Tibetan herbal collection for cleansing the body - an elixir of youth and health

For many modern people, Tibet is associated with health and longevity. And this is true, since the Tibetan monks knew a lot about healing with herbs, they knew how to support their body with them, maintaining vigor, efficiency and even youth so that sometimes it seemed as if they were immortal. Unfortunately, a herbal remedy that gives immortality has not yet been invented, but there is an excellent Tibetan herbal collection for cleansing the body . This is a natural remedy for health and prolongation of youth.

The secret of the action of the Tibetan cleansing herbal mixture

Tibetan herbal collection includes about 40 different herbal components. It was developed several centuries ago and since then its effectiveness has been repeatedly proven in practice.

Since its authors are monks living in Tibet, among our compatriots it received the name Tibetan - after its place of origin.

Many components of cleansing tea grow exclusively in Tibet, which is why it is extremely difficult to get them. So, based on this miracle cure, several simpler and more affordable options for herbal medicines have been developed.

In order to appreciate the benefits of the Tibetan herb and understand what exactly its positive effect on the body is, it is worth understanding the impact of each of the components of the herbal remedy on a person. And, since there are several options for recipes, the positive effect of taking them will be slightly different.

Indications and contraindications for the Tibetan recipe

In addition to the general health-improving and youth-prolonging effect, the Tibetan collection has many local, beneficial effects. It is advisable to take it for people suffering from hypertension or heart disease. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels and makes them more elastic, and also prevents the formation of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques.

The anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic effect helps alleviate the condition of people with sore joints.

Since this herbal collection cleanses and rids the body of toxins, with its regular use there is an increase in the overall tone of the body, the person becomes more alert and full of energy.
At the same time, cleansing promotes weight loss and removal of excess fluid from the body. This is also facilitated by the improvement of the gastrointestinal tract, which is also the result of taking such tea. Tibetan tea optimizes the functioning of the nervous system, so it is useful for people experiencing stress and those whose work requires active mental work.
However, even such a useful and positive remedy in every sense has its contraindications. These include:

  • individual intolerance or allergy to individual components of the herbal collection. However, if it is known what exactly the body does not perceive, this component can be eliminated or replaced with another that has a similar effect,
  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • chronic stomach diseases, especially in the acute stage,
  • the presence of kidney and gallstones,
  • anemia and the anemia caused by it,
  • viral diseases,
  • ailments related to the lymphatic system.

The principle of operation of the collection against parasites

When the active components from the Tibetan collection enter the stomach, they first of all restore the functioning of the digestive organs, cleansing the intestines of metabolites, waste and toxins. After that, tannins and bitterness from herbs destroy adult parasites, their larvae and damage the shells of laid eggs. After this, the medicinal formula of the collection has an additional effect on the entire body:

  1. Removes parasites and their metabolic products;
  2. Normalizes blood composition and stimulates blood circulation;
  3. Develops immunity to infections, fungi, bacteria;
  4. Restores mood, general condition and energizes;
  5. Eliminates fatigue, apathy;
  6. Relieves the appearance of headaches, normalizes sleep;
  7. Restores the functioning of the nervous system, reduces nervousness and stress;
  8. Improves the functioning of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys and pancreas;
  9. Normalizes the functioning of the digestive organs and increases appetite.

As a result of the therapy, each person will feel an improvement in their condition within a couple of days. As a result, you will be able to achieve an increase in overall performance, the skin will be completely cleansed, and your hair and nails will be completely restored and will delight you with their health.

The Tibetan collection will eliminate allergic reactions and help cleanse the body of harmful substances produced by parasites during their life.

Tibetan collection of four herbs

Since the Tibetan collection contains a lot of components, and some of them are difficult to obtain, a simplified version of the herbal remedy has been popularized. It includes only 4 herbal remedies:

  1. birch buds - this substance helps get rid of chronic fatigue and helps to establish fat metabolism in the body. It is thanks to birch buds that tea has the property of reducing a person’s weight,
  2. St. John's wort - this herb has many useful qualities. Hepatoprotective deserves special attention. It cleanses the liver and helps the organ recover quickly. St. John's wort also helps in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases,
  3. immortelle - this plant got its name for a reason. This is a kind of natural antibiotic. In addition to its choleretic effect, it also relieves inflammation; only flowers are used in the collection;
  4. chamomile flowers - this herbal preparation has a bactericidal and calming effect. It alleviates inflammation, pain and poisoning.

Sometimes strawberry leaves are added to the above four components. They have a wound healing and diuretic effect.

It is worth noting that after starting to take this version of the Tibetan collection, a person may feel a deterioration in his condition: he will develop headaches and weakness. This is normal, these symptoms will disappear on the second or third day. If this does not happen, you will have to stop taking the tea.

Tibetan recipes for cleansing the body

The use of the collection is most effective with regular use. The duration of the course should be from two weeks to a month. The optimal time for use is the beginning of winter, spring, summer and autumn. It is the change of seasons that is a transitional period for the body, when, on the one hand, it experiences stress, and on the other, it is most receptive to cleansing and healing.

