Chinese plum for cleansing the body and losing weight

Beilixian prunes is a natural product that contains a large amount of substances beneficial to the body. Using this product you can remove waste and toxins, normalize the digestion process, improve overall well-being, etc. Chinese plum is also used for weight loss. The product is not a medicine.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of a weight loss product is that it has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body. It can be taken not only by people who want to lose excess weight. The therapeutic effects of Chinese plum help in the treatment of health problems such as:

  • constipation,
  • hemorrhoids,
  • hypertension,
  • hangover,
  • hormonal imbalances,
  • sleep problems,
  • gout,
  • acne.

Plum can also be consumed by people suffering from diabetes, since the product contains a minimal amount of sugar that is safe for a sick person. In the insulin-dependent form of the disease, patients are not recommended to start taking a Chinese weight loss remedy on their own. Consultation with your attending physician is required.

Apart from a small list of contraindications and the difficulty of purchasing quality products (it is recommended to order from official distributors, which will avoid buying counterfeits), it has no drawbacks.

History of selection

This Chinese plum is truly from the Middle Kingdom. The homeland of this amazing tree is the mountainous regions of Manchuria. In China it is called three-flowered or willow plum. The Chinese have been growing different varieties of this tree for several millennia. The fruits of the “Chinese tree” were eaten by the emperors - the tree occupied an honorable place in the imperial gardens.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, the Chinese plum appeared in Japan. The Japanese appreciated the splendor of the blossoming plum and the taste of its fruits. Before ending up in Europe and Russia, the Chinese plum first came to the USA - it was brought there from Japan.

Russian breeders spent a lot of time developing varieties adapted to Russian winters. At one time, I. Michurin crossed Chinese plums with domestic plums, trying to create varieties that combined frost resistance and pleasant taste. Modern varieties thrive in regions with harsh winters.

Abundant flowering of the Chinese plum does not guarantee a large harvest - it depends on the quality of pollination.

Mechanism of weight loss

The product was not intended for weight loss, but during its use it was revealed that normalizing intestinal motility, purifying the blood, stabilizing blood pressure, reducing the load on the liver and removing toxic substances, which lead to the use of Chinese natural products, help improve the functioning of all organs and systems. Due to the complex effect, it is possible to improve metabolism, break down and remove fat deposits, and also prevent the appearance of cholesterol plaques.

Normalizing stool and metabolism, as well as removing excess fluid from the body, helps make the body slim and the skin tight and elastic.

Features of agricultural technology

Basically, the cultivation of ordinary and Chinese plums does not have significant differences, but in order to extend the fruiting period of trees, the gardener needs to know several features.

Planting seedlings: choosing a location and preparing the soil

  1. The area chosen for cultivating plums should be well lit by the sun and protected from winds.
  2. When choosing a site for planting, you should take into account that all varieties are self-fertile or partially self-fertile. For good fruiting, it is necessary to plant several varieties (at least three) on the site. It is recommended to select pollinating varieties according to flowering time. You can plant not only different specimens of plums, but also Russian plums (hybrid cherry plums), as well as common cherry plums. A distance of three meters must be left between seedlings.
  3. The soil for planting must be neutral. If the soil on the site is acidic, then the soil must be deoxidized by adding dolomite flour and wood ash.
  4. The size of the planting hole should be 70 cm in diameter and 50 cm in depth. At the bottom it is recommended to arrange drainage from expanded clay, broken brick or crushed stone.
  5. Humus or peat must be added to the hole. The fertilizers that were added to the soil when planting the seedling will last for about three years. Subsequently, the Chinese plum will need to be fertilized with humus with the addition of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Features of caring for a “Chinese woman”

  • The approximate watering rate is 10 l/m². The area to be moistened should coincide with the projection of the crown.
  • The branches of the tree are quite thin, so they can break under the weight of the fruit. Take care of the supports. These can be boards that can be placed under fruit-bearing branches.
  • Perform pruning annually. In spring, cut out all frozen and dried branches. thin out the crown when it becomes very thick. this will help increase the yield.

