How much kefir can you drink per day? Interesting facts, contraindications and recommendations: how much kefir can be per day

If you are a follower of various diets, then you have always taken it as a fact that the body, after restricting food, begins to actively regain lost kilograms.

There are more acceptable nutritional systems that help you achieve the desired figure; many use kefir at night to lose weight. The fermented milk product has a minimum of contraindications; it has a gentle effect on the digestive system, localizes the development of infections, and gets rid of fat deposits.


The fermented milk drink gently activates the body's defenses due to the presence of a complex of microelements, vitamins, microorganisms and proteins, and is superior to milk in the amount of calcium.

The product is used in creating a proper nutrition regimen, so kefir at night for weight loss normalizes metabolism, restores intestinal microflora, and improves the condition of hair and skin.

You can prepare a healthy drink yourself. Purchase pasteurized milk, boil and cool. All that remains is to add 50 grams of kefir per 1 liter of milk, and then leave the mixture at room temperature for a day. The next morning, a one-day fermented milk drink can be used for weight loss.

The benefits of kefir

1. Strengthening the immune system

Kefir contains many compounds and nutrients, such as biotin and folic acid, that boost your immune system and protect your cells.

Kefir contains a large number of probiotics, which guard our body, protecting it from harmful bacteria such as salmonella and E. coli. The bacteria in this drink regulate the immune system by suppressing the growth of unwanted “guests”.

Only kefir contains another powerful substance - an insoluble polysaccharide - kefiran, which has antimicrobial properties and helps fight candidiasis.

2. Strong Bones

Osteoporosis is one of the most common diseases in the modern world.

Wearing bone disease occurs in the body when there is a lack of calcium, which is essential for bones. Kefir, made from whole milk, is high in calcium.

More importantly, it contains bioactive substances that help in the absorption of calcium in the body and stops bone deformation. Kefir contains vitamin K2, which significantly improves bone condition, bone density and calcium absorption.

Also see: Top 10 Natural Foods with Probiotics

3. Fight cancer

Cancer occurs when abnormal cells begin to grow uncontrollably in the body. Kefir can be a powerful weapon in the fight against the spread of dangerous cells.

According to some reports, a compound found in this fermented milk drink helps cancer cells in the stomach destroy themselves.

Beneficial properties of kefir for the human body

The drink has many advantages:

  • 100 grams of the product contains 0.7 mg of vitamin C , which affects the endocrine and immune systems of the body, provitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, PP, in slightly smaller doses B6, B9, B12.
  • Micro and macroelements. An abundance of calcium is important, which is responsible for the health of bones and teeth and normalizes cholesterol in the blood.
  • Lactobacilli correctly influence the intestinal microflora, promote the digestion of food, and the absorption of fiber from vegetables and fruits.
  • Diuretic effect , therefore blood pressure levels are normalized and swelling is eliminated.
  • The effect is similar to a mild sleeping pill ; drinking the drink at night relaxes you and helps you fall asleep faster.
  • Eliminates thirst and replenishes water deficiency in the body.

Experts confidently declare the need to drink the drink before bed in order not only to start the process of losing weight, but also to calm the nervous system, stimulate the production of digestive juices, and put the body in order.

Standards for kefir consumption for adults and children

It is necessary to drink kefir only at room temperature, in small sips. The optimal daily intake is 250-300 ml, although doctors allow 500 ml per day. The “folk” dosage is 1-2 glasses. You can only drink fresh kefir every day. What happens if you drink kefir every day? At a minimum, a good mood, lightness in the stomach and good sleep.

Advice! It is better not to sweeten kefir.

Children's norm is 40-50 ml. Children need to include kefir in their diet gradually. For starters, this dose 2-3 times a week is enough. It should be increased to 100 ml by the year, and then to 200 ml.

The norm for older people is 200 ml. You can drink kefir every day in moderate doses, preferably 30 minutes before bedtime. It is better for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels to abstain.

