Elixir “Zdorov” for weight loss: instructions for use, reviews

Composition of the elixir “Zdorov” for weight loss

Elixir “Zdorov” for weight loss is an organic concentrate of biologically active compounds extracted from medicinal plants and bee products. It includes:

  • Propolis is a natural metabolic activator that triggers the process of oxidation of fatty tissues with subsequent formation of water. This complex substance saturates the body with trace elements and vitamins involved in the formation of hormones and enzymes.
  • Polysaccharides, fiber and resinous compounds of the Chaga mushroom. The complex of these substances draws water from the intercellular space, which was formed during the breakdown of fats, and also absorbs and removes waste and toxins.
  • Amino acids and polysaccharides extracted from calendula are powerful sedatives and strengthening substances that make weight loss relaxing and productive. Calendula prevents the occurrence of “dietary stress”, which often leads to depression and nervous breakdown.
  • St. John's wort essential oils and resins are powerful antimicrobial and immunostimulating compounds that strengthen the result of fat breakdown. St. John's wort helps break down old fat deposits.
  • Flax oil is a natural protective and enveloping agent that has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. It contains a record amount of antioxidants that restore blood vessels and tissues, cleanse them of toxins and waste.

The complex action of the elixir helps reduce weight to ideal levels without the risk of complications. This alone is worth drinking the Zdorov weight loss elixir - it can already be ordered for delivery on our website.

Elixir of slimness HEALTHY - beneficial properties and features

The main effect of the ZDOROV slimming elixir is achieved due to the fact that it purposefully affects all metabolic and fat-burning processes occurring in the human body. In its most simplified form, the process of losing weight comes down to the following:

  • the active components immediately enter the bloodstream and, along with it, are distributed throughout the body,
  • metabolism begins to accelerate,
  • the volume of fat layers decreases,
  • much more energy is consumed, and a person wants to eat less.

As a result, it is possible to achieve the desired result in getting rid of the hated kilograms. Schematically, the entire process of losing weight with the ZDOROV elixir comes down to the following:

  1. You use a unique balm in full accordance with the instructions for use.
  2. Elixir of slimness ZDOROV activates metabolic processes and lowers the level of PPAR-gamma protein in the body (a protein that is responsible for the processes of accumulation and deposition of fat cells).
  3. Fat stops being deposited on the waist, hips and abdomen.
  4. Old cells gradually begin to break down, fat disappears, as if on its own.

People who used the ZDOROV slimming elixir report in their reviews that someone managed to lose 7-10 hated kilograms of weight in just a couple of weeks, and someone said goodbye to 20 cm on the waist or hips.

In other words, a clear trend emerges: returning weight to normal with the ZDOROV weight loss elixir has become easier and more accessible. Including due to the fact that the composition of the elixir has been tested and recommended by the Russian Association of Dietitians.

Elixir ZDOROV is a unique propolis balm, the principle of which is based on burning excess fat. It allows overweight people to quickly lose extra pounds without any health problems.

This effect is due to the peculiarities of the combined effect of the natural components that make up the product, which, unlike chemicals, is absolutely safe.

In order to understand how the ZDOROV slimming elixir works, below is a list of the main effects the drug has on the human body, in particular:

  • activates the process of breaking down fat deposits on the hips, abdomen, waist and other areas;
  • promotes weight loss without stretch marks, eliminates sagging and sagging skin;
  • enhances metabolic processes by accelerating metabolism;
  • normalizes appetite, thereby helping to prevent weight gain;
  • promotes normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • enriches the body with vitamins, which are not always supplied in the required quantities;
  • restores hormonal levels due to the presence of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the elixir;
  • restores water-salt balance;
  • removes harmful substances from the body, completely cleansing it of waste and toxins;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • normalizes the nervous system, relieves stress and depression;
  • tones the body and strengthens the immune system.

Elixir of slimness ZDOROV – composition of the balm for weight loss

The manufacturer of ZDOROV preparations (cream wax, elixir, etc.) works only with natural ingredients, for this reason the elixir does not contain chemicals. The balm does not cause allergies, and there are no side effects.

The composition of the propolis elixir for slimness, in particular, includes components that have the following therapeutic and prophylactic properties:

  1. Propolis . Scientists have been able to establish that with regular consumption of propolis in the body, the level of PPAR-gamma protein, which is responsible for fat reserves, decreases. Propolis saturates with energy, relieves pain, restores your slimness, and activates fat burning processes. Gives additional energy, saturates the body with important and necessary vitamins, eliminates spasms, promotes slimness, and accelerates the oxidation of internal fat deposits. Thanks to the presence of propolis in the elixir, the natural process of weight loss is launched.
  1. Chaga mushroom . Gently cleanses the body of toxins, toxins and other harmful substances. Eliminates parasites and their metabolic products. Improves the functioning and functions of many internal organs. Helps increase the feeling of fullness and inhibits the onset of hunger, even if the last meal was several hours ago. It has a pronounced cleansing effect, makes your body “sterile”, eliminates traces of the activity of parasites, harmful substances and compounds. The mushroom contains polysaccharides, resins, fiber, and steroid compounds.
  1. Calendula . Calms the nervous system and reduces stress, which causes a person to often overeat. And when a feeling of inner balance and peace sets in, the need to “eat up” emerging problems with sweet foods disappears. Makes the weight loss process calmer, “quenches” the body’s nervous reactions, and protects against their excessive manifestation. You lose weight, but at the same time you don’t get irritated over trifles, don’t take out aggression on others, don’t shout.
  1. St. John's wort . This herbal component is considered a natural antibiotic. It restores and strengthens the entire body. The body loses weight, and the achieved result is maintained for a long time. An active natural antibiotic that restores the body, strengthens it, and intensifies the fight against extra pounds. St. John's wort detects, penetrates and quickly “breaks down” old deposits of fat and fat cells.
  1. Flaxseed oil . Has a positive effect on the digestive system. The adhesive base envelops the mucous membrane, relieves inflammation and regenerates damaged areas of the stomach. Fiber helps improve peristaltic processes, calms the nerves and the function of the vascular system. Flax seeds act as a sorbent that cleanses the body of dirt and toxins. Flaxseed oil in the composition of the medicine normalizes the acid balance in the body.

ZDOROV propolis elixir for weight loss also contains other substances that are responsible for your health and well-being, in particular, vitamins E and A, amino acids, flavonoids , as well as resinous compounds .

Elixir of slimness ZDOROV – instructions for use

The weight loss elixir was specially created for home use, so that everyone can begin the process of losing excess weight in their usual home conditions. The elixir comes with detailed instructions, so there should be no difficulties during its use.

Below is a step-by-step process for using the HEALTHY slimming elixir:

  1. First, you should shake the bottle with the elixir thoroughly so that the composition inside is thoroughly mixed.
  2. Then five drops of the elixir should be added to a glass of plain water and stirred with a spoon. The result should be a homogeneous solution, which is drunk in several sips. If necessary, you can additionally wash it down with your favorite drink or juice, but this is not necessary.
  3. This procedure must be repeated twice a day throughout the week. If during this time the number of kilograms lost is not enough for a person, then the weight loss procedure is extended for another seven days.

As noted earlier, the best effect from taking the propolis slimming elixir ZDOROV is achieved with parallel physical activity and diet, which, together, has a positive effect on the normalization of metabolism, the disruption of which is the main cause of excess weight gain.


Elixir of slimness ZDOROV is a natural and completely safe remedy that has no side effects. Therefore, it has no contraindications. This weight loss product can be taken by people suffering from chronic stomach diseases.

However, if a person has previously experienced an allergic reaction to propolis, then it should be taken with caution and, perhaps, it would be better to consult a specialist first. It is also better not to use it during pregnancy. A woman should wait until the child is born, and then use the presented remedy to restore her figure.

How does the Zdorov elixir work for weight loss?

Using the Zdorov elixir for weight loss is gentle and unobtrusive. The use of the drug does not cause:

  • loose stool;
  • change in appetite;
  • weakness and dizziness;
  • loss of muscle mass and so on.

The drug affects only adipose tissue, and the internal organs come to a balanced functional state. The effect of using the product persists after the end of the course. You can eat your favorite dishes without fear of sudden weight gain. In addition, the “Zdorov” elixir has a positive effect on the immune system and prevents the development of food allergies or intolerance to certain foods.

Unlike other weight loss products, the elixir does not “harm” the stomach, liver and kidneys. On the contrary, they are restored, and a person who has lost weight does not experience health problems.

Thanks to the active elimination of toxic compounds from the body, which inevitably accumulate in the body during obesity, those who have lost weight with the help of the “Healthy” elixir do not have problems with their appearance - the skin becomes more elastic and toned, pustules and age spots disappear, inflammatory spots are reduced. foci.

Indications and contraindications

Elixir “Zdorov” is indicated for people suffering from excess body weight. It helps women recover well after the birth of a baby. It even saves your figure after vacations and multi-day holidays with rich feasts. The elixir consists of natural ingredients, therefore it is safe and has no side effects. If there are no contraindications, then you can take it without danger to health.

Despite numerous indications, the drug has some contraindications:

  • Persons under 18 years of age.
  • Women expecting a baby and nursing mothers.
  • With individual intolerance to components.
  • Diabetic patients taking insulin.

If you have serious heart, liver or kidney diseases, you should consult your doctor before taking it.

How to take Healthy Elixir to lose weight

Before using the product, shake the bottle - the elixir has the structure of a thick syrup, and most of the active compounds gradually settle to the bottom. For severe obesity, take 5 drops in the morning and evening. The elixir is dissolved in chilled boiled water and drunk at one time, regardless of meals. For low and moderate obesity, the elixir is taken once a day - in the morning or evening in the same dosage.

The minimum duration of taking the drug is 7 days. During this time, from 3 to 5 kg of fat is lost. If you need to get rid of more kilograms, take the “Zdorov” elixir for up to 4 weeks without a break. If the weight has not reached the desired levels, the course can be repeated after a week break.

What is included in the compound formula

To maintain health, it is important to adhere to prescription compliance.

