Yogurt - how it is useful, which one is better to choose and how to eat it correctly

How did yogurt come about?

This fermented milk product is several thousand years old. For this reason, there are several versions of its occurrence. According to the first version, yogurt was obtained by the Scythians. These people were nomadic and during their movements they poured milk into wineskins that were hung on the backs of horses or donkeys. Due to the intense heat, the milk quickly soured, and since it was transported by animals, bacteria entered through their fur, and there was constant shaking during movement. This is how they got a kind of yogurt that did not spoil for a long time and had beneficial properties. They also dried it, so it turned out something like cottage cheese.

The next version takes us to the ancient Thracians. These people were engaged in breeding sheep. So one day they noticed that sour milk could last longer. After that, after trying to add sour milk to fresh milk, they got their first yogurt.

But this fermented milk product gained great popularity after it cured one of the kings of France. After such an event, the king ordered to start a flock of sheep in order to always have fresh milk for making yogurt.

Don't forget about I.I. Mechnikov, who studied dairy products. He also conducted research on long-livers. Thus, he was able to identify the benefits of the bacteria present in yogurt. Also, with his help, in our country they began to make serum according to the Bulgarian recipe, and it could only be bought at the pharmacy. And when the founder was able to buy the recipe for producing lactobacilli, they could buy yogurt in the store.

Tips for choosing thermostatic yogurt

In order not to make a mistake when choosing high-quality and fresh thermostatic yogurt in the store, just follow simple recommendations:

  • The composition of natural yogurt without fruit filler should ideally include milk and sourdough. There can be no talk about the presence of preservatives, starch and fat of non-dairy origin - otherwise, this is a counterfeit product.
  • The label must contain information about the presence of live lactic acid microorganisms (“CFU” - colony forming units).
  • The appearance and integrity of the container are no less important when choosing fermented milk products. Carefully inspect the jar for dents and cracks; the surface should be dry and clean. The foil should fit as tightly as possible to the neck - this provides certain guarantees of safety from a microbiological point of view.
  • To check the tightness, there is a life hack: gently press the side wall of the plastic cup - the foil should rise from the inflation and not allow air to pass through.
  • After opening, carefully examine the texture of the yogurt. Transparent packaging will allow you to do this without compromising the integrity of the packaging right in the store. The product must have a characteristic white or light cream color. The surface of high-quality yogurt is smooth, without cracks. A small amount of foam on the surface is allowed. A slight separation is not a sign of spoilage: just stir the mass and it will become homogeneous. If, after mixing, it intensifies on the contrary, this is a clear sign of a violation of the manufacturing technology.

What are the benefits of yogurt

As we all know, this dairy product contains a large number of beneficial bacteria, which has a beneficial effect on the body. Now let's take a closer look at how this manifests itself.

Firstly, thanks to the presence of those very nutritious bacteria, yogurt is well absorbed by our body. Also, due to the presence of bacteria, B vitamins and vitamin A appear in yogurt. The former have a positive effect on the nervous system, improve brain activity, and vitamin A improves immunity, improves vision and the quality of the skin. Therefore, by consuming this dairy product regularly, you will always have a good mood, a beautiful appearance and will get sick less.

Do you have problems with bowel movements? Then, here too, such a fermented milk product will prove to be an indispensable assistant. With its help, normal microflora is formed in the intestines, unnecessary acidity is eliminated and digestion returns to normal. It also helps fight various stomach diseases, such as gastritis. And even people who are intolerant to milk protein can use it, since this element breaks down and is well absorbed.

It is also worth noting that our body, and in particular the intestines, accumulates toxic substances. This occurs due to the presence of putrefactive microorganisms. By constantly consuming yogurt, the vital activity of such microorganisms in the human intestine stops or is minimized. What helps to cleanse oneself from toxins and poisons will prolong one’s life and improve one’s health.

