Essentuki Water 17. Indications for use, contraindications

Chemical composition of Essentuki water 17

The beneficial properties of Essentuki 17 mineral water are indicated by its composition, which amazes with the richness and variety of valuable components.

1 liter of Essentuki 17 mineral water contains mg of:


  • bicarbonate HCO3–: 4900–6500
  • sulphate SO42−: less than 25
  • Cl− chloride: 1700–2800


  • calcium Ca2+: 50–200
  • magnesium Mg2+: less than 150
  • sodium + potassium Na++K+: 2700–4000

Boric acid H3BO3 40–90.

Dissolved carbon dioxide (in extracted mineral water) 500–2350.

The mineral spring emerges from the depths of the earth in a hot state, emitting a specific hydrogen sulfide smell.

Additional Information! The mineralization rate of Essentuki 17 alkaline water varies, ranging from 11-13 g per liter. Essentuki 17 exhibits the most beneficial properties when consumed from the source. But even after bottling, its value becomes slightly less. Harm is only possible if taken uncontrolled.

What is the difference between Essentuki 17 and 4

The sources from which Essentuki 4 is extracted have a depth of about 90 m, while No. 17 is located at a depth of up to 1.5 km. Because of this, the waters have different levels of mineralization, which directly affects the healing properties. Essentuki No. 4 has an average mineralization rate of 7-10 g/l. It belongs to the medicinal table category and is suitable for daily use.

Essentuki No. 4 is chloride water, which enhances the secretion of gastric juice and increases its acidity, and No. 17 is sulfide water, which reduces secretion, has a choleretic and laxative effect. In addition, water with less mineralization is used to treat:

  • kidney;
  • organs of the genitourinary system;
  • stomach;
  • duodenum;
  • liver;
  • pancreas;
  • excess weight;
  • endocrine diseases.

Benefits of water

The benefits of Essentuki 17 mineral water, without harm to health, are possible with strict adherence to the intake plan previously specified by the doctor. The drink is prescribed not only for prevention, but also to eliminate serious pathologies.

This is due to the healing properties of Essentuki 17:

  • improves digestion;
  • normalizes water-salt balance;
  • promotes the discharge of excess bile;
  • eliminates mucous secretions that accumulate in the respiratory organs and stomach during inflammation;
  • accelerates metabolic functions;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • removes harmful toxins and waste;
  • restores the nervous system;
  • has a beneficial effect on kidney and liver function.

The mucolytic properties of Essentuki 17 help with cough, stimulating the rapid release of sputum. Healthy Essentuki 17 water is often prescribed for weight loss as an effective fat-burning agent.

How water affects weight loss

To lose weight, you need to choose good quality mineral water, because only in this case will it really help in the fight against excess weight. People often confuse the feeling of thirst with hunger, and by drinking liquid you can avoid overeating. Weight loss is also achieved by cleansing the body of accumulated toxins. In addition, the mineral normalizes water-salt balance and reduces appetite.


Mineral water is good for weight loss, but do not forget that thoughtless consumption of liquids rich in bromine, silicon or iron can be unsafe for health. So, it is not recommended to get carried away with medicinal mineral water - your doctor should prescribe the dosage for you, taking into account your state of health. Therapeutic has a high salt content, so it should not be consumed for a long time - oversaturation can cause unpleasant consequences.

Dining room

Table mineral water contains iodine, magnesium, calcium and a small amount of minerals, so you can drink it with almost no restrictions. However, there should be room in the daily diet for ordinary clean water - this will not allow the body’s tissues to be oversaturated with microelements, but will still help to increase cell metabolism and improve digestion.

Indications for use of Essentuki water 17

Due to the wide range of beneficial properties of Essentuki 17 mineral water, with minimal harm, it is widely used for the following diseases:

  • decreased activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gastritis with low and high acidity;
  • hepatitis and other liver pathologies;
  • obesity;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • impaired functionality of the bile ducts;
  • diabetes;
  • alcohol and other intoxication;
  • cough;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • chronic problems with bowel movements;
  • diathesis.

The benefits of Essentuki 17 mineral water for duodenal and gastric ulcers have been noted. Essentuki 17 is a medicinal water with clearly indicated beneficial properties, but subject to dosed course intake. It is unacceptable to drink it in unlimited quantities, as this will cause significant harm to the body. Externally, the benefits of such a liquid are manifested in the case of: washing the skin (dermatological problems), inhalations, rinsing the mouth and rinsing the sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis, colds).

