Rice porridge: benefits and harm to the body, how much you can eat per day, possible harm and contraindications

14.06.2021 12:00


Rice began to be eaten approximately 9 thousand years ago. At first it was popular in Asia, and later spread throughout the planet. Today this cereal is one of the most common.

Like any food product, porridge has its advantages and disadvantages for the human body. For many years now, there has been debate about whether rice is healthy or more harmful.

Chemical composition and calorie content of rice porridge

Cereals contain a large number of useful substances, which include:

  • copper;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • vitamins B, E and PP;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • chlorine;
  • selenium;
  • calcium;
  • cobalt;
  • sulfur;
  • molybdenum;
  • chromium.

Raw and processed grains contain silicon, most of which is excreted from the body due to poor absorption. Cereals contain slow carbohydrates, which help keep you full for a long time due to prolonged absorption and assimilation. Proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is ensured by the presence of a large amount of dietary fiber. Essential acids, which include leucine, valine, tryptophan and others, help normalize the functioning of all systems and organs.

Rice does not contain vegetable protein such as gluten. For this reason, porridge is allowed to be consumed by people allergic to this component. White rice has 354 calories. per 100 g of dry product, and in brown - 330. Porridge with milk contains 97 kcal, and a mixture prepared with water - 78.

With mushrooms

Are you preparing an Italian dinner and have rice on the side? What to serve boiled cereal with is an idle question. Of course, with mushrooms. If there are no truffles, we will take regular champignons, or pickled ones. But you need to put them out of the jar in a colander ahead of time so that all the liquid drains.

  • Pour olive oil into a frying pan and add a few whole cloves of garlic.
  • We wait until the fat absorbs their aroma. Then we take out the cloves and put the finely chopped onion in the garlic oil.
  • When it becomes golden and soft, add chopped mushrooms.
  • Remove the stem and seeds from the red bell pepper.
  • Cut the pulp into cubes and also add to the pan.
  • Mix this dish with a side dish - boiled rice. If necessary, add salt.
  • Three two types of cheese (for example, Parmesan and cheddar).
  • Stir thoroughly again.
  • We tamp the dish into portioned cups.
  • Pour some marinara sauce onto serving plates. Carefully turn the cup over so that the rice falls out of it in a cylinder.
  • The benefits of rice porridge for the body

    Rice porridge
    The beneficial properties of porridge include:

    • calming effect on the nervous system and eliminating sleep problems;
    • providing energy reserves and a long-lasting feeling of satiety;
    • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
    • restoration of digestion and reduction of acidity in the stomach;
    • improvement of the condition of skin, bone tissue and hair;
    • cleansing the body of toxins;
    • preventing the development of anemia and restoring strength after serious illnesses;
    • losing weight by improving fat metabolism.

    For children

    Rice is one of the foods that is added to the diet when starting complementary feeding. During breastfeeding, porridge is introduced from 7-8 months. When a child consumes formula milk, you can give porridge with milk. It is suitable for children who often have diarrhea. The components of rice provide a strengthening effect, and the starch-mucous consistency is well absorbed by the growing body.

    The enveloping properties help improve digestion, so rice porridge should be included in the child’s menu. The use of the product should be avoided if you are prone to constipation, obesity and abdominal colic. The dish is introduced into the diet after consultation with a pediatrician.

    For the elderly

    An elderly person can consume rice mixture, as it has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility. If consumed in moderation, constipation or diarrhea will not occur due to the normalization of metabolism. The dish is a preventative against Alzheimer's disease, heart attack and stroke, and also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

    When porridge is consumed correctly, the level of bad cholesterol in the blood decreases. Elderly people with gastritis and peptic ulcers need to eat a viscous porridge that envelops the sensitive mucous membrane and eliminates irritation.

    For weight loss

    White polished rice contains fast carbohydrates, so rice porridge is consumed in the first half of the day and before training. It is not recommended to eat the dish in the evening. When losing weight, it is necessary to introduce the product into the diet correctly, so as not to exceed the norm of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Brown rice contains slow carbohydrates, but is not low in calories.

    If a person is determined to eliminate extra pounds, then sugar, condensed milk or other sweets are not added to dishes. To improve the taste of porridge, dried fruits and nuts are added according to the BJU norm. The best food option is a rice mixture with the addition of herbs and light vegetables.

    In case of poisoning

    Rice has an absorbent ability, so it is used for any poisoning that can be caused by bacteria or infection. To quickly restore strength, you need to prepare and eat porridge without salt and granulated sugar.

    The beneficial and harmful qualities of the rice mixture depend on the method of preparing the dish. Experts advise draining the liquid after cooking the porridge and drinking it. Thanks to rice grains, all harmful substances are removed from the body, and the decoction coats the walls of the stomach and accelerates the elimination of inflammatory processes.

    For gastritis and pancreatitis

    Rice porridge for gastritis
    If you have gastritis in the acute stage, it is recommended to eat rice porridge. It does not irritate the gastric mucosa and is gently absorbed without causing pain or nausea. The dish promotes satiety, which is important for a disease in which an acute feeling of hunger should not be allowed. In this situation, there is an increased release of digestive enzymes that harm the stomach.

    The product is introduced into the diet for pancreatitis 2 days after completion of therapeutic fasting and elimination of pain. With this pathology, porridge is cooked in such a way that it is soft and liquid. For preparation, choose polished grains, which can be pre-ground in a blender. This way the product will not damage the diseased organ. At the same time, no butter, sugar or salt are added to the dish. The porridge is boiled in water, and after a few weeks milk can be introduced.

    For diarrhea

    When you have an upset stomach, you often eat rice porridge, and the decoction helps get rid of the ailment. To prepare a medicinal drink, you need to pour 100 g of cereal into 1 liter of water and wait for it to boil. Then cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Strain the liquid and drink 1/3 glass 3-4 times a day until the symptoms of diarrhea disappear.

    When preparing food for children, 50 g of cereal is poured into 1 liter of water and cooked for 10 minutes. Small children are given ½ tsp. three times a day. To ensure antidiarrheal and enveloping effects, white rice is chosen because it contains more starch than unpolished grains.

    With stewed fish or canned food

    Did your porridge turn out to be too viscous and runny? Don’t let the question of what to serve with rice of this consistency bother you. Open the canned fish. It can be in oil or in tomato sauce, but not in its own juice. Transfer the contents of the jar into the porridge and stir. If the fish is large (capelin, silver carp), then you must first remove the bones from it. The sauce from the canned food will “bind” the rice grains, and the dish will turn out delicious.

    Students, take note: for such a side dish, you can open not only a can of sardines or bullheads. Any other canned food will do. Anyone who served in the army knows: rice with stew is a very satisfying and easy-to-prepare dish. The meat just needs to be separated into fibers and mixed with porridge. And fish - the same capelin, only fresh - can be stewed. Sauté the onion until golden brown. Place the fish and add a little water. Salt, season with spices and simmer until cooked. This kind of fish with plenty of gravy will go well with excessively dry porridge.

    Is it possible to have rice porridge during pregnancy?

    During pregnancy, the diet is enriched with rice, which is combined with fish, vegetables, meat and fruits. Pregnant women will benefit from milk soup, for the preparation of which the cereal is poured with milk, the container with the food is placed on the fire, salt, sugar and butter are added to taste after boiling. To make the porridge more vitamin-rich, boiled carrots are added to it.

    Boiled rice is a healthy side dish. To prepare the dish, cut bell peppers, carrots, beans and onions into cubes, place the vegetables in a stewing container. After that, they are mixed with boiled rice and baked in the oven for 10 minutes. This mixture will benefit the fetus and the woman. In this case, they follow one rule: during cooking, use a minimum amount of hot spices and fatty meats. There are no more restrictions.

    How to serve the side dish

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    The answer to the question of what rice goes with depends on:

    • depending on the type of cereal;
    • method of its preparation.

    Agree, if you have cooked a thin and viscous porridge, then some kind of dry dish - schnitzel or fried fish - will suit it. But if the rice comes out dry and crumbly, then in this case it needs gravy. You can also serve the side dish in different ways. You can use an ice cream scoop to form sticky rice into delicious balls. The sauce should be served separately in a bowl. Dry rice is served in a plate. The main course (meat, fish, vegetables) in gravy is placed on top of it.

    But you can do it differently. Mix your side dish with the main dish cut into small oblong pieces. This dish can be “polished” by heating it in the oven or microwave under a cheese cap. Experiment, use foreign experience: dishes such as Spanish paella and Italian risotto are very tasty. The side dish can be hidden in the middle. For example, put porridge between two layers of stewed cabbage.

    Is rice porridge good for nursing women?

    Rice porridge with milk
    The product is useful for breastfeeding due to its neutrality and hypoallergenicity, so it will not cause a bad reaction in the baby. Rice porridge, the benefits and harms of which are provided by its vitamin and mineral composition, will help increase milk production. Due to impaired intestinal motility in women after childbirth, it can cause constipation.

    For this reason, liquid soups with rice are prepared during this period. Porridge is cooked in water for the first 3-4 months and only then is it switched to milk if it does not cause a negative reaction from the body of the child and mother. For a gradual transition over several weeks, water and milk are mixed in equal quantities.

    With meat and sauce

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    If you have prepared some dry boiled rice as a side dish, it will be delicious with gravy. Beef stroganoff is best suited for this porridge, but you can use other types of meat, including pork.

    • First, finely chop the onion and grate the large carrots.
    • Pour a little vegetable oil into a cauldron or deep frying pan or add lard.
    • When the fat is well heated, add the onion. We are waiting for it to turn slightly golden.
    • Add carrots to the onion. Let's sauté them.
    • Cut the meat into oblong pieces. Add to vegetables.
    • We need to "seal" the fibers. Therefore, we stir the meat only a few times.
    • After this, add a little broth (or boiled water) to the cauldron or frying pan and simmer the beef stroganoff until soft.
    • Finally, add a spoon or two of tomato paste.
    • Adjust the thickness of the sauce with flour.
    • Place rice in a heap on a serving plate. Place meat in sauce on it.

    The benefits and harms of rice porridge with milk

    The product has a positive effect on the human body. When preparing porridge with milk, it helps:

    • normalization of metabolic processes;
    • improving the structure of hair, nails and skin;
    • accelerating the removal of toxins from the body;
    • stimulation of intellectual abilities;
    • normalization of pressure;
    • improving the functioning of the digestive system.

    A formula containing milk can cause negative consequences if the patient has milk protein intolerance or a tendency to constipation.

    What else should you serve with rice?

    This is not a complete list of dishes that go well with cereal. For example, rice goes well with various types of cutlets - meat and fish, fried and steamed. You can also serve chops, schnitzel, or steak with the porridge. Grilled chicken also makes a good pairing with rice.

    This cereal will be an excellent side dish for various kinds of vegetable dishes - sautéed zucchini, baked bell peppers, stewed cabbage, boiled green beans, broccoli and so on. In a word, rice, due to its neutral taste, goes well with most foods. And viscous milk porridge can serve as a basis for desserts.


    How much rice porridge can you eat per day?

    Excessive consumption of rice porridge can cause digestive problems, so you should limit yourself to one serving per day. It is not recommended to eat rice in large quantities every day. If it is cooked with milk, then it is enough to consume ½ cup of rice and a cup of milk per day. The daily norm is 150 g of cereal.

    Rice porrige

    With fried fish

    The carcass must be cleaned of scales and gutted. If the fish is large, then it should be cut into portions. Before frying, you need to prepare the lezon from salted eggs and flour. But if the fish is fatty enough, then you can do without it. Just roll the pieces first in spices and then in flour. Let's fry on both sides.

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    Any white rice is suitable for fish - both round and long grain. The main thing is that the porridge does not come out too dry. But even in this case, there is a way out. Prepare a delicious creamy sauce for rice and fish. Both béchamel and olandez will work. Serve the dish with some vegetables - fresh, boiled or grilled.

    Harm of rice porridge and contraindications

    The favorite product of adults and children can be harmful if eaten constantly, choosing only the white variety. When processing grains, some of their beneficial properties are lost. Grinding allows you to extend the shelf life and give the cereal a marketable appearance. Refined rice may cause:

    • atherosclerosis;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • development of diabetes mellitus or deterioration of the patient’s condition if the disease is present;
    • problems with blood vessels;
    • formation of stones in the kidneys.