Briefly about the research results

  • All drinking yogurts studied are rich in beneficial lactic acid organisms; In addition, most products contain lactobacilli and lactococci, and beneficial bifidobacteria were identified in five yoghurts (Miracle, Farmer Recommends, Sloboda, BioBalance).
  • There is no “palm tree” or stabilizers. Palm oil and other vegetable fats, as well as dairy component stabilizers (carrageenan), were not detected in any of the samples.
  • No antibiotics, even in trace amounts.
  • The starch content, even if stated on the label, is extremely low, below 0.5%.
  • There are almost no preservatives or dyes anywhere. Manufacturers who used these additives reported this on their labels.
  • The mass fraction of trans-fatty acid isomers in yoghurts is extremely low, from 0.01 to 0.08%. According to regulations, a level of up to 2% is considered safe.

Claims against a product such as drinking yogurt are mainly related to excess yeast content - detected in 5 out of 20 cases and indicating a violation of the temperature regime.

General Director of the National Union of Milk Producers (Soyuzmoloko) Artem Belov recommends that customers give preference to organized retail and not purchase yogurt where it is kept warm:

– We see from the results of the study that currently there is a systemic problem with violation of storage conditions for fermented milk products from unloading to shelf. Yogurt, like other fermented milk products, is a product for which strict adherence to storage conditions throughout the entire chain is extremely important - from shipment from the factory to the buyer’s table.

Is yeast dangerous?

Excess yeast affects the organoleptic properties: the taste and smell deteriorate, and gas formation occurs. As for health hazards, yeast is not dangerous for a healthy person, since there are few pathogenic ones among them. But, of course, the risk increases if you have immune problems.

Types of yogurt

Today we see a wide range of these products on the market. And each product differs not only in manufacturer and flavor, but also in consistency, composition and other qualities. Let's take a closer look at each of the options to understand the distinctive qualities and advantages of a certain type.

  • Drinking yogurt is the most popular option among all. How else? After all, it comes in a convenient package, making it convenient to take with you on the road. It has a low calorie content, but is an excellent option for a snack or light dinner. This option can be either with fruit additives or simply vanilla.
  • Children's yogurt differs from regular yogurt not only in packaging, but also in composition. Such products usually do not contain sugar, and fructose is used to replace it.
  • Turkish yogurt is distinguished by its high protein and fat content, as well as its thick consistency. It has a pleasant creamy taste, thanks to which it can be used as salad dressings and consumed as an independent product.
  • Greek yogurt also contains a large amount of protein and a minimum of carbohydrates. It will be an excellent assistant in losing weight. And thanks to its thick consistency, it is used as a salad dressing or base for sauces.
  • The vegetarian option is based on plant milk, not cow's milk. It is usually made from coconut or almond milk. This contributes to its interesting flavor and texture.

In addition, this product can be classified according to the degree of fat content. This indicator will depend on the type of milk that was used as the basis for preparation. The shelf life of such products depends on pasteurization. If a product has been subjected to this process, it will have a long shelf life, but this can strip it of all the beneficial bacteria that our bodies need.

Fortified yogurt can also be placed in a separate category. Unlike the usual one, it contains additives that were not originally in it. These additives can include vitamins, active substances, and beneficial microorganisms. Such additives are necessary if the product has lost them during the preparation process or contains them in small quantities.

Where do yogurts come from to Russia?

The main importers of dairy dessert in the Russian Federation are:

  • Finland (36.8% of all supplies);
  • France (19.8%);
  • Estonia (13%).

At the same time, “live” yoghurts of the Clean Label series are produced in Suomi. For Finns who carefully monitor their health, the natural composition is very important. They want to see products on their tables without preservatives and food additives, even if they have to pay a little more for them.

If you want to eat healthy yoghurts, choose products made from natural ingredients: real milk, fruit and berry squeezes, with a small amount of sugar. Better yet, make your own dessert.

Criterias of choice

First of all, you should pay attention to the name of the product. If it contains the word “yogurt”, then you will not find beneficial bacteria here; they were lost as a result of heat treatment. Such a product will not cause harm to the body, but one should not expect any benefit from it.