Nuances of wintering

  • Most varieties of Chinese plums are frost-resistant, while some can tolerate cold temperatures down to -50 °C. But it’s still better to prepare the trees for wintering so that there are no unpleasant surprises in the spring.
  • With the establishment of negative temperatures in November, wrap the plum trunk with a special covering material.
  • Shake the snow off the tree; its weight may cause the thin branches of the Chinese plum to break.
  • The root collar of the Chinese plum is susceptible to heating, so with the onset of a thaw, shovel the snow away from the trunk.
  • Chinese plums do not tolerate stagnant water. In the spring, create grooves near the tree trunk to ensure the drainage of excess moisture.


It is not recommended to use Chinese products to cleanse the body while pregnant and breastfeeding. The cleansing and weight loss product may have a negative effect on the baby because it passes into the bloodstream and breast milk.

A contraindication for use is individual intolerance to the components that make up this product.

Products are prohibited for use for certain diseases, for example:

  • inflammation of the parietal and visceral layers of the peritoneum (peritonitis),
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer,
  • gastritis with high acidity,
  • inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis),
  • prolonged diarrhea (the occurrence of which is not associated with the consumption of plums),
  • stones in the bladder and kidneys (drain helps remove them, but if the stones are large, they can cause blockage of the ducts),
  • intestinal obstruction,
  • acute colitis,
  • severe form of diabetes mellitus,
  • Crohn's disease (in the acute stage), etc.

Fermented plums should not be taken during recovery from illness or in the postoperative period.

To prevent deterioration in health and the development of other pathological processes, before purchasing this product you should undergo a medical examination and consult a specialist.

Early varieties of plums

In July and the very beginning of August, early varieties will be blessed with a harvest of delicious fruits.

The variety belongs to the home group, obtained by breeders Kursakov. Tree of medium height, compact, spherical. The leaves are large, the buds extend from the shoot. The tree begins to bear fruit 4 years after planting. Blooms annually with high winter hardiness. The variety is resistant to characteristic plum diseases. The early Zarechnaya plum is a self-sterile variety; the pollinator can be Etude, Tambov Beauty.

The variety belongs to the table variety and has good transportability. The fruits, weighing 35-60 grams, have a taste of 4.5 on a five-point scale and ripen simultaneously in mid-July.

One of the earliest and most productive varieties, which bears fruit well even in the northern part of the Moscow region. The fruits are small, only 30 g, but the branches are strewn with multi-colored balls. Cream does not lose its taste after freezing and is suitable for culinary processing. The variety begins to bear fruit the next year after planting. An adult tree will give 30 kg of delicious fruits. The tree can withstand -40 0 C, but does not tolerate thaws well. The plum variety Skoroplodnaya is self-sterile and is pollinated only by cherry plum hybrids. The plum variety Red Ball is suitable for pollination. This is due to early flowering. The height of the spherical tree is 2.5 meters, the hybrid is obtained from the American-Chinese variety Clymex, pollinated by Ussuri red.

An early variety bred on the basis of the Chinese generation. The tree is low, 2.5 m tall, the crown is spreading, pyramidal. The leaf is light green, jagged and sharply pointed. The flowers are large, 3 pieces each, white. Fruits weighing 45 g, juicy, fibrous. Taste qualities are rated 4.4 points. The fruits of the Orlovskaya Mechta plum do not crack, do not fall, and ripen in August.

Side effects

Cleansing the intestines in the first days of taking plums may manifest itself in the form of a frequent urge to defecate and discomfort in the abdomen. Some consumers report a decrease or increase in appetite. In the first days, you may experience dizziness, increased sweating and a rash on the face.

The occurrence of side effects is explained by the process of breakdown of toxins and the active removal of toxins. They peel off from the intestinal walls and may partially enter the bloodstream. When the bulk of the substances that poison the body are eliminated, the side effects will disappear and your health will improve.

Some women may experience an increase in body weight of up to 2 kg during menstrual bleeding. This process has nothing to do with eating plums. Weight gain is explained by fluid retention in the body, which occurs under the influence of hormonal changes. During your period, you are allowed to stop taking Chinese products and then resume it. After completion of menstruation, body weight will return to normal.


