How can a confectioner replace kefir in biscuits and other baked goods?

Kefir is a healthy fermented milk product that can be found in almost every kitchen.
Adding kefir to baked goods allows you to get a fluffy dough. The drink has unique properties that increase the plasticity of dough for the formation of any bakery products. The product goes well with yeast and soda. In addition, the positive effect of kefir on the functioning of the digestive system has been proven. If you unexpectedly run out of kefir, you can use substitutes. Today we will name several analogues of fermented milk product.

Hercules jelly

You can try making your own rolled oatmeal jelly. This product resembles kefir in its taste and is rich in nutrients. It is well suited for lactose intolerant people who cannot consume dairy products.

To prepare jelly you will need:

  1. Pour 1 cup of oatmeal with 4 cups of drinking water;
  2. Add 5 grams of baker's yeast;
  3. Leave the starter to infuse for 1 day in a warm place;
  4. Stir the mixture regularly with a spoon.

After the specified time, strain the starter a couple of times through several layers of gauze. Then put the product on the fire and constantly stir with a spoon. When the liquid boils, turn off the heat. Wait for the jelly to cool. It can be used instead of kefir or added to baking.

There may be some leaven left on the surface of the gauze. It can be used to prepare new portions of jelly.

What is healthier for the intestines?

It is impossible to determine with precision what is more beneficial for a person. Many fermented milk products are good for the intestines, the only difference is taste, fat content, individual intolerance in the presence of certain diseases. You can drink kefir while on a diet.

When preparing fermented baked milk, some of the water evaporates, but the main beneficial properties are preserved. In controversial situations, doctors recommend fermented baked milk, since it contains more necessary and beneficial microbes for the stomach, but kefir is the leader in restoring microflora.

It is worth keeping in mind that it increases gas formation and is not suitable for people with sensitive stomachs. But kefir perfectly destroys putrefactive microorganisms in the intestines, noticeably superior to yogurt.

For gastritis with low acidity, you should introduce kefir into your diet and drink 3 times a day before meals in the amount of ½ cup. It should not be consumed directly from the refrigerator or overheated; it should be at room temperature.

The leading position in digestibility is occupied by fermented baked milk. When making yogurt, the milk sours on its own; no additional microorganisms are required.

One-day kefir will help with constipation. A two-day drink is recommended for diabetes, anemia, gastritis, as well as for the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. Three-day kefir is suitable for people with diarrhea.

Cucumber pickle

There are conflicting opinions regarding the use of cucumber pickle. The addition of such a liquid gives baked goods a characteristic taste. Therefore, before using the brine, it is recommended to reduce the acid content by adding sugar. Add 10 tablespoons of granulated sugar to 250 milliliters of brine.

Is it possible to replace kefir with fermented baked milk in baking?

Such types of baked goods as butter, unleavened and yeast baked goods are most often prepared with the addition of kefir. The dough becomes fluffy and tasty. Kefir ferments, imparting viscosity and plasticity.

Is it possible to replace kefir with another fermented milk product, such as fermented baked milk? Of course yes. The dough will turn out just as airy and porous, but we must not forget that kefir has high acidity, so there is no need to quench the soda.

When using fermented baked milk, quench the soda with vinegar. For some people, kefir is contraindicated and replacing it with fermented baked milk will allow them to continue consuming their favorite foods without compromising their health.


For baking, you can use whey instead of kefir. The only feature will be the absence of fat. Therefore, the taste of the finished product may change slightly. Many cooks note that whey-based dough does not work well. In addition, the baked goods turn out “fresh.” To add milky taste, pour in a little pre-melted butter.

Thus, you can replace kefir with several simple products. We recommend experimenting to find the right option that suits your culinary preferences.

What fermented milk products can replace kefir?

There are many options for replacing kefir on a diet. The first thing that comes to mind is low-calorie yogurt. The main requirement is that it must be without additives, with a fat content not exceeding 1%, and a natural composition.