Decoctions for cleansing the body are prepared according to the Tibetan recipe in almost the same way. Having taken the prescribed amount of dried plants (or purchased a ready-made mixture at the pharmacy), you should brew a few tablespoons of the mixture and let it brew in a thermos for several hours or overnight. You need to drink a few tablespoons before each meal, diluting it with warm water and adding honey if desired.

Don't cook more than you can drink in a day. The decoction should always be fresh - after a day from the moment of preparation, it loses most of its beneficial properties.

Of course, for the herbs to take effect, it is not enough just to drink the tincture. Reviews from doctors about Tibetan cleansing of the body with herbs emphasize the importance of following a diet and proper nutrition in general. In particular, during the course it is strictly not recommended to:

  1. Eat fatty and floury foods
  2. Eat porridge and cereals
  3. Drink soda (even unsweetened!)
  4. Overeat

It is better to prepare yoghurt yourself from farm milk with the addition of natural starter - store-bought ones contain too many preservatives. If it is not possible to make homemade fermented milk products, it is better to completely exclude this category of products from the menu while using Tibetan herbs to cleanse the body. The basis of the diet should be built from fresh (as natural as possible!) vegetables, fruits, nuts and herbs.

How to prepare and store cleansing tea

All herbal components for tea can be prepared independently or purchased at the pharmacy. Herbs in equal proportions, for example 100 grams of each, must be thoroughly crushed (it is better to use a coffee grinder) and mixed. It is not necessary to make the herbal mixture immediately before cooking. You can mix all the herbal ingredients and store them in a dark, dry and, preferably, cool place in a glass container or in a fabric or paper bag.

The tea is brewed in the same way as a regular drink is prepared from tea leaves. You need to put 1 tablespoon of the mixture in gauze or a teapot and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over it. After this, the container is closed with a lid and infused for about 20-30 minutes. Next, the liquid is filtered. This is the daily requirement, which must be divided into two equal parts. You can add a little honey to it to improve the taste.

How to take Tibetan fee

One part - 250 ml, consume in the morning, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast, adding half or a teaspoon of honey to the infusion that has already cooled to room temperature. Cover the second part of the Tibetan infusion with a lid and place in the refrigerator until evening. Drink before bed, heating in a water bath until pleasantly warm and also adding a spoonful of honey. Honey must dissolve.

Take the Tibetan herb for no more than 12 weeks, but not less than 8. This is not a pharmacological drug, so it will take some time to feel its positive effect. As a rule, a course of taking herbs should be carried out 1-2 times a year, with a break. If a person is undergoing treatment or taking any medications, then before starting a course of Tibetan herbs, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is possible that some components of the collection are incompatible with the substances included in the herbal remedy.

During the course of treatment with Tibetan herbs, you should adhere to a diet: try not to eat highly fatty and sweet foods, do not drink carbonated drinks and sparkling water, and also temporarily exclude baked goods and alcohol. Margarine and palm oil products are also taboo. People who smoke will temporarily have to give up this harmful habit. These recommendations are not strict, but very desirable to follow for anyone who wants to get the maximum effect from Tibetan tea.

Contraindications and harm

  • individual intolerance,
  • taking medications,
  • exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers, kidney diseases,
  • cholelithiasis,
  • pregnancy,
  • lactation.

If you are undergoing treatment in the summer, then you should refrain from exposure to the sun and visiting a solarium. The presence of St. John's wort in the drink and its intake leads to rapid burning.

Tibetan herbal recipes

In addition to a simplified version of the Tibetan herbal tea, consisting of 4 or 5 components, many people try to use the original composition of the tea. It includes many components that are taken in equal proportions. A Tibetan collection of herbs for cleansing the body includes cumin and birch buds, St. John's wort stems with pine buds, as well as string, mint with sage, stinging nettle and centaury. It contains eucalyptus, plantain, valerian, coltsfoot leaves, dandelion roots and yarrow. In addition, angelica and burnet roots, oregano and calendula flowers, linden leaves and chamomile are added.

Some recipes include celandine. To increase the cleansing effect, you can add a little buckthorn root to the mixture.

A recipe consisting of 17 components is no less popular:

  • Aralia Manchurian (its effect is similar to ginseng)
  • thyme
  • St. John's wort
  • calendula, Sophora japonica root
  • valerian
  • sage
  • coltsfoot
  • elecampane tall
  • motherwort
  • series
  • oregano
  • yarrow
  • chamomile
  • Melissa
  • stinging nettle
  • plantain.

The first 10 types of herbs are taken in equal proportions, the rest can be taken a little less. All components are mixed and brewed at the rate of 1 full tablespoon of raw materials per 0.5 liters of water. The tea is infused for half an hour, after which it is filtered. The result is a ready-to-use, aromatic and healing drink.

What is contained in the medicinal herbal collection?

