Dr. Moreno's 17-day diet: a proven option!

Published: 08/17/2016

If you are determined and want to regain your previous slim figure, then the 17-day diet is what you need! This diet can be used both for quick weight loss (for example, for an upcoming holiday) and as a long-term plan to stay in shape.

The 17-day diet was developed by Dr. Mike Moreno. Its name is a little misleading; This is not one diet that lasts 17 days, but several consecutive 17-day stages. But, which is typical, you can stop at any time if you think that the result obtained is quite enough. However, even despite the name, the Moreno diet has gained enormous popularity since its creation (this happened back in 2010, when the doctor’s book was presented to the general public).

Mike Moreno, bestselling author of “The 17 Day Diet”

What do we love about Dr. Moreno's diet?

First of all, it is a low-carb approach to weight loss that the technique is based on. Most people who stay thin without dieting eat low-carb foods without even thinking about it. Fast carbohydrates found in bread and pasta are essentially empty calories, they do absolutely nothing, but they make you gain weight. In a word, regardless of whether you are on Dr. Moreno’s diet or not, without fast carbohydrates your figure will be better in any case.

Moreno Diet

We also like that the Moreno Diet focuses more on the quality of food than the number of calories consumed . Indeed, if you eat healthy food, then you don't need to count calories. Yes, counting calories is very important, but the type of food you eat is much more important. The body will function better if it is provided with more nutrients. Plus, you'll lose weight faster if you include vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats in your diet. Your body will look better, your waistline will return, your skin will glow and your hair will be silky. What you eat shows up externally.

Note! The 17-day diet is based on fresh and healthy food, different for each stage of the method. Not only will this relieve so-called diet boredom, but it will also create "metabolic confusion" that Moreno says will further enhance results.

Please also note that this sustainable eating plan is intended to be used long-term, meaning it is not a short-term solution to a problem. As you progress through the stages, the severity of the diet decreases. The first stage is the toughest, but over time it will become easier for you (by the end of the course, even alcohol is allowed in moderate quantities). This 17-day diet is designed not only to achieve an ideal weight, but also to maintain it further.

Second stage: activation

This step provides support for rapid metabolism. In addition, the metabolism is accustomed to accelerating the breakdown of complex carbohydrates contained in cereals, whole grain buns and toast, and other vegetables. These products must be consumed within 14 hours.

The duration of this stage is also seventeen days.

To constantly maintain your metabolism at maximum speed and consistently lose weight, you need to eat according to the “zigzag” principle, which means the need to alternate low-calorie days with more satisfying ones.

For example, on day 1 you can stick to the limits of 1200 kcal, on day 2 you can increase the diet to 1500 kcal, etc. The main thing is to exclude adaptation of metabolism and force it to work at the limit of its capabilities.

Daily menu option for stage 2:

  • Half an hour before breakfast, immediately after waking up - 250 ml of water with lemon;
  • Breakfast: 2 whole grain breads (or a small plate of oatmeal cooked in water), 1 large peach, green tea containing honey;
  • Lunch: stewed rabbit meat, steamed wild rice, salad vegetables, lemon juice;
  • Snack – a fermented milk product characterized by low fat content, a portion of berries;
  • Dinner: baked salmon with spices, lemon juice, and vegetables.

Who is it best for?

The technique is ideal for those who want to review their current diet and make the process of losing weight healthy and nutritious. In other words, the best option for people who want to start from scratch. The dishes are tasty and healthy, and weight loss is guaranteed. Once you've completed the Moreno Diet (which is different from other nutrition plans), you'll be given a strategy to maintain your results. Exercise is an integral part, and all recommendations are quite reasonable and acceptable for most people (even for those who currently do not exercise at all). This means that even if you have a lot of extra pounds, you can still follow Dr. Moreno's plan.

The diet is suitable for very heavy people

Disadvantages of the diet, contraindications

The Moreno diet is only suitable for people who have considerable patience and are truly committed to losing weight and changing their own lives. In this case, bringing your figure back to normal on the eve of an important event or a long-awaited sea trip on time often turns out to be impossible, since the technique includes three stages, each of which lasts seventeen days.

