Nastya’s 31st birthday – May 17, 2021. And after the wedding, Bogdan took care of Yura and her little brother. The couple happily announce plans to have a child together.


One day, Anastasia Denisova received a call from Mosfilm and was invited to the television series “Deffchonki”. The girl was offered to play the role of secretary Katya Schwimmer (Palna), who is unlucky in love. The actress saw herself in the heroine and decided to try it.

Anastasia Denisova in the series “Deffchonki”

The approval process for the role was difficult - it was necessary to either increase weight or change the image (Palna is not slim). Especially for participating in the film, the girl gained 10 kg. During filming, Anastasia increased the number of extra pounds by another five. With the girl's height of 162 cm, 70 kg of weight created the desired effect of fullness.

“The selection was tough, there were an unrealistic number of people who wanted to get into the project. I turned out to be very similar to the character. Then I had many auditions, and only six months later I was approved,” recalls Anastasia.

Anastasia Denisova with her colleagues in the TV series “Deffchonki”

In the series “Deffchonki” the actress plays one of the friends who came from Saratov to conquer Moscow. Katya Schwimmer is 23 years old, but the girl looks 30. The provincial girl is distinguished by her concentration, high intelligence, determination and lack of personal life - the girl is hopelessly in love with her boss.

Anastasia Denisova is attracted to Palna. The actress would like to learn some qualities from the heroine: to always achieve what she wants at any cost, not to be afraid to be ironic and funny, not to be shy about declaring her love to a man first. Together with Anastasia in the popular series, the main roles were played by Galina Bob, Polina Maksimova, Taisiya Vilkova, Alexey Vorobyov, Rodion Yurin.

Anastasia Denisova and Rodion Yurin

In November 2013, the actress became the TV presenter of the (TNT) program. Each episode of the program was dedicated to the transformation of the heroine, in which fashion designer Sasha Podielskaya, beauty expert Andrei Drykin, and stylist Alexander Kuzemin participated. In the same year, the creators of the series “Deffchonki” released a documentary with a complete overview of the filming process of the sitcom.

A year later, the actress starred in the 4-episode melodrama “Middle-aged Girl” by Arthur Romaniansky. The film is about a terminally ill, lonely heroine, Ksyusha Kuznetsova (Elvira Bolgova), who decides to make her dreams come true “for later.” Anastasia Denisova reincarnated as Ksyusha’s close friend, Alla, who is always ready to help with advice.

Anastasia Denisova in the film “Middle-aged Girl”

In 2015, Denisova’s filmography was replenished with new work in the melodrama “Citizen Katerina,” commissioned by the TVC channel. In the new project, Anastasia again tried on the role of a complete laugher - the girl played the chef Zina. The main roles were played by Valeria Lanskaya and Kirill Grebenshchikov.

In the same year, the girl took part in the creation of the documentary “It Could Be Me in His Place,” which talked about castings at the Mosfilm film studio. The young actress appeared in an episode dedicated to the series “Deffchonki”. The film also stars Russian cinema stars Vladimir Konkin, Dmitry Astrakhan, Karen Shakhnazarov, Anastasia Nemolyaeva, Maria Kozhevnikova.

Anastasia Denisova before and after losing weight

To finally get in shape after participating in the film “Deffchonki,” Anastasia Denisova had to resort to the services of nutritionist Mila Gritsenko, who helped create an individual diet and select a set of sports exercises. A mandatory condition of the diet was the daily consumption of 3 liters of water. As a result, the actress lost weight to 54 kg. But Anastasia considers 50-52 kg to be her ideal weight.

Anastasia Denisova in a swimsuit

In 2021, the actress tried herself in the role of a singer, taking part in the television program of the NTV channel “Kinoshow”. The TV presenters of the program were Maxim Averin and Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. 12 film and theater actors competed on stage, including, in addition to Anastasia Denisova, Oscar Kuchera, Vyacheslav Manucharov, Irina Medvedeva, Alexander Nosik, Mikhail Politsemako and others.

Anastasia Denisova - “Looking for you”

As the artist stated in an interview, her husband Bogdan persuaded her to try to realize her vocal talent. On the project, Anastasia performed hits of past years “Thank you, music, to you”, “Looking for you”. After the television competition, the actress recorded the song “Home” in the studio, which her father composed in his youth.


