Low-fat kefir: benefits and harms

All types of dairy products contain beneficial substances that improve the overall tone of the body. Kefir is an indispensable product not only for adherents of proper nutrition, but also for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

Low-fat dairy products are quickly digested and do not leave a heaviness in the stomach. Everyone knows that a glass of kefir is the best dinner. Due to its low calorie content, the drink is used for weight loss purposes, and its richness in nutrients makes it an excellent snack for athletes.

On supermarket shelves you can find dairy products of varying levels of fat content. Processed kefir seems to be the healthiest option, but it has a number of disadvantages that should not be overlooked. Ultimately, many nutritionists advise choosing unprocessed foods.

Useful material

Kefir is rich in minerals and vitamins even more than ordinary milk, since many of them are formed during the fermentation process. The product is rich in calcium, which helps strengthen bones, teeth and nails, and choline, which helps normalize cholesterol levels. In addition, kefir contains potassium, phosphorus, manganese, chromium and copper in small concentrations.

The drink contains a significant amount of vitamins A, E, H, C, D and group B. The bacteria and amino acids contained in kefir have a positive effect on the body.

The nutritional value

All dairy products are rich in nutrients. However, the body better absorbs the proteins that low-fat kefir contains than those that we get through ordinary milk.

When choosing a drink, it is important to pay attention to the packaging with a nutritional value table.
There are no noticeable differences between different types of kefir, even in the number of calories contained. Nutrients (per 100 g)

0% 2,5% 3,2%
Squirrels 2.8 g 2.8 g 2.8 g
Fats 0.3 g 2.5 g 3.2 g
Carbohydrates 4.0 g 4.0 g 4.0 g
Calorie content 30 kcal 50 kcal 55 kcal

Benefits of natural kefir

It is important to understand that dairy products with a low percentage indicated on the package are not necessarily healthy. Fats are as important a substance as proteins and carbohydrates. Insufficient consumption of this component can lead to a deterioration in the general condition of the body, metabolic disorders and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Many experts believe that an ordinary drink has a better effect on the body than low-fat kefir. The benefits and harms of the latter have their own nuances.

Contraindications and negative effects

Low-fat kefir has not only beneficial properties for the body. It can have adverse effects on the body, especially if consumed in excess . The most common negative effects are increased gas formation, diarrhea, and flatulence.

Kefir is contraindicated for young children. Pregnant women should consume it in minimal quantities.

You should also be aware of the risk of an allergic reaction. Despite fermentation, low-fat kefir retains the properties of dairy products.

Positive Impact

The beneficial substances contained in the product have a positive effect on the body’s condition and help cope with many diseases. Regular consumption of kefir helps remove toxins from the body, and the bacteria it contains will help improve metabolism and restore microflora. For this reason, the drink is recommended for people with gastrointestinal disorders. The product also strengthens the immune system, helps cope with sleep disorders and nervous disorders.

In particular, low-fat kefir (0-1%) has some peculiar effects on the body. It is much lighter than an ordinary drink and is recommended for consumption by older people, as well as patients with atherosclerosis, hypertension and obesity.

Why drink low-fat kefir - health benefits

If you drink kefir daily (including low-fat kefir), follow other important principles of a healthy diet, and exercise regularly, you are definitely a healthy and happy person. If you don't drink kefir, consider adding it to your diet. Why? Because low-fat kefir has an incredibly positive effect on human health.

The most pronounced positive effects of low-fat kefir on the body:

  • Beneficial effect on the immune system, increasing immunity.
  • Increasing the body's resistance to diseases and injuries associated, in particular, with fractures of the limbs, accelerating their healing.
  • Regulates blood pressure, helps treat diabetes.
  • Treatment, improvement of the course of lung disease, bronchitis, tuberculosis.
  • Effective fight against asthma, allergies, severe headaches, including migraines.
  • Beneficial effects on the heart, blood flow, and circulatory system.
  • Supports the treatment of various types of dermatitis and other skin problems.
  • Help in the treatment of kidney and urinary tract diseases.
  • effective prevention and treatment support for prostate diseases.
  • Reducing cholesterol levels.
  • Reducing the risk of osteoporosis, rheumatism.
  • Supports enzyme production.
  • Treatment of most internal and external inflammations.
  • Improving the activity of the liver, gall bladder, regulating their activity and bile production.
  • Improving digestive activity, eliminating diarrhea, restoring the balance of intestinal flora and stomach acid.
  • Treatment of stomach ulcers.
  • Thanks to the production of its own anti-cancer substances, it prevents metastases and supports their healing.
  • Serves as a good alternative to milk in case of allergic reactions to lactose.
  • Slowing down the aging process, smoothing, improving skin and hair.
  • Reduced depression, increased energy, feelings of satisfaction.
  • Production of essential vitamins and beneficial bacteria that are important for the functioning of the body.

Low-fat kefir is a stronger probiotic than yogurt

Probiotic microorganisms can have beneficial effects on human health. Their health effects occur in a variety of ways, including positive effects on digestion, maintaining a constant body weight, and effects on mental health.

Yogurt is the most famous probiotic food in the Western diet. But low-fat kefir is a more effective source of important microorganisms. Kefir grains contain about 30 strains of bacteria and yeast . Thanks to this composition, the healthy drink is a rich source of probiotics. Other fermented milk products contain much fewer strains and do not contain yeast.

Strong antibacterial properties

Most of the probiotics present in kefir are capable of protecting against infections. For example, the probiotic Lactobacillus kefiri can inhibit the growth of certain pathogens, including salmonella, Helicobacter pylori and E. coli. Kefiran, a type of carbohydrate present in kefir, also has antibacterial properties.

Cancer protection

Cancer is one of the main and most common causes of death in the modern population. The disease occurs due to the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Probiotics found in fermented milk products can inhibit tumor growth by reducing the formation of carcinogenic compounds and stimulating the immune system . This protective effect has been demonstrated in several studies. One study found that kefir extract reduced breast cancer cells by 56%, compared with 14% effectiveness for yogurt extract.

No negative reaction for lactose intolerance

Dairy products contain natural sugar, lactose. Many people cannot digest lactose properly (lactose intolerance). Lactic fermentation bacteria contained in fermented milk products (including low-fat kefir) convert lactose into lactic acid, so the percentage of lactose in them is much lower than in milk.

Low-fat kefir also contains enzymes that slow down the breakdown of lactose. For this reason, it is generally well tolerated by lactose intolerant people. In addition, it is possible to produce kefir that is 100% lactose-free. This drink is prepared using coconut water, fruit juice or other milky liquid.

The effect of low-fat kefir on the figure

Diets based on the consumption of dairy products are very popular. The calorie content of low-fat kefir is low - from 25 to 35 kcal per 100 grams, and therefore it can be safely consumed for dinner or as a snack. In addition, the product improves metabolism and helps eliminate extra pounds. There are many diets using this drink. It is also useful to arrange fasting days, on which you are allowed to consume exclusively low-fat kefir. This is a great way to cleanse your body of excess toxins.

People involved in sports are recommended to drink low-fat kefir after exercise. The fact is that dairy products contain a large amount of proteins, which take an active part in increasing muscle mass.

Features of fat and low-fat kefir

It is important to note that you should not completely focus on consuming only a certain type of kefir. For example, fats are also extremely important for the normal functioning of the body, so the best option for obtaining fats may be low-fat kefir rather than a piece of fatty pork.

Useful qualities of fat kefir

During the fermentation process, lactic acid bacteria are formed in milk, which have bactericidal properties. This is the main medicinal basis of any kefir. At the same time, the fatty product has the following beneficial properties:

  • its bacteria actively influence pathogenic intestinal microflora;
  • kefir has a good effect on digestion processes and also improves metabolism;
  • this drink has the most beneficial effect on the human nervous and immune system;
  • kefir lowers cholesterol levels;
  • the drink actively removes waste and toxins from the body, and also has a beneficial effect on the kidneys and liver;
  • fatty kefir is an excellent antioxidant that blocks free radicals;
  • In addition, the drink prevents atherosclerosis;
  • fatty kefir contains a greater amount of vitamins and microelements;
  • If you make kefir yourself, there will definitely be no additives in it, and the product will be fresh.

