Omega-3: what is it good for and how to take it

Omega 3 composition

Omega-3 (Omega?3 fatty acids) are polyunsaturated fatty acids that have several double bonds in the carbon chain, starting from the third carbon atom, counting from the methyl tail of the molecule. These are, from a chemical point of view, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The first of them is found in large quantities in flaxseed, sea buckthorn and hemp oil, and the other two are found mainly in fish oil and some algae.

Due to their double bonds, polyunsaturated fatty acids are more biologically active - they react more easily with other substances, which makes them more easily absorbed by the body compared to the saturated fatty acids that make up animal fats. By actively participating in the conversion of cholesterol, they protect the cardiovascular system and accelerate the processing of fats, which results in faster weight loss during training.

What is the significance of these acids for the body?

EPA and DHP are part of absolutely all cell membranes of our body! Imagine: there is a lack of EPA and DHA in the body, a deficiency begins in the construction of cell membranes, and our body begins to look for a replacement for them from other acids. What will happen?

Yes, cell membranes will be formed, but the question is, how will this affect their quality and the body as a whole? The elasticity of blood vessels will be reduced, their fragility will increase, and the risk of blood clots – strokes and heart attacks – will increase.

EPA and DHA have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, namely:

  • EPA synthesizes essential substances in the body that reduce the risk of blood clots and dilate blood vessels.
  • Bioactive substances are formed from DHA, which improve the conduction of nerve impulses in synapses, reduce the risk of developing arrhythmias and vascular spasms, and improve heart function and endurance.

How to take Omega 3?

The fact is that unsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-3 and Omega-6 groups are broken down in the body by the same enzymes, i.e. compete. Omega-6 acids are found in abundance in olive, sunflower and other vegetable oils, so in the diet of an ordinary person their consumption exceeds the consumption of Omega-3 acids by tens of times. The more omega-6 is consumed, the less omega-3 is absorbed, so medical standards recommend the ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 as 4-10 to 1. If it is impossible to eat fatty fish every day, it is useful to use such an effective drug as Omega-3 capsules. 3.

Considering the high need for polyunsaturated fatty acids for the development of children's bodies (especially the brain), many pediatricians prescribe this supplement to children aged 3 years and older. Only here it is necessary to individually calculate the dosage and take into account the likelihood of an allergic reaction. If a child is allergic to fish, then he can take Omega 3 supplements only with extreme caution, observing the manifestation of allergic reactions and refusing to take the supplement if they occur. To reduce the risk of such situations, it is better to choose not fish oil for your child, but purified Omega 3.

Omega-3 dosages and regimens

The average daily dose of omega-3 is considered to be the following:

  • from 1000 to 1200 mg per day for adults and children over 12 years of age
  • for women planning pregnancy up to 1500 mg per day
  • children from 3 years old from 250 mg per day

If omega-3 deficiency is detected, the following dosage regimens are recommended:

Release form

On pharmacy shelves you can find omega-3 preparations in different forms. For very young children, these are syrups and drops; for middle-aged children, these can be chewable gelatin capsules or tablets, or candies. For children over 12 years of age and adults, gelatin capsules are produced for oral administration.

How can an adult take Omega 3 capsules?

Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are often used for medical purposes to prevent pathologies of the cardiovascular system. By restoring the integrity of cell membranes, these substances increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, reduce the amount of triglycerides in the blood, regulate cholesterol balance and reduce the amount of cholesterol deposits in the vessels, promoting their better permeability.

Omega 3s exhibit antiplatelet properties, that is (in simple terms) they slightly thin the blood, and to some extent help lower blood pressure, so people with disorders of the blood composition and circulatory functions can take them only after consultation with their doctor.

For adults, there are very few serious contraindications to taking Omega 3 supplements, except allergies, serious diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. However, before you start taking it, it is best to consult your doctor.

Daily intake of omega-3 for men and women

When selecting the daily dosage, it is not the gender, but the patient’s age that is taken into account. Therefore, for both men and women, the daily intake of omega-3 is the same. The amount of fatty acids consumed per day for an adult should not be lower than 700 mg, but should not exceed 5000 mg. On average, an adult patient needs 1500 – 3000 mg of omega-3 per day.

You cannot consume less than 700 mg of the substance, otherwise a deficiency state will arise, leading to poor health. From 3000 to 5000 mg of omega-3 is recommended to restore and strengthen the body during inflammatory diseases and intense physical activity. Also, increasing the daily intake of fatty acids is necessary when:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • depression, nervous and mental disorders;
  • tendency to diseases of the heart and circulatory system;
  • increased concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • joint pathologies.

It is recommended to coordinate the dosage with a medical specialist. An overdose is accompanied by nausea, bowel dysfunction, and dizziness.

When is the best time to take Omega 3?

Products high in Omega 3 and special supplements will bring the greatest benefit in situations of acute shortage of these beneficial substances. This deficiency largely depends on the level of vital activity, physical and mental stress, health status, and is aggravated by hard physical work (including intense training), poor environment, and an unbalanced diet that lacks healthy fats and vitamins. All this results in a decrease in performance, frequent colds, mental depression, decreased sports motivation and deterioration in training results. To maintain active energy and maintain hormonal balance, a person includes a lot of animal fats in their food, and they create a large load on the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, leading to excess weight, accelerated aging and entail the risk of heart attack and other cardiac pathologies.

In such life situations, the benefits of taking Omega 3 supplements will be undeniable.

