Dr. Mitchell's diet: lose 8 kg in 2 weeks without fasting

The essence of the diet

The Mitchell diet is a regular diet with low energy value (2100-2300 calories). Thanks to the small amount of calories consumed, excess weight is lost.

The main dish of the menu is fat-burning soup, which perfectly cleanses the body with useful substances and at the same time allows you to get rid of fat deposits.

The diet has an unbalanced chemical composition, so this diet can be followed for no more than a week.

Dr. Mitchell's soup: properties, recipe and cooking technology

The first dish of vegetables in lean beef broth is the basis of the diet and its main product. The proportions and composition of the components, thought out by the author of this weight loss program, ensure a balance of nutrients and its low calorie content.

The energy value of the diet for each individual day of the weekly course is 600 kcal, with a small error of plus or minus.

Mitchell's soup for weight loss is sometimes called “Bonn” in a professional environment, since the recipe is traditionally used in the “Bonn diet”. The British nutritionist took it as a basis and worked on the remaining components of the diet, thanks to which the weight loss rate for a course of 7 days approaches 6 kilograms.

Nutritionist Mitchell's Soup Ingredients Table

  • Beef broth
2 liters
  • Onion
250 grams
  • Celery stalk
3 pieces (100 grams)
  • Tomato
1 medium (100 grams)
  • Bulgarian pepper
70 grams
  • White cabbage
70 grams
  • Cauliflower
70 grams
  • Carrot
70 grams
  • Garlic
3 cloves
  • Greens (onion, dill, etc.)
20 grams
  • Black peppercorns
1 PC.
  • Hot red pepper
1 gram


All chopped vegetables, except garlic, herbs and spices, are placed in a saucepan and filled with broth. Before boiling, the soup is cooked over medium heat, then you need to select the minimum burner setting. After 15 minutes, you can add the remaining ingredients - crushed garlic, optionally - bay leaf and chopped herbs. Bonn soup will cook for another 10-15 minutes. At the end, hot spices are added. It is consumed in portions, the standard diet norm is 200 grams per meal.

Main dish recipe

Every day during the entire weight loss week, Mitchell's soup must be included in the menu. The doctor combined the healthiest vegetables in one dish, which activate metabolism and help the stomach cope with other foods.

The recipe for the famous soup is as follows:


  • 400 grams of lean beef;
  • 400 grams of pureed tomatoes or ½ liter of tomato juice;
  • 250 grams of green beans;
  • 250 grams of carrots;
  • 100 grams of celery root;
  • 3 large onions;
  • ½ medium head of cabbage;
  • 1 sweet pepper.


First of all, take the beef and cook the broth from it. Pull out the finished meat and give it to someone in your household.

Cut the pepper, celery, and onion into small cubes, the carrots into thin strips, and chop the cabbage. Place all the vegetables in a saucepan and pour in the prepared broth. Bring the dish to a boil, simmer for 5-7 minutes and add green beans, pureed tomatoes or their juice (optional) to the vegetables. After half an hour of cooking, the soup can be removed from the heat.

It is better not to use salt and spices in cooking. They are allowed in moderation, but the soup recipe is so colorful with its ingredients that the dish turns out to be quite spicy.

Fat Burning Celery Soup Recipe


  • 1 celery root;
  • 1/2 kg carrots;
  • 1/2 kg green beans;
  • 6 large onions;
  • 2 green sweet peppers;
  • 1 medium cabbage fork;
  • 1.3 liters of tomato juice;
  • 800 g of fresh or canned tomatoes, pureed or in their own juice;
  • 800 g low-fat beef broth.

Preparation: cut the vegetables and add broth, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes over high heat, and then over low heat until tender. The general cooking process is 25-30 minutes. As you can see, the recipe for this onion soup is very simple.

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The diet should be frequent and fractional: the intervals between meals should fit within a time interval of 2.5-3 hours, so you get 5-6 meals per day.

Prohibited Products

Dr. Mitchell's diet requires you to avoid the following list of foods:

  • Bread, flour products and sweets;
  • Fatty and fried foods;
  • Carbonated drinks and alcohol.

