Cashew nuts. Benefits and harms for women, calorie content, how much to eat, contraindications

Content of vitamins and minerals in 100 g of cashews

For every 100 grams of nut there is a certain amount of vitamin and mineral components. The main ones are presented in the table:

VitaminsAmount in milligramsDaily requirement in %
B1 (thiamine)0,533
B2 (riboflavin)0,2212
B3 (niacin)6,935
B6 (pyridoxine)0,4221
B9 (folic acid)0,256
E (tocopherol)5,757
K (phylloquinone)0,3428
MineralsAmount in milligramsDaily requirement in %

When eating cashews, you should not forget about calories - using the standards recommended by nutritionists will make up for the lack of nutrients and improve the functioning of internal organs and systems.


The calorie content of cashew nuts per 100 grams is 553 kcal . Compared to some other types of nuts, maranyan contains significantly fewer calories. However, consuming it in large quantities daily can lead to uncontrolled weight gain. If you eat no more than a handful of kernels during the day, then this, on the contrary, will contribute to weight loss.

This effect is due to the presence of a large amount of fatty acids in the product, which accelerate the breakdown of fats and convert them into energy.

Many nutritionists recommend replacing a handful of nuts with a lunch or snack consisting of fried potatoes, chips, bacon and other high-calorie foods that bring absolutely no benefit to the body.

Nuts create a feeling of fullness for a long time, and at the same time allow you to replenish the body with a whole range of useful substances - vitamins, microelements, fatty acids.

100 g cashew contains:

  • Proteins – 18.22 g.
  • Fats – 43.85 g.
  • Carbohydrates – 30.19 g.
  • Water – 5.2 g.

The ratio of BJU product is 20%/48%/32%.

Cashew chemical composition table:

CompoundUnit change per 100 g% of daily value
BJU, calorie content
Calorie contentkcal55321%
Calcium, Camg373,7%
Iron, Femg6,6836%
Magnesium, Mgmg29273%
Phosphorus, Pmg59359%
Potassium, Kmg66012,6%
Sodium, Namg121%
Zinc, Znmg5,7848%
Copper, Cumg2,195200%
Manganese, Mnmg1,6582,5%
Selenium, Semcg19,933%
Thiamine, B1mg0,42327%
Riboflavin, B2mg0,0583%
Niacin, B3mg1,0626%
Pantothenic acid, B5mg0,86417%
Vitamin B6mg0,41745%
Folic acidmcg2512%
Vitamin Emg0,96%
Vitamin Kmcg3428%
Saturated fatty acidsG7,783
Monounsaturated fatty acidsG23,797
Polyunsaturated fatty acidsG7,845
Trans fatsG0,015

Calorie content of cashew nuts for weight loss

One kernel contains a large number of useful elements and nutrients that will help the body lose extra pounds without harm to health.


Do not consume a high-calorie product in large quantities, so as not to achieve the opposite effect.

Cashews have high nutritional value, which helps to quickly saturate the body and reduce the feeling of hunger for a long time. Nuts are also well digestible, which makes them an indispensable product in various dietary dishes.

The unique composition of the kernels helps to normalize the proper functioning of the digestive system, as well as remove accumulated waste and toxins from the body. This helps the body better absorb other foods without translating them into extra pounds.

Due to the high nutritional value of cashew nuts, today nutritionists have even developed an entire nutrition system based on this product. Its meaning lies in the following principles:

  1. Breakfast: 30 g of whole nuts or 2 tbsp. l. oils from them. You can add celery.
  2. Lunch and dinner: follow generally accepted rules of proper nutrition.
  3. Fasting day for cashews: for lunch, eat the norm of nuts allowed by nutritionists, and the rest of the time, if you feel hungry, drink low-fat kefir. Thus, you can lose about 4 kg of excess weight in 1 week.

If it is difficult to follow a strict diet, you can add cashews to various salads, main and main courses, as well as desserts. This will bring maximum benefits to the body.


Only a healthy person can adhere to a diet or any other restrictions regarding the consumption of foods. If you have any doubts about the correctness of your diet or the preparation of your daily menu, it is better to consult your doctor.

Cashew: indications

Use is indicated for:

  • reduced immunity;
  • anemia;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the oral cavity;
  • senile dementia;
  • insomnia;
  • depression;
  • nervous overload;
  • physical fatigue.

The article is for informational purposes only, so if there are any deviations, you should consult your doctor.