The fact that she lost the weight she had gained for the role changed her appearance so much and began to weigh 55 kg. Although the image of a cheerful fat woman brought her popularity, Anastasia decided that she was already cramped in it, and she would like to play in other roles. Before that, she couldn’t lose much weight because of Palna’s image. But after the end of the 4th season, nothing limited her, and she decided to regain her former slimness.

In addition to the ten kilograms she gained for the role, the actress gained five more during filming and had to lose 15 kg. The actress herself has more than once admitted that sometimes she was depressed by the excess weight itself, and by the fact that make-up artists and costume designers made it worse. Therefore, by this time the desire to lose weight had become quite strong. With this internal motivation, the girl achieved the incredible. She lost those 15 kg in just 2 months. And this happened in 2021. In the new fifth season, her heroine Palna becomes slim. So the image of the fat woman was ended forever. As Anastasia says, now she has calmed down a little, has since gained a couple of kilograms and lives in harmony with herself.

Without sports you can't go anywhere

Effective weight loss is difficult to imagine without physical activity. Anastasia Denisova knows about this, so she devotes herself to sports 2-3 times a week. On her Instagram you can often see footage from training at the fitness club and, of course, the results of these classes. Among the variety of exercises, the girl preferred cardio training, namely:

  • ellipse;
  • exercise bike;
  • treadmill.

Anyone who has lost weight using these exercise machines will prove to you their effectiveness. Anastasia Denisova is also delighted: she lost about 15 kg in 1.5 months.

Secrets of losing weight

The girl achieved such a stunning result with the help of strict adherence to the nutritional system developed by nutritionist Mila Gritsenko. Despite the fact that many are scared by how quickly she lost her pounds, Anastasia herself considers her weight loss healthy.

Since, in fact, she was not on a strict diet, but simply ate properly, maintaining a balance, measuring portion sizes and calculating the ratio of calories burned to calories consumed. Anastasia names the following as her other weight loss secrets:

  • exclusion of fast food, sweets and fatty foods;
  • fast for no more than 3 hours;
  • drink at least 3 liters of clean water without gas;
  • regular exercise.

Physical activity played an important role in her weight loss. In addition to regular fitness, in order to lose weight, Anastasia Denisova resorted to the new FIT-N-GO method. Its essence is that during training, a special suit pierced with electrodes is put on the entire body. They send electrical impulses directly to the muscles, bypassing the brain, which cause them to contract. And then you need to start moving, and up to 90% of the muscles will be effectively involved, including the most inaccessible areas. Anastasia herself is delighted with this technique and believes that the speed and quality of her weight loss is largely due to the FIT-N-GO technique.

Anastasia Denisova: “In a month and a half I lost 15 kilograms”

Anastasia Denisova: “In a month and a half I lost 15 kilograms”

Anastasia Denisova told why she was happy about being overweight and how she forced herself to stop loving sweets.

Photo: from the personal archive of Anastasia Denisova

In our regular column about celebrity beauty secrets, actress Anastasia Denisova told why she was happy about being overweight and how she forced herself to stop loving sweets. She also shared diets that can help you get in shape in a couple of weeks.

— Nastya, over the past two months you have noticeably lost weight and become prettier. However, in a previous interview with “7D” you said that the producers of the series “Deffchonki” on TNT categorically forbade you to lose weight...

- Yes, those were the terms of the contract. According to the script, my heroine Palna is overweight, she constantly tries to lose weight to no avail and suffers from it. At the casting, the producers liked me - they saw in me what they were looking for. But they asked me to adjust it a little - to fit the character even more. And although I have not yet been approved, I still decided to collect how much was missing. I was curious if I could. Basically, I didn't lose anything. Well, if they don’t take me on to the series, I’ll go on another diet... By the way, before the casting I was constantly losing weight, getting into shape and overall I was happy with my figure.

- And you easily sacrificed it and began to gain weight?

