Be on trend: what type of yoga to choose to lose weight?

Most people don't associate yoga with weight loss. But if you find yourself in an advanced yoga studio class, you will notice that there is a crowd of slim and healthy people around you. This is because yoga, when done regularly and correctly, is an incredibly powerful tool for weight loss. Yoga for weight loss for beginners at home with pictures will allow you to quickly achieve your cherished goal.

By doing these 10 asanas daily, you will notice how your muscles will burn, filled with energy. This is because when you do yoga, you keep your body in balance, which means that you engage your muscles in the same way as if you were straining them when lifting weights. By activating your muscles, you speed up your heart rate, burning calories and fat.

Yoga for weight loss for beginners at home with pictures

We've rounded up some of our favorite asanas that beginners can do at home. The pictures will help you get an idea of ​​how to do them correctly.

These poses work large muscle groups, which burn calories effectively. Some of them may be difficult for you at first. This is because some of your muscles are not trained. By doing yoga regularly, you can not only lose weight, but also strengthen weak muscles.

What you'll need: A yoga mat.

How to do it: Hold each pose for 30 seconds or until comfortable. After completing all 10 asanas, repeat 2-3 more times.

What problem areas of the body are affected by asanas?

During yogic exercises, the muscles of the entire body are involved. This allows you to work out most of the problem areas. It cannot be said that there are any asanas that are specifically used for losing weight in the arms, stomach, etc.

If you want to perform a complex for losing weight on your legs and thighs, perform the following poses daily:

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  • Utkatasana;
  • Ushtrasana;
  • Virabhadrasana II;
  • Janu Sirsasana;
  • Baddha Konasana;
  • Natarajasana;
  • Shalabhasana;
  • Malasana;
  • Ananda Balasana;
  • Upavistha Konasana;
  • Setu Bandhasana.

Do not think that asanas for legs will help you lose weight in your knees or calves; asanas have a complex effect, helping you gradually achieve harmony.

Chair Pose

This pose is similar to sitting on a chair. It really forces your quads, hamstrings and glutes. And because chair pose activates an entire muscle group, it's great for burning calories.

Execution technique

Stand up straight, inhale. As you exhale, begin a half squat, as if you were sitting on an imaginary chair. Note that your knees should be at the same level as your toes. Raise your hands in front of you, palms facing each other. For a more advanced variation, raise your arms up. Breathe slowly.

Warrior Pose I

The longer you hold War pose, the more you will challenge your hips. If you feel yourself shaking, that means your muscles are working!

Execution technique

Stand up straight, spread your legs as wide as possible, inhale. As you exhale, turn to the right, rotating your heels and torso. Bend your right leg at the knee, leaving your left leg back. Raise your head and arms in front of you. Breathe.

If you cannot maintain your balance, place your hands on your knee. If you do yoga poses for weight loss for beginners regularly, after a while you will be able to achieve an advanced pose.

Yoga Poses to Reduce Shoulder Volume and Entire Upper Back (About 4-6 min.)

If you have a need to reduce the volume of the upper half of the body, it is better to choose the following asanas:

  1. Bharadvajasana . It only requires making deep turns, so it will not be difficult for a beginner. Having taken this position, try to gradually turn to the left with each exhalation, if the emphasis is on the right leg, or vice versa. Hold the asana for 30 seconds, then repeat in the other direction. As a result, over time it will be possible to improve the natural flexibility of the body and increase the tone of the area in the shoulder blades.

2. Ardha Matsyendrasana . An asana that requires simultaneous tension of the entire shoulder girdle and spine. Breathing is free, the exercise is performed until the first signs of fatigue. Intense twists help tone the abdominal muscles and entire upper body.

Warrior Pose II

War II Pose is similar to War I Pose, except that you spread your arms out to the sides, thereby stretching different muscle groups. Try it and you'll notice a subtle but important difference.

Execution technique

Stay in War I pose and lower your arms. As you exhale, extend your right arm in front of you and move your left arm back. Extend your palms. Your arms should be parallel to the floor. Turn your head to the right. Breathe.

Warrior Pose III

If you're up for a challenge, try War Pose III. It seems easy to do, but it's not. In order to maintain balance, you will need to engage the muscles of your legs, buttocks and back. For the first time, you may feel pain in your legs.

Execution technique

As children, we called this position “swallow.” Stand up straight, inhale. As you exhale, shift your center of gravity to your right leg and stretch your left leg back. Lower your body parallel to the floor, stretch your arms out in front of you, palms facing each other. Look forward, stretch your hands. Breathe.