Cashew nuts are native to Brazil, where they grow on an evergreen tree, Cashew occidentalis. It is also called Indian nut and acaju. After the end of the flowering period, large edible fruits of bright orange, yellow or red color are formed in place of the buds. At their very end is the true fruit of the akaju. It is covered with a greenish shell and a dense, rough shell, between which there is a thin layer containing phenolic resin.

The edible kernel is removed only by hand by specially trained people. This complexity is due to the fact that the inner layer is very toxic and can provoke a severe allergic reaction. All traces of toxic substances are completely destroyed during heat treatment. Therefore, cashew nuts are sold only in peeled and fried form.

Harm of nuts to the body

Cashews are considered a fairly safe product and have virtually no negative effects on the body, so the list of contraindications is insignificant.


  • children under 3 years of age (poor digestibility in children);
  • third trimester of pregnancy (high calorie content of the product can provoke excessive weight gain);
  • tendency to allergic reactions to food;
  • individual intolerance to elements of the nut vitamin-mineral complex;
  • in case of liver dysfunction;
  • if there are stones or sand in the kidneys (the product may complicate the course of the disease);
  • the presence of gastritis (cashews irritate the gastric mucosa).

If the recommended daily dose of the product is violated, bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and rashes on the skin may occur.

It is important to know that if the product has not undergone preliminary heat treatment, then its consumption can be hazardous to health. This is due to the fact that, while in the shell, the nut is protected by a toxic layer, which completely evaporates only after heating the product in the oven. Indian nuts usually arrive in the store in processed form.

Why do they say that raw kernels are poison?

It is not the raw acaju kernel that is poisonous, but the contents of the pericarp. Between the peel and shell of the Indian nut there are caustic substances - anacardic acid and cardol. Oily liquid containing these substances causes severe irritation and burns. To obtain edible kernels, there are 2 processing methods:

  1. The nuts are manually cracked using special devices. Then the kernels are subjected to heat treatment to remove the acid that has fallen on them, calibrated and packaged. The shell is also processed, obtaining 2 fractions. Solids are used in the automotive industry to make brake pads. Liquid containing toxins - in pharmacology and the chemical industry for the production of phenylamine.
  2. Toxic substances are disposed of before the nut is cracked. The nuts are first softened in boiling water and then dried in an oven at 125°C. Toxic oils evaporate, making the fragile shell easier to crack. Clean kernels are also sorted and packaged.

Nuts obtained using the 2nd method are considered raw, since it is not the kernels themselves that are heat-treated, but the shells.


Fried cashews have a wonderful taste and aroma, dull the appetite well and make dishes with them more satisfying and nutritious. Although the beneficial properties of roasted nuts are somewhat lower compared to fresh ones, their taste is higher. In terms of calorie content, fried Indian nuts are almost equal to fresh ones - 536 kcal/100 g, per 1 piece. contains approximately 6.86 kcal.

There are two types of frying - dry and with the addition of oil; the second method, naturally, greatly increases the calorie content of the product. If the nuts are roasted for a short time, about 15 minutes, and at a low temperature (120-140°C), the loss of vitamins and other beneficial substances will be minimal.

Fried anacardium can serve as:

  • separate snack;
  • a side dish for meat or fish;
  • ingredient in cereal porridges;
  • component of vegetable and fruit salads;
  • Whole or crushed roasted nuts are used to decorate cakes.

A popular dessert is cashews coated in sugar and honey or chocolate. To do this, pour the nuts into a cup with liquid honey, mix gently and leave for 12 hours. Then roll in powdered sugar and fry in vegetable oil until the sugar caramelizes and becomes transparent. To prepare nuts in chocolate, you need to fry them, then immerse them in black or milk chocolate melted in a water bath for a few minutes, and then carefully place them on a napkin until the chocolate layer hardens.

Are cashew nuts dangerous?

Due to the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in cashews, cashews are often used in various diets. The main thing is to eat fruits that have undergone heat treatment. In their raw form, they can harm human health.

Also, people who are allergic to the product or have an individual intolerance should not eat the kernels. The latter is extremely rare, but if you notice alarming symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor to avoid the risk of complications.

For all other people, fried cashews are absolutely harmless and safe for health if consumed within the permissible limit, which is no more than 40 grams per day for an adult. If you exceed this amount, an overdose may occur. It manifests itself in the form of a rash on the skin, nausea, vomiting and abnormal bowel movements.

Calorie content and nutritional value of cashews

Cashews are characterized by a high fat content. But it is precisely this factor that helps to get rid of excess weight. It is important not to overuse the healthy product and follow the recommendations of nutritionists. The weight of one nut is 1.2 g, which means its calorie content reaches 7.56 kcal (raw).