Some people who tried to adhere to this diet said that they often failed already at the 1st stage, which is the most difficult, since the body at this time is struggling with a lack of energy, which is necessary to normalize life.

If you fail, you need to start the diet again.

Also, the first two stages are characterized by the presence of a strong feeling of hunger due to low calorie intake, loss of strength, muscle weakness, nausea, insomnia or excessive drowsiness, depression.

Moreno diet: results and scientific point of view

The 17-day diet described in the article follows several scientific principles and really works. There are several reasons for this.

  1. It is low in calories (just like the cabbage soup diet). Due to moderate food consumption, the body is forced to make up for the calorie deficit by burning fat. By carefully controlling your intake of certain food groups (mostly starchy carbohydrates and sugars, as well as fats), Dr. Moreno's diet eliminates excess calories that you don't need anyway.
  2. It involves active protein consumption . Protein has a high thermal effect, which means it stimulates metabolism and burns calories. Plus, protein makes you feel fuller, which minimizes the likelihood that you'll crave bad carbohydrates.
  3. It involves consuming large amounts of fiber . Vegetables that are high in fiber are low in calories but filling, so you can eat a lot and get the most nutrients and few calories. You will not suffer from hunger, and your metabolism will noticeably improve due to fiber.
  4. It involves low sugar consumption . Sugar (including natural sugar) increases the production of insulin, an important hormone that transports nutrients to the liver and muscle tissue, but prevents fat burning. If you keep your insulin levels low, you will lose more extra pounds.
  5. It's cyclical . All cyclical diets include different nutritional approaches, therefore, the diet will be varied and nutritional deficiencies will not occur.

Dr. Moreno's test

Test results

Moreno Diet Requirements

The process of losing and maintaining weight on Dr. Moreno's diet is divided into 4 stages lasting 17 days. But the last fourth stage can be extended for any period. As a rule, this technique is used by people who need to significantly reduce body weight.

If you want to lose weight slightly, then you can only sit at the stage called “activation”.

The effectiveness of the Moreno diet is due to the fact that the daily calorie content fluctuates almost constantly, the body does not have time to adapt to it, and thanks to this, weight effectively and constantly decreases throughout the diet.

Four stages of slimness

Now let's take a closer look at each stage of the technique.

The first stage - “acceleration” - is the toughest and most difficult, but very fruitful. Usually it takes up to 6-8 kilograms of excess weight. The primary task of this stage is to activate metabolism as much as possible.

You can eat lean meat, light dairy products, fruits (except bananas) and vegetables (except potatoes), drink green or herbal tea.

According to the author of the diet, such a spartan diet improves metabolism and guarantees the burning of 5-7 kg.

As Moreno notes, inspired by their achievements, people easily move on to the next stage. At the same time, the joy of being slim drowns out the nostalgia for junk food.

Daily calorie content should not be more than 1200 energy units.

Certain restrictions are also introduced on products.

You can use it at “acceleration”:

  • skinless chicken fillet, lean fish, lean beef;
  • tofu, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat cheese;
  • low-fat kefir or natural yogurt (up to 400 ml daily);
  • chicken egg whites (no restrictions);
  • chicken egg yolks (no more than 2 pieces per day, up to 4 pieces per week);
  • non-starchy vegetables (the emphasis should be on white cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli);
  • unsweetened fruits and berries (up to 300 g and at the beginning of the day);
  • unrefined olive and flaxseed oils (up to 2 tablespoons per day and it is better not to heat treat them).

Start your day with a glass of water with lemon juice. Sugar in any form is prohibited. If it is very difficult to do without sweets, or you feel very weak, allow yourself a little natural honey from time to time.

Be sure to drink plenty of clean water. For hot drinks, it is recommended to give preference to green tea and herbal infusions.

You can also drink coffee. Undoubtedly, regular physical activity in the form of warm-up, brisk walking or jogging is encouraged. And such physical exercise should last 17 minutes. 17 is the main number in the Moreno method.

