Monastic collection of Father George: reviews, composition, recipe

Currently, the incidence of cancer is equated to an epidemic. Every year the disease takes the lives of approximately 6 million people. Cancer is not completely curable, especially in the last stages. Unfortunately, an effective medicine that can completely cure the disease and forget about it forever has not yet been invented. But the body of a sick person can be significantly supported, improved, and prevented from developing cancer. A person's life can be extended and its quality improved. To solve this problem, you should turn to traditional medicine, namely, Orthodox herbalists who create healing herbal infusions.

One of the best professional herbalists is the rector of the Timashevsky Monastery (Krasnodar Territory), Father George. This is a person who truly knows a lot about herbs that can heal a variety of diseases, including cancer. He created a special herbal mixture for cancer, which includes 16 medicinal herbs. The healing properties of this collection are amazing; quite a large number of people successfully use it in treatment.

Traditional or folk methods

Traditional healers used to know all the plants, every blade of grass, every leaf. They collected all this and created healing potions. Motherwort was given for insomnia, chamomile was used for sore throats, and mint was a miracle cure for heartburn. Now, with the development of medicine, no one is able to completely cure oncology, diabetes or hypertension with synthetic or any other drugs. And eminent experts increasingly agree that herbs are sometimes much more effective than potions and tablets. From this perspective, the monastic collection of Father George has become the very life-saving remedy that helps with many ailments.

"Wonderful miracle and wondrous wonder"

The monastic collection of Father George passed a lot of clinical trials at the end of 2014. 1000 patients with a variety of diagnoses took part in the experiments and tests. For a month, they used this remedy in the form of a decoction according to the prescription. And the results obtained amazed not only the subjects themselves, but also the doctors. The monastic gathering of Father George received entirely enthusiastic and positive reviews. Regardless of the disease and its severity, a positive effect could be observed on all patients without exception. Some got rid of their illnesses completely (even the “formidable” diabetes receded), while others simply showed promising dynamics. Only one conclusion can be drawn: the monastic collection of Father George is as effective as the strongest chemicals. But its main difference from them is its complete safety and harmlessness.

Monastic collection of Father George: a recipe from time immemorial

The first mentions of this miracle remedy are associated with the history of Ancient Rus'. It was then, in the northern monasteries, that they began to use such a collection to get rid of various ailments. Even seriously ill people rose to their feet after using it. The recipe, unfortunately, was forgotten for many years, and was revived only at the end of the 20th century. And humanity owes this to Archimandrite George. We are talking about the abbot of the Holy Spiritual Timashevsky Monastery (Krasnodar Territory). This is the most famous herbalist of Kuban, to whom thousands of people turned for help and healing. Father George has long been collecting ancient recipes, creating them himself and successfully using them to heal those who come to him in moments of despair. But do not forget about the main thing: the monastery collection of Father George is not able to help without faith. Arikhmandrite believes that humility, repentance and confession are also necessary. Herbs that are collected in the vicinity of the monastery help only in combination with prayer.

Where did the herbal composition come from?

The herbal collection of 16 herbs was also used by the healers of Ancient Rus'. This is evidenced by numerous sources found during excavations. It was in those days that monks successfully used this collection as a healing remedy for various ailments. According to ancient medical treatises, this combination of herbs raised even the most hopeless patients to their feet.

Unfortunately, the original recipe was either lost or forgotten for many years. And only at the end of the 20th century, when alternative medicine began to return from oblivion, the composition was revived thanks to the abbot of the Holy Spiritual Monastery, Father George, whose name today’s herbal collection bears.

Many skeptics claim that Archimandrite George is not a real person, but a fictional character created to embellish the advertised product. However, researchers interested in the collection found out that such an abbot did exist and over the years of his life he healed more than one thousand people from illnesses.

The future church minister was born in Transcarpathia in 1942. The family of Yuri Yuryevich Savva (that was the man’s name in the world) were true believers, and therefore, from childhood, the concepts of spiritual values ​​and love of God were instilled in him.

It is not surprising that when Yuri grew up a little, he firmly knew which path in life he wanted to follow, and soon became a novice in one of the monasteries. There he met a schema monk who saw in the guy a divine spark and an incredible desire to be useful to God and people. It was this elder who passed on all his secret knowledge and secrets of herbal treatment to the young novice. When Yuri was a little over 20 years old, he became a monk, taking on the new name George.