How much should you do yoga to lose weight?

To lose weight, try to practice yoga as often as possible. You can do more intense types of yoga that require active action 3-5 times a week, and each workout should last no less than an hour.

On days you are not actively training, practice calmer, more relaxing yoga. Hatha, yin and restorative yoga are ideal for these purposes.

If you have just started practicing yoga, then start small, gradually forming and expanding your practice. Following this rule will help you develop your strength, flexibility and endurance while avoiding damage and injury. If on some days you don’t have time to fully exercise, then practice yourself for at least twenty minutes. Don't neglect rest and take one day a week off from classes.

Yoga can also be combined with other forms of physical activity, such as walking, cycling or swimming, thereby reaping even more benefits for your cardiovascular system.

After yoga classes, you should not immediately step on the scale in the hope of seeing confirmation that you are losing weight, because during training your body loses a lot of fluid, so the numbers can deceive you. Instead, make it a habit to weigh yourself at the same time every day.

When it comes to yoga and weight loss, one of the most important factors is the style of yoga. Nick Bez, a certified yoga instructor, says that when you practice restorative or meditative types of yoga, you won't engage the muscles needed to lose weight. But be that as it may, don’t rush to run to the nearest fitness center where yoga classes are held and don’t expect to leave after the first workout a couple of kilograms lighter!

The ideal alternation of exercise and rest for those who want to lose weight contains Vinyasa (“motor-respiratory exercise system”) or practices aimed at profuse sweating (ideally, heat yoga). The sequence of smooth movements in the practice of Vinyasa yoga, combined with proper breathing techniques, ensures the development of flexibility, endurance and improves muscle function, as well as the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. As a result of training, you not only get excellent physical shape, but also find peace of mind. Exercising in hot rooms enhances the effect.

Be consistent!

As with everything in life, consistency is important in yoga - it is the key to change and amazing results. It is foolish to hope that after one lesson you will lose a few kilograms, but be patient and consistent, attend training three times a week and the result will not be long in coming. As in any sport, in yoga it doesn’t matter how many times you do the exercise - the main thing is to repeat it completely correctly! Well, those who want to lose weight with the help of yoga are recommended to make it, if not a style, then at least an integral part of life. Exercise every day before and after work, do the exercises at home - you will certainly be pleased with the results.

Focus on poses that strengthen muscles

There are many different types of poses in yoga. Having been practicing yoga for a long time, you can go from general strengthening and relaxing poses to complex acrobatic ones. Those who want to lose weight should pay attention primarily to poses that strengthen muscles. Start with Plank and Side Plank poses. The “Warrior”, “Triangle”, “Obtuse Angle” and “Crescent” poses, which are performed while standing, will also be useful.

Choose active practices that will improve your heart function

The choice is wide: from Iyengar to Bikram, from Swarup to Vinyasa. Choose a practice that gets your heart rate up. Although Vinyasa is the most popular of the above, try at least three to determine the most suitable training system for you.

Protect yourself from injury

Nothing will knock you out of your weight loss workout schedule like an injury. A bad knee slows you down, impairs your performance, and causes frustration. When practicing yoga, you should learn to understand your body and pay attention to its signals. If something doesn’t work out for you or you feel inexplicable discomfort in a certain position, consult a trainer. If you feel pain in your joints or organs while doing exercises, do not do them until you get the advice and permission of a professional. When done correctly, yoga is an excellent choice for injury prevention. The key poses in this case will be aimed at developing flexibility.

Take your time

Fatigue and lack of sleep are the first enemies of weight loss. When your body is exhausted, you may eat more than necessary, choose unnecessary foods, or, more likely, injure yourself with careless movements. If you got up in the morning in a “broken” state or the day was too active, try to relax during training with the help of restorative yoga and meditation. You will definitely feel better!


One of the eight limbs of yoga is Pranayama - the art of controlling vital energy through breath control. How will this help in the fight against excess weight? Try one simple exercise. Take a deep, but not convulsive, breath. Mentally count the seconds, holding your breath until the count of three. Then exhale slowly for three seconds. Ots


The plank engages the abdominal muscle group, arms and shoulders. Your body should be in a straight line, with no sagging or raised buttocks.

Execution technique

Lie down on the mat. Place your palms at shoulder level. Straighten your arms. Support yourself on your palms and toes. Hold your body by tensing your abs, lower back, hips, and buttocks. Inhale and exhale slowly. To keep your body straight, imagine that an invisible rod runs through your entire body.

