Reviews of fat burner Lipo-6 for women: instructions, composition, recommendations

Description of Lipo 6 Black Hers

This complex is designed not only to burn fat, but also to improve your workouts. The unique components of this product allow you to stimulate the central nervous system and the functioning of the thyroid gland. As is known, hormones secreted by this organ accelerate the breakdown of fat cells. Lipo 6 has a double effect - it accelerates fat burning processes, and also increases the body's energy potential.

The supplement contains the following ingredients:

Caffeine is the most popular component of all fat burners. Each serving contains about 200-300 mg of caffeine, which has a truly incredible effect! The effects of caffeine have been studied in many scientific studies that have proven its absolute effectiveness! It is capable of accelerating metabolism to incredible speeds, at which the body is forced to actively break down fat cells to maintain energy. In addition, caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, improves performance in training, and increases physical activity.

Synephrine – increases the secretion of norepinephrine and adrenaline in the blood. These hormones can speed up metabolism and additionally promote fat burning. In addition, it stands out for its ability to suppress appetite.

Yohimbine - is able to provoke the body to destroy fats from those areas in which there is excess. In addition, it stimulates the nervous system and is able to increase concentration.

Forskolin – accelerates metabolic processes in the body.

In addition to these ingredients, it includes some vitamins and minerals that have a general strengthening effect on the body, helping you maintain beauty and health.


This line of fat burners aimed at women includes the following products:

  • "Lipo 6 Hers";
  • "Lipo 6 Black Hers";
  • "Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate."

In addition to these drugs, the Lipo 6 series also includes fat burners intended for men and athletes - Black, X, Unlimited. They contain some potent substances that were excluded from the “female” capsules to obtain a more gentle effect on the body.

Lipo 6 Hers

When creating this drug for women, the main composition was changed in two components:

  • guggulsterones were completely removed;
  • caffeine concentration decreased significantly.

Due to this approach, it was possible to minimize the impact on the endocrine system. It has also been claimed that Lipo 6 Hers has the ability to fight cellulite, but this claim is not supported by any evidence.

The description of the complex indicates that the composition of the capsules is selected exclusively taking into account the needs of the female body; it provides not only general weight loss, but also the most intensive breakdown of fat in the most problematic areas of the female body. At the same time, under the influence of the active ingredients of the fat burner, a number of positive changes occur:

  • improves mood and overall tone;
  • metabolic rate increases;
  • the feeling of hunger is blocked, appetite decreases;
  • the level of endurance rises, a charge of energy is added;
  • The breakdown of fat cells is activated, and rapid weight loss begins.

Correct combination and precise dosing of all components ensures guaranteed fast, high and long-lasting results.

Lipo 6 Black Hers

The second fat burner for women from Lipo 6 Black Hers differs from its predecessor in that its formula, although it contains the same components, is presented in a slightly different form:

  • Yohimbine – in not one, but three different forms;
  • thyronine - respectively, in two forms.

As it claims, it is intellectually tuned to cellular programming of burning excess fat mass and preventing its subsequent accumulation. This is achieved by stimulating special receptors and accelerating calorie burning. At the same time, double thyronines enhance lipid metabolism, and three types of yohimbine maximize the release of fats. Thanks to such changes, the complex has become much more efficient, but also 1.5 times more expensive.

Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate

This complex is one of the strongest fat burners produced by Nutrex. In terms of the set of components, it does not differ from the “Black Hers” described above, but their concentration is several times higher. Thanks to its ultra-concentrated formula, this product has maximum effectiveness in the fight against subcutaneous fat due to powerful stimulation of the central nervous system and the activity of the thyroid gland.

It is Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate that is considered the best of all the complexes presented in this line of women's fat burners. A course of taking these capsules allows you to get a pronounced effect in the shortest period of time. But you need to take the complex with caution, since its components are quite concentrated and can cause adverse reactions.

Reviews of Lipo 6 Hers

In this section we will present you with real reviews from girls who use this supplement, as well as some reviews from doctors.

Reviews of Nutrex Lipo 6 Black Hers girls

“I decided to start losing weight because of one unpleasant incident, when, having sent a photo of myself to a young man who was interested in me, he called me chubby. It would seem that it’s not that offensive, but I always considered myself quite athletic, so this really hurt me, and I started scrolling through the Internet, studying everything about drying. I read not only about diets and the like, but also about fat burning products. Unlike various “miracle ointments” and the like, sports nutrition, as I learned, really works, especially if you combine it with constant exercise. And my first fat burner was Lipo 6 Black Hers. Now I’ll try to tell you why it’s still one of my favorites.