Father George devoted his entire life to healing people. He was the most famous healer of the Kuban and border regions, and crowds of people lined up in huge queues to get an appointment with him. The healer tried to help everyone, and he selected recipes only individually, depending on the type of illness.

Herbs were harvested according to all the rules, taking into account the days and times when each plant gained the greatest healing power. The compositions were prepared and sold on the territory of the monastery, and everyone could choose what they needed. Father George died in 2011, and his work was continued by the monks, to whom he managed to pass on all his knowledge.

Monastic collection of Father George (16 herbs): main actions

How can this remedy help? What happens in the body after taking it?

  • Improvement of the patient's condition, regardless of what the diagnosis is.
  • Blood purification.
  • Improved metabolism.
  • Normalization of the work of all internal organs.
  • Increasing immunity, restoring strength in the postoperative period.
  • Stimulation of liver function.
  • Activation of enzyme systems.
  • Cleansing from toxins and carcinogens.
  • Strengthening blood vessels and heart.
  • Stabilization of blood pressure.
  • Disappearance of the effects of stress.
  • Reducing the harmful effects of toxic drugs after their long-term use.
  • Supplying the body with vitamins and renewing it.
  • Increased antitumor activity.

All these facts regarding such a medicine as the monastic collection of Father George are reliably confirmed by doctors’ reviews.

Therapeutic effect

It must be remembered that although the collection has a healing effect, it is not a panacea. You cannot refuse the standard method of treatment. This collection only helps in the treatment of the disease.

Medicinal properties of the collection:

  • suppresses tumor growth;
  • improves general condition and well-being;
  • saturates the body with vitamins, thereby strengthening the immune system;
  • restores energy and strength;
  • cleanses the body during chemotherapy;
  • normalizes metabolism, helps internal organs recover;
  • tidies up the nervous system;
  • cleanses the blood and improves its composition;
  • stabilizes blood pressure and strengthens the heart;
  • normalizes the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cleanses the liver and intestines.

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What diseases can you cure?

This remedy is indicated for liver problems such as cholecystitis, cirrhosis, hemangioma. Its positive effect on mastopathy, atherosclerosis, hypertension and simply unstable blood pressure has been proven. Father George's monastic collection for diabetes also helps very well. It is also worth purchasing it because coughs and colds disappear after using this drug. Female infertility, problems with the genitourinary system, prostatitis, headaches - all this can be cured by a miracle collection. Happy patients leave rave reviews after using this product for respiratory diseases. The monastic collection of Father George’s herbs for the gastrointestinal tract can also become an opportunity for healing. Intoxication, poisoning, insomnia, depression, vitamin deficiency - all these are indications for the use of this remedy. And its use in the diagnosis of oncology has already brought more than one positive result to completely desperate patients.

Composition of the monastery collection

This remedy gives such results due to the fact that the monastery collection of Father George includes 16 herbs. Their cumulative effect exceeds the benefit of each element separately. Let's figure out what kind of herbs these are?

  1. Nettle. Known for its ability to cleanse the body of toxins. It is useful for metabolism, can increase hemoglobin levels, and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Sage. It is not without reason that it is called a herbal antibiotic. The microelements contained in it can be listed for a very long time. This includes manganese, chromium, magnesium, etc. It is very useful for the gastrointestinal tract and the heart.
  3. Immortelle. Its tasks include lowering cholesterol levels, stimulating the work of hepatocytes, and having a choleretic effect.
  4. Rose hip. An excellent remedy if you want to boost immunity, saturate the body with vitamins, malic acid, flavonoids, and microelements.
  5. A series. She is able to establish hematopoietic processes, improve clotting, and slow down the growth of tumors. It is also beneficial for the functioning of the adrenal glands.
  6. Bearberry. The antioxidants and flavonoids contained in it can stop the growth of a malignant tumor. They prevent mutated cells from developing.
  7. Yarrow. It is distinguished by its anti-inflammatory effect and restorative effect.
  8. Sagebrush. This is the “partner” of immortelle, enhancing its effect. It is very useful for the stomach. Excellent pain reliever, relieves inflammation, and has an antimicrobial effect.
  9. Thyme. It is distinguished by antiseptic properties. Able to stop the growth of tumors, indispensable in the treatment of oncology.
  10. Birch buds. Help the body resist tumors. Thanks to its composition (manganese, boron, aluminum), this element is a real salvation for an exhausted body.
  11. Buckthorn. This is a faithful assistant to the thyroid gland. And all thanks to the huge amount of iodine in the composition.
  12. Linden flowers. The main element here is copper. It helps the production of pituitary hormones and significantly improves cell metabolism.
  13. Marsh dry grass. A true remedy for hypertension. Prevents the growth of tumors, helps in the construction of kidney cells.
  14. Motherwort. Famous for its beneficial effects on the central nervous system. It also lowers blood pressure, can relieve pain during renal colic, and stop the growth of tumors.
  15. Chamomile. Helps with allergies, prevents cancer from developing, and improves immunity.
  16. Dried flower (cat's paw). Prevents the growth of cancer cells and harmful microorganisms. Has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