Dosage for women and men

Typically, the dosage of Omega 3 for daily intake is indicated from 0.5 to 1.5 g under normal conditions and 2-3 g in the case of heavy physical labor or strength training. The mechanisms of influence of Omega-3 fatty acids on metabolism are the same in men and women, so dosages are always indicated without distinguishing between genders. When encountering information that Omega-3 has a positive effect on testosterone secretion, some women fear for their hormonal profile. However, it should be noted that the effect of Omega 3 on hormone secretion is not so significant as to sharply increase testosterone levels. Unsaturated fatty acids of the Omega 3 group do not directly stimulate the synthesis of male hormones, but participate in it in the same way as all fats - they form the basis for steroid hormone molecules.

And one more consideration should relieve the fair sex from worry. The female body also needs testosterone, and it is present in it. And most importantly, testosterone is converted into estrogen (female sex hormone) by the enzyme aromatase. And if for some reason a slight increase in testosterone levels occurs in the female body, the excess will very quickly be converted into estrogen and the hormonal balance as a whole will not change.


The list of contraindications for use can be presented as follows:

  • individual intolerance to components in omega-3 preparations;
  • history of allergies to fish and seafood,
  • children up to 3 years old
  • hemorrhagic syndrome;
  • tuberculosis;
  • liver and kidney pathologies;
  • high level of vitamin D in the body;
  • chronic or acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

It is forbidden to take the product in the period after surgery, because omega-3 affects the wound healing process. By thinning the blood, the drug can have an indirect effect on this process.

Can I take it constantly?

There are often recommendations to regularly include Omega 3 supplements in your diet. However, to date, there is very little research on the consequences of long-term use of these supplements. The fact is that too much Omega 3 can cause some health problems, so it is safer to take the supplement in courses, taking breaks. At the same time, it is assumed that constant intake in the amount recommended by the Ministry of Health (1 g Omega 3 per day) should not cause any problems.

It is usually recommended to eat more fatty fish (tuna, salmon, herring) to maintain heart health, however, we should not forget that Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are very unstable to high temperatures and quickly oxidize. But it is important to consider that fish is almost always consumed after heat treatment; there are too few Omega 3 acids left in it to compensate for their deficiency.

Special Recommendations

Omega-3 during pregnancy

Omega-3 is extremely important both at the stage of pregnancy planning and during pregnancy. It participates in the formation of fetal organs and systems and ensures the proper development of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. According to studies, women who take sufficient amounts of omega-3 during pregnancy have babies with well-developed motor skills and coordination, high mental abilities, and high communication skills. In addition, omega-3 helps calm the nervous system, which in pregnant women suffers from surges and makes it easier to endure postpartum depression. Therefore, the drug is acceptable and justified during pregnancy, but only in consultation with the doctor, since there are contraindications.

Omega-3 for chronic diseases

Clear contraindications for omega-3 are the presence of confirmed diagnoses: cholecystitis, liver and gallbladder diseases, pancreatitis, Hypercalcemia (high levels of calcium and vitamin D in the blood); allergic reactions to fish and seafood, active form of tuberculosis, thyroid diseases, urolithiasis. Children's age is a relative contraindication for this or that type of manufacturer.

Omega-3 overdose

Taking omega-3 in doses exceeding the body's needs can cause harm to the body. Poor blood clotting and bleeding, tremors, nausea, thirst and peristalsis disorders, apathy and decreased mood. Disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and pancreas may also occur.

Omega-3 compatibility with other vitamins

Omega-3 acid goes well with vitamins E, K, B vitamins: B2, B6, folic acid, B12, coenzyme Q10 and lecithin. It is acceptable to combine omega-3 with vitamins A, C, D, K, magnesium and selenium. But with calcium, iron, copper and chromium, it is better to separate the intake of omega-3.

Compatibility of vitamins and alcohol

In order to determine whether vitamins are compatible with alcohol, you need to take into account that in the chronic stage of the disease, the introduction of vitamin preparations practically does not bring the expected effectiveness, since the absorption of fat-soluble ones requires the activity of liver enzymes, which do not work in alcoholism. Soluble in water, they are absorbed in the intestines; disruption of this process during alcoholism causes a destructive effect on nerve fibers. Thus, with the abuse of alcoholic beverages, severe hypovitaminosis develops in the body.

What should you take Omega 3 with for better absorption?

Despite the chemical classification of Omega 3s as acids, they do not taste sour or bitter, rather oily and tasteless. However, they are most often supplied in capsule form. However, polyunsaturated fatty acids oxidize more quickly, especially in contact with air, when exposed to sunlight and when temperature rises. Therefore, even fish oil containing them is recommended to be consumed in capsule form rather than in liquid form, since omega-3s in a gelatin capsule are more protected from oxidation than in a bottle. In addition, among all forms of Omega 3 supplements, those that contain vitamin E (tocopherol) are preferable. Vitamin E (contained in maximum quantities in sprouted grains of wheat and corn, as well as in corn, soybean, sunflower, peanut and sea buckthorn oil) is a powerful natural antioxidant - it protects the double bonds of polyunsaturated fatty acids from destruction and thereby protects them from oxidation. Therefore, Omega-3 complexes with vitamin E are more shelf-stable. And in the body, vitamin E is responsible for the preservation of cell membranes, various proteins, enzymes, and improves reproductive function.

Omega 3 goes well with taurine and fenugreek extract - their properties to reduce the level of fatty acids in the blood are synergistic. When taken together with curcumin, an increase in anti-inflammatory effects is observed.

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