“In three months you can change beyond recognition”: 10 main questions about the gym

Losing excess weight is not an easy task for girls, especially when it comes to the stomach, waist and hips, because this is where the hated fat often accumulates. Some people are just planning to deal with this problem, while others have already solved it.

Look below at real photos of girls before and after losing weight, that is, what they were like before becoming slender beauties. Each of them went their own way, which was not easy, because they all lost weight for a long time , that is, excess fat will definitely not come to them in the near future, of course, if they also continue to eat right and maintain a healthy lifestyle in every possible way.

Take the photo on this page as additional motivation , an incentive to train and change your diet.

All the girls are real, and their photos were not processed in Photoshop or other programs that would supposedly give artificial slimness to fat girls.

Motivate , set goals for yourself, and achieve them with our website.

You can read about how to become a slim fit woman in this article. Also, don’t forget that a beautiful figure is not only about proper nutrition or exercise, it’s about everything together.

Everyone can achieve their dream figure, the main thing is not to give up, to go towards your goal in small steps. It will be difficult on this path, sometimes you will want to give up everything, go back to your “lazy” lifestyle - you just need to endure , and everything will work out for you, “reboot”, and you will move forward again!

The impossible is possible: unrealistic results before and after losing weight

If I go to the gym, will I lose weight?

It all depends on what you want. You can lose weight if you don’t eat, but lose weight along with your muscles without ever achieving the shape you want. To achieve your goals, you need to build a diet and exercise routine, and monitor your sleep patterns. Many people don’t understand this when they come to the gym: they train, go away on the weekend, and start again on Monday. You need to competently rebuild your body, and not run away from the gym a month after starting training with the words “I can’t do anything!”

Upload your personal “before and after weight loss” photo

For those girls who want to share the results they have already achieved in losing weight, please fill out the form below and send your personal photo to the administration for moderation .

The site administration guarantees, for its part, that if you anonymously post your private photo, the link to your page on social networks and your name will not be published, nor will they be transferred to third parties without your consent.

When are the first results visible?

With proper training, you will notice very good results within a month. There is an opinion that the first results can be seen only after three months, but practice has shown that this is not so. In three months, if you follow the diet, sleep, wakefulness and training regime, you can simply change yourself beyond recognition.

From the outside

At first, others look at a thermos and a bottle of water in a handbag, some skeptically, some sympathetically. They are surprised at the selectivity at the holiday table and persuade: “You’re already skinny, eat it!” - to which I have to answer that the reason I’m skinny is because I know when to eat and when not to.

Over time, people get used to it. Mainly because he sees the results - no joke, in 3 months I lost weight from size L to size S, which is hard not to notice.

Older relatives react most unexpectedly (for me, at least). First, they warn you not to go hungry, so that you don’t get “ditched” during training, otherwise you’re up to something – she’s skating here in the evenings, jumping somewhere... And then: “You’re so thin, it’s almost indecent, you should at least gain weight.” a couple of kilos."

There is another reaction - friends come up and ask what and how. Some people are surprised that there were no miracle pills. Someone will certainly notice: “Where are the breasts?” or “Don’t get an ulcer.” Or that he looks haggard (this remark, by the way, may well have a real basis - the face has also lost weight and requires care and attention).

And someone, having received information, simply silently gets down to business.

Is it possible to “pump up” only the butt and abs?

Requests to work separately on certain muscles come from girls every day. Remember once and for all - you need to work on all muscle groups so that progress is gradual. We can focus on what you need, but we will have to work on everything. Every second person in Krasnoyarsk walks with a hunched back due to sedentary work, and a month after classes, people who initially did not plan to specifically train their back straighten their shoulders and hear compliments. And then the questions “Do I need to train my back if I only want to pump up my butt?” does not arise - I like the result.

First workouts in the gym

It was difficult at first.
Not so much physically, but to find time to “place” the child. When the problem was resolved over time, instead of “I want / don’t want” to go to training, “I have to” appeared, so unambiguous that when “I can’t” appeared due to force majeure (illness, for example), I had to persuade myself to come to terms with it . Most beginners have a hard time physically, especially if the person has not worked out anywhere and is not used to physical activity. I got hooked within a month. I’m used to getting my “portion” of physical activity. Many people note that after some time they “get hooked” on training, and if they are forced to miss it, the body itself reminds that it was not given enough.

However, this does not mean getting used to the physical activity itself. If there is not the slightest fatigue (even if pleasant) and everything is easy, then you are doing something wrong. Or do you constantly do the same thing - then this is a question for the coach. The loads must be varied, otherwise there will be no progress, and at the same time correct - so that you do not harm yourself.

Is it possible to go to the gym and achieve results without changing your diet?

I hear questions like this often. Many people are ready to go to the gym every day, but at the same time they want to eat cake. A simple example: two cakes are 10 thousand calories. If you want to lose weight in such a “sweet” mode, you need to spend 15 thousand kcal per day - and this is simply unrealistic, since you will have to train about 10 hours a day.

No one forces you to give up sweets: once every ten days you can allow yourself a so-called cheat meal - eat any one dish. Understand, this is not a diet, not just “chicken, buckwheat or greens.” Start small: go to bed on time, drink water instead of coffee and tea, eat often, but in small portions - gradually you will get used to not eating unhealthy foods and notice the results. There is no need to suddenly change everything and perceive proper nutrition as a stigma. Introduce restrictions gradually and in two months you will completely rebuild.

Diet for weight loss

Nutrition correction, it turns out, scares people much more than the need to exercise. It’s clear, because the pleasure derived from food is perhaps the most easily accessible. And we are used to getting it whenever we want. That's why many people train without changing their eating habits, and then complain that they don't see results.

