How effective is the coffee diet, menu options for 3, 7 and 14 days and reviews of those losing weight

Benefits of coffee

It was previously believed that coffee consumption contributed to weight gain. However, the latest research by the most authoritative nutritionists has shown that the situation is exactly the opposite. A cup of morning coffee speeds up metabolism, which is approximately equal to the expenditure of 200-300 kcal, and this tasty drink significantly reduces appetite.

In addition, just one cup of black coffee satisfies a quarter of the body's daily requirement for vitamin P. Brewed coffee contains antioxidants and valuable organic acids. At the same time, the energy value of coffee is only 9 kcal per 100 ml of the finished drink.

The benefits of a coffee diet for weight loss

There are studies on the effect of caffeine on weight: the body mass index is lower in people who consume large amounts of caffeine, which is associated with increased metabolism. Those who drank 3 cups of coffee daily had smaller waists and lower body fat.

Acceleration of metabolism

Caffeine increases your metabolic rate, so your body burns more calories even when you're inactive. Depending on the amount of caffeine in your coffee, drinking one to three cups can boost your metabolism to burn an additional 75 to 100 calories per day.

If you replace a fatty snack with coffee, you will create a calorie deficit. For example, replace one medium muffin (440 kcal) with black coffee and you will cut your diet by 500 calories per day!

Extracting energy from fat during exercise

When you exercise, your body needs energy. Caffeine releases fatty acids and the body uses them as fuel. This fat burning mechanism - removing fatty acids directly from fat stores and burning them immediately - has a profound effect on weight loss.

Burning free fatty acids instead of sugar makes it easier to lose body fat during exercise.

Decreased production of new fat

A 2010 study published in the American Journal of Physiology found that chemical compounds in coffee known as phenols increase energy expenditure and reduce the production of new fat, successfully counteracting obesity.

The key here is to drink coffee after a high-fat meal: coffee also contains an important substance called melanoidin, an antioxidant that works in the digestive system to reduce fat absorption.

Suppressing hunger

According to a nutritionist, caffeine suppresses hunger, but the effects don't last long. This means a small cup is the perfect remedy for those unexpected snacking and fast food cravings. Coffee can help you through a low-calorie diet by curbing hunger pangs during the worst moments.

Diuretic effect, water removal

Excess weight is not only fat, but also water retained in the body. Especially often, it is water that becomes the cause of cellulite. The diuretic properties of caffeine allow you not to retain water in the body, but to effectively remove it.

In this case, you need to drink 2 liters of pure still water per day. The body will take as much as it needs, and you will not suffer from dehydration; the residues will not accumulate in the tissues, but will be quickly eliminated.

Important: the coffee diet is not suitable for people with high blood pressure, heart disease, gastritis or ulcers.

If you feel bad during the process, your stomach hurts, your heart is pounding, or you feel nauseous, stop the diet, drink water and eat diet food, but without coffee!

Diet menu


A cup of coffee for breakfast. For lunch, a couple of boiled eggs, cabbage salad with tomatoes, a cup of coffee. For dinner, 200 g of fish baked in foil, cabbage salad, 2 glasses of water.


For breakfast, a cup of coffee with toast or crackers. For lunch, 200 g of oven-baked fish (in foil), cabbage salad, a cup of coffee. For dinner, 200 g of boiled beef and a glass of low-fat kefir.


For breakfast only a cup of coffee. For lunch, a soft-boiled egg, a salad of boiled carrots with olive oil, a cup of coffee. A couple of green apples for dinner.


For breakfast there is only a cup of coffee. For lunch, a salad of fresh vegetables with the obligatory addition of parsley root, a couple of green apples and a cup of coffee. For dinner, 200 g of boiled beef, white cabbage salad, 2 hard-boiled eggs, 2 glasses of clean water.


For breakfast, a salad of boiled carrots, seasoned with lemon juice and a little olive oil, and a cup of coffee. For lunch, 400 g of oven-baked fish, a glass of natural tomato juice. For dinner, 200 g of baked lean fish, cabbage salad, 2 glasses of water.


For breakfast, as on the first day, a cup of coffee. For lunch, boiled chicken breast with a salad of white cabbage and grated carrots, a cup of coffee. For dinner, fresh carrot salad, a couple of boiled eggs, 2 glasses of water.


For breakfast, you can replace a cup of coffee with a glass of strong tea. For lunch, 200 g of boiled beef, two medium green apples, a cup of coffee. For dinner, any dinner menu from the previous days of the diet.