The norm for pregnant women is 100-200 ml. In the absence of contraindications, a pregnant woman can drink kefir every day. Due to its laxative effect, the drink aggravates the already increased frequency of urination, which can cause dehydration. Kefir is highly recommended for nursing mothers. It stimulates lactation, has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, enriches the body with vitamins A, B, C, E, and microelements (calcium, iron, fluorine, iodine, zinc and others).

When losing weight, you can drink 1-2 liters of kefir per day. For best results, you need to buy low-fat kefir and combine it with other healthy foods (for example, cucumbers or herbs). A liter of kefir a day cleanses the intestines of toxins, which, more than anything else, contribute to excess weight.

Kefir cleanses the body of toxins, promotes weight loss and good health. The main thing is not to overdo it with recovery; moderation is important in everything. Source: Flickr (!hannah)

How does kefir work at night for weight loss?

To normalize the state of the body, it is enough to drink before bed, this will improve digestion, cleanse the intestines, and the body will receive important vitamins and microelements.

Rules for drinking the drink:

  • It is recommended to drink kefir an hour before bedtime.
  • The drink should be at room temperature.
  • When fighting extra pounds, do not add sugar to your drink, drink in calm sips.
  • If you drink kefir at night, the feeling of hunger will go away, and the gastrointestinal tract will not receive unnecessary stress.
  • The drink contains a lot of calcium, which is best absorbed during night sleep.
  • During the night, the drink is well absorbed, and the morning will be greeted with an excellent appetite. This factor contributes to weight loss. If you have a good breakfast in the morning and eat smaller portions during the day, then the extra pounds will quickly disappear.

Contraindications and harms of kefir

Drinking kefir every day is not always beneficial. First of all, infants under 6-7 months should be excluded. The acids contained in the drink can harm the child’s stomach and cause anemia. The drink also contains a small dose of ethyl alcohol, which is not perceived so acutely by the body of an adult, but can be detrimental to a baby. Constant consumption of kefir by infants causes alcoholic “programming” and can have a negative impact in the future.

People with high acidity or prone to diarrhea should not drink kefir. People with stomach and duodenal ulcers, or with exacerbation of gastritis or pancreatitis, are also at risk. Kefir is prohibited for epilepsy. You should not drink kefir before important events - the drink can relax the nervous system and thereby disorient your attention. You should not drink kefir even before a long journey while driving. The alcohol in its composition may affect the results of the breathalyzer.

You should not drink very cooled or heated kefir. It can cause harm to health if abused. A strong passion for kefir will cause heartburn, constipation, and excess gas in a few days.

The benefits of drinking kefir at night

Nutritionists recommend replacing dinner with a glass of kefir to lose weight. We choose a product with the lowest fat content to eat slowly with a teaspoon.


  • the protein contained in kefir speeds up metabolism;
  • promotes relaxation, so your night's rest will be calm;
  • At night, calcium is well absorbed, restoring the structure of the skin and hair;
  • the body will be saturated with microelements;
  • the feeling of hunger is eliminated.

There is another important secret to using kefir so that it fully exhibits its healing properties. Do not drink too cold a drink. The body, in addition to expending energy to process it, will put a strain on the digestive system.

You shouldn’t heat it either, because heating will kill the colonies of beneficial bacteria that are responsible for metabolism and digestion. It is necessary to drink a glass of drink at room temperature at night, and for increased effectiveness add some components.

Properties and calorie content of kefir

What are the beneficial properties of this product?

Kefir is a fermented milk product that is made from different types of milk (cow's, sheep's). It is rich in vitamin B12, calcium, magnesium, vitamin K, biotin, folic acid and enzymes


In addition, kefir contains about two dozen beneficial bacteria and fungi.

Overall it has excellent nutritional value.

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1 glass of kefir contains:

  • 160 calories
  • 12 grams carbohydrates
  • 10 grams of protein
  • 8 grams fat
  • 300 mg calcium (30 percent DV)
  • 100 IU vitamin D (25 percent DV)
  • 500 IU vitamin A (10 percent DV)

Here are 10 reasons why you should drink a glass of kefir every day.