A set of yoga exercises for losing belly fat

We asked Artem Chernyshov to compose and show us a set of yoga exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides. It includes asanas that strengthen the muscles of the front surface of the body, and compensating positions.

How to build a lesson

  • Before practice, perform a short joint warm-up according to this scheme .
  • Perform the asanas sequentially, the number of repetitions is indicated in the description of each exercise.
  • Do this program 4 times a week.

To complete the complex you only need a mat.

Yoga exercises for losing belly fat (video)

Boat pose

Sit on the mat with your legs straight, reach up with the top of your head, bend your knees, and grab them with your hands. Push your chest forward, pull your shoulders back, and lean your body back slightly. Activate your abdominal muscles. Stretch your arms forward parallel to the floor, catch your balance. Then straighten your legs. After this, proceed to dynamic practice: as you exhale, pull your knees to your stomach (the body goes slightly forward), while inhaling, stretch your legs, lower your body a little back and down. This will amount to one repetition, perform 12 such repetitions. Then perform a static hold: at the top point (“folded fold”), straighten your legs, stretching your feet up, and fixate for 10 breaths and exhalations. In this position, do not slouch, bring your shoulder blades together, work with your abs. Then smoothly exit the asana.

Half Bridge Pose

Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your feet as close to your buttocks as possible, hip-width apart. Stretch your arms along your body. In this position, gently lift your pelvis, push it up, opening your chest and stretching your abdominal muscles, without squeezing your lower back. Then interlock your fingers, placing them under the center of your back on the floor. Actively work the muscles of your back and buttocks, stay in this position for 10 deep breaths. Then lower your back to the floor.

Pavana muktasana

Lying on the floor, bend your knees, pull them to your chest, and clasp your shins with your hands. Sway smoothly from side to side, as if “rolling” your lower back along the floor. Stay in this position for 10 deep breaths.

Half Boat Pose

Sit on the mat with your legs straight, reach up with the top of your head, and bend your knees. Round your back, point your shoulders slightly forward, lean your body back, activating your abdominal muscles. Smoothly lift your legs, stretching them forward, stretch your arms forward. Keep your big toes at eye level. Stay in this position for 10 inhalations and exhalations, actively working your abdominal muscles. Then lie down on your back.

Bridge Pose

Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your feet as close to your buttocks as possible, hip-width apart. Stretch your arms along your body. In this position, gently lift your pelvis, push it up, opening your chest and stretching your abdominal muscles, without squeezing your lower back. Move your hands to your shoulders, placing your palms on the floor and pointing your fingers towards the pelvis. Open your chest and distribute your weight evenly between your palms and feet, then lift your pelvis and torso off the floor. Stretch the front of your body, forming a smooth arc between your arms and hips. Take 8 calm inhalations and exhalations, then carefully exit the asana: press your chin to your collarbones, smoothly lower your shoulders, shoulder blades, mid-back, lower back and pelvis to the floor.

Pavana muktasana

Lying on the floor, bend your knees, pull them to your chest, and clasp your shins with your hands. Sway smoothly from side to side, as if “rolling” your lower back along the floor. Stay in this position for 10 deep breaths.

Sage Vasishta Pose

Get into a side plank position, leaning on your right arm and the sides of your feet. Stretch your left arm up. Work dynamically: as you inhale, lower your pelvis a little lower (but don’t touch the floor), and lower your left arm down too. As you exhale, lift your pelvis up, describe a semicircle with your left hand, moving it up and to the right. This is one repetition. Perform 10 such repetitions. Then fixate at the top point, tense your buttocks, “pull up” your knees, and stretch the top of your head up and to the right. Stay in this position for 10 breaths. Repeat the same thing on the other side.

Boat pose

Sit on the mat with your legs straight, reach up with the top of your head, bend your knees, and grab them with your hands. Push your chest forward, pull your shoulders back, and lean your body back slightly. Activate your abdominal muscles. Stretch your arms forward parallel to the floor, catch your balance. Then straighten your legs, stretching your feet up, and hold for 10 breaths. In this position, do not slouch, bring your shoulder blades together, work with your abs. Then smoothly exit the asana.

Pavana muktasana

Lie on your back, press your thighs toward your stomach, bending your knees and clasping them with your arms. Relax your stomach, lower back, and hips in this position. Breathe deeply, stay here for 8 inhalations and exhalations.

