Dr. Bormenthal's diet: intensive weight loss without prohibitions

  • Scientific background
  • Basic principles
  • Contraindications
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Additional Tips
  • Menu option
  • Dish recipes
  • Quitting the diet

Dr. Bormenthal's signature diet was developed by specialists and is based on numerous studies. She explains the process of losing weight from a scientific point of view. This and the guaranteed result, which is usually calculated in tens of kilograms lost, makes it very popular. It is one of the few methods built on eliminating the psychological factors of excess weight, where nutrition plays a secondary role.

Scientific background

In 1992, psychotherapists M. A. Gavrilov and A. V. Bobrovsky began actively studying the psychology of overweight people. For several years, they tested various techniques for correcting eating habits, conducted scientific research, and eventually developed a training system on how to maintain the results achieved after losing weight.

In 2001, they patented and began conducting psychocorrection sessions for excess weight, published the book “How to Overcome Appetite,” and opened the first inpatient hospital in Russia (this is the main character of M. A. Bulgakov’s story “The Heart of a Dog”).

In 2003, Gavrilov, Bobrovsky and another psychotherapist, V.V. Romatsky, developed a diet called the center and described in detail in the books “An Effective Weight Loss Program in 7 Days” and “How to Lose Weight and Stay Slim.” Its main principle of action is getting rid of the psychological causes of overeating and correcting eating habits and diet. The new power system has received approval from the St. Petersburg Research Institute named after. V. M. Bekhtereva.

Since then, Bormenthal's diet has been constantly adjusted based on the results of ongoing research and in accordance with the realities of modern reality. All innovations are presented in additional books: A. Bobrovsky “Modern methods of weight loss” (2004), A. V. Kondrashov “Diet Doctor Bormental - the best modern method of losing weight in Russia”, “Give up and become slim” (2008), etc.

Today, training centers in large cities train specialists for the psychocorrection of excess weight using the nutrition system.

Diet results

Those who have lost weight using this method say that the weight loss process begins around the fifth day. This is due to the fact that the diet is not very strict and the acceleration of metabolism does not begin immediately. Therefore, it is recommended to lose weight according to Dr. Bormenthal’s diet for at least a month.

You can lose from 2 to 4 kilograms in a week, from 8 to 15 kilograms in a month.

Basic principles

According to the developers of the method, a person must first of all understand the reason for overeating and understand that it has nothing to do with food. This could be fear, anxiety, stress, which you need to go to a psychotherapist and get rid of. At the same time, it is recommended to start creating a new diet. The basic principles of the Bormenthal diet come down to the following points.

Calorie counting

With a sedentary lifestyle, the daily caloric intake is reduced to 800-1,000 kcal, with average activity - to 1,200, with intense sports - to 1,500. During illness, the bar rises by 200 kcal.

Everything that is eaten is entered into a diary every day with calorie counting to correct the diet and work on mistakes.

For convenience, the center’s specialists have developed calorie tables for the most commonly consumed foods. It is advisable to print them out and keep them in sight when creating a menu.


A special feature of the diet is permission to eat absolutely any food. The main rule is not to exceed the daily caloric intake. And here everyone chooses for themselves: to eat half a kilo of beef brisket or more than one and a half kilograms of bananas per day for their thousand calories.

This approach eliminates breakdowns and constant thoughts about the forbidden. If you want a cake or fries, satisfy your desire. True, the portion sizes will be minimal, but the taste buds will get what they want, the production of endorphins will increase, which will make you not think about hunger.

  1. Meals should be fractional: often, but little.
  2. The intervals between meals are at least 3 hours and no more than 5.
  3. Breakfast - half an hour after waking up; dinner - 4 hours before bedtime.
  4. Daily calorie distribution: breakfast - 30%, lunch - 10%, lunch - 40%, afternoon snack - 10%, dinner - 10%.
  5. Protein products (full list) should be present in every meal.
  6. Be sure to eat hot foods to prolong saturation.
  7. It's better to eat sweets for breakfast.
  8. The basis of the diet is natural vegetables and fruits.