Why is it best to drink kefir in the evening?

The most beneficial drink will be drunk in the evening, just an hour before bedtime. Why? Because the absorption of calcium, potassium and vitamin complexes occurs best at night.

Reasons for drinking fermented milk cocktails in the evening:

  • Improved bowel function. The drink affects the digestive system, cleanses it of harmful substances, and saturates it with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.
  • Normalization of the nervous system.
  • Diuretic effect.
  • Absorption of protein contained in the drink.

Kefir diet. 12 weight loss options

Kefir diet for 3 days

This is the so-called strict mono-diet, which also resembles fasting days on kefir. For 1 day it is suggested to buy one and a half liters of kefir . All kefir should be divided into 5-6 meals. Drink a portion of kefir at approximately equal intervals, when the feeling of hunger does not subside at all. During this diet you will be hungry, but by limiting yourself to food for 3 days, you can lose 3-4 kg and also feel light throughout your body.

Winter kefir diet for 3 days

Another three-day kefi , which is considered very effective, is winter. On it you can get rid of two to four kilograms. This will directly depend on strict adherence to instructions and on the characteristics of a particular organism. Do not repeat this diet more than once a month. This diet is easier to tolerate than the previous version, thanks to a wider range of permitted foods .

Sample diet menu:

  • Breakfast: a cup of tea or coffee with milk, steam omelette, sauerkraut;
  • Second breakfast: a glass of kefir;
  • Lunch: chicken soup, stewed carrots, kefir;
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir;
  • Dinner: baked fish, kefir.

For breakfast, you can eat hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs, and allow yourself a little toast with butter. For lunch, you can prepare yourself mushroom soup or stewed cabbage with meat, vinaigrette . For dinner, instead of a second course, you can prepare yourself a cottage cheese and carrot casserole with dried fruits. For snacks, you are allowed to eat fresh and baked apples, a small slice of low-fat cheese, a glass of skim milk or yogurt.

Striped kefir diet

This diet will appeal to many, as it is quite easily tolerated, and at the same time the body gets the opportunity to lose weight . The essence of the diet is that for the first day you can drink only kefir, preferably low-fat or with a fat content of 1% . You can drink kefir without any restrictions to get rid of hunger. On the second day you can eat your usual foods. It is advisable not to eat everything after kefir fasting, try to eat more protein foods, avoid fried, smoked, fatty foods . This way you can alternate days for any amount of time until you reach your desired weight.

Fruit diet with kefir

The duration of this diet is on average 3-4 days . Sitting on it you can lose 2-3 kg without much difficulty. During the diet, you can drink about 2 liters of kefir. In addition to this drink, you are allowed to eat fruits and vegetables in any quantity until you feel full. Kefir-fruit days can also be used as fasting days after holidays and feasts.

See also “Fruit diet”

Nine-day kefir-apple diet

This diet is strict and lasts 9 days . During the diet you will lose from 6 to 9 kg. In addition, the effect after the diet is quite lasting. Especially if you gradually exit the diet and do not pounce on all the prohibited foods. To avoid feeling bouts of weakness and dizziness, you can add some protein foods .

The first three days you will need to drink 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir . The second three days - eat non-sour apples. 1.5 kg of apples evenly throughout the day and eat as you feel hungry. For the third three days, drink low-fat kefir .

Nine-day kefir diet

Another option for the nine-day kefir diet is as follows:

  • For the first three days of the diet, you can drink an unlimited amount of kefir with 1% fat content and 100 g of boiled rice without salt;
  • Second three days: unlimited amount of low-fat kefir, as well as 100 g of boiled chicken fillet without fat and skin, without salt;
  • For the third three days you can eat apples and drink kefir in unlimited quantities.

Hard kefir diet for 8 days

There is also an eight-day diet option . It is considered very strict and quite tough; the body may not be able to withstand such strict restrictions on food. In addition, the body does not receive enough important nutrients during such a diet, so consult your doctor before following it. However, it is very effective. For each day, a list of specific foods that you can eat is given. All products are divided into several parts.

  • Day 1: half a liter of kefir, 4 boiled potatoes.
  • Day 2: half a liter of kefir, half a kilogram of dried fruits (choose the dried fruits you like, for example, prunes, dried apricots, raisins).
  • Day 3: half a liter of kefir, half a kilogram of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Day 4: half a liter of kefir, half a liter of sour cream.
  • Day 5: half a liter of kefir, 300 g of boiled chicken.
  • Day 6: half a liter of kefir, 2 kg of fruit.
  • Day 7: 2-3 liters of kefir.
  • Day 8: mineral water in any quantity.

Fasting one-day kefir diet

This diet is suitable for days after holidays, feasts, serious deviations in nutrition, and overeating. Fasting kefir days allow you to get in shape and lose those extra pounds that were gained the day before. Eat according to the following scheme for 1 day , and this will be a wonderful “unloading” for the body.

  • Breakfast: a small piece of dried bread, a glass of kefir;
  • Second breakfast: 2 small apples, a glass of kefir;
  • Lunch: 200 g of boiled fish, vegetable salad or sauerkraut;
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir;
  • Dinner: 1 apple, a small piece of low-fat cheese;
  • Before bed: a glass of kefir.

Kefir diet for a week

Another option for a strict weekly kefir diet is very popular. Those who are losing weight are attracted by the opportunity to cook simple meals without the hassle of standing at the stove for many hours. The diet uses a strict set of products, deviation from which is unacceptable. The diet is strict, so you can’t use it more than once every few months. In a week you can get rid of 5 kg of excess weight. It is allowed to change the types of kefir based on fat content and composition. Fruit kefir and bifidokefir are also allowed.

  • 1 day: one and a half liters of kefir and 5 boiled potatoes;
  • Day 2: one and a half liters of kefir and 100 g of boiled chicken;
  • Day 3: one and a half liters of kefir and 10 g of boiled veal or beef;
  • Day 4: one and a half liters of kefir and 100 g of boiled low-fat fish;
  • Day 5: one and a half liters of kefir, vegetables and fruits, any except bananas and grapes;
  • Day 6: 2 liters of kefir;
  • Day 7: mineral water without gas.

Kefir-curd diet

Kefir in combination with cottage cheese stimulates metabolism, due to which weight will come off faster. During the diet, you will have to alternate cottage cheese, kefir and cottage cheese-kefir days . For cottage cheese days (see cottage cheese diet and recipes for a cottage cheese diet), choose low-fat cottage cheese in the amount of 500-600 g. Divide the cottage cheese into equal parts and eat when you are hungry. The advantage of cottage cheese is that it saturates the body well, supplies calcium and protein to the body, and fills the body with energy. On cottage cheese days, you can drink an unlimited amount of water , as well as green tea.

For a kefir day, you will need one and a half liters of low-fat kefir , also divided into equal parts, which must be drunk during the day. A kefir-curd day involves including 350 g of cottage cheese and 750 g of kefir in the menu, divided by the number of meals. It is recommended to stay on this diet for no more than 3 days .

Kefir diet for 5 days

The peculiarity of this kefir diet is that you should eat according to a strict schedule by the hour, namely, every two hours .

  • 7.00 – a cup of green tea or coffee without sugar;
  • 9.00 – salad of grated carrots with olive oil;
  • 11.00 – 200 g of boiled chicken meat;
  • 13.00 = 1 medium apple;
  • 15.00 – 1 boiled egg;
  • 17.00 – 1 apple;
  • 19.00 – 10 prunes;
  • 21.00 – a glass of low-fat kefir.

Kefir diet institute of nutrition

This is the longest kefir diet of all, and its duration is 21 days. In three weeks of diet you can get rid of 10 extra pounds. There are no clear recommendations on the composition of products for this diet, however, it is necessary to follow the instructions for this diet for effective weight loss.

  1. Eat small meals 5-6 times a day .
  2. Try not to overeat.
  3. Choose foods with minimal calories.
  4. Eliminate sugar, potatoes, pastries, and bread .
  5. Half of the fats in the diet should be of plant origin.
  6. Fruits and vegetables without starch are allowed to be eaten without restrictions.
  7. All dairy products must be low-fat.
  8. Meat and fish should also be free of fat.
  9. at least 1 liter of kefir per day .
  10. Total amount of liquid: 1.5 liters per day, of which a liter of kefir. The rest comes from vegetable juices, as well as the liquid contained in the rest of the food, such as soups.
  11. Eat no more than 5 g of salt per day.
  12. Try not to skip meals, eat at the same time .

Photos of losing weight before and after

Lisa, 38 years old: I have already been on a three-day kefir diet many times. I like. The weight comes off quickly, I feel great, I feel an extraordinary surge of strength and lightness. My bowel movements are getting better, I go to the toilet like clockwork. I drink low-fat kefir or sweetish bifidok. The last time I lost 3 kg in 3 days.

Karina, 21 years old: Once every 2 months I give myself a fasting week on a kefir diet. I really like it, my complexion and hair structure improve, my skin becomes clearer. I try to go to the gym 2 times a week, which also gives results. My figure has become more toned. The result is in the photo.

Larisa, 34 years old: I was on a nine-day kefir-apple diet. I'm just a big fan of apples, so the diet suited me. The first days were a bit difficult, I was hungry, but I overcame myself. Apple days were much easier than kefir days. During these days, the volume of my stomach decreased, I almost didn’t want to eat, and I ate a small apple and half a glass of kefir. In 9 days I lost 5.5 kg.

Battle of diets: kefir versus buckwheat

How to drink kefir at night?

There are several options for how to take the drink:

  • We complement the meal with a fermented milk cocktail. Here we also choose the appropriate option. If you drink a drink half an hour before eating, the stomach will activate, and during lunch the portion of food will be smaller in volume. When consuming kefir after meals, the gastrointestinal tract starts working and metabolism accelerates;
  • We replace dinner with a cocktail. The feeling of hunger is dulled, the body is saturated with a light and tasty product, intestinal motility improves, constipation is eliminated;
  • Make a fermented milk shake the main product of the fasting day, that is, drink only kefir, and if it’s difficult, then supplement it with dried apricots and apples.

How to choose and store kefir

It is recommended to buy kefir in glass or cardboard. The drink should be moderately thick, white, with a slight creamy tint, homogeneous, with the usual sour milk smell. The taste of kefir should be sour, but not bitter. Any other signs indicate that the product is unsuitable or that dyes have been added. Bubbles and a layer of water on the surface of kefir indicate an increased content of ethyl alcohol - such a drink will not be healthy. Kefir with additives is something between yogurt and kefir; its beneficial properties are also very questionable.

When choosing kefir, you need to pay attention to its type. There is a fatty (1-3.2%) and low-fat drink. The optimal fat content of kefir is 2.5-3.2%. Real kefir is made from starter culture and milk, most often pasteurized. The label may also indicate other components: from bifidobacteria to special yeast. It is not recommended to buy kefir with additives (fruits or berries).

Fresh kefir has a laxative effect. Two days, on the contrary, causes constipation. Three-day kefir has a strong effect on digestion, but can also be harmful. You cannot buy kefir made more than 10 days ago. In summer you need to buy exclusively fresh kefir, and in winter two days are allowed.

Important! An opened package of kefir can be kept in the refrigerator for 2 days.

The packaging must be carefully closed, the optimal temperature for storage is 0-6°C. It is best to store kefir in a cool, dark place. Even in good packaging, kefir should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Kefir with additives is more stable, although it does not benefit the body. After a few days of storage, kefir is suitable for consumption only when processed.

Kefir is so healthy that it is widely used not only in the CIS countries, but also in Europe and America. This fermented milk product is one of the most balanced, light and tasty. Kefir cleanses the body of toxins, promotes weight loss and good health. The main thing is not to overdo it with recovery; moderation is important in everything.

Recipes for kefir drinks for weight loss

Kefir at night for weight loss has proven its beneficial effects on the body, for which there are many grateful reviews.

Weight loss is especially active if you replace dinner with a glass of drink at room temperature. For variety, they offer to drink special cocktails consisting of simple ingredients:

Kefir with cinnamon

Stir 1 teaspoon of cinnamon into 500 ml of drink, and to activate metabolism, add a pinch of ginger and hot pepper on the tip of a knife. A cocktail is useful before going to bed or after breakfast.

Kefir with flaxseed flour

Use the product only once a day.

Flaxseed flour swells in the stomach, quickly creating a feeling of fullness:

  • during the first week, dissolve 1 teaspoon of flaxseed flour in a glass of drink;
  • in the second week we increase the dose, that is, take 2 teaspoons of flax seed flour per glass of drink;
  • by the third week the amount of flour is already 3 teaspoons per glass of drink.

Beetroot with kefir

A kefir-beetroot smoothie will help you lose weight, but without adding salt and oil. Boil 500 g of beets and grate them. Dip the grated root vegetable into a liter of kefir, add chopped cucumber and chopped herbs. The dish is eaten during the day; in a week, about 5 kg will be lost.

Turmeric with kefir

Place a tablespoon of grated ginger root and chopped turmeric in cold water and wait until it boils. Cool and strain the drink. All that remains is to add 500 ml of kefir and take it chilled.

Flax seed with kefir

When eating on a diet, flax seeds are consumed along with low-fat kefir.

In three weeks you can easily acquire the desired figure:

  • during the first week, stir a teaspoon of flax seed into 100 grams of the drink and drink it in the morning to activate the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in the second week, increase the amount of flaxseed to 2 teaspoons, but again 100 ml of kefir remains;
  • in the third week we prepare a cocktail of 100 ml of fermented milk drink with 3 teaspoons of flax seed.

You cannot increase the indicated doses of flaxseed, but you can take more kefir. The drink is drunk not only as part of a cocktail, but also consumed on its own.

Kefir with ginger

Dissolve a teaspoon of ground ginger in half a liter of drink, add cinnamon and natural honey. Leave for about 10 minutes, stir or beat in a blender.

Kefir with bran

Dissolve a teaspoon of bran in a glass of drink and leave it to swell for about 20 minutes. There is enough time for the bran to swell and the drink to reach room temperature.

Kefir with butter

The recipe will help eliminate constipation, which often affects obese people. At night, drink a cocktail consisting of a glass of fermented milk drink and a tablespoon of any oil: sunflower, flaxseed or olive.

Kefir with celery

We include a fermented milk drink with the addition of celery in our diet. In a blender, mix 5 stalks of celery along with a liter of drink. You can add dill or parsley to improve the taste.

Buckwheat with kefir

Buckwheat with kefir is not only healthy for the body, but also very tasty.

You will need to pour 2/3 cup of buckwheat into a glass of kefir.

Leave overnight for swelling. If necessary, reheat and cover the dish with a plate. The next day you can consume it as desired.

Kefir with herbs

Cocktails with added greens are recommended to be prepared in a blender. In arbitrary quantities, add any vitamin-rich greens to 1.5 liters of fermented milk drink: parsley, lettuce, sorrel, celery or onions.

Kefir with apple

For a fat-burning diet shake, a green apple is peeled and cored and passed through a blender. The puree is mixed with 500 ml of drink and drunk in the evening before bed. You can add a couple of drops of lemon.

