How effective is the stewed cabbage diet and how to follow it correctly

Any low-calorie foods can be the basis of a dietary diet. Most often they choose low-fat fermented milk products, fruits, herbs and, of course, vegetables, which are good both raw and cooked. Stewed cabbage is one of the effective dietary foods.

This is a tasty and satisfying dish that you can and should eat while losing weight. Not only will it not bring extra calories, but it will also help you lose weight in a short time. Its energy value is only 30.4 kcal per 100 g.

Features of the stewed cabbage diet

Stewed cabbage is considered an effective dietary product. This is a complete hot dish that fills you up quickly and for a long time. Even its impressive portion contains a minimum of calories.

However, any nutrition program for weight loss has its own characteristics. This diet is no exception.

  1. Stewed cabbage is taken as the basis of the diet, which in no way replaces the presence of other products.
  2. This dish can be eaten twice a day, during main meals. The rest of the time, porridge, boiled meat and fish, as well as fruits, vegetables and dairy products are allowed.
  3. Drinks that are acceptable include unsweetened black and herbal teas, rose hip decoction and dried fruit compote.
  4. Meals should be divided, at least five times a day, with equal intervals between meals. This regime stabilizes digestion and speeds up metabolism.
  5. Prepare cabbage without adding oil.
  6. The vegetable is stewed in different ways: with the addition of other vegetables, mushrooms, and white meat.
  7. It is not necessary to prepare the dish every day. Cabbage can be stewed for future use - in 2-3 days it will not spoil, will not lose its beneficial properties and will become even tastier.

Despite the fact that the vegetable is useful in any form, you cannot eat only it for several days. This will negatively affect your well-being and overall health.

Stewed cabbage diet. Diet No. 5 - description and general principles

Diet No. 5 is one of the fifteen main therapeutic diets, or as they are sometimes called - tables, which is prescribed for diseases of the gallbladder, liver, and biliary tract. Its goal is to provide adequate nutrition to the patient, helping to normalize liver function, improve bile secretion, while being gentle on the liver itself. When following a diet, glycogen accumulates in the liver, unloads fat and cholesterol metabolism, stimulates bile secretion and normal activity of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Indications for the use of table No. 5 are periods of recovery after acute hepatitis and cholecystitis, without exacerbation - cholelithiasis, chronic cholecystitis and hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver (without liver failure), as well as chronic gastritis (without sudden disorders), chronic colitis (with a tendency to constipation), postoperative period after removal of the gallbladder.

The diet contains foods with the usual content of carbohydrates and proteins, the restriction concerns fats (mainly refractory). Dishes containing oxalic acid, essential oils rich in cholesterol, purines, and fat oxidation products that are formed during frying are excluded from the diet. The approximate daily intake of this diet includes 50g of carbohydrates, 70g of fat, 100g of protein. The energy value is 2500-2900 kcal. If you create a balanced menu, the food will not only be healthy, but also tasty.

Dietary dishes have an increased content of pectins, lipotropic substances, liquids, and dietary fiber. The diet is split - five to six times a day. Dishes are mostly boiled and baked, less often - stewed. When cooking, flour, onions, carrots and other vegetables are not sautéed. The products do not require thorough grinding. The exception applies to vegetables rich in fiber and stringy meat - they are ground. Very cold dishes are contraindicated.

How to properly prepare dietary stewed cabbage

Stewed cabbage is prepared quickly and easily.

You will need:

  • small white cabbage fork;
  • bulb;
  • one medium sized carrot.

Cooking process:

  1. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater and simmer the vegetables until half cooked.
  2. The cabbage is chopped, crushed thoroughly so that they become softer and give juice, and then combined in a frying pan with onions and carrots.
  3. The contents of the container are salted to taste, a little water is poured in, covered with a lid and simmered until cooked. This usually takes half an hour.
  4. Instead of water, you can add tomato juice or soy sauce diluted with water.

After the dish is cooked, it must be kept under a closed lid for at least half an hour. During this time, it will “reach” - it will become softer and saturated with juices.

Reference! To prevent the dish from seeming too bland, you can sweeten it or lightly sprinkle it with vinegar.

