Dry diet and weight loss

What is a dry diet

This weight loss system does not impose a strict ban on water, since this can cause death, but it does involve a significant limitation of the volume of liquids consumed. Some athletes use a “dry diet” diet when they need to quickly emphasize muscle definition (not to be confused with a carbohydrate-free “cutting”). The effect is caused by a decrease in the amount of dispersed fluid, which is located in the intercellular space and gives additional weight and volume to the body. Features of this diet:

  • In comparison with a large number of other weight loss schemes, it gives a very quick result, but it is difficult to maintain: for this you need to properly quit the diet.
  • The effect you get from this technique is individual, since not every body is inclined to accumulate a large volume of fluid and thereby increase body weight.
  • Through a dry diet, not only weight is reduced - the volume of problem areas and the severity of cellulite are reduced, since intercellular fluid appears everywhere. Additionally, “self-burning” of fat deposits occurs, which try to replenish the moisture deficit, but in parallel with this, muscle mass also decreases, since glycogen breakdown is observed.
  • There are several varieties of such weight loss, differing in the degree of severity of the ban on liquids (so each person can choose an acceptable option for themselves), but all of them additionally include a refusal to eat salt.
  • Some variations of this technique even prohibit unnecessary contact with liquid (not just ingestion), which is explained by its external absorption.
  • A noticeable result will appear with additional dietary restrictions, which will simultaneously reduce the risk of significant weight gain after weight loss is completed.

Contraindications to the diet

Before starting any diet to lose weight, you should visit a therapist for a consultation. This is done to ensure that there are no contraindications. The precautions are not accidental - in some pathologies this principle cannot be used for weight loss. A dry diet is not allowed in the following conditions:

  • Constant feeling of extreme weakness;
  • Kidney and liver diseases, including chronic varieties;
  • Anorexia;
  • Gout;
  • Diabetes;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Problems with blood clotting.

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Negative manifestations can occur in the presence of conditions that are contraindications, and in case of non-compliance with the rules established for diets. Side effects are not uncommon in cases where a person, on his own initiative, exceeds the period of adherence to a water-free diet. The main symptoms are:

  • Dizziness and headaches.
  • Constant weakness, feeling tired.
  • Constipation, problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Mental problems, overexcitement, depression.
  • Fever, nausea.
  • Feeling of aching in the bones.
  • Frequent attacks of intense thirst.

Some patients want to lose weight so much that they cause very serious harm to the body. In some situations, dehydration can lead to even the most dire consequences. If fluid loss amounts to a quarter of the total body weight, death can occur. A diet without water should be carried out with the utmost care, recommendations should be followed with particular care.

Recommended for:

Some experts even find benefits in dry nutrition for the whole body, and not just in the matter of losing weight, when you need to remove excess fluid. For this reason, it is recommended to adhere to such a diet for a short period of time for people who have:

  • obesity (all stages);
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers;
  • skin diseases;
  • any internal inflammatory processes;
  • frequent diarrhea (dry mode is indicated during an attack);
  • joint diseases (arthritis, rheumatism, polyarthritis);
  • ovarian adenoma, tumors, endometriosis, infertility;
  • bronchial asthma, pneumonia.

Pros and cons of the diet

In one day following the dry system, a person can lose 1 kg of weight, so after a week of weight loss you can see minus 5–7 kg. This point is considered the main advantage of a water-free diet, for the sake of which some people endure all the disadvantages. Additional benefits:

  • lack of hunger (if we consider the classical method);
  • balanced diet;
  • breakdown of fat deposits;
  • acceleration of tissue regeneration;
  • rejuvenation of the epidermis;
  • activation of metabolism;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • cleansing the blood, normalizing its acidity.

There are fewer disadvantages in number, but they are more significant in terms of significance for the body. A water-free diet is life-threatening because it disrupts the balance of minerals and can provoke seizures and harm the heart. Excess fluid should be removed in an amount of 20% (of the total body weight) or less: if the figure exceeds 25%, the likelihood of side effects is almost absolute. The subjective disadvantages include the quickly disappearing result. Obvious disadvantages of a dry weight loss regimen are deterioration in well-being:

  • weakness, dizziness;
  • increased irritability;
  • constant thirst;
  • constipation, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • loss of performance, lethargy;
  • nausea, fever.

Advantages and disadvantages of the technique

This power system has both pros and some cons. The list of advantages includes the following factors:

  • A dry diet for weight loss helps to achieve the desired result within a period of several days;
  • Manages to maintain a balanced diet;
  • When losing weight, a person does not suffer from a constant feeling of hunger;
  • In order to create a high-quality dietary menu, excessive costs are not required.

