How many nuts can you eat per day: walnuts, cashews, pine nuts, pistachios, peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts

Types of nuts

Fruits consisting of a kernel and a shell - a hard shell - are usually called nuts. In the language of biologists, this is a fruit with an unopened pericarp containing a seed or kernel inside. In botany, these include only hazelnuts and hazel.

Experts, based on families, have identified the main varieties of nuts:

  • Walnut family: walnut, black, Manchurian;
  • Birch family: hazel, hazelnut;
  • Beech family: chestnut, acorn, plane tree.

The benefits and harms of all types of nuts are discussed below.

Chemical composition of nuts and properties

Nuts are one of the most nutrient-rich foods. Quantitative indicators of certain elements may vary depending on the type and its processing.

  • Content of vitamins B, C, E
  • Potassium, iron, copper, calcium, manganese
  • Organic acids
  • Complex proteins

It is difficult to find another product that contains all these elements at once. This means it is an excellent choice for maintaining a healthy body.

Daily value for humans

Many people wonder why there are nuts, their benefits and normality. In this article you will get answers to all your questions.

The daily norm is about 30-60 grams. It would seem like quite a bit, but this amount is quite enough to saturate the body.

Nuts for children

Nuts contain many useful substances necessary for a growing body. They help strengthen bones and the nervous system, improve memory, and increase hemoglobin. Nuts can be given to children from 3 years old. The adult norm of 20 g should be divided over several days. For example, children should eat no more than 2-3 walnuts per day.

It is not recommended to give nuts to children under 3 years of age for 3 reasons:

  • a child may choke on a small nut or crumbs from it;
  • it is difficult for children's digestive system to cope with a product that contains a lot of fat; children often experience indigestion;
  • The high protein content of nuts makes them a strong allergen.

The safest nuts for children are walnuts, hazelnuts and pine. Nuts for children must be purchased in shells and peeled yourself.

Nuts are a source of large amounts of vitamins and other beneficial substances. Eating nuts in large quantities can lead to obesity, poisoning, allergies and other negative reactions of the body. In order not to gain weight, you need to strictly adhere to the daily intake norms.

The benefits of nuts for the human body

At the beginning of the article, we talked only about the most beneficial properties of nuts, but that’s not all. Their moderate consumption will help maintain health, make the skin radiant, and add shine to the hair. Nuts are considered an excellent remedy for the prevention of cancer and stimulate brain function. Men who use them protect themselves from problems with potency; substances contained in fruits reduce cholesterol levels and improve blood flow to the genitals. For women, nuts are very useful during pregnancy and breastfeeding - a small handful contains the whole range of nutrients.


The nut has a speaking form in the form of a brain. And it actually stimulates the functioning of this organ and significantly improves memory. The nut contains minerals such as zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium and iodine. Thanks to unsaturated fatty acids, the product is useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, depression, and atherosclerosis. It also contains biotin, which is responsible for hair growth and strengthening. Through numerous studies, it has been proven that when consuming this fruit during pregnancy, the risk of developing food allergies in the child is negligible.

Almonds and peanuts

The fruits of these nuts are included in dry military drinks, as they have nutritional properties. They are enriched with vitamin E and have a positive effect on the skin. Almonds are often used in cosmetology; oils, creams, masks and much more are made from it. Peanuts are a relatively inexpensive solution, although their nutritional benefits may outshine their other counterparts. Peanuts contain a huge amount of vitamins (C, A, D, E, K, B1, B2, PP), protein, vegetable oils, and folic acid. All this allows the brain to work actively and cells to renew themselves. Eating peanuts improves blood clotting and regulates blood flow in the body.


Pistachios contain vitamins of the following groups: A, B, E, P. The amount of vitamin B6 in pistachios is comparable to beef liver. Doctors often prescribe pistachios to patients with anemia. People who regularly consume pistachios note a surge of strength and an improvement in their general condition. Including them in the diet is good for vision; they are the only nut that contains lutein and zeaxanthin.

Pistachios contain vitamins of the following groups: A, B, E, P. The amount of vitamin B6 in pistachios is comparable to beef liver. Doctors often prescribe pistachios to patients with anemia. People who regularly consume pistachios note a surge of strength and an improvement in their general condition. Including them in the diet is good for vision; they are the only nut that contains lutein and zeaxanthin.


Hazelnuts are not inferior even to meat in their beneficial properties. The protein it contains is easily digestible, and polyunsaturated fats and minerals (potassium and calcium) have a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Periodic consumption of hazelnuts will reduce the amount of cholesterol and the risk of developing varicose veins, as well as cleanse the liver of toxic substances.

People are advised to consume hazelnuts after operations and illnesses; they help saturate the body with nutrients.