Most gardeners who have experience growing Chinese plum speak positively about this fruit crop. Along with the taste and aroma of the fruit, gardeners are attracted to the Chinese plum by its unique agrotechnical characteristics. But there are also comments about the shortcomings. Thus, in particular, some gardeners have noticed that the crop does not tolerate winters with thaws and may suffer from spring frosts.

If you do not want to be left without a harvest, plant one of the varieties of Chinese plum in your garden. This crop has excellent agrotechnical characteristics that allow it to be grown in the harshest conditions.


Clusterosporiasisaffects the above-ground parts of the plant - red-brown spots appearTreatment with Bordeaux mixture 3%.
Moniliosisfruit rotting and leaf dryingTreatment with Bordeaux mixture 3%. Whitewashing the trunk with copper sulfate.
codling mothlarvae eat the fruit pulpSpraying with insecticides. Immediately after flowering, and then in early July. Pheramone traps are also installed.

What results can be achieved?

In the first week, intensive weight loss is observed. With the help of plums you can lose about 2-3 kg in 7 days. All subsequent weeks, weight loss will be less effective. During the first 7 days, excess moisture is removed from the body. Due to this, rapid loss of extra pounds occurs. When swelling and all other stagnant fluid go away, the process of breaking down fat cells will begin. Burning fat takes longer than removing water from the body, so losing weight occurs more slowly.

If you take the full course, you can reduce your body weight by 5-6 kg. Exercise and proper nutrition will help improve results.

After completing the course, the weight may gradually return. To prevent weight gain, it is recommended to adjust your diet (limit the consumption of junk food or completely abandon it) and increase physical activity.

Distinctive features of Chinese plum

Prunus salicina is the Latin name for Chinese plum. This small tree with charming flowers in spring and fragrant fruits in autumn is native to Manchuria and the northern mountainous regions of China. According to the botanical classification, the plant is called willow plum or triflorous plum. Residents of the Middle Kingdom have been growing various varieties for several millennia. In the XVI-XVII centuries. it began to be cultivated in Japan, where the plum became very popular not only due to the pleasant taste of the fruit, but also its magnificent flowering.

Chinese plum is valued by gardeners not only for its yield, but also for its beautiful flowering

The Chinese plum was brought to Europe only in the 19th century, and the plant appeared thanks to businessmen from the United States, who at that time were actively developing business relations with Japan. Because of this, in European countries the Chinese plum is often called Japanese.

Another name for the fruit is juilingka. And in Europe it is called “princess” or “Snow White” because of the magnificent flowers that cover the tree in the spring.

The tree is not tall, on average its height is 2–2.5 m (some varieties are 3–4 m). A distinctive feature of the Chinese plum is that even without formative pruning, its crown has the outline of an almost regular ball. The leaf blades are somewhat larger and more elongated than the leaves of other plum species.

The fruits are slightly elongated, flattened, spherical, and can also be heart-shaped. The color of the fruit varies from bright yellow to dark red and burgundy. The skin is durable.

The fruit branches of the “Chinese woman” are strewn with tasty and aromatic plums

The pulp of the fruit is quite juicy, the taste and smell are pleasant (reminiscent of the aroma of both apricot and melon). The stone is almost impossible to separate from the pulp.

The Chinese plum is highly valued for its flowering. This period does not last long, only 3-5 days, but the spectacle is magnificent. The tree is completely in bloom, since each flower bud produces 3-4 buds.

Advantages and disadvantages - table

Cold resistance. Chinese plum tolerates frosts down to -45–55 ºС. Early flowering. Because of this feature, the buds can be damaged when exposed to frost. In this case, they fall off and the plum does not bear fruit.
Transportability. The skin of the fruit is quite dense, so they can be transported over long distances. Short lifespan. After 15–20 years, the fruiting of the Chinese plum stops.
Precociousness. 2-3 years after planting, the plum produces a harvest that increases every year. Susceptibility to the development of root rot.
The versatility of the fruit. They can be eaten fresh and are also suitable for making fillings for pies, wine, jam and compotes. Self-sterility. It is necessary to select pollinating varieties.