— To be honest, I didn’t even perceive it as a sacrifice. I am a fairly confident person and I believe that you can look great even if you’re plump—the main thing is to present yourself correctly. For example, with the help of clothes. Emphasize there, hide here. Therefore, slowly getting fatter, I was absolutely happy. It was thanks to the extra pounds that I returned to my favorite profession - before “Girls,” my acting career somehow didn’t work out. It should be noted that reaching the desired condition was not easy. I thought that I would start eating everything and immediately get better. I read Hollywood secrets on how to quickly gain weight for a role, and rushed into battle. I ate in the evening, ate at night and even at night. Everything was used: cookies with butter, cocoa with milk, condensed milk, rolls, cakes, fast food. At some point I gave myself permission to do everything. I felt hungry and went and ate. But the weight increased slowly. I managed to gain the first five kilograms only after a month. By the start of filming, I had scored five more. And just as much in the process of work. I repeat: I was sincerely happy about every kilogram. This was my goal, and I worked hard towards it.

Photo: from the personal archive of Anastasia Denisova

— Nastya, if you were happy with everything about yourself and the producers liked you, why did you decide to lose weight again?

— After some time, I grew together with my heroine. Palna seemed to swallow me up. Where did this talk of hers about being overweight come from, the constant whining that I was fat and ugly and in general all the problems because of fat... The “Palnovsky” theme turned out to be contagious. I began to really suffer. And at meetings with producers, she began to carefully lobby for the topic of weight loss. And a year ago I was allowed to start losing three kilograms. Considering my weight at that time, this loss would still not have caught the eyes of the audience.

- However, you didn’t stop at three kilograms...

“At first, as agreed, I lost three pounds and was very happy about it. And when the fourth season of the series was filmed, I decided to return to my old self - to lose everything I had gained after the casting. I went to the producer again, and, oddly enough, they gave me the go-ahead. It was risky - the image of the heroine changes noticeably - but we decided to do it. I began to limit myself in food, trying not to eat at night. And then I was introduced to nutritionist Mila Gritsenko. This girl is only 21 years old, and she accomplished a feat - she lost weight from 82 kilograms to 46 with the help of her nutrition system.

Photo: TNT

— What is the essence of her system?

- You need to eat five times a day in small portions - three full meals, and two light snacks between them. At seven o'clock in the evening we eat our last meal. And be sure to drink water throughout the day. Mila said that the main thing is to endure in the first days. Our goal was to lose 10 kilograms in just over a month. It was very difficult for me. The first week was so angry that I was climbing the wall. It was a constant struggle with myself, especially at night. After two weeks, my stomach retracted, my stomach shrank, and I simply stopped wanting to eat. When I saw the first results - three kilograms were lost in 10 days - I thought: “Wow!” Small victories leading to a big goal are very motivating. And, of course, Mila’s support was very important. She went through this herself, so she understands what she’s talking about. Sometimes, when I especially wanted to eat candy, I called her and asked permission. Mila answered simply: “Of course, you can eat it, but remember our efforts - everything will go down the drain.” And I no longer wanted any candy.

- So you can’t have sweets. What other prohibitions are there?

— The “black list” also includes flour, soda, packaged juices, pasta and potatoes. But fried meat according to the Mila system is possible. The main thing is that the portion is small. And without mayonnaise or other fatty sauce. Of course, now that I have already achieved certain results, sometimes I cut myself some slack. For example, your favorite charlotte. I used to bake it almost every day and - what a horror - I could “sentence” the whole pie myself. And now a small piece is enough.

— Before Mila’s diet, you tried many others. Was there a result?

- Sometimes. For example, at the institute we from time to time sat on a Japanese diet, designed for two weeks. It was possible to eat only boiled foods, without salt and sugar. The diet is effective - you can easily lose five kilograms in two weeks - and cleanses the body, but the result is temporary. Then I went on a buckwheat diet. I remember being happy: “Oh, how great - I love buckwheat so much!” I’ll eat and lose weight!” But by evening I was literally sick of her. After all, this is not the buckwheat porridge that I am used to - with salt and butter, this is unleavened cereal. In general, the next day I had to abandon the idea. Then I found a certain Protasov diet, according to which for the first three weeks you can eat only vegetables and low-fat cheese. If you mix it up, it looks like a Greek salad. For three weeks I devoured it, adding boiled eggs and tangerines to my diet. She told everyone: “I’m on the Protasov diet with additions from Denisova.” The results were not bad - about five kilograms were definitely lost. But at some point an allergy broke out on my skin. Either I went too far with the tangerines, or I did everything wrong - it’s hard to say, but the experiment had to be stopped.