Recipe Variations

Not only the lean option is suitable for the diet. If you make a dish with chicken breast or white turkey meat, it will turn out much tastier and more satisfying, but a little higher in calories. In addition, you can diversify the recipe with mushrooms, beans, tomatoes, potatoes or zucchini.

  1. The chicken dish is prepared according to the same principle as the lean version, but in this case, the meat cut into pieces is first stewed. Then onions and carrots are added to it, and after another 5 minutes shredded cabbage.
  2. If the second one is made with mushrooms, then they are first stewed with onions and carrots and only then the main ingredient is added.
  3. Tomatoes are also placed before cabbage.
  4. Vegetables that cook quickly, such as zucchini or potatoes, are added to the pan 15-20 minutes before the main component is ready, so that they do not turn into porridge.
  5. The beans for the dish are soaked overnight. Place it 15-20 minutes before the main ingredient is ready.
  6. A few minutes before removing the cabbage from the heat, add raisins and prunes - the dish will become piquant and interesting.

Stewed cabbage with canned fish or meat, as well as sausages is not considered a dietary dish.

Stewed cabbage as one of the components of proper nutrition

It would be more correct for weight loss to use stewed cabbage as one of the components of a healthy diet. In this case, it is consumed several times a week, combined with lean meat or cereals. You can also stew it in a slow cooker with vegetables and serve it for dinner as a side dish for fish.

Basic rules for including delicious stew in your weight loss menu:

  1. Do not get carried away with sauces based on flour or mayonnaise.
  2. Do not combine fried sausages or fatty meats with stewed cabbage.
  3. The best additions to a dietary dish are mushrooms or chicken.
  4. A mixture of sugar and vinegar will help give the finished side dish a sour and spicy taste. To do this, mix a teaspoon of table vinegar with the same amount of granulated sugar and add it to the pan a few minutes before the end of cooking.
  5. Stewed sauerkraut can also be used in meals. This dish is very juicy and satisfying. You can serve this side dish with homemade turkey sausages.
  6. Prunes or raisins will help add an unusual taste to the stew; you can make the dish more filling by adding beans or other legumes. However, this threatens increased flatulence.

By consuming stewed cabbage, you can achieve excellent results in building your body in a short period of time. However, you should not overdo it and eat only it all day long - this can cause serious harm to the digestive system.

As a rule, all mono-diets end with those losing weight, after finishing them, quickly starting to overeat on previously prohibited foods. Therefore, be more careful when planning your menu and stay not only slim, but also healthy!


The stewed cabbage diet does not imply a monotonous diet. The main course is allowed only twice a day - at lunch and in the evening. A sample menu looks like this:

  1. Breakfast: buckwheat, oatmeal or pearl barley porridge, an omelette or two boiled eggs. Drinks include tea with a spoon of honey or rosehip infusion.
  2. Snack: two kiwis, a baked apple, a glass of yogurt or kefir, whole grain toast, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
  3. Lunch: stewed cabbage and tea (rosehip decoction or compote).
  4. Afternoon snack: a glass of fermented baked milk, yogurt or kefir.
  5. Dinner: stewed cabbage, a small piece of meat or fish, green tea.

The portion for each meal should be no more than 200 g.

Sample menu

The first day:

  • breakfast - a plate of oatmeal with diluted milk and a cup of tea with a teaspoon of honey;
  • lunch – a baked apple or a glass of yogurt with a fat content of no more than 2.5%;
  • lunch – 250 g of stewed cabbage and a glass of green tea or rosehip decoction;
  • afternoon snack - a glass of fermented baked milk;
  • dinner – 150 g of cabbage with a piece of boiled chicken breast and green tea.

Second day:

  • in the morning - pearl barley porridge with diluted milk, green tea (with a spoonful of honey);
  • for second breakfast – a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt;
  • for lunch, 250 g of stewed cabbage and a glass of compote;
  • for an afternoon snack – a glass of kefir;
  • in the evening - 150 g of the main dish with a piece of fish and tea.