The benefits of low-fat kefir

The main advantage of low-fat kefir is that its calorie content is practically zero, and is only 28 Kcal per 100 g. At the same time, 16 Kcal comes from carbohydrates, and the remaining 12 Kcal from proteins. Other benefits of this kefir depend on these indicators, which largely have something in common with a product with a higher fat content:

  • zero-fat kefir is ideal for people who are on a diet or trying to reduce their daily calorie intake;
  • this drink improves intestinal motility;
  • the product normalizes metabolism;
  • kefir removes the feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • the product increases the body's resistance to infections;
  • Low-fat kefir contains no less vitamins and microelements than fatty kefir;
  • this kefir also prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis;
  • low-fat fermented milk products normalize the activity of the heart and blood vessels, as well as the genitourinary system;
  • such a product will be an excellent basis for preparing face and hair care masks;
  • this is a wonderful antioxidant that will prolong youth and maintain sound sleep;
  • low-fat kefir will help a person recover after surgery as soon as possible, as well as get rid of the consequences of dysbacteriosis.

Thus, both full-fat and low-fat kefir have many advantages and beneficial properties for the human body. Therefore, you can and should consume both of these products in moderation. Drink kefir and stay healthy!

Harm of low-fat kefir

The product itself cannot negatively affect the body of an adult healthy person, however, there are a number of contraindications. In addition to allergy sufferers, kefir should not be drunk by those who are sick with ulcers, pancreatitis and gastritis with a high level of acidity, as it irritates the walls of the stomach. In addition, it is not recommended to give the drink to a child in large quantities due to the high concentration of salts in it, especially to babies under 8 months. It is advisable to purchase dairy products for children with a special label.

Low-fat kefir does not bring as many benefits to the body as natural kefir, since it contains fewer vitamins, so doctors recommend drinking an ordinary drink for people who have no contraindications. In addition, during its preparation, the amount of natural substances in the liquid is reduced. Processed kefir contains trans fats, which in large doses contribute to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

When is it good to drink kefir?

The product has different effects on the body (depending on the time of its storage). For stomach diseases associated with high levels of acidity, it is important to note that the longer kefir is stored, the more sour it becomes. A fresh drink has a laxative effect, while a three-day drink has a strengthening effect. Considering that packaged kefir contains various additives, this rule most likely applies to a product prepared at home.

Kefir for weight loss

Considering how many calories are in kefir (1%, 2%, 3.2%), for weight loss it is best to consume low-fat kefir. You can lose weight with kefir, because this fresh drink helps improve intestinal motility and normalize microflora. Despite its low calorie content, kefir is very satiating, so it can easily replace a morning or evening meal.

Despite its low calorie content, kefir contains proteins that are necessary to start the fat burning process. Kefir, which was released no more than three days ago, has a mild diuretic and laxative effect, due to which it relieves swelling.

Kefir microflora suppresses gas formation processes associated with eating raw fruits and vegetables for weight loss. Since kefir promotes weight loss with a low calorie content, it fits perfectly into any diet.

You can lose weight with kefir if you actively include this drink in your diet and drink it regularly. For breakfast, you can combine it with sweet berries or fruits. At lunch, instead of coffee, you can drink a glass of kefir with half a teaspoon of cinnamon. This cocktail doubles your weight loss benefits. Nutritionists say that it is very useful to drink kefir at night when losing weight.

It is best to drink kefir at night when losing weight very slowly, in small sips. You can eat it with a teaspoon.

When losing weight, special attention should be paid to the quality of kefir. The drink should be prepared with kefir starter and have a shelf life of no more than two weeks.

Alternative uses

Low-fat kefir can be used not only as a drink, but also as an ingredient for dietary dishes. The product is used as a base for smoothies and light desserts. It can also be used as a salad dressing instead of oil and harmful additives. In addition, low-fat kefir is an effective ingredient in natural hair and face masks. It is good for people with oily skin.

