Flax seeds - 9 recipes for cleansing the body and losing weight

The desire to have ideal shapes without excess fat, the desire to lose weight, tighten up your body and look your best - these thoughts prevail in the minds of most women and many men. With an abundance of not always reliable and safe information on how to do this faster and at a lower cost, it is important to take a reasonable approach to organizing your nutrition and physical activity. The first rule is a balanced diet based on natural products. Among them there are those that not only prevent you from gaining extra pounds, but also help you get rid of them. Today’s review will tell you in detail about an assistant in achieving slender bodies - flax seeds: we will tell you how useful they are for losing weight, how to take the seed, how long to wait for their beneficial effects.

Flaxseed is a faithful helper for losing weight

You decided to fight extra pounds: you bought a subscription to a fitness gym, to a swimming pool, to dancing, made a plan for home workouts, began to pay more attention to your nutrition and diets, calculating your BJU, but the result is achieved too slowly or your weight and body volumes have frozen at a certain mark. Don’t give up; most likely, you just need an assistant to lose weight. This can be an individual trainer or nutritionist, but this is expensive and not always effective due to possible excessive requirements. We propose to go from simple to complex and from affordable to expensive, assigning flax seed to the role of an assistant for weight loss. This ingredient can be used in a wide variety of forms and recipes, and the result in terms of improving the health of your body and being more slim most often lives up to expectations.

Nutritionists say that by taking flaxseed correctly and carefully, you can not only get rid of excess body weight and volume, but also improve your health qualitatively.

Benefits of flax seeds for men

Flax seeds are beneficial for men due to their high amount of zinc. Zinc is an important mineral for men; it is involved in the process of sperm maturation and affects the degree of their motility. The fertility of a particular man depends on the amount of zinc. 100 grams of flax seeds contain 4.34 mg of zinc, which is 40% of the daily value.

In a small study of 15 men, those who took 30 grams of flax seeds per day while on a low-fat diet showed decreased levels of a prostate cancer marker, indicating a lower risk of prostate cancer.

In addition, there is a study published in 2008 in which 161 men took part. Eating flaxseeds every day appeared to stop the growth of prostate tumors, especially if the men also ate a low-fat diet.

Beneficial properties for weight loss

Let's analyze flax seed according to its composition. Flax has been used for the production of noble fabrics since ancient times, and the use of its seed for weight loss was also invented quite a long time ago. The small brown seeds of the beneficial plant began to be widely included in traditional medicine recipes in the 19th century. Their real boom in dietetics as a drug necessary for weight loss occurred at the end of the last century.

To answer the question of why it is useful to consume plant seeds for cleansing and weight loss, you need to know their chemical composition, enriched with substances such as:

  • a complete vitamin complex (retinol (vitamin A), vitamins B, E, F and P);
  • essential microelements (P, Se, K, Mg);
  • cellulose;
  • vegetable fats and hormones;
  • an arsenal of “correct” fatty acids (three Omegas at once – 3, 6, 9);
  • protein in high concentration;
  • lecithin;
  • polysaccharides.

This chemical composition that flax seed has, according to the well-known portal about healthy lifestyle, has a general beneficial effect on the human body, providing it with antioxidants, normalizing the functioning of the most important organs and systems.

In addition to weight loss, seeds stimulate:

  • brain activity;
  • increasing the level of immunity;
  • metabolic processes;
  • work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, pancreas;
  • purgation;
  • suppression of inflammation;
  • prevention of neoplasms;
  • improving the condition of skin, hair and nails;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • normalization of sugar;
  • detoxification of the body.

The general strengthening properties of the product, according to medvoice.ru, are complemented by such features that are indispensable for achieving weight loss goals, such as:

  • Providing a mild laxative effect;
  • adjusting the speed of digestion and metabolism processes;
  • removal of excess water;
  • activation of burning deep fat layers for energy production;
  • removal of waste and toxins;
  • enveloping the walls of the stomach and preventing the absorption of new fats;
  • stomach filling;
  • acceleration of fat burning when playing sports.

If we put all of the above together, we can briefly formulate a conclusion: flaxseeds are effective for weight loss, as they help to simultaneously reduce appetite and speed up the burning of fat already deposited in your body. This fact is confirmed by nutritionists.