Changes in diet did not scare me, because since I spend effort and time on something (and free time is more important than cakes), I will do everything so as not to regret it.

Oddly enough, once you got involved, it became completely easy. Maybe it’s a matter of character - I was given a clear algorithm, which was even interesting to follow. Moreover, it provides the opportunity to treat yourself to sweets and other delicacies without being tormented by remorse (which most often you also want to “eat”).

You just need to understand that you shouldn’t eat cakes at night, but if you really want to, eat them in the morning. And not a whole cake every day, but a piece in honor of the holiday. And it’s better not a cake, but a chocolate bar, for example, or another more natural treat. This is also because soon even the best cakes begin to taste too sweet or too greasy. Instead of enjoying it, you cringe because you taste sugar or butter.

You stop putting sugar in your coffee, and after a month or two you’re already spitting if you forgot to take a cup of sugar.

If you stop frying food at home, you will no longer be in danger of overeating fatty and fried foods when away. Simply because it suddenly becomes tasteless.

And this in no way means that you need to deny yourself always and everything. Although some people manage to forget about all the “unnecessary” products at once, the majority are afraid of this total ban. But if you tell them when and in what quantity they can treat themselves to their favorite “harmfulness,” they can avoid the psychological discomfort of the restriction.

I noticed this nuance - having a limit on the consumption of “harmful things”, you become more picky, often even delaying the moment, because, for example, you did not find exactly the chocolate bar for which you would like to exhaust the limit. This sounds, I suspect, strange, but in fact it works as an unconscious limiter. And - hurray! - a person does not feel deprived and unhappy (as if everything was forbidden to him), but at the same time he limits himself much more effectively. Golden balance: the sweet tooth receives candy without remorse.

Do I need a coach?

Undoubtedly. You don't know how muscles work. You can squat perfectly in front of a mirror, but do it incorrectly and you won’t achieve results. Apart from the coach, no one will point out your mistakes. Why do people come to the gym and leave after a month? Because they do the exercises incorrectly, waste time, but do not see results.

Not everyone has money for a trainer, but if you come to the gym, take a couple of lessons so that they at least explain the technique of performing basic exercises and write an individual program. If you have forgotten how to do an exercise, go to any trainer, don’t be shy.

Motivation: “You can’t live like this”

Why did I start doing fitness? Yes, at some point I just realized that “this can’t continue.” In addition, I came across a group of Dnepropetrovsk trainers on the Internet with “before and after” photos, and along with the perceived need came a firm confidence: they could do it - and I can do it, without options.

In fact, you can motivate yourself by imagining how you will walk on the beach without being embarrassed, buy size S and, perhaps, fit into “those jeans” (if they are still preserved somewhere on the mezzanine). But all these motivations are absolutely meaningless if there is no clearly realized impossibility of living without changing. For some, this moment will never come - the person will look for excuses and eat away sadness with donuts. And someone will suddenly realize that they cannot sleep, knowing that they have done nothing to change, and will begin to do something every day, confidently moving towards the result.

It turns out that for real change a person must internally “mature”. You can truly change something in your life and in yourself only when you understand that “you can’t live like this any longer.”

About miscellaneous

Breasts - yes, most likely they will shrink. I have one size. But I was never the owner of enviable figures, so I was not saddened by the “loss”.

By the way, there’s a girl training with me - slender, like a twig, with a good third or even fourth size. I don’t know if she was losing weight, or if she just came like that, but it’s a fact that there are skinny women with large breasts.

Ulcer - everyone knows that it occurs: a) from starvation; b) from nerves; c) those who do not eat soup (for the last point, an emoticon like “sarcasm” would be useful). When my father began to suspect that I was starving, I had to take pictures of my portions during the day and show him. I’m not a fan of clicking food on my phone, but what can’t you do for the peace of mind of your loved ones and your own as well. But I am no longer suspected of starvation.

The wardrobe will have to be changed in many ways. Elegant dresses that favorably emphasized the advantages of the figure, hiding flaws, now hang openly, seductive tight blouses have become awkward robes, but sweatshirts and stretch turtlenecks remain. And I’m also very glad that I have a winter coat and a down jacket under my belt - at least I didn’t have to struggle with them. And so - yes, I changed my jeans 3 times during this time. I bought some more necessary things, but not much. The trick is that when you are happy with your figure, you need significantly less things. Because you are less likely to be dissatisfied with your reflection in the mirror, and it no longer seems that the blouse you bought yesterday makes you look fat.

Pro Tips

Ekaterina Usmanova, current Russian fitness bikini champion, video blogger

Ekaterina strongly recommends supplementing strength training with cardio blocks, combining everything into interval training, which, while maintaining the proper pace, should not exceed 1 hour.

Denis Borisov, video blogger, author of articles on bodybuilding, one of the creators of the Fit4life.ru project

Denis recommends that beginners who are committed to the process of gaining muscle mass should exercise no more than 3 times a week, for at least 1-1.5 years. In addition, the duration of training, depending on the plan, should vary from 30 to 60 minutes.

Ilya Timko, fitness trainer, creator of the website Tvoytrener.ru

“The more often you train, the shorter the sessions should be,” says Ilya. So, for example, if the training was 2 times a week for 1.30, and then the athlete switched to 4 classes a week, then the training time should be reduced by about 30%, that is, to 60-70 minutes maximum.”

About equipment and equipment

Safety first

In the first weeks of quarantine, there was a lot of fun on social media: people working out with water bottles instead of dumbbells, pushing couches with their feet instead of platform presses, doing squats with children on their shoulders and dogs in their hands. I also tried to do pull-ups on the door, placing a book under it, and the bench from the piano still replaces my bench press.

Take note

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