A varied and healthy menu for 900 calories per day


The basis of almost all diets and weight loss programs is the principle of reducing the calorie content of food. The norm for a healthy person is a daily diet of 1600 to 2400 kcal. Depending on age and physical activity, the energy value of the diet can be increased or decreased. If you create a menu for 900 calories per day and stick to it for one week, you can get rid of 5-7 kg of excess weight.

This technique is the most effective and safe for health, as it does not require a radical change in regimen and lifestyle. Unlike most diets, it does not require strict restriction or refusal of food, resulting in severe stress to the body. The main condition is to create the right menu and stick to it for 7 days.

Rules and principles of diet

Reducing caloric intake is the basis of a program for effective weight loss. The usual diet changes due to the fact that some products are replaced by others. Large amounts of fiber, protein and carbohydrates help speed up metabolism, which helps burn subcutaneous fat.

Unlike other weight loss programs, you do not need to resort to complete abstinence from food. Calorie intake is reduced to 900 calories per day by eating plenty of vegetables, meat and dairy products. At the same time, all high-calorie foods are excluded from the diet.

Main products:

  • Lean meat. Any poultry (without skin), veal, rabbit, beef.
  • Non-starchy vegetables, fruits and berries. It is especially useful to add apples and dried fruits to your diet.
  • Greenery. It is recommended to consume parsley and celery in large quantities, fresh, dried and frozen.
  • Eggs and dairy products. The menu should include low-fat products; it is recommended to prepare cottage cheese yourself.

When creating a menu, be sure to take into account the total calorie content of ready-made dishes and their components. You cannot lower the threshold of 900 calories - this leads to stress in the body, which begins to accumulate energy reserves in the form of fat deposits.

Prohibited products:

  1. All products are made from flour. Bakery products, all types of dough, pastries, and cakes should be excluded from the 900 Kcal per day menu.
  2. Animal fat and oil. Margarine, spread, and butter are prohibited. It is not recommended to completely exclude vegetable oils (olive, flaxseed) - they are added to salads in strictly limited quantities in accordance with the menu.
  3. Meat and dairy products that are high in fat. Fatty fish are also prohibited.
  4. Sweets. Jam, chocolate, and ice cream are excluded from the diet. The menu is not allowed to include natural honey and sweet dried fruits (dates, dried apricots).

Prohibited foods include all types of prepared deli meats, pickled foods, smoked meats and fast food. Nutritionists recommend reducing the salt content in ready-made dishes, replacing them with herbs.

The main principle of this diet is not the refusal of food, but the normalization of eating behavior. The daily diet should be divided into 5-6 doses with equal breaks of 3-4 hours. You should not skip one or more meals, or reduce your total daily caloric intake below 900 Kcal.

When preparing your diet, it is recommended to calculate in advance the energy value of all products that will be used for cooking. You should also analyze recipes for complex dishes consisting of several components in advance. If desired, you can use ready-made menu options compiled by professional nutritionists. You can take them as a basis, and if necessary, change some dishes for others that are more suitable to your taste.

Be sure to read: Advantages and disadvantages of two meals a day

In addition to preliminary preparation of the menu and products, you should draw up a plan for physical activity. Reducing the caloric content of the diet to 900 kcal per day puts little stress on the body, so it is advisable to refuse sports activities during the diet. Daily walking at a normal pace is sufficient.

If it is not possible to cook immediately before eating, you can use semi-finished products. They should be stored for no more than 24 hours in the refrigerator, and only be home-made (juices, salads, snacks, soups).

900 calorie diet requirements

While on a diet, 900 calories are on the forbidden list.

The following products are included: - flour products (you can leave only a little rye bread in the diet); - fats and oils; - fatty dairy and meat products; — jam, honey, chocolate, cakes and other sweets; — fast food products; - pickled, smoked, overly salted foods.

It’s better to give up salt altogether for a week, and you also need to eliminate sugar in any form (both in foods and drinks).

The basis of the diet

you should make: - lean meat (priority is skinless chicken and beef); - non-starchy vegetables and fruits (primarily apples), various berries; - greenery; - chicken eggs; - low-fat dairy and fermented milk products.

It is recommended to stick to small meals and eat at least five times a day. The daily minimum of clean water should be one and a half liters. You can also drink tea and coffee, but without sugar. Occasionally it is allowed to add a small amount of low-fat milk to these drinks. Tea can be acidified with lemon juice or a slice of this citrus. It is allowed to enter into the menu, adding to the total calorie content, compotes, uzvar from fruits and dried fruits. Other drinks, especially those containing alcohol, should be avoided.