Photo: from the personal archive of Anastasia Denisova

Photo: Elizaveta Karpushkina

— Do you go in for sports?

- Having started to eat right, I became addicted to cardio training - this is a treadmill, a bicycle, an elliptical. Now I visit the fitness club 2-3 times a week. As a result, I lost 15 kilograms in a month and a half. Mila says that I need five more, but I admit, now with my 55 kilograms I really like myself. I’ll probably lose three more, but for this I need to include massages and intense physical activity.

— Do you like spa treatments?

- Adore. Facial massage is generally my weak point. And when I do a pedicure and manicure, I always ask for additional care - so that my legs and arms are smeared with scrubs, creams... I also like to take care of my hair and turn regular hair washing into a full-fledged spa procedure. I make a mask, then comb it, wash it with shampoo, apply oil...

Photo: from the personal archive of Anastasia Denisova

— Have you tried mesotherapy, which is now fashionable?

- No, and I’ll put it off as long as possible. I'm afraid of pain and I'm not ready to endure it in order to get rid of one wrinkle. I even avoid cleansing my face. And I don’t do anti-cellulite massages, although my friends say they are effective. According to their stories, they first rub you with ginger, then put you in some kind of bathhouse... But ginger burns your skin! No, I don’t think I’ll dare.

— Do you use folk recipes?

- No time. But my mother is a fan of such procedures. For as long as I can remember, whenever she cooked something with vegetables, her face would be covered in cucumbers. I laughed, and she tried to stick a circle of cucumber on my forehead: “Here, this is useful.” This continues to this day. Now she has switched to facial oils - store-bought, but natural. If you see my mother, you will understand that everything was not in vain - she has such beautiful skin that I sometimes envy her.

— Nastya, do you have a way to quickly cheer up in the morning?

— For me, the best motivation to get out of bed is a job I love. A glass of water and a warm shower helps to wake up the body. In general, you won't see me tired or irritated. I set a rule for myself: even if someone offended you, or you got off on the wrong foot, people shouldn’t see it. After all, it’s more pleasant for everyone to communicate with a cheerful person, and not with a gloomy beech. And it’s easier for me to go through life this way.

Menu of the day from Anastasia Denisova

Photo: from the personal archive of Anastasia Denisova

Photo: from the personal archive of Anastasia Denisova

There should be 5 meals a day - 3 main meals and 2 snacks.

In the morning you need to drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach.

9:00 breakfast of your choice - an omelet with lean fish (all together no more than 250 g) or low-fat cottage cheese with a spoon of honey, pieces of your favorite fruit or a handful of berries

11:00 snack half a grapefruit or a glass of kefir

14:00 lunch chicken soup (250 g) or any other low-fat soup

16:00 snack any fruit (except banana)

19:00 dinner vegetable salad with lean fish or meat (all together - 250 g). No high-calorie sauces or mayonnaise!

Drink at least 2 liters of water throughout the day.

09.10.2014 / Ekaterina Filimonova

Anastasia Denisova now

The film crew of director Sergei Koryagin began working on the sixth season of the series “Deffchonki” immediately after the release of the fifth. But the premiere of the new episodes was postponed indefinitely. Finally, the launch date for the 6th season of the series on TNT was announced – August 13, 2021.

Anastasia Denisova starred in the continuation of the sitcom “Deffchonki”

In the new episodes, the heroines will return to Saratov, each for their own reason. Careerist Palna will take the position of top manager at a local plant and will successfully launch new projects in production. But her personal life will also change. The girl will have many fans, and Ekaterina will feel like a real heartbreaker. Also, for the first time in his life, Palna will have to face corruption.

In addition to the main cast, the series will feature Yan Tsapnik and Sergei Rost - brilliant comedic actors who will embody the images of the film’s new characters on the screen.

Anastasia Denisova and Anton Makarsky in the 2021 film

Now, in addition to the main project, Anastasia Denisova is working on the main role in the film “Love with Home Delivery.” This is a new lyrical comedy in the actress’s filmography. The heroine Anna Shmeleva, in search of love, meets, in her opinion, the ideal man through social networks. But behind the mask of the virtual “prince” hides Anna’s boss, the captious tyrant boss Maxim Viktorovich (Anton Makarsky).

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