Creatine for weight loss - the effect of the drug and contraindications for use

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Typically, creatine is considered as a sports supplement that promotes muscle growth and performance. But is it worth taking creatine for weight loss?

You might think that we know everything about this sports supplement. How else? Thousands of articles and studies have been published about creatine. But today we will try to look at this sports nutrition from a different perspective. No muscle growth or performance improvement. This sports supplement is a great addition to your diet. So, how to take creatine for weight loss?

What is creatine

This is a substance that is a nitrogen-containing compound. In the field of food biochemistry it is known as non-protein nitrogen. The body can get creatine from food (meat and fish) or produce it independently with the help of the liver and kidneys from amino acids (arginine, glycine and methionine). It is worth noting that most of the beneficial substances contained in food are destroyed during its preparation. For this reason, bodybuilders need to take special supplements that help build muscle mass.


Creatine monohydrate is a protein that is characterized by an anabolic effect. According to Wikisport, it helps build muscle and increase body weight, both for men and women. Some athletes claim that this supplement provides effective protection against neurological diseases. Other benefits of creatine:

  • promotes rapid recovery after training;
  • improves performance;
  • has a beneficial effect on brain function;
  • Helps the body produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate).


The supplement has a complex effect on the body. When performing high-intensity exercise, its main role is to increase phosphocreatine stores in the muscles. This substance helps the body produce more ATP, which is the main source of energy. Many people believe that they need to take creatine for weight loss, but in this case it is not very effective. However, the drug saturates the body with protein, thanks to which the athlete is able to train with double strength . Creatine supplements also help:

  • increase endurance;
  • increase the number of anabolic hormones (IGF-1);
  • hydrate cells (increase their water content);
  • reduce protein breakdown in tissues;
  • lower myostatin levels.


For years, athletes have avoided taking creatine monohydrate due to side effects. The use of the supplement was believed to cause the following harm:

  • it causes dehydration;
  • disrupts the water-salt balance;
  • promotes gastrointestinal disorders;
  • has a negative effect on the kidneys and liver;
  • causes hyperemia (overflow of blood vessels).

Over the past ten years, studies have been conducted on innovative equipment that have not been able to confirm these rumors. The only side effect of creatine is weight gain (due to increased water concentration inside cells). For many athletes who want to create a beautiful body contour, this is what they need. However, it is worth noting that when losing weight, this fact can serve as an obstacle.

How to take creatine?

Proper dosage and timing of creatine use can help you increase its effectiveness. Below you will learn how to take creatine correctly for fast results.

Creatine dosage

On average, you should take 5 g of creatine per day . Higher doses, such as 10 g of creatine per day , can only be taken by athletes who train at a professional level and have a large proportion of muscle mass. However, the recommended dosage of creatine for athletes ranges from 2 to 10 grams per day and depends on the individual's needs, the amount of creatine their body requires, and the dosage indicated on the product. [45]

When to take creatine?

Creatine is stored in the body, so it can be taken at any time of the day. However, some trainers and experts recommend using creatine before and after exercise. However, the timing of creatine intake does not affect its effects. [46]

Do I need to take creatine as a course? What happens when you stop taking creatine?

When taking creatine, you do not need to adhere to a regimen . In contrast, creatine is a dietary supplement that should be taken regularly . Therefore, you can take it for as long as you want, as there will be no benefit from stopping creatine. The study confirmed that stopping creatine supplementation will not result in loss of strength or muscle mass. [47]

How to take creatine monohydrate

You should not drink creatine for weight loss, because it will not give the desired effect. The main purpose of taking the supplement is to saturate the muscles with a useful substance to build mass. To get the desired result, you need to follow the instructions and not exceed the norm. How to take creatine correctly? A reasonable dose of the drug is 20 grams per day. The daily portion should be divided into four doses of 5 g. It is best to consume protein during the week with foods rich in protein or monounsaturated fats (fish, meat). This will speed up the absorption of the supplement.

How to properly take creatine while cutting

The supplement is available in a variety of forms. The most effective is monohydrate. It is recommended to use it both during cutting and during the period of gaining muscle mass. The daily intake of the supplement is 5 grams.

This is not the only way to take creatine. It can be consumed using a load, when the first five days you take 20 grams, and then reduce the rate to 3-4 grams. As recent scientific research has shown, the body is not able to absorb more than 5 g per day, and, therefore, drinking the supplement in large quantities is not advisable.

Creatine consumed during cutting can also be taken with other supplements. These can be amino acid complexes (it is better to choose BCAA), proteins, fat burners, pre-workouts, and so on. The supplement is not recommended to be used simultaneously with caffeine. Substances do not combine with each other, but conflict. There are exceptions, but this information should be read in a separate article.

Is it possible to take creatine with a fat burner?