After completing the first stage, move on to the second, which is called “activation”. There are food “zigzags” here: alternating “hungry” days (1200 calories) with “well-fed” days (1500 calories).

The goal of the cycle is to consolidate the results of the previous one and continue to lose extra pounds.

The permissible amount of fat is no more than one serving per day. This is 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil or mayonnaise, 170 g lean meat, 1 cup tuna salad.

But you can enjoy complex carbohydrates; at this stage you are allowed to consume more of them per serving. The main sources are grains (cereals, durum wheat pasta) and legumes.

Moreover, most of the energy should be consumed in the first half of the day. During “activation”, you need to add cereals, cereal breads, and starchy vegetables to the diet proposed earlier. It is best to consume the cereal component at the beginning of the day.

As the developer of the method notes, this is how a food “zigzag” occurs, due to which metabolic processes in the body are activated again, and weight continues to decrease.

During “activation” it is very important not to reduce the level of physical activity, but, on the contrary, to increase it. During the second stage of the Moreno diet, weight loss is usually about five to six kilograms

Next comes the third stage - “achievement”. On it you have a chance to say goodbye to another three to four extra pounds. Now the share of protein products in the diet should be reduced.

The goal of the third cycle is a complete transition to a healthy diet with a global expansion of the list of acceptable “correct” foods.

At this stage, you need to eat tasty and varied. In general, the nutrition system of the 3rd cycle is similar to the 2nd cycle of the diet. Only protein products are limited. But a glass of wine with a light snack in the form of cheese, fruit, and even (attention!) a piece of chocolate is allowed.

However, the nutritional value of these delicacies should not exceed 100 kcal. In general, the third 17-day stage of the Michael Moreno diet is the final one before the permanent fourth.

Therefore, it is important to stay on track by staying committed to eating healthy foods. Weight loss during this period will be 1-1.5 kg.

Don’t be alarmed by the slowdown in the plumb line; this stage consolidates the results of the previous ones.

In addition to the foods allowed during “acceleration” and “activation,” you can consume the following foods (amounts per day are given):

  1. whole grain bread or durum wheat pasta (up to 200 g);
  2. sweet fruits (up to 200 g at the beginning of the day);
  3. one serving of your favorite sweets (by serving you can mean, for example, a small cookie or chocolate candy);
  4. glass of dry wine.

The bonus of the third stage is that from time to time (preferably no more than two or three times in 17 days) you can treat yourself to some delicacies. For example, you are allowed to eat a couple of pieces of chocolate or some other favorite dish.

And if you miss alcohol, you can even indulge in a glass of dry wine. Choose what you want. But it is recommended that the relaxation energy should not exceed 100 calories at a time.

You should not eat more than two (maximum three) servings of protein products per day, and the weight of one serving should not exceed 150 g. Special recommendations regarding sports are also given.

In order for the weight not to stop falling, you need to exercise at least three hours a week, and there should not be more than two days in a row of bodily calm.

The final fourth stage of the Moreno Diet is “maintenance.” To support the results of your diet efforts, build your diet from the foods recommended in step three.

Those who definitely follow the rules of the three previous cycles, have lost extra pounds and intend to maintain their new weight in a stable state always come to him.

To do this, Dr. Moreno offers a simple, feasible and “tasty” algorithm of action: during the work week, eat light and dietary foods, and on the weekend, have a modest “belly celebration.” However, anything too sweet or salty should not be “allowed” on the table, both on weekdays and on weekends.

The author of the diet included white meat, fish, squid, shrimp, eggs, herbs, berries, fruits, and vegetables in the list of favorite foods from Monday to Friday. Well, you can create a menu for the weekend to suit your taste.

But once or twice a week you are allowed to indulge in “junk” food, the calorie content of which is no more than 400 units, and a glass of dry wine.

If you are not satisfied with the results of the diet, you can go through “activation” and “achievement” again.

You can adhere to the principles of “maintenance” for as long as you like (if you feel comfortable, even throughout your life). At a minimum, you should stay on this diet stage for 17 days. Weight loss here has a rate of 1-1.5 kg per week.

