Exercise cat - the best movement for strengthening, preventing and treating the spine

Benefits and features of the exercise

The cat exercise is a movement that combines both dynamic and static load. It is borrowed from yoga (consists of two asanas: cat and cow) and is used to train the back, develop flexibility and even when recovering from injuries. The cat exercise for the back has no disadvantages or contraindications. It consists of two simple movements that can be performed by every person, regardless of training experience and physical fitness (with the exception of periods of exacerbation of hernias).

Benefits of the cat exercise for the back:

  • Strengthening the back muscles (including the deep layers).
  • Relieving spinal compression.
  • Increased flexibility.
  • Elimination and prevention of back pain.
  • A completely universal exercise for the spine - can be performed anywhere, regardless of fitness level and other conditions.

It is important to consider that regardless of the name, it always implies a strong arching and rounding of the back, that is, this is a movement with two phases. Some call this exercise for the back cat and dog, in yoga - cat/cow, sometimes just cat. However, we are always talking about the same movement.

Exercise cat. We arch and bend our back

This yoga exercise for the spine is included in the warm-up complex before starting kinesitherapy classes. We recommend performing “Cat” exercise regularly at home. “Cat” is a very simple exercise for the back at home, but it is not always performed correctly. Some tips on how to do the “cat” to achieve maximum benefits.

Initial position

  • stand on the mat on all fours so that your hands are under your shoulders;
  • place your palms firmly on the floor, point your fingers forward;
  • Make sure your arms are straight, your legs are bent at right angles, and your center of gravity is evenly distributed between your knees and palms.

Now you can start the exercise:

  1. Take a deep breath, twist your pelvis inward. Pull your stomach in so that your back arches upward, lower your head. The abdominal muscles in this position are tense, and the back is stretched upward. Stretch your back up as high as possible.
  2. Mentally count to eight and, while inhaling, slowly return to the starting position and relax.
  3. Inhale again and bend your back in the opposite direction, lifting your head and pelvis up. Stretch your stomach and pectoral muscles.
  4. The exercise ends with returning to the starting position while inhaling. If you wish, you can go into “child’s pose,” but this is not necessary. In the pose, the back muscles are additionally stretched - the arms are pulled forward and the pelvis is pulled towards the heels.

The entire described cycle should be repeated 5–10 times. In intermediate positions - above and below - linger for 8-10 counts.

It is good to do cat exercises daily, combining it with exercises for other muscle groups.

Main rules for performing the exercise

When doing any back exercises, avoid jerking and stick to a slow pace; transitions from one position to another should be smooth. Avoid severe pain in your back and neck while performing movements.

Please note the following points:

  1. The correct starting position assumes that the knees are located strictly under the pelvis, and the palms are located under the shoulders.
  2. Make sure to keep your stomach tucked throughout the exercise.
  3. For better arching, try to raise your head as high as possible.
  4. It is advisable to do the cat on an empty stomach.

Another option for making a cat:

Get on all fours, resting on your hands and knees. Arch your lower back upward, lowering your head and pelvis down. Count to 10. Then lower your pelvis onto your heels, keep your arms extended in front on the floor, lower your head into your hands and relax as much as you want. Repeat 2-3 times.

Benefits of exercise

“Cat” helps to stretch the spine, gently stretch the deep back muscles, so the exercise helps relieve back pain and remove heaviness in the lower back without the use of drugs. In the long term, the “cat” helps improve posture. When performing the exercise, the pectoral muscles are also actively involved (they stretch, the body is intensively supplied with oxygen), and the rectus abdominis muscle. With regular exercise, you can improve the flexibility of your neck, shoulders and back.

We recommend starting and ending more active sets of exercises with the “cat”, since by stretching we awaken our muscles and prepare them for work. When the body slightly tenses almost all skeletal muscles, capillaries open, blood flow throughout the body increases, lymphatic function is activated, toxins are removed from the body, and lactic acid leaves the muscles.

On a note! The “Cat” exercise is recommended for pregnant women, as it is beneficial for the lower back and allows for abdominal massage.

Take an example from cats! Stretch often!

If there were a stretching Olympics, cats would take all the gold. Cats constantly stretch their muscles. Why do they do this?

Scientists reasonably explain: this way they immediately feel better, blood circulation improves, and the body prepares for activity after rest - sleep or a long sedentary position. Modern man should take an example from animals, whose instincts have not yet been crushed by civilization! Stretching in the morning is especially pleasant and beneficial.

Back exercises at the Kazan Kinesitherapy Center

Our center conducts functional training programs that include a set of exercises to increase muscle tone, strengthen the stabilizer muscles of the spine and ligaments of the joints, stretch and develop a sense of balance and coordination of movements.