Even at the store, I was warned about the side effects that could occur due to excessive use. But I used everything according to the instructions, so I was able to avoid all this. In two weeks I was able to get rid of 5 kg of excess fat, especially from my stomach. When you look at yourself in the mirror every day, you don’t really notice the effect, but after I looked at my old photos, it became obvious - it literally dried me out! Therefore, I am happy to recommend this fat burner to you and all my friends!”

“My dream has always been a dry press. Of course, many say that it looks ugly on a woman, but I have a completely different opinion on this matter. Regular workouts and the treadmill were all I could think about for several months. But then I somehow got tired of it, summer came and... barbecues, and other vacations - in general, I not only returned to the starting point, I became even fuller than I was. This really upset me, especially when I remember how much work was done. Therefore, this time I decided to try a slightly different approach and began to look for an “assistant”. As a result, I came across Lipo 6 Black Hers.

I started taking 2 capsules in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. About the third day I began to feel its work. I ran around the house, it seemed that I even started doing everything faster. There was just a lot of energy! Despite all this, I have no problems sleeping - apparently I spend all my energy until the evening, because I fall asleep almost immediately. And literally three weeks later I decided to check my results. I was able to remove about 4cm from my waist! Unfortunately, my breasts and butt have also gone a little bit (However, the rest is just an incredible effect! With training alone, I would have had to achieve such results for a couple of months! And all this cost me 8 kg of excess weight in three weeks. At first I didn’t want to buy this fat burner, because seemed expensive, but next time I won’t doubt this choice for a second! And yes, the desired cubes did show up!”

These were reviews of Lipo 6 Black for women, ordinary girls, far from medicine. Now let's look at the doctors' opinions about him. What will they say?

Doctors' reviews of Lipo 6 Black Hers

“It is very difficult to talk about the effectiveness of this drug from a scientific point of view. On the one hand, the ingredients included in this product actually have the stated effects, namely: more effective fat burning, stimulation of the nervous system, and increased energy reserves. But there is no mystery in all the ingredients used - their effectiveness has been discovered for a long time, and they are used in almost all similar fat burners. Compared to the original Lipo 6, this supplement for women has had some caffeine removed from it, resulting in a milder yet still effective fat-burning effect.

On the other hand, it is worth saying that even a slight excess of the recommended dose can lead to side effects. Headaches, body shaking, chills, fever - these are just small changes that will be accompanied by excessive consumption.

Increased sweating, accelerated reaction, hyperactivity - all these are normal reactions of the body to the use of this drug. If they appear too actively, then you should slightly increase the dose used, and then they will pass.

In principle, high-quality components, moreover, selected in an optimal ratio - the result is a very effective mixture. Considering that the production is carried out by the well-known company Nutrex, which monitors its reputation, you don’t have to worry about the quality of this supplement. In addition, many independent studies have been conducted that have proven both the presence of all declared components and their percentages. Therefore, in the end, Lipo-6 Black Hers receives an excellent rating for effectiveness.”


Fat burners designed for women's weight loss contain a large variety of components. Each drug in this line is based on 7 powerful substances:

  • synephrine;
  • yohimbine;
  • B-phenylethylamine;
  • folic acid;
  • caffeine;
  • biotin;
  • methylsynephrine.

Each of them is a fairly common ingredient in many fat burners and weight loss products. But the uniqueness of this line lies precisely in the 2-phase release described above and the action of all components.


The main source of synephrine, a plant-derived alkaloid, is the fruit of the wild orange. Synephrine has a similar effect on the adrenal system and increases the metabolic rate, which consumes about 70% of the calories needed to support the body. This increases the amount of energy burned, which leads to natural fat loss and weight loss.

According to studies, synephrine can cause you to burn more than 180 kcal, which is equivalent to a 20-minute run. When taken daily as part of a fat burner for women, it provides the loss of 1300 additional calories, which is more than 100 g of fat mass. Moreover, when synephrine and caffeine are combined in Lipo 6, a synergistic relationship is formed that enhances their fat-burning properties, which leads to even greater fat consumption than when using these components separately.

Additional effects of using synephrine as part of fat burners include:

  • enhancing the thermogenic effect of food;
  • increased energy expenditure of the body;
  • suppressing hunger between meals;
  • destruction of the most difficult fat to break down (on the abdomen, hips, sides).