At the same time, you can use flax seeds for weight loss in various ways. Medical practitioners and traditional medicine specialists agree on the following: in order to lose weight, flax should be brewed with boiling water to drink the infusion. An even simpler option is to take a tablespoon of seeds with enough liquid. You can add oil and flour extracted from the seeds of the plant to your usual dishes. Let's look at all the popular ways to take a healthy product for weight loss and all the precautions presented on popular portals (fitnessera.ru, attuale.ru and others).

What is the difference between white flax seeds and brown flax seeds?

There are two types of flax seeds on the market: white (or golden) and brown. White flax seeds, compared to brown ones, have an increased content of phytohormones, lignans and antioxidants, which significantly increases their benefits for women. In addition, white flax seeds have a milder taste; they are often added to various dishes and offered to children.

Brown flax seeds are often sold in ground form, which is why they lose some of their amazing properties. White flax is usually sold whole, retaining a rich set of vitamins and other elements.

On a note:

When choosing flax seeds, you should be aware of one more difference: brown flax can be purchased in regular grocery stores, while white flax seeds are found only in pharmacies or specialty stores offering natural products.

Obviously, with the general benefits of taking flaxseeds, it is white flaxseed that has the most pronounced positive effect, pleasant taste and high nutritional value, being an excellent source of nutrients for those who care about their health and prefer natural foods.

Application in cosmetology:

  • Flax seed works great in facial skin care. Thanks to its saturation with vitamins, it regenerates the skin, restores natural balance, and has a rejuvenating and tonic effect.
  • The effectiveness of hair masks with white flax has long been proven; it strengthens hair and stimulates its growth, eliminates dandruff, and can also serve as a rinse after washing, or as a fixative for curls.

Mask for the face

To eliminate the phenomenon of oily skin, as well as its nutrition, make the following paste: mix ground oatmeal and a spoonful of flax seeds, pour it all with a small amount of milk, then wait until it swells. Apply the mixture to the face and neck for up to 30 minutes, rinse. Mask effect: cleansing + nutrition

Flaxseed decoction for hair with a fixing effect

Pour a teaspoon of seeds into a glass of water, bring to a boil slowly, cook for 1 minute. Let it brew and cool for two hours, strain. Before styling, moisten your hair with infusion. You no longer need to buy expensive chemical perfumes; linen will perfectly hold your hair and make your hair healthier.

Who is contraindicated for

Despite the obvious benefits, flaxseed as a means of losing weight has a number of contraindications. To lose weight on flax seeds and not harm yourself, you need to understand in detail how to drink them for weight loss specifically for you. Recipes will be given below. But there is a list of conditions in which, even if you want to lose weight, you need to forget about taking the seeds:

  • children's age (up to 5 years);
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • allergies to product components or individual intolerance to them;
  • taking certain medications (antidepressants, antiviral medications, oral contraceptives);
  • viral diseases in the acute stage;
  • diseases of the liver, biliary tract, pancreas (hepatitis, pancreatitis, cirrhosis);
  • pathologies of the reproductive organs (prostatitis in men, polycystic ovary syndrome, fibroids, endometriosis, polyps or cysts of the ovaries and uterus in women);
  • diseases and disorders in the gastrointestinal tract (bloating, flatulence, exacerbation of cholecystitis, volvulus, diarrhea);
  • gallstones or bladder stones;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • hemophilia;
  • diabetes;
  • keratitis;
  • oncology;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

The list of contraindications is quite extensive (source - portal medvoice.ru), so before taking weight loss substances containing flax seeds, if you have signs of at least one of the listed conditions, it is better to consult a specialist. If there are no obstacles, all that remains is to choose the method of taking the weight loss product that is right for you.

Benefits of flax seeds for women

Flax seeds are beneficial for women's health due to the content of phytoestrogens - plant analogues of female hormones in the outer layer of the seeds (there are especially many of them in white flax). Regular consumption of flax seeds alleviates the negative manifestations of menopause and is an excellent prevention of breast and uterine cancer.

A 2005 study of 30 women found that consuming 40 grams of flaxseed per day could reduce the frequency or severity of hot flashes in women who were not using estrogen therapy during menopause.

Research shows that women who consume flax seeds have a lower risk of postmenopausal breast cancer.