The developers themselves recommend not to get carried away with fatty and carbohydrate foods at first, even if you follow the daily caloric intake.


Dr. Bormenthal's diet is a long-term method of losing weight. It is observed until the weight returns to normal. Therefore, it is useless for those who need to lose only 5-6 kg to sit on it. It was originally developed for those who are on the verge of obesity or are already suffering from it.

The minimum course is 14 days, during which you can actually lose 10 kg. The best option is a month, and then, if results are achieved, the daily caloric intake level is increased by 200 kcal monthly to stabilize and maintain weight. Throughout the weight loss process, active work with psychotherapists is carried out.

Diet developers recommend setting a specific goal for yourself - for example, losing 20 kg in 7 weeks (on average, the Bormenthal method allows you to get rid of 3 kg every week).

User reviews

Author : Artem A. User rating : 5 out of 5 Review : Email authorization does not work This application is a very good addition to Dr. Bormental’s course. There is a necessary minimum - control of daily caloric intake. There is not enough regular input of weight, it can only be specified in the settings, and volumes to monitor progress. In the program on Android, authorization by email does not work, only by phone number, although on iOS everything is fine. Author : Elena Makarova User rating : 1 out of 5 Review : Simply terrible. I fought for 2 days. She spat. I'll delete the application now. For example, I set it to 5 grams of sugar. Then for some reason he corrects it to 54. And so you can correct it endlessly. This is just some kind of complete Horror! !!! Then, for example, you write 20 grams at 0.6 and the total comes out to 48 calories!!! Instead of 12. Just fucked up. Is it really possible that such a serious company cannot develop a normal application? Without such simple mistakes!!! Author : Bulat Garipov User rating : 1 out of 5 Review : Bugs with a lot of food I put sugar at 5 grams, and when saved it comes out to 80 grams. I correct it to 5, save it, and there are already 200 grams! I already have almost the daily requirement of calories after breakfast - cottage cheese, cereal and a glass of tea with a sugar cube))) and there is no way to fix it - then the mass of cottage cheese also changes! Author : Oksana Besedina User rating : 3 out of 5 Review : Applications are very necessary The application is necessary and very convenient, but it is constantly buggy. Do something with him, I’m without hands without him. When filling out the menu, the readings constantly get lost. You write 10 gr. it comes out to 90. And you’re so nervous that you don’t want to eat too much, but then you’re so nervous because of the incorrect values. Author : Elena Maybakh User rating : 3 out of 5 Review : It would be nice if it didn’t stop seeing mobile networks. In the middle of the day, the program refused to connect to the Internet: it doesn’t see mobile networks or Wi-Fi. As a result, it refuses to work at all. Rebooting doesn't help, neither does reinstalling. I'll look for something else Author : Anastasia G User rating : 3 out of 5 Review : Improve: 1. The time of counting the interval between meals is from the time of the previous meal and not with fixed values. 2. Add barcode reading from product packaging that you do not need to enter manually. 3. Add a list of “previously used” products. 4. Crashes periodically, fix it. Otherwise I'm happy with it)))


Too low daily caloric intake does not allow everyone to use a diet for weight loss. Contraindications are:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • age under 18 and after 60;
  • infections;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • diabetes;
  • unsettled menstrual cycle;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • mental disorders;
  • heart problems, conditions after a heart attack or stroke;
  • oncology;
  • professional sports.

It is not recommended to switch to Dr. Bormental’s nutrition system without consulting with specialists.

Application Description

The calorie counter from Dr. Bormental is a convenient tool for keeping a food diary and displaying the dynamics of changes in weight and volume. Counting and monitoring the calorie content of dishes. This service is intended for people who have completed the weight loss training “Doctor Bormenthal”. The calorie counter from Doctor Bormenthal is a convenient tool for keeping a food diary, displaying the dynamics of changes in weight and volume. Calculation and control of calorie content of dishes. This service is intended for people who have completed weight loss training “Doctor Bormental”

Advantages and disadvantages


  • an integrated approach to eliminating excess weight;
  • impressive results: minus 1-3 kg for each week of the diet;
  • variety and balance of the diet: no food restrictions;
  • development of correct eating behavior;
  • comfortable psychological mood;
  • minimal risk of failure.