How to use water correctly?

Depending on the type of disease, it is recommended to drink water differently.

First, you need to distinguish fake water: it should be transparent, colorless, with the taste of salt and soda.

Real mineral waters are produced in the Stavropol Territory; the bottle must only be glass.

Some features, as well as instructions for use:

  • For gastritis with low acidity, drink a drink at room temperature 15 minutes before meals.
  • With reduced intestinal motility, drink slightly warmed water 1.5 hours before meals in large sips.
  • For constipation, drink warm water several times a day.
  • For gallbladder dysfunction, outside periods of exacerbation, take 200 milliliters of water an hour before meals.
  • After a hangover, Essentuki penetrates the blood faster, helping to cope with swelling: it is recommended to drink 1 glass of water in the morning.
  • During pregnancy and the presence of the above pathologies, you can drink mineral water in limited quantities.

Pregnant women are advised to drink mineral water with caution, observing the body's reaction to the drink.

Important! Doctors often prescribe pregnant women to undergo a course of preventive treatment of gastrointestinal function using Essentuki 17.

Doctors also recommend that children with a cold take warmed Essentuki - the water will help cough up.

How to drink Essentuki 17 correctly for medicinal purposes

Based on the possible harm and benefits of Essentuki 17 water for the body, independent treatment is unacceptable. Before balneotherapy, be sure to visit a doctor, who, based on the diagnosis, prescribes a course of treatment with healthy mineral water and indicates the likely harm if the prescriptions are not followed.

Important! With benefit and without harm to vital systems, Essentuki 17 mineral water can be drunk at one time, within the range of 35-260 ml. To minimize negative effects, start with a small amount and gradually increase.

Whether it is hot, warm or cool depends on the purpose. Temperature does not in any way impair its beneficial properties, but does not reduce the harm.

The harm and benefits of Essentuki 17 mineral water are affected not only by the method of consumption, but also by the volume of sips - they should be the same (large or small). First, open the water and wait for the gases to come out. It is advisable to drink the healing liquid in the morning, before breakfast.

For gastritis with decreased secretion

Mineral water is beneficial for gastritis of any origin. In case of reduced acidity, consume warm, 200 ml before each meal.

With a decrease in intestinal motor function

When intestinal motility is inhibited, taking mineral water is indicated due to its mild fixing properties in a warm state. Follow a six-week course. Drink the healthy drink slightly heated, half a two-hundred-gram glass.

For constipation and intestinal cramps

The beneficial properties of Essentuki are beneficial for antispasmodic manifestations in the stomach and intestines, which causes chronic constipation. Drink 120–200 ml of cool mineral water an hour before meals.

With stagnation of bile

No less common is therapy with healing mineral liquid for congestion of bile, at the stage of remission. It is based on a blind method, without inserting a probe device inside. The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach.

Lying on the right side and with a heating pad under the ribs (on the right side), they give you a glass of slightly heated mineral water to drink. You need to lie in this position for about 2 hours. The balneo session is carried out once or repeated several days in a row (no more than 14), focusing on the patient’s well-being.

Important! It is unacceptable to carry out tubage in case of gallstone liver pathologies, cardiac ischemia, hypertension and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

For disease prevention

For health purposes, the beneficial properties of Essentuki 17 mineral water are no less pronounced. Consume throughout the month, chilled and 40 minutes before eating. Single dose – 160–250 ml. The first portion is in the morning, immediately after waking up.

City residents in environmentally unfavorable areas will benefit from such prevention once every six months.

Water composition

“Essentuki 17” is hot, if examined after mining, and has a pronounced smell of hydrogen sulfide contained inside. The water itself is clear, reminiscent of ordinary water. Colorless, it tastes like soda and salt. When the bottle is spilled and clogged, the mineral water is homogeneous, without sediment. Mineralization is more than 10 g/l, contains:

  • arsenic;
  • iron;
  • bromine;
  • boron, etc.

The composition is indicated in detail on the outside, on the label.