Main components

Monastic herbal mixture includes the following ingredients:

  1. Chamomile. An excellent preventative against cancer. Helps strengthen the immune system, fights allergies and insomnia. Additionally, chamomile is used in various cosmetic procedures. And most importantly, it has no contraindications for use.
  2. Thyme (thyme). Brew at the first sign of a cold. Thyme is actively used by many pharmaceutical companies. It is added to lollipops and cough syrups. Dried thyme is added to tea to normalize the psychological state. Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.
  3. Rose hip. Increases immunity, promotes the intake of large amounts of vitamins and microelements. Natural vitamin C. Suitable for people suffering from diabetes and digestive problems.
  4. Nettle. It cleanses the body well of toxins. Can increase hemoglobin levels. Nettle provides an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. Adding this plant to food or tea is recommended for people suffering from vitamin deficiency. It perfectly strengthens hair, adding thickness and vibrant, natural shine.
  5. Sage. Popular herbal antibiotic. Helps overcome cough due to its bactericidal properties. It has a pleasant, unobtrusive smell. Perfectly complements any tea or decoction. Sage is used to strengthen the heart and blood vessels.
  6. A series. The main remedy in the fight against cancer. Removes toxins, improves blood composition. Has an antifungal effect. The sequence is especially useful for older people.
  7. Motherwort. Natural sedative. Helps overcome insomnia. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It is a preventative against such common diseases as heart attack and stroke. Motherwort is widely used in preparations intended to treat neurosis, phobias and panic attacks. It should be used with caution and strictly in the prescribed proportions.
  8. Yarrow. Allows a person to recover in a short time after surgery. Additionally treats liver diseases, as well as tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis. It will help a person suffering from stomach disease, in particular gastritis. Yarrow cleanses the skin from rashes and redness. It is good to use for early burns.

Brewing instructions

The monastic collection of Father George, as you see, is capable of working miracles. And this is confirmed by the experience of many people. It is very important to know how to brew it correctly. Follow the instructions and you will get a tasty and healthy drink with herbs and fruits.

  1. It is best to use a small kettle for this. The main thing is to stick to the proportions. For one glass of boiling water you will need one teaspoon of the product.
  2. After brewing the mixture, do not cover it with a lid. It must infuse with free access of oxygen.
  3. You can store the resulting tea in the refrigerator, but no more than 2 days. Attention: it does not need to be heated for consumption. Better add a little boiling water.

Brewing and consumption

Father George always clearly warned his patients that the healing power of herbs is manifested only in two cases - with unshakable faith in their effectiveness, as well as with strict adherence to the instructions for brewing and administration.

Rules for preparing and drinking the drink:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the crushed plant mixture.
  2. Cover the container with the infusion tightly with a lid and wrap it in a warm towel. Let stand for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Take the finished medicinal drink 3-4 times a day (100-150 ml at a time).
  4. Store the infusion in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours.
  5. The course lasts from 1 to 3 months, then you need to take a break for 2 months, after which you repeat the course.

How to take the product

Reviews recommend taking the monastic collection of Father George (16 herbs) according to a special scheme. After all, any remedy, even a folk remedy, can cause side effects if the dosage is incorrect. Experts recommend taking the decoction up to 4 times a day, a maximum of a tablespoon. The course of treatment, regardless of the diagnosis, should be at least a month. It is allowed to take it for three months in particularly difficult cases. It is best to drink the decoction about an hour before meals. You can add lemon or a spoonful of honey to the finished drink to improve the taste. If you use this remedy as a course, it is not advisable to use other herbal infusions simultaneously with it. In general, the dosage may be different; for each ailment, you need to consult with doctors separately.

