Fitness for men's health

Men's fitness: what is it?

The word itself has become so tightly integrated into our lives that no one has any difficulty answering what is meant by this concept. Men quite often prefer training in the gym. But it is quite possible for men to engage in fitness itself. In this case, the program will differ from the women's program in the amount and intensity of strength loads. In any case, the list of exercises should be compiled based on the characteristics of the body and health of a particular person. Fitness classes will help a man maintain his muscles in tone by using dosed strength loads in combination with aerobic exercises.

Men's fitness, its nuances

The fundamental principle in exercises is gradual loading. Aerobic exercises are suitable for the first lessons. At this stage, the body can prepare for heavy loads. Later, when the body is accustomed and ready for the main loads, you can move on to strength training to create a sculpted and beautiful body.

You can combine cardio and strength exercises. For example, running, swimming and pumping your arms, abs and chest using weights.

It is important that classes take place at least once a week. Strength exercises must be alternated with stretching, and breathing must be constantly monitored. Thanks to stretching, blood circulation and metabolism improve, ligaments will become elastic, and joints will become more mobile.

As mentioned above, men's training focuses more on training the muscles of the upper body. The most common exercises are barbell press, lat pulldown from a seated position, or pull-ups. The workout will become more effective if you visit the sauna after it. A more detailed program should be developed by an experienced trainer, depending on individual characteristics.

Fitness training program for men

Here is just an approximate list of exercises for various muscle groups for men. All exercises should be alternated with aerobic exercise.

  1. We pump up the biceps. It is necessary to perform dumbbell lifts one by one, while changing hands (three repetitions ten times).
  2. Exercise for the shoulder muscles. We perform the military dumbbell press (three sets of ten times each).
  3. Chest muscles. Do push-ups from a bench (incline). The number of approaches is the same as in previous exercises.
  4. Triceps workout. You can do any of the triceps stretching exercises you know while lying down. For example, do push-ups, lower the dumbbells behind your head.
  5. Let's pump up the press. We bend forward three times, ten times per approach.
  6. We train our legs. You should perform forward lunges using dumbbells.

How to do fitness at home?

Don't think that fitness exercises can only be done in the gym. It is possible to develop the beauty of your body at home. The main thing is the presence of willpower.

  • We do push-ups. Starting position - you lie on the floor, your arms are extended shoulder-width apart, your face is down. Either bring your legs together or spread them apart. As you inhale, bend your arms at the elbows; in this case, it is important to touch your chest to the floor. After this, you need to return to the starting position and exhale. Repeat – 10-15 times.
  • Let's pull ourselves up. You should grab the horizontal bar from above, your hands at this moment are behind the shoulder line. Sagging on the crossbar. Then you need to pull yourself up, touching the upper chest area to the bar itself. At the top point of the amplitude, pause (for 1 second), and then smoothly return to the starting position. We do it ten to fifteen times.
  • Leg holds with reverse crunches. Lie on the floor with your palms under your buttocks. After which we gradually move our legs away from the floor, pulling them towards our shoulders. In this case, your pelvis rises slightly, but on the contrary, your lower back remains pressed to the floor. Afterwards, return to the starting position. Repeat 25-30 times.
  • Lunges to the side. First you need to place your feet parallel to each other. The distance between them is forty to fifty centimeters. Take a dumbbell in each hand. It is important that in this case the spine is fully straightened. The dumbbells are held below in straight hands. Take a step forward with one foot, while keeping your lower back straight. Gently bend the same leg at the knee and pelvis until a right angle is formed between the thigh and shin. The second foot remains inviolably in place, and the knee of the second leg hangs over the floor, but does not touch it. After a short pause, we return to the original position. And we carry out the same procedure on the other leg. Perform 8-12 times in four to five approaches.

Why fitness first?

If the thought that it’s time to take care of himself comes to a man when he is already carrying a couple of dozen extra pounds, then “iron” training will not bring him any benefit, and may even harm him. Fat is burned only when performing aerobic exercises, which force the body to actively move and the lungs to breathe deeply. And until the weight returns to relative normal, exercise with heavy weights is strictly prohibited.
By the way, the term “fitness” means keeping the body in good physical shape. Without any emphasis on gender. It has many different directions that are perfect not only for women, but also for men. The main thing is to show interest, collect information and choose the type of training that will bring not only benefits, but also pleasure.

Active aerobic training helps to remove excess weight and prepare the body for more serious stress, they:

  • strengthen muscles;
  • develop the musculoskeletal system;
  • work all muscle groups;
  • supply cells and tissues with oxygen;
  • promote the removal of waste and toxins;
  • relieve swelling and excess fluid;
  • increase physical strength and endurance.

After just a month of regularly attending classes, you can visually notice significant changes in the outline of your figure and a noticeable improvement in your overall well-being.

Yoga for men

An alternative option for fitness and relaxation at the same time is yoga. Hatha yoga, which is presented as an integral training, is well suited for men. It includes a set of special exercises that help establish harmony between your body and mind.

Each exercise is performed together with the use of special breathing techniques, which allow a man not only to improve his health, but also to gain a boost of energy and vigor.

Before starting the main exercises, a man must carefully warm up - this way he will not harm the body. In this case, you should perform a list of dynamic asanas. In general, yoga for men contains a number of stretching and strength training tasks. It must be taken into account that even well-trained men initially cannot perform power poses for a long time. But after a few days of training, this problem solves itself.

When performing exercises, your body receives the maximum amount of oxygen because active breathing occurs. All this has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body. At the same time, the joints are warmed up and the muscles become elastic. And male athletes who have ever taken up yoga achieve much better results in the gym.

Yoga classes help relieve stress and calm the nervous system. In addition, yoga techniques are a good way to develop fortitude and endurance, concentration and calm, which are so often lacking in our daily lives.

Effective men's fitness programs

Aerobics for men

Aerobics is an excellent dynamic exercise that will help you lose weight. Aerobic exercise saturates the body with oxygen and burns fat. Strong representatives of the stronger sex around the world do not hesitate to engage in activities with the opposite. Only the weights are heavier and for some exercises a more difficult option is chosen. Today, fitness centers offer excellent men's aerobics programs that combine strength exercises and martial arts, boxing. They help not only build a beautiful body, but also relieve tension and aggression.

Get rid of stress and box with a trainer by watching a video lesson.

A good option for men is step aerobics.

For men who want and are not embarrassed to dance, Zumba is becoming more and more popular.

If your weight does not allow you to move so actively, then you should start with more gentle types that do not involve jumping and running. This is water aerobics.

Pilates will help you lose weight without harm to your health. You will learn to breathe correctly and increase your flexibility. Work out with a trainer.

The good thing about aerobics is that you can’t get bored with it. You can move in different ways. Fitness centers today offer a variety of programs and complexes. Video lessons have become a good alternative for those who prefer to study at home.

Strength fitness

It's not news that men value strength more. Therefore, they fill the muscles with it in every possible way. If aerobics helps you lose weight, then strength fitness helps you get a beautiful figure. Before moving on to the video with an effective set of exercises, familiarize yourself with the rules of strength training:


This is the start of any workout. Running, jumping rope, exercises with light weights - you can choose any form of warm-up.

Large muscles

You need to work large muscles. The more muscle mass is used, the more the body produces the male hormone testosterone. It regulates the synthesis of protein - the building material of muscles.


One hour of strength training is enough. Prolonged exercise is useless because glycogen is depleted and muscles become overworked.


Muscles grow from weights. The optimal weight is selected: 60-80% of the maximum for 1 repetition.


Trainers recommend performing 8-12 times in 1 approach.


For a beginner, 1-2 approaches of one exercise per muscle will be enough. In the future you can increase to 3-4.


In 1 hour of training you should fit 8-12 strength exercises.


The muscle should relax and rest; this is when its maximum growth is observed. You don't need to train every day. Classes will become systematic if you work on yourself 3 times a week.

Sequence of exercises

In the first part of the training you need to use large muscles, and in the second - small ones.


We perform the exercise slowly, because statics are more effective than dynamics.

Alternating rest

How often you rest depends on your goal. If you increase the dynamics, you will burn fat faster. If you increase the breaks (from 2 to 5 minutes), then muscles and strength will grow.

Execution technique

The muscles should be tense during execution. Do everything without jerking. There should be a pause at the maximum of muscle resistance. Breathe evenly. Keep an eye on quality.

Now it's time to start the strength complex.

Mass training in the gym

The main difference between exercises for muscle growth lies in the principle that is familiar to everyone. More progressively heavier weights and fewer sets. Another difference from simple strength training is that one or two muscle groups are split in one workout. If your back works today, then the day after tomorrow your legs and abs work, etc.

Gym or yoga class?

Working out in the gym gives you physical development: your muscles grow, your strength increases, but at the same time inside you remain the same as before. That is, apart from the relief of your body, you will not change anything else about yourself. Yoga will help you improve not only your physical strength, but also transform your mental body. Many men are afraid that after this they will become soft and weak-willed. This is not true at all. Quite the contrary. The body will learn to cope with problems, be distracted and relax.

If you have already tried any of the proposed recommendations, you can share your impressions in our reviews or suggest your own fitness options for men.

This is not a woman's business

It is generally accepted that fitness is an activity only for women. Another opinion says that men's fitness is all about the clanging of iron in the gym. Meanwhile, fitness, as its definition says, is a system of physical exercises, the goal of which is to achieve good athletic shape and improve the figure of both sexes.

Well, there are no less types of it for men than for women. The main thing is that you have motivation - what do you want? A beautiful, trained body or shortness of breath even from normal, not very fast walking and a “beer” belly?

Before moving directly to the review, it is worth clarifying that age in this case is a very conditional concept, but still important. The main thing, of course, is what your physical shape is, but still, when you select physical activity, it is worth taking into account how old you are and what your health is.

It would also be good to visit a doctor for consultation - this advice especially applies to older people, as well as those who suffer from chronic diseases.

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