Fitness for overweight people: exercises for those who are overweight

Fitness for plus size: main rules

* Start small. If you haven't exercised before, spend the first few weeks simply increasing the amount of physical activity you do. Walking at an energetic pace will be enough for this. Then add cardio. “First, people with significant excess weight need to prepare their respiratory and cardiac systems,” comments Dmitry Glukhov, personal trainer of the Territory Fitness club chain. — I would advise you to start not even with strength exercises, but with cardio exercises on machines and in the pool in order to strengthen your systems.
Then more oxygen will enter the blood and it will become easier to exercise.” * Eliminate shock loads - jumping, running.

* After 3-4 weeks of regular cardio exercises, you can introduce light strength exercises. “You don’t need to lift weights right away! Perform simplified versions of classic movements. So, instead of doing regular squats, start with bench squats. In this case, the range of motion will be short, the hip joint and knees will work very carefully. Gradually, their mobility will improve, the muscles will get used to the load. Then you can move on to deeper squats,” says Dmitry Glukhov.

*Choose shorter workouts. “At first it is important to maintain motivation. But if you train too much and too often, it will inevitably fall. Therefore, I recommend exercising for 20-30 minutes every other day or two. So the “fuse” will last for a long time,” advises Dmitry Glukhov.

* Monitor your well-being during exercise - if you feel discomfort and fatigue, it’s time to end the workout.

We wrote in more detail about the rules for “full” classes here.

Losing weight at home: effective workouts for a fat burning and weight loss program

For beginners, workouts that do not require good physical fitness and endurance are suitable:

  1. Hoop . Working out with a hoop helps you lose those extra pounds that are tightly deposited on your hips and waist. You can spin the hoop no more than 20 minutes a day.
  2. Plank . Any woman, even the most inexperienced, can do the plank, and you can start with 20 seconds a day.
  3. Swing your legs . Swinging your legs is easy, and slow exercise will help reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat at any age.
  4. Tilts . Leaning forward, trying to hug your legs, is a useful exercise for reducing body fat and strengthening the calf muscles.
  5. Abdominal pumping . The most common abdominal exercise will not immediately give us beautiful cubes, but it will help speed up fat burning, define the waist and strengthen the core muscles.

Loads must be age appropriate. Start doing it.

Up to 30 years old

The body of a girl under 30 is still quite young and active, and the muscle fibers are very elastic. At this age, losing weight is quite easy using regular cardio training.

The cardiovascular system is not yet worn out, so the girl is able to withstand walking at a brisk pace for at least 40 minutes.

Active exercises, such as swinging arms and legs, squats, and jumping rope, are quite suitable for those who are under 30 years old.

You can use a special exercise for the abdominals. With this exercise you can strengthen the internal abdominal muscles and remove extra centimeters from the sides in a short time. To complete this exercise you need:

  • lie down on a mat or large towel;
  • We bend our legs at the knees, placing them shoulder-width apart;
  • we put our hands behind our heads;
  • as you exhale, slowly raise your legs;
  • fix them for a few seconds;
  • while inhaling, slowly lower it.

We perform the exercise fifteen times, in three approaches with a short break.

At 30-40 years old

After 30 years, a person’s muscles lose elasticity and it becomes more difficult to regain it. Metabolism slows down, the body no longer processes incoming food so quickly, so after 30 years you should be even more careful about your diet.

Effective exercises for losing weight at home can be:

  1. Mandatory daily warm-up. Due to the fact that the muscles are no longer so elastic, you cannot immediately start intense exercise; you need to warm up your body for at least 5-11 minutes.
  2. Squats. They can be done at any age if the pressure allows.
  3. Bend forward. A very effective exercise for strengthening the lower back.
  4. Swing your arms and legs.
  5. Exercises with dumbbells. The optimal dumbbell weight for exercise should be 2 kg.

How to build a lesson

* Start your workout with a simple warm-up. This will protect you from injury.

* Perform the exercises at a comfortable pace, watch the execution technique and muscle function.