Day three:

  • for breakfast - buckwheat porridge with water or diluted milk and tea with lemon;
  • during lunch – one orange;
  • for lunch - 250 g of the main course, as well as a glass of compote or rosehip decoction;
  • between lunch and dinner - a glass of low-fat fermented milk product;
  • in the evening - 150 g of cabbage with boiled veal, one tomato and tea.

Day four:

  • in the morning - an omelet of three tablespoons of milk and two eggs, 30 g of cheese and unsweetened coffee;
  • for second breakfast – 2 kiwis;
  • for lunch – 250 g of cabbage and rosehip decoction;
  • for an afternoon snack – a glass of kefir with a fat content of 0-1%;
  • for dinner - 150 g of the main dish and a piece of boiled breast and tea.

Day five:

  • breakfast – oatmeal and unsweetened tea;
  • lunch – low-fat yogurt;
  • lunch - as in previous days;
  • afternoon snack – 200 ml fermented baked milk;
  • dinner - main course with boiled fish and compote.

This is a sample diet menu. The list of products for the day can be changed based on your own preferences, but you should not deviate from the general list.

What can you eat stewed cabbage with? Stewed cabbage with pork and ham

Braised cabbage . Stewed cabbage is a tasty, healthy and satisfying dish that can be prepared from either fresh or sauerkraut. During the season, it is best to cook fresh cabbage. It has a unique delicate taste and a maximum of vitamins and other useful substances. Fresh cabbage is washed, the top hard leaves are removed, the head of cabbage is cut into quarters, finely chopped into strips, cutting out the stalk. When using sauerkraut, large pieces that are found in the bulk are taken out and also finely chopped. If the cabbage is quite sour, it is better to rinse it in water. However, the rationality of this advice is quite controversial, since it is believed that cabbage loses a lot of vitamin C due to washing. You can also muffle the acid by adding sugar (add literally one teaspoon). Cabbage can be stewed either “solo” or with meat, chicken, boiled sausage, frankfurters, mushrooms, beans, with the addition of tomato paste, prunes, and raisins. It’s worth experimenting here to find your “signature” recipe. The taste of white cabbage will be improved by parsley, dill, bay leaf, as well as salt and pepper. Many people do not like the sour taste - in this case, it is better to avoid using tomato paste. First, the cabbage should be fried with onions and tomatoes (if you add the latter). Then add water to the bowl and simmer the cabbage for 30-40 minutes. About 10 minutes before the process is completed, add salt and ground black pepper to the cabbage. When serving, the finished cabbage can be sprinkled with fresh herbs - for example, parsley, dill. And, of course, this dish would not be complete without sour cream – a faithful companion of white cabbage in all dishes.

How much weight can you lose?

Of course, you won’t lose 10 kg in a week on this diet. But such a diet guarantees a minus of 2-2.5 kg per week. Some people will have more numbers, some will have less – the result is individual. But the main goal of the program is to accustom the body to orderly eating and the “right” foods.

How to go off a diet correctly

Many people believe that after a week-long diet you can eat whatever you want to your heart's content. This is fraught with health problems and further weight gain.

To maintain good health and the results obtained, they exit the diet gradually. At this time, restrictions also apply:

  • It is not recommended to consume sugar, baked goods, muffins and various desserts.
  • Avoid salty foods and smoked, fatty, fried foods.

In the first month after the diet, follow these recommendations:

  • the volume of food at one time should not exceed 200 g;
  • for breakfast - cereals;
  • Berries, fruits, raw vegetables and dairy products are welcome as snacks between main meals;
  • for dinner, lean meat or fish with a side dish of vegetables, or a light salad is recommended;
  • crispbreads or bread made from wholemeal flour are allowed, but in strictly limited quantities;
  • One fasting day a week is welcome - on apples or kefir.

Advantages and disadvantages

The stewed cabbage diet has both positive and negative sides.


  • the rich vitamin composition of cabbage, which is practically not destroyed by heat treatment;
  • satiety of the dish with its low calorie content;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • cleansing the body;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • restoration of mucous membranes and skin;
  • ease and well-being.

However, this culture is not suitable for everyone as a main dish in their diet. For many it causes the opposite effect:

  • makes digestion difficult;
  • promotes increased gas formation;
  • causes constipation;
  • causes stomach pain.