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An anhydrous diet brings many benefits to the body in itself, here are the most useful of them:

  • Activation of metabolism;
  • Reducing the intensity of inflammatory processes;
  • Destroying harmful bacteria;
  • Acceleration of the breakdown of fats and glycogens;
  • Lowering cholesterol levels;
  • Removing harmful substances and excess fluid from the body;
  • Release of amino acids beneficial to the body to facilitate the penetration of nutrients into the blood;
  • Reducing swelling;
  • Getting rid of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • Thanks to blood purification, its content improves;
  • The ability of tissues to recover is significantly improved, the skin heals faster;
  • The epidermis is renewed.

The disadvantages of the nutrition system are insignificant and, with a competent approach, go away without consequences. A significant imbalance in water balance can be harmful to health if you get carried away with this type of diet. The most common phenomena are convulsive conditions and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a water-free diet strictly no longer than the period specified by the doctor, carefully following his rules. It is worth remembering that in order to experience adverse reactions, the body only needs to lose fluid in the amount of 25% of body weight.

The main disadvantage of the diet is its short-term effect. But it is indicated in all descriptions of the method, therefore, when planning to change your diet, you need to take this feature into account.


There are few requirements for the classic dry method: the main thing is not to drink more than 1 liter of liquid per day. This does not only mean clean water - any drinks, broths, purees, smoothies should also be taken into account. Additionally, there are some basic rules:

  • The calorie content of the diet should be reduced by 20% from that recommended for you (an individual indicator is calculated);
  • Foods that retain moisture in the body are removed from the menu;
  • meals are fractional, the interval is 2–3 hours;
  • before starting dry weight loss, you should carry out preparations that will help you endure this tough system more easily;
  • if this is the first experiment, the technique is followed for only a day and in case of any significant adverse reactions it is completed ahead of schedule;
  • do not maintain a dry regime for more than a week;
  • do not forget about a competent way out in order to carefully return the body to its usual water balance;
  • exclude physical activity.


All variations of dry weight loss methods are usually divided into 2 large groups: gentle and hard. The latter is a ban on contact with water inside and outside, the first is only inside. Experts continue to argue about how reasonable rigid systems are, but if we are talking about gaining harmony in a short time and for just a day (the Cinderella effect), this may be the way out. The main types of diets of both groups:

  • Classic - eliminating foods that retain fluid, creating a low-calorie daily menu with an emphasis on plant foods and a minimum amount of animal protein. You can drink up to 500 ml of liquids; weight loss does not last longer than a week. Some versions imply a meager and rigid menu, where meals cannot be interchanged.
  • Cascade – gentle alternation of a fast with low-calorie dry food every other day. The duration of weight loss is 5 days. An alternative version (more severe): when, after 3 days of waterless fasting, a break is taken for 3 weeks (for a better effect, on a low-calorie diet) and the fast is repeated.
  • The Lavrova method is a therapeutic system discussed with a doctor. Involves strict exclusion of water (even without external contact), requires preliminary preparation (lasts 14 days). It is based on alternating dry fasting (fasting) and eating exclusively plant foods in a regime of 1/1 to 5/5 (equal ratio of “dry” and “vegetable” days). The maximum duration of such a diet is 3 weeks.
  • The Filonov method is a system designed for 3 stages (each lasting a month). The beginning is to cleanse the body: eat vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products, meat without fat for 2 weeks. After 7 days, enemas are given, and the final week is spent on buckwheat without salt and ends with a fasting day on water. Then the scheme becomes more stringent: 1 day on the water, then 6 days of a classic diet. After two days on the water, and in the new week (3rd week) - three. In week 4, any 2 days are devoted to vegetables and fruits, and the rest of the time they fast. The last month involves repeating 2, but in a dry format where there were water days.
  • Shchennikov's method requires passage under the supervision of an instructor, involves preparation, dry fasting for 11 days and a long recovery. You are allowed to take a shower, wash your hands and hair, but you cannot brush your teeth (take liquids into your mouth, even for rinsing).
  • A dry fasting day is the simplest option with a minimum number of side reactions, helps you lose 1–3 kg and involves a complete fast: no food, no water. Such unloading schemes are used with a break of a week or more. You should rinse your mouth several times a day to remove plaque.
  • Anhydrous diets for 3–7 days are a long fasting fast, which is considered very dangerous. Can be used once a month (3 days) or a year (for 5–7 days). They require lengthy preparation, especially week-long preparation: before starting, drink a liter of non-carbonated mineral water.
  • Muesli is a specific and controversial type of diet based on breakfast cereals: wheat, oatmeal, and rice flakes with a minimal amount of additives are taken as the basis. They are filled with yogurt, milk, kefir (per day - 0.2 liters in total). During the day they eat only 120–150 g (of dry product), up to 200 g of lean meat/fish, and the same amount of fruits and vegetables. You can drink up to 0.6 liters of water, weight loss is short-lived: 3–5 days.

