Squid: benefits, weight loss, calamari content

Seafood is an incredibly healthy component of the human diet. They contain many mineral salts that are required for normal metabolism. They are also rich in iodine, a deficiency of which causes disorders in the functioning of the endocrine system and thyroid gland.

One of the most affordable, popular, simple and delicious seafood is squid. The body and tentacles of squid are eaten dried, boiled, pickled, and fried. But fried squid is not recommended for dieting, since the calamari content of fried squid is 175 kcal. Many people love the meat of this mollusk for its original taste. Squid can be a complete replacement for meat protein.

Squids on a diet

Many nutritionists recommend squid meat as a dietary product. Not only due to its low calorie content. Squid meat is also used during the diet because it removes excess fluid and cholesterol from the body. Squid should be eaten with fresh vegetables. There are few reviews about the squid diet. This is due to the fact that the diet is quite strict and few people can withstand it. In addition, it cannot be called popular, because it is not always possible to purchase high-quality squid meat. In our hypermarkets, squids are most often sold frozen or dried, while after any heat treatment the beneficial properties are lost.

Not only squids contribute to weight loss, more details: Crab diet - nutritionist’s opinion, advice.

Squid meat is low-calorie, 100 grams contains no more than 75 calories, but at the same time a complete amount of protein. Squid can be added to salads, dressed exclusively with low-calorie mayonnaise or special yogurt dressings, eaten with any side dish or cooked in soups. There are a great many low-calorie recipes using this product.

Advantages of the squid diet

The main advantage of using squid in a diet is the overall usefulness of the product. Rich in vitamins and microelements, it perfectly replaces meat products, reducing cholesterol levels in the body. Is it possible to eat squid on a diet all the time? Of course not. They need to be combined with vegetables and unsweetened fruits. This diet may be monotonous, but very effective in the fight against excess weight.

Squid meat contains almost no fat and is digested easily and quickly. Squids do not contain purine bases, which, according to nutritionists, are toxic. Additional beneficial properties of squid during the diet include stabilization of the gastrointestinal tract.

Many diets prohibit eating potatoes due to the presence of a large amount of starch in them, but there is another opinion, more details: Potato diet - the opinion of a nutritionist, advice.

Of course, a squid mono-diet cannot be healthy. However, the uniform inclusion of squid meat in a low-calorie diet menu can have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole and on the weight loss process in particular.

Squid diet reviews

First of all, this diet is not suitable for people who have allergic reactions to any seafood. In addition, this diet is contraindicated for people who have any serious health problems.

The diet is very strict and not varied at all, so only very stubborn people can stick to it. It belongs to mono-diets and has a huge number of restrictions. This is why the squid diet receives reviews, often negative, both from those who have been on this diet and from professional nutritionists. The squid diet can be followed for no longer than one week. Before starting a diet, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Thus, according to nutritionists, squid can be used in diets as a worthy replacement for any meat product. It is important to combine squid with vegetables. The beneficial properties and pleasant taste may appeal to many women who want to maintain their body and health in excellent condition.

Eating seafood during a diet allows you not only to lose weight, but also get a whole range of useful substances and microelements. This affects not only the appearance, but also the functioning of all internal organs and systems. Numerous options for dietary squid recipes will diversify any menu, making it healthy, tasty and effective.

Squid diet: essence and features ^

AriesTaurusTwinsCancera lionVirgoScalesScorpionSagittariusCapricornAquariusFish

Squids have been in great demand in stores for several decades, but it is worth considering that you need to buy not the meat that is packaged in bags as a beer snack, but fresh and frozen.

Fans of this seafood often wonder whether squid can be used for weight loss, and here it should be taken into account that it must be without any additives.

The essence of losing weight on a squid diet is to limit the consumption of calories, due to which fat deposits are burned and, as a result, weight loss occurs.

AriesTaurusTwinsCancera lionVirgoScalesScorpionSagittariusCapricornAquariusFish

Squids for weight loss owe their beneficial properties to substances valuable to the body:

  • Protein helps strengthen muscles;
  • Potassium removes excess fluid, normalizes blood pressure, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • Amino acids improve the functioning of the thyroid gland and remove heavy metal salts.