It is important to always remember moderation. Otherwise, no matter how much weight you lose, the lost pounds may come back to you. During the fourth phase, you can replace fruits with fruit juices.

It is best to drink, of course, freshly squeezed drinks. And instead of vegetables, you can eat low-fat soups based on them. On “maintenance” a couple more kilograms may leave you (provided that there is still something left to lose).

During this stage, it is also forbidden to consume sugar in its pure form. It is not recommended to reduce the level of sports activity lower than it was at the third stage.

It is worth limiting the use of salt throughout the diet, but in no case should you give it up completely. It is allowed to supply the products with a small amount of spices, herbs, add garlic, and a little mustard.

You can indulge in sweet fruits and juices based on them in the first half of the day. It is advisable to eat fermented milk products every day. In general, these recommendations should be followed in post-diet life.

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Main program cycles

This technique consists of 4 phases, each of which lasts 17 days. Let's get to know them.

Table. Phases of Dr. Moreno's Diet

PhaseShort description
Cycle 1. AccelerationThe initial stage of the program, a kind of jump-start, designed to facilitate rapid weight loss, cleansing and fat burning. The carbohydrate content at this stage is low, and the protein content, on the contrary, is high. We can say this is the most complex cycle of the program.
Cycle 2. ActivationHere the metabolism is “rebooted” to optimize the burning of fat cells. The amount of carbohydrates is still limited, but fat consumption increases.
Cycle 3. AchievementThe next phase develops healthy eating habits and gives a new understanding of the rules of carbohydrate consumption. Combines elements of the previous two cycles.
Cycle 4. ArrivalThe maintenance phase, and also a kind of culmination of everything you have experienced since the first day of the diet. The concept of a relaxed weekend is introduced, during which you can only eat what you like.

Additionally, transitional posts between cycles are provided, aimed at improving results . Despite the fact that solid food is not consumed on these fasting days, shakes made from whey protein, fiber, fruits, vegetables, etc. should be drunk morning, noon and evening. Also, such a fast can be used for recovery, in order to return to the true path (for example, after resting on weekends).

Grocery list

Dr. Moreno's diet involves a menu that can be composed of fresh and tasty foods. Each stage corresponds to a specific set of them.

The acceleration stage involves the consumption of lean fish and meat, hard cheeses and unsweetened fruits. Dairy products that are recommended are kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, and unsweetened yogurt. You can eat eggs for 17 days, but preference should be given to whites, and you should eat no more than 4-5 yolks during the entire period. Sugar is completely prohibited; in the morning it is recommended to drink a glass of water with lemon to activate intestinal activity.

During the activation period, it is allowed to include in the diet, in addition to the products of the first stage, crackers, porridge, and you can eat potatoes and eggplants several times. The menu includes durum pasta, mayonnaise (no more than 1 tablespoon per day) and vegetable oil (preferably olive).

At the achievement stage, bananas, grapes, peaches, dark chocolate, and dry wine are allowed. Include muesli and sweet yoghurts in your diet. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of high-calorie food, maintain a nutritional balance.

Cycle 1. Acceleration phase

Lots of protein, but few carbohydrates and fats - all this in order to quickly lose weight at first. You can eat lean proteins (fish, chicken, turkey, non-starchy vegetables) in unlimited quantities to maintain a feeling of fullness and cleanse the digestive system. This 17-day cycle has a curfew: from 14:00 the amount of carbohydrates consumed should be minimal for best results.

Also during this period, low-sugar fruits are allowed, in particular:

  • berries;
  • apples;
  • plums

All these fruits will serve as the main source of carbohydrates. Additionally, to improve digestive health, Dr. Moreno recommends that dieters consume 2 servings of pure probiotics daily.

Note! Probiotics are medications or biologically active food supplements containing living organisms that represent the normal human microflora.

Cycle 1. Acceleration. The most difficult

Stage four: maintenance

The name of this stage indicates that the desired effect has already been achieved and from now on it is necessary to support the mass at the desired level. In rare cases, at this stage, feasts with associated overeating, unhealthy foods in small quantities (a piece of cake, 2 slices of pizza weekly, a few pieces of kebab) are acceptable.

It is necessary that such snacks do not lead to the total daily calorie content exceeding 400 kcal.

The basic diet is based on the principles of the 3rd stage of the diet.

Daily diet option for the fourth stage:

  1. Water with lemon after waking up.
  2. Breakfast: two scrambled eggs with grated cheese, half a grapefruit, vegetables, green tea (flavored tea is also allowed).
  3. Lunch: vegetables, which can be in the form of a salad or vegetable soup. It is also possible to replace them with an option in the form of a small portion of porridge cooked in water. In addition, grilled fish is allowed. These dishes are washed down with green tea. Instead, you can also have fresh fruit juice (or mineral water).
  4. Snack: low-fat fermented milk drink, 2 dried pieces of cookies, several fruits.
  5. Dinner: 2 potatoes, boiled in their jackets, beef stew, green salad with butter.

Cycle 2. Activation phase

It is a kind of alternation of the first cycle with a new nutrition plan. This provides more than just "metabolic confusion" - Moreno believes it's very important for weight loss and provides a kind of mental "break" from the rigors of the first phase.

Activation includes high-fat protein sources - fatty seafood, red meat, and starchy vegetables (potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, lentils, brown rice). As before, you can eat a lot of vegetables, as well as low-calorie condiments (unsweetened ketchup, mustard). The curfew after 14:00 is still in force.

Diet "Moreno" - menu for 17 days: important tips


Cycle 3: Achievement Phase

Aimed at developing a healthy relationship with food. Protein intake is lower, but overall food intake is higher. In addition, you can eat starchy carbohydrates (don't forget about 14:00), as well as olive oil, avocado, nuts and even mayonnaise. But the best part is that you can now enjoy one alcoholic drink per day (150g of wine, 350g of beer or 50g of liquor).

Cycle 3. Achievement. Can I have some alcohol?

Third stage: achievement

This stage implies maximum impact when losing weight, after which it is allowed to consume small amounts of sweets and alcohol (calorie content should not exceed 100 kcal). For example, it is acceptable to eat 2 squares of black chocolate bar, a small candy bar, or drink a glass of wine.

A stable diet contains previously unacceptable types of fruit. But in this case, you will need to reduce the volume of proteins to 150 g. The volume of slow carbohydrates should be left as is typical for the 2nd stage.

At the 3rd stage, the pace of the weight loss process slowly decreases, which is completely normal, since the maximum effect has almost been achieved.

Diet option for stage 3:

  1. Before breakfast – 250 ml water with lemon juice;
  2. Breakfast: boiled egg, one grapefruit, bran or rye bun, green tea;
  3. Lunch: stewed beef and vegetables in the form of salad;
  4. Snack: fruit salad topped with homemade non-sweetened yogurt. It is also possible to have a snack of non-sweet fruits, green tea with lemon, and a whole grain bun;
  5. Dinner: vegetable salad and seafood with lemon, weak green tea.

Be sure to read: Safe weight loss ensures losing 2 kg in a week

Cycle 4. Arrival phase

Maintain results and prevent weight gain. This cycle is similar to the previous one, but differs in that it allows for 3 meals over 2 days a week (often on the weekends), when you can eat whatever you want. This speeds up metabolism and maintains Moreno's "metabolic confusion."

During all cycles , drink at least 2 liters daily to maintain optimal hydration levels and accelerate weight loss . Start each day with 250g - this should stimulate digestive enzymes. When you feel hungry, drink a glass of hot water.

Tips for Vegetarians/Vegetarian Changes

So, we found out that the Moreno diet menu is built primarily around lean protein. The developer of the method himself assures that it is quite applicable to vegetarians - they just need to replace animal food with any suitable protein.

Good sources of non-animal protein include:

  • soy;
  • Hemp Quorn;
  • rice;
  • beans;
  • nuts, etc.

The program can also be adjusted to suit other specific needs, including gluten intolerance, lactose intolerance, etc.

Vegetarian option

Description of diet principles

The Moreno diet is optimal for those who do not strive for a very quick effect, but value stability. After the first seventeen days, significant results in terms of weight loss will be noticeable, and with the help of the fourth stage, which is not limited in time, they will be consolidated.

