Kiwi: how to eat it correctly (you're wasting your peel)

Chemical and vitamin composition of kiwi

The fruit contains almost all groups of vitamins, macro and microelements, amino acids and other antioxidants.

List of essential vitamins:

  1. Kiwis are high in vitamin C – 93 mg. To obtain the daily norm of ascorbic acid, it is enough to consume just one fruit, which will protect the body from various viruses and pathogenic bacteria.
  1. Vitamins A and E are responsible for the condition of skin, hair and nails.
  2. B vitamins help preserve vision and promote proper fetal development in pregnant women.

Micro and macroelements:

  1. Potassium, magnesium and iron are necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  2. Calcium and phosphorus have an anti-inflammatory effect and provide bone tissue with strength and endurance. They also have a positive effect on brain and mental activity;
  3. Sodium is responsible for the balance of water and salt in the body;
  4. Chlorine, aluminum and sulfur remove toxins from the body, protect against allergic reactions, maintain the health and flexibility of joint tissues, and ensure proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Zinc, iodine, copper and manganese are responsible for hormonal balance, promote tissue regeneration and healing, and reduce the risks of thyroid diseases.

In addition, the fruits contain various types of fruit sugar, amino acids with strong antioxidant effects and vegetable protein.

General benefit

By regularly eating kiwi in moderation, you can saturate your body and notice positive processes in your health.

The piquant taste of the product suppresses appetite, saturating the body for a long time. At the same time, its calorie content is only 61 kcal per 100 grams, which in general does not contradict the adherence to low-carbohydrate diets.

Kiwi berries are excellent for removing excess salt from the body. And this in turn significantly improves kidney function.

If you consume the product after the main meal, it will be an excellent preventive measure against heaviness in the stomach, heartburn or belching.

By eating at least one fruit a day, you can get rid of neuroses and significantly improve your mood. This is possible due to the fact that kiwi is a natural source of replenishing energy and strength.

It has been scientifically proven that consuming raw kiwi has a beneficial effect on the quality of sleep in adults.

Calorie content of kiwi

Due to the large amount of dietary fiber and pectin, kiwi is absorbed in the body for a long time, causing a feeling of fullness. And with its small calorie content, only 47 kcal. for 100g. product, this delicious fruit is an invariable participant in dietary nutrition.

If we take into account that the weight of an average fruit is only 70 to 80 grams, then the calorie content of one such fruit will not exceed 35 kcal. Such indicators allow you to snack on kiwi fruits at any time of the day, without thinking about the consequences in the form of excess weight.

Harm and benefits of dried kiwi

Fresh kiwi fruits do not last very long, so manufacturers came up with the idea of ​​drying and drying the berries. Not all useful substances are preserved in it, but it can lie in this form for years. Useful properties of dried kiwi:

  • Prevention of dental diseases. Chewing such a product is very beneficial for the oral cavity, as it avoids inflammatory processes in the gum area.
  • Improved bone density. With regular use, bone density increases significantly due to the additional dose of calcium.
  • Fighting cancer. The positive effects of kiwi on a person with cancer have been proven by science. It is better to eat fresh fruit, but you can also use dried fruit: the main thing is that it does not contain sugar.
  • Help for diabetics. Dried kiwi contains a vitamin-like substance - inositol, which increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin. Naturally, the product must be sugar-free.
  • Relief from constipation. Thanks to kiwi, you can restore the normal functioning of the digestive system naturally. Consuming dried fruit for one month reduces the body's dependence on laxatives.

Read: Benefits of blackberries for humans

In addition, dried fruit reduces cholesterol, strengthens the cardiovascular system and improves vision. But you should not abuse it, since large doses of the product can cause allergies, rashes and nausea.

Properties of kiwi for a woman’s body

It is important for any woman to always be attractive and beautiful. Quite a high content of vitamin E in kiwi will help maintain youth, skin elasticity, and the beauty of nails and hair.

This unusual fruit will help you avoid sudden hormonal surges, which can cause depression and emotional breakdowns. B vitamins and the substance serotonin, which are found in large quantities in kiwi, are responsible for the stable state of the nervous system.