Cashew BJU has a ratio in the following proportions: 1:2.6:1.2. The calorie content of BJU per 100 grams of product is shown in this table:

NutsProteins (g)Fat (g)Carbohydrates (g)Calorie content, kcal
Raw cashews (100 g)18,548,522,5650
Roasted cashews (100 g)17,542,230,5580

The energy value of raw cashews is 650 kcal. In roasted nuts it is reduced to 580 kcal. The calorie content of dried cashews is 586.33 kcal.

How many nuts can you eat per day?

As mentioned above, during the day nutritionists advise eating no more than a handful of cashews, which is 15-20 nuts.

The approximate weight of 1 cashew nut is 1.5 g.

Accordingly, a daily serving of 15-20 nuts weighs 22.5-30 g. And the calorie content of 30 g of cashews will be 165.9 kcal. The calorie content of one nucleolus is 5.53 kcal.

The data provided will help you calculate the number of calories that can replace unhealthy and fatty foods.

For example, if you make cashew paste and spread it on bread instead of butter (the calorie content of which is 748 kcal), you can not only reduce the number of calories consumed, but also cholesterol and trans fats, often present in low-quality butter.

How many grams are in one cashew nut?

The average weight of a nut is indicated differently in different sources. It probably depends on the variety. More often than others, a mass of about 1.5 g for one core is noted. But some sources indicate a weight of 2–3 g.

Nuts are included in the daily diet, they are healthy, they contain many substances necessary for the body. However, the calories obtained from them tend to accumulate and be deposited in the form of excess fat. For this reason, it is important to know how much one nucleolus weighs and how many of them are needed for the body to receive 100 calories. Taking the value of 100 g = 553 calories, we find that there are about 8–8.3 calories in one nut . Fried kernels always become more nutritious due to the oil used during frying.

Important! In traditional Mayan medicine, a tea is made from the leaves or bark of cashew trees to treat diarrhea.

Cashew nut diet

The nut-kefir diet, which involves giving up other foods for a short time, has gained great popularity in recent years. Cashews are often chosen as the main dish; the calorie content of 100 grams is the reason for this. Kefir should have minimal fat content; the use of plain water is also allowed.

The duration of a strict diet should not be more than five days; it is best to limit it to three. If a three-day program is selected, the consumption of 100 g of nuts per day is indicated, which are divided into 4-5 servings. The amount of kefir and water is not limited.

If a person losing weight chooses a five-day program, the main dish of which is cashews, you must add cucumbers, boiled fish and unsweetened tea to the above products. Portion sizes are minimal; if desired, fish can be replaced with meat, which is also served boiled. It is strictly not recommended to adhere to such a diet for more than five days in order to avoid negative consequences.

Mineral composition

Useful minerals in cashews include:

  1. Potassium - refers to the main intracellular ions involved in stabilizing water, electrolyte and acid balance. The element is necessary for the regulation of pressure and the processes of nerve impulses.
  2. Silicon – stimulates the production of collagen, is a structural component of glycosaminoglycans.
  3. Magnesium – is included in the synthesis of protein and nucleic acid, takes part in energy metabolism, and is used to stabilize the homeostasis of sodium, calcium, and potassium. The lack of a component leads to the formation of heart pathologies and hypertension.
  4. Phosphorus - used for a variety of physiological processes: energy metabolism, regulation of acid-base balance. Required for the mineralization of bone tissue and teeth, it is part of the structure of nucleic acids, nucleotides, and phospholipids. Lack of the substance provokes anorexia, rickets, and anemia.
  5. Iron – included in proteins and enzymes of different functions. Takes part in the transport of oxygen and electrons, normalizes redox reactions. An insufficient amount of the element provokes hypochromic anemia, fatigue, myocardiopathy, and atrophic gastritis.
  6. Cobalt is a structural element of vitamin B12. Responsible for the activity of enzyme metabolism of fatty acids, folic acid metabolism.
  7. Manganese - necessary in the formation of connective and bone tissues, included in the composition of enzymes involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids, catecholamines, used for the production of nucleotides, cholesterol. Deficiency of the substance provokes slow growth, pathologies of the reproductive department, increased fragility of bones, dysfunction of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.
  8. Copper - included in enzymes used in the metabolism of iron, accelerating the absorption of carbohydrates, protein, and providing tissues with oxygen. Deficiency conditions provoke disturbances in skeletal growth, the formation of the cardiovascular department, and the formation of connective tissue dysplasia.
  9. Molybdenum – ensures metabolic processes in amino acids, pyrimidines, purines.
  10. Selenium, an element of the antioxidant system, has immunomodulatory properties and takes part in the regulation of thyroid hormones. Lack of the element becomes the source of the formation of endemic myocardiopathy, osteoarthritis with deformation of the joints of the upper and lower extremities, the spinal column, and thrombasthenia of hereditary etiology.
  11. Zinc (zn) - included in three hundred enzymes that take part in the production and breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, fats, and regulation of the expression of individual genes. Insufficient consumption of the ingredient causes secondary immunodeficiencies, anemia, liver cirrhosis, sexual dysfunction, and fetal malformations.