* Experiment with the number of repetitions and approaches. “We start with 5-15 repetitions of each exercise. If it seems easy to you, increase the number of approaches,” says Dmitry Glukhov.

* Watch your breathing: make the main effort while exhaling.

To perform the complex, you will need a stable bench, TRX loops attached to a support, and a mat.

A set of exercises against the wall: how to lose weight with a lot of excess weight

April 6, 2021

Excess weight can be a source of various diseases and is a consequence of poor nutrition and lack of physical activity. However, this is not a death sentence or a reason to despair - getting rid of extra pounds is quite possible.

Where to start losing weight

When deciding to lose weight, you need to understand how to do it correctly, especially if you have a lot of weight. You don’t need to think that it’s enough just to adapt to proper nutrition and exercise. When losing weight, the psychological attitude, motivation of a person, as well as correctly set goals are very important.

Working on your dream figure does not involve grueling workouts and torturing your body by completely refusing to eat. When achieving ideal parameters, you should understand that this is long and hard work, which entails a restructuring of the rhythm of life.

With the right approach, weight loss should be gradual. Losing 3 – 5 kg (individually, depends on the initial weight) per month is quite realistic and does not pose any harm to health.

Important factors for losing weight

1. You can't go hungry. Most people think that by giving up food, their weight will begin to come off faster, but this is absolutely not true. Yes, the weight may go away, but it’s just water that will soon return. You should reduce your consumption of fast food, sweets, flour and fried foods. It is worth focusing on proper nutrition.

2. Eat more vegetables and greens. They contain a large amount of fiber, which improves intestinal function. In addition. Vegetables and greens are negative calorie foods; when consumed, the body spends more calories digesting them.

3. Plan your daily routine. When losing weight, sleep is very important; it should be 7–9 hours. You should think through all meals in advance, since eating in a hurry will not work. If you think through your diet for the day in advance, you can avoid consuming random foods and extra calories.

4. Make training fun. Physical activity should bring pleasure, only then will it be useful. There is no need to exhaust yourself with long and painful workouts; it is much more beneficial to exercise when you really want it. You can turn on your favorite music or study in the company of people you like.

If it is not possible to go to the gym, and there are no suitable exercise equipment at home, then a set of exercises against the wall can be very useful.

This complex does not take much time and does not require the use of sports equipment.

Workout at home against a wall:

1. Wall squat for 60 seconds. This exercise allows you not only to work out the muscle groups of the lower body, but also to improve your posture. To perform this, you need to press your back tightly against the wall, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down slowly until your thighs are parallel to the floor. After 1 minute of doing the exercise, you need to stand up and relax your muscles.

2. Exercise wipers. Quite simple, but very effective in terms of working out the abdominal muscles. Pull your hips towards your body and throw your legs up against the wall. Slowly lower both legs to the right about 35 - 45 degrees, then return to the starting position and lower to the left side. 30 repetitions are enough.

3. Bridge near the wall. The exercise is performed using the abdominal muscles, buttocks and legs. You need to lie on your back, spread your arms wide, placing your palms on the floor. You need to throw your legs over the wall, resting your heels firmly. Then, due to the work of the muscles, raise the hips to the maximum height, transferring the body weight to the shoulder blades and stay in this position for 1 second. When performing the exercise, watch your breathing: when raising your hips, exhale, when lowering, inhale. 15 executions are enough.

Take note of these exercises, and you will soon see noticeable results in working out your muscles.


  • Exercises
  • Weight loss

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Ab crunches

Lie on your back. Bend your knees, place your feet on the floor. Stretch your arms behind your head, point your chin forward and up. Working your abdominal muscles, smoothly twist your body forward and touch your hands to the floor at the level of your feet. Then also smoothly twist your spine back and lower your back onto the mat again, and your hands behind your head. This will amount to one repetition.

Don't chase speed and records - practice according to this scheme in a mode that is comfortable for you. Gradually the body will adapt and you will be able to increase the load.