Stewed cabbage calories. Dietary properties:

What calorie content does stewed cabbage have, what dietary properties does it have? All this is of great interest to those who lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor their health and figure. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.


The composition of cabbage is characterized by a high content of water (up to 90%) and fiber. Cabbage has excellent taste and many beneficial (dietary) properties. In terms of protein content, cabbage is superior to beets, turnips, rutabaga, carrots and many other vegetables.

Cabbage protein is a source of essential amino acids that are necessary for the functioning of the kidneys, thyroid gland, and hematopoietic processes.

Cabbage is the main supplier of rare vitamins: vitamin U and vitamin K.

Vitamin U promotes the healing of stomach and duodenal ulcers. It is also a good source of vitamin C. Moreover, it remains in cabbage throughout the entire storage period. In smaller quantities, cabbage contains other vitamins: provitamin A (carotene), vitamins B1, B2, B3, provitamin D, vitamins P, PP, H.

It is very rich in fiber and contains virtually no starch or sucrose. Thanks to this, cabbage is very useful for diabetics and is recommended for people with increased body weight. Fiber normalizes intestinal microflora and removes excess cholesterol from the body. Cabbage contains the lactic acid we need. It contains the minerals our body needs: calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and other trace elements.

Reviews of those losing weight

A diet based on stewed cabbage has long proven its effectiveness. Many women have already gotten into shape with her help.

Antonina, 44: “I tried many different diets - I sat on rice, buckwheat, tried to lose weight according to Dukan. As a result, now I can’t stand these products, and because of Dukan I had a protein attack. This time I lost weight on stewed cabbage. I love her, and I don't get tired of her. In addition, it is healthy and has low calorie content. My result on this diet is 17 kg in 1.5 months! The volume went away instantly, my skin and hair became better, and I looked 20 years younger.”

Olga, 31: “During pregnancy I gained 20 kg. I thought that after giving birth I would lose them once or twice, but I couldn’t remove even a couple of kilos. I tried a protein diet, but it didn’t suit me. Then the choice fell on cabbage. Within a week I felt better, I had strength, and my intestinal function improved. Well, I was pleased with the plumb lines - 1.5 kg in 2 weeks. This is just a miracle!"

Inessa, 37: “I love cabbage in all forms! And this time she also helped me lose weight. In 3 days I lost 2 kg, and at the same time I did not starve, and did not feel bad.”

This is interesting:

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Is it possible to lose weight by eating stewed cabbage and chicken? Why is cabbage beneficial for losing weight?

Cabbage, grown in your own garden and therefore devoid of nitrates, is rich in the most beneficial microelements for the human body. Potassium and calcium, manganese, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, phosphorus - all these elements are contained in the green and juicy leaves of the vegetable. If you consume this vegetable on weight loss days, your body will not lack essential microelements, which are often lost with other dietary options.

Dietary cabbage is also rich in fiber, due to which the intestines are quickly cleansed of toxins and its peristalsis improves. Thanks to the special fiber structure of the vegetable, satiety occurs quickly when eating cabbage itself and dishes made from it, and hunger is not felt for a long time. In the process of losing weight, it is important to take into account calories - in one hundred grams of white cabbage there are on average 27 of them. Thus, when losing weight on cabbage, several advantages can be identified:

  • The body is not deprived of the microelements it most needs for normal functioning.
  • The digestive organs are cleansed.
  • Exchange processes are normalized.
  • A feeling of satiety appears when eating even a small amount of a vegetable.

Cabbage also has another important property - during any heat treatment, most of the nutrients in the vegetable are completely preserved. Dietary stewed cabbage, used as the basis of nutrition for weight loss, will lead to the disappearance of 3-4 kilograms. An additional bonus will be feeling great, eliminating problems with bowel movements and improving the appearance of the skin.

The recipe for stewed cabbage, suitable for weight loss, is quite simple, and adding other vegetables to cabbage makes the dish amazingly tasty and extremely healthy. During your weekly cabbage weight loss, you won’t have to eat only this type of food, so this period will fly by.

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