Menu for the week

Monday: 5 doses of soup, 200-250 milliliters each, 1 kg of any fruit, except those with too high a glycemic index. Drinks include unsweetened green tea, cranberry juice, still water.

Tuesday: 5 servings of soup, 200-250 milliliters each, any vegetables (corn and legumes are prohibited) raw, boiled or baked. Advantage should be given to salad and spinach during the day and baked potatoes for dinner.

Wednesday: 5 doses of soup, 200-250 milliliters each, fruits and vegetables without restrictions, except those prohibited above.

Thursday: 5 doses of soup, 200-250 milliliters each, 2-3 bananas and a glass of low-fat milk. If milk is poorly tolerated, it can be replaced with the same amount of kefir or 250 grams of cottage cheese.

Friday: 5 servings of soup, 200-250 milliliters each, boiled beef from soup with tomatoes. This day is especially biased towards water - you need to drink at least 3 liters.

Saturday: 5 doses of soup, 200-250 milliliters each. Beef from soup, grilled chicken or boiled fish to choose from. Vegetable salads and lots of green tea.

Sunday: 5 servings of 2200-250 milliliters of soup, brown rice, fresh vegetables and fruit juices.

Soup can be consumed without restrictions.

Development of a British nutritionist - features and effectiveness of the diet

If the Mitchell diet is maintained without errors for a week, you can count on at least 5-6 kg of weight loss.

This is evidenced by the reviews of those who have already experienced its effect on themselves. But the most impressive effect is the continuation of the weight loss process during the post-diet period. Let's figure out what and how to do this.

The history of the appearance and principle of operation of the “Bonn” diet

They say that the first patient who tried the Mitchell diet on himself was his own daughter. A teenage girl at that time was going through a personal drama due to excess weight, and the father came up with a way to show his own child the path to proper nutrition and at the same time help the girl get rid of unnecessary folds at her waist.

History is silent about whether the nutritionist’s daughter coped with the task of losing weight, but Dr. Mitchell’s diet still collects the most positive reviews.

And all because it completely eliminates fasting as such and allows the body to gently adapt to a low-calorie diet with a predominant amount of vegetables, meat and fruits.

Allowed and prohibited foods in the diet

So, what does Dr. Mitchell’s diet suggest to eat during the week – is the weekly menu available to everyone or only to a select few?

Here is a list of products needed to create a weekly menu:

  • onion;
  • bell pepper;
  • fresh or canned tomatoes;
  • celery stalks and roots;
  • white cabbage or any other type of cabbage - Chinese cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower, broccoli, etc.;
  • parsley and any other aromatic green plant;
  • other non-starchy vegetables, for example, green peas, asparagus, cucumbers;
  • all types of fruits, except those that are too sweet - grapes, persimmons, melons;
  • dietary meat - rabbit, beef, turkey or chicken fillet;
  • brown (unpolished) rice or its mixture with white;
  • unsweetened and non-alcoholic drinks - all types of tea, coffee, kefir without additives, natural yogurt, still mineral water.

As you can see, the diet created by Dr. Mitchell is quite democratic. Thus, it does not prohibit enjoying sweets in the form of fruits and opens up quite a lot of possibilities for preparing a varied range of dishes.

However, taboo products are also stipulated by its rules:

  • alcoholic drinks – all without exception;
  • bouillon cubes, flavor enhancers, thickeners;
  • milk (it contains one of the types of sugar - lactose);
  • smoked meats, fried foods, fatty meats, fish, bacon;
  • dessert and table pastries, any products with sugar and sweeteners.

If you analyze the food basket, it becomes clear how the Mitchell diet works - recipes that can be prepared on its basis allow a person to be full, but at the same time eliminate overeating.

In addition, the diet includes foods with a strong diuretic effect, and the person gradually gets rid of stagnant fluid.

So, despite the fact that a person losing weight is allowed to sit down at the table as often as he wants, he noticeably loses in volume within a week.

I repeat

The diet is designed for a week. If for some reason the regime is broken, start over. Important detail! Stop the diet the day before drinking alcohol. And start all over again.

