Kefir - benefits and harm. Fruit kefir cocktails

Kefir cocktails combine the beneficial properties of kefir and the fruits with which it is consumed.

Kefir is a fermented milk drink that many people like. It brings great benefits to human health and is widely used as a dietary product.

Adding finely chopped fruit to kefir adds a unique taste to kefir cocktails and brings double benefits.

You can select combinations of fruits with kefir that are indicated for certain health problems.

Kefir cocktails have long been part of our daily diet. They can be found on the menu of both healthy people and in therapeutic and preventive nutrition for patients with a variety of diseases, ranging from pancreatitis and cholecystitis to obesity and diabetes. They are widely used in weight loss programs.

Delicious kefir cocktails can be prepared by adding a variety of fruits and berries. Thanks to this, the beneficial properties of kefir will be enhanced and drinking it will be even more pleasant.

Varieties of kefir

Every store sells many varieties of this amazingly refreshing, tasty and healthy fermented milk product. It is produced with various fillings (fruit, berry), it is enriched with probiotics (bifidobacteria, acidophilus and lactobacilli), it comes with a reduced or increased content of lactose, protein and mineral salts.

Kefir - benefits and harms are determined by its composition and varieties. You can verify this in any supermarket. There is fat kefir (3.2%), low-fat (2.5%) and low-fat (0-0.5%), and depending on the degree of ripening it is divided into weak (one-day), which has the lowest percentage of lactic acid and alcohol and strong (three-day) - a strong drink with an acid and alcohol content of up to 0.65%).

Depending on the type of kefir and the method of its preparation, it has different effects on the body. For example, nutritionists recommend drinking weak kefir for constipation, and three-day kefir, on the contrary, for indigestion and dysentery. But all varieties of the drink undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on the body, increasing its tone and defenses.

What are the benefits of kefir

This fermented milk product is a real storehouse of nutrients. It contains:

  • Calcium

Everyone knows that calcium is a building material for humans. It makes your bones and nails stronger and your hair becomes stronger. But calcium also plays a positive role in the fight for weight loss.

American scientists have conducted research in this direction and claim that a high level of calcium intake prevents the formation of fat deposits. Normally, calcium is needed about 1000 mg per day, but adding 200 mg from kefir will help you lose weight faster. During kefir diets, a person does not feel weak or irritable, since calcium and magnesium are perfectly absorbed in the body with the help of milk fat.

  • Probiotics

These substances in the form of dietary supplements were experimentally given to a group of patients, and they lost an average of 12% more weight than those who simply dieted. Probably, probiotics actively push aside those microorganisms that prevented weight loss. Of course, these assumptions require further study. Probiotics give us the opportunity to streamline the natural process of bowel movements. Those who suffer from chronic constipation simply need young kefir (one to three days). Probiotics will regulate the intestinal microflora, and as soon as it begins to work correctly, your weight will gradually decrease. Many other diets are characterized by constipation, but kefir diet, on the contrary, will relieve you of this unpleasant and harmful phenomenon.

  • Vitamins and minerals

Using the kefir diet, we begin to lose weight, but we don’t feel much hunger. This happens because the thick fermented milk drink quickly saturates the stomach, and the vitamin and mineral composition nourishes the body.

  • Bifido and lactobacilli

These beneficial microorganisms help remove toxic substances from the body. The result of their work is: clear skin and a flat stomach, because... gases no longer swell it. All this happens against the background of weight loss.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are found in kefir in an easily digestible form and in optimal proportions.

Therapeutic properties of kefir

Regular inclusion of the drink in the diet:

  • normalizes the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  • enhances intestinal motility;
  • eliminates dysbacteriosis;
  • Helps cleanse the body of free radicals and carcinogens.
  • increases immunity;

Not everyone knows that up to 80% of immune cells are located in the intestines, which is why the health of the entire body directly depends on its condition.

When consuming kefir, the load on the heart and blood vessels is reduced due to better and faster breakdown of incoming food. This probiotic drink, taken an hour before bed, is especially beneficial. If you make it a rule to drink this healing drink every evening, you can significantly lose weight, normalize stools, cleanse yourself of waste and toxins, and increase your metabolism.

Compatibility of kefir with various foods

The beneficial properties of kefir depend on how well this drink is combined with the products that we simultaneously consume with it.

There are a number of products with which kefir is contraindicated:

  • whole milk;
  • seafood;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • meat.

Products with which kefir should not be combined, but still possible if necessary:

  • legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • seeds;
  • nuts.

Products that, when consumed simultaneously with kefir, have an excellent effect on all organs and systems:

  • bran, fiber;
  • vegetables, including leafy greens;
  • fruits, including dried fruits;
  • berries, including dried ones;
  • juices;
  • Bee Honey;
  • jam and other sweet preparations;
  • bread;
  • whole grain.

How to make weak kefir at home

For sourdough, you can use pharmaceutical compositions or a regular store-bought drink. For every 200 ml of homemade village milk, you should take 5-6 ml of ready-made kefir. Then the liquid is placed in a jar in a warm place for a day and your healing one-day drink is ready. You can drink it yourself, or you can prepare medicinal cocktails.

Kefir cocktails for health and weight loss

Drink with apricots

Useful for diseases of the heart and blood vessels: atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, hypertension, as well as for the prevention of anemia, stroke and myocardial infarction.

Recipe: During the 2-3 season, soften the apricots with a fork and mix with a glass of kefir. And the rest of the time, instead of fresh fruits, you should take dried apricots or apricots (after removing the seeds from them). Dried fruits are soaked for several hours in warm water, then crushed with a knife or blender and mixed with the drink.

Kefir with prunes

Dried plums, as well as fermented milk drinks, normalize digestion, relieve constipation, help strengthen intestinal motility and significantly improve its bowel function. Therefore, the combination of kefir with prunes is a miracle cure for the intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Recipe: Wash several fruits, remove the seeds and soak for 3 hours in cool water, then chop the fruits with a knife and mix with kefir, and drink the water in which the plums were lying in the morning on an empty stomach. To enhance the cleansing ability and greater antibacterial effect, add a little honey to the finished cocktail.

Kefir with strawberries

This delicious nutritious cocktail is an effective remedy for metabolic disorders, pancreatitis, obesity, peptic ulcers and problems with the heart and blood vessels. The drink also relieves swelling, improves immunity and saturates the body's cells with antioxidants.

Recipe: Mash two heaped tablespoons of fresh berries and stir in a glass of kefir. Instead of fresh berries in winter, dried, frozen or ground with sugar are used.

Drink with grated apples

Apples are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, organic acids, pectins, dietary fiber and iron. The cocktail is useful for obesity, heart and vascular diseases, as well as for normalizing blood composition. In addition, apples are available almost all year round.

Recipe: To prepare the drink, grate one apple and mix the pulp with a glass of kefir.

How to drink kefir to lose weight: options for the kefir diet

After advice on how to choose a product and check the composition, you need to learn how to drink it correctly. General recommendations boil down to the following tips:

  1. Do not drink warm or too cold product.
  2. Do not drink the entire portion in one gulp. Small sips will help you feel the sour taste and fill you up faster even with a small portion.
  3. If the acid is too pronounced, you can sweeten the kefir with a sweetener or 1 tsp. honey But do not forget that honey and sugar add calories to the drink.

An interesting way to consume a fermented milk drink was proposed by Margarita Koroleva. The main rule from Koroleva on how to drink kefir for weight loss with spoons: do not drink a glass of kefir at night, but eat it with teaspoons. The strange recommendation stems from the triple benefits of eating late at night:

  • Fermented milk products are not so high in calories. A glass of kefir will not violate the principle of the diet, and protein activates metabolic processes;
  • Eating with small spoons will signal to the brain that you are full. The idea of ​​snacking on sandwiches and tea before bed will not obsessively swirl in your head;
  • Before bed, a glass of fermented milk with beneficial bacteria will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, especially if a person is losing weight on a mono-diet or a limited diet.