In addition, according to a Canadian study involving more than 6 thousand women, those who eat flax seeds are 18% less likely to develop breast cancer.

Options for using seeds

Having set yourself the goal of losing weight and getting healthier, eliminating the presence of obstacles to consuming flax seeds for weight loss, all that remains is to figure out how to take them. The ways to use flax seed are varied. We will explain how to take flax seeds in their pure form for weight loss, and also tell you about taking flax seeds as part of ready-made dishes and products, the preparation of which does not lose their beneficial properties.

Here are the most popular recipes from Elena Kasatova’s personal blog, based on the recommendations of practicing doctors.

In its purest form

You need to take flaxseed for weight loss with plenty of liquid so that the seeds can swell in the stomach. It is necessary to consume flax seeds for weight loss on an empty stomach, at least 15-30 minutes before meals. The easiest way is to wash down a tablespoon of the product with a glass of clean drinking water. The course of administration is three times a day for ten days. Afterwards a ten-day break is required. Then, if desired, taking the product for weight loss can be repeated.


A decoction of flax seeds is also easy to prepare and use. The basic proportion remains the same: a tablespoon of seed and a glass of clean drinking water.

Recipe for losing weight using boiled flax seeds:

  • add seeds to a small saucepan;
  • pour boiling water at the rate of one glass per tablespoon;
  • cook over low heat, covered, stirring occasionally, for about half an hour;
  • let cool;
  • drink half a glass of decoction early in the morning.

The course of treatment is carried out for weight loss according to the scheme ten in ten. Due to the ease of preparation and the need to take it only once a day, a decoction of flax seeds is the most popular slimming recipe.


If your main enemy in the fight for a slim body is appetite, and you cannot stop yourself at every meal, it is better to take an infusion of flax seeds for weight loss. A less concentrated proportion - a glass of seeds to two or three glasses of boiling water - is mixed in a thermos, infused for at least 8 hours, consumed before each meal (three times a day) half a glass in 30 minutes. You need to take flax seeds in the form of an infusion for three months, alternating with the same period of rest.

Advice. To get a product ready for use early in the morning, pour boiling water over flax seed and leave in a thermos in the evening.


You can start your day with flaxseeds not only in natural or liquid form. Flaxseeds are no less useful for weight loss in the form of a complete dish - porridge.

You need to brew valuable raw materials in milk according to the following recipe:

  • gently boil two glasses of white cow's milk in a saucepan;
  • add two tablespoons of flax seed;
  • cook over low heat for up to seven minutes, stirring constantly;
  • add a little oatmeal to the substance;
  • cook for about five more minutes;
  • remove from heat.

This breakfast for weight loss will not only enrich you with vitamins, but also relieve hunger for a long time. You can have flax for breakfast every day throughout the diet. After losing weight, you need to replace flaxseed porridge with a regular healthy breakfast.

How to drink flax seeds correctly for weight loss: general recommendations

  • Under no circumstances should you use the product without interruption. The body needs time to both adapt and assimilate. Take equal intervals between courses. On average, the reception should take place over 8-10 days, with an interval of at least 9 days. If after several weeks there is a visible result and no hint of discomfort, the duration can be gradually increased in increments of one day per period.
  • The main principle is to drink plenty of fluids. Fiber can cause quite unpleasant consequences for the gastrointestinal tract if it is not flavored with a serious amount of liquid. This is a very solid food that takes a long time and is very difficult to digest.
  • The product must be prepared for consumption right before the meal. If you do this in advance, most of the beneficial substances and elements will die. Remember that even whole seeds can be stored for no more than six months. We do not recommend purchasing significant stocks. It's better to update them periodically.

Diet recipes

Having figured out how to properly take flax for weight loss in the form of a decoction, infusion or pure seeds, we will provide useful recipes for preparing other dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner in the form of a first, second, healthy snack and even dessert. Flax seed for weight loss is equally effective in these dishes and food combinations.

With kefir and flour

Flax seeds can be added to a cocktail, the recipe for which is extremely simple. Let’s make a reservation right away: this drink made from flax seeds needs to be taken for a whole month, but the rigidity of the diet is compensated by its results for health, beauty and a slim body. The dish includes only two elements: kefir and flaxseed flour.