How to choose kefir?

When buying dairy products, it is important to pay attention to the label. While the composition of a natural drink can be predicted, low-fat kefir may contain harmful additives. The fact is that during processing the product loses its taste, which is often compensated by various substances - flavorings and sweeteners. Together with fats, the liquid loses its thick consistency, which is why manufacturers add starch, gum, pectin and agar to the drink.

The best low-fat kefir contains only milk and yeast. The liquid should be homogeneous - without lumps or layers. It is important to pay attention to the name of the product on the packaging - although the kefir product contains beneficial bacteria, it has significant differences from the natural drink. The shelf life on the label should not exceed seven days - this indicates that no harmful preservatives were added to the liquid.

What should be the composition of kefir?

A lot can be said about the benefits of this drink. It lies not so much in low calorie content, but in composition. The main advantage is prebiotic bacteria, which help restore the intestinal microflora disturbed by a low-calorie diet. It is difficult to find 100% natural kefir in the store, so it is imperative to pay attention to the composition of the product. It must contain:

  1. Kefir starter. The most useful is considered to contain lactic acid cultures, fungi and yeast. If the composition contains only one of the two, then the product can be called yogurt or pseudo-kefir. You should not choose a drink that contains “lactic acid culture starter”.
  2. Protein in kefir is also mandatory. Protein makes a low-calorie diet balanced, helps reduce appetite, and accelerates fat burning. The protein content must be at least 3%.
  3. Calcium. This microelement is also required. It prevents the accumulation of fat deposits and helps the body burn calories faster.

The packaging should not contain ingredients such as powdered or reconstituted milk, fruit additives, dyes, palm oil and preservatives. These products transform real kefir into a kefir drink. In this case, farm products are the healthiest and most natural. Good kefir may contain:

  • pasteurized milk;
  • fermentation of live bacteria or kefir grains;
  • yeast yeast and bifidobacteria.

Calorie content of fermented milk product

When losing weight, one of the important criteria for choosing foods is their calorie content. The same applies to kefir. Its calorie content is determined by its fat content. To achieve a slim figure, it is advisable to choose a drink with the lowest percentage. The calorie content in this case will be about 25-30 kcal per 100 g of product. This low-fat drink has all the benefits without the extra calories.

Which fat content of kefir is best for weight loss?

Completely low-fat kefir does not contain a number of beneficial vitamins, so this option is not worth choosing. In addition, there is no need to completely exclude fat from the diet, because the body needs it. The best option is to choose a drink with a fat content of up to 1%. With the use of vegetable oil in the diet, this kefir is suitable. If fats in your diet are completely limited, then choose the option with a fat content of 2.5%.

Best before date

Which kefir is better for weight loss - freshly made or one that is already a couple of days old? Only a fresh product has positive properties. The shelf life of natural kefir is 7-10 days from the date of production. This is the only period the bacteria in the drink live. A longer shelf life indicates the presence of preservatives. Sour kefir has the same effect on the body, but:

  • has high acidity, which can adversely affect the functioning of the digestive system;
  • has a strong laxative effect.

The consistency of the product also indicates that it is expired. Fresh kefir is homogeneous. If, when shaken, two layers are released in the drink - whey and flakes, then this indicates the expiration date. This is also indicated by the yellow color of the drink, bitter taste and pungent odor. This drink should absolutely not be consumed. The fresh product is slightly sour and does not have a strong odor, and its color is white.

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How to make the drink yourself?

Low-fat kefir, yogurt and other dairy products can be made at home if you buy the starter in the store. An already prepared product is also used instead. It is necessary to purchase a starter exclusively based on kefir grains. It requires certain storage conditions, which are indicated on the packaging.

To make light kefir, skim milk as a base will be sufficient - no re-processing is necessary. All you need for cooking utensils is a saucepan and a jar. First you need to boil the milk and let it cool to 30-40 degrees, and then add the required amount of starter to the pan. The resulting liquid must be poured into a jar, wrapped in a towel and placed in a warm place. Kefir will be ready in a day.

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