Kefir with garlic

A cocktail consisting of a glass of kefir and one chopped clove of garlic helps you lose weight. The mixture is whipped in a blender until smooth, you can add any vitamin greens.

Oatmeal with kefir

For a universal remedy for weight loss, you need to stir 3 tablespoons of oatmeal in a glass of drink and leave until the morning to swell.

It is allowed to increase the volume of kefir, so it looks like a healthy drinking yogurt.

Sometimes a little cinnamon or vanilla is added to the mixture.

Kefir with prunes

This cocktail will help get rid of constipation. Two hours before bedtime, in a blender, beat a glass of drink with 7 prunes, which we scald with boiling water in advance. The cocktail has a powerful diuretic and laxative effect, start drinking with a quarter glass.

What fat content should you drink kefir when losing weight, when dieting?

There is a huge selection of this product in supermarkets. If the main goal is to maintain normal microflora and activate the intestines, then you should give preference to low-fat options. Their calorie content is much lower. For comparison:

  • with 3.2% fat content of the drink, its energy value is almost 60 kcal per 100 ml;
  • at 2.5% – 50 kcal;
  • at 1% – 35 kcal;
  • a product with 0% fat will add no more than 30 kcal per 100 ml.

It is good for making smoothies, lazy oatmeal, and using as a snack. Another option is to practice a kefir diet, when you need to drink 1-1.5 liters during the day. When losing weight, a fermented milk drink cleanses the intestines and saturates well.

Many people are interested in the question of how much sugar is in kefir. Literally no refined white is added during production, this is a big plus compared to yoghurts with fillers. However, natural carbohydrates are present in amounts up to 4%.


In some cases, drinking the drink is contraindicated:

  • for stomach problems;
  • If you are intolerant to milk protein, you can harm the body;
  • with frequent digestive disorders.

Kefir has unsurpassed beneficial properties. With proper consumption of fermented milk drink cocktails, you can improve your metabolism, improve your skin condition, lose several kilograms, and find peace and harmony.

Dietary dishes made from kefir

Of course, the majority of dishes that use kefir are baked goods. With it, it turns out airy, light, less calorie than when using sour cream.

Oat cookies

You will need:

  • 300 ml kefir 1% fat;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 300 g oatmeal;
  • 20 g butter;
  • 2 tablespoons honey;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • a pinch of vanilla.

First, prepare the oatmeal: pour the flakes into a deep bowl and pour kefir over it for 40 minutes to swell it. Next, pour boiling water over the raisins for 20 minutes to soften them, dry the raisins with a napkin. When the oatmeal is ready, add raisins, cinnamon, vanilla, honey and mix thoroughly.

Shape the cookies: they should not be too flat. Place on a baking sheet greased with butter and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

Diet pancakes with kefir

To reduce the calorie content of these pancakes, ideal for breakfast, you can also prepare them using chopped oatmeal, replacing flour.

You will need:

  • 50 g oatmeal;
  • 80 ml kefir 1% fat;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • ¼ teaspoon baking powder;
  • 2 teaspoons honey.

Mix crushed oatmeal with kefir and let it brew for 20 minutes. Next, add baking powder, honey and mix thoroughly. Fry the pancakes in a non-stick frying pan without adding oil until golden brown.

Recipe for diet pancakes with kefir

You will need:

  • 500 ml kefir 1% fat;
  • 1 cup flour (oatmeal, buckwheat or rye);
  • 3 tablespoons honey;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda.

Beat chicken eggs, add a pinch of salt, honey and flour mixed with soda. Stir and pour in kefir. Mix thoroughly again so that there are no lumps and fry the pancakes in a non-stick frying pan without adding oil.

You can serve these dietary pancakes without additives, or you can stuff them with low-fat cottage cheese with raisins or fruit. Makes an excellent low-calorie dessert!


Alexandrova Anastasia

Nutrition and healthy lifestyle specialist and author of For many years, she has successfully helped women and men lose weight and maintain a beautiful figure.

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