Dresses for plus size girls from 7 to 13 years old

Should you lose weight at 11 years old?

It’s not difficult to figure out how to lose weight for an 11-year-old child. Let’s answer the question whether it’s worth doing this at all. The structure and principles of functioning of a child’s body are significantly different from an adult’s. And parents who are planning to help their child should make sure that they are not in too much of a hurry. We start from the following aspects.

  1. By the age of 11–12 years, girls begin their first menstruation. Impacts on weight “from the outside” for the purpose of weight loss are undesirable. If the moment is not taken into account, the risk of hormonal imbalance increases. Not pathological, but an unpleasant situation. A sharp weight gain is triggered by the onset of puberty, the pelvis expands and the mammary glands develop. This is normal, and losing weight due to “growing up” is unwise.
  2. There are no strict standards regarding how much a child should weigh. Doctors offer a conditional range of “normal” weight for an 11-year-old girl: from 44 to 48 kg, regardless of height. Minor deviations are not a reason to purposefully adjust body weight. You need to think again before you start losing weight.
  3. If you still decide to seriously engage in weight loss, you will have to go to an appointment with an endocrinologist. The doctor will determine whether it is safe for your child to lose weight. Not a pediatrician or nutritionist, but an endocrinologist will more accurately understand the issue. More often than not, the fears of the girl and her parents are not confirmed. The endocrinologist does not detect obesity requiring treatment.

By objectively assessing the situation, it will be possible to more accurately determine whether the girl really needs to lose weight. Most likely, the situation is not so bad as to begin full-fledged treatment for obesity. But you can take useful actions that will allow the girl not to worry about weight in the future. Preventive measures are simple and effective.

Causes of excess weight in girls

To identify the main directions of weight correction, it is useful to first understand the reasons leading to weight gain. The mass often increases due to physiological changes. A natural situation, but not the only one. It is necessary to learn about other reasons leading to dangerous obesity.

  1. Passive lifestyle. A common problem. Physical activity is an essential component of a child's development. If, instead of active games, sports classes and dancing, a girl spends mainly time on the computer and other “sedentary” entertainment, problems with her figure will definitely appear. The solution is to send my daughter to a place where she won’t have to sit. The girls enjoy dancing, going to the pool, and playing tennis. Two or three classes a week are enough, and your figure will definitely take shape.
  2. Poor nutrition. The metabolism of children is a special issue. Some children may eat fatty junk food, but this will not affect their figure. For some, on the contrary, a diet that is modest in calories can cause a situation close to obesity. The difficulty is that the child cannot be put on a low-fat diet. It is necessary to exclude fast food, chips, and soda. They contain harmful calories that do not help development, but are deposited in the form of extra pounds.
  3. Emotional and psychological problems. Children do not know how to cope with stress on their own. And there are many stress factors in their lives. From a low grade (for example, a “B” instead of an “A”) to a “sideways” glance from a peer. The methods for eliminating stress in girls are the same as in adult women. Mainly “seizing”. We need to help the child cope with his worries in order to eliminate the risk of weight loss.

Now let’s get a complete picture of the weight loss of an 11-year-old girl. It is necessary to act depending on the reason that caused the gain of excess body weight.

Types of children's diets

Taking into account the above-described features of losing weight for children - rules, principles and age restrictions - all children's diets can be divided into several types :

  • proper nutrition at 3–4 years;
  • diet for obese children 5–12 years old;
  • therapeutic diet for obesity;
  • dairy-free method of losing weight.

Despite the similarity of principles, each of these programs has significant differences that need to be known and taken into account.

Proper nutrition at 3–4 years old

The physical development of the body at the age of 3–4 years proceeds unevenly, with different periods of weight gain. Therefore, the appearance of a few extra pounds at a certain stage should not cause much concern. But at the same time, the development of the brain improves, consciousness is easily perceived, the baby strives to be like his parents, which makes it easy to develop healthy nutrition skills and correct eating habits.

Rules and principles

A child's diet for this age should include all foods. But the amount of nutrients must be strictly rationed.

Proteins are the most important component of baby food and cannot be replaced by anything else. With the participation of proteins, the most important processes in the body take place - metabolism, muscle work, brain activity. Sources of protein are eggs, milk, meat, fish.

The daily intake of protein products for 3–4 years is:

  • eggs: ½ pcs. – at 3 years;
  • 1 PC. - at 4 years old.
  • milk, fermented milk drinks – 600 ml;
  • sour cream – 15 g;
  • cottage cheese – 50 g;
  • hard cheese – 15 g;
  • fish:
      50 g – at 3 years;
  • 75 g – at 4 years.
  • meat – 100–120 g.
  • Carbohydrates are the main supplier of energy, especially when losing weight. If not enough carbohydrates are supplied, the child's body begins to use proteins for energy, which causes protein deficiency. But excessive consumption of carbohydrates leads to obesity and the development of various diseases.

    The daily intake of carbohydrate foods for children aged 3–4 years is:

    • vegetables – 300 g;
    • fruits, berries – 200 g;
    • potatoes – 150 g;
    • bread – 75–100 g;
    • legumes, cereals, pasta – 60 g;
    • flour – 30 g,
    • dried fruits – 15 g;
    • sugar (including in confectionery) – 50–70 g.

    Fats are a source of energy, healthy fatty acids, vitamins and other essential elements. Healthy fats ensure normal functioning of the liver and digestive organs.

    The daily fat intake for 3–4 years is:

    • vegetable oil – 25–30 g;
    • butter – 10 g.

    A growing body needs vitamins and minerals for proper development, strengthening the immune system, and normal metabolic processes. To replenish them, in addition to the indicated products, you need to introduce mineral water and herbs into the children's diet.

    The regime for organizing proper nutrition for 3–4 years should be as follows:

    • a five-time feeding regimen with meals at the same time (a deviation of 15–25 minutes is allowed);
    • be sure to eat hot food 3 times a day;
    • avoiding eating sweets between meals;
    • the weight of a single serving should be: at 3 years – 400 g;
    • at 4 years – 500 g.
  • weight of all food taken per day:
      at 3 years – 1.5 kg;
  • at 4 years – 1.7 kg.
  • daily caloric intake:
      at 3 years – 1550 kcal;
  • at 4 years – 1950 kcal.
  • The daily calorie content of a child’s diet should be distributed according to the following principle:

    • breakfast – 20%;
    • lunch – 10%;
    • lunch – 35%;
    • afternoon snack – 10%;
    • dinner – 25%.

    Sample menu

    The menu for children 3–4 years old is compiled in compliance with the following rules:

    1. You cannot introduce 2-3 cereal dishes during the day; it is better if there are 2 vegetable and 1 cereal.
    2. Protein foods should be given in the first half of the day and not combined with fats, as they are difficult to digest.
    3. First courses with meat or vegetable broths are a must, as they stimulate the digestive processes.
    4. The volume of the liquid dish should be 150–180 ml at 3 years, 180–200 ml at 4 years.
    5. For lunch, you definitely need a salad of raw vegetables with herbs and vegetable oil.
    6. Dinner should be light; dairy-vegetable foods are best.
    7. The diet should be varied, and dishes should be repeated at least every 3 days.
    8. Drinks include anything prepared at home, as well as canned juices for baby food.
    9. For dessert you can have honey, marshmallows, chocolate, homemade jam, marshmallows, marmalade.

    Sample menu diagram:

    • breakfast (8:00) – 200 g of milk porridge, cocoa in water with added milk (100/50 ml), 30 g of cookies or 30 g of bread with 5 g of butter;
    • lunch (10:30) – 100 g cottage cheese casserole, 150 ml fruit juice;
    • lunch (13:00) – 150–180 ml of soup with meat broth, 70–100 g of boiled meat with 80 g of mashed potatoes, 50 g of vegetable salad, 20 g of bread, 150 ml of compote;
    • afternoon snack (15:30) – 150 ml of kefir or milk, 100 g of berries or ½ large fruit;
    • dinner (19:00) – 200 g of vegetable stew, 30 g of bread, 150 ml of kefir.

    Proper nutrition provides children 3–4 years old with excellent digestion and complete absorption of food, increases immunity, and improves the condition of the nervous system. With strict adherence to the recommended regimen, the child’s body develops normally and prevents the appearance of excess weight.

    Diet for obese children 5–12 years old

    The children's diet from 5 years of age has a slightly different principle of action. The diet of this method is physiological, balanced, and includes the entire list of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The components are selected so as to fully ensure the normal development of the body, but at the same time teach you to eat properly. This helps not only to lose excess weight, but also to improve metabolic processes, improve your health, develop healthy eating habits and teach you how to eat without overeating. This weight loss system is universal for healthy children aged 5–12 years who are overweight. It has been tested by many parents, time-tested and proven to be completely safe and highly effective.

    Rules and principles

    The effectiveness of this children's diet lies in the use of only natural products, each of which provides satiety, energy and benefits without loading the body with “empty” calories. It does not exclude sweets, which most boys and girls cannot do without. But these are only healthy desserts that do not add weight, but improve health.

    The basis of the daily menu is a home-made children's cocktail “Zhivchik”, the composition of which was specially developed for this technique. It contains most of all essential vitamins and minerals, proteins and complex carbohydrates, which provides energy without being stored as fat. The drink is very tasty, aromatic, easy to prepare, and kids enjoy drinking it. Regular use of the cocktail provides a number of beneficial effects:

    • acceleration of metabolism;
    • decreased appetite;
    • improved digestion;
    • cleansing the body;
    • increasing immunity;
    • strengthening bone tissue.

    At the same time, the satiety of the cocktail is much higher than its calorie content, which contributes to quick saturation and a long-lasting feeling of fullness. As a result, the baby gets used to eating smaller portions, the desire to chew non-stop disappears, and the craving for sweet, fatty, and fast food goes away.

    In addition to regularly taking the cocktail, you must follow several important rules for organizing children's weight loss :

    1. The composition of the dishes can be changed using available products and taking into account the baby’s taste preferences, but only to ones that are similar in origin and calorie content (proteins to proteins, fruits to fruits, etc.).
    2. You should not allow a strong feeling of hunger to appear - at the first signs you need to satisfy it with healthy foods in order to prevent further uncontrolled absorption of food and overeating.
    3. Do not store baked goods, chips, soda, or other harmful products in a visible place.
    4. In the case when a child has eaten something that was not allowed or simply overeated, you cannot scold him, but you need to continue feeding him as planned the next day, imperceptibly reducing the portions by 10-15%.

    To form a stable habit of eating small portions, you will need at least 3 weeks of strict adherence to the children's diet.

    Sample menu

    The daily menu includes:

    • for breakfast - porridge (millet, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice - alternate) from 2 tbsp. l. cereals, 100 ml water, 100 ml milk, 1 tsp. sugar, pinches of salt, 2 tsp. olive oil with the addition of a handful of steamed dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes) or chopped nuts (additives also alternate);
    • for second breakfast, afternoon snack and before each main meal (15 minutes before meals) - a serving of the Zhivchik cocktail;
    • for lunch - a small portion of 5-6 tbsp. l. soup with vegetable broth, other dishes - in accordance with the menu below;
    • at night – 100–200 ml of any fermented milk drink with 1–2% fat content, preferably with live lacto- or bifidobacteria;
    • for the whole day – 100 g of rye bread, 100 g of 2nd grade flour (less possible).

    The Zhivchik cocktail recipe includes the following ingredients (for one serving):

    • natural yogurt – 50 ml;
    • soft cottage cheese (0%) – 50 g;
    • any juice – 30 ml;
    • fruits or berries – 30 g.

    Juices, fruits, and berries should be chosen that do not cause allergies in the baby and that he likes to taste.

    The cocktail can be prepared immediately for the whole day and stored in a closed jar in the refrigerator. In this case, the amount of all ingredients must be proportionally increased by 4 times. To prepare, beat all ingredients in a blender until foam forms.

    A sample menu for the first week of a children's diet (in addition to the dishes and meals listed above) is as follows:


    • lunch - vegetable stew, steamed meatballs, apple compote;
    • dinner – steamed fish cutlets, tomato.


    • lunch – boiled chicken meat without fat and skin, green peas;
    • dinner - veal meatballs, stewed vegetables (except potatoes), 2 tangerines.


    • lunch – rabbit meat stewed in yogurt, cabbage salad with bell pepper;
    • dinner – cottage cheese and apple casserole.


    • lunch – fish stewed with vegetables (without potatoes);
    • dinner - chicken rolls with cheese, cabbage salad with carrots.


    • lunch – turkey meatballs, mashed boiled cauliflower with butter, cucumbers;
    • dinner – chicken soufflé, tomato salad.


    • lunch – steamed beef cutlets, cabbage salad with olive oil;
    • dinner - boiled fish with green peas, orange.


    • lunch – chicken meatballs, baked vegetables, lettuce;
    • dinner – vinaigrette (without potatoes) with olive oil.

    Sample menu for the second week


    • lunch - chicken rolls with egg, grated cheese and herbs, cucumber and tomato salad with olive oil;
    • dinner – cabbage casserole with sour cream.


    • lunch – boiled turkey without skin and fat, stewed pumpkin;
    • dinner – fish soufflé, tomato.


    • lunch – steamed veal cutlets, vegetable salad with green peas and olive oil;
    • dinner - sweet cottage cheese casserole with apple filling.


    • lunch – chicken baked with onions, cauliflower salad with egg, herbs and yogurt;
    • dinner - vegetable stew with mushrooms.


    • lunch - meat cutlets with pumpkin, tomatoes;
    • dinner - omelette with vegetables, orange.


    • lunch – fish baked with vegetables, cucumbers;
    • dinner – fruit salad with yogurt.


    • lunch – fish casserole, tomatoes;
    • dinner – stewed vegetables (without potatoes), apple.

    The menu of the first and second weeks must be alternated. At the same time, we should not forget that every day for second breakfast, afternoon snack and before each main meal, the baby should be given the “Zhivchik” cocktail. In addition, at lunch (in addition to the dishes indicated on the menu), there must be a first course (soup). At night, be sure to drink bio-yogurt, bifidokefir or another similar fermented milk drink.

    Following such a children's diet from the age of 5 will lead to intensive weight loss without hunger and discomfort. This stage should continue until optimal body weight is achieved. Usually its duration is 6–8 weeks. Then there is a smooth transition to the maintenance mode.

    Maintenance mode

    The purpose of this stage is to consolidate the achieved result. You need to know that in the maintenance mode, weight loss will also continue, but not as intensely. This diet plan is recommended to prevent weight gain, especially after holiday overeating.

    The main difference between the maintenance regime and the period of intensive weight loss is the change in the ratio of fatty acids in the diet - the amount of protein products is reduced in favor of carbohydrates and fats. The menu at this stage is calculated using the formula:

    • proteins – 25%;
    • complex carbohydrates – 50%;
    • fats (vegetable and fish) – 25%.

    The “Zhivchik” cocktail must be taken 3 times a day – 15 minutes before each main meal.

    The duration of compliance with the maintenance regimen depends on the individual characteristics of the body and age. For children under 9 years old, 1 month is usually enough, for those over 10 years old, 1.5–2 months are required. Then a complete restructuring of the body occurs. Parents can only make sure that their daughter or son eats right and drinks cocktails after holiday overeating. This will allow them to remain fit throughout their lives.

    Children's diet for obesity

    The only age when a person does not become obese is the period from birth to the first complementary feeding, provided that the baby is breastfed. After the introduction of complementary foods, most infants become overweight, since mothers often do not know how to feed. However, internal diseases can also cause obesity, so consultation with a specialist is required. If childhood obesity is diagnosed, a special therapeutic diet is prescribed - table No. 8. It is aimed at strengthening the immune system, improving the condition of bone and muscle tissue, cleansing of waste and toxins, reducing fat accumulation and normalizing weight for a long time.

    Rules and principles

    The development of childhood obesity is caused by a violation of the diet, in which a boy or girl eats rarely and for this reason consumes a lot of food at one time. As a result, the stomach stretches and large portions are required to become full in the future. The goal of diet therapy is to reduce the size of the stomach and develop correct eating habits.

    Compliance with dietary nutrition for childhood obesity requires the following recommendations:

    1. The basis of the menu should be proteins - meat (beef, rabbit, chicken), fish (cod), eggs, fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese, cheeses (all with minimal fat content).
    2. Carbohydrates should be reduced by eliminating sugar, sweets, and flour products.
    3. It is necessary to remove jelly, compotes and everything else that contains sugar and glucose from drinks, giving preference to natural sweet and sour fresh juices and decoctions of dried fruits.
    4. Vegetables, unsweetened fruits, and berries should be present in large quantities.
    5. Vegetable oil is recommended as a fat for dressing salads.

    Prohibited items include:

    • confectionery, baked goods, white bread;
    • grapes, raisins;
    • all carbonated drinks;
    • strong tea, cocoa, coffee.

    In moderation, the following are allowed:

    • cereals;
    • potato;
    • legumes;
    • sweet fruits.

    Xylitol is used as a sugar substitute, the maximum daily dose of which is determined according to age: up to 9 years - 20 g, from 10 years - 30 g.

    Sample menu

    Dishes for childhood obesity should be prepared only by boiling or steaming. To prepare soups, vegetable broths are used; meat or fish low-fat broths are allowed 2 times a week. Small amounts of porridge made from millet or buckwheat are allowed. The volume of the first course should not exceed 100–200 ml, depending on age.