For women whose menstrual bleeding is painful, these fruits can be a life-saving solution. It is enough to eat only 2-3 fruits a day to get rid of unpleasant and painful sensations.

For pregnant women, fruit is the main supplier of essential vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances that are responsible both for the condition of the expectant mother and for the proper development of the child.

Kiwis are good for women who are at risk of miscarriage. And the folic acid they contain helps prevent the loss of a child. To alleviate toxicosis during pregnancy, kiwi will also help.

Expectant mothers often face the problem of constipation. And the use of medications to help solve this delicate problem during this period is not advisable. Kiwi fruits contain substances that will help to get rid of constipation gently and painlessly, without threatening the health of the woman and baby.

The fruit, rich in various vitamins and substances, will help restore strength to nursing women.

Important! It is necessary to remember about the allergic reaction that milk can cause in the baby if the mother consumed this fruit.

Therefore, a nursing woman should introduce kiwi into her diet with great caution. And, of course, kiwis are an indispensable dietary food. With the help of these unusual fruits, every woman can significantly change her weight and improve her figure. A diet based on them will lift your mood and improve your health.

Why is it useful?

Kiwis have a preventive and therapeutic effect on the human body for many diseases and ailments:

  • prevent the formation of stones and sand in the genitourinary system. The many micro and macroelements contained in the fruits are responsible for this, and remove unnecessary salt deposits from the body;
  • fruit juice regulates sugar levels in the body, helping to maintain levels at the desired level;
  • for inflammatory processes of the pulmonary and bronchial systems, the pulp of this fruit serves as an emollient and expectorant;
  • provides support for the functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalizes blood pressure, thins the blood and is a good remedy for the prevention of hypertension and thrombosis;
  • for colds, vitamin C contained in fruits supports the immune system and helps reduce high fever;
  • are an excellent preventive and therapeutic agent for eye diseases;
  • help get rid of excess weight;
  • assist in the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Important! Due to the high content of amino acids and antioxidants, the fruit is a good remedy in the fight against cancer, and after courses of chemotherapy, it helps to quickly remove harmful and dangerous substances from the body.

And in the perfumery and cosmetics industry, extracts from the plant are used to make masks, creams, lotions and perfumes. And these are not all the useful and important properties that tasty and unusual fruits have.

Harm and contraindications

Although this exotic delicacy has proven its beneficial properties throughout the world, it must be taken into account that it may also have side effects. Some diseases do not allow the inclusion of kiwi in the diet.

When not to eat kiwi:

  1. For peptic ulcers and chronic gastritis;
  2. In case of renal failure;
  3. Frequent diarrhea, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. Acute diseases of the genitourinary system;
  5. Asthmatic and allergic diseases.

If you have an individual food intolerance, you need to carefully introduce kiwi into your diet. And at the first allergic symptoms, you need to give up the fruit.

The benefits and harms of kiwi for a child’s body

Kiwi should be given to a child with great caution, as the child’s body can react unpredictably to the berry. You can eat the fruit only if there are no such factors as:

  • food allergies;
  • low pressure;
  • diarrhea;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • disorders of the kidneys.

But, even if there are no prohibiting criteria, in this matter you need to rely on age. It is strictly forbidden to give fruit to a child under 6 months of age, and it is not recommended for children under 1 year of age. Starting from the age of 3 years, children are allowed to eat a small slice of kiwi, but no more than once a week. Officially, children over 5 years of age are allowed to use the product.

How to choose ripe kiwi?

In order not to be disappointed in the taste of your favorite fruit, you need to know a few tricks that will help you choose a tasty and ripe fruit.

  1. Ripe fruit should be soft. To determine ripeness, you need to squeeze it a little with your fingers. If the kiwi is easy to press, then it is ripe and juicy. But the hardness of the fruit most likely indicates that it was not allowed to ripen.
  2. The smell of a ripe fruit should be citrusy.
  3. A dense and smooth peel indicates proper storage and transportation of the fruit;
  4. The fruit with wrinkled and flabby skin has lost its moisture and is not suitable for food.
  5. In color, different varieties of kiwi may differ. But the most common fruit in our stores should have a uniform, brown color.
  6. Uneven color and damaged skin of the fruit indicate that the fruit is overripe or spoiled and is not suitable for food.