A strong muscle corset is the basis for beautiful posture and a healthy spine, since it is the deep stabilizer muscles of the back and abdominals that support and nourish the intervertebral discs, thereby preventing the development of hernias, protrusions, and curvature of the spine. And strengthening and increasing the elasticity of ligaments, balance exercises are the best prevention of arthrosis and arthritis of the joints, as well as sports injuries under heavy loads and accidental injuries from falling.

Exercises are indicated for people with sore joints and spine; they are useful for high blood pressure and tachycardia, since they are aimed, among other things, at strengthening the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and increasing overall endurance.

Classes are held under the guidance and active participation of an experienced instructor.

Specialist consultation is required.

Special offer. Doctor’s consultation + diagnostics using applied kinesiology – 1000 rubles.

Call, write! Tel.: (843) 570-55-25 , WhatsApp: 79655968085 or VKontakte group .

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What muscles are involved?

If you do the cat exercise for the back correctly, the main load falls on:

  • Back muscles - extensors, upper part, lower back.
  • Abdominals – rectus and oblique muscles (internal and external).

also partially involved . But due to the minimal range of motion, they work rather in a static mode, ensuring that the body position is maintained. Also, due to the non-standard position, which makes breathing a little more difficult, the load on the abdominal muscles, which are responsible for inhalation and exhalation, increases.

If you do back exercises daily, after 3-4 weeks you will notice deeper breathing.

Exercise technique

Due to the fact that the movement is done with the weight of your own body and in a minimal amplitude, the key role is played by:

  • Muscle control.
  • Ability to hold the desired position.
  • Breath control.

To learn how to do the exercise correctly, you need to control these three aspects.

Technique for performing the cat exercise for the back:

  1. Place your palms on the floor (fingers spread wide for stability) with your arms straight.
  2. Place your feet on your knees as well as your toes.
  3. The thigh and arms are perpendicular to the floor, the back is straight and parallel to the floor. The neck is in a natural position.
  4. Take a powerful breath and bend so as to lower your stomach as close to the floor as possible (maximum arch in the back and lower back). The shoulder blades are brought together, the neck is slightly moved up and back (the gaze is directed above the horizontal line).
  5. Hold the position for 5-10 seconds, then move to the second position. Round your spine as much as possible (creating a hump or arch), exhale powerfully to free your lungs, this will help round your back as much as possible. The neck and head are directed downwards (the natural position with this position of the spine).
  6. Return to the starting position.

Hands should always be at shoulder width. Legs are hip-width apart.

Execution technique

Like other bodyweight movements, the cat involves complete control of the body's muscles, breathing, and smooth execution. It is important not just to quickly perform a certain set of movements, but to feel the work of the muscles.

Basic moments:

  • control of inhalation and exhalation with the help of consciousness;
  • skill of synchronizing breathing and movement;
  • work at full amplitude;
  • smooth development of too hard and weak areas.

The following sequence will help you do the exercise correctly:

  • First you need to understand the movement itself. Stand up straight, circle your shoulders back, and lower your shoulder blades towards your pelvis. You will get a “soldier’s posture”, with the chest arched forward. Now stretch your arms forward and bend your chest back, lower your head to your chest. Approximately this position will need to be taken while resting on the floor;
  • get on all fours, palms under your shoulders, knees under your pelvic bones. Push off the floor with your shins and palms, and as you exhale, push your chest up;
  • lower your head to your chest, touch your chin to your sternum;
  • stretch your thoracic spine up, then, as you exhale, bend down, raise your head, stretch the top of your head up, bending completely;
  • return to neutral position, repeat with thoracic upward arching.

Marjariasana cat pose is the most effective exercise for the spine!


Exercise is beneficial for everyone. It is ideal for strengthening and unloading the back, as well as for recovering from injuries. Mainly used:

  • In strength sports for the development of flexibility, decompression of intervertebral discs.
  • Preventing back pain.
  • As an effective form of warm-up, prevention and strengthening of spinal health during a sedentary lifestyle.
  • During the rehabilitation period after injuries (only when the doctor allows minimal physical activity).

It is recommended to perform the movement as a separate complex for 1-2 minutes. It is optimal to do 1-2 series per day (for example, morning and evening). It is necessary to hold the position in each phase for 5-10 seconds, no more. Prolonged holding without breathing will stimulate additional straining, which can negatively affect the blood vessels. This is especially true in the cow/dog pose, where the head is lower than the heart and blood flow to the brain increases.

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