    The menu of the therapeutic children's diet table No. 8 can be compiled independently, taking into account the above recommendations. For example, it is recommended to use several options for one-day rations:

    Option 1:

    • breakfast – crumbly buckwheat porridge with water, yogurt, apple;
    • lunch – cabbage salad with apple, sea buckthorn fruit drink;
    • lunch – borscht, boiled chicken with vegetables, dried fruit compote;
    • afternoon snack - fruit jelly;
    • dinner – steamed pollock with milk sauce, vinaigrette;
    • before bed - kefir.

    Option 2:

    • breakfast – millet porridge with water, milk, baked apple;
    • lunch – egg, grated carrots with apple, rosehip infusion;
    • lunch - fish soup, steamed fish with vegetables, mint infusion;
    • afternoon snack - berries;
    • dinner – boiled veal with green peas, tomato;
    • before bed - yogurt.

    Option 3:

    • breakfast – cottage cheese, stewed carrots, milk;
    • lunch – buckwheat porridge, tomato juice;
    • lunch - cabbage soup with vegetable broth, rabbit with stewed vegetables, raw apple;
    • afternoon snack – vegetable salad;
    • dinner - vegetable stew, boiled fish;
    • before bed - yogurt.

    Children with grade III–IV obesity are prescribed a more strict diet according to individual indications.

    The daily diet should be distributed so that most of the food is consumed in the first half of the day. Serving size depends on age. In any case, you need to calculate it so that it is enough to satisfy your hunger without overeating.

    Dairy-free children's diet

    If your son or daughter is both overweight and allergic to milk, the nutritional situation becomes somewhat more complicated. When creating a menu for weight loss, you need to more carefully select products, excluding from them those that can provoke an allergic reaction of the body to milk. At the same time, the diet should remain balanced, nutritious, tasty, rich in vitamins, contain a lot of protein and little fat. Proper organization of a dairy-free diet for children from the age of 5 will allow, over time, to expand the diet to the possible maximum - already at 9–10 years it can become absolutely complete.

    Rules and principles

    If an allergy to milk is detected in overweight children, it is recommended to adhere to the following weight loss principles:

    1. Eliminate all dairy products from your diet.
    2. Carefully monitor the body's reaction to other products, since cross-allergy is possible - if you notice negative manifestations, you need to include the allergen in the list of prohibited foods.
    3. To compensate for the deficiency of protein components present in milk, increase the consumption of lean meats.
    4. Do not treat your child as if he is sick, significantly limiting or, conversely, stuffing him with high-calorie foods - you need to make the diet healthy and balanced.
    5. It is best to combine soy dishes with meat.
    6. Do not exclude sweets from the diet completely, since glucose increases strength and energy, but they should be healthy - dried fruits, dark chocolate, marshmallows, marmalade, etc.
    7. Vegetables should be present on the menu daily and in large quantities.

    You should definitely contact your pediatrician to prescribe a calcium supplement. The absence of dairy products in the diet creates a deficiency of this mineral, which leads to brittle bones and deterioration of the blood count.

    Sample menu

    The dairy-free menu is significantly different from the usual children's diet for weight loss, but it can also be tasty and varied. An approximate diet plan for weight loss for every day could be as follows:

    • breakfast - porridge on water (buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, wheat) with pieces of fruit, 1 boiled quail egg;
    • lunch – ham sandwich, compote;
    • lunch - vegetarian pea soup or meat broth with herbs, a piece of boiled fish or meat, mashed potatoes, dried fruit compote;
    • afternoon snack – baked apple with cinnamon;
    • dinner – stewed cabbage, carrot casserole.

    It is important to show your son or daughter an example of proper nutrition, then they will very quickly get used to eating only what is possible and healthy. At first, it is recommended that the whole family switch to a dairy-free menu so that no one is tempted to eat something forbidden.

    How to lose weight correctly

    Let us emphasize once again that it is necessary to set a goal for a child to lose weight if weight gain is not caused by natural physiological reasons. If the effect conditions are met, the following “weight loss program” follows.

    Nutrition correction

    A girl cannot go on a full diet. It is enough to make a slight correction of the diet. The method is completely safe and will not cause unpleasant changes in the functioning of the body. Choose food according to your requirements.