Nutrition principles for the Moreno diet:

  • Low-calorie diet, including foods and dishes included in a clear permitted list;
  • Three snacks daily, with the third three hours before bedtime;
  • Avoiding snacking at night, holiday feasts, undereating, overeating while going through the first three stages;
  • Accurate calorie counting in accordance with the current stage of the diet;
  • Drinking two liters of fluid daily, which allows you to maintain an active metabolism;
  • Gymnastics in the morning, jogging and other simple exercises (seventeen minutes daily is enough);
  • Mandatory intake of dietary supplements and vitamins;
  • 30 minutes before breakfast - drink a mug of ordinary cold water containing a small amount of squeezed lemon juice;
  • The volume of each serving should be small and fit into a given number of snacks and a given daily amount of calories;
  • Fruits should be consumed before 14:00.

Benefits of the Moreno Diet:

  1. Stable weight loss, maintaining the effect for many years;
  2. The safety of the method due to the exclusion of fasting and too sudden reduction in normal caloric intake;
  3. Balanced diet for all nutrients;
  4. Adaptation of the body to work at increased speed, stopping the storage of fats;
  5. Strengthening the immune system, improving appearance, skin, nails and hair;
  6. Low rate of weight loss, eliminating negative consequences at the end of the course: stretch marks, cellulite, sagging skin;
  7. No negative impact on sports, burning muscle mass along with fatty tissue, which makes it possible to play sports in the same way as before the diet;
  8. Thanks to the presence of healthy foods in the diet, the diet has a positive effect on overall health and well-being; in addition, normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  9. The ability to independently compile a diet from the list of permitted foods;
  10. Possibility of adaptation to all national cuisines of the world;
  11. Availability of each product during any season and for any income level.

Be sure to read: Useful tips on how to remove back fat at home

Exercise while dieting

Dr. Moreno places a strong emphasis on aerobic exercise. This makes sense, because such exercise (walking, swimming, jogging, cycling) not only burns fat, but is also good for the heart and lungs. Some strength training in the gym is also beneficial - it builds muscle and increases insulin sensitivity. The exercises for this 17-day diet vary from cycle to cycle.

  1. Cycle 1 . 17 minute walk daily.
  2. Cycle 2 . 17 minute walk daily.
  3. Cycle 3 . 40-60 minutes of aerobic exercise 4-6 times a week.
  4. Cycle 4 . 40-60 minutes of aerobic exercise 4-6 times a week + 60 minutes of training on weekends.

It's worth noting that the recommended 17 minutes each day is significantly less than the standard 30 minutes practiced in the fitness industry. But this is the minimum, you try to do more.

Video – Mike Moreno Diet

How to get the best results?

The Moreno Diet is well planned, but results can be improved by doing a few simple things.

You can : Eat plenty of lean protein and vegetables. There are no restrictions on these foods as such, as they are difficult to convert into fat tissue. Feast on them and keep your hunger at bay!

You can : after completing the third cycle, take a day off and enjoy your favorite food. But don't overeat, otherwise fat will quickly accumulate.

You can’t : overeat, even those foods whose consumption is not limited. Eat until you feel full.

Video materials

Opening up the varied world of dietary nutrition systems, you simply must study the full list of up-to-date information. In other words, having paid attention to Uglov’s measured diet or the atomic diet that requires variable nutrition, try to learn everything about the technique in order to subsequently apply it in practice with maximum efficiency.

Next, we have prepared video materials for you that will help you create a Moreno diet that would be as effective and safe as Montignac’s program. Using this data, you can easily adjust the menu in accordance with your various wishes and body requirements.

Work on your body using popular dietary techniques. The program of the American doctor Moreno is a time-tested system that allows you not only to achieve excellent results, but also to consolidate them, preventing fat from re-forming in problem areas for a long time. Today, thousands of consumers use this program, and you can become one of them. Think over your own menu for each stage today and go to the nearest supermarkets for quality products that will allow you to adhere to the general principles of the popular system.

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