Earring for weight loss - indications for use, reviews and price

What is a weight loss earring?

The earlobe contains a large number of active points responsible for the functioning of different parts of the brain and body systems. Acupuncture specialists decided to take advantage of this feature. The physiotherapist makes two punctures on the tragus of the ear and inserts an earring through them. The place was not chosen by chance. Alternative medicine claims that these points are responsible for reducing appetite and improving metabolism. An earring for weight loss helps you lose 10-20 kg.

Indications for use

Before ordering a medicinal product from an online store, think about whether you need it? A weight loss needle is not that cheap. The earring installation process should only be entrusted to a highly qualified specialist. Unskillful hands can greatly harm the body and provoke the exact opposite effect. Ear piercing is permitted in the following cases:

  • A person cannot cope with his appetite - hunger is too strong and cannot be controlled. If the phenomenon is caused not by a disease, but by psychological dependence, then using an earring is advisable.
  • As an aid. The weight reserve is very large, and you want to help your body get rid of it even more. Together with diet, exercise and an earring, the result will be excellent.


You will always have time to choose earrings for weight loss; before doing so, it is important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. A person should not experiment with non-standard development if he has the following conditions and diseases:

  • malignant tumors associated with deterioration of the immune system;
  • benign tumors, especially if they are localized in the ear area;
  • serious dysfunction of the kidneys and liver;
  • pathologies of blood vessels, heart, thyroid gland;
  • anemia;
  • diabetes;
  • bulimia, anorexia;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • individual intolerance to the acupuncture process (some people experience a persistent deterioration in well-being).

Pleasant “side effects” of the slimming needle

Soon after installing the slimming needle, patients note a general improvement in their well-being:

  • blood pressure and blood sugar levels are normalized;
  • the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems improves;
  • joint mobility is restored;
  • sweating decreases;
  • digestion improves.

And, of course, every kilogram of weight and centimeter of volume lost gives you a great mood!

Smoking is the worst enemy of health. It can cause weakened immunity, vascular atherosclerosis, stroke, impotence in men, menstrual irregularities and infertility in women. Carcinogens contained in tobacco smoke greatly increase the risk of developing malignant tumors in both smokers and those around them.

When smoking, blood vessels narrow greatly. Because of this, blood circulation slows down, and the cells of all tissues and organs lack oxygen, vitamins, microelements and nutrients. The skin becomes dry and dull, and wrinkles appear on it early. The condition of the hair deteriorates - it loses its shine and elasticity. Nails peel and break easily, teeth turn yellow. Therefore, heavy smokers look much older than their non-smoking peers.

Having realized all the harm of smoking, many people try to give up cigarettes. But nicotine causes such a strong psychological and physiological dependence that not everyone manages to overcome it on their own.

At the PRAGA clinic they will help you get rid of nicotine addiction with the help of reflexology.

Mukhina's earring

Advice on Mariyat Mukhina’s method differs in each individual case. A person who wants to lose weight comes to the consultation center. There, the specialist determines the point where the weight loss needles are attached to the ears. Gold jewelry is worn from 1 to 6 months, the doctor calculates the time depending on excess weight and associated factors (gender, health status). At the same time, recommendations on physical activity and nutrition are given. Once every 1-1.5 months, the patient comes for an examination, a specialist analyzes the results.

The needle connects two points on the tragus - thirst and hunger. Mukhina claims that a healing channel is formed between them, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Appetite decreases, the patient begins to eat less. The doctor also offers a strict low-carbohydrate diet and various beauty sessions (acupuncture face lifting, figure correction). When the specialist believes that the person has reached the desired weight loss point, the earring is removed.

Where to get your ear pierced in St. Petersburg. Ear piercing

All little girls dream of being like princesses. One of the integral parts of such a magical look are luxurious and beautiful earrings. But in order to wear them, you need to have your ears pierced. As we know, there are a huge number of active points on our ears. If at least one of them is unintentionally damaged, we can harm the health of our children. Therefore, the ear piercing procedure requires a serious approach.