  • individual metabolic characteristics are not taken into account;
  • difficult to combine with intense sports training;
  • constant calorie counting requires eating mostly at home;
  • too low a daily caloric intake of 800-1000 kcal can be harmful to health: with such a diet, dizziness, lethargy, drowsiness, a general decrease in performance, weakened immunity, anemia and other side effects are common;
  • intensive weight loss threatens sagging skin, muscle flaccidity and loss of physical tone;
  • it’s hard to control your appetite, especially during the holidays;
  • If you follow a diet for a long time, your weight may at some point stay in one place and not decrease.

Give in... and get fit! Diet "Doctor Bormenthal"

The sayings and aphorisms given in this book were intended by Inayat Khan (1882–1927) for his students to be objects of meditation for each day of the year. Beginning in 1913, this practice continues to this day.

The term "Saki Cup" or "Cupbearer's Cup" carries the idea of ​​receiving an intoxicating drink of spiritual inspiration, which in turn is the source of Divine Guidance in our daily lives.

The word "Sufi", according to Greek etymology, means "wisdom", but in accordance with Arabic - "purity". It is obvious that both concepts express the same Truth. Wisdom is present where the mind is cleared of preconceived ideas, the weight of dogma and remorse. As for the foundations of Sufism, they are as ancient as the concepts of wisdom and purity, which have served as inspiration for all religious cults throughout the centuries. In fact, Sufism is the essence of all religious ideals, and although during various historical periods large cultural and religious movements have laid claim to its possession, Sufism has not yet lost its own universal individuality. For a Sufi, the variety of names and forms of the world's religious movements are like veils hiding the phenomenon of the Guiding Spirit manifested at all levels of evolution. This Inner Guidance is constantly present in the wonderful book of natural mysteries, in which the endless Message of Love is revealed; This book opens only when man's understanding of the relationship between matter and spirit is in harmony with his feeling heart. This explains why one of the greatest ideals of the Sufi is the awakening of the heart and its qualities, thanks to which a person’s horizons expand. The view then extends beyond the concepts of faith and belief and allows for tolerance of the tragic misunderstandings that separate zealous followers of different religions and philosophical traditions. Trying to maintain harmony, the Sufi offers to take on the burden of other people's misunderstanding; therefore he avoids the expression of speculative theories, using only the language of the heart to convey sympathy in support of the commonality of different interpretations of a single religious ideal. The goal of the Sufi is to free the enslaved human soul from the limiting concepts of “I” and “mine”, through merging in ecstasy with the spiritual Ideal. Mental freedom can be as satisfied as the Ideal itself. The Sufi clearly understands that as long as there are limitations of dualism, expressed in the concepts of “I” and “mine”, the soul cannot become truly free. This paradox is overcome by realizing that the concept of “I” and “mine” is actually illusory. What we think of as our “I” is merely a perception of our individual essence functioning as part of a universal network. In the same way, a drop of water will remain an independent entity as long as its form is preserved. But if the drop is returned to the ocean, it becomes ocean water. Therefore, for a Sufi, the ideal that frees the soul from its own framework is, in fact, the image of his soul, the soul itself, which knows neither “I” nor “mine”. Among the countless aspirations in life that cannot be achieved in a lifetime, the basic ideals that maintain a balanced state of body, mind, heart and soul are undoubtedly those associated with life itself and ideas about it, such as the desire to live a full life , thirst for knowledge, desire for power, longing for happiness and the need for peace. To the question whether a material ideal can lead to a spiritual goal, one can answer that from the point of view of Divine purpose, even a material ideal can come from the spiritual. Therefore, every effort aimed at achieving a life goal, no matter whether it is material or spiritual in nature, whether it is done consciously or unconsciously, leads a person with each step closer to the absolute goal. Moreover, this process can be imagined as making a modest contribution to the fulfillment of Divine purpose, since everything in the universe is constantly being created and consistent with the main leading motive. The purpose of life is not only to ascend to the greatest heights, but also to plunge into the deepest abysses; as a result, the self is