You can use the ready-made 900-calorie weekly menu described below, or you can create the menu yourself at your own discretion. The main thing is to take into account the basic requirements for choosing products.

Since the calorie content of the diet is quite low, with such a diet it is advisable to give up physical activity and not engage in work that requires serious energy expenditure. Of course, the diet rules don’t encourage you to sit completely motionless. The developers of the methodology advise limiting yourself to walking.

It is very important to gradually exit such a low-calorie diet. You should increase your caloric intake gradually, adding no more than 200 units daily until you reach your ideal figure at which your weight will be stable. If you add calories too sharply, there is a high probability that the excess weight that you worked so hard to get rid of will return and digestive problems will arise. There is no need to immediately after finishing the diet lean on foods that you refused. It is advisable, as before, to consume high-calorie flour and sweet foods in minimal quantities.

Examples of daily diet

There are two options for creating low-calorie menus, which consist of homogeneous and mixed products. In the first case, during all five meals it is recommended to consume only fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits, etc. The mixed menu includes all types of products; vegetables, meat, milk, etc.

To create a weekly menu for 900 calories, it is recommended to use low-calorie foods. It is advisable to distribute the total calorie content among all 5 servings - 150-180 Kcal per serving. Uniform portions will help the body quickly adapt to such a diet and quickly start the process of burning excess fat.

Recommended dishes and products for one meal (100-150 Kcal):

  • Vegetable soup or stewed vegetables (200 g);
  • Boiled mushrooms (1 plate);
  • Boiled potatoes in their jackets with dill;
  • Chicken egg (hard-boiled);
  • Chicken leg (boiled);
  • Banana;
  • Sweet berries (any) 1 cup;
  • Low-fat boiled fish 200 g;
  • Low-fat yogurt 1 cup;
  • Green tea with milk (2 cups);
  • Cocoa 1/2 cup;
  • 2 pears;
  • 2 kiwis;
  • Pineapple 200 g;
  • Cottage cheese 100 g;
  • Grapefruit 300 g;
  • Apple;
  • White cabbage 350-400 g;
  • Fresh carrots 400 g;
  • Kefir 2 cups;
  • Tofu cheese 150 g.

You can easily create a suitable menu from these products so as not to exceed the recommended calorie intake. The list should also be supplemented with clean water, which should be drunk in an amount of at least one and a half liters per day. Thanks to the large selection of products, you can independently create a diet for 900 calories per day. This will make the weight loss process more comfortable, without the feeling of hunger and stress for the body.

Principles of diet planning

When compiling a daily menu, high-calorie foods are replaced with low-calorie foods, giving preference to complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber and protein foods.

A 900 kcal per day diet should include 73 g of carbohydrates, 84 g of protein and 34 g of fat.

Authorized Products

The list of products that are allowed to be included in the diet is large.

It includes:

  • fruits and berries;
  • vegetables without or with little starch content (eggplants, sweet peppers, all types of cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, green peas, onions, celery, new potatoes, beets, carrots);
  • greens (parsley, sorrel);
  • mushrooms;
  • eggs;
  • lean sea fish (sea bass, pollock, hake, cod);
  • chicken and turkey meat with skin removed;
  • veal and rabbit;
  • low-fat fermented milk products, milk;
  • bran;
  • whole grain bread.

Vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, flaxseed) are not completely excluded. It is allowed to add them in small quantities to vegetable salads and use them during cooking.

Recommended food products.

Prohibited Products

A diet of 900 calories a day will be effective if you avoid high-calorie foods and foods that negatively affect digestion and metabolism.

In order not to exceed the daily limit, you should avoid eating a number of foods.

These include:

  • all fried foods;
  • starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn, rutabaga, squash, radish, radish, Jerusalem artichoke);
  • legumes;
  • some types of fruits (bananas, grapes, mangoes and persimmons);
  • flour products (pasta, bread, muffins, cookies, cakes);
  • products containing sugar (sweets, jam, ice cream, chocolate);
  • honey;
  • sweet dried fruits (dried apricots, dates);
  • fatty types of meat (pork, lamb), poultry (duck, goose) and fish (eel, sturgeon, mackerel, halibut, iwasi, etc.);
  • fatty fermented milk products and milk;
  • animal fats (butter, lard, lard).

It is recommended to avoid pickles, canned food, fast food and store-bought products that contain flavor enhancers, dyes and other components harmful to health. The last category includes sausages, crackers, chips, etc.

Salt must be limited as it slows down metabolism. To make the dishes tasty, you can use herbs instead.