Here is the dosage and regimen:

  • instead of breakfast (on an empty stomach), you need to drink a glass of kefir for the first ten days with two spoons of flaxseed flour, the second - with three spoons, the third - again with two spoons;
  • for each day of the month you will have to drink, in addition to breakfast, another liter of pure fermented milk drink;
  • During the diet, you cannot eat after seven o’clock in the evening, drink only tea without sugar.

After use for a month, a kefir cocktail containing flax seed should be excluded from the diet for 2-3 months. Remember: over the course of a month, you need to take it, consistently increasing and decreasing the dosage of flour in kefir.

Fat burning jelly

To lose weight with the help of flax, the regimen of consuming flaxseed for weight loss should be used not only to suppress appetite and fill the stomach, you can stimulate the body to burn previously accumulated fat as a result of physical activity. Special jelly is prepared according to a simple procedure and consumed immediately after an active workout (within the first 40 minutes), closing the “carbohydrate window”.

Preparing this healthy snack-activator is as easy as shelling pears: pour two tablespoons of flaxseeds or flaxseed flour per glass into any hot liquid jelly or compote prepared to your taste. Use when cooled, when the flaxseed additive is saturated with moisture and works as a thickener.

Healthy soup

Our gastrointestinal tract needs first courses for normal functioning, regardless of diet, therefore, when listing recipes with flax seeds that help you lose weight, we must not forget about an easy and healthy soup for weight loss.

It is prepared simply:

  • pour a glass of flaxseed flour with a glass of boiling water;
  • add a little salt;
  • knead a thick dough;
  • form dumplings;
  • add at the end of cooking to dietary chicken soup cooked according to your favorite recipe.

Those who have lost weight with the help of flax seeds note the benefits of such a first course. At the same time, a woman who simply drank flaxseed on an empty stomach can always improve and consolidate the result by adding a healthy ingredient to everyday dishes for proper nutrition. At the same time, your intestines will definitely thank you for not forgetting to eat soup.


In addition to flaxseed porridge or brew for breakfast, even for weight loss purposes, it is sometimes nice to eat an omelet rich in protein and energy. Its benefits will only increase if cooked chicken eggs are “seasoned” with flax seeds.

The recipe for a healthy breakfast is simple:

  • beat two chicken eggs with two tablespoons of flaxseed flour;
  • add two tablespoons of fresh milk;
  • add low-fat grated cottage cheese (no more than 250 g);
  • Add salt and pepper to taste;
  • fry on both sides over low heat, greasing the pan with olive oil.

After such a nourishing, tasty and balanced start to the day, you will have enough energy for a long time.

Cocktail with fiber

For the lazy, or more precisely, for those who, due to their work schedule and rhythm of life, cannot prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner for themselves, a cocktail that can be prepared and consumed quickly both at home and at work, and even in road. Drink all mixes containing flax seeds for weight loss. Ideas, variations and recipes that include flax oil (can be taken separately), flax flour or flax fiber:

  • Pour two tablespoons of flaxseed oil into a glass of water or your favorite juice (drink once a day);
  • take a teaspoon of pure oil and drink it with water;
  • Add two tablespoons of flaxseed meal (fiber) and a spoonful of oil to the carrot juice to absorb retinol, stir and drink in one gulp.

Whatever composition you choose, drink cocktails on an empty stomach (half an hour before meals). Those who took flaxseed for weight loss in this form note the effectiveness of the technique. Always remember the duration of the course: ten continuous days are followed by at least the same period of rest.

Advice. To make a spoonful of flour, grind a spoonful of flax seeds in a coffee grinder, blender or hand mill. This way the product will be fresher.

How to properly consume flax seeds for weight loss

You can use this representative of the plant world in different ways. Both as whole seeds and in ground powder form. It all depends on the specific recipe you use. The main thing is to approach the purchasing process thoroughly.

Purchases can be made in specialized stores, hypermarkets, markets or even pharmacies. Determine where you will be more convenient, focusing on the cost and quality of the product.

Purchased seeds should be stored exclusively in unground form. Otherwise, they will quickly oxidize and become unusable. For the same reason, we do not recommend buying ready-made powdered flax. Constant grinding on your own is a labor-intensive and slightly tedious task, but this option is the optimal one.

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