Another representative of fermented milk drinks is tan. Unlike kefir, it is prepared on the basis of matsoni, a fermented milk product made from fermented camel or buffalo milk. It also contains lactic acid, which normalizes not only microflora, but also metabolic processes, quenches thirst well and dulls the feeling of hunger.


Tan is contraindicated for hypertension, kidney disease and lactose intolerance.

Another similar product is ayran. It is prepared by fermenting goat or sheep milk. Ayran is also rich in vitamins (tocopherol, thiamine), micronutrients (calcium, magnesium, selenium) and amino acids. The drink is an excellent absorbent that removes toxins from the body.

Yogurt and fermented baked milk can replace kefir in a diet only if they have a reduced fat content (1%). These products allow you to lose weight while maintaining muscle mass. Both drinks remove excess fluid well, so they are recommended for swelling.

Cottage cheese can be a good substitute not only as a separate dish, but also as one of the ingredients in baking. It has a balanced composition and a lot of useful properties. In conditions of weight loss, products with fat content from 1.8 to 5% will fit well into the diet.

As an additional alternative, you can consider Varenets 2.5%, acidophilus, matsoni and katyk (fresh - 2-3 days).

Pancakes with kefir and fermented baked milk

Pancakes are prepared with the addition of fermented milk products. The main fermented milk ingredient is usually kefir or sour milk.

With the addition of fermented baked milk, the pancakes will turn out just as tender and appetizing, and a hint of baked milk will only add softness to the taste. Below is a simple recipe that will brighten every family's morning.

We will need:

  1. Ryazhenka 0.5 liters.
  2. Flour 3 cups.
  3. Salt 1 pinch.
  4. Eggs 2 pcs.
  5. Soda 0.5 teaspoon.
  6. Sugar 1 tbsp. spoon.
  7. Vegetable oil.

Whisk together the fermented baked milk, eggs, sugar and salt. Mix the resulting mass with flour and soda. Stir again. The dough should be thick, but there may be some lumps.

Place in a warm place for 20 minutes. After the dough has rested, without disturbing, scoop the resulting mixture from the plate with a spoon. Heat a frying pan in vegetable oil.

Lay out the pancakes and fry on both sides until a golden crust appears. You can prepare pancakes with kefir and fermented baked milk in 40 minutes.

How to replace yogurt in a recipe

How to replace products in recipes

This question often comes up when we read recipes from different cuisines that use ingredients that are unfamiliar to us.
Many of them are already in our supermarkets - but not all and not everywhere. Using the experience of chefs and inventive housewives who are accustomed to trying everything themselves, we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions about replacing certain products and the answers to them.

In addition, we provide links to those names and terms that may be unfamiliar to someone - just read the descriptions.

So, what to replace the following products with.

Agar-agar (vegetable gelatin) - regular gelatin, but it requires 2.5 times more.

Anchovies – anchovy or spicy salted sprat, oriental fish sauces.

Peanut butter : This is not to be confused with peanut butter. Pasta can hardly be replaced with anything, but it is not difficult to prepare at home.

Peanut oil : Olive oil or other refined vegetable oil is suitable.

Artichokes : boiled - replace with celery stalks, but canned (if required by the recipe) can be replaced with canned sweet peppers.

Balsamic vinegar – add a little honey and aromatic herbs to wine vinegar.

White wine - weak 3% vinegar (100 ml), mixed with sugar (12-15 g).

Dry white wine – light grape juice, to which add a little white wine vinegar.

Bouquet garni - it does not need to be replaced, because it is just a bouquet of aromatic plants that are put into a bag (or tied) and placed in a dish. It's not difficult to make.

Vanilla essence - liqueur or brandy (the same amount), as well as vanilla sugar (from 10 to 15 g instead of 1 teaspoon of essence).

Wasabi : if you know that the wasabi we sell is an imitation of it based on Japanese daikon radish, then everything is simple: you need to finely grate it (it is on sale) and mix with mustard. Or replace daikon with horseradish.