It is a mistake to believe that hazelnuts and hazel are the same thing. These two fruits are very similar in shape, but their taste and beneficial properties will be slightly different. Hazelnut is a specially bred shrub that grows in special farms and requires human care. Hazel is a wild plant, the progenitor of hazelnuts. Taste qualities may vary; hazel has a bright aroma and tart taste, which cannot be said about hazelnuts. In terms of its beneficial properties, hazel is slightly superior to its counterpart; according to scientists, this is due to the natural environment and adaptability of the plant. Finding hazel in the store can be a challenge; you can only find it in season at markets or go into the forest to collect it yourself.

Are walnuts the healthiest nuts?

A very possible statement! Walnuts contain the highest amount of antioxidants compared to other types of nuts (about 2 times). Undoubtedly, they are very nutritious, but king nuts are much healthier than peanuts, almonds or pistachios.

A study by American scientists says that the antioxidants in walnuts are 2-15 times stronger than vitamin E. Meanwhile, it is known that this vitamin protects the cells of the human body from damage by natural chemicals that cause various diseases.

Walnut baklava, see recipe here

Harm and contraindications

Despite all the positive properties, you need to be careful when consuming nuts.

  • The calorie content of nuts is very high, so overweight people need to limit their quantity.
  • This is a difficult food to digest. If you have problems with the stomach and digestion, you should not abuse this fruit.
  • Doctors do not recommend introducing them into the diet of children under 3 years of age, since the body is not yet accustomed to digesting such heavy food.
  • People with allergic reactions should be careful and try a new product in small doses. Please note that an allergy can only be to one type of this fruit, and not to all.
  • People with skin diseases: dermatitis, psoriasis should refrain from eating nut fruits.

Even completely healthy people, doctors advise eating them in quantities of no more than one handful. It is this amount that will benefit the body.

How many nuts can you eat a day?

Handful of nuts

People on strict diets eat a limited range of foods. Such diets allow you to quickly lose weight, but can harm your health. Proper nutrition should be varied and include all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Nuts are among the healthy and nutritious foods that can be consumed during diets.

Nuts contain a lot of fat. However, vegetable fats are different from animal fats. They burn slowly, provide a lot of energy and do not increase blood cholesterol levels.

Eating an unlimited amount of nuts can negatively affect your figure. How much do you need


eat nuts a day? To avoid gaining weight, men and women should eat no more than 20-30 g of nuts per day. Nuts come in different types. They differ from each other in color, shape, weight and size.

The standard weight of 20 g corresponds to:

  • 20 almond kernels;
  • 150 pine nuts;
  • 40 pistachios;
  • 10 pieces of walnuts;
  • 18 pecan kernels;
  • 18 cashews.

Separately, it is worth mentioning Brazil nuts. 8 nuts add up to 20 g, but it is not recommended to eat such an amount due to the high probability of selenium overdose. The recommended intake of Brazil nuts is 3 pieces per day.

Attention! Moldy nuts should never be eaten. Under the influence of mold, aflatoxins are formed in the kernels - substances that can provoke the development of cancer.

How to choose nuts

Buying nuts in the modern world is not difficult; you can find them in supermarkets, specialty stores, markets, or order them from a specific region. What do you need to know when choosing them?

  1. Inspect the container in which the product is located. The packaging must be sealed and free from moisture.
  2. Best before date. Please note that the expiration date is no more than six months; carefully study the production date on the packaging. After 6 months from the moment of collection, the product loses healthy fats from its composition.
  3. When buying a product by weight, pay attention to its shell; it should be smooth and without cracks. The ripeness of the fruit is indicated by sounds when shaking. We advise you to buy whole products rather than ground ones, as their shelf life is much shorter.
  4. Fruits, peeled or in shell, should not be wet.
  5. If there is mold on the shell, the fruit is most likely rotten inside.
  6. Holes in the shell indicate the presence of parasites inside.
  7. The shell should not smell unpleasant.

These tips will help you choose a quality product.

Nuts are the key to our health!

Today, you can find various varieties of nuts on store shelves. And if earlier we were familiar with only a few of them, today gastronomic views have expanded. All these products differ not only in taste and cost, but also in their component composition and nutritional value. Let's discuss the benefits of the most popular varieties of nuts.

And let's start, perhaps, with walnuts. The nucleoli contain various microelements, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, retinol and tocopherol. If you eat them regularly, you can strengthen your immune system and also overcome anemia. Peanuts contain antioxidants and polyunsaturated acids. They are famous for their ability to increase blood clotting.

In the so-called Brazil nuts, almost half of the mass is fat. They are advised to be eaten in order to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, reduce cholesterol levels and stabilize the concentration of glucose in the blood.