Crunch with straight legs

Lie on your back, stretch your arms to the sides, lift your legs up, bending them at the hip joints. Point your heels towards the ceiling. From this position, smoothly lower your feet to the left, turn your head to the right. Press your shoulder blades to the floor, actively work your abdominal muscles. Then repeat the same thing in the other direction. This is one repetition, do 15 of these repetitions.

Pavana muktasana

Lying on the floor, bend your knees, pull them to your chest, and clasp your shins with your hands. Sway smoothly from side to side, as if “rolling” your lower back along the floor. Stay in this position for 10 deep breaths.

Tilt to straight legs

Sit on the floor with your legs straight, your heels stretching away from you, and your toes pointing towards you. Stretch your arms up and lean your body forward, stretching the muscles of your back, buttocks and legs, grab your feet with your palms. Smoothly stretch your body up and forward, pointing your shoulders down. Stay in this position for 10 breaths. Smoothly exit the asana.

Practice this scheme 2-3 times a week, gradually increasing the time you hold the asanas, and within a month you will notice the first results. Want to reach your goal faster? Add the techniques described in this article .

Boat Pose

Boat Pose requires strong abdominal muscles. So focus on keeping your legs and back straight to avoid straining.

Execution technique

Sit on the mat. Stretch your legs in front of you. As you exhale, raise your legs. To maintain balance, extend your arms in front of you. Look ahead. Oh, and it’s difficult... But you will succeed.

Downward Facing Dog Pose

This pose is one of the most popular among yoga practitioners. Downward-facing dog pose stretches the muscles in your legs and spine. In order to perform it, various muscles throughout the body are activated, which increase the frequency of the heart muscle and actively burn calories.

Execution technique

Stand up straight, raise your arms up and bend forward as you exhale. Lean on your palms, put your legs back. Shift your body weight to your hands to straighten your knees. The buttocks should point upward. In the advanced version, your feet should be on the floor; if this is difficult for you, stand on your tiptoes.

Breathe freely and easily. Pull your stomach as close as possible to the vertebrae, this will allow you to get a thin waist and get rid of your belly.

For thighs and buttocks (approximately 6-8 min.)

To reduce the volume of the hips and buttocks, the following poses are best suited:

  1. Baddhakonasana . This asana is effective only for the thighs. It is called the butterfly pose due to the fact that the position of the legs in this case allows them to imitate the flapping of the wings of this insect. Before exiting it, as you exhale, bend forward as much as possible, pressing your chin to the floor, and as you inhale, rise up.

2. Malasana . Most suitable for people with sedentary work. Having taken a pose, you need to remain motionless for 10 breathing cycles, then sit on the mat, relaxing your legs. The asana helps stretch the hips and groin muscles, toning and improving the flexibility of the hip area.

3. Anjaneyasana . Take a pose while inhaling, then with each subsequent exhalation, gradually lower the pelvis lower and lower, after which remain in the occupied position for 5-6 minutes. During the execution, breathing should remain calm. This asana allows you to stretch the muscles of the legs and thighs, thereby increasing their tone and elasticity, as well as strengthening the hamstrings.

4. Ardhabhekasana. This is one of the most difficult asanas for beginners, but it helps to significantly speed up the achievement of the desired result. In the process of performing it, you need to breathe deeply and evenly only through the chest (inhalation is equal to exhalation), 30-40 seconds are carried out separately for each leg. By stretching and strengthening your hips, quads, and hamstrings, you can tone your leg muscles and stimulate blood flow throughout your body.

5. Garudasana . It is a “twisting” asana that works the hips and all the muscles of the limbs. Performed separately for each leg after several calm breathing cycles. The need to balance while doing it teaches you to find balance and also helps strengthen your heart muscle.

6. Ananda Balasana . Regular yoga practice promotes rapid weight loss, but this asana is considered one of the best ways to achieve this goal, as it can help stretch the entire lower body. In this case, special attention should be paid to the position of the femur, which should be perpendicular to the floor. Having taken this position, you should try to lower your knees to the floor with each subsequent exhalation, while at the same time creating resistance with your hands. Stay in this position for a minute. When performed correctly, it strengthens the inner thighs, groin muscles and hamstrings.

7. Rajakapotasana . The asana not only tones the thigh muscles, but also provides a strong stretch for the legs and spine. During the execution, you should maintain even breathing, remaining in the pose for a comfortable time. The legs alternate.