It is important to know! Simple rules that parents should always remember:

1.Ear piercing should be performed by a reflexologist in a specially equipped room; The main feature of the ear piercing procedure is the numerous number of active points on the earlobe, which are responsible for the proper functioning of various systems of our body. That is why ear piercing for adults and children should be performed by a reflexologist. It is the doctor of this specialization who will properly prepare for the procedure and the puncture itself. The location of active points is checked using special equipment on the VRT-KMDT device. Therefore, the chances of error are zero. To the doctor’s vast experience and the quality of the work performed, we add an additional advantage - modern equipment. Ear piercing is carried out in two ways: the 75 system and its analogue, a pistol. To select the optimal puncture system, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

2. All instruments must be sterile;

3. The medical stud earring cannot be removed or changed for 1 month, regularly turning it inside the pierced hole and treating the hole itself;

4. The most favorable age for ear piercing is considered to be from 5 years old. This is due to the period of formation of nerve endings, which is usually completed in the period from 5 to 7 years. In children under 5 years of age, the nerve endings are not yet fully formed and there is no way to evaluate them.

5. It is better to carry out the procedure in cool weather to avoid suppuration and ensure faster healing.

Slimming clip

The acupuncture method of weight loss quickly became popular, so manufacturers of such gizmos quickly took note of this fact. Ear piercing for weight loss is a serious step. It is much easier and safer (but maybe not as effective?) to put on a magnetic clip. Each earring comes with instructions and installation tips. Features of the slimming clip:

  • The earring has a magnetic effect on biologically active points of the ear. By stimulating specific areas, you can achieve the desired result - reducing appetite, accelerating metabolism, improving the functioning of the stomach and intestines.
  • You need to wear the jewelry for 3-5 hours, changing the position of the earring before each meal. The instructions indicate specific points and what they are responsible for.
  • You will lose weight only in combination with sports and proper nutrition. Clips have low effectiveness if used in isolation - without control of diet and training.

What determines the effectiveness of Antitobacco acupuncture?

The peculiarity of the Antitobacco program is that its effectiveness depends not only on the qualifications of the acupuncturist. It is very important that the patient himself really wants to quit smoking. In such cases, even one acupuncture session is enough.

But those who doubt their willpower are advised to undergo a full course of reflexology against smoking. It consists of three sessions and guarantees easy and comfortable overcoming of nicotine addiction syndrome.

During the initial appointment, the doctor determines the degree of dependence of the patient on smoking and his moral and psychological attitude towards giving up this bad habit. Based on the results obtained, he recommends a one-time procedure or a complete Anti-Tobacco program.

Price for weight loss earring

You cannot buy a gold earring and magnetic clips in pharmacies. Mariyat Mukhina founded the Origitea clinic, which sells, installs needles, provides consultations and controls weight loss. Clinics are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tver, Krasnogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Kolomna. You can find out more about the services of the medical institution on its official website.

Magnetic clips and copies of Mukhina’s gold earring are sold in various online stores. Their prices vary: there are expensive options, and there are very cheap ones. For an additional cost, you can arrange delivery by mail to anywhere in Russia. Your shopping experience will be even better if you go on sale and get a good discount. Price for different earring options:

Product Price, rubles
Mukhina's gold earring with installation + consultation with a nutritionist 10000 + 3000
Magnetic earrings 190-250
Earrings for weight loss on Aliexpress 77-270
Non-original gold earring 3100-5000

At the PRAGA clinic you can not only lose weight, but also look younger!

The PRAGA clinic is equipped with the most modern cosmetology equipment. With its help, our doctors perform real miracles:

  • you can look 4-5 years younger thanks to facial reinforcement with 3D mesothreads or Aptos threads;
  • one completely painless and safe SMAS lifting procedure using the Doublo System device will provide an effect comparable to a circular surgical facelift;
  • laser and photorejuvenation will tighten the skin, make it fresh, uniform, smooth and elastic;
  • myostimulation on the VIP LINE device in Transion mode will restore tone and increase muscle volume, making them prominent.

A pronounced effect of skin rejuvenation is ensured by the use of injection techniques - mesotherapy, biorevitalization, plasma lifting.

Progress of the procedure

If the magnet can be installed independently, then the needles require contacting a specialist. There are more than two hundred bioactive points on the ears, responsible for various functions. Therefore, the installation of the earring should be carried out by a specialist. After appropriate consultation, the specialist selects the most suitable needle size and begins the installation procedure.

  1. The patient is punctured in certain ear bio-points with the finest gold needle, which is absolutely painless.
  2. Typically, an earring is selected based on the size of the ear shell, as well as the desired weight loss result. As a rule, the length of the needle does not exceed 1 cm.
  3. Then the needle is fixed on the ear and worn for a long time (up to six months).
  4. If there was a result, but after some time the weight loss stopped, then you need to contact a specialist to reinstall the needle on the other ear.

Be sure to read: The most effective anti-cellulite recipes for coffee and honey wrap at home

Such a simple product will help tame an excessive appetite and lose excess fat deposits.

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