These actions are explained by the ability of synephrine to influence alpha and beta receptors, as well as enhance the activity of catecholamines.


This is another plant alkaloid that has a stimulating effect and is used by bodybuilders to lose fat and increase libido. Yohimbine began to be extracted from the bark of the Yohimbe tree, native to central Africa, and was later discovered in several other plants.

The product in the fat burner has several pronounced effects:

  • sympatholytic;
  • stimulating;
  • antidepressant;
  • psychostimulant;
  • lipolytic.

Yohimbine is well tolerated, quickly absorbed and eliminated. When consumed simultaneously with fats, it helps reduce their concentration in the blood. Even high doses do not cause adverse reactions and have a mild effect:

  • moderately increase breathing and heart rate;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • improve your mood.

In fat burners for women, yohimbine plays the role of a fat-breaking component, which simultaneously stimulates the central nervous system, improves concentration, and allows you to increase the intensity and duration of workouts.

Sometimes, when using drugs based on yohimbine, some negative symptoms may appear - tachycardia, pressure fluctuations, increased agitation, insomnia, dizziness, headaches, redness of the skin. Contraindications to the use of this alkaloid are hypertension, tachycardia, ischemic heart disease, kidney and liver diseases, mental disorders, individual intolerance.

Before taking the Lipo 6 fat burner for women, you need to not only familiarize yourself with the components included and their individual properties. It is very important to know the consequences that come from combined use, since in a synergistic relationship these substances can enhance each other’s qualities, giving a more pronounced final effect. In addition, we should not forget that the content of the same ingredients in regular “Lipo 6 Hers”, more con and ultracon are completely different, and the instructions for use are the same for all. Therefore, for the first use it is better to choose the weakest fat burner, and then, as you get used to it and in the absence of side effects, move on to stronger options.


β-Phenylethylamine (PEA) is a neuromodulator of psychological energy that improves interpersonal relationships and increases sympathy between people. In the human body, it is secreted together with the hormones of happiness - dopamine and serotonin, but its effect on the emotional sphere is unique. In addition, β-phenylethylamine taken in supplements is very quickly destroyed in the stomach, and therefore requires combination with special substances that prevent this process.

In Lipo 6 fat burners, beta-phenylethylamine performs the following functions:

  • stabilizes the emotional and mental state;
  • increases vital activity and desire to play sports;
  • prevents breakdowns due to nervousness;
  • improves mood, eliminates depression;
  • increases the number of heart contractions;
  • raises blood pressure;
  • accelerates blood flow and delivery of nutrients to muscles.

Side effects from β-phenylethylamine are rare and include headache and dizziness. This substance is contraindicated for persons suffering from phenylketonuria.

Folic acid

Vitamin B9, or folic acid, is produced in small doses by intestinal microflora, and the missing amount must come from food. However, there are few food sources of this valuable vitamin, so most people are deficient. In this regard, many internal processes for which folic acid is responsible are disrupted, including:

  • cell growth and DNA integrity, which leads to the development of tumors;
  • functioning of the immune system;
  • activity of the heart and blood vessels;
  • amino acid synthesis.

A lack of vitamin B9 is manifested by the following consequences:

  • megaloblastic anemia, symptoms of which may include digestive disorders, chronic fatigue, hair loss, and the formation of ulcers on the oral mucosa;
  • infertility - in both sexes;
  • problems during pregnancy - placental abruption, miscarriage or premature birth, fetal pathologies;
  • worsening mood, turning into depression;
  • brain dysfunction - memory loss, insomnia, nervousness, causeless aggression and anxiety.

Vitamin B9 is also essential for hematopoiesis, and its deficiency can lead to anemia. But the most noticeable beneficial effect of folic acid is on the nervous system. In fat burners, this component helps improve mood, increase endurance and performance.

Caffeine anhydrous

Anhydrous caffeine is a psychostimulant and analeptic substance that increases mental performance and physical activity, speeds up reactions, relieves fatigue, and eliminates drowsiness. However, the effect of caffeine is twofold: in small doses it stimulates, and in large doses it suppresses the nervous system.

In general, exposure to caffeine produces the following effects:

  • deepening and rapid breathing;
  • activation of the functions of the vasomotor center, relaxation of the walls and dilation of the blood vessels of the heart, kidneys, muscles with simultaneous narrowing of the blood vessels of the brain, decrease in cerebral circulation and oxygen pressure;
  • activation of the secretory activity of the stomach;
  • moderate diuretic effect;
  • increased basal metabolism - increased glycogenolysis and lipolysis.

