How to quickly induce vomiting after eating at home for weight loss

What to use at home?

Any home method will work better if you take a lot of water first. This will speed up the elimination process due to the feeling of fullness in the stomach. There are several methods of inducing vomiting, and they work individually.

Two fingers in the mouth

This is a well-known method with proven effectiveness. It is especially valuable because it can be used in any conditions, even outside the home. The method allows you to quickly induce vomiting if it suddenly turns out that the food eaten was unsuitable. If you empty your stomach in a timely manner, toxins will not have time to enter the body.


  1. Using the fingers of your left hand, lightly press on the solar plexus area.
  2. Insert your right hand into your mouth (with your tongue sticking out).
  3. Using the index and middle fingers of your right hand, press on the root of your tongue.

This method can be used without fingers, using other stimuli. The mechanical method works better if the stomach is filled with water. Water will dissolve harmful substances and ensure complete cleansing.

Imitation of motion sickness

If two fingers do not help, then people with a weak vestibular system can try to induce a gag reflex in another way. Swinging on a swing helps, and if you don’t want to attract attention, you can spin at home.

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It is important to free up space in the room so as not to get injured by pieces of furniture. You can spin, bend and rotate your neck. For some, nausea will occur immediately. The method is not suitable for people with a trained vestibular apparatus.

Salt solution

In addition, at home you can quickly empty your stomach with a warm saline solution. This method is recommended for children and adults. Previously, a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate was used for washing, but now this drug is not available over the counter.

As an alternative, use a solution of table salt. A liter of liquid is enough for one dose. The main thing is to drink it quickly. The concentration of the solution should be medium so as not to cause a burning sensation in the throat when swallowing. If nausea does not appear, then use the finger insertion method.

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It is forbidden to use the methods described above in case of poisoning with petroleum products and caustic substances, since during vomiting they will burn the sensitive mucous membrane of the esophagus. In this case, urgent medical attention is needed.

Cons of the Vomit Diet

Gastroenterologists and psychologists have been trying to convey to women for many years that an emetic diet has an extremely negative effect on the human body. If you regularly exhaust yourself with this method of losing weight, your health will soon deteriorate: both your psychological and physical state will change, and not for the better. The person will begin to experience the following symptoms:

  • complete loss of strength. Fat deposits will practically disappear, muscles will weaken, the circulatory system will work worse, and the activity of the cerebral cortex will significantly decrease;
  • failure of the liver, kidneys and digestive organs. Food will not be digested and the functioning of taste buds will be disrupted. In addition, the stomach may atrophy;
  • brittle nails, rapid hair loss, deterioration of skin condition. Appearance changes noticeably because natural metabolism is disrupted. The person looks very sick, and it is impossible not to notice;
  • clouding of consciousness. The patient will begin to perceive his appearance inadequately. Even if you no longer need to lose weight, a person will not understand this, he will strive to lose more kilograms, and will end up in the hospital with exhaustion of the body;
  • incorrect diet. It will be very difficult to return to a normal, balanced diet;
  • bulimia Due to the fact that the body does not receive nutrients for normal functioning, a feeling of hunger appears that cannot be controlled.

If you decide to use such a diet, despite many negative consequences, you must follow these rules:

  • take vitamins and minerals in tablets;
  • do not overeat;
  • control your emotions;
  • drink as much fluid as possible.

For the sake of an ideal body, a person is ready to take the most radical measures. Even if he is told that the vomit diet can permanently cripple his life, he will simply ignore this information in the race for perfection. The disadvantages of the vomit diet are obvious and cannot be ignored. You can get your shape in proper shape and remain healthy using other techniques.

Inducing vomiting for weight loss

In this case, the most used method is mechanical (irritation of the root of the tongue). A person’s reaction can be different: some women develop habitual vomiting, and some cannot achieve the desired result.
How to induce vomiting after eating to lose weight so that the food does not have time to be absorbed?

You can try drinking:

  • A glass of soapy water.
  • A lot (up to 3 liters) of warm water in one go.
  • Liter of saline solution.
  • Toothpaste with water.
  • Emetics.

Losing weight in this way can seriously affect your health, it is advisable not to use it too often. If you do not want to give up this method, it is better to practice irritating the root of the tongue with your fingers or drinking plain water without additives.

Losing weight by vomiting

If you regularly get rid of the food you eat by vomiting, then, of course, you can get rid of the extra pounds that interfere with your life. Despite the harmfulness of this method, it is very popular. It is worth noting that vomiting for weight loss is used not only by ordinary people, but also by world stars. They don’t even hide it and openly admit it to the press. Thus, extra pounds melt away before your eyes.

Due to the systematic depletion of the stomach, the body loses vitamins and microelements that are important for normal functioning. As a result, he has to use carbohydrate-fat reserves. Anyone who is losing weight, without making much effort, loses extra pounds very quickly: in just a few weeks, 10-20 kg. The result is stunning, but short-lived. Many people admire this method, because the weight is lost quickly, without having to do anything. But you should know that such a diet is very dangerous for the human body and recovery from it is quite problematic.

We do not recommend using vomiting for weight loss; it is better to stick to a good diet, for example, Dukan. More details about it here.

Tablets and drugs

Levodopa and Apomorphine are considered the most effective in the pharmacological group of emetic drugs. These are medications used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. The mechanism for inducing vomiting when using these drugs is to stimulate receptors that convert chemical signals into nerve impulses.

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A side effect of treatment with the cardiac glycoside Digoxin is often nausea. Is it possible to induce vomiting after eating with this drug? Yes, but the drug lowers blood pressure; it is not safe for hypotensive patients to use it.

The antidepressants Fluoxetine and Paroxetine are often used to induce nausea. The method is used if there is overactivity of serotonin receptors. Among herbal remedies, marshmallow root, thyme and ergot extract in tablets have an emetic effect. “Drover powder” containing emetic root is also effective.

What contraindications do medications have?

If you take medications of any group without taking into account dosage, compatibility and side effects, you can cause harm to your health. Which people should not take vomiting pills?

Reception is contraindicated:

  • For various hernias.
  • Patients with diagnosed neoplasms and gastrointestinal ulcers.
  • Children and adolescents without a doctor's prescription.
  • For cardiovascular pathologies.
  • During pregnancy and lactation.
  • Elderly and weakened patients.

Side effects mainly occur with frequent or regular use. Before inducing vomiting after eating to lose weight, you should read about the possible consequences of long-term use of this method. If poisoning has occurred and first aid needs to be provided, then any of the listed methods of cleaning the stomach can be used.

When is it necessary to empty your stomach after eating?

Often, when consuming low-quality food, a person begins to feel the first signs of poisoning immediately after eating.
There is slight nausea and disgust at the thought of the food eaten. The smell of leftover food on the plate or a strange taste in the mouth may alert you. Usually a person is rarely mistaken on this score.

If you wait until the stomach ejects its contents, then harmful substances will penetrate into the blood and spread throughout the body.

You need to induce vomiting:

  • In case of food poisoning.
  • For indigestion and heaviness in the stomach.
  • In case of suspected poisoning by poisonous plants.
  • To alleviate the condition of enteroviral or other intestinal diseases.
  • If there is severe alcohol intoxication.

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If a small child has eaten something bad, then the best help would be to call for medical help.
Children may develop vomiting that is difficult to stop on their own. If your baby is poisoned, you can give him 1-2 glasses of warm saline solution and press on the root of the tongue with your fingers. Repeat the procedure until the stomach is completely cleansed.

Induce vomiting in a child

There are many reasons why a child has to resort to artificial gastric emptying. The baby learns about the world through the senses. Children need to taste everything - it's dangerous. Especially when it comes to small toys that are not hidden away from medical supplies.

The child does not fully understand the essence of what is happening, so he needs help. To avoid harm, a parent must know what to do and where to start. Timely assistance will save him from suffering.

Gastric lavage in a child occurs differently than in adults. Their esophagus is shorter than an adult’s, which allows them to complete the task faster.

The reasons for urgently inducing vomiting in children are identical. Provided that the child is over a year old and conscious. If your baby is nauseous and shows signs of food poisoning, you should immediately rinse the stomach - eliminating the cause will help get rid of the nausea.

Do rinsing for children under 6 years of age without fingers. To eliminate nausea, methods with plenty of drinking are suitable. Undigested food will come out as liquid.

What are the consequences after inducing vomiting?

After repeated vomiting, dehydration is possible, so it is necessary to replenish the deficiency of water and electrolytes in the body. It is advisable to take Regidron after vomiting (dissolve the powder in water according to the instructions). According to the latest data, it should not be given to small children (only Humana electrolyte, Gidrovit).

Inducing vomiting after eating is often used for weight loss. But along with unprocessed food, gastric juice is ejected; digestive enzymes affect the esophageal mucosa. Prolonged irritation of the organ membrane can lead to inflammation or tissue degeneration.

In case of poisoning with any aggressive substances (petroleum products, caustic poisons, acids and alkalis), it is prohibited to induce vomiting. This will lead to intensification of the burn and the development of irreversible consequences (narrowing of the esophagus with subsequent disability).

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