“Fitness” cereal: composition, calorie content. Fitness cereal: reviews from nutritionists

A good figure is the key to success. This is exactly what almost all women and the lion's share of men think. A fit, handsome person is successful in his career and personal life. He is mobile and easy to climb. But keeping yourself in shape is not such an easy task, and if you have to lose significant weight, then even more work remains. After all, you need to limit yourself in food, exercise, and at the same time observe moderation in everything. Many girls are starting to use Fitness cereal, reviews of which are encouraging.

Brand success

I must say that it has a good reputation due to the abundance of goods for children and adults. The company's specialists set a goal to offer those who keep fit a tasty and healthy breakfast. People of all ages love to start the day with a bowl of cereal. They can be filled with milk, kefir or yogurt. This dish will fill you up until lunchtime. If you include it in your daily diet, you can successfully alternate between muesli, cereal and breakfast cereals. Agree, the process of losing weight will be more enjoyable if you allow yourself a little sweets every day. But you shouldn’t rely entirely on the miraculous power of the product and replace all meals with it.

Healthy breakfast

Healthy eating is fashionable and healthy today, especially if it does not require lengthy cooking while standing near the stove. Whole grain wheat cereal is delicious and healthy. Many have tried this product for a long time and enjoy using it.

Qualified nutritionists say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it’s not for nothing that the proverb says “eat breakfast yourself...”. This means you need to make it tasty and healthy.

For a beautiful figure

Perhaps, for advertising purposes, a diet based on “Fitness” cereals appeared. She receives polar opposite reviews, but one point cannot be disputed - strictly following the diet menu allows you to get rid of three kilograms in two weeks. You can lose 5 kg from a lot of weight, and since water drains well, you will end up losing a few centimeters from your waist and hips. This diet is not strict, which certainly attracts supporters of a slim figure. But it should be noted that the manufacturers of the product offer their diet to people without serious weight problems, since significant weight cannot be lost within the recommended time period. But during this time you can acquire a useful habit - eating Fitness cereal for breakfast for weight loss.

Audience Feedback

Representatives of the fair sex are mainly concerned with the problem of losing weight. Therefore, the company’s focus on girls is correct. The pack contains aromatic additives, which means you won’t eat empty cereal, but can treat yourself to the taste of chocolate or strawberry. Hypothetically, the pack is designed for 2 weeks, with the condition that you follow the diet and allow yourself a portion of cereal in the morning and instead of one main meal. But Nestlé Fitness cereals often cause dissatisfied murmurs among consumers. Reviews of this nature are due to the relatively high price. Even by the standards of Western countries, a price of 150-200 rubles seems absurd. On nearby shelves you can find all sorts of corn and whole grain cereals in less attractive packaging, but at more attractive prices. Is it worth paying more?

Product benefits

If in a store in front of a stand with breakfast cereals we hesitate, not knowing what to choose: regular oatmeal or Fitness cereal, reviews from loved ones will be useful help. Let's try to put the picture together.

So, classic oatmeal has already become a stereotype, and even children who have never tried it don’t like it in advance. The unappetizing appearance of oatmeal, its practically absent smell, and grayish color are confusing. Yes, we all know that this is a very healthy and satisfying porridge that will warm you up, get your body working and prevent you from feeling hungry until lunchtime, but how can you eat it with pleasure? Do you want to have breakfast that is not only healthy, but also tasty? Choose Nestlé cereals. Fitness"! Feedback from children primarily concerns the bright, positive packaging. Girls note the delicate taste and speed of preparation. In the modern rhythm of life, there is less and less time for food, which leads to quick snacks and the popularization of hamburgers, which suppress hunger for an hour, but at the same time provoke obesity and blockage of blood vessels. It’s much easier and more enjoyable to pour milk over cereal at work and get a complete lunch. In time you will spend a few seconds, while classic oatmeal will have to be cooked for about 20 minutes, flavored with butter and sugar to get a pleasant taste.

What about the benefits?

If you are considering the idea of ​​including Fitness cereal in your diet, reviews, calorie content and contraindications for use will be of primary interest to you. We all know that fast food products are essentially processed foods, which means they are high on the glycemic index and low in satiety. So, maybe we will make a mistake by hoping to lose weight with the help of such a product? Well, for dedicated adherents of proper nutrition, Fitness cereal is clearly not suitable. Reviews from nutritionists confirm that there is sugar present here, which gives breakfast a pleasant taste. However, to be fair, we note that there is less sugar here than in the usual flakes and stars, so beloved by children. So there is less risk of dental disease in such a product, which should please both adults and children. Next, let's say that the glycemic index of cereal is around 70, which is higher than that of regular cereals.

Price and composition of fitness cereals 14 days

There is one small stumbling block with 14 Day Fitness cereal. Their composition suits many people, but not everyone is satisfied with the price. One pack of such cereals costs about 3.2 dollars, and it weighs 230 g. This is a fairly high price even for Western countries, let alone a Russian buyer. Whole grain breakfast cereals or corn flakes are much cheaper. And classic oat flakes are quite inexpensive, about $1 per 2 kg. What is the benefit of 14 days fitness cereal?

Their main advantage over oatmeal, which we have been accustomed to since childhood, is its pleasant taste and quick preparation. It only takes a few seconds to pour milk over one serving of cereal. And to cook the right oatmeal you will need 15-20 minutes. but here you can argue that fast food products are essentially semi-finished products and poorly saturate the body. How do flakes work in this case?

If you adhere to strict rules of proper nutrition and do not allow yourself to eat foods containing sugar, then these cereals are not for you. It is the sugar in Nestlé cereal that gives it its pleasant taste. On the other hand, the cereal is much lower in sugar than the star or classic cereal that commercials sell us for breakfast. The saturation level of such flakes is 70%, which is significantly higher than in other cereals. The main grain in the cereal is wheat. The big plus about them is that they do not contain corn syrup or corn. They are digested much faster than classic breakfasts.

What are Fitness cereals made from?

Feedback from nutritionists, these impartial people who understand better than us how to eat, remains positive. After all, the basis of the product is wheat. There is no corn or corn syrup in the composition, which allows it to be absorbed slower than classic breakfasts. That is, you won’t feel your stomach growling an hour after breakfast, and by lunchtime you won’t turn into a hungry monster pouncing on food. It is not recommended to eat cereal dry, as in this case the feeling of fullness comes late, and you will have time to exceed your norm and negate the results of the diet.

Oatmeal Fitness

Oatmeal is a storehouse of positive energy and vigor, especially necessary for women involved in active sports. Breakfast with oatmeal will remove the feeling of hunger for a long time and will subsequently have a wonderful effect on your shape.

You will also receive a number of other advantages: the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, hormone levels are stabilized, cholesterol in the blood is reduced, harmful substances are removed, muscles and bones are strengthened, and the functioning of the heart and blood vessels is normalized.

Let's try the product in action

In principle, you can try the cereal diet even as an experiment. It will not cause harm, but will help cleanse the body due to the presence of fiber. At the same time, you do not have to experience strict dietary restrictions; it is enough to eat Fitness cereal for 14 days. Reviews, of course, will vary, since there are people with the right approach to food or a tendency to overeat. But this product is labeled “approved by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences,” which means that the prescribed diet is recommended for people who are actually overweight and have a BMI of more than 30. That is, you will not have significant results with a normal weight.

Cooking method

Nestlé has made sure that people lose weight without spending a lot of time on it, which is also suitable for very busy people. It will not take you more than 10 minutes to prepare, since they do not require cooking, like oatmeal porridge.

To prepare them, just warm the milk a little (do not boil!), pour in the flakes and you can eat. You can also make low-calorie cookies from Fitness cereal.

Menu of the most gentle diet

Do you want to eat tasty and satisfying? Welcome to the cereal diet!

  • For breakfast, set aside 8-9 tablespoons of cereal and pour milk over it. The lower the fat content of the milk, the better. And as a highlight, allow yourself a couple of fruits. You are allowed to drink plenty of tea and coffee.
  • And after an hour, you can have a second breakfast, during which you eat several fruits and a low-fat dairy product.
  • Lunch, as expected, should be impressive, so a portion of meat or fish, soup or broth is allowed. It is best to avoid baked goods and pasta.
  • Now is the time to have an afternoon snack - do not change your healthy diet and have a dairy product with fruit.
  • But for dinner you should avoid fruits, as they contain a lot of sugar. It's better to drink a glass of kefir.