Using these simple tips, only ripe and juicy fruits of your favorite delicacy will always be on your table.

Composition and calorie content

Calories 61 kcal

  • Fat:
    0.5 g
  • Proteins:
    1.1 g
  • Carbohydrates:
    14.7 g
  • Water:
    83.1 g
  • Ash:
    0.6 g
  • Fiber:
    3 g
Vitamins (per 100 g): Quantity %RDN
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 92.7-180 mg 195%
Vitamin K 40.3 mcg 33,6%
Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) 1.5 mg 9,7%
Minerals (per 100 g): Quantity %RDN
Bor 100 mcg 142,9%
Silicon 13-22 mg 57%
Rubidium 44 mcg 44%
* Strontium 121 mcg 15,1%
Molybdenum 10 mcg 14,3%
Copper 135 mcg 13%
Potassium 295-332 mg 12%
Cobalt 1 mcg 10%

Full chemical composition ➤

Other important connections:

  • Phytosterols

    — 7 mg (12.7% of RDA)

  • Purines

    — 11 mg (8.3% of RDA)

  • Oxalic acid

    — 19.3 mg (4.8% of RDA)

It should be taken into account that kiwi fruits can accumulate the toxic microelement strontium (in 100 g - 15.1% of the daily value)

How to clean properly

Kiwi fruits have long been tasted and appreciated in many countries around the world. But not everyone knows how to properly peel this exotic fruit. But there are several ways that will help you quickly peel this fruit without losing the juicy pulp.

  1. Using a vegetable peeler, the peel will be removed in a thin layer without affecting the juicy pulp. To do this, the fruit is squeezed in your hand and pressed against the peeler blade.
  2. The fruits are placed in boiling water for a few seconds. After this, the skin is easily removed, but some beneficial properties are lost.
  3. Trim the fruit on both sides and carefully place a teaspoon under the skin. Carefully moving the fruit in a circle, the pulp is freed from the peel. Cut the skin and remove the juicy fruit.

Before peeling the fruit, you must rinse it thoroughly under running water.

How to eat kiwi correctly

It is convenient to eat fresh berries with a teaspoon, cut into halves. This is how the body gets the most valuable vitamin C, which is destroyed during heat treatment. The peeled pulp is added to fruit salads, muesli, plant-based yogurts, smoothies and desserts. In some countries, exotic poultry dishes are prepared with kiwi.

However, raw berries are not compatible with dairy products, since they contain an enzyme that breaks down milk protein. The resulting peptides give the dish a bitter taste.

It is not recommended to use fresh pulp in combination with gelatin, as it loses its gelling properties.

How and how many times a day can you eat fruit?

Most varieties of kiwi have fluffy skin, which, by the way, contains the largest concentration of vitamins and nutrients. That is why many nutritionists recommend eating the delicious fruit without peeling it.

For a more pleasant perception of the fruit, the skin can be removed from the hairs under strong pressure of water or using a knife. But if the skin of the fruit turns out to be too thick and dense, then you can fill it with mineral water and leave it for several hours. The skin of the fruit will become soft and juicy.

But if the skin option is not suitable, then the peeled fruit will definitely bring a lot of pleasure. In this case, you need to either peel it or cut it in half and eat it with a teaspoon. The best time to take a vitamin bomb is about half an hour before meals.

But if you didn’t manage to consume it on time, then wait a little and eat kiwi after eating. In this case, the fruit will help digest heavy foods, and discomfort after a heavy meal will not bother you.

But you shouldn’t overuse juicy fruits. Just one fruit a day can provide the body with the most essential vitamins and substances. The daily share should not exceed 3-4 fruits.

Important! Kiwi fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C, so exceeding the recommended daily dose can lead to the development of hypervitaminosis.