Indications for use

You cannot drink it freely like regular mineral water. It is recommended to obtain the consent of your physician before use. Diseases for which water is beneficial:

  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • metabolism;
  • diabetes;
  • oxaluria;
  • phosphaturia;
  • obesity;
  • diathesis.

The doctor with the recommendation indicates the dose of one application.

How to drink

Drinks from the “Essentuki” series are considered medicines, so they should not be consumed uncontrollably. The availability of the drink and its low price leads to carelessness among consumers. Doctors always adjust the dosage after prescription, and also try to monitor the degree of impact of the drink. Important! You should start using small doses, 50-100 ml, later increasing them to the maximum permissible value. For example, “Essentuki 17” has a slight diuretic effect, but it can actively irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach, sometimes the pancreas, and other neighboring organs. Water quickly passes the stomach after consumption, lingering inside the intestines, and therefore stimulates the development of diarrhea.

Scientific recommendations for use

“Essentuki 17” after prescription should be taken periodically, in courses of 5 weeks. This way the body will have time to get used to it and readjust. You will begin to better absorb the beneficial elements contained inside the liquid. The water can be heated or drunk cold. Warm “Essentuka 17” has a reduced diarrheal effect. It is taken before meals; the favorable time for drinking depends on the diseases diagnosed in the patient and the doctor’s prescriptions. The usual daily intake (maximum) is 50-200 ml.

Inhalations with mineral water Essentuki 17

Inhalations with Essentuki 17 are indicated for children and adults with colds and other pulmonary diseases, when it is necessary to relieve the inflammatory process in the nasopharynx. Such sessions help relieve acute symptoms such as persistent cough and runny nose.


For inhalations, special devices are provided to facilitate the procedure. But in the absence of an inhaler, the benefits of inhaling mineral steam will be no less. To do this, pour a little Essentuki 17 mineral water into a heat-resistant container, place it on the stove and heat it to 70 C. Bend over, cover the top with a towel and inhale. Three minutes is enough for children, ten minutes for adults.

Using a nebulizer

How to use a nebulizer (inhaler): 1. Open mineral water in advance to reduce carbonation. 2. Measure out 5–6 ml and pour into the device. 3. Turn on and wait until steam formation begins. 4. Breathe in the same way as over steam, adhering to a similar time interval. This is the best way for adults and children to get rid of cough and runny nose.


Ultrasonic inhalations with the Essentuki mineral drink are possible only in a hospital setting, under the supervision of a specialist. The essence of the procedure is that mineral particles penetrate into the lungs due to ultrasound. Essentuki 17 children

Therapy with Essentuki mineral water is prescribed to 17 children and adolescents exclusively by a specialist, in specific dosages, to avoid harm. The beneficial properties of Essentuki help stabilize the water-electrolyte balance that occurs due to hypothermia, overheating or dehydration. The benefits of water are also observed in cases of impaired gastrointestinal motility, constipation and dyskinesia.

Important! At the slightest suspicious manifestation, stop drinking water immediately. Otherwise, the beneficial properties of mineral water can turn into harm.

Harm of Essentuki 17 water and contraindications for use

Despite the wide range of beneficial properties of Essentuki 17, harm is possible with a thoughtless approach to such therapy and prevention. Do not ignore the existing contraindications:

  • exacerbation of any disease;
  • early age in children;
  • salt accumulations in joints;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • cardiac dysfunctions.

Mineral water Essentuki 17 causes harm in the form of increased swelling when the kidneys are unstable.

Essentuki 17 - benefits and harm

Before starting a course of treatment and rejuvenation, you need to find out why Essentuki 17 water is useful, and whether incorrect use can harm your body. Can I drink this salt water all the time? Excessive consumption of highly mineralized water, such as Essentuki, can lead to a number of negative consequences. In case of kidney disease, consuming a larger amount can cause stagnation of fluid in the tissues and impaired kidney function.

It should not be given to children under 14 years of age unless prescribed by a pediatrician. When treating with highly mineralized mineral water, it is necessary to observe moderation, then it will only benefit your health. Essentuki mineral water not only helps to improve the health of some body systems, but also has a general strengthening effect. If it is not possible to go to a balneological resort, then you can improve your health by properly drinking this unique water.

How to distinguish Essentuki 17 from a fake

Unscrupulous suppliers often pass off counterfeit Essentuki 17 mineral water as original.