Types of diets

Using breakfast cereals

Losing weight without water can be achieved using various nutrition systems. For example, a diet in which mixtures of corn grains, muesli made from wheat, oats and rice, cereals and snacks is used as food. They can be prepared with the addition of chocolate, nuts, and dried fruits. The main benefit of this food lies in the speed of preparation. The contents of the package are simply poured into a cup in the required quantity and filled with any drink.

Breakfast cereals are very healthy, as they contain a maximum of useful components. But due to their calorie content, such mixtures are not recommended for weight loss. A dry diet for weight loss is significantly different from other methods, and a separate type of diet has been developed, the basis of which is breakfast cereals.


No less useful for losing excess weight is a water-free diet, for which raw oatmeal is used. It contains large quantities of beneficial substances and beta-glucan, which is a type of fiber that can reduce the risks of weight gain and some quite serious diseases. But there may also be problems due to the fact that oatmeal is eaten dry. Therefore, the period of following the diet should not exceed three days.

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When losing weight using oatmeal, you will need to comply with some conditions. Only oatmeal is used that has not been processed to allow quick cooking.

You should not eat it as an independent dish - it is better to add it to ready-made ones that are approved for consumption during the diet. The main part of the cereal intended for the daily diet should be placed in milk overnight, mixed with cottage cheese or chopped fruit for soaking.

Anhydrous hunger

Quick and noticeable results can be achieved with the most difficult diet option, in which dry fasting is practiced. In this case, it is necessary to completely refuse food and water for several days - usually a period of one to three days.

The initial use of a waterless fast for weight loss should not last more than a day. In cases where good tolerance is noted, the fasting time can be increased to three days. If side effects begin, fasting should be stopped immediately, and the return to a normal diet should be carried out gradually. A fasting diet without water can be used for weight loss in other ways.

Cascade fasting

The cascade-type dry diet is one of the methods for losing weight, the effect of which is defined as gentle. She envisions a system in which days of fasting alternate with days of eating.

For weight loss, the system adopted is as follows:

  • The first day - dry fasting is observed;
  • Second day – diet low in calories;
  • Third day - hunger.

Next, the described system is repeated. It is recommended to follow this technique for five days.

There are other diet options; the choice should be made together with a specialist.

Permitted and prohibited products

The most severe versions of the anhydrous diet involve absolute fasting, but most people are advised to try the gentler classic variety. According to it, you should avoid foods that stimulate thirst and prevent the removal of moisture:

  • canned food;
  • pickles;
  • smoked;
  • sweets (confectionery, sugar, jam);
  • salt;
  • animal fats;
  • fast food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • coffee;
  • sweet drinks, especially carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • bakery products;
  • dishes with spices.

The diet is dry, so any juices, mineral water, broths, jelly, fermented milk drinks, tea are eliminated from the diet. You do not prepare soups, but porridges are cooked crumbly, with a minimum amount of liquid, which should evaporate well. Allowed products in the classic version of this weight loss technique are:

  • skim cheese;
  • low-fat fish: hake, cod, flounder, tuna, pike, bream;
  • white meat: chicken, rabbit;
  • veal;
  • mushrooms;
  • vegetables;
  • nuts;
  • fruits;
  • dried fruits;
  • cereals (preferably whole grains);
  • honey (don’t get carried away - it provokes thirst);
  • vegetable oil;
  • greenery.

Prohibited Products

Let's take a closer look at what this diet is. Gaining lean muscle mass requires a special attitude to diet and physical activity. Therefore, you should definitely consult a personal trainer. The most severe version of the diet involves complete fasting, but in most cases a softer version is used. According to it, you should stop eating foods that stimulate thirst and prevent the removal of moisture. These are canned and smoked foods, pickles and sweets.

It must be remembered that the diet involves not only expelling water from the body. If this were so, then it would be enough to take diuretics. But the essence of the diet is to balance body fat and muscle mass. Therefore, it is necessary to give up animal fats, fast food and processed foods. Excluded are coffee and soda, alcohol and bread, and dishes with spices.


