All products and procedures to accelerate nail growth

How quickly do nails grow?

There are interesting patterns in nail growth:

  • At night growth occurs faster than during the day;
  • Fingernails grow twice as fast as toenails;
  • In summer, the growth rate doubles compared to winter;
  • The middle, ring and index fingers on the hand are record holders for the fastest growth of the nail plate;

The process of nail growth depends on many factors. The time of year, gender, and age matter. Scientists have found that the length increases by 0.15 mm per day, but this figure is considered to be average. An important indicator in determining speed is gender. It has been proven that women cut 4.5 meters of nails in their entire lives, while men only cut 4 meters.

How to speed up the process of nail growth

Scientists have found that the weekly “growth” of the nail plate for the average person ranges from 1 to 1.5 mm. This means that for some this process is more active, and for others it is slower. In addition, the following factors influence the “speed” of nail growth:

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  • Seasonality. It has been established that in the bright and warm seasons, nails grow faster than in the autumn-winter period.
  • Floor. This is how women’s nails grow 20% faster than men’s.
  • Age. The most active growth of nail plates occurs until the age of 25, then the process of nail renewal begins to slow down.
  • Nutrition. A rich, complete diet, filled with all the necessary microelements and vitamins, has a beneficial effect on the “growth” properties of nails.
  • Water balance. Water activates the metabolic processes of the human body, causing cells to renew themselves more intensively, including in the area of ​​the nail plates. Accordingly, sufficient drinking regime has a beneficial effect on the rate of nail growth.

Photo from the site:

In addition to factors that influence the rate of nail plate regrowth, there are also factors that not only slow down the renewal of the plates, but also reduce the already achieved “growth” due to the destruction and thinning of the nail. These include:

  • Natural abrasion of the nail plate. You will be surprised, but while performing daily household and household chores, and simply in the process of everyday life, the tips of the nails, albeit a little, wear down, according to the same principle as in animals - from mechanical friction.
  • The reduction of the nail plate, and a significant one, is caused by thinning of the nail, its injury, breaking off, delamination, etc. Naturally, such troubles lead to the fact that we ourselves are forced to cut off the damaged tip, and with it all the other nails, so to speak, “with the same brush.”
  • Lack of proper care leads to brittle nails, which again entails forced correction of all nails.


If your nails begin to peel and break, it is better to cut them as short as possible. Weakened tips not only do not look aesthetically pleasing, but also “take away” nutrients from the still growing plate, as a result of which it will also weaken in the future. Remember that the only area that can be resuscitated is the area of ​​the nail that fits tightly to the nail bed. The regrown tip is essentially already dead, and can only be supported, but not treated.

Of course, we are not able to influence the season and age, but nature has already generously gifted women with accelerated nail growth, and following the rules of a balanced diet and drinking regime, as well as proper care, will help quickly grow and preserve nails. In addition, women have many simple home-grown methods that influence the acceleration of nail growth, which everyone can handle on their own. They will be discussed below.

Reasons for slow nail growth

Fingernails are constantly exposed to damage from coatings and housework. All this can significantly slow down the regrowth of the plate. There are other factors that influence this indicator:

  • Poor nutrition. Lack of nutrients and deficiency of important vitamins primarily affects the nails. They slow down in growth, change color and structure.
  • Diseases. Kidney problems, diabetes and impaired blood supply are the main enemies of the plate. If you can’t grow beautiful nails, and their quality leaves much to be desired, this is a reason to consult a doctor;
  • Bad habits. Everyone knows about the dangers of smoking and alcohol. Remember that giving up addictions will have a positive effect on the condition of the whole body and nails are no exception;
  • Injuries. A serious injury to the nail growth zone slows down the regrowth of the plate and distorts its appearance.
  • Fungus. The spread of the fungus occurs gradually and is not always noticeable. Onychomycosis affects the appearance, structure and thickness. The plate becomes deformed and stops growing completely. Seeing a doctor will help you get rid of the fungus.

A guide to diseases and problems with nails: diagnosis, causes and remedies for 12 diseases

How to quickly grow and strengthen a broken nail?

If your manicure is ruined by one broken nail, don’t panic - everything can be quickly fixed with the help of improvised means. But it is possible to restore a nail only if it is broken no more than 1/3 of the length.