Advantages and disadvantages

Losing weight on squid has both its disadvantages and advantages:

  • Using this product you can quickly lose weight;
  • Including squid in the diet has a beneficial effect on the body;
  • Squid meat has a pleasant taste, and it can also be added to salads.

A small disadvantage of the squid diet is that not everyone can withstand it, because all three menus are considered quite strict. Based on this, the technique cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as in the presence of any chronic diseases.

How much can you lose?

Since the calamari diet does not exceed 1000 kcal, you can lose up to 1 kg in 1 day. In most cases, you will have to eat a fairly monotonous menu, but even if instead of hearty dishes for dinner you eat a light salad with the addition of this seafood, your weight will decrease.

Do you lose volume on a diet with squid? Any nutritionist will give a positive answer to this question, because with the removal of excess fluid and weight loss, volumes necessarily decrease, because everything is interconnected.

How to choose squid for your diet

  • If the squids are fresh, they will have a pinkish tint. The meat itself should be white, and if yellowness is observed, it means the product is stale;
  • Smell and taste are also of considerable importance: if squids emit an unpleasant aroma, there is a high probability that they were first thawed and then frozen again.

How to cook squid meat for a diet

  • First, the carcasses must be thawed, then peeled, plates and beaks removed, tentacles cut off and cut into rings;
  • Next, throw into boiling water with the addition of white wine, vinegar and salt;
  • When the meat turns white (after 20-30 minutes), remove and cool on a paper towel.

It is enough to cook squid correctly, and the diet will not be too difficult to tolerate, since a lot depends on the taste of the product.

You can check the effectiveness of the squid diet on yourself by choosing the appropriate menu option.

Squid and other seafood during a weight loss diet

Seafood is mostly low in calories. Thus, the energy value of squid is only 98 kcal, shrimp – 95 kcal, and octopus – 73 kcal/100 g.

At the same time, squid is a high-protein and low-fat product. The natural protein content is 19 grams out of 100, and fat is only 2.5 grams.

This type of shellfish is often used not only in dietary, but also in medical nutrition, due to its impressive chemical composition. Squids are rich in:

  • taurine – an amino acid involved in the breakdown of lipids and increases the speed of transmission of nerve impulses in the brain;
  • protein compounds that affect muscle tissue growth and regeneration;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids that regulate metabolism, as well as the functioning of the heart, brain and endocrine system;
  • vitamins (ascorbic and folic acid, thiamine, tocopherol, pyridoxine);
  • nutrients (iodine, copper, phosphorus, selenium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron).

The introduction of seafood, including squid, into the diet contributes to:

  • reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • restoration of hormonal levels in diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • improving the functioning of the urinary system;
  • increase in muscle tissue;
  • increasing endurance and improving memory.

Can all seafood be considered low-calorie?

Seafood is a great alternative to meat protein. It is precisely because of their high protein content that they quickly satisfy hunger and are able to maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time. The combination of this quality with low calorie content makes squid an ideal diet product.

The calorie content of most seafood rarely exceeds the 100 kcal mark.

Getting rid of extra pounds with the help of your favorite products is simple and pleasant. An excellent example of this is squid for weight loss.

Benefits and calorie content of squid

Squid is considered one of the most valuable and low-calorie foods, which allows it to be used as part of therapeutic and dietary nutrition. The meat of this mollusk contains a large number of valuable components:

  • easily digestible protein;
  • taurine;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • vitamins (C, E, PP, B1, B6, folic acid);
  • macro- and microelements (phosphorus, iodine, calcium, copper, selenium, iron, zinc, sodium, magnesium, nickel, potassium).

Despite the fact that squid is filling, its calorie content is only 98 kcal. 100 g of meat contains 19 g of protein, 2.5 g of fat and 1.8 g of carbohydrates. It should be remembered that when other products are added (including vegetable oil for frying), the calamari content of squid increases sharply. Therefore, those who are on a diet are recommended to eat boiled or steamed carcasses.

The benefits of squid for the human body are as follows:

  • reducing the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, increasing the elasticity of blood vessels, normalizing blood pressure in case of hypo- and hypertension;
  • normalization of the thyroid gland;
  • improving the functioning of the genitourinary system, removing excess fluid, eliminating edema;
  • cleansing the body of heavy metal salts, waste, toxins;
  • improvement of digestive processes, stimulation of gastric juice production;
  • decreased blood glucose levels;
  • development of muscle tissue;
  • increasing endurance (mental and physical), improving memory.