The juicy fruit with emerald flesh makes delicious desserts and drinks. Also, kiwi is added to salads, to which the fruit gives not only aesthetic beauty, but a bright, rich taste.

Recipes with kiwi

Fruit and nut cream (1 serving)


  • ripe kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • almond mousse - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • banana - 0.5 pcs.;
  • Psyllium seed husk powder - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • maple syrup - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • chopped almonds.


  1. Peel the kiwi and cut into cubes. Mix half the pieces along with finely chopped banana and the rest of the ingredients in a mixer and beat until creamy. Leave it for about 5 minutes.
  2. Place half of the cream in a glass. Sprinkle the remaining kiwi pieces on top. Then spread the other part of the cream and decorate with almonds.

Kiwi smoothie

Peel and cut into pieces 2 bananas and 3 kiwis. Squeeze the juice from three large, ripe oranges. Mix all ingredients and prepare a drink using a mixer.

Features of the use of kiwi in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of the exotic fruit are used by cosmetologists and perfumers of the world's most famous brands. Tonics, balms, creams, sunscreens, shampoos and masks with the addition of kiwi have a rejuvenating and tonic effect, so they are very popular.

At home, you can use the peel of the fruit yourself by rubbing it on your face and hands. A drop of fruit juice added to low-fat yogurt or honey will replace an expensive anti-aging mask.

How to store kiwi at home

If you buy unripe kiwi fruits, you shouldn’t be upset, because this fruit ripens perfectly at home. To do this, you do not need to put it in the refrigerator. At room temperature, the fruits will ripen quickly and can be eaten.

Ripe fruits are stored for no more than 5 days, but if they are placed in a drawer for vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator, the shelf life increases to 2 weeks.

To ensure proper storage of fruit you need to know:

  1. The fruit must not be bruised or damaged.
  2. There should be constant air access to the fruit, so there is no need to pack them in bags.
  3. It is forbidden to wash fruits that are planned to be stored for a long time.
  4. There should be no foreign odors in the refrigerator; kiwis are able to absorb foreign aromas.

Many housewives freeze the fruits, but it must be remembered that in this form, kiwi loses most of its useful and important components for the body. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of living a beautiful and healthy life, and juicy, tasty and healthy kiwi fruits will help with this.

Consumption rate

How much kiwi should you eat to get the maximum benefit and not cause harm to the body? It is recommended to eat no more than three fruits per day for adults and 1-2 medium fruits for children. Overeating is fraught with the occurrence of an atypical reaction of the body.

It is best to eat kiwi half an hour before lunch or 10-15 minutes after. The first option is good for preparing the digestive system for work. The second will help eliminate the feeling of heaviness after lunch and regulate the activity of the stomach, promoting faster digestion of food.

This fruit is also good for a snack during the day.

Usage options

For several years now, debates have not subsided in society about the correct way to eat kiwi: with or without peel. It can be immediately noted that both variants of use have their place. For each case, different types of filing are used:

  1. Eating the fruit in its peeled form is more popular. Although kiwi peel contains a higher dose of antioxidants compared to pulp, it is not recommended for people with increased oral sensitivity, as this can lead to allergies or simply irritation.

Nevertheless, the benefits of kiwi with peel have long been proven. Eating unpeeled fruit is three times more effective than eating the pulp alone.

  1. To extract the pulp of the fruit, there is a special spoon, the edge of which is a row of small sharpened teeth. This device is useful because it greatly simplifies the cleaning process (sometimes it is difficult to peel the skin off the fruit with a regular knife).
  2. The exotic product is served with meat and used to make jam and jellies, pies, desserts, and salads. Candied fruits from this fruit are valued all over the world for their exceptional taste.
  3. Kiwi juice, as well as small pieces of pulp, are used in refreshing cocktails.
  4. This product can be preserved. A separate advantage is that even in this form the fruit does not lose its beneficial properties, since vitamins do not disintegrate or evaporate during preservation.
  5. This fruit is not friendly with milk: specific enzymes make milk bitter and unpleasant in taste. So you won’t be able to make a milkshake with natural kiwi.
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