For this you will need:

  • tea bag
  • Super glue
  • any clear varnish
  • polishing file

A tea bag will help quickly seal a damaged nail.
Fixing a nail will not take you more than 10 minutes. So:

Empty the contents from the bag

Cut a thin strip from the bag that matches the size and shape of the crack on the nail

  1. Polish the damaged nail with a nail file
  2. Apply a thin layer of glue to a strip cut from a tea bag.
  3. Place the strip on the crack and press gently
  4. Apply another thin layer of glue on top
  5. Wait until completely dry
  6. Apply the third and final layer of glue
  7. Trim excess paper using nail scissors
  8. Polish the entire nail using a nail file.
  9. Treat the surface with alcohol or acetone
  10. Wash and dry your hands
  11. Apply 1-2 coats of clear polish to the damaged nail.

IMPORTANT: Do not attempt to repair a nail that breaks very close to the tuft of the finger.

A broken nail can be repaired.
If you cannot repair a nail, carefully trim it and shorten the rest of your nails.

to grow them quickly using a mixture of ground red pepper (0.5 tsp) and hand cream (0.5 tsp), which must be applied to the nails daily for 10-12 minutes.

Vitamins and microelements

With such a variety of reasons for slowing down, there are no less tricks that will allow you to grow long and healthy nails. First of all, these are minerals, vitamins and microelements that are important for the whole body.

  • Vitamin A. Affects the growth of the plate, and with sufficient quantity makes it smooth and even;
  • B vitamins. B1, B2, B6 and B12 are anti-flaking vitamins. By maintaining the integrity of the plate, its growth is also accelerated;
  • Vitamin C. Strengthens nails and also has an antibacterial effect;
  • Vitamin E. Accelerates growth, strengthens the plate, but in excess it can harm not only the length, but also the appearance of the nail;
  • Vitamin N. An excellent assistant in the fight for long and healthy nails. Recommended for brittle and fragile nails;
  • Magnesium, zinc, iron. A sufficient amount of these elements in the body will make nails healthy and also help in growing the desired length.

You can get these components in two ways - from foods and from vitamin complexes.

Vitamins for beauty and health

Long nails in just a week. How realistic?

During this period of time, nails can grow a maximum of one and a half millimeters. But if you try hard, you can improve this indicator. Here are a couple of useful tips on how to grow your nails in a week.


The health of the entire body largely depends on what we eat. If you want to grow your nails, reconsider your diet. It should contain foods containing vitamins E, A, B and minerals such as calcium and iron. Vitamin A helps strengthen the nail, vitamin B accelerates their growth, and vitamin E renews not only the surface of the nail, but the entire body. All the necessary nutrients are contained in currants, eggs, green vegetables, citrus fruits, milk, vegetable oil, apples and so on. Try to exclude coffee and alcoholic drinks from your diet.


Not everyone knows that water can strengthen nail plates. But at the same time, it can weaken them. Make sure that the exposure of the nail surface to water is not prolonged. And most importantly, be sure to wear gloves before using household chemicals. Also, do not forget to drink more, as due to lack of water, nail growth slows down significantly.


Massage your fingertips and cuticles twice a day. This process takes only 2-5 minutes, but the effect is noticeable to the naked eye.

Proper care

Regular hand care is extremely important. Buy a high-quality nourishing cream and cuticle care oil. Use them daily.

If you follow all the recommendations, then worries about how to grow long nails in a week will disappear by themselves.

Products for strengthening and growing nails

Before you take drastic measures in the fight for beautiful nails, you should pay attention to the composition of your diet. Perhaps the problem of slow growth lies in poor nutrition.

  • Fruits and vegetables are indispensable for nail growth. They are sources of vitamins A, C, B and D. Regular consumption of fresh foods in combination with proper care will help cope with fragility;
  • Gelatin. Jellied fish, jelly and marmalade will help combat brittleness and prevent flaking.

Vitamins and minerals to accelerate growth

Nails will indicate a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. If they are dull, grow slowly, or flake, you should pay attention to nutrition and, possibly, use supplements to replenish nutrients.

The following elements will help speed up the growth of nails:

  • calcium is a building material that will help strengthen nails, which means they will not break and the required length will be achieved faster,
  • magnesium – promotes better absorption of calcium,
  • silicon – synthesizes collagen and helps calcium “build in”,
  • iodine – accelerates growth,
  • vitamin D – necessary for the absorption of calcium,
  • B vitamins – participate in the synthesis of keratin, are responsible for water balance,
  • Vitamin A – forms new cells and protects against mycosis,
  • Vitamin E – helps improve blood circulation and nutrient supply,
  • vitamin C – synthesizes collagen, necessary for the absorption of vitamins A and E,
  • nicotinic acid – accelerates growth, promotes rapid recovery.