How to store the monastery collection

It is not enough to brew and take the product correctly. The monastic collection of Father George must also be stored in accordance with special requirements. The composition should not be exposed to sunlight. Choose a cool, dark place to collect. Storage temperature is allowed within 15 to 20 degrees. After opening the pack, you should pour its contents into a tightly closed container (glass jar, cardboard box, ceramic dish). Keeping the product in polyethylene is strictly prohibited. The monastery collection of Father George also has its own shelf life - 2.5 months after opening.

Independent preparation and reception

The collection recipe is not kept secret, and it is quite possible to prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to take herbs grown only in ecologically clean regions. It is also extremely important to adhere to the following proportions:

  • sage - 35 g;
  • young stinging nettle - 25 g;
  • rose hips, bearberry, string and immortelle - 20 g of each plant;
  • bitter wormwood - 15 g;
  • pharmaceutical chamomile, birch buds, buckthorn bark, yarrow, thyme, linden flowers, dried flowers, cudweed and motherwort - 10 g of each herb.

The herbs for collection are thoroughly crushed, mixed and stored only in a dark place. The container must be glass, otherwise the herbs will lose all their medicinal properties. The shelf life of such a composition should not exceed 2.5-3 months.

Help with cancer

This terrible disease - cancer - can lie in wait for anyone. The mechanisms of its occurrence have not been fully studied. Therefore, desperate people are looking for a miracle remedy by any means that would save the life of them or their loved ones. The monastic collection of Father George for cancer is actively used, and has managed to prove itself well in this regard. But he is not the only one who can save. Father George himself says that in the presence of such terrible illnesses, it is necessary first of all to prepare a general confession. That is, a person must confess to a priest, and also partake of the Body and Blood of Christ. It is very important to continue to see a specialist during treatment with this remedy. The number of courses is not limited - the collection must be taken until recovery occurs. Do not forget to undergo follow-up examinations (ultrasound, x-ray) to find out the condition of the tumor. Father George also recommends adding holy water (optimally Epiphany water) to the finished product when brewing.


Of course, most sites claim that this product has no contraindications. But do not forget that it contains a large number of herbs that have a very strong effect on the body. Therefore, before taking it, you should consult your doctor, or at least remember whether you tolerate this or that component well. Pregnancy and breastfeeding... Well, here, too, it’s better to ask the doctors. I’ll go find out about this when I’m ready to become a mother too.

I will say unequivocally: the herbs of this collection will not harm anyone. The gentle effect on the body and pleasant treatment (drinking tea is more pleasant than swallowing pills) will most likely appeal to you. The main thing is to order only on a trusted site. Have an easy season!

Where to buy an amazing product

When a drug appears that can literally save lives, the thirst for profit creeps out from the most rotten and dark corners of the human soul. And there are a great many scammers on the Internet. In order not to waste your money and not let greedy people profit from your grief, you should purchase the monastery collection of Father George (16 herbs) only from the official distributor in Russia. There are always promotions and discounts on this product. In principle, you may be lucky and buy it for only 990 rubles per pack.

Where to buy Father George's monastery tea

The real monastic collection is not sold in pharmacies. These are just imitations of the famous healing remedy. The composition of the collection will be neatly displayed on the package insert. But it’s hard to say how true its recipe is. In the past, it was possible to purchase the canonical tea of ​​Father George only in the church shop at the Holy Spirit Monastery. With the development of communication technologies, it began to spread through the Internet.

Therefore, to answer the traditional question: is it possible to buy monastery tea in pharmacies? – the answer for now will be negative. To avoid disappointment, it is better to purchase tea from the manufacturer on the official website. Since we are talking about shipping or delivery of goods, the price will depend on the region in which you live.


After reading people's reviews online about this amazing product, you literally become imbued with faith in something bright, joyful and pure. Your heart beats with delight when you realize how many hopeless patients were helped by the monastery collection of Father George. From herpes, from diabetes, from cancer, just to improve immunity - it doesn’t matter what prompts you to take this wonderful remedy. The main thing is that, most likely, your problem will be solved. This can be said based on reviews not only from grateful survivors, but also from the opinion of doctors.


The most important thing is to believe, to imbue this faith down to the smallest cell of your body. After all, the power of nature is always on your side. Some may be skeptical and distrustful of this article. Apparently, these people have never had terrible health problems that literally take away hope. But you just have to try, it’s not difficult and won’t require any effort from you. And only then will you have the right to judge whether the monastery collection of Father George helps in healing or not.

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