Despite the high effectiveness of this component, its concentration in fat burners for women is slightly reduced compared to drugs in this series for men. This is due to a rather strong effect on the main systems and a high probability of developing adverse reactions, in particular:

  • on the part of the central nervous system - excessive agitation, anxiety, sleep disturbance, possible dependence with long-term use;
  • from the cardiovascular system - arrhythmia, tachycardia, increased blood pressure;
  • from the digestive system - nausea and vomiting syndrome.

Contraindications to caffeine consumption are organic diseases of the cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension, glaucoma, excessive excitability, sleep disorders, and old age.

Hoodia gordonia

The South African stem succulent Hoodia Gordonia helps reduce weight due to the presence of a unique P57 molecule. This steroidal glycoside is able to suppress appetite, significantly increase the activity of glucose supplied with food and accelerate the onset of a feeling of satiety. In addition, Hoodia Gordonia, as a component of a fat burner, has a number of other effects:

  • stabilizes blood sugar levels;
  • interacts with vascular receptors, which helps not to feel hungry even with low glucose levels;
  • significantly reduces the number of calories consumed.

The benefits of using Hoodia Gordonii for weight loss include:

  • does not give side effects;
  • does not cause addiction or dependence;
  • does not have a laxative effect;
  • prevents sagging skin after weight loss.

At the same time, the plant normalizes metabolic processes, has a healing effect and has virtually no contraindications (except for individual intolerance, pregnancy and breastfeeding). In general, Hoodia Gordonia is considered one of the safest means for losing weight. It eliminates the main problem of obesity - excess calorie consumption, practically eliminating the need for increased physical activity.


A water-soluble B vitamin (vitamin B7, vitamin H, coenzyme R), biotin, performs a number of important functions:

  • participates in carbohydrate metabolism, interacting with insulin;
  • activates the production of a substance that triggers glucose metabolism - glucokinase;
  • accelerates gluconeogenesis, glycogen synthesis and absorption of their reserves;
  • helps absorb protein;
  • controls fat metabolism;
  • supports the functioning of other B vitamins;
  • improves the breakdown of fatty acids and fat burning.

Another important function of biotin in a fat burner for women is due to the sulfur content, due to which this substance is called a beauty vitamin, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, and nails. Also, the role of biotin is to bind carbon dioxide and purines, which are the guardians of the body's hereditary information. With biotin deficiency, muscle weakness, apathy, drowsiness appear, and over time, the functions of the nervous system are disrupted.

Vitamin H is essential for stable blood sugar levels. Not only increased, but also too low concentrations of sugar are harmful to health, and biotin brings this indicator back to normal and maintains it at the proper level.


This is a new stimulant with important fat burning properties. In Lipo 6 capsules, methylsynephrine provides the following effects:

  • activates metabolism and increases its basic speed;
  • accelerates the oxidation of fatty acids;
  • increases calorie expenditure.

The substance acts similar to synephrine, but is more powerful, especially in terms of fat burning. The second difference is the modification of the structure by the inclusion of a methyl group on the alpha carbon, which increases the affinity of the compound for beta receptors and, therefore, increases its effectiveness.

Lipo 6 Black Heart and the secret of 5 reasons for its popularity

Lipo 6 found its popularity and the love of customers back in the early 2000s, then the Nutrex company made a real breakthrough, occupying the previously empty niche of fat burners. These products had a balanced, innovative formulation that worked great and produced noticeable results. Their first fat burner Lipo 6 became the best 5 years in a row: in 2005-2009. So, the main reasons for its continued popularity are:

  1. Nutrex were pioneers in the fat burner industry;
  2. Their products have become associated with the best for the reason above and many awards;
  3. Lipo 6 left a strong first impression, which is why people keep coming back to it;
  4. Lipo has a good composition that gives noticeable results;
  5. Nutrex fat burners are quite affordable.

Lipo 6 are good fat burners, they work, but they have long ceased to be the best. Today there are many products with simple compositions that give much more noticeable results! And we will talk about them below.

The effect of a fat burner on the menstrual cycle in women

The action of this drug is based on natural ingredients, which in themselves cannot have any negative effect on the body. This only applies to cases where the recommended dose is not exceeded. The drug itself is not capable of somehow disrupting or otherwise influencing the menstrual cycle in women.