Vitamin compatibility - which vitamins and minerals can be consumed together, which cannot

Vitamin complexes

If there is a deficiency of vitamins in the diet, you can turn to vitamin and mineral complexes.

  • Pantovigar. One capsule of the drug contains many useful elements, including: keratin and vitamins B5 and B6. Together, these components help for hair and nails and can cope with a number of other problems.
  • Complement "Shine" . The manufacturer has many vitamin lines, but it is the “Shine” complex that affects the quality and speed of nail growth. The product contains several active components. Calcium for strengthening, Vitamins A, C and E to enhance collagen production and nicotinic acid to restore damaged plate structure.
  • Nicotinic acid "Pharmstandard" . The drug is available in ampoules and tablets. Before use, you should consult your doctor, as an excess of substances may cause side effects.
  • Vitrum Beauty. The drug is complex and affects several problems at once, including brittle nails. The dietary supplement requires a course of use and will please you with the results after the first month of use.

How to grow nails in a month?

If you give your nails a whole month to recover, then you are probably familiar with problems such as brittleness, splitting, and thinning of the nail plates . The cause of these troubles, as well as problems with hair and teeth, is vitamin deficiency.

IMPORTANT: The growth rate of a healthy nail is 3-4 mm per month. If your nails grow more slowly, this can be perceived as a signal of metabolic disorders or the development of pathology in the circulatory system.

Within a month, you need to restore the vitamin balance in your body, then your regrown nails will be pleasing to the eye for a long time.

First, review your diet . Eliminate fatty, fried, sweet foods. Cheese, cottage cheese, fish, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables should now be mandatory products in your diet. Try not to give up treats containing gelatin.

Secondly, start taking pharmacy vitamins for nails and hair. Thirdly, pamper your nails as often as possible with baths with iodine and sea salt, as well as salon paraffin masks

IMPORTANT: Conscientious regular implementation of all of the listed procedures will certainly improve the appearance and condition of the nails and resume their active growth.

To grow your nails in a month, you need to restore the balance of vitamins in your body.

Cosmetical tools

Anny Calcium nail attack

Anny Calcium nail attack is a product for nail growth and strengthening, containing calcium, milk proteins and oils. Has a beneficial effect on the quality of nails and cuticles.

The composition is applied overnight and washed off with regular soap when washing your hands. You should not use it as a base for varnish - by evening the edges will get rid of the coating. It is recommended to use in courses of 2-3 days in between applying varnish to the nail plate.

Mavala Scientific

Swiss-made Mavala Scientifique nail strengthener is used to generally improve nail quality and stimulate growth. Recently, the product has become widespread in Russia due to its effective action; it cannot be called budgetary.

Mavala Scientifique is applied with a special brush and hardens after drying. You cannot apply the product to the cuticle and under the plate, but if this does happen, you need to immediately remove the composition from unwanted places.


Eveline Cosmetics has a whole line of products for strengthening, restoration and speed of regrowth. Consider the product Eveline “Professional drug that activates nail growth.”

Budget price and economical consumption. However, the composition of the drug is not ideal - one of the components is formaldehyde. The substance has a negative effect on the quality of the nail plate and serves as an allergen.

To be sure, you can conduct a sensitivity test to the formaldehyde components in the composition. To check the reaction, apply a small amount of the product to 1 nail and leave for several hours. If burning, redness or any other non-standard reactions occur, the applied composition must be removed immediately. In this case, you cannot use the product.

What do cosmetics consist of and potentially dangerous components?

Bandi Cololab Nail Tonic Ultra Strengthener

SOS Cololab Nail Tonic System is an oily product with a pleasant fragrance that is applied daily in the evening. The effect is visible within a few days. The drug can be used independently or as a base for coating. In both cases, the result will not be long in coming. The main disadvantage is the small volume and high price.

Faberlic growth serum

Faberlic growth serum contains vitamins A, E and C, as well as nettle, seaweed and acacia extract, and panthenol. The transparent gel contains tiny capsules that dissolve upon application. It is recommended to use twice a day.

IBX System

IBX System is a two-phase professional system that strengthens the nail plate.