The almost complete absence of fat makes squid a dietary dish that is quickly and easily digested. To appreciate all the benefits of this product, you need to choose fresh carcasses and cook them without adding oil, flavorings or flavor enhancers (in a saucepan, slow cooker, steamed). It is not recommended to buy industrially produced dried squid, as they contain a large amount of salt and other harmful components.

Squids for weight loss

Tender squid meat is very beneficial for the human body. It has nutritional value due to the large amount of protein and the substance taurine, which reduces the level of bad cholesterol. In addition, eating squid helps normalize blood pressure, liver and kidney activity. Of the huge variety of seafood, squid is also worth choosing because its meat completely lacks purine bases, which inhibit metabolic processes.

  • Read the article about the beneficial properties of squid for the body in more detail.

Representatives of the deep sea are considered the best dietary product. Their low calorie content - 110 kcal - allows the use of meat in a weight loss diet. It is perfectly absorbed by the body, promotes the elimination of heavy metal salts and is extremely beneficial for women due to the presence of folic acid. In therapeutic nutrition, shellfish is necessary to improve the functioning of the thyroid gland and replenish iodine deficiency.

The squid diet for a week is considered quite strict in its diet. Not everyone can withstand the strict diet and rules of this method of losing weight. We already wrote about how to choose squid for cooking in a previous article. Pay attention to their appearance - this way you can understand whether they have been thawed or not. The freshness of the product can be judged by the color of the carcass - it should not be yellow.

Mechanism of weight loss

The benefits of the product for weight loss are as follows:

  1. Squids are rich in protein, so eating them provides long-lasting satiety. Thanks to this, a person can eat according to a planned schedule without additional snacks, give up sweets and other addictive foods (fast food, processed foods, etc.).
  2. Squid meat contains a minimal amount of fat and carbohydrates. You can consume it at any time of the day (including for dinner), without exceeding the daily calorie intake.
  3. Extractive substances stimulate the production of stomach acid, helping to normalize the digestion process. The result is improved metabolism.
  4. With regular use of the product, excess fluid is removed from the body. Swelling goes away, which makes a person slimmer and more attractive.

Advantages and disadvantages

Losing weight using squid has its advantages:

  1. Diversity. The diet can be prepared for 1, 3, 7 and 30 days. It may include only squid (fasting day), as well as other low-calorie foods (vegetables, lean fish, fruits, shrimp, herbs, etc.).
  2. Fast weight loss. Diets allow you to lose excess weight quickly and without harm to your health.
  3. Saturation. Thanks to the large amount of protein, squids are perfectly satiating and reduce cravings for sweets and other unhealthy foods. They have a pleasant taste, which allows them to be added to a wide variety of dishes.
  4. Improved health. The components of the product have a beneficial effect on the condition of all systems and internal organs. The predominance of squid meat in the diet makes a person more energetic and reduces the manifestations of chronic and other diseases.

The only drawback of such diets is that they are not suitable for everyone. They imply a number of restrictions, which makes them harmful and even dangerous for some people (nursing and pregnant women, people with chronic diseases). Squid is one of the foods that can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before including meat in your diet, you need to make sure there is no individual intolerance.

Rules for losing weight

To lose weight quickly on a diet, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Following these recommendations will help with this:

  • give preference to healthy and low-calorie foods (you will have to give up everything sweet, fatty, starchy and canned);
  • eat more often, but in small portions (4-5 times is enough);
  • maintain a drinking regime (drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day);
  • minimize salt intake;
  • be physically active (walking, running, dancing, doing aerobics, etc.).

How much can you lose?

The speed of weight loss depends on your lifestyle. With proper nutrition and moderate physical activity, you can lose up to 1 kg per day (calamari diets do not exceed 1000–1500 kcal). However, doctors do not recommend losing weight at a rapid pace, as this has a negative impact on your health. In order not to harm the body, you should calculate the number of calories needed to maintain weight and subtract 15–20% from it. The resulting figure will indicate the calorie intake that will ensure gradual and safe weight loss.