Kefir diet with buckwheat

The most common combination of buckwheat and a glass of kefir for weight loss has been helping people suffering from excess weight for decades. The weekly menu should always start the same way with steamed cereal and a glass of fermented milk drink. After 7 days, you will notice the first plumb line on the scales, the skin will become cleaner, blood pressure will normalize, blood vessels will become stronger, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will be improved. The maximum duration of the kefir-buckwheat diet should not exceed 2 weeks, so as not to lead to weakness and fatigue. To improve the result, you should exclude:

  • pickles;
  • fatty foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • sweets and baked goods;
  • soda;
  • semi-finished products;
  • spicy dishes.

The principles of losing weight with the help of fermented milk products are simple: clear the menu of harmful foods and drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day. Then you won’t have to wonder whether kefir is good for losing weight, or exhaust yourself with starvation diets on a couple of products.

Express diet for 3 days

A diet familiar to those losing weight for quickly normalizing weight and getting rid of edema. Every day, meals consist of 2 liters of 1% fat kefir and 300 g of low-calorie vegetables or fruits. All meals should be divided into 4 meals, and during the breaks you should drink rosehip decoction, herbal teas without honey and sugar. The classic version involves only a fermented milk drink, which can be divided into 5 meals. But this is a rigid system that does not suit everyone. Side effects of 3 days may include increased gas formation, pain, and diarrhea. The big disadvantage is that the food is monotonous and you get bored quickly. But the high efficiency and weight loss fully compensate for this.

Harm of kefir to health.

In order for a fermented milk drink to bring maximum health benefits, you need to know about some contraindications to its use.

When does kefir harm our body?

  • If you have gastritis and stomach ulcers with high acidity, you can only drink a fresh drink, otherwise heartburn will occur, which will worsen your condition.
  • You should not go on a kefir diet when trying to lose weight. This can negatively affect the immune system, since not all vitamins and minerals along with other beneficial substances are present in this drink.
  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not consume kefir. Even small doses of ethyl alcohol present in the drink are undesirable for the developing fetus and small child.
  • Don't forget to look at the expiration date of the drink when you buy it at the supermarket. It should be no more than 7-14 days. If kefir has a longer shelf life, it means it contains preservatives.
  • A single dose of kefir should not exceed 200-250 ml. Large amounts of it can cause increased gas formation.

Everyone really likes kefir and the benefits it brings to us. It is easy to avoid harm if it is used incorrectly. You just need to know the features of this drink. Kefir fruit cocktails greatly improve its taste and bring even greater benefits than pure kefir.

By including kefir in your diet, you will provide an invaluable service to your own body, improve performance and good mood for many years. Be healthy and cheerful!

Well, friends! I believe that kefir should definitely be included in the diet of any person who cares about their health. Since it goes well with berries and fruits, try to drink just such tasty and healthy kefir cocktails.

Kefir can make us more graceful without dieting

Many very busy people desperately lack time to follow various diets. Therefore, for them, kefir can be just a godsend. Drink it regularly and see results very soon! But, of course, only a gentle diet is acceptable, i.e. you need to give up flour, sweets and fatty foods. As mentioned earlier, kefir can be an excellent breakfast, especially if you add fresh, mildly sweet fruits and berries to it. Such a set will have a pleasant taste and greater usefulness. At lunchtime, when you really want to taste something sweet, replace tea or coffee with kefir and half a teaspoon of cinnamon. This will help cope with sweet cravings and promote weight loss.

In the evening, even nutritionists allow you to drink kefir after 18 hours! But you shouldn’t drink the drink too quickly or worse, in one gulp. Remember how the nobles drank tea - with a teaspoon. This is exactly what you need to lose weight. Or slowly, in small sips. You will immediately feel full. Such deception of the body will only benefit you, since kefir microflora is better absorbed in a not entirely full stomach. And if you have an irresistible desire to snack on something at night, and your feet lead to the refrigerator, make a choice in favor of kefir. It certainly won’t harm your figure. But in any case, don’t overdo it! In the morning, don’t forget to give your muscles work - do exercises and take a contrast shower.

  • Our recommendations: let kefir become an indispensable attribute in your purse and, at the moment of temptation to eat something tasty, such as fast food, protect you from it.

Unripe kefir combined with fruits and vegetables really works and makes you slimmer!

No wonder it is loved in Russia and Ukraine, preferred in most European countries, the USA, Australia, the Baltic countries, Israel, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

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