lost, which at the same time finds itself again thanks to the expansion of the sphere of consciousness. This process resembles the development of a seed, which fulfills its purpose when, after being deeply immersed in the ground, it rises into an adult plant and grows abundantly in lush color under the rays of the sun. Considered at the level of mystical understanding, the esoteric teachings of the Sufis explain this state as a process of tuning the ego to a higher tone. In everyday life, we attach the greatest value to those things that were acquired through hard work; It is paradoxical, however, that the most significant achievements are sometimes acquired with minimal effort. Unfortunately, if a person has not learned through bitter experience to appreciate everything given to him by God's Grace, he will not always be able to realize the real significance of such achievements. There is no life experience that does not matter. Not a single moment lived is wasted. If a person is wise enough to collect scraps of memories and draw conclusions from what he has lived, then not a single moment of life will be in vain. Our personality or “Conscience” invariably rejoices in positive thoughts and suffers from the disturbance of negative thoughts; when we loosen the reins of our selfhood, the personality becomes radiant and able to concentrate all its creative energy on the truth of the manifestation of the Divine Presence. The personality, however, performs only the role of a channel, at the end and through which the soul contemplates everything that happens, reflected in the form of impressions. And like a mirror, the perceived reflections leave no traces on its clean surface. Another theme running through the teachings of the Sufis is the alchemy of happiness, which, as is known from folk tales, consists of turning base metals into gold through a magnetic formula. This mystical legend is a beautiful symbol of the core tenet of the Inner School of Sufis, which lays great emphasis on the importance of transforming the gross ego of man into an expression of humility and respect, thereby causing the heart to become worthy of the privilege of being called the “Temple of God” and showering Divine Love on everyone encountered along the way. This inner awareness can only be achieved by going through the thorny path called “The Art of Being Human.” It will take a lot of continuous effort for a person to forge a character that can become a living example of love, harmony and beauty and bring happiness to people. Happiness is a right granted to every person from birth, however, a person does not always understand the laws of happiness. They teach us that happiness can only come when a person himself becomes a source of happiness and inspiration for other people. But how can you achieve happiness? Trying to encourage the good and positive in a person and not notice those traits that can cause irritation in us when we disagree with the opinions of others; trying to understand the point of view of others and be patient with their beliefs, even if they contradict our own; trying to avoid judging the feelings of other people, especially when meeting those we once loved; trying to ignore both one's own failures and the mistakes of others, because even in the fall there is a hidden stone, upon which, stepping on and being filled with the Divine Presence, a person can rise above feelings of superiority or inferiority; trying to tune in to the rhythm of everyone you meet, since in his company there may be hidden guidance contained in all the attributes of being. This is also possible if a person loses himself in the ecstasy of the Divine presence.

Additional Tips

During the day you need to drink regular water (one and a half liters or more). But psychotherapists do not recommend replacing meals with it and suppressing hunger. After meals, you are allowed to drink hot tea to prolong the feeling of fullness.

It is better to avoid high-calorie foods in favor of low-calorie foods to make your diet more varied. And minimize the consumption of hot spices, sweeteners, alcoholic and carbonated drinks that stimulate the appetite. You only need to eat what you like, otherwise there will be no benefit.

To get faster results, it is recommended to arrange kefir, apple and other fasting days a couple of times a week.

Hunger is signals from the stomach to the brain, physiology. You only need to eat according to these “calls”. Appetite is born in thoughts, under the influence of mood. You can't give in to him.

There will be no benefit from grueling training. It’s better to replace morning jogging with walking in the evenings, and exercise machines with 15-minute exercises. Otherwise, due to a low-calorie diet, exhaustion cannot be avoided.

If you plan to lose 10 kg or more, take care in advance to prevent sagging skin. Use anti-cellulite creams, do body wraps, sign up for a massage.