The minimum number of kilograms that can be lost in 1 month is 5. Some people manage to lose 8–10 kg in 4 weeks.


  • 1 Squid diet requirements
  • 2 Squid diet menu
  • 3 Diet of the seven-day squid diet
  • 4 Diet of a three-day diet on squid and kefir
  • 5 Example of a diet based on squid and eggs
  • 6 Contraindications to the squid diet
  • 7 Advantages of the squid diet
  • 8 Disadvantages of the squid diet

Lose weight up to 3 kg in 7 days.
The average daily calorie content is 1060 Kcal. Squid meat is famous not only for its exquisite taste, but also for its beneficial properties. Its protein is perfectly absorbed even by a child’s body, so it is recommended to include squid in many dietary programs. The squid diet is a strict but effective method of losing weight. If you love the meat of these shellfish and are ready to show willpower to lose excess weight, we recommend trying this technique.

Squid diet

There are several types of diets designed for different periods of time. When choosing one of them, you need to start from your state of health and your goals. If the goal is to get rid of the maximum number of kilograms, you should give preference to a long-term diet. If you need to eliminate swelling and excess fluid before an important event, a fasting day or a three- or seven-day diet is suitable.

Fasting day

Fasting days imply the most monotonous diet. The most difficult option is to eat only squid (preferably boiled). If desired, you can include other protein products in your diet - chicken breast, kefir or shrimp.

To get rid of the feeling of hunger during fasting days, you should drink more fluid. This can be green tea without sugar or pure still water.

For 3 days

With a diet designed for 3 days, it is allowed to eat squid (500 g each) and low-fat kefir (500 ml each). This amount is divided into 4-5 servings and eaten throughout the day.

To an unprepared person, such nutrition may seem complicated, but it gives excellent results. To avoid breakdowns, it is recommended to drink more water.

For 7 days

The most strict option is considered to be a diet designed for 1 week. Throughout the 7 days, the diet remains unchanged:

  1. Breakfast: vegetable salad with squid, freshly squeezed carrot juice.
  2. Lunch: boiled squid, apples.
  3. Dinner: squid, feta cheese (70 g), unsweetened green tea.

This diet allows you to get rid of 3–5 kg and wean your body off large, high-calorie meals. To maintain the results, you need to adhere to proper nutrition constantly. A sharp increase in caloric intake will lead to excess weight gain and side effects (heaviness in the abdomen, pain and discomfort in the stomach, flatulence, constipation, etc.).

For a month

A monthly diet will help you achieve maximum results. In this case, the menu looks like this:

  1. Breakfast No. 1: low-fat cottage cheese (up to 5%), tea without sugar, any fruit (except grapes, bananas).
  2. Breakfast No. 2: 1 glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice (store-bought products will not work).
  3. Lunch: 2 tbsp. l. rice, squid soup, steamed chicken cutlets.
  4. Dinner: boiled squid (2–3 pcs.), 2 chicken eggs.

You need to exit the diet gradually so as not to expose your body to stress. At week 1, vegetables are added to the diet, at week 2 - fruits, at weeks 3 and 4 - lean meat. Junk foods (flour, fatty foods, confectionery, etc.) can be consumed no earlier than 5 weeks and in minimal quantities.

In 4 weeks of proper nutrition you can lose 8–10 kg. Moderate physical activity will help make your diet more effective: walking, swimming, jogging, fitness classes, etc.


Anastasia, 36 years old, Lipetsk: “I couldn’t lose weight for a long time due to an eating disorder. When I learned from a friend about the squid diet, I decided to try it. For 7 days I ate food from the proposed menu: squid, vegetable salads, cheese, fruit. The diet turned out to be difficult, but I still managed to lose weight. In 1 week I lost 5 kg of excess weight.”

Ekaterina, 25 years old, Rostov-on-Don: “I work in the modeling business, so I can’t gain weight. I have eliminated all unhealthy foods from my diet, but on weekends I allow myself some fast food and sweets. Then I arrange a fasting day on squid and kefir, which allows me to get rid of 500–800 g of excess weight and return my figure to slim.”