Grape vinegar - apple cider vinegar, no - regular table vinegar 3.5-4.5%.

Whiskey – brandy, dark rum, Calvados.

Cherry liqueur - take syrup from a jar of canned cherries.

vodka – light grape or apple juice with lemon or lime juice

Replace Garam masala - a traditional Indian spice mixture - by mixing equal parts coriander, turmeric and cumin.

Ready mustard (1 tbsp) - a teaspoon of mustard powder mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of wine, or wine vinegar, or water.

Mustard powder (1 teaspoon) – 1 tbsp. spoon of prepared mustard.

Dark chocolate (100 g) – 3 tbsp. Mix spoons of cocoa powder with 1 tbsp. spoon of butter, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar and 1 tbsp. spoon of water.

Guanciale is Italian pancetta bacon.

Daikon (Japanese radish) is a native green radish.

Dijon mustard - as a last resort, add a little sugar or honey and applesauce to Russian mustard, which is usually hot.

Products that can replace kefir

Let's look at several options that have a more gentle effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract:

  • Ryazhenka. The difference in the production of kefir and fermented baked milk lies in the use of different forms of milk. So, for example, in order to make kefir, regular whole milk is used, while to produce fermented baked milk, baked milk is needed. As a result, a product comes out with excellent taste. If you try to make fermented baked milk at home, it will have a slightly sweetish tint.

The main reason why fermented baked milk is not used in weight loss diets is its high calorie content. If for kefir it is 40 Kcal/100 grams, then for ryazhenka these indicators are increased to 50 Kcal/100 grams. It is also worth noting that its fat content is an order of magnitude higher. But still, there are several diets based on fermented baked milk that also deserve attention.

  • Natural yogurt. Its usefulness is even higher than that of kefir. First of all, yogurt contains a large amount of milk protein, which reduces the feeling of hunger. But not every grocery store offers pure yogurt. It is usually filled with various additives in the form of sugars and fruits. Unfortunately, such products are completely unsuitable for dietary nutrition.

Due to the lack of yoghurt in the store, you can prepare it at home using a slow cooker or a special device. But another question immediately arises: where to find yogurt starter. It is even less common than natural fermented milk product.

If you are a resident of Central Asia or the Caucasus, then you can use other fermented milk drinks:

  • Ayran. Residents of Asian countries often compare it with kefir. They believe that it is similar in many ways, but in fact there are differences, and there are many of them. For example, preparation is carried out from pre-boiled milk with the addition of lactic acid bacteria.

Since the product is boiled, some of the water comes out of it, which makes it fattier and creamier. If we talk about similarities, then ayran has a similar effect on the body. For example, it can also be used as a remedy for constipation, while saturating the body with vitamins and microorganisms.

Ayran has a consistency similar to thick sour cream, which makes it uncomfortable to drink. Therefore, the Turkic peoples dilute the fermented milk product, most often with salted water, which makes it look like tan.

  • Tan. An excellent alternative for replacement. In terms of taste, tan is not at all similar to it, but at the same time, its beneficial properties are somewhat higher. It can be argued that tan is a product that can compete with some laxatives. It differs in that at the end of cooking it is diluted with salt water.

Is it possible to replace kefir in the dough?

Kefir is a very popular ingredient for home baking: this thick, sour product makes the dough fluffy and soft. Not everyone likes kefir, and there are situations when guests are on the doorstep, and there is only fermented baked milk or sour cream in the refrigerator.

Don't be afraid to replace one fermented milk product with another: the results will differ, but not so much as to be considered a culinary failure. In some cases, baking with yogurt, fermented baked milk or yogurt turns out much more appetizing.

Tip We use fermented milk products in the dough to make it fluffy and soft, including for reaction with soda. Therefore, two points are important: the more pronounced the sourness, the better, and the product should be warm.

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