Description and characteristics

The Chinese plum blossoms early and bears fruit early. This advantage often turns into losses - since the tree blooms in early spring, the risks of poor pollination are high.

Botanical description:

  • Tree. Low, with a round, spreading spherical crown. The compact tree looks like a ball. Especially during flowering.
  • Leaves. Elongated, large, shiny, completely smooth.
  • Fruit. Most often round or heart-shaped, smooth, with juicy fibrous pulp. Less common are varieties with elongated fruits. The color of the fruits is yellow, scarlet, burgundy, red, as well as their combinations and shades. The skin is very strong and dense.
  • Flowers. Each flower bud has 3-4 flowers. That is why the tree is densely covered with buds.

Agrotechnical characteristics:

  • Beginning of fruiting. The first harvest appears 2-3 years after planting.
  • Productivity. From one tree you get from 10 to 40 kg of plums.
  • Fruit weight. Plums weigh on average 30-40 g. The best varieties weigh up to 70-80 g.

Fans of Chinese plums highly appreciate their taste characteristics. But for many consumers, the fruits of the humblest garden plum turn out to be tastier than Chinese plums - dense, tough, with gristly pulp. We can say that the fruits of this crop are designed for “amateurs.”

Plum care

The Chinese plum is hardy and unpretentious, but, like any fruit tree, it requires some care. It is important to prevent the root collar from heating up - this could cause the tree to die. To avoid the problem, a mound is made around the tree - 40 cm in height.

When and how to water?

All plums love moisture and Chinese varieties are no exception. Trees require regular, systematic watering. It is especially important to provide the tree with moisture during drought. The tree is given enough water so that it penetrates 40 cm deep into the soil. After watering, the tree trunk circle is loosened to a depth of 5 cm and mulched with compost, sawdust, and peat. The irrigation rate during extreme heat is 10 liters of water per square meter. Irrigation area – crown projection.


In the first year of planting, there is no need to apply fertilizer - there is enough of it in the planting hole. But next year the tree needs to be fed with nitrogen fertilizers - they are needed for the formation of new shoots.

Preparation of the mixture for spring feeding, based on 10 liters of water:

  • mullein – 2 kg;
  • urea – 25 g;
  • ammonium nitrate – 25 g.

In the summer, when the fruits ripen, the tree is fed again. Apply at the root, per 1 sq. m:

  • wood ash – 200 g;
  • phosphorus – 60 g;
  • potassium – 20 g.

Chinese plum reacts negatively to chlorine - this element should not be included in fertilizers.

The third feeding of the season is done in the fall, after harvesting the fruits, the tree is fed with potassium fertilizers - 100 g per adult tree.

Tree pruning

Chinese plum trees are pruned for the first time during planting. Once the seedling is buried, it is shortened to about 1/2 of its height. Thanks to this pruning, the tree quickly adapts to new conditions.

Typically, pruning is carried out in early spring - dry and damaged branches are cut off and a crown is formed. As soon as the last frost has passed, cut off all vertical and thickening shoots. Last year's shoots are also cut by 1/2. In regions with warm winters, pruning is allowed in the fall.

In winter, pruning is carried out at temperatures not lower than minus 15 ° C. The instrument must be disinfected, and the cut is sealed with garden varnish.

Preparing for winter

Immediately after the first autumn frosts, all fallen leaves are collected - they can be put into compost. The procedure for insulating Chinese plums:

  • As soon as the average temperature is below 0°C, the tree is wrapped in burlap - in 2-3 layers. You can use another covering material, as long as it allows air to pass through.
  • In warm and snowy winters, snow is shoveled away from the trunk so that it is exposed. This is done to prevent rotting of the root collar.
  • Snow is regularly shaken off the branches so that they do not break off under its weight.
  • In the spring, melt water is removed from the tree trunk circle; it should not be allowed to stagnate. Water is drained by digging ditches.

Preparing a tree for winter: wrapping the trunk with spruce branches

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