Leonid, 44 years old, St. Petersburg: “I always ate fatty, high-calorie foods for dinner until I learned that this had a bad effect on my figure. I replaced my usual dishes with boiled squid (with vegetables, rice or other seafood). After 1 month of eating this way, I noticed that my jeans became too big. When I stepped on the scale, I couldn’t believe my own eyes: in 30 days I lost 4 kg of excess weight. I recommend the diet to everyone who cares about their figure and wants to be healthy.”

Irina, 23 years old, Moscow: “I wanted to lose weight with the help of squid, but it turned out that I was allergic to seafood. I had to call an ambulance and inject an antihistamine. Don’t eat unusual foods in large quantities, otherwise everything could end badly.”

Dietary squid recipes

Squid is a popular seafood that is included in many dishes (including dietary ones). You can cook it in different ways: steamed and grilled, in a saucepan, slow cooker, oven. The main thing is not to use oil.

Squid carcasses are suitable for making soups, salads, and main courses. It should be remembered that this seafood does not like long heat treatment. The longer it sits on the stove, the tougher and more tasteless it becomes.


Salads with seafood are light, satisfying, and low in calories. They can be eaten even in the evening (without bread and no later than 1 hour before bedtime).

Squid salad is prepared according to one of the following recipes:

  1. Boil the squid, cut into rings. Mix with grated apple and celery root. Season with sesame oil and a little soy sauce.
  2. Boil the squid, cut into pieces. Add bell pepper, sweet onion and parsley. Season with olive oil.
  3. Mix the finished squid with chopped bell pepper and radishes. Add celery greens and some boiled shrimp. Season with olive oil.

Delicious recipes

There are many recipes for dishes that include smoked squid, but most of them are salads. For example, the popular Bodrost salad. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 220 g squid rings;
  • 200 g of “Korean” carrots (it is better to buy them in advance);
  • 20 g parsley leaves;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 150 g mayonnaise;
  • a pinch of salt.

The preparation is simple. The carrots are squeezed out, the squid is cut into strips, the cucumber is cut into cubes, and the parsley is finely chopped. All components are sequentially placed in a bowl, mayonnaise and salt are added, and mixed thoroughly. It is recommended to place the finished salad in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, and then serve. But such smoked meat is good in itself, especially as a beer snack, loved by many. And thanks to the beneficial properties of shellfish meat, you can buy smoked squid half rings without worrying about your health. Of course, you can prepare such an appetizer at home if you have a smokehouse and the desire to spend the time. If not, it is much easier to buy a ready-made, high-quality product.


Like any other product, squid is prohibited from being consumed if there are contraindications. The main one is individual intolerance (including allergy to seafood). If present, even a small portion can cause unwanted reactions in the form of redness and itching of the skin, rashes and even anaphylactic shock. For those who have never eaten the product before, it is recommended to start with a small amount. If there are no side effects, the serving size can be increased.

Other contraindications to frequent consumption of squid are inflammatory processes in the body, as well as exacerbations of chronic diseases.

Pregnant and lactating women and patients with various diseases should not adhere to strict diets. Those who are concerned about their health should consult a doctor before switching to a new diet.

Contraindications of squid for weight loss

The diet is contraindicated for people with allergies to seafood, as well as serious inflammatory diseases. Also, this method of losing weight should be excluded in case of individual intolerance. You cannot use shellfish in dried form - this provokes the deposition of salts and the accumulation of fluid in the body.

For those who do not want to adhere to the strict rules of a mono-diet, squid can be used as part of dishes (salads, soups) without adding salt and mayonnaise. Thanks to the low calorie content of the ingredients, you can not only quickly lose weight, but also fill your body with nutrients.

What dishes can be prepared from squid?

  • Squid with bell pepper, onions, parsley, seasoned with olive oil;
  • Bulgarian squid with boiled rice, eggs and paprika;
  • Soup with melted cheese and shellfish meat;
  • Exotic salad with squid and mussels (white wine, bay leaf, mustard, dill, basil, garlic, lemon juice);
  • Cocktail salad with squid, Chinese cabbage, shrimp, leeks, cheese, crab sticks;
  • Spicy squid and shrimp salad (sweet peppers, cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, celery, paprika, olive oil).
  • Several video recipes:

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