To avoid this, you should know the main signs of choosing natural products:

  • mineral water packaged in light-proof green bottles made of glass or plastic;
  • firmly glued label;
  • presence of GOST stamp;
  • the expiration date is embossed, not printed;
  • The description must contain accurate information: well number, location of the mineral spring, chemical composition.

You can definitely purchase healthy Essentuki mineral water, with the full range of medicinal properties, at the pharmacy. To confirm quality, it is recommended to ask the seller for a certificate for the product. It is reassuring that fake mineral water does not cause harm, but it also has zero benefit.

Additional Information! Natural Essentuki are not cheap due to their wide range of medicinal properties. Its price is significantly higher than similar table-type mineral analogues.

Difference between Essentuki 4 and 17

The drink contains 0 calories, which is why it is popular among people on a diet. Many people cannot understand the difference between Essentuki 17 and 4, considering these drinks to be analogues.

Let's figure out what their differences are:

  1. Water number 4 is considered less salty in taste than Essentuki 17.
  2. You can take water number 4 more often than Essentuki 17.
  3. Essentuki 4 is used to treat intestinal spasms and diarrhea.
  4. You can drink Essentuki 4 three times a day, 1 glass.

It is worth noting that those products that indicate the place of extraction of mineral water, well 58, are considered counterfeit and are not a real mineral drink.

Questions and answers

Due to the popularity of the brand and the variety of such mineral waters, which differ in properties and purpose, potential consumers have a lot of questions. The most frequently asked questions are worth considering and answering.

What is the difference between Essentuki 17 and 4

Essentuki, numbered 17 and 4, differ in the degree of mineral-salt concentration. The first option is richer in this regard, therefore it has a saltier taste. Due to its healing properties, excessive consumption will do more harm than good. Number 4 is assigned to the table and medical category. Mineral water under these numbers varies in benefits, purposes and harms. The fourth number helps more with gastrointestinal problems.

Cleanses the liver and activates kidney function, speeds up metabolism. It is not contraindicated for healthy people to drink Essentuki for 4 months in a row, daily. Just do not exceed a single dose of 200 ml. Should be taken on an empty stomach, 30-35 minutes before meals. For pathological digestive problems, maintain an interval of 15 minutes between food and mineral drink, and for ulcers - 1 hour.

Table of differences in the chemical composition of mineral water “Essentuki No. 17” from “Essentuki No. 4”:

Essentuki 17Essentuki 4
Potassium + Sodium
Chlorideup to 2800before 1900
Hydrocarbonateup to 6500up to 4800
Carbon dioxide (soluble)up to 2350until 1800

Which is better, Essentuki 17 or Narzan

It is impossible to say unequivocally which is more effective - Narzan or Essentuki. Each has a certain set of useful properties that are in demand in specific situations. Narzan helps more with digestive problems. This is mineral carbonated water, low concentration - about 2 g per liter. Suitable for people who don't like too salty taste. Compared to N 17, it has a conditionally pronounced therapeutic effect.

Which is healthier, Essentuki 17 or Borjomi

Borjomi is similar in biochemical content to Essentuki, but is inferior in salt content. Both varieties are classified as a mineral healthy type of sodium bicarbonate beverage. Borjomi has no less benefits for humans, but you cannot drink it every day, due to its saturation with fluoride. Otherwise, fluorosis may develop. A disease that at the initial stage destroys the bone component and teeth, then progresses with greater intensity.

Contraindications to Borjomi are:

  • pancreatitis;
  • migraine;
  • arthritis;
  • heart pathologies;
  • low stomach acidity.

In the price segment, Essentuki is lower than Borjomi.

Can pregnant women drink Essentuki 17?

During pregnancy, taking Essentuki 17 will only bring benefits, in the absence of medical contraindications. How much to drink at a time and for how long is determined by the doctor, so as not to harm anyone.

Beneficial properties of medicinal water, in an interesting situation:

  • Calcium has a beneficial effect on the formation of the skeleton and muscles of the fetus. This mineral supplement replenishes the resulting calcium deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman.
  • Magnesium promotes the proper formation of the baby’s nerve column and eliminates muscle cramps in women at night.
  • Bicarbonate relieves heartburn, which has often been suffered in the last 3 months. Dosed mineral drinks improve the general well-being of the expectant mother, raise her tone and energize her.