You should stop eating fast food.

Drinking regime

While losing weight, you should not deny yourself water, as it removes accumulated waste and toxins from the body, restores water-salt balance, and speeds up metabolism.

Nutritionists recommend drinking 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day. If the diet is followed in the summer, then the volume can be increased to 2.5 liters per day.

When following a diet, liquid should be drunk half an hour before meals. Water will fill the stomach, so a person will not feel hungry and will eat less.

To start metabolic processes in the body, every morning after waking up, nutritionists recommend drinking 2 glasses of still water. After this, you need to start breakfast no earlier than 40-60 minutes later.

Throughout the day you can drink still water, tea or coffee without sugar, or rosehip infusion. They do not contain calories, so they can be consumed without restrictions.

Drinks containing sugar should be avoided. These include store-bought juices, fruit drinks, compotes, and sweet carbonated waters.

When including freshly squeezed juices in your daily menu, you must remember that they can increase your daily calorie intake and slow down weight loss.

In summer, you need to drink up to 2.5 liters of water.

Advantages and disadvantages

A low-calorie diet has many advantages over other nutrition programs. By reducing your total caloric intake to 900 kcal per day, you can lose weight by eating your favorite foods. This technique allows you to avoid the main negative aspects of any program for losing excess weight - refusal to eat and regular physical activity.

Obesity is one of the most important factors preventing an active lifestyle. Due to their large weight, it is difficult for many women to exercise in the gym, and in some cases, extra pounds are the main contraindication to physical activity (with heart disease, diabetes and other diseases).

The result is a vicious circle: due to lack of movement, kilograms accumulate, which can only be removed if you increase physical activity. This often becomes the reason for the ineffectiveness of many good diets, which are effective only in combination with exercise.

The method of eating 900 calories a day promotes gradual weight loss only by changing your daily diet. Extra pounds are lost due to the fact that the body uses energy from its own reserves, rather than from food.

Other benefits include:

  • Availability. The diet can be followed not only at home, but also during work. The products are easy to prepare and can be taken with you.
  • Stability. The technique helps to gradually reduce weight to the required level and change eating behavior. As a result of the body’s adaptation, weight loss occurs without stress, which ensures sustainable results even after leaving the diet.
  • Varied menu. If desired, the diet can be made up of any products: if necessary, some ingredients can be replaced with others. There is no need to avoid food or use only a limited list of foods.
  • No complete bans. All products included in the prohibited list are not recommended. However, if desired, they can be included in the menu, or used for preparing dietary dishes. The main condition is that the number of calories does not exceed the permissible limit.

Be sure to read: Lose weight quickly in 2 days - the most effective diets and recommendations from nutritionists

The disadvantages of the technique include its short duration and limited number of kilograms lost. It is not recommended to stick to the diet for more than 7 days in a row. Eating low-calorie foods for a long time can slow down your metabolism. Due to a lack of certain foods and organic substances in the body, various pathologies of the digestive system can develop. However, using this technique you can lose 5-6 kilograms, after which it will be much easier to deal with the remaining excess weight.

If you need to repeat this power system, you should consult a specialist. In the absence of contraindications, it will be possible to choose the most optimal diet.

900 kcal per day diet - rules and principles

For the normal functioning of the body, an adult needs to receive from 1800 to 2400 kcal per day with food. To quickly lose weight, you can use a low-calorie diet containing 900 kcal, i.e., reduce the energy value of the diet by 2-2.5 times.

The body, experiencing a lack of energy, begins to replenish it through fat deposits on the waist, hips and other parts of the body. As a result, weight decreases.

In order not to cause harm to health, when following a diet, adhere to the following principles:

  • the diet must be divided into 5-6 meals (meals should be fractional);
  • consume foods raw, boiled or steamed, include vegetables stewed in a small amount of vegetable oil in the diet;
  • do not overeat (the amount of food eaten at a time should fit in 2 palms);
  • include fruits and non-starchy vegetables in your daily menu;
  • minimize physical activity and avoid going to the gym;
  • follow a diet during vacation so that you can rest during the day and get enough sleep at night;
  • Stick to a low-calorie diet for no more than 7 days.

Advantages of the technique

When followed correctly, a low-calorie 900 kcal diet allows you to:

  • quickly lose excess weight;
  • normalize metabolic processes in the body;
  • not feel hungry;
  • get rid of vitamin deficiency, deficiency of micro- and macroelements;
  • lose weight without exercise;
  • create your own menu;
  • eat delicious and healthy dishes.