The formula of the Tibetan collection contains more than 20 components, which are collected by monks in the foothills of Kailash. The exact composition is not disclosed and is kept in great secrecy by the monks, and was revealed only to a narrow circle of the manufacturer. It is known that the main active components of the collection are:

  1. St. John's wort - has hemostatic, astringent, analgesic and antiseptic effects. It also has the strongest wound-healing, diuretic, choleretic and anthelmintic effect. Stimulates the processes of regeneration of tissues damaged by parasites, cleanses the skin, stimulates the functioning of internal organs and has a slight sedative effect, normalizing mood;
  2. Melissa is an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, improves the functioning of the digestive system, normalizes metabolic processes, increases appetite and immunity;
  3. Yarrow – has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates metabolism, normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, removes waste and toxins formed during the life of parasites;
  4. Thyme - increases appetite by stimulating the secretion of gastric juice, fights bloating, stops fermentation processes that occur with worms, disinfects and has an antibacterial effect. Bitters from the plant have a strong anthelmintic effect and also fight fungal microflora;
  5. Motherwort – stimulates intestinal motility of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes mood, improves general emotional state, increases activity, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  6. Roots of Japanese Sophora - has a positive effect on the immune system, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the body and prevents the formation of secondary infections;
  7. Palmate root (Orchis spotted) - contains substances that stimulate the formation of mucus, due to which it has an enveloping, anti-inflammatory and immune-strengthening effect;
  8. Elecampane high - normalizes blood circulation in the digestive organs, normalizes metabolism, increases appetite, stops the formation of ulcers and heals them. Due to the content of bitterness and tannins, it has a strong anthelmintic effect, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  9. Aralia Manchurian is a natural immunomodulator and has a strong anti-stress effect;
  10. Calendula is an antiseptic, has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, an antispasmodic effect, and also has a choleretic, sedative and restorative effect. Able to relax the muscles of the stomach, intestines and liver, leading to the formation of enzymes and increased activity of the stomach;
  11. Dry grass has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, astringent and sedative effect. Calms intestinal motility and improves the body's resistance to infections;
  12. Chamomile is an excellent sorbent and antibacterial, anti-inflammatory agent. Absorbs and removes waste and toxins, relieves inflammation from organs affected by worms, and eliminates bloating. Flatulence, diarrhea, intestinal cramps. Normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system, sleep and mood.

As part of the herbal collection, all ingredients are collected in carefully thought-out concentrations, which allows for quick and effective action. It will not be possible to independently select an identical composition, since the proportions are kept secret, and the Tibetan formula itself is patented and not disclosed.

What is contained in the medicinal Tibetan collection

Tibetan collection reviews

Since Tibetan teas have a fairly long history, there have been a lot of reviews over the entire period of their use. Before deciding to improve your health with this remedy, many people prefer to find out the opinion of those who have already tried it on themselves. It is worth noting that each person’s body is individual, so reviews cannot guarantee that a positive result will be achieved. This is only useful information regarding the treatment experience of those who have consumed Tibetan cleansing tea .

Doctors are unanimous that all variations of herbal mixtures help in getting rid of nicotine and alcohol addiction. They accelerate the removal of harmful substances from the body, and therefore contribute to a person’s speedy recovery. But Tibetan tea itself is not a panacea for an addiction, but nothing more than an auxiliary herbal preparation.

This collection also helps rid the human body of parasites. It heals and restores good health. But, since this is a complex process, a temporary deterioration in the condition is possible at the beginning of treatment.

People who have taken Tibetan herbs to cleanse the body report gradual, smooth weight loss and the return of vigor, and sometimes good mood. The greatest effect in the treatment of any disease or pathological condition is seen with an integrated approach, part of which is the intake of Tibetan tea.

We recommend that you become more familiar with the red brush plant, which is effective in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Our article is about this: “What is the healing power of the red brush herb? Traditional recipes, as well as reviews from doctors and patients.”

Cleansing the body in the traditions of Tibetan medicine

The history of Tibetan medicine goes back almost two thousand years. Its roots lie in the healing traditions of ancient China and India, and can be noted in many similar rituals. From time immemorial, Tibetan healers have placed human youth, health and longevity at the forefront. To strengthen the body, they paid attention not to the symptoms of diseases, but to their origins - and carried out complex cleansing, gently but powerfully affecting all body systems.

Common features of Eastern traditions can also be seen in the fact that Tibetan medicine uses the concept of Nyepa, three components, the imbalance of which leads to the occurrence of diseases. These three nyeps are Lung (wind), Tri (bile) and Badkan (mucus).

They easily trace a parallel with the Indian teaching about the three doshas - Vata (wind), Pitta (fire) and Kapha (mucus).

Collection of Tibetan herbs is one of the best means for cleansing the body

Advice: the parallel is not direct - the recipes of Tibetan medicine are quite unified and suitable for use by everyone. But if you want to delve deeper into the topic, arm yourself with knowledge about your dosha type and information about how certain remedies affect the balance of elements in the body.

In accordance with these categories, the body is cleansed with herbs according to Tibetan medicine. Different components of the fees allow you to influence different nyepas and return the body to its true balance and health.


Tibetan herbal collection is a multi-component herbal medicine that has a wide range of positive effects on the human body. It is relatively easy to prepare and is taken like tea. Despite its natural origin, the Tibetan collection has its contraindications. Before you start taking it and, especially, combining it with any medicine, you should definitely consult your doctor and find out if you are allergic to one of the components of the collection.

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