What do doctors say about the menu?

At first glance, it seems that the diet is hungry, because during the day you are allowed to eat limited portions of meat, bread and vegetables. In addition, confectionery products are completely excluded, which is certainly good for health, but uncomfortable for those with a real sweet tooth. Reviews from nutritionists about Fitness cereal are very restrained. But it is worth noting that they recommend swapping dinner and lunch, which is advisable from the point of view of hormonal balance. It has been scientifically proven that consuming carbohydrates at dinner interferes with the production of growth hormones and slows down the process of weight loss. Excessive fruit consumption remains questionable: after all, the Fitness cereal itself is very sweet. Reviews from “experienced” dieters are full of sad facts that excess glucose in the body delays the desired result. According to doctors, it is better to replace the fruit from the afternoon snack with a vegetable salad with a drop of oil. By the way, without the proper amount of fat it is impossible to stick to this diet for a long time. Therefore, you should season your salads with oil, sometimes allow yourself red fish and full-fat milk in the morning.

Ideal Diet Audience

Mostly on numerous forums about Fitness cereals, reviews are left by young and active girls. The authors of the diet took this into account and made sure that you did not overeat fat. And besides, while on this diet, you don’t need to overwork yourself with cooking, and what could be better for a working resident of a metropolis?! After all, preparing cereal is much faster than cooking the simplest buckwheat porridge. So the cereal diet is also suitable for young mothers who simply cannot find time for themselves. Thus, the Nestlé brand solves the main problem of all diets and allows you not to cook for yourself separately. Don't be surprised if your family becomes interested in your menu and wants to join you in eating delicious cereal. On forums with a topic about fitness cereals, reviews often touch on the topic of calorie content. So, every 100 grams of product can be equated to 384 calories consumed. But keep in mind that the flakes are very light and you will get a lot of them per 100 grams. And, by the way, the norm for a healthy adult is 2500 calories per day. This is exactly how much we need to maintain our strength and lead a healthy lifestyle with irregular sports activities. So for breakfast you can easily afford a large portion of sweet and light cereals.

Cereals fitness 14 days and cereal diet

There is a special fitness cereal diet for 14 days. They are a real dream for those girls who don’t like to cook at home, but want to lose weight quickly. The marking that the flakes are approved by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the high-profile results mean that those whose body index is no more than 30 and who are significantly overweight can go on a diet and lose weight with the flakes.

Two week cereal diet

For breakfast: only 9 tbsp. cereal, a couple of fruits, skim milk. You can drink tea or coffee.

Second breakfast: yogurt or low-fat kefir, a couple of fruits, homemade cheese, tea or coffee.

For lunch: vegetable salad, a portion of fish or meat, soup without adding pasta, vegetable broth, coffee or tea.

For an afternoon snack: cottage cheese, yogurt, 2 fruits, kefir 2.5% fat, a slice of grain bread, coffee or tea.

For dinner : the same as for breakfast, but you cannot eat fruit. Just before bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.

What's so special about this 14 day cereal diet? Of course, from the point of view of hormonal balance, it would be possible to swap lunch and dinner. It has been proven that using carbohydrates you can block the production of hormones that affect human growth, which significantly affects the process of losing weight. The abundance of fruit that needs to be eaten during this diet is considered a little strange, especially since such cereals contain sugar.

To try to lose weight much faster, try replacing fruits that are intended for an afternoon snack with a salad of fresh vegetables with a little olive oil. Those who developed the cereal diet made sure in advance that the woman did not eat too much fat and did not overwork her body with different cooking. Therefore, this diet is perfect for business women, busy city dwellers, and young mothers. You can really lose weight with fitness cereals for 14 days, but another question arises about whether you need to eat breakfast cereals twice a day, because it is much easier to cook yourself porridge from buckwheat, for example.

Dry breakfast cereals fitness 14 days are created for those who want to follow a dietary diet. If we take the glycemic index, it will be about 384 calories for every 100 g of product. During the entire diet period, you can drink unlimited quantities of unsweetened tea.

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