This diet is suitable for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, women who want to prepare for the beach season or get in shape after childbirth, as well as anyone who wants to quickly get into shape.

Who is it not suitable for?

All methods for weight correction have their own characteristics, and therefore are not universal. A technique based on the principle of calorie reduction is not suitable if you are diagnosed with diabetes or obesity. In this case, the diet is compiled by specialists taking into account individual characteristics.

This system is not suitable if obesity is caused by chronic diseases. Diet can cause exacerbations and severe complications.

It is also not recommended to use a weight loss system during pregnancy, immediately after childbirth (during lactation) and after surgery. It is not advisable to resort to reduced-calorie diets before reaching 18 years of age. During the period of growth and formation of the body, this can cause the development of pathologies of various types.

Active sports are the main contraindication. This technique is not suitable for professional athletes and people leading an active lifestyle. Obesity and excess weight can have various causes, so before starting any diet you should undergo a medical examination. Reducing calories will only be effective if the problem with extra pounds is caused by improper eating behavior and regimen.

Contraindications for the 900 calorie diet

  1. This low-calorie method should not be followed by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, children under 18 years of age, or older people.
  2. You should not go on a 900 calorie diet if you have any health problems or have recently had surgery.
  3. An unquestioning ban is the presence of diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. The taboo for following the described rules is active sports.
  5. Professional athletes and people whose activities require considerable energy consumption definitely do not need to lose weight like this.
  6. In addition, you cannot seek help from a 900-calorie diet if you are noticeably overweight. Such people need to consume more calories so as not to experience a loss of strength and develop additional problems with the functioning of the body.

Useful tips

  1. When cooking meat and fish, be sure to remove the skin. To reduce the fat content, it is best to steam or bake in the oven.
  2. The recommended portion of meat or fish per meal should not exceed 100 g. For convenience, you can cook the whole fish, and then divide it into several servings.
  3. To prevent hunger, include soups and hot vegetable dishes in your menu. As a snack, you can use vegetables that do not require heat treatment: sweet peppers, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes.
  4. Be sure to drink water (1.5 liters). This will help normalize metabolism and speed up the weight loss process.

Daily ration for 900 kcal

When creating a menu, foods must be distributed in such a way that each meal provides 100-150 kcal. Thanks to this, a person will easily be able to control caloric intake, and his body will be able to quickly adapt to dietary restrictions.

Approximate diet for 1 day:

  1. Breakfast: poached egg, whole grain bread, cup of coffee.
  2. Second breakfast: 2 kiwis.
  3. Lunch: 150 g of stewed white cabbage with mushrooms, steamed veal cutlet.
  4. Afternoon snack: 150 g of cottage cheese with raspberries.
  5. Dinner: 150 g of vegetable stew from eggplant and sweet pepper, pear.
  6. Before bed: 200 ml of kefir.

The feeling of hunger that occurs between meals can be satisfied with water.

Sample dishes for one day of the diet.

Sample menu for a week for 900 kilocalories per day

To make it easier to follow a diet, you can come up with a weekly menu in advance. When compiling it, it is necessary to ensure a balanced and varied diet.

Time of day/DayMonWWedThuFriSatSun
In the morningCottage cheese with raisins, apple, herbal teaSteam omelet of 2 eggs, coffeeStewed cabbage, whole grain bread, green tea with lime juice2 hard-boiled eggs, cucumber, herbal teaCottage cheese with dill, orange, rosehip decoctionSteamed cheesecakes, coffeeStewed peas, 1 soft-boiled egg, green tea
Snack2 pearsWhole grain bread, orangeLow-fat cottage cheese with any berries250 g watermelonOrange and kiwi2 apples250 g melon
DinnerVegetable soup made from cabbage, tomatoes and bell peppers, 4 rabbit meatballsMushroom soup, steamed sea bassKohlrabi with boiled chicken, tomato and green onion saladCauliflower and mushroom puree soup with low-fat cream, dietary beef souffléVegetarian borscht, boiled turkey meatCabbage soup with mushrooms, chicken breastZucchini soup, mackerel
Afternoon snack200 g plums200 g apricots200 g raspberries2 apples2 kiwi2 pearsFruit salad
In the eveningStewed peas, cod filletEggplant and tomato stew, boiled turkey breastBeet salad, boiled vealZucchini stewed with carrots, steamed hake cutletEggplant stuffed with meat and herbsBoiled pumpkin, chicken souffléStewed cabbage with champignons, boiled rabbit
For the nightGreek yogurtKefirMilkAcidophilusKefirGreek yogurtMilk

Menu for 900 calories per day.

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