The Bormenthal diet requires mandatory consultations with a psychotherapist who will help determine the causes of excess weight and find motivation. The risk of relapse can be reduced by enlisting the understanding of friends, family and like-minded people. Moral support within the framework of this technique is of great importance for the weight loss process.

It’s great if you have the opportunity to contact one of the Doctor Bormental clinics. They will provide informational assistance and guide you in creating a menu. You can use Internet resources where training in a special program is conducted online. The course is paid and lasts six months.

Basic rules of the technique

☀ Calculate the calories you eat every day;

☀ meals should be eaten at the table; eating on the go is harmful;

☀ have breakfast, lunch and dinner with pleasure; You should not share news that causes negative emotions at the table; during lunch, do not raise children, do not watch movies; It is acceptable to have a light, casual conversation;

☀ number of meals - at least 5 times a day;

☀ Each spoon should be chewed long and thoroughly, meals should last at least 15 minutes;

☀ take a vitamin-mineral complex;

☀ no more than 5 hours should pass between meals, the last dinner should be 2 hours before bedtime, the first breakfast should be immediately or within 1 hour after waking up;

☀ You can drink alcohol, but no more than two glasses of wine per week;

☀ animal protein and unrefined vegetable oil must be present in the diet;

☀ stewed and baked dishes are tasty, healthy and have a gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract; look for low-calorie recipes.

Low calorie salads


Specialists offer their patients ready-made menus written for each day, indicating the calories of dishes in order to save time on calculations.

The proposed option is designed for only a week, but using its example you can easily create a diet for a longer period, focusing on personal taste preferences. A sample menu and a table of caloric content of ready-made dishes to help.



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The calorie content of each recipe is indicated per 100 g of dish.

Stew with vegetables and mushrooms (100 kcal)

  • 300 g cabbage (preferably white cabbage);
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 3 sweet peppers;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 2 onions;
  • 200 g boiled porcini mushrooms;
  • 15 g 10% sour cream;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • olive oil for sautéing.

Cut the tomatoes into slices, sauté with mushrooms in a frying pan for 5-6 minutes. Chop the cabbage, finely grate the carrots, and add to the tomatoes and mushrooms. Simmer covered for half an hour. Cut onion and pepper into rings. Add to the main mass. Cook for another 15 minutes. Add some salt. Leave for half an hour. Before serving, top with sour cream and chopped garlic.

Boyar style meat (117 kcal)

  • 20 ml olive oil;
  • 4 onions;
  • 300 g chicken breast;
  • 150 g of mushrooms (champignons are an excellent option);
  • 200 g tomatoes;
  • 70 g low-calorie mayonnaise;
  • 150 g low-calorie cheese.

Pour oil onto a baking sheet and place chopped onion on the bottom layer. Place thin slices of breast on it, then mushrooms. The last to go are the tomatoes, cut into slices. Pour mayonnaise on top and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in the oven at 180°C for 45 minutes.

Eggplant soup (60 kcal)

  • One and a half liters of water;
  • 150 g eggplants;
  • 100 g canned red beans;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • olive oil for sautéing.

Cut the potatoes into bars and place them in boiling water at the same time as the beans. Boil for half an hour. Chop carrots, onions and eggplants and sauté until soft. Pour into a saucepan. Cook for another half hour.

Uganda salad (128 kcal)

  • 4 bananas;
  • 100 ml 20% cream;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 50 g Iceberg lettuce;
  • 50 g ham;
  • 30 g raisins;
  • 30 g oatmeal.

Soak the raisins the night before. Cut the bananas into slices, mix with cereal, raisins and chopped ham. Beat the cream with lemon zest in a blender. Pour the dressing over the salad and leave for half an hour. Serve on the Iceberg.