Effective exercises for obese women

In obese women, fat depots are concentrated in the shoulder girdle, back, abdomen and hips. These are the areas you need to start working with first.

Downloading the press

Exercise 1. Lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knees to rest comfortably on them. Hands behind head. Raise your shoulders towards your legs until your shoulder blades come off the floor. Then we lower our shoulders down. If you can’t do it with your hands behind your head, help yourself with your arms extended forward. This exercise pumps up the rectus abdominis muscles. For starters, 6-8 times are enough.

Exercise 2. Position too. Raising our shoulders, we reach with our elbow towards the opposite knee. This way you can pump up your oblique abdominal muscles. Do 6 times on each knee.

Exercise 3. We do a bicycle with our legs 20 times. And keep in mind that the lower the legs work in this exercise, the more effective the load.

Strive to perform the exercises smoothly, without jerking. This is a more effective way to pump muscles deeply and efficiently.

You can also add a vacuum to the abdomen to strengthen the diaphragm and massage the internal organs.

Rocking your back

Exercise 1. Roll over onto your stomach. Legs and arms are extended, shoulder-width apart. Begin to lift your right arm and left leg. At the highest point, freeze for two breaths. Then with the other hand and foot. Repeat 6 times with each pair.

Interesting: Lower abs exercises for girls

Exercise 2. Lie on your stomach with your hands behind your head. We lift our shoulders and chest off the floor and return to the starting position. Six times is enough.

Exercise 3. Lie on your stomach. Hands along the body, palms down, for support. We lift both legs together off the floor. We try to keep them in the upper position. Let's relax. We also do it six times.

Shake your hands

Exercise 1. Perform push-ups with an emphasis in front of you from a table, chair or bench. 10 times or more.

Chair push-ups

Exercise 2. Push-ups with support from behind. Sit on a chair, bench or sofa. Rest your hands on the edge, legs extended forward. We lift our butt off the support and, bending our knees, lower ourselves down, supporting ourselves with our hands. Then we return to the original position. Perform 6 repetitions.

Pumping your legs

Stand 30 cm away from a sofa or chair. Stretch your arms forward. Start squatting without using your hands. Don't fall on the seat, try to hold yourself up. Then stand up without using your hands. And so 8-10 times. You will feel the work of your legs and back immediately.

Hands-free squats

Also include an extended arm plank in your workout. Stand for 30 to 60 seconds, trying to keep your body straight.

Tips for exercising at home

Training at home is possible if the necessary conditions are met. In addition, you can use techniques such as:

  1. Water. During class, water is necessary, but you need to drink a little and in small sips. In order not to be distracted from your workout and not run to the kitchen, it is better to prepare a bottle of water in advance.
  2. You shouldn’t rush to conclusions and quit classes if the weight “goes up.” The ideal weight loss is 1 kg per week. In a month you can lose 4-5 kilograms without using additional stimulants.
  3. You should not take diet pills, laxatives or diuretics. They act instantly, but cause enormous damage to the body.

It is best to start playing sports while listening to your favorite TV show or series. So, the training will go almost unnoticed. You can gradually give up television series when sports become a habit.

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Fitness trainer Harley Pasternak

Recommends that those who are determined always remain cheerful and full of strength. The main wish is to take at least 10,000 steps a day, in addition to the mandatory training. Special electronic fitness bracelets can help with this. The coach suggests using any free minute for walks in the fresh air.

Pilates trainer Keith Rich

Recommends doing the workout daily for 30 minutes or running 5 km. You should not miss a single workout, otherwise the desire to continue the fight against excess weight will instantly disappear. The effect of exercise will be more noticeable if you alternate between running and a 30-minute exercise. The good thing about these tips is that you don’t need to go to the gym to follow them.

Certified Trainer Jessica Smith

Don't get hung up on counting calories. You should get out of your head all thoughts about how much fat is lost with each workout. It’s better to think about your health, how you feel better after training, how light you feel in your body. A positive attitude will help you get into shape quickly and for a long time.

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