Is popcorn good or bad for weight loss?

Basic properties and composition

Popcorn is a good source of dietary fiber. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot fully digest. Due to this, food digestion slows down, so the feeling of fullness lasts longer. The recommended daily fiber intake is 25 g for women and 38 g for men.

Studies have found that people lost weight by increasing their daily fiber intake to just 19 grams. This means that eating popcorn will help meet your daily fiber needs and thus help you lose weight. In addition, consuming an airy treat reduces the likelihood of constipation, and the intestinal tract will become less susceptible to the influence of carcinogens and toxins.

Popcorn contains antioxidants - substances that protect the body's cells from damage that leads to disease. Polyphenols contained in popcorn reduce blood pressure, reduce the risk of cancer, neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases.

The product contains:

  • a small amount of B vitamins;
  • folic acid;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • gland.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is important for the functioning of the nervous system, brain, muscles, heart, stomach and intestines. Vitamin B2 helps the skin stay young and healthy. Vitamin B3, or niacin, lowers the level of “bad” cholesterol and reduces the likelihood of heart disease.

Composition and calorie content

Natural popcorn without flavorings or other artificial additives contains the following beneficial substances:

  • antioxidants;
  • B vitamins;
  • cellulose;
  • a complex of microelements (magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, sodium);
  • starch.

Ratio of BJU per 100 grams of popcorn:

  • proteins - 7.3 g;
  • fats - 13.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 62.7 g.

The calorie content of this product directly depends on its type. For example, regular popcorn without additives has an energy value of 370 calories per 100 g. The calorie content of sweet and caramel popcorn increases to 400 kcal, and salted corn - to 407 kcal. Cheese popcorn has the most calories, its energy value is 506 kcal.

Calorie content of the product

Popcorn is relatively low in calories and has a low energy density. This means that popped corn contains a lot of air, which helps you feel full faster while eating less.

100g of popcorn contains 387 calories, 13g of protein, 78g of carbohydrates and 5g of fat. This amount of popcorn also contains 15 grams of fiber, making popcorn one of the best sources of dietary fiber in the world.

This fluffy product has relatively few calories per large serving. However, the calorie content of the product increases after adding butter, cheese, caramel or any other additive. For example, 100g of buttered popcorn will contain 774 calories (2 times more than an equivalent serving of unbuttered popcorn) and 25g of fat (5 times more than unbuttered popcorn).

The glycemic index (GI) reflects the effect of carbohydrate-containing foods on blood sugar levels. The higher the GI of a food, the more likely it is that your blood sugar levels will rise after eating it. Popcorn has a glycemic index of 72. Therefore, it is recommended to consume the product in moderation or in combination with foods that have a low GI (peanuts, apple or raw carrots) to reduce blood sugar levels.

Is it possible to eat popcorn while losing weight?

Popcorn can be included in various nutrition plans. If you make corn yourself, the product will be healthy and low in calories. If you have any doubts, you should contact a nutritionist and find out whether you can eat popcorn on your diet and in what quantities. If you do not follow the recommendations of a specialist, you can gain weight even more, especially if you consume a product that contains caramel, sugar and other high-calorie additives.

You can eat popcorn on a diet, but it must be natural. To do this, it is advisable to prepare it yourself, without adding sugar and vegetable oil.

Popcorn can replace regular bread. This product goes well with cheeses, seeds, spices and dried fruits. As a result, the snack will be more tasty and healthy.

It is recommended to use a fresh or slightly salted product.

Is it possible to eat popcorn on a diet?

Properly prepared popcorn is a low-calorie snack that is healthy to eat while on a diet. Due to its low calorie content, low energy density and increased nutritional value, eating popcorn will help you lose weight.

There are many ways to prepare a simple and tasty airy treat at home without harming your diet. One of the easiest ways to make popcorn delicious is to cook it with olive oil and sea salt. Add 2 tsp. olive oil into the bowl with the popcorn - this will add flavor to the dish. Add a pinch of sea salt and pepper to give the popcorn a kick.

If you like to experiment, try using a flavored oil, such as garlic rosemary or basil olive oil. Make your homemade fluffy treat even healthier by adding chopped herbs: chop some fresh dill and mix with 1 tsp. lemon juice, sea salt and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. If you want something sweet, drizzle the finished product with natural nut butter or sprinkle with dark chocolate shavings.