However, it is worth remembering that the effectiveness of the drug is very high, and too rapid weight loss is not recommended. If the weight goes away too quickly, this can have a negative impact on women's health, so accompany the use of this drug by regularly measuring your weight and pay attention to how you feel!

Diet and exercise to improve results

Even with all the effectiveness of this supplement, it will have almost no effect if you sit on the couch all the time and do nothing. Regular physical activity is essential for maximum effectiveness. In this case, you can very quickly get rid of excess weight + get a beautiful, strong, toned body.

Of course, all this should also be accompanied by a low-carb diet. During the period of weight loss, give up sweet, starchy and fatty foods. Try to eat as much protein as possible so that you don't lose your muscles along with the fat. Drink more water and eat more vegetables - then you will get the maximum effect.

In this article we told you about the fat burner Lipo-6 Black Hers, which is designed specifically for girls. Whether it suits you or not depends on your body. In any case, you can determine whether this product is yours or not only by trying it. Good luck!

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Other fat burners from the Lipo series:

Nutrex Lipo 6 Black – reviews

Nutrex Lipo 6 Unlimited – reviews and how to take

Lipo 6 Black and Hers – composition and instructions for use

Fat burners Lipo 6x and Lipo 6 from Nutrex - composition, instructions for use and side effects

Nutrex Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentrate – reviews

Nutrex Lipo 6 CLA – reviews

Discussion: 22 comments

  1. Darling says:
    I read and read reviews about Lipo6 for women and still don’t understand why everyone has at least some effect. I bought it, cut my diet a little, and even forced myself to run sometimes in the morning. and nothing. I am angry.
  2. FarterA456 says:

    As for me, it’s a very good fat burner for women! The composition is not aggressive, gives energy and significantly speeds up metabolism. Just what you need!

  3. Varya says:

    That's what's strange. Doctors' reviews of Lipo 6 Black Hers for women are positive, although usually as soon as you ask the doctor whether it is worth taking the fat burner, you are met with a lot of indignation. Is this a marketing ploy or are the doctors really for it?

  4. Darina says:

    Anyway, what are the correct instructions for using Linden 6? I took 2 capsules to save money and there was a very weak effect. but this is almost 3 as in the instructions. maybe it just doesn't work?

  5. KatyuKha says:

    When I was looking for reviews about Lipo 6 Black Hers a long time ago, there were almost no reviews, and I bought this fat burner at my own peril and risk. surprise, so to speak) I started taking 1 capsule and within a week I moved on to 3. As far as I remember, I liked the effect, I was very energetic and cheerful, I enjoyed jogging, and the diet was easy to tolerate. So the product is not bad)

  6. Marina says:

    If it weren’t for Fast Fat Burning, I would have bought a fat burner and ruined my health out of ignorance. I thought that fat burners themselves burn fat and the more you take, the better. Thank God I came across a manual and decided to buy all of them. 900 rubles is not a big loss compared to a fat burner for 3000, which I would have wasted due to my inability to use it. For a whole month I created new rules for losing weight with the help of Fast Fat Burning, I wrote out theses on the refrigerator, it’s convenient. In 3 months I managed to get rid of 15 kg easily and without any loss to my health! And this is not the limit. Now I teach my mother)

  7. goose says:

    If you choose between lipo and those fats below, I would choose the Optiburn fat burner! Firstly, its composition is simple, secondly, it gives a lot of energy, and thirdly, I don’t know how, but it burns fat very quickly.

  8. Tanya says:

    Is Lipo bad? Do not make me laugh!

  9. marGO says:

    losing weight for me almost all my life has been a stumbling block on the path to confidence... throughout my childhood, my parents did not spare me sweets, and food in general, and by the age of 15 I realized that I was a freak. Naturally, I didn’t know how to lose weight, I didn’t have money for a trainer, and I decided to do everything myself. Without knowledge, nothing came of it, and in another 5 years I gained excess weight. I’m embarrassed to admit, but by the age of 20 I weighed 121 kg. Since the diet didn’t work for me, I decided to buy a fat burner, which is how I came across this article. I scrolled to the end and was about to buy when the fast fat burning program caught my eye. I read about what it was, decided to talk to a consultant and decided to buy it. I was desperate. Having opened the program, I was hoping to see another diet, but no, thank God! This was the knowledge that I so lacked! within a week I realized what I was doing wrong and made a menu for myself! a month later the first 5 kg were gone, and I gained motivation. Six months have already passed and my weight is 75 kg! I've almost reached my goal. I’m ready to share my knowledge with any girl who suffers like I did!