Consists of two means:

  • IBX - penetrates into the deep layers of the nail, where it creates a strong barrier to ultraviolet penetration and also stimulates nail growth. The product is activated only by heat, so you will need an incandescent lamp to carry out the procedure.
  • IBX Repair - smoothes the surface, glues the flakes of peeling nails, and has a general strengthening effect. After application, the layer must be dried in a UV or LED lamp and the sticky layer must be removed. Contains jojoba and avocado oils.

How to use IBX System, all features of the product line

The main disadvantage is the high price for the set. For two products you will have to pay around 3,000 rubles, and in a salon a similar procedure will cost about 1,000 rubles.

Smart enamel

“Smart Enamel” is a product from an American manufacturer that contains proteins, vitamins A and B5. The strengthening coating helps to increase the rate of plate regrowth. The maximum effect is achieved with prolonged use. The drug is applied according to the 4-6-1 scheme. After applying the first layer, you must wait 4 days and apply the next one. On day 6, the product should be removed from the nail and given 1 day to rest and repeat the procedure.

There are no restrictions on the time of use, but it is not recommended to use the product under a varnish coating.

Fito cosmetics Growth activator

Growth activator from Phyto Cosmetic - natural composition with essential oils, iodine. The consistency of the product resembles a cream, which allows you to distribute it over the nail and cuticle. Fito cosmetics accelerates growth, strengthens the plate and has an effect on the structure and appearance. You can use the product not only on your hands, but also on your feet to improve quality and appearance.

Oriflame The ONE CARE

The One Care from Oriflame is designed to care for the nail plate and cuticle, moisturize and strengthen, and prevent flaking. The consistency of the drug resembles thick jelly, but this does not affect the ease of application.

The composition contains oils and vitamins, however, there are also many non-natural components. Before use, you should check your skin for allergic reactions.

How to speed up nail growth at home

In our review today, we will deliberately leave aside salon procedures for strengthening and enhancing nail growth, and talk about homemade “grandmother’s” recipes that can really improve the condition of nails and exceed the “standard standards” for nail plate regrowth, many times over.

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The arsenal of how to speed up nail growth at home is quite rich and varied, and every woman can choose a product to her liking and... according to her nails. For ease of choice, we have divided all procedures that affect nail growth into groups according to their “specialization”. Let's consider each of them in detail.

Baths for accelerated nail growth

The most popular and easiest to use remedy for nail growth is baths. They come in different types:

  • Water-based baths. The most effective. It has been established that external contact with water stimulates the growth of nail plates. However, everything is good in moderation, and therefore there is a strict time limit for water baths - no more than 30 minutes. In addition, in addition to growth, strengthening is also important, and therefore water baths should be enriched with strengthening and nourishing components - sea salt, iodine solution, lemon juice, essential oils (champions in the effect on nail growth are tea tree oil, citrus and rosemary).

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  • Oil baths. They are somewhat inferior in their stimulating effect to water-based baths, but they perfectly nourish the nail plate and cuticle. In the future, nails nourished with the oil “elixir” are more resistant to damage and, accordingly, more “vital”. Oil baths involve the use of some kind of vegetable or cosmetic oil. The most effective: olive, sea buckthorn, and almond oils. Such baths can additionally be enriched with lemon juice, liquid vitamins (for example, Aevit), iodine solution, etc. Oil baths are most effective when done warmly.

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  • Gelatin baths. They will “nourish” the nail plates with life-giving collagen, make them more flexible, and strengthen the internal structure of the nail. “Medicinal jelly” is made from gelatin with a jelly-like consistency. They are always used warm, and require additional nutrition in the form of milk, honey, decoction of medicinal herbs - chamomile flowers, calendula, sage, etc.

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  • Basically, baths based on healing infusions - chamomile, oak bark, sage, etc. – and when used “independently” they are a very effective means. Such baths will act as a good preventive measure against fungal diseases, and will also help saturate the nails with oxygen, which is especially important if you wear artificial nails or gel coating for a long time.

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Masks to accelerate nail growth

Masks made from the most affordable ingredients will also help speed up nail growth:

  • Food masks. These masks use egg yolks, which are rich in vitamins A, E, as well as essential microelements for the nail matrix, such as sulfur. Masks based on honey, butter and coconut oil have proven themselves to be excellent. Such masks should be applied thickly to the nails and, if possible, kept on for at least 30 minutes.

Photo from the site:

  • Toothpaste masks. The most ordinary toothpaste, but preferably with calcium, will help enhance the growth of the nail plate and also strengthen it. The best time to use it is in the evening; ideally, such a mask should be left on all night and washed off in the morning.