Another option for diet popcorn is to cook it with pepper and sprinkle with lime, omitting the salt and oil.

Another option for cooking popcorn on the stove. Heat 2 tsp. olive oil in a deep saucepan and add 3 corn kernels. If the shell of the grain breaks under steam pressure, then it’s time to add the remaining grains. Stir them and cover the pan with a lid. As soon as popping noises begin to be heard, the pan must be removed from the heat. Place the finished popcorn in a bowl and add 1 tsp. grated Parmesan cheese and your favorite dried herbs. Oil will increase the calorie content of the dish, but this cooking method also corresponds to a healthy diet.

For added health benefits, sprinkle nutritional yeast on your dish—it has a nutty, cheesy flavor and contains important nutrients, including protein, fiber, and B vitamins.

Contraindications and harm

Consumption of puffed corn has several contraindications:

  • allergic reactions to corn;
  • health problems (ulcers, gastritis, colitis), in which you need to limit your fiber intake.

The main thing is to exclude salt and sugar

Despite the health benefits of popcorn, the way in which it is popped can greatly affect the quality of the final product. Popcorn sold in movie theaters and stores is made with large amounts of sugar and salt, trans fats, food additives and artificial flavors. This chemical composition increases the calorie content of the product and poses a potential health risk.

A large amount of salt in the product leads to fluid retention in the body and high blood pressure, which in turn leads to kidney disease, stroke and heart attack. Sweet popcorn is oversaturated with sugar, which means it is high in calories and greatly overloads the pancreas.

Store-bought popcorn with butter is a harmful product. The composition contains harmful trans fats, and the product also contains a large number of calories (a serving includes about 1200 kcal). Packages of ready-made popcorn contain a number of additives that can be harmful to health. The harmful effect of the flavor is that there is a risk of getting an ulcer or gastritis.

Popcorn and diet: what are the benefits and harms?

Popcorn is a product that is loved not only by children, but also by adults. This is what people most often take with them to the cinema, it is available in many entertainment centers, and is offered in fast food restaurants. It is made from a special type of corn that needs to be cooked. When deciding whether you can eat popcorn on a diet, you should study its properties and effects on the body.

Valuable qualities of popcorn

Product contains:

  • Starch is what many nutritionists blame for causing people to gain weight quickly. These are light carbohydrates that are very quickly absorbed by the body and converted into energy. If there is a lot of it, it will transform into fat deposits.
  • Water - it evaporates quickly, which explains the low weight of the product after cooking.
  • Polyphenols – these substances are responsible for preventing the aging process of cells in the body. These are natural antioxidants that a person needs to protect against external factors.
  • Fiber is responsible for normalizing the digestion process and removing toxins from the body.
  • B vitamins - they are necessary for the normal growth and health of nails and hair, and are responsible for the condition of the skin and central nervous system.
  • Microelements. Among others, potassium and iron, zinc and sodium, phosphorus, etc.

What is the harm of popcorn on a diet?

The finished popcorn contains almost 400 kcal per 100 grams of product! This is a complete meal, and therefore you need to either measure your portions or refuse to eat the treat, especially on a strict diet.

When answering whether you can eat popcorn on a diet, the doctor can give compelling arguments. The following qualities of the product will be included among the negative aspects:

  • Huge caloric content, which increases with additives.
  • The harmful effects of artificial ingredients on the body. Flavors, sweeteners, dyes, taste enhancers - this chemical “cocktail” only harms health and suppresses the immune system.
  • Synthetic additives with a pronounced taste provoke a feeling of hunger. Cinema-goers and other eaters wash it down with sweet carbonated drinks, which also do not add health, but may well be harmful.
  • Salt in popcorn on a diet is generally strictly prohibited. Salt additives provoke not only a feeling of thirst. They cause irritation to the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach, increase acidity levels, and also retain water in the body. Puffiness and swelling often accompany people who like to eat popcorn.

Popcorn is not always prohibited when dieting! However, it is best to prepare it yourself, purchase it from farmers at the market, do not add oil or flavoring additives, do not use seasonings, salt, or sugar.

In order not to harm your health and not to minimize the effectiveness of the diet, you need to consume the product in minute quantities.

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