  10. alka says:

    how to take lipo 6 black herbs if i drink coffee 3 times a day? won't there be an overload?

  11. Martha777 says:

    lipo 6 has not been in trend for a long time))) I recently bought Oxy Shredz Elite and this is a real thing! It accelerates the central nervous system with a bang and weight comes off quickly, and not at the expense of water and muscles, but pure fat!

  12. Grishina says:

    Hm. Maybe I’ll try lipo since it’s so popular.

  13. ASY says:

    Exterminator is awesome. Only natural components, it does not overload the nervous system, the state of health is excellent. I drink with pleasure.

  14. Elena says:

    I think that in general all fat burners are nonsense!

  15. Vika17 says:

    I don’t know about lipo hers, but regular lipo is not bad. I bought several times and was always satisfied.

  16. Gulya_Mulya says:

    lucky to have stumbled upon Fast Fat Burning! A very useful thing! Now I don’t have to pay a trainer 1500 per lesson, since I get ALL the knowledge myself. I recommend!

  17. Varennik says:

    Optiburn thing!!! It dried quickly, it seemed like the water after training was flowing like a stream! it was dry, relief appeared in ways that were not even expected, even my problematic sides went away. Class!

  18. zumbalove says:

    Well, Optiburn didn’t surprise me, but Oxyshredz really did. I'm glad I saw him here. the best fat burner!

  19. Lubouu says:

    cool black capsules) stylish)

  20. Sanya says:

    the girl asks for this fat as a gift, now I’m thinking, maybe I can buy her something better….

  21. Ira says:

    Sanya, they gave you better advice) take it and choose. If I were the girl, I wouldn't refuse Optiburn.

  22. Daria says:

    hooray!!! and 20 kg in six months of effort! Thank you for your Fast Fat Borning method! I'm very happy! I still eat right and now I am confident in myself and in the fact that if I gain weight again, I can easily get rid of it. this is very cool!!!

Lipo 6 Black reviews

“The first effect I got was a decrease in appetite. I felt a certain need from my body for the usual amount of food, but I just couldn’t finish what was on my plate. During training, I felt an increase in temperature and began to sweat more. If we talk about side effects, at first there was mild nausea, but over time this reaction went away, the body got used to the drug. I trained intensively and after a month my body became noticeably better: relief appeared, my waist became narrower. In short, I give this product 9 out of 10, I liked it.”

“I was afraid that this product would not suit me, because it seemed too powerful. But everything worked out, and I’m very pleased with the result. I worked out in the gym 5 days a week while taking this drug. I lost about 4 kg in a month and I think it’s all thanks to Lipo 6 Black. I didn’t notice any side effects, I felt a slight surge of strength and energy, and became a little more resilient.”

“I’ll share my impressive results, in which, it seems to me, Lipo 6 was the culprit. I decided to pull myself together and went to the gym, but the result did not particularly please me. Then I bought this fat burner and changed my training regimen, making it harder and longer. I took 3 capsules a day and immediately noticed that I was sweating a lot during cardio. I felt a significant increase in body temperature and I literally felt my fat burning.

Next about appetite: it has decreased, and very much. But the fact is that this effect lasted for about 2 hours after taking the capsule, and then terrible hunger arose. But gradually I got used to the restrictions, and in training I began to show better results. My endurance and energy increased, and I even had to make adjustments to my training plan to make them even more intense. Thus, after a month, the scales already displayed a figure that was 5 kg less than before. And visually I began to look much better.”

“They said that the drug was powerful, so I took only one capsule a day. At first there was no result, so I increased the dosage. Nausea began and my stomach ached a little. However, over time, all this passed and along with it the effect appeared. I lost about 3 kg in three weeks with this fat burner. It could have been better, I just couldn’t stick to a strict diet, and sometimes I skipped going to the gym. In general, the drug works, so I recommend it!

“I used this burner during drying along with protein and amino acids. You don’t get much energy from it, but in terms of fat burning, this product is really good. In addition, fat goes away without affecting the muscles, which is important when cutting. If you use this drug in combination with other supplements, the result will be excellent. My drying went without any problems, there were no side effects despite the fact that I was on a strict diet. Although this is probably the merit of other supplements that I took, in particular bsaashki, prot and vitamins.”

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