8. Supta Baddha Konasana . Helps stretch and target the inside of both thighs. The need to balance with your feet connected and your toes pressed in at the same time can help stimulate the hip muscles. You need to breathe evenly, remaining in this position for as long as possible. The asana relaxes well, relieving all accumulated tension from the legs.

9. Upavishtakonasana . More reminiscent of a split, differing only in the need to lean forward. You need to engage it while exhaling, breathing freely. Deep stretching allows you to relieve the muscles of the torso and pelvis from accumulated tension, and also increases the tone of the hips.

Cobra pose

Cobra pose perfectly stretches the body, abdominal muscles, arms and shoulders, and engages the back and spine. It is also a great stressor for your body to lose weight.

Execution technique

Lie down on the floor. Hands at shoulder level. Leaning on your palms, slowly and slowly begin to lift your body, arching your back. Look up, pull your stomach in.

In an advanced version, you can lift your body by lifting your hips off the mat.

Losing weight with yoga

Of the dozen varieties of yoga, Ashtanga, power and Bikram are the most adapted for weight loss. Aerial yoga also gives good results.

I’ll briefly tell you what the features of each are.


  • 3 super-effective workouts for problem areas
  • 5 simple exercises that will improve your well-being
  • Are your muscles sore? Yoga is the most effective way to stretch
  • Yoga Hatha belongs to the category of static yoga, which allows you to deeply work out each muscle. I advise you to start with this complex. It is not the most effective for weight loss, but it is ideal for beginners. After this, it will be easier for you to move on to more complex lessons.
  • Ashtanga yoga - involves dynamic asanas. They have a clear sequence and change very quickly. This type of gymnastics is suitable for people in good physical shape. It is difficult to do it if you are overweight. Each pose is held for 30 seconds to 2 minutes.
  • Power yoga is a combination of aerobics and Ashtanga asanas. The training goes on non-stop. It includes stretching and various breathing exercises for weight loss. This type of exercise allows you to lose weight and build muscle. This yoga is suitable even for people with varying physical fitness.
  • Bikram yoga - includes 26 classic poses and breathing exercises. An important condition is to recreate the climatic conditions of India. The air temperature in the training room should be more than 40 degrees. And also humidity of at least 40%. During lessons, people sweat actively. With sweat, excess water and toxins leave the body.
  • Yoga in the air - exercises are performed on a special surface. Very useful for tight joints and spasmed muscles. The body stretches from the crown to the heels. In traditional yoga, some asanas are difficult to perform due to excessive tension in the back and problems with the cervical vertebrae. Aerial yoga allows you to solve this problem.

Eagle Pose

This pose targets the buttocks and leg muscles. You will also need to tighten your back and abdominal muscles to keep your body straight.

Execution technique

Stand straight with your left leg behind your right and your right hand behind your left. As you exhale, squat down. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, try to sit even lower. Keep your back straight and look forward.

To maintain your balance, find a point on the wall and look at it. Remember to breathe deeply and slowly.

Triangle pose

Our end point in yoga for weight loss at home with pictures is the triangle pose. This is a great exercise that works your entire body, including your hips, inner thighs, buttocks, and shoulders.

Execution technique

Stand up straight. Spread your legs as wide as possible, your feet parallel to each other. As you exhale, rotate your right heel 90 degrees, leaving your left heel motionless. Bend towards your right leg, try not to bend your knees. Raise your left hand above you, look up. Maintain your balance by leaning on the fingers of your right hand. Breathe.

Weight loss yoga for beginners at home with pictures is a great way to improve your fitness and lose weight. Additionally, it can help you tone your body and stretch tight muscles. Find out more about yoga poses for beginners and anti-wrinkle facial yoga.

Principles of influence

Yoga is becoming increasingly popular among all weight loss methods.
It involves a colossal effort on oneself: body, thoughts, emotions. When you take this path, you may encounter various obstacles, but confidence in the result and the right motivation will help you move in the right direction. Reference! One yoga session allows you to achieve results such as burning from 250 to 700 kcal.

Static exercises and active complexes ensure the achievement of maximum results. The positive effects of yoga are enhanced by proper breathing. This helps to saturate the tissues with oxygen, which leads to a decrease in appetite and an improvement in general condition.

Yoga affects all glands of the body, as a result of which metabolism accelerates. Also, asanas stimulate the functioning of internal organs, improving the functioning of the digestive system. As a result of the changes, cravings for unhealthy foods decrease.

Performing asanas helps to increase stress resistance and strengthen the nervous system. This allows you to reduce the impact of stress and negativity, and get rid of such a moment as “seizing the problem.”

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