Now you should carefully examine the packaging. All packaging must indicate the percentage of fat content. Also pay attention to the expiration date. The shorter its shelf life is determined, the better. But this period should not exceed 30 days. If it turns out to be larger, then it will already contain a large number of unnecessary additives that will negatively affect beneficial bacteria. Do not lose sight of the storage conditions indicated by the manufacturer. The natural product should be kept at a temperature range from +2 to +4 degrees. If the conditions are different, then it is no longer yogurt, but a fermented product.

Now let's discuss the composition. Since dairy products are a source of calcium, such products should contain large amounts of it. It would be ideal if its percentage varies between 15-35%. As for sugar, it is better to choose options that contain it in minimal quantities. Such products should not be rich in carbohydrates. If you choose between fruit additives and regular yogurt, then it is better to give preference to the second option. And if you wish, you can add fresh berries or pieces of fruit at home, so the product will be more beneficial for the body.

Yogurt starter and bifidobacteria

In order to make yogurt, you need a starter. You can use its dry versions. It is best to purchase them at a regular pharmacy.

Yoghurt lactic acid culture is beneficial for our body; it contains a large number of lacto- and bifidobacteria. Today there are the following types of powders on sale:

  1. "Evitalia". It contains about 4 billion different bacteria, vitamins A, C, E, group B, microelements and antioxidants. This culture normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, treats dysbiosis, and, among other things, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. "Narine." This culture contains bacteria that help get rid of dysbiosis and strengthen the immune system.
  3. "Bifidumbacterin". Juice, which consists of a large number of bifidobacteria. Thanks to it, the intestinal microflora is restored, in addition, it has a positive effect on our body as a whole.
  4. Vivo. It consists of three types of lactobacilli, acid streptococci, as well as Bulgarian and acidophilus bacilli. Thanks to this culture, disorders in the digestive system are eliminated, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract go away, toxins are removed from the body, and metabolic processes are accelerated. Yogurt prepared with this starter perfectly eliminates the feeling of hunger.
  5. Lactina. This culture includes Bulgarian bacillus and yogurt lactobacilli. The finished product with this culture has a mild milky taste.

It is quite possible to purchase such live starters in the store. The shelf life should not exceed 20 days; dry starters are stored for 1.5 years, but this is only if they are stored in the freezer. If you store them in the refrigerator, then no more than a week. Thanks to live fermentation, the drink has a liquid consistency and a slightly sour taste.

The healthiest yogurt

Activia natural 3.5%

This product is available in a 150 ml plastic cup. It has a thick consistency, thanks to which it can be used as salad sauces, added to baked goods and consumed as an independent product. The composition includes dry skim and normalized milk, as well as bifidobacteria. Due to the lack of sugar, it is perfect for those on a diet. And additional sweetness can be created by adding fresh fruits or berries. The bacteria included in the product have clinically proven benefits for the digestive system.

One jar of Activia Natural 3.5% contains 75 kcal. The shelf life of the product should not exceed one month.

The average cost is 45 rubles.

Activia natural 3.5%


  • Has a delicate texture;
  • Does not contain fruit additives or sugar;
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Can be used in baking.


  • Some stores sell at an inflated price.

Drinking yogurt Activia cereals 2.2%

This fermented milk product consists of skim milk, starter culture and beneficial bacteria. And to improve the taste, the manufacturer added sugar, concentrated apple and lemon juices. Do not forget that such a drinking product is a source of fiber. This is provided by rye bran and muesli, which are included in this drinking yogurt. This feature has even more benefits for digestion.

“Activia cereals 2.2%” is available in volumes of 290 and 870 ml. 100 grams of product contains 75 kcal.

The average cost is 135 rubles.

Drinking yogurt Activia cereals 2.2%


  • The product is rich in fiber;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Available in two different sizes.


  • Contains sugar.