We took care of introducing the following natural elements into the composition of the drug:

  1. Propolis product.

Has three fundamental functions:

  • helps reduce appetite, reduces the size of consumed portions, eliminates the need for overeating, controls the presence of fat;
  • participates in the breakdown of fats, neutralizes reserves;
  • eliminates toxic wastes and decay products from the body.

The factor effect of the element is the stimulation of blood flow to the problem area of ​​the body. Active fat burning and cellulite neutralization are launched. During the work, the PPAR-gamma protein levels are normalized.

  1. Linseed oil. The product is enriched with microelement molecules, Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids. The composition of the element is enriched with vitamins F, E, B, A, K. The symbiosis of the elements promotes the synthesis of healthy fats.

Daily use of flaxseed oil:

  • helps normalize digestion by reducing the amount of calories ingested;
  • neutralizes the toxic presence of harmful substances, has a laxative effect;
  • helps to take control of the sense of appetite, neutralizes the feeling of hunger;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functionality of the digestive system;
  • activates the process of regeneration of damaged tissue areas;
  • stabilizes intestinal motility;
  • has a calming effect;
  • controls the presence of acid balance.

Polyunsaturated acids in the oil contribute to the accelerated process of fat breakdown. Works during sleep. Prevents the formation of fat in the subcutaneous layer.

  1. Calendula herb. The component has no equal in terms of high-speed material exchange. The elements help focus attention on the digestion process. At the same time, work is being done on intestinal permeability. The consumption of fats under the influence of the component will be neutralized. Fat will no longer be stored in reserve.

An extractive substance based on calendula helps calm the nervous system. Relieves stress, which often ends in overeating. Calendula is an element of balance in the body. Protects against sweet tooth cravings. Participates in the process of reducing fat mass. The stage occurs calmly, without outbursts of aggression and irritation.

Recipes for tinctures containing calendula should be taken with caution. The manufacturer has established safe proportions of the substance. The functionality of the digestive system is not threatened.

  1. Herb St. John's wort. The plant is known for its tonic effect. It is a natural antidepressant that helps improve mood through the process of fat processing. The extractive element participates in the controlling mission. Monitors metabolism. The herb has proven a productive effect on the situation when, in the process of losing weight, the weight freezes at one level.

If you approach the intake process in accordance with the instructions, you will have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. The bile ducts will be cleansed. The herb St. John's wort is known for its tonic effect. Helps a weakened body recover faster. The body produces a rational metabolism. The process of burning fat in problem areas starts.

The listed elements are included in the original composition of the “Zdorov” elixir. The functionality is complemented by vitamins A and E, flavonoids, amino acid bonds and resinous compounds. Their presence strengthens the component formula, which is aimed at combating excess weight.

Doctor's review

Sergey Bobunov Doctor of the highest category,

“With the help of this drug, it becomes possible to reduce body weight in a planned manner and with a high effect, burning fat reserves and normalizing the course of metabolism, and getting rid of cellulite. Elixir “Zdorov” for weight loss will help to effectively reduce appetite, ensure early satiety and reduce the attractiveness of sweets. The basis of the drug is made up of natural substances that have an ideal balance. Fighting extra pounds with the help of this product, following all the manufacturer’s recommendations, will be the most productive and completely harmless way. This drug has honestly earned its certificates and approvals by participating in testing and testing many times.”

What are the beneficial properties of the drug

The plant complex attracts consumer attention. It has been experimentally proven that the composition restarts metabolism in the body. Removes excess fluid accumulation in the body. Nutritionists record a decrease in the levels of PPAR-gamma proteins, which provoke the formation of fat reserves in problem areas.

The elixir, enriched with natural elements, controls the required level of fat-forming protein. Excess is processed into energy. The approach to combating extra pounds promotes weight loss results without stretch marks and sagging skin.

The manufacturer notes the following positive effects:

  • the new formula helps reduce appetite, preventing overeating;
  • the functional functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is stabilized;
  • the body is saturated with minerals, vitamins and other elements;
  • hormonal levels are leveled;
  • the indicator of water-salt metabolism is normalized;
  • the body is cleansed of toxins, waste and decay products;
  • conditions are created for muscle modeling;
  • skin cells are restored;
  • antibacterial effect is formed;
  • helps strengthen the immune system;
  • helps neutralize stress and depression;
  • neutralizes attacks of aggression;
  • regulates the psycho-emotional state.

A functional feature of the elixir is its component content. Once in the blood, the elements participate in fat burning and metabolic processes. The fat burning program starts.

Feedback from a nutritionist

Dementyev Anatoly, nutritionist at the Institute of Nutrition of Russia

Elixir “Zdorov” fights a common cause of obesity. We are talking about a slow metabolic process in the body. Natural extracts trigger a complex effect. The composition is involved in the metabolic process. Corrects the outflow of toxins and waste from the body. Participates in the regeneration of internal tissues. Neutralizes subcutaneous fat layers. Destroys visceral fat. Stabilizes the functionality of the heart and gastrointestinal tract. Makes skin elastic and tightened. Forms immunity.

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