    1. The main step is to give up unhealthy foods. They are named above, but now we will list them in more detail: fast food, sweet carbonated water, semi-finished products (sausages, smoked meats, dumplings, frozen pizza), canned food, store-bought sauces and mayonnaise, desserts with a lot of cream.
    2. Determine a sufficient number of meals. Yes, three meals a day is considered classic. To prevent the child from going hungry, with three meals a day it is necessary to make large portions. There is a danger that most of the nutrients will not be absorbed. And it is better to reduce portions by adding 2 additional snacks between meals. Nutrition will be evenly distributed throughout the day, and incoming nutrients will be absorbed normally.
    3. Products and dishes. Carbohydrates consumed in the first half of the day: cereals, eggs (with yolk), legumes. Protein products (consumed all day) - meat without fat, dairy products (especially cottage cheese), fish, seafood (if they do not cause allergies). Vegetables are eaten all day. Especially if they are not heat treated. The child should have something hot for lunch. But no need to cook with rich broth! Fruits, including bananas, are suitable for snacking.

    It is not easy to get a child to eat healthy foods. The only way out is to decorate each dish attractively. Girls especially like this. But it is undesirable to use seasonings with a spicy aftertaste. They stimulate appetite and make things worse for your figure.

    Physical activity

    Serious loads are undesirable. Try taking your child to a class. Not necessarily sports, but better – dancing. And it is advisable for the whole family to get out into nature more often and spend time actively.

    Games of badminton, picking berries and mushrooms will introduce the girl to activity. It’s good if the child has friends with whom he can spend time on the playground in the yard. It is worth encouraging the desire for activity, and not trying to drive your daughter home.

    Solving psychological problems

    And the last component of losing weight is maintaining the normal psycho-emotional state of the child. So that an 11-year-old girl does not want to eat stress, she needs to relieve tension correctly. Spend more time together, talk about problems, unobtrusively help with advice.

    At 11 years old this is not difficult. Later, when the girl enters adolescence, it will become harder. To maintain contact and not to lose trust, it is necessary to constantly remain a friend to your daughter until puberty.

    Diet for children 10-12 years old: features

    How to lose 10 kg in a week at home for children 10 years old? First of all, it is worth understanding that the diet for children clearly does not provide for any strict food restrictions, like the express diets of models. A children's diet is a balanced diet that should bring maximum benefit to a growing and developing body.

    It is extremely important to regulate the diet itself. Four meals a day are ideal: 25-30% of the total daily diet is for breakfast, 10-15% for lunch, 40-45% for lunch and only 15-20% for dinner.

    Breakfast and lunch in a child's diet should consist primarily of protein foods. Eggs, lean meats and fish are ideal. Legumes are also useful - they contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and microelements, in addition, they perfectly saturate and give a boost of energy, which is so necessary for a child’s body.

    How can a 13 year old girl lose weight in a week? For dinner, prepare dishes of cereals and vegetables for the children. Do not forget that the entire children's diet should consist only of natural and nutrient-rich foods. Any canned food, fast food, semi-finished products, store-bought snacks, etc. certainly have no place on a child’s menu!

    How can a 12 year old girl lose weight at home in a week? The most suitable products for a children's diet include the following:

    • fish;
    • meat;
    • seafood;
    • fruits;
    • vegetables;
    • dairy products;
    • bran and rye bread;
    • fresh juices;
    • mineral water without gas.

    For a children's diet, it is advisable to prepare all dishes yourself, rather than using store-bought ones. Homemade food is always safer in any case, since you probably know what ingredients are used to prepare it.

    But the following foods should be excluded from the children's diet:

    • canned food with a shelf life of more than three months;
    • sausages, sausages;
    • store-bought cutlets;
    • food cooked with margarine;
    • chips, salted nuts, etc.;
    • chocolate bars;
    • lollipops;
    • food containing flavor enhancers;
    • sweet sodas.

    The above foods not only provoke weight gain without saturating the body with any useful substances, but can also be addictive in children.

    Sweets and chocolates can be replaced with dried fruits - they give the body the right dose of sugar, create a long-lasting feeling of fullness and contain only natural components that are important for our health.

    The children's diet is the same system of proper and balanced nutrition. There is only one feature: you need to switch to this method of eating very gradually, since it is quite difficult for children to immediately give up all the harmful foods to which they are so addicted.

    To begin with, you can simply allow your child his favorite store-bought treats only in the first half of the day, since consuming them in the evening provokes active fat deposition. Then you can include such food in the child’s diet only once every few days, then on weekends, etc. You can use chips, chocolates, etc. as a reward for certain merits. But, of course, if you eat something like this, then only occasionally and in small quantities.

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