Diet Variations

Coffee weight loss is of interest to many women who want to get a slim figure without much effort. Experts identify several types of effective diets:

  1. Coffee with milk. A cup of aromatic drink with milk contains an average of 40 kcal. Eating a coffee-milk drink is more beneficial than eating pure aromatic beans, since calcium is not washed out of the body. In addition, coffee with the additive has a pleasant taste, which is very important for losing weight.
  2. With chocolate. A diet for true connoisseurs. You can follow the method for 3-4 days. The menu consists of a dark chocolate product and brewed natural coffee. In three days it takes up to 3 kg. excess weight. During the day, you should eat a bar of dark chocolate and drink a cup of coffee every 2 hours.
  3. "Morning Cup" Surely there are many morning coffee lovers among us. Nutritionists have calculated that drinking coffee without sugar in the morning can burn about 300 kcal! In addition, the drink satisfies hunger and awakens the body. The recipe for losing weight is quite simple - a mug of coffee without sugar, milk or cream. A peculiar diet lasts 7 days.
  4. Coffee and tea. This diet is perfect for tea lovers, since the system provides for alternate consumption of these drinks. To lose weight, choose natural black or green coffee, green tea. Drink drinks without added sugar and milk; if you don’t like the taste, add a pinch of cinnamon. During the diet, try to eat protein and carbohydrate foods. The duration of the diet is a week.
  5. A cigarette? A very original and effective weight loss system is a diet of cigarettes and coffee. On the one hand, such weight loss will lead to health problems, and on the other hand, it will give you a beautiful figure. The method is also known as “When the darling left”, since in such a situation all that remains is to smoke and drink coffee. Experts talk about the dangers of such weight loss, because cigarettes reduce appetite due to inhibition of the motor function of the digestive organs, which will subsequently lead to gastritis and ulcers. In addition, smoking harms the lungs.
  6. With apples. The advantage of such nutrition is the availability of the main components. Coffee and apples can be found in every store and at a reasonable price. The secret of the diet is simple - coffee reduces appetite, and fruits stimulate metabolism. The fruit should be consumed with its skin and seeds. The total number of apples eaten per day is 1.5-2 kg. The main drink is drunk 3 cups daily for a week. In 7 days, the weight will decrease by 3-6 kg.
  7. With cheese - an express method of losing weight. For a low-calorie diet, purchase unsalted, low-fat cheese. Experts recommend supplementing your diet with feta cheese, mozzarella, and ricotta. The daily menu consists of coffee, cheese, eggs and kefir before bed. In a week your weight will decrease by 6-7 kg.
  8. Coffee and eggs. The diet is based on 2 main components that complement each other. Those losing weight say that this method is very tough and requires a certain amount of endurance. Drink 3-4 cups of coffee daily without sugar and cream, and also eat 2 eggs. If you cannot withstand such a strict diet, dilute it with kefir and non-starchy vegetables.
  9. Coffee-butter. It would seem that what kind of weight loss can we talk about if the creamy rectangle is a high-calorie product. But no! It is quite possible to lose weight with a diet of coffee with butter. Brew an aromatic drink and add oil to it. It will be hard to get used to drinking this way, but the results are worth it.
  10. With garlic. The basis of the technique is a drink with the addition of garlic. The recipe for making it is very simple: brew coffee in a Turkish coffee pot and grate a spicy clove into it. You can safely drink a cocktail before going to work or school, because the garlic aroma is neutralized by the tart drink.

There are a lot of diets with the addition of coffee, but to choose exactly your option, seek help from a specialist.

special instructions

Doctors recommend drinking no more than three cups of coffee a day, since excessive caffeine consumption is harmful to the body and in some cases causes real addiction.

This drink has diuretic properties, so you need to drink more water when drinking it to avoid dehydration. Coffee lovers quickly develop dark plaque on their teeth, so they need to brush their teeth more often than 2 times a day.

The coffee diet also has its contraindications :

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels,
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum,
  • diseases of the central nervous system.

Remember that moderate coffee consumption can be very beneficial. In addition, this wonderful drink can help you fight excess weight. We also recommend paying attention to the Banting diet.

  • Diet according to blood types.
  • What to eat to lose weight?
  • 20 main products involved in metabolic processes and burning fat deposits.
  • Sugar substitutes for weight loss - benefits and harms.
  • Diet from specialists at the Royal Danish Hospital.
  • The Dukan diet will help everyone lose weight!
  • Men's and women's products, why men prefer beer and women prefer chocolate.