Teos Greek natural

This product from Belarusian has a mass fraction of fat of 2%. For its production, normalized milk is used, as well as starter culture. The starter consists of lactic streptococci and Bulgarian lactic acid. The composition contains no additional thickeners, flavors or flavoring additives. But, despite this, this product has a very thick consistency, a light creamy aroma, and a slightly sour taste. It is also worth noting that, unlike regular yoghurts, it contains twice as much milk protein.

There is also no sugar in the composition. “Teos Greek natural” is produced in a plastic cup, the weight of the product is 140 grams. And the calorie content of 100 grams of yogurt is 67 kcal.

The average cost is 40 rubles.

Teos Greek natural


  • Natural composition;
  • Thick consistency;
  • Suitable as a good snack;
  • There is no sugar in the composition.


  • Not found.

Epica natural with pineapple

This well-known product comes in a plastic cup and contains 130 grams of yogurt. This product contains skim milk, cream, pribiotics and a large number of pineapple pieces. Carob gum and corn starch are used as thickeners. It is worth noting the light but thick consistency of the product, which resembles cottage cheese. So “Epica pineapple” will be an excellent option for breakfast, light dinner or snack.

The average cost is 60 rubles.

Epica natural with pineapple


  • Lots of pineapple pieces;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Compound;
  • Thick consistency.


  • Contains sugar.

Danon natural 3.3%

appeared in our country in the early 90s and since then has become very popular among our population. The product range is quite wide. But now let's look at natural yogurt. A special feature of this product is that it contains no artificial additives. It consists only of real skim milk and sourdough. Thanks to this, it contains all the necessary beneficial bacteria that will undoubtedly benefit the functioning of our intestines. The taste of this product is slightly sour. It can easily be used for salads or as a base for sauce. It would also be a great option for a snack or breakfast. And by adding cereal or berries here, you can conduct gastronomic experiments.

"Danon natural 3.3%" is available in three versions: 110,170 and 350 grams. Any of these product options is available in plastic cups. And 100 grams of the product contain 75 kcal.

The average cost is 60 rubles.

Danon natural yogurt 3.3%


  • Natural composition;
  • Available in three variants;
  • Delicate texture;
  • Suitable for salad dressings or sauce bases.


  • Not detected.

Composition and calorie content

The calorie content of a store-bought product varies, depending on the fat content of the milk and flavoring additives, but, as a rule, we are talking about 60-70 kcal per 100 ml.

The energy value of homemade milk, made from fresh and full-fat milk, will be higher – 150-200 kcal.

Natural yogurt contains:

  • vitamins A, C;
  • B vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • lactic acid.

The best fortified yogurts

Teddy bear, lactulose enriched yogurt

This enriched product is suitable for use by children from 8 months, but it is also suitable for adults. The product contains milk, a starter consisting of lactic bacteria, lactulose and sugar. Lactulose will not only improve the functioning of the digestive system, but also have a positive effect on human immunity. Thus, by constantly consuming this fermented milk product, you will strengthen your body as a whole.

It is worth noting that this product can be stored for no more than 5-7 days at temperatures from +2 to +4 degrees. Available in a plastic cup containing 150 grams of yogurt. The calorie content of the product is 88.6 kcal.

The average cost is 50 rubles.

Teddy bear, lactulose enriched yogurt


  • Short shelf life;
  • Improves intestinal function;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Pleasant taste.


  • Contains sugar;
  • Hard to find on sale.

Simply ABC, enriched with bifidobacteria

This product has a small percentage of fat content, but at the same time it has a thick consistency. It contains milk, starter culture and bifidobacteria. This product has a pleasant refreshing taste that is slightly sour. This product goes well with cereal, berries, and can also be used as a sauce for various casseroles.

“Prosto Azbuka” is produced in plastic packaging. Its weight is 150 grams. 100 grams of yogurt contains 72 kcal. The shelf life is 14 days.

The average cost is 50 rubles.