On a note! Hazelnuts have the highest nutritional value, so these nuts can fully replace one meal.

Benefits of hazelnuts:

  • prevention of the development of varicose veins;
  • normalization of hemoglobin level;
  • acceleration of recovery after surgical interventions;
  • liver cleansing.

As for pine nuts, their consumption is incredibly beneficial for children of various age categories, as well as women during pregnancy. Peeled pine nuts contain protein of plant origin and amino acids, including those from the essential series.

Cashew nuts are especially popular. Their fat content is minimal, but there is a lot of fiber. Accordingly, such a product has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, activates metabolic processes and promotes weight loss.

On a note! People who are familiar with chronic fatigue syndrome are advised to eat peeled pistachios.

Few of us have tried macadamia nuts. They are considered the most valuable and expensive. They are recommended to be eaten by people who suffer from vascular pathologies and frequent headaches. In addition, this product allows you to stabilize cholesterol levels.


Medicines useful for vascular diseases are produced from hazelnut shells. On the shelves of perfumery and cosmetics stores, products containing nuts in one form or another are widely represented. The fruits of nut trees can be eaten not only raw, but also cooked. Interestingly, our ancestors used them as a talisman and actively used them in folk medicine.

Treatment of diseases

Since ancient times, our ancestors have been treated with traditional methods; many recipes are based on nut fruits.

  1. Prevention of atherosclerosis;
  2. Mastopathy;
  3. Rickets;
  4. Thyroid diseases;
  5. Diabetes mellitus;
  6. Diseases of the genitourinary system;
  7. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

This is only a small part of the diseases that nuts can help you cope with. But do not forget that treatment must be comprehensive and prescribed by a specialist. Nowadays, many preparations contain processed nuts; as a rule, these are unripe fruits; the content of useful elements in them is at its peak.

Nuts during pregnancy

Whatever type of nuts a pregnant woman eats, its benefits will be undeniable. Doctors strongly recommend their use during pregnancy. The daily norm of the product is 30-50 grams, you should not eat too much of them, it can be harmful. Thanks to them, the body receives a complex of useful substances necessary for the formation of the fetus and the development of its skeletal and muscular systems. The fruit also has a good effect on the mother, regulating the processes of fat metabolism, giving strength and energy. Scientists have proven that children of mothers who consumed nuts during pregnancy are not susceptible to allergies.

Women suffering from allergies should consume fruits with great caution, after consulting with their doctor.


Nuts are widely used in cooking and are an essential source of protein for vegetarians. This product is used for preparing hot dishes, snacks, desserts and sauces. Even during processing, nuts retain most of their beneficial properties; they are cut, fried or added whole. Confectioners even replace flour with ground nuts.

The most popular in cooking are: hazelnuts, peanuts, walnuts and pine. Such dishes satisfy hunger faster, and the variety of flavors will conquer the gourmet.

How to eat nuts correctly

Nuts are an indispensable storehouse of vitamins and microelements for the body only if a person knows how many grams of nuts can be eaten per day and adheres to the rules for their consumption.

If there are different nuts in the diet, then the leading researcher at the Federal Research Center (FRC) of Nutrition and Biotechnology, Candidate of Medical Sciences, nutritionist Olga Grigoryan advises eating no more than 35 grams once or twice a week, but if there is excess body weight, then it is better for him consult a nutritionist and find out how many nuts you should eat per day.

Consumption of nuts should not be uncontrolled, otherwise, instead of possible benefit, serious harm will be caused to the body.

Nutmeg for weight loss: truth or myth

This product is increasingly appearing in all sorts of lists designed to help in the search for a universal natural remedy that speeds up metabolism and strengthens the body, helping in the fight against hated kilograms. What else are the benefits of fragrant nutmeg seeds?

  • This nut, which has a recognizable sweetish aroma, helps with digestive disorders by having an astringent effect.
  • The well-known culinary seasoning increases cerebral circulation, improves memory and prevents the development of malignant tumors.
  • Nutmeg seeds speed up the digestion process, while increasing the body's defenses - it is this property that has given rise to rumors that nutmeg helps to lose weight.

But aromatic fruits also have their contraindications. Among them:

  • Individual intolerance;
  • Pregnancy;
  • The danger lies in the unlimited use of this product, which can cause serious poisoning.

If you want to get rid of extra pounds, you should not add nutmeg fruits to salads and side dishes, or mix them with sweets, sugar and honey. 2 nuts per day, added to food as a spice, are enough. Before including these spicy seeds in your diet, you should consult with a specialist who will help you create a menu, taking into account the characteristics of your body, your age and health status.

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