Flaxseed porridge: benefits and harm. Losing weight. Calorie content. Recipe how to cook

Among porridges, there is a record holder for a unique set of useful elements - flