Nutritionist: “At least one cup of chicory a day should be consumed by everyone without exception”

Daria Rusakova, nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences

– Chicory is a herbaceous plant with blue flowers. The root of this plant is of interest. Soluble chicory, from which the breakfast drink is prepared, is made from the root. The chicory root is quite massive, it can reach 12–15 meters in length. And until the 18th century, chicory in Russia was considered a common weed.

Chicory contains organic acids, vitamins and inulin. A drink made from chicory is recommended for people for whom coffee is contraindicated. Chicory root is used in medicine and in preparing various dishes.

Inulin in chicory

The main advantage of chicory is inulin in its composition.
This is a prebiotic that helps create favorable microflora in the intestines. Prebiotics are used in the production of food, medicines and cosmetics. This prebiotic is not obtained artificially, but is extracted only naturally - from the root of the plant. There is a lot of inulin in onions, garlic, Jerusalem artichoke and artichoke. In addition to inulin, the root contains B vitamins, carotene, organic acids and macroelements. If you bought soluble chicory, then all these substances are preserved in it, since the powder is prepared from a dried extract that does not undergo chemical treatment.

What are the benefits of chicory for the body?

A drink made from chicory is recommended for people who cannot drink coffee. Chicory in this case is the best alternative. No preservatives or dyes are used in the production of the powder. The production of soluble chicory basically involves grinding and drying the root, and most of the beneficial properties are retained.

What chicory is good for the body is that it normalizes the intestinal microflora, prevents dysbacteriosis, and strengthens the immune system. The drink helps absorb vitamins and macroelements. Medicines made from chicory are used as choleretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents.

Beneficial properties of chicory:

  • calms the nervous system, relieves stress;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • rids the body of harmful substances, cleanses the liver;
  • increases appetite;
  • helps lower blood sugar levels;
  • helps to lose weight;
  • stabilizes heart function;
  • preserves energy and tone of the body without harmful effects on the heart.

Chicory has an anti-inflammatory and choleretic effect, so it is useful to use it for pancreatitis, that is, a disease of the pancreas. Can be drunk as a decoction, infusion or tea. Mix with herbs such as coltsfoot, dandelion, shepherd's purse.

A drink made from chicory is also useful for liver cirrhosis due to the high amount of inulin, resins and glycosides. And riboflavin, thiamine and ascorbic acid help cleanse not only the liver, kidneys, but also the body as a whole. But it is better to drink not an instant drink, but a herbal decoction, adding honey if desired.

Chicory root extract has anti-inflammatory properties and is effective for arthritis of various origins. If you have arthritis, it's also often recommended to cut back on coffee because it leaches calcium. Chicory in this case will be an excellent alternative.

The benefits and harms of kefir with ginger

To combine with kefir, a piece of raw ginger root is passed through a garlic press or crushed on a fine grater. The best time to take is in the morning on an empty stomach or 30 minutes before meals.

This combination awakens a ravenous appetite and increases the activity of the pancreas, and therefore, by the way, is contraindicated in chronic pancreatitis, even in remission.

Fusion of biologically active compounds of ginger with lactobacilli of kefir:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • cleanses the body of toxic elements after treatment with antibiotics, consumption of stale food or fruits and vegetables with nitrates;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • treats various gynecological diseases;
  • acts as a pain reliever regardless of the location of the sore spot;
  • suppresses nausea that accompanies pregnancy toxicosis or motion sickness.

And, of course, it acts as a classic fat burner.

To avoid unpredictable consequences, kefir with ginger should not be consumed on the same days as heart medications. The drink is also dangerous if:

  • hypotension - will further reduce blood pressure;
  • risk of bleeding - reduces blood clotting.

The benefits of chicory during pregnancy

Chicory is useful for pregnant women, but you should not get carried away with the drink. Overuse of chicory can lead to allergies due to the high content of vitamin C. The optimal daily dose is 1-2 cups. If you follow this rule, you will get the maximum benefit:

  • Stress will decrease. Thanks to magnesium and B vitamins in chicory, stress is reduced and mood improves. Inulin increases the synthesis of serotonin, which is the “hormone of joy.”
  • Appetite is normalized. Inulin increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the large intestine, improves the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, thereby normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The swelling will subside. Inulin has a beneficial effect not only on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also on lymphoid tissue - lymph flow improves. This is why chicory helps reduce swelling.

Alexandra Kopytova

fitness trainer, certified nutritionist

– Soluble chicory has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, soothes, fights constipation, heartburn and nausea. Chicory helps pregnant women prevent anemia due to the fact that its consumption increases the level of red blood cells, which transport oxygen to all organs and tissues, as well as to the fetus itself. This is due to the iron and B vitamins contained in chicory.

The benefits and harms of kefir with chicory

Kefir with instant or leaf (fresh) chicory is known primarily as a weight loss drink that improves metabolism in general and promotes greater energy expenditure during physical activity.

Recent research by scientists has shown that kefir with chicory is useful for:

  • improves memory due to the content of organic chicory acids;
  • protecting the eyes from deterioration of vision due to age or due to overload due to the presence of lutein;
  • skin rejuvenation and treatment of arthritis due to its ability to increase collagen production.

And this plant does not have many contraindications. Besides the unlikely allergy, these are:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • cholelithiasis.

Can children eat chicory?

A drink made from chicory can be given to children as young as one year old. Kindergartens include it on the menu. But giving a child a chicory drink should be done with caution. The downside of chicory is that it can cause allergies. Monitor your baby: if there is no allergic reaction, then you can gradually move on to two servings a day. If your child has no side effects, suggest adding honey or fruit juice to the drink. A drink made from chicory improves appetite, enriches the body with vitamins, strengthens the immune system and calms the child.

The benefits of chicory for weight loss

Chicory helps you maintain a low-calorie diet, which is necessary when losing weight, because it dulls the feeling of hunger. Chicory for weight loss:

  • improves the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • gives a feeling of satiety.

It is better to drink chicory without sugar, it already has a sweetish taste, but if necessary, add a natural sweetener - stevia. Do not add milk and cream: firstly, milk increases the calorie content of the drink, and secondly, it is in combination with cow’s milk that chicory can cause digestive tract upset. Whenever possible, replace cow's milk with plant-based milk.

The benefits and harms of kefir with cinnamon, ginger, chicory

Kefir is a healthy drink in itself. However, traditional medicine and even scientists often recommend using it in combination with special additives designed to enrich the already amazing range of its properties.

Before paying attention to these features, it is useful to note what you should pay attention to when buying kefir. Firstly, the shelf-stable drink contains half as much lactobacilli. So kefir should be taken with a shelf life of a maximum of 3-4 days. A drink that has been stored for 1 day from the date of manufacture is called weak. 2 days - medium, and 3 - strong. Over time, its alcohol content (0.2-0.6%) and acidity increase.

Secondly, kefir with a fat content of 2.5% or more is healthier than 0-1%. The fats in the product promote the absorption of vitamins.

Harm of soluble chicory

“In general, chicory is not dangerous, but provided that a person drinks it in moderation,” explains Alexandra Kopytova. – The maximum dose of instant chicory consumption is 60 g per day, which is 3-5 cups per day, depending on the strength of the brew. It is optimal to drink 2 cups per day. Do not exceed a dose of 50 g for those who suffer from cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, as well as vascular diseases, including varicose veins. Chicory has a diuretic effect, which helps get rid of excess fluid and is also quite gentle. However, people with urolithiasis should be careful not to consume more than 1 to 2 cups of chicory per day because of this effect.

Chicory can be called a harmless product that can be consumed every day by women and men. The main thing is not to drink a lot of it, remember to have a sense of proportion. It is also important to keep in mind that some people have food intolerances. Chicory is not recommended for children under one year old. Allergy sufferers should also treat chicory with caution. Consult your doctor if you have a chronic medical condition.

How to choose chicory in the store?

High-quality chicory today is not a cheap substitute for cocoa and ground coffee, but a completely independent drink. There are several types of chicory on sale: roasted ground; liquid extract; granular soluble. Read the ingredients on the package carefully. The product should not contain additives; it should contain only chicory. Here are some recommendations to help you choose a pack of chicory and not regret it:

  • The consistency of the powder is dry and without lumps.
  • The packaging is sealed.
  • The product contains no artificial flavors.

They give the drink an unnatural chemical taste; do not buy chicory with artificial flavors. Natural additives include, for example, rose hips, ginger, ginseng, cinnamon, and sea buckthorn. Thanks to such additives, the drink turns out rich and aromatic.

The benefits and harms of kefir with cinnamon for the body for weight loss

Cinnamon is not a leaf, flower, fruit or seed. This is the dried bark of a tree of the same name from the genus Cinnamon. In the Middle Ages, it was one of the spices sold for its weight in gold. Today, cinnamon is commonplace in the kitchens of the inhabitants of the Earth.