Is it possible to drink Essentuki 17 every day?

Essentuki 17, due to its wide range of properties and saturation with mineral components, can only be used for treatment and according to the prescribed regimen. Drinking every day is unacceptable, as it can cause significant harm to the human body.

There are no such restrictions regarding Essentuki 4, but regarding completely healthy people. It is permissible to drink it periodically in order to improve health and prevent the development of serious disorders in the functioning of organs. Stick to a certain schedule for 3 weeks or a little more. Then they rest for at least five months.

Essentuki 17: pros and cons

Before starting a course of rejuvenation or treatment, it is recommended to find out the beneficial properties of this product and whether there is a risk of harm to the body. The question arises: is it possible to drink this mineral water all the time? No. If you abuse water that has high mineralization, and Essentuki is just that, negative consequences cannot be ruled out. For example, if a person has diseased kidneys , then with constant use of Essentuka, fluid stagnation may occur in the tissues and kidney function may be impaired.

It is not recommended for children under fourteen years of age to drink this mineral product without a doctor’s prescription. If measures are taken when treating with this mineral water, then it will only bring health benefits. Mineral water not only has a healing effect on some systems of the human body, but also a general strengthening effect. Many who do not have the opportunity to undergo treatment at a balneological resort recover their health by properly taking this unique water.

Composition of Essentuki mineral water

Essentuki 17 contains a huge variety of elements and minerals . This water comes out of the depths hot and smells of hydrogen sulfide. The composition of mineral water contains natural carbon dioxide. The mineralization of this water ranges from 11 to 13.7 g/l, these indicators are elevated. Essentuki 17 contains in its chemical composition the following microelements:

  • bromine;
  • iodine;
  • sulfur;
  • silicon;
  • magnesium;
  • chlorine;
  • boric acid;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • sodium.

When to drink Essentuki 17

The use of this mineral water is very extensive. It is recommended to drink it for the following pathologies:

  • diseases that are characterized by deterioration of gastrointestinal motility ;
  • chronic gastritis
  • various hepatitis and other liver problems;
  • bowel irritation;
  • violation of fat and salt metabolism;
  • pancreatitis in the chronic stage;
  • biliary dyskinesia and cholecystitis;
  • type 1 and type 2 diabetes
  • if metabolism is disturbed ;
  • presence of intestinal dyskinesia ;
  • alcohol poisoning;
  • colitis , which is chronic;
  • restores lipid balance in obesity;
  • regular constipation;
  • when coughing;
  • if the functioning of the endocrine glands is disrupted, as well as stimulation of secretion;
  • presence of diathesis.

The amount you need to drink at one time depends directly on what disease a person has. Each disease has its own treatment regimens and methods. Essentuki is medicinal water , with highly pronounced medicinal properties, therefore all appointments should be given only by a doctor.

Water will cease to be beneficial if you do not control its dose by taking it in large quantities. Also, judging by the reviews, this mineral water is used to wash the sinuses in the presence of sinusitis and sinusitis.

Essentuki 17 how to drink correctly

At one time, depending on the disease, it is recommended to drink from thirty to two hundred and fifty milliliters. How should you drink water? Based on the diagnosis, they drink water, cold, warm or hot. The healing properties are not lost when the temperature changes. The size of sips is very important; it is recommended to take either large or small sips.

If a person is healthy , he can use water for prophylactic purposes for ten or fourteen days. In this case, you should drink cool water three times a day in an amount of one hundred seventy to two hundred and sixty grams, large sips, one hour before meals. One of the most important techniques is the morning one, which should be done on an empty stomach . The gas in the water should be of medium dosage or completely absent; to do this, first open the bottle so that it comes out.

Water is very useful for athletes and people who have a high physical load in everyday life. Only the doctor prescribes water for the elderly and children, and also gives recommendations for taking mineral water for pregnant women. People who live in large cities are recommended to take courses twice a year for the purpose of prevention.


Essentuki 17 has contraindications. Since water is a medicine, you need to remember that acute kidney, intestinal or stomach disease implies a categorical refusal to treat Essentuki 17. Also, without a doctor’s prescription, water is contraindicated for children and people who have salt deposits in their joints. It is not recommended to take mineral water if you have serious heart disease or hypertension.

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