Advantages and disadvantages

Reviews from people who have tested Mitchell's weight loss program are usually positive. Without exception, experimenters note a significant decrease in body fat and emphasize the benefits of the diet:

  • The soup recipe is very easy to prepare and there are no restrictions on the size of servings consumed;
  • Excess fluid is removed from the body, swelling disappears;
  • The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is stabilized, the body is cleansed of accumulated toxins.

There are also reviews with negative publicity, since the Mitchell method, like any other diet, has its drawbacks:

  • Fat-burning celery soup dehydrates the body;
  • It will not be possible to fully engage in active sports - the diet is too strict and low-calorie;
  • Frequent meals are not very convenient for busy people - you will have to carry “brakes” with soup.

Advantages and disadvantages

Following a diet promotes rapid and, most importantly, healthy weight loss. This method of nutrition has undeniable advantages:

  • toxins and waste are removed from the body,
  • metabolism accelerates,
  • the functioning of the digestive system is normalized,
  • the body is saturated with energy, vitality increases,
  • excess weight disappears especially quickly from the sides and abdomen, which are the most problematic areas,
  • the list of permitted products is wide,
  • lack of hunger,
  • quick saturation with dietary soup with a minimum amount of calories in it,
  • availability of all ingredients,
  • removal of excess water from the body due to the diuretic effect of soup,
  • the ability to repeat the weekly diet every 3 months if necessary,
  • Bonn soup, used as the basis for the diet, is tasty both cold and hot, so it is easy to adhere to this diet in both cold and warm seasons,
  • The diet has no restrictions on taking medications necessary for a person for medical reasons.

Despite such an extensive list of advantages, this diet is not without its disadvantages. The main disadvantages of this diet include the following:

  • products included in the soup cause flatulence,
  • a large amount of vegetables can cause constipation,
  • increase in stomach acidity,
  • the intense diuretic effect can cause dehydration.

Another disadvantage of the Mitchell diet is the inconvenience for working people who will have to carry a thermos of soup with them.

Despite the fact that the diet can be extended for another 5-7 days if necessary, this is not recommended. Rapid weight loss is achieved due to the fact that a large amount of fluid leaves the body, and this provokes dehydration. This side effect may cause problems with hair and nails. Hair becomes dull, loses shine, and begins to fall out. Nail plates also break. To prevent this process, it is important to follow the diet rule regarding drinking at least 1.5-2 liters of plain water per day.

Who is the diet not suitable for?

There are few strict contraindications to the diet, but they do exist - pregnancy, lactation, childhood and any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The diet can only be used if you really are overweight. Those whose weight does not exceed 60 kilograms are prohibited from using the English doctor’s technique. Due to its low calorie content, this weight loss process is contraindicated for people with a high degree of activity and those who regularly exercise. Also, if you don't like vegetable soups, don't try the Mitchell Diet. A person simply cannot stand on a strict diet, where for a whole week he will have to eat the author’s soup 5 times a day.

If during the weight loss process symptoms of gastrointestinal upset, nausea or dizziness appear, you should immediately stop following the diet.

Mitchell Diet

Dr. Mitchell's popular diet is a technique for losing weight in a week using a fat-burning soup recipe. The composition includes vegetables, chicken breast or lean beef, tomatoes, peppers, herbs and seasonings. The diet lasts 7 days, during which time, thanks to lost kcal, they lose an average of 5 kg. In addition to soup, the menu includes vegetables, fruits, lean meat, low-fat milk and cottage cheese, unsweetened coffee or tea. Thanks to a balanced diet, there is no loss of strength or lack of energy during the diet, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews.


To follow the diet of the famous Dr. Mitchell to be productive, it is important to adhere to the rules of nutrition. They are simple, and if you do everything according to the plan, the excess weight will not just go away, but will run away. Recommendations:

  1. There are a lot of fat-burning soups. It is easy to cook and the ingredients are readily available. Take a moment to love Mitchell's soup recipe.
  2. Exclude alcohol, flour, sweets, carbonated drinks, alcohol and fried foods from the menu.
  3. Use a minimal amount of salt.
  4. Drink plenty of water, sugar-free fruit juices, and skim milk.
  5. The diet can last no more than 2 weeks.

Advantages and disadvantages

Considering all the advantages of the diet, it is important to understand whether such nutrition will harm your body. To do this, you should carefully consider its pros and cons. Benefits of the diet:

  1. excellent fat-burning effect due to reduced calorie consumption and thanks to the soup;
  2. cleansing the gastrointestinal tract of toxins;
  3. eating tomatoes will help remove excess oxidation products from the body.

It is worth keeping in mind what disadvantages such a diet contains:

  • if you lead an active lifestyle, you will have to constantly carry soup with you;
  • with some medical diseases (kidneys, liver, diabetes) complications and acute conditions may occur;
  • There may be discomfort in the intestines due to frequent consumption of this soup.


For the diet to be effective, it is important to adhere to a specific diet every day. We present to your attention the Mitchell diet by day:

  1. We eat a lot of our favorite soup plus fruit (about 1 kg). Drinks include unsweetened tea (preferably green), cranberry juice and plenty of water.
  2. Vegetable day: you need to eat as many vegetables as possible (except legumes). Pay special attention to vitamin-rich crispy green leaves: salads, spinach, white cabbage. Eat soup often. For dinner there are baked potatoes, 1-2 pieces.
  3. Eat soup, fruits and vegetables, excluding potatoes.
  4. Banana milk day. You need to eat up to 3 bananas and drink skim milk. Soup and water remain.
  5. "Red Day". We eat 5-6 tomatoes (fresh, canned) and lean beef. Increase the amount of liquid. Soup remains a faithful assistant.
  6. Beef, vegetables, soup. Don't eat potatoes.
  7. One of the most favorite days according to reviews of those losing weight. Finally, you can eat to your heart's content. Cook brown rice, there is no limit on vegetables. Drink water, fruit juices. Enjoy the soup! On any day, beef can be replaced with chicken breast or lean fish.

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Mitchell's soup

You probably can't wait to find out the treasured recipe. Its composition is a bit like Bonn soup. So, prepare the ingredients:

  • petiole or root celery - 4-5 stalks;
  • carrots - several pieces;
  • green beans – 500 g;
  • onions – 4-5 heads;
  • hot cayenne pepper;
  • cabbage – 1 head;
  • tomato juice - about 1 liter;
  • grated tomatoes – 5-6 pieces;
  • broccoli - to taste;
  • bell pepper – 1-2 pieces;
  • low-fat beef broth.


  1. It only takes a few minutes to prepare the soup: while the broth is cooking, finely chop the vegetables, grate celery and carrots.
  2. Add salt at your discretion (it is important not to overdo it), herbs, and black pepper.
  3. Cabbage, beans and tomato juice are added at the end of cooking.

Quitting the diet

Mitchell's system cannot fail to give good results - after going on a diet for a week, you will definitely lose from 4 to 7 kilograms of excess weight , but whether the excess weight returns or not depends only on you.

In order for the results to last for a long time, you need to get out of the diet wisely. It is recommended to completely avoid high-calorie foods such as bakery and confectionery products, excessively fatty and fried foods. You can find an alternative to them in dried fruits, honey and the same dishes, only prepared in more dietary ways (boiling, baking, stewing).


Features of Dr. Mitchell's diet

To enhance the weight loss effect, the author of the diet recommends adding sauna and massage treatments, but it is better to forget about active physical activity, since the weight loss program from the British nutritionist contains few calories.

If you want to lose weight quickly using the Mitchell diet, set aside just a week for this. If you notice a positive result from your diet, you can continue to follow Mitchell’s recommendations, but the total number of days allocated to the diet should not exceed 12. Completely stop using:

  • Sweets.
  • Flour products.
  • Carbonated sweet drinks.
  • Fried and smoked food.

Plan your day so that you eat at least 5 times a day, and the closer to evening, the smaller the portions should be. As with other diets, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water.

The basis of the British doctor's diet is fat-burning soup, rich in fiber and amino acids, which allows you to lose weight and saturate the body with useful substances. This dish can be eaten in any quantity. The diet also includes fruits, vegetables and meat.

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