If you add a pinch of spice to 1 percent kefir, it will still contain 30 kcal per 100 g. But now the drink will contribute to weight loss due to its properties:

  • suppress hunger;
  • accelerate digestion (especially the breakdown of fats);
  • act as an antioxidant - free the body from toxic compounds and renew cells;
  • remove excess liquid;
  • Due to the saturation of amino acids, it prevents muscle wasting.

Cases in which it is prohibited to lose weight on kefir with cinnamon include:

  • gastritis with high acidity (lactic acid in kefir irritates the mucous membranes);
  • chronic liver diseases (cinnamon essential oils disrupt the blood circulation of a weakened organ);
  • intestinal colic (cinnamon is a cellulose that irritates the gastrointestinal tract);
  • breastfeeding (the baby may develop an allergy to the spice).

The benefits and harms of chicory tincture

To make chicory tincture, pour boiling water over the plants and let it brew for a few minutes. During the brewing process, the drink will cool and be saturated with useful healing substances. If desired, you can add a little milk, honey or sugar to the tincture.

Useful qualities of chicory tincture:

  • improves appetite and liver function;
  • sleep is normalized;
  • relieves stress;
  • relieves swelling.

Chicory tincture is contraindicated for:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • increased excitability of the nervous system.

Contraindications, benefits and harms of drinks with chicory

Chicory serves as a substitute for coffee drink and can benefit the body if used wisely. Thanks to this unique product, you will be able to reduce blood pressure, get rid of insomnia, cleanse the liver and dilate blood vessels. Overdose or misuse can cause harm to the entire body.

Today, chicory is very popular due to the content of a special component - inulin. The plant has a blue tint. It grows in North Africa and also in some European countries. Most often used as additives in coffee or salads to add a special taste.

Chicory contains many beneficial components and essential oils. With the help of the plant, the metabolic process is stimulated, cholesterol levels return to normal, and hemoglobin increases. The product helps cope with respiratory diseases, helps reduce toothaches and headaches, and chicory is also actively used for influenza and sore throat.

The composition of chicory includes tannins, pectins, organic and protein components, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium.

Chicory is contraindicated for people suffering from:

  • food allergies or hay fever. Vitamin C in the product may increase allergic reactions;
  • hemorrhoids or varicose veins. The plant has a negative effect on blood vessels;
  • asthma. Taking chicory every day can cause shortness of breath and cough.

It is not recommended to abuse chicory for obese people. In some cases, intolerance to this product may occur. Therefore, if painful symptoms or discomfort appear during or after use, you will have to give up chicory.

The benefits and harms of kefir with chicory

Kefir itself is considered a healthy drink. When combined wisely with chicory, you can get a truly healing composition.

With regular consumption of the drink you will get:

  • reduce appetite;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • improve memory;
  • rejuvenate the skin;
  • cure arthritis.

Kefir with chicory is excluded from the diet if:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach problems;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Experts recommend using kefir with chicory for weight loss for several months, twice a day half an hour before meals; this drink helps reduce appetite.

What is Chicory coffee?

Chicory coffee is a drink made by using chicory roots, roasting, grinding and brewing the resulting powder.

Chicory is a flowering plant in the dandelion family that is characterized by a tough, hairy stem, light purple flowers and leaves that are commonly used in salads.

The taste of chicory drink is similar to that of coffee, but has a flavor that is often described as slightly woody and nutty. It is used either on its own or mixed with coffee to complement the taste.

Although the history of chicory coffee is not entirely clear, it is believed to have originated in France in the 1800s during a widespread shortage of real coffee beans.

Years later, during the Civil War, it also became popular in New Orleans when the city experienced a coffee shortage after Union naval blockades cut off one of their ports.

Today, this drink can be found in many parts of the world and is often used as an alternative to regular decaffeinated coffee.

Chicory coffee is a drink made using the root of the chicory plant, which is roasted, ground and infused into coffee. It is believed to have been first used during a coffee shortage in France in the 1800s, but remains popular around the world today.

The benefits and harms of chicory tea

To get the maximum benefit from chicory tea, you need to prepare the drink correctly. It is best to use green tea for preparation. You need to take two teaspoons of tea leaves and a pinch of chicory. Place the ingredients in a teapot and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for a few minutes.

Benefits of chicory tea:

  • during the daytime it will give you a boost of energy;
  • in the late hours of the day it will help relieve fatigue and restore the nervous system after a hard day at work.

The drink will be no less beneficial for the child’s body. Excellent for preventing colds. It is recommended to give to children after three years of age.

Chicory tea can cause harm if:

  • bronchitis, asthma;
  • chicory intolerance;
  • varicose veins.
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