    If you choose unrefined or natural brown rice, then consuming the product will not cause negative reactions and will not worsen your health.

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    Kaw pad

    What to serve with rice if the refrigerator is “full of zen” and there is nothing but onions, eggs and soy sauce? Don't be sad: this is the very set of ingredients required to prepare the Thai dish kau pad. First boil the rice until completely cooked. It is best to take the Jasmine variety with snow-white, moderately elongated grains. All other ingredients of the dish must be pre-cut, since the frying process goes very quickly. In Thailand, a special wok and high heat are used to prepare kau pada, but in European cuisine, you can use ordinary, high-walled utensils.

  • Pour in vegetable oil.
  • When it is hot, add chopped onion, 2 cloves of garlic and a quarter of a chili pepper.
  • Mix two eggs with three tablespoons of soy sauce.
  • Add to the pan. Stir.
  • Spread the cooled rice porridge.
  • Add a little more soy sauce.
  • Salt. Fry, stirring constantly, for 10 minutes.
  • Serve the rice with the egg, sprinkling the dish with lime juice.
  • White Rice vs Brown Rice

    Is rice good for your health? It depends on what kind of rice you are asking about. Typically, the first things that come to mind are white and brown rice. Do you know what the difference between them is? Brown rice is a whole grain and it contains three parts:

    • bran (outer layer);
    • fetus (tiny embryo);
    • endosperm (starchy part of the grain).

    But white rice has had its bran and germ removed. It mainly consists of endosperm. This means that white rice is not considered a whole grain like brown rice, and it's no secret that whole grains beat refined carbs when it comes to eating healthy. However, not all so simple.

    Japanese "wisdom"

    Experts announced their sensational data at the European Congress on Obesity in Glasgow. They found that obesity rates were significantly lower in countries that consumed a lot of rice (an average of 150 grams/day or more per person). And where they eat little of it (15-30 g/day), there are more obese people.

    “The observed association suggests that the prevalence of obesity is low in countries where rice is consumed as a staple food,” said Professor Tomoko Imai, lead author of the study . “Therefore, an Asian diet based on rice can prevent the development of obesity. As the prevalence of obesity increases worldwide, consumption of more rice should be recommended to protect against obesity, even in Western countries."

    Researchers estimate that even increasing average rice consumption to 50 g/day could reduce the prevalence of obesity worldwide by 1%. That is, if now 650 million adults aged 18 years and older have it, then after such a correction in nutrition, 643.5 million will be obese.

    But what lies behind all this arithmetic and is it worth listening to this opinion of a specialist from the Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts in Kyoto?

    Question answer

    What is the glycemic index? We find this statement to be completely unfounded and even misleading. The fact is that almost all products and dishes made from rice have a fairly high glycemic index (GI). This indicator tells you how quickly foods raise blood sugar and, accordingly, how they affect your weight. The higher the GI, the more the product increases the level of glucose in the blood and the more of it will be spent on the synthesis of subcutaneous fat.

    Even compared to other cereals rich in carbohydrates (these are the ones that turn into blood glucose), rice does not look very good (see table). Brown rice porridge is only slightly better than white rice. And of all the products made from rice, only rice noodles have a relatively low GI, but this is clearly not a dish on which you can lose weight.

    Table. Glycemic index (GI) of rice and some other carbohydrate foods.

    Products Glycemic index
    Rice crisps 87 ± 2
    Oatmeal (does not require cooking, just pour boiling water over it) 79 ± 3
    White bread made from wheat flour 75 ± 2
    White rice porridge 73 ± 4
    Brown rice porridge 68 ± 4
    Millet porridge 67 ± 5
    Popcorn 65 ± 5
    Oatmeal (rolled oatmeal) 55 ± 2
    Rice noodles 53 ± 7
    Pasta (wheat) 49 ± 2
    Pearl barley (barley) porridge 28 ± 2

    Note: Rice-based foods and dishes are highlighted in red.

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