An excess of zinc, according to medical research, causes impaired absorption of copper and the formation of anemic conditions. Consuming cashews within reasonable limits helps prevent the development of many diseases, and an unreasonably large amount of cashews disrupts metabolic processes and worsens the general condition of the body.

Beneficial features

Eating cashews helps to significantly reduce cholesterol plaques formed on the walls of blood vessels. The nut has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, rejuvenates the body, enhances brain performance, and strengthens the immune system.

The chemicals that make up cashews help destroy bacteria in the oral cavity that cause caries, tuberculosis, acne, and leprosy. Moderate consumption of nuts can eliminate dental abscess. Eating cashews has been shown to reduce the risk of:

  • cancer development;
  • heart diseases;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus type 2;
  • formation of gallstones;
  • overeating;
  • the occurrence of migraine;
  • development of stomatitis, gum problems.

With systematic consumption of nuts, the content of bad cholesterol in the body is significantly reduced. Thanks to this, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. Supplying the body with healthy fatty acids helps improve memory and positive mood. If you eat a small handful of nuts, you can endure emotional and physical stress much easier.

Eating cashews daily can solve various dermatological problems resulting from metabolic disorders (eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea). The constant presence of the tender nut in the diet allows you to increase seasonal immunity and strengthen resistance to infections of all body systems. The antiseptic effect of the product helps with diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Cashew: benefits

Unique properties of the nut:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • tonic;
  • antiseptic.

The properties explain the following positive effects of use:

  • strengthening tooth enamel;
  • elimination of gum inflammation (anti-inflammatory effect);
  • increasing immunity;
  • increased libido;
  • normalization of metabolism and nervous system functioning;
  • reducing the amount of cholesterol in the circulatory system;
  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • reducing the risk of developing diabetes;
  • increase in hemoglobin units in the blood;
  • improving brain function and, accordingly, memory;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • eliminating fatigue;
  • improved sleep (for insomnia);
  • increased emotional background.

It is worth considering the benefits for certain categories of people.

Dietary properties:

What caloric content do cashew nuts have, what dietary properties do they have? All this is of great interest to those who lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor their health and figure. So we will try to answer these questions in the next article.


Cashews are edible fruits, distinguished by their original shape, in the form of a “comma”.

They began their spread across the planet from South America, namely from hot Brazil. Despite their name, they are not true nuts.

Cashews are loved by many for their delicate taste. Because of their oiliness, they are sometimes considered fatty, but in reality there is less fat in cashews than, for example, in walnuts, peanuts, and almonds.

But they have many useful properties.

Cashews contain a lot of proteins and carbohydrates, and are also a source of vitamins A, B2, B1. Among their mineral composition, iron, zinc, phosphorus, and calcium should be noted. Vitamins are needed for the successful metabolism of proteins and fatty acids in the body, help reduce cholesterol in the blood, strengthen the immune system, and normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

About the composition of cashews

Cashews grow in warm countries. It consists of a soft fruit and the nut itself. The soft part of the cashew is edible, but can be stored for no more than a day, so it is consumed only in the plant’s homeland. The nut itself is protected by a shell and a poisonous layer, which are removed before transporting the product to other countries. Cashews are characterized by a diverse composition.

It contains the following vitamins:

  • group B – thiamine (B1) is necessary for the health of the cardiovascular system, cell renewal, and brain performance; riboflavin (B2) supports the immune system, protects against harmful factors; niacin (B3) improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and has a positive effect on the skin;
  • Vitamin E – preserves youthful skin, hair, nails, promotes renewal of the body as a whole, helps control weight;
  • Vitamin K – ensures the absorption of calcium, which is especially important in childhood and old age, regulates sugar levels.

Microelements composition:

  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • selenium;
  • iron;

  • copper, etc.

Microelements support the health of the body, have a positive effect on all its organs and systems, teeth and bones.

Promotes skin regeneration. It also contains flavonoids necessary for stable heart function; unsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids that regulate cholesterol; dietary fiber that normalizes intestinal function.