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  • Vitamin masks. Regular Aevita capsules, liquid vitamin A and fish oil are a real “elixir” for nails and cuticles. Rub them into your nails and cuticles daily, and if possible, do not wash them off.

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  • Thermal masks. It involves applying a warm oil compress based on any vegetable or cosmetic oil to the nails and cuticles. Cotton pads soaked in warm oil should be wrapped around your fingertips, and plastic gloves should be put on over them. This entire structure should be “insulated” with gloves or mittens. The exposure time is at least 30 minutes, but no more than an hour.

Photo from the site:

Interesting fact

You can even make nail masks... with painted nails. Naturally, in this case, the nutrient should not be applied to the painted plates, but to the cuticle and already grown area of ​​the nail. In this way, you will saturate the future nail with useful substances, and later, when painted, it will be more durable and suffer less from “oxygen starvation.”

Physical influence as a means to accelerate nail growth

Simple manipulations such as:

  • Regular massage of the fingertips, cuticle area and side ridges has a stimulating effect on the growth of the nail plate. It is enough to perform targeted manipulations 2 - 3 minutes a day and the result will not take long to arrive. But remember that this massage cannot be performed on dry fingers! Pre-apply any vegetable or cosmetic oil, special cuticle oil or regular hand cream to your nails and the skin around them and do a gentle massage with your fingertips.

Photo from the site:

  • "Gymnastics" for fingers. You will be surprised, but regular tapping movements with your fingertips on a hard surface stimulates nail growth. During the day, just perform these manipulations for a few minutes, or just work at the keyboard. But it is important to strike with the pads of your fingers; your nails should not be hit, otherwise you will get a completely opposite result.

Photo from the site:

Therapeutic and care products


The products from the Mycostop line will be useful to those who have encountered fungus. The drug allows you to remove the damaged process painlessly and without harm to the new nail. The product must be used according to the instructions. It is important to avoid getting the ointment in your eyes.

Mycostop - we analyze the line of drugs against fungus - indications, instructions for use, reviews

Capsules "Horsepower"

Spanish capsules “Horsepower” contain several B vitamins, collagen, biotin and folic acid. All these components help improve the quality of the plate, cope with fragility and speed up regrowth.

The first result can be seen after a month of regular use. The product belongs to biologically active additives. Available in a package of 30 capsules.

Akileine Onykoleine

Onykoleine is suitable for those with sensitive nails, as well as those who have had fungal diseases. In addition to the antifungal effect, the drug works as a growth activator.

The composition can be used as a stand-alone product or with a regular varnish coating. The liquid is applied with a brush and distributed evenly. After use, you should wait a couple of minutes until the drug is completely absorbed.

Gel Dimexide

Dimexide gel, produced in a convenient tube, will help you cope with fungal disease. The product is applied to the plate and rubbed in with light movements.

Dimexide should be used no more than 4 times a week.

How to strengthen nails with gel polish

If you want to strengthen the gel polish so that the manicure lasts longer and does not chip, use acrylic powder. Gel polish itself is a fairly durable coating; manicurists rarely hear complaints that the manicure does not wear well, since the natural nails under the gel polish are soft.

But remember that gel polish is not a strengthening agent; after you remove the beauty, your natural nail will be injured (always), it will need rest and care. Therefore, strengthening agents for gel polish are means for good manicure wear. And recipes for strengthening nails after gel polish are procedures that strengthen the nail.

Strengthen the gel polish with acrylic powder

This is the most common method that manicurists readily use to apply a durable coating with rhinestones and decor. Acrylic is widely used in the extension procedure as a durable, durable material. What can be achieved with acrylic powder:

  1. Level the surface.
  2. Transparent powder will not change the color of gel polish.
  3. The manicure will be durable and wearable.

Acrylic powder is applied to the second layer of base and dried in an LED lamp. If for some reason you are using a simple ultraviolet lamp, then you need to dry the coating for 2 minutes, in an LED lamp for 30 seconds.

To make the nail smooth, the powder coating can be treated with a buff. A third layer of base is applied to the acrylic, dried, and covered with color. If you want to leave the nail natural, apply a top coat to the base and let it dry.

Strengthening nails under gel polish with biogel and base

Biogel is applied under a manicure, and, according to some masters, the coating strengthens the nail plate itself. I am skeptical about this coating; there are enough reviews that biogel does not provide any practical benefit to the nail plate, but increases the durability of the manicure.