General rules

Do you combine a huge love for coffee and a desire to lose weight?
Congratulations! The coffee diet for weight loss is ideal for you. There are three ways to lose weight with coffee, they differ in duration: 3, 7, 14 days. The most strict diet is a coffee diet for 3 days, which will help you get rid of small flaws in your figure and lose up to 3 kg of excess weight. The point of the technique is to consume exclusively high-quality, freshly brewed coffee and dark chocolate with a cocoa content of more than 70% (no more than 120 g per day) for 3 days.

In addition to this, and with other options for the coffee diet, it is imperative to monitor your water balance. You need to drink up to 2 liters of pure water without gas during the day, but avoid drinking it 3 hours before bedtime to avoid swelling .

This technique offers a longer and, at the same time, the most popular option - a coffee diet for 7 days. It is less strict: here you need to eat normal food in the form of chicken eggs, vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fish, and seafood. Of course, you need to carefully control portion sizes. In total, you should eat more vegetables and fruits, but less meat and side dishes.

Here you need to drink coffee 2 or more times a day. Remember that you cannot turn your nutrition regimen into a coffee-with-milk diet. Of course, you can drink coffee with milk, but only under two conditions: first, skim milk; the second - no more than 1 time a day. In addition, it is very tasty to add spices to the drink during a diet: pepper, vanilla, cinnamon.

The third diet option is similar to the previous one, but lasts 2 weeks and allows you to lose from 8 to 10 kg of excess weight. The daily menu looks something like this:

  • Be sure to drink coffee several times a day;
  • 200-300 g of protein product (poultry, seafood, fish);
  • 400-500 g vegetables;
  • 1 slice of whole grain bread or crispbread;
  • 1 sour apple/orange/grapefruit/pomelo.

Coffee during a diet and its effects

Let's figure out how coffee affects the body? The most important component of the drink is caffeine . It is this substance, in small quantities, that is a stimulant for the nervous system and helps produce the pleasure hormone endorphin . In addition, coffee is a diuretic drink. Therefore, within a week of its daily use, most of the excess fluid will naturally leave the body, and swelling on the face and legs will subside.

Is it possible to drink coffee while dieting?

This question torments many people who are losing weight, since there is no clear answer. In any case, you can make a choice for or against coffee on a diet only based on your well-being.

But coffee has been proven to help avoid hunger. It is recommended that people prone to overeating drink up to 3 cups of coffee a day (of course, if there are no contraindications for this). Start your day with a flavorful drink, add spices, and it’s likely that you’ll be able to say goodbye to a couple of extra pounds without strict diets, because your appetite will significantly decrease.

Also, this legendary drink helps speed up metabolic processes and burn calories. This means it promotes effective weight loss.

Why can't you drink instant coffee?

Instant coffee is prepared in several ways. The idea is that the roasted coffee beans are crushed and washed with hot water to restore the “unforgettable” taste and aroma. Next, it is dried, heat-treated, vacuum-sealed and sold at a price that is similar to packaging of natural, freshly ground coffee. Of course, after such manipulations, there is no benefit left in the drink. That is why losing weight on such coffee will not have a visible effect. Choose natural, minimally processed coffee!

Is it possible to drink coffee on an empty stomach?

You drink a cup of coffee and it first goes to the stomach. Coffee, in addition to caffeine , also contains chlorogenic acid , which often causes heartburn. Chlorogenic acid irritates the gastric mucosa and leads to the production of hydrochloric acid , which has a detrimental effect on the walls of the stomach. Thus, it is not advisable to drink coffee in the morning. The drink will bring the greatest benefit after eating, 40-60 minutes later.

Coffee diet for 3 days

This is an extreme diet for very fast weight loss. On average, you manage to lose 3-4 kilograms in these three days, when you need to quickly get your body in order.

Authorized products:

  • natural black coffee without milk, sugar, sweeteners, etc.;
  • dark chocolate with high cocoa content, at least 70%.

The essence of the diet:

  • Eat 4 times a day: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner (no later than 19 hours).
  • Per day – 4 cups of natural coffee + 150 grams of chocolate, divided into 4 servings.
  • You can drink water in unlimited quantities.

A three-day coffee diet effectively removes fat, water, and toxins from the intestines, as a result of which the stomach quickly tightens, the waist decreases, and the body as a whole looks slimmer and fit. You need to exit the diet smoothly, gradually introducing low-fat protein foods.

Only for coffee lovers! If you don't normally drink coffee, you will definitely overdose!

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