Maranhaan shells can be harmful to health - they contain cardol and anacardic acid. These substances are toxic and cause severe burns if they come into contact with the skin. That is why cashews are sold only in purified form.

You should not use nuts as an independent medicine in the treatment of serious diseases. You can get rid of them only with the help of properly administered drug therapy. Cashews can be used only as an additional remedy to the main treatment, or for preventive purposes.

Cashews: harm, contraindications

Undeniable harm to health can be caused by consuming larger quantities than nutritionists recommend. Side effects in case of overdose:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • rash;
  • itching;
  • swelling.

It is also extremely unsafe to eat nuts that are not fresh or not roasted: the shell contains the most dangerous allergen - cardol, which is destroyed when the kernels are heated.


  • individual intolerance;
  • children's age less than three years;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding (first three months after birth);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract during periods of exacerbation;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • osteoporosis;
  • obesity.

At a temperature of +5 C the product can last for 3 months, and at sub-zero temperatures - about a year


Fried cashews have a wonderful taste and aroma, dull the appetite well and make dishes with them more satisfying and nutritious. Although the beneficial properties of roasted nuts are somewhat lower compared to fresh ones, their taste is higher. In terms of calorie content, fried Indian nuts are almost equal to fresh ones - 536 kcal/100 g, per 1 piece. contains approximately 6.86 kcal.

There are two types of frying - dry and with the addition of oil; the second method, naturally, greatly increases the calorie content of the product. If the nuts are roasted for a short time, about 15 minutes, and at a low temperature (120-140°C), the loss of vitamins and other beneficial substances will be minimal.

Fried anacardium can serve as:

  • separate snack;
  • a side dish for meat or fish;
  • ingredient in cereal porridges;
  • component of vegetable and fruit salads;
  • Whole or crushed roasted nuts are used to decorate cakes.

A popular dessert is cashews coated in sugar and honey or chocolate. To do this, pour the nuts into a cup with liquid honey, mix gently and leave for 12 hours. Then roll in powdered sugar and fry in vegetable oil until the sugar caramelizes and becomes transparent. To prepare nuts in chocolate, you need to fry them, then immerse them in black or milk chocolate melted in a water bath for a few minutes, and then carefully place them on a napkin until the chocolate layer hardens.

Other Uses for Cashews

Cardoil oil is produced from the inedible shells of cashew nuts. After several cycles of purification and processing, it becomes an element of medicinal and cosmetic preparations.

In pharmaceuticals, Kazhu oil is valued for its therapeutic qualities:

  • Disinfection.
  • Wound healing.
  • Suppressing throat infections.
  • Normalization of digestion.
  • Pain relief.
  • Softening of rough tissues.
  • Toning.
  • The ability to rejuvenate cells.
  • Nourish depleted tissues.

The nutritional composition of cashews helps weakened patients, patients after chemotherapy and radiation.

One cannot help but remember that cashews are one of the favorite products of chefs and confectioners. Nuts are widely used in sweet pastries, cakes, chocolate, and desserts. Cashews are stuffed into fish. It is used to prepare a delicious side dish for meat dishes and combined with seafood.

How to use when losing weight

You already know KBJU cashews - it’s time to talk about how to eat nuts correctly if you are focused on dieting and losing excess weight. Want to get the most out of your calories without gaining weight? The following rules apply to you:

  • Introduce nuts into your diet in the morning;
  • Avoid snacking on kernels before bed;
  • Add the product to porridge and muesli;
  • Grind cashews into smoothies and cottage cheese.

If you don't count calories while maintaining a normal lifestyle, you can follow these recommendations:

  • Make nuts part of your snack, along with fruit and cheese;
  • Add kernels to desserts - baked goods and ice cream;
  • Use nuts when frying and baking meat.

How to select and store

Criteria for selecting quality nuts:

  • kernels are whole, uniform, not wrinkled;
  • no signs of spoilage or rot;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • undamaged packaging;
  • the surface of the nuts is smooth;
  • no stains;
  • pleasant, sweetish smell.

Failure to comply with these requirements may serve as a reason for refusing to purchase the product.

Storage (months):

  • cool place – 1;
  • refrigerator – 3;
  • freezer – 12.

To store indoors, nuts should be placed in a bag made of natural fabrics (cotton) or a glass jar, in the refrigerator - an airtight container, in the freezer - in a container designed for freezing.

Over time, beneficial substances undergo destruction and lose their benefits, so you should not use a product that has been stored longer than the specified period.

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