Research shows that the nitrogen-containing substance has little or no interaction with other additives. It all depends on the specific brand. Many bodybuilders (female and male) take creatine monohydrate for weight loss along with various fat burners. The logic is this: one drug helps increase endurance, which helps you train more actively, the other burns excess weight. The only downside to this situation is dehydration, so you should drink a lot of water and do increased exercise while taking two supplements.

How to properly take creatine while cutting?

For amateur athletes, the principle of action of creatine does not pose a threat, and they can take the supplement throughout the entire cutting period. But bodybuilders who participate in performances need to stop taking creatine 1.5-2 weeks before the final stage of drying. During this time, excess water will come out and the relief will be more defined.

The most effective form of creatine is creatine monohydrate. During drying, the intake should be divided into 2 stages. First, a loading phase for 5 days, when the supplement is taken at the rate of 0.3 g per 1 kg of weight. Then the dosage should be reduced to 0.03 g per 1 kg of weight so as not to exceed the permissible concentration of creatine in the body. This supplement goes well with other sports nutrition - amino acids (especially BCAA), protein and fat burners. But pay attention that the latter do not contain caffeine. These components may conflict.

What to take with

The anabolic supplement should be taken with plenty of water to avoid potential stomach problems. Creatine in liquid form can be taken at any time. But capsules with powder are best taken with food rich in proteins and healthy fats. This will help increase the absorption and distribution of nutrients into muscle tissue. What products should be consumed along with the drug:

  • lean meat;
  • fish;
  • milk, cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt;
  • porridge (rice, buckwheat);
  • green vegetables.

Creatine is a safe supplement, but it has its own contraindications. What it is incompatible with:

  • with caffeine;
  • ephedra extract;
  • medications for the treatment of ulcers, gout.

Proper use of creatine for weight loss

When losing weight and cutting, creatine must be taken in the correct way to achieve the appropriate beneficial effect.

To do this, you can use one of the following schemes:

  1. During the entire period, the daily dose of the substance should correspond to 5 grams.
  2. In the first 5 days you should take 20 grams of sports nutrition, after which you should reduce the dosage to 3-4 grams per day.

Recent studies have shown that the human body cannot absorb more than 5 grams of creatine per day. That is why taking large doses of this sports supplement is not recommended.

Experts allow taking creatine in parallel with amino acid complexes. You can also use proteins, fat burners, pre-workout supplements and some other supplements.

Creatine for weight loss for girls

This supplement helps increase your hours in the gym, but it is not very effective for weight loss . Women who want to get a slim figure and get rid of excess weight should understand that the drug can become an obstacle in their way. Its use promotes muscle growth, and you should be prepared for this. It is indicated for girls with an anorexic physique or those involved in bodybuilding. The supplement will help increase volume and create a beautiful body contour.

What is creatine for?

Creatine is a nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid. It is present in both humans and animals. Creatine is involved in the process of energy metabolism in muscle and nerve cells. This is perhaps the most important sports supplement for enhancing performance.

Of course, creatine has some serious competition in the health and wellness space. These are vitamin D and Omega-3 fats. But creatine has a serious advantage, which we have already discussed. It is the most studied and potent sports supplement. Hundreds of thousands of athletes and healthy lifestyle enthusiasts around the world buy this sports nutrition.

So, what is creatine needed for:

  • to increase strength and endurance
  • to reduce fatigue after intense training
  • to reduce the amount of lactic acid
  • to rehydrate the body after exercise
  • to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat

Creatine is also needed to increase the digestibility of carbohydrates. Not every sports supplement can boast of this. But is it possible to take creatine for weight loss or not? Well, in a way, yes.

The main purpose of creatine is to increase strength and endurance. At the end of the day, everyone wants to get a little stronger, whether it's gaining muscle mass or losing body fat. When you are on a diet, you feel a little weak. Creatine solves this problem. Therefore, this sports supplement can be called a good start for losing weight.

Creatine for cutting, yes or no?

Manufacturers who claim that their creatine does not make you gag most likely do not understand how it is supposed to work. Filling with water is a sign that the additive is working. It is for this reason that so many athletes use it - you can see the effect with your own eyes. Another question is - if hydration is not needed, then what effects does an athlete expect from creatine? Increasing strength? It is very insignificant, and besides, it will not play any role for competitions.

Using the supplement in excess of the norm, especially during cutting, in combination with diuretics and fat burners, you can get a number of problems, primarily due to the fact that little water enters the body, diuretics remove it quickly, and creatine inevitably absorbs water and sucks it out will be from blood. Accordingly, the blood becomes thicker, the risk of thrombosis increases, blood pressure and the load on the heart increase. So, the possible side effects of creatine:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • swelling;
  • tunnel syndrome;
  • fluid retention;
  • kidney problems;
  • lack of appetite and thirst;
  • weakness and drowsiness.

There is no way to speed up the effect of creatine. It must accumulate in the body in order to manifest itself. It is recommended to increase the dosage carefully, otherwise side effects and lost competitions will inevitably occur.

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