Menu for the week

BreakfastAfternoon snackDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
MonEggs – 2 pcs Carrot and olive oil salad 100g Tea without sugar – 150 mlTea without sugar – 150ml Lenten cake – 50gLenten borscht – 150g Cabbage salad – 50g Boiled fish – 50g Tea without sugarSalad Vinaigrette – 100gBoiled buckwheat – 100g Beef goulash 70g Tea without sugar – 100 ml
WEgg – 1 pc Pearl barley porridge – 100g Apple – 1 pc Tea without sugar – 150 mlFresh or frozen berries – 150g Tea without sugar – 150 mlVegetable soup from broccoli and carrots – 150g Boiled rice – 100gSteamed fish – 150g Cucumber – 1 piece Tea without sugar – 150 mlStewed cabbage – 150g Tea without sugar – 150 ml
WedOmelette of 2 eggs Tea without sugar – 150 mlBoiled chicken meat - 100g Tomato - 1 piece Black bread - 1 piece Tea without sugar - 150 mlPea soup – 150g Vegetable stew – 100g Tea without sugar – 150 mlRyazhenka – 200gBeet salad – 100g Boiled fish – 100g
ThuBuckwheat porridge – 100g Cabbage and olive oil salad 100g Tea without sugar – 150 mlTea without sugar – 150 ml Two pieces of cheeseFish soup – 150g Vinaigrette – 100g Black bread – a piece Tea without sugar – 150 mlCucumber and cabbage salad – 150gKefir – 200g
FriOatmeal – 150g Apple 1 pc Tea without sugar – 150 ml Lenten cookies – 2 pcsYogurt – 150gBoiled chicken meat - 100g Boiled rice 100g Tomato - 1 piece Black bread - 1 piece Tea without sugar - 150 mlPilaf with mushrooms – 150g Tea without sugar – 150gVegetable stew – 150g
SatOmelette of 2 eggs Tea without sugar – 150 ml A piece of dark chocolateCarrot salad – 150g Tea without sugar – 150gVegetable stew – 200g Boiled meat – 70gYogurt – 150gBoiled rice – 100g Beef goulash 70g Tea without sugar – 100 ml
SunBuckwheat porridge – 150g Tomato – 1 pc Tea without sugar – 150mlTea without sugar – 150ml Lenten bun – 1 pc.Vegetable stew – 100g Tea without sugar – 150 mlSteamed fish – 150g Boiled cauliflower – 100g Tea without sugar – 150 mlYogurt – 150g


After you have lost the required number of kilograms, another task is set - to stabilize the weight so that it does not return. To do this you need:

  • monthly increase the daily calorie intake by 200 kcal, bringing it to the desired level (calculated individually);
  • continue to eat according to the rules of the Bormenthal diet (fractionally, without prohibitions, but in small portions);
  • avoid overeating;
  • cope with psychological reasons that can lead to weight gain;
  • exercise.

The author's diet according to Bormenthal has an unusual approach to weight loss, which guarantees amazing results. With it you can not only lose weight, but also improve your mental health.

Where to start the weight loss process

In order to start losing weight on this diet, you first need to find out the reason for gaining excess weight. The reasons may be different:

  • Lack of consistency in nutrition
  • Eating fatty foods less than three hours before bed
  • Stress and psychological tension
  • Complexity

After finding out the reason, you need to work with it, create motivation for losing weight and switch to a low-calorie diet. There is no list of prohibited foods, but there is a recommendation to eat low-calorie foods.

While losing weight, you need to keep a diary. You need to enter all the foods you consume into it, calculate their calorie content and plan your menu for the day. Calorie content should be no more than 1200 kilocalories per day. To calculate the calorie content of foods, you can use our calculator (link).

Completing the diet

Such a system, in principle, may have no expiration date, and with the right approach it can be made a way of life. However, 1000 Kcal per day is still not enough, so it is better, after finishing the diet, to gradually exit it in order to return again if necessary.

The correct way out of a low-calorie diet:

  • increase your caloric intake very gradually (preferably 100 kcal per day);
  • when gaining the required number of daily energy units, add sports activities;
  • do not change your eating style - split meals promote weight loss;
  • do not “lean” on fatty and sweet foods: this almost always leads to weight gain.

Almost everyone loses weight using Dr. Bormenthal's method. The important thing is to maintain optimal results.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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