The simplest, most effective way to strengthen your nails with gel polish is to apply a base in several layers. The base from the manufacturer Rosalind showed good results. The cost of the bottle will surprise and delight you, see for yourself.


There are cosmetic base oils and essential oils. The essential oil has a higher concentration of the active component and is recommended for use in combination with a base oil.

Oil extracts come from a wide variety of plants. They help improve the structure, saturate it with useful substances, cope with fragility and speed up the growth of nails.

Medicinal plants for the beauty of nails and skin
Oil should be selected depending on the desired effect:

Burr oil

Burdock root, from which burdock oil is obtained, has a number of vitamins, antioxidants and phytosteroids. Regular use of a natural product will help in imparting aesthetic beauty to the plate, and will also speed up its regrowth. The oil from Mirolla has good properties and a natural composition.

Peach oil

Peach oil is a peach seed extract that has gone through several stages of filtration and serves as an excellent moisturizer and anti-inflammatory agent. The oil strengthens and promotes unhindered growth. When choosing, you should pay attention to Peach oil from Mirolla.

Castor oil

Castor oil is a source of vitamins A and E and serves as an excellent addition to other remedies. The castor oil in the composition allows not only to strengthen the plate, but also to accelerate its growth. The most common is “MiKo”.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil improves general condition, accelerates growth and copes with fungal infections. Systematic use will be an excellent prevention of the disease and will help in care. The oil most often found in stores is from Botanica, but be careful - the company produces essential oils that must be used together with base oils.

You need to choose which oil is best suited for a specific problem based on its basic properties. If necessary, you can combine several oils and get a multifunctional product in the fight for beauty and length.

What products stimulate nail growth?

Nail growth agents play an important role. Here are the most famous of them:

  • The Aurelia brand offers an effective product, which consists of minerals necessary for accelerated nail growth (calcium, sodium and others). Duration of use – 21 days. The price is approximately 300 rubles;

  • produces an effective product based on the cosmetic product “Pentavitin” and ginseng extract. With this stimulator, nails can be restored and grown in just 10 days. You can purchase such a product for only 100 rubles;
  • The Spanish brand Victoria Shu presented a new product “Effective complex for rapid nail growth.” It consists of components such as Japanese kelp extract and amino acids. Also contains vitamin E;
  • The Sally Hansen company produces several products that will help grow your nails:
  1. Maximum Support (maintains nail health and accelerates their growth);
  2. Nail Rehab (restorative);
  3. Nail Growth Miracle (contains proteins that promote growth);
  4. Maximum Growth Cuticle Pen (strengthens cuticles and contains vitamins C and A).


Compared to vitamins and coatings, masks for nails and hands provide a quick but short-term effect.

Olive oil and lemon

  • Olive oil – 2 tsp.
  • Lemon juice – 1/3 tsp.
  1. Heat the olive oil in a water bath to 40 degrees and add lemon juice to it;
  2. Apply the resulting product and put on cotton gloves. The oil will effectively moisturize the skin, and lemon juice will improve blood flow to the cuticle. The mask can be used on hands and feet.

With pepper

  • Ground red pepper – ½ tsp.
  • Hand cream – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil – ½ tsp.
  1. Add pepper to the cream and mix thoroughly. Pour in olive oil.
  2. Apply the composition for 30 minutes, and then rinse with warm water and pat your hands dry with a towel.


  • Glycerin – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Honey – 1 tbsp. l.
  1. Mix honey and glycerin until smooth;
  2. Apply the composition to your hands and rub well;
  3. Leave the mask overnight under cotton gloves.

Hand masks: 30 homemade recipes

How to quickly grow long, healthy, strong and beautiful fingernails and toenails: methods

In order for nails to grow as quickly as possible, it is best to regularly perform a set of procedures: baths, masks, the use of professional products, folk methods.

The cheapest and fairly simple way to grow healthy nails on both the hands and feet is daily steaming of the hands and feet in decoctions of medicinal herbs and solutions of salts and minerals.

It is possible to quickly grow long, healthy, strong and beautiful fingernails and toenails.

IMPORTANT: Daily addition of 0.5 tsp. salt in baths will strengthen and grow nails by 3 mm per week.