Simply ABC, enriched with bifidobacteria


  • Has a slight sourness;
  • Reduced fat content;
  • Suitable for sauces;
  • Short shelf life.


  • Not found.

Alpro Coconut, enriched with calcium and vitamins

This Belgian product is suitable for people who do not eat animal products. After all, it does not contain cow's milk, but is based on soy and coconut milk. Therefore, this soy version of dessert will be an excellent replacement for fermented milk products. It has a light texture reminiscent of cream, and the rich coconut taste will not leave anyone indifferent.

"Alpro Coconut" is available in a 500 ml plastic cup. 100 grams of product contains 55 kcal. Can be stored in the refrigerator for 46 days until the package is opened.

The average cost is 300 rubles.

Alpro Coconut yogurt, enriched with calcium and vitamins


  • Suitable for vegans and people who are lactose intolerant;
  • Low calorie content;
  • Rich coconut flavor;
  • Enriched with vitamins.


  • High price.

What is yogurt

Yogurt is one of the subtypes of fermented milk products. This fermented milk product comes with various additives such as sweeteners, juices, flavors, fruits and even preservatives. In addition, yogurt comes in thick, thin, low-calorie, creamy, low-fat, and without any additives. In addition to bacterial beneficial cultures, this product contains calcium, potassium and magnesium.

Can you eat yogurt on a diet? In general, yes, but before purchasing this fermented milk drink, it is recommended that you carefully read its composition. So that yogurt brings only benefits to your body and does not cause harm.

Yogurt diet

For a yogurt diet, it is better to use a homemade drink or a store-bought one, but without additives, with a minimum amount of fat (natural). The daily dose of bio-yogurt is 500 ml, which should be divided into 4 doses. Recommendations:

  • In addition to fermented milk, you are allowed to eat fruits rich in fiber (bananas, peaches, pears, apples), vegetables, dried fruits, boiled fish and meat.
  • Add buckwheat, oatmeal, cottage cheese, and kefir to your diet.
  • It is important not to forget about water balance (1.5-2 liters per day); in addition to still water, you can drink tea (black, green), fruit juices, preferably freshly squeezed.
  • The duration of such a weight loss system should not exceed two weeks, since during this time there is a sharp decrease in daily caloric intake and the body experiences stress.
  • In a week of a yogurt diet, you can actually lose an average of 5 kg of excess weight.

For 7 days

The great advantage of a weekly diet using bio-yogurt is its balanced, satisfying diet, delicious dishes, and a properly selected complex of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. An approximate menu for seven days could be like this:

*Review of the best according to the editors of expertology.ru. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Natural yogurt is much healthier than regular milk. However, it is not so easy to find a similar product among the assortment presented in stores. Unscrupulous manufacturers add concentrates, stabilizers and dyes to the composition. Let's find out what the healthy product consists of, and which yogurt is considered the best in quality.

When selecting rating participants, we focused primarily on the composition of fermented milk products. The choice of applicants was influenced by the compliance of the information on the packaging with the following parameters:

  1. the main component is skim or whole milk (the first is suitable for those losing weight);
  2. there should be no components with the prefix “E”;
  3. contains a minimum of glucose, lactose and fructose;
  4. presence of beneficial probiotics and protein.

When purchasing yogurt, it is important to pay attention to the integrity of the packaging. A poor-quality lid can cause the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. All that remains is to get acquainted with the healthiest yogurts.

What yogurt should you not eat when losing weight?

Most yoghurts on store shelves are a figure-destroying cocktail of carbohydrates and fats. First of all, all these yoghurts are sweet, that is, they contain a lot of sugar, which is contraindicated in diets. So decide whether you can eat yoghurt while losing weight. /p>,

If yogurt is low-fat, then starch is added to it to create an appetizing consistency, and these are again carbohydrates.

Pay close attention to the composition and thoughtfully analyze the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Some ingredients may be unfamiliar, the list of yogurt ingredients can be very long and impressive, but in fact, the shorter and simpler the composition, the healthier the product.

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