The ideal option is to begin activities that set the body up for dry weight loss 2 weeks before the diet. This is especially important for people planning to practice fasting. During this period, the basis of the diet will be:

  • white meat, fish, eggs;
  • plant food;
  • dairy products.

Here you need to minimize sugar and salt, remove alcohol from the menu, and stop smoking. The diet looks almost similar to that recommended for the classic anhydrous diet, only liquids remain in the usual volume. The day before you start losing weight, it is recommended to drink a liter of mineral water, which will replenish the body with useful substances.

Basic nutrition

The diet for gaining lean mass is not too different from other systems. Allowed products are low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat fish and white meat, that is, chicken and rabbit. You can eat nuts and vegetables, mushrooms and veal, dried fruits and whole grain cereals. Honey in small quantities is not excluded, as it provokes thirst.

The diet is dry, so any juices, mineral water, broths and jelly, dairy and fermented milk drinks are excluded from the diet. Until the diet ends, you will have to give up soups, and porridges are cooked only crumbly, waiting for the water to evaporate properly.

Sample menu

When creating a diet, you should limit the amount of protein, especially that obtained from meat or fish, as it provokes dehydration. This diet is not an analogue of sports “cutting”, so the emphasis is on plant foods, which partially eliminate the lack of fluid. It is advisable that protein sources be included in the menu only 1-2 times a day (meat or fish - only 1 time). At the same time, remember that dishes should be steamed or served boiled or stewed.

For 3 days

Short-term weight loss can be carried out according to more strict schemes, so the list of products used in the 3-day diet is smaller than for the classical method. Morning porridge can be cooked from rice, oats, buckwheat, and millet. If they are very bland, add 20–30 g of dried fruits. During breaks, you can drink up to 400 ml (total for the day) of liquid. The menu is not varied and requires adherence to portion sizes with the order of meals:

Breakfast Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Day 1 Porridge (200 g of ready-made dish), optional with a spoon of honey Vegetable salad (300 g) with lemon juice Boiled chicken breast (100 g), fresh vegetables (200 g) Steamed cod (up to 150 g) with herbs Natural yogurt (0.2 l)
Day 2 Porridge (200 g of ready-made dish), optional with a spoon of honey Fruit salad (200 g) without dressing Boiled veal, fresh vegetables (200 g) Baked flounder (up to 150 g) with herbs Milk (0.2 l), allowed to be heated with honey
Day 3 Porridge (200 g of ready-made dish), optional with a spoon of honey Vegetable salad (300 g) with lemon juice Boiled chicken breast (100 g), fresh vegetables (200 g) Steamed tuna (up to 150 g) with herbs Low-fat kefir (0.2 l)

For 5 days

For women, a long-term diet with reduced water implies a maximum emphasis on vegetables and the exclusion of animal protein. The most satisfying meal of the day is breakfast, which is always represented by a cereal group. Men can cook 200 g of lean meat for lunch. If you refuse protein, weakness, lethargy, and loss of performance cannot be ruled out, so it is advisable to start losing weight on the weekend. Sample menu for women:

Breakfast Snack Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Monday Steamed buckwheat Fresh vegetable salad with lemon juice Cauliflower soup with broccoli (200 g) Cottage cheese 0–2% (up to 200 g) Low-fat kefir (0.2 l)
Tuesday Oatmeal Fruit salad without dressing (200 g) Grilled zucchini and sweet peppers Cottage cheese 0-2% (up to 200 g) Low-fat kefir (0.2 l)
Wednesday Fluffy Brown Rice Fresh vegetable salad with lemon juice Vegetable puree soup (200 g) Cottage cheese 0–2% (up to 200 g) Low-fat kefir (0.2 l)
Thursday Millet with dried apricots Fruit salad without dressing (200 g) Carrot-pumpkin puree (boil vegetables) Cottage cheese 0–2% (up to 200 g) Low-fat kefir (0.2 l)
Friday Steamed pearl barley porridge Fresh vegetable salad with lemon juice Baked potatoes with tomatoes and cucumbers Cottage cheese 0–2% (up to 200 g) Low-fat kefir (0.2 l)

For 7 days

If a weekly dry diet for weight loss is chosen, the daily volume of liquid is reduced to 0.5 liters, a minimal amount of protein remains so as not to provoke thirst. You will get the necessary vitamins and minerals from plant foods, and cereals will suppress your hunger. There are 5-6 meals, the daily list of products is divided into parts randomly, but leave the cereals for the morning, and end the day with kefir. Pay close attention to the volumes:

Product group Volume of uncooked product
Cereals – boil into crumbly porridge Glass (faceted, 200 ml)
Vegetables – in salad or baked 350 g
White meat/fish 200 g
Natural kefir/yogurt, 0-2% 200 ml
Fruits (or fruits + dried fruits) 450 g (or 300 g + 50 g)
Low-fat cottage cheese 150 g

Dry diet for pregnant women

An anhydrous regime for women carrying a child is strictly contraindicated, but removal of excess fluid may be necessary if the pregnant woman has edema. In such a situation, firstly, salt is removed from the diet and the prohibitions described above on certain categories of products are applied to it. Secondly, you should follow a few more tips:

  • eat hard cheese, low-fat cottage cheese, beans - they will be healthier than meat, which it is advisable to eat only 3-4 times a week;
  • drink no more than 1–1.2 liters of liquids in total per day;
  • be sure to replenish your diet with kiwi, citrus fruits, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts and broccoli - the fiber contained in them will eliminate hunger and cleanse the body.

It is desirable that the menu be close to vegetarian in composition: the basis is vegetables that can be grilled, steamed, stewed, or boiled. They add oatmeal or buckwheat flakes, brown rice, greens, lettuce, fruits, and legumes. Season vegetable mixtures with lemon juice instead of oil; add apples, nuts, and dried fruits to your morning porridge.

Quitting the diet

During the first week after the end of dry food (or fasting), you should begin to gently replenish lost fluid. To do this, clean water and other drinks (preferably unsweetened) are gradually introduced into the menu, increasing the daily volume by 100–200 ml daily. Additionally, doctors advise drinking weak diuretic tea - bearberry, horsetail, rose hips. Instructions are included on the packages. A few more recommendations:

  • Increase the energy value of your daily diet carefully: on the first day - up to 1000 kcal, on the second - up to 1200 kcal.
  • When leaving the diet, first make yourself a vegetable salad or stew, after drinking a glass of water in small sips.
  • Introduce new foods into your diet over the course of a week, slowly increasing portion sizes. It is advisable not to touch high-calorie foods.
  • After a strict dry system, you should take a bath to restore the skin.
  • If the diet was a one-day diet, already on day 1 you are allowed to eat 50–60 g of boiled chicken or lean fish, if you have an appetite. For diets lasting more than 3 days, meat/fish is introduced only from the 2nd day.

After an anhydrous fast, you should first eat grated vegetables and fruits: 100 g portions, the interval between meals is 2 hours. Calorie content – ​​1000 kcal. The amount of water (and tea) per day is 500 ml. The next day it increases to 1 liter, fresh juices are added. From day 3 you can drink as much as your body requires, but hot liquids are undesirable. Vegetable food (up to 1.5 kg) with the addition of bread (preferably whole grain, up to 200 g). From 4 days the exit is classic, according to the above recommendations.

How to get out of a diet correctly

Although a dry diet does not imply a long-term effect, the wrong way out of it can add a few extra centimeters in problem areas, as well as a couple of kilograms.

To minimize the negative consequences, you should adhere to the following principles:

  • exit from the diet must exactly coincide with entry;
  • after fasting, start eating with a small amount of water, vegetables and fruits;
  • after a strict diet you will need to take a bath;
  • in the first week you should limit yourself to fermented milk and vegetable products;
  • after a one-day refusal of food, it is permissible to eat a little boiled meat on the first day;
  • after a three-day fast, meat dishes will be allowed 3 days after leaving.

This way, the body will experience less stress, and the results achieved will last a little longer.


A dry diet without water or with a minimal amount of it, even for a short period of time, is not recommended during lactation, as this will affect the baby. Most doctors also include pregnancy in the list of contraindications for such weight loss. This technique should not be followed by persons who:

  • diseases of the renal system and liver in a state of exacerbation;
  • blood incoagulability;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • diabetes;
  • anorexia;
  • general weakening of the body after recent illnesses;
  • gout;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines, especially ulcers;
  • heart pathologies.

Contraindications to a dry diet

The use of the technique is prohibited for people suffering from the following disorders:

  • chronic or acute problems with the liver and kidneys;
  • general weakness;
  • anorexia;
  • gout;
  • varicose veins;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • non-clotting of blood.

You should return to your usual diet if, as a result of the diet, you begin to experience headaches, dizziness, a persistent feeling of fatigue, discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, constipation, emotional difficulties, attacks of thirst, aches, fever or attacks of nausea.

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