Nails often lack iodine to grow. To quickly replenish its deficiency and, accordingly, strengthen your nails, take iodine-salt baths :

  • Pour water (100 ml) into a container convenient for the procedure.
  • add iodine to water (4 drops)
  • add salt, preferably sea salt (1 tsp)
  • mix thoroughly
  • place your fingers in the resulting solution so that the liquid covers the nails by more than 1 cm

The duration of one procedure is from 20 to 40 minutes.

IMPORTANT: You need to stop baths with iodine as soon as the iodine stops being absorbed and begins to color the skin and nails in a yellowish-brown tint.

If you can't grow your nails because they are brittle, use fresh lemon juice .

To do this, you can simply cut a lemon into two halves and, sticking your nails into the pulp of each of them, hold them in this way for 15 - 20 minutes.

Lemon juice will help you quickly grow long, healthy, strong and beautiful nails on your hands and feet.

Then you should rinse your hands and “feed” your nails with cream.

You can also mix lemon juice with water (1:1) and make baths .

A daily massage with vitamins A and E, which should be gently rubbed into the nail plates, will certainly contribute to the rapid growth of nails .

Herbal baths will also help speed up the growth and restore the health of nails :

  • pour boiling water over St. John's wort (1 tsp), chamomile flowers (1.5 tsp) and chopped burdock root (1 tsp)
  • Cool the infusion and pour into a convenient container
  • dip your fingers into the healing infusion and hold for 20-30 minutes
  • repeat the procedure daily

Herbal baths will strengthen and heal nails


Depending on the additive, a nail and hand bath can have an anti-inflammatory, strengthening or restorative effect.

  • A bath with sea salt increases the density of the nail plate, promotes strengthening and activates growth;
  • A herbal bath with iodine tones the cuticle and accelerates the regrowth of the plate. It is better to use chamomile or nettle as a herbal base. For 2 cups of decoction you will need 5 drops of iodine.
  • A growth milk bath will help saturate the plate with calcium.

Hand baths: 30 recipes for different purposes

How to grow nails quickly in 2 weeks?

In 14 days, healthy nails can grow well even without any special procedures or events.

If your nails do not grow or break when they reach a certain length, your body probably suffers from a lack of vitamins and minerals. Usually, the lack of nail growth is accompanied by their fragility, fragility and dull, unhealthy color.

Get ready for the fact that in the next 2 weeks you will have to not only work on your nails, but also strengthen your entire body.

Start by choosing a pharmacy vitamin complex: Merz spezial dragees, Vitrum Beauty, Vivasan, Viaderm ® Complete, Medobiotin, Aevit Active, Pantovigar or other products of similar composition and action.

By taking a vitamin complex you can grow your nails in 2 weeks

Any of these drugs will not only stimulate nail growth, but also improve the condition of the hair.

Perhaps just taking vitamins will be enough to restore health and stimulate nail growth. But external help to the nail plates will also not hurt:

  • Apply iodine to clean nails every night before bed.
  • Rub vitamins A and E into your nails every morning
  • do a light finger massage - this will promote blood flow and enhance nail growth
  • Take sea salt baths 2 times a week
  • wipe your nail plates with lemon juice 3-4 times a week

Massage for nail growth

Massaging the skin of the hands helps improve blood circulation, and massage for the nails helps not only their growth, but also the removal of dead cells.

How to do a simple nail massage to activate and enhance their growth:

  • Remove nail polish and place in warm water for a few minutes;
  • Lightly grease the plate with liquid soap;
  • Using a soft brush, massage each nail in a circular motion and rinse off the soap solution;
  • Repeat the procedure without soap, rinse your hands and pat dry with a towel.

It is important not to press too hard on the brush. Excessive pressure will negatively affect the condition of the plate and damage the soft tissue and cuticle.

Hand massage: types, technique, recommendations for the procedure

How to grow toenails quickly?

The growth of toenails is hampered by constant wearing of shoes, stockings and tights. If you need to grow your toenails quickly, try to let your feet “breathe” as often as possible.

In addition, vitamin masks, rubbing oils and herbal baths will speed up the growth of toenails.

You can quickly grow your toenails using paraffin baths

Paraffin baths also promote the growth of toenails :

  • melt the paraffin in a water bath (it is sold at the pharmacy) and let it cool
  • dip your toes into the warm mushy paraffin and let it harden
  • wrap your feet in cling film and then in a woolen scarf and leave for 30-40 minutes
  • rinse off the paraffin under running warm water

Once a month you can make a bath with an infusion of chamomile flowers and white wine :

  • dry chamomile flowers (2 tsp) pour boiling water (1 tbsp)
  • let it brew under the lid for 40 – 60 minutes
  • add white wine (30 ml)
  • take a bath, immersing your nails in the infusion for 20 minutes

Rubbing with cranberry or lemon juice heated with olive, soy or peach oil will help strengthen your toenails .

Long beautiful nails are the result of long-term work and special strengthening procedures

Each of these methods is good in its own way and will definitely give results provided that all necessary procedures are regularly followed. The most important thing is not to despair and not to stop acting if you do not notice changes in the first few days.

Nail baths

Make it a rule to take baths regularly. This is necessary in order to grow your nails. Here are the most famous and effective recipes:

Oil bath

You will need:

  1. 30 ml olive oil;
  2. 3 drops of glycerin;
  3. 3 drops of iodine;
  4. 30 ml sunflower oil;
  5. 10 ml castor oil;
  6. 30 ml corn oil;
  7. 10 ml almond oil.

Mix the oils and heat them in the microwave for 20-25 seconds. Add iodine and glycerin. Soak your hands in the mixture for 5 minutes and then pat them dry with a tissue.

Bath with healing herbs

You will need:

  1. 20 g sage;
  2. 20 g of pharmaceutical chamomile;
  3. 10 ml dry white wine;
  4. 20 g burdock root;
  5. 20 g St. John's wort;
  6. 20 g plantain.

Infuse the herbs in boiling water for 2 hours. Then heat the broth and add wine. Keep your fingers in the bath for at least 35 minutes.

Gelatin bath

You will need:

  1. 1 teaspoon gelatin;
  2. 0.5 liters of water.

Mix gelatin with water. The mixture should be viscous, but in moderation. A thickened solution will no longer be suitable, since the water will circulate too little. Keep your hands in the bath for about 20 minutes, but the procedure can be extended. This mixture is gentle, so it’s okay if the process takes a little longer. At the end, rub the composition into the nail plates so that for some time they are protected from the negative influence of the environment. You need to repeat the process every day for a week. This mask is the answer to the question of how to speed up nail growth at home.

Sea salt bath

You will need:

  1. 0.5 liters of warm water;
  2. 5 tablespoons of sea salt.

First of all, the salt concentration must be high enough. Mix sea salt and water. Immerse your hands in the solution for 20 minutes. Do not overexpose, otherwise after a while the nails will begin to peel off greatly. At the end of the process, thoroughly dry your hands with a towel and apply nourishing cream. Do the bath daily for one week.

Lemon bath

You will need:

  1. 0.5 l of water;
  2. One lemon wedge.

Squeeze the juice out of the slice and add it to the water. The pulp and peel of the lemon should also be placed in water to massage the nail plates with them in the process. Lemon zest contains essential oils that improve the color of nails and strengthen them. Keep your hands in the bath for no more than 15 minutes. You need to be careful with citric acid. If you overexpose your nails, they will become weak and brittle. After the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly and lubricate them with rich cream. Perform the procedure at the same frequency as the previous ones - daily for a week.

Citric acid has an amazing effect on how to grow long and strong nails. This bath is recognized by women as one of the best.

Useful tips

Finally, let’s say a couple more tips that will help you achieve beautiful and healthy nails.

  • While applying the cream, massage the nourishing cream onto the cuticle areas.
  • To remove nail polish, use only a liquid that does not contain acetone, which has a detrimental effect on the health of your nails.
  • In winter, before you go outside, put on gloves to protect your hands from the cold winter wind and dryness.

By following these tips, you will very soon become the happy owner of long nails with a healthy shine. Become prepared by the most feminine site

How to protect your nails

It’s no secret to any of us how negatively the use of various chemicals for cleaning the house affects us.
And, first of all, our hands and nails suffer, as they come into direct contact with chemicals during cleaning. If you take care of your nails and hands, would like to protect your nails and prevent their weakness and brittleness, you should start taking proper care of them now, without putting important things on the back burner. The most important rule for protection is to use rubber gloves when cleaning around the house or when using any detergents. Rubber gloves do not allow moisture to pass through and chemicals reaching your hands will also be out of range.

But not all ladies use rubber gloves when cleaning. Especially for you, we will advise, in this case, to use the most gentle detergents possible, which contain glycerin, balm and natural ingredients. They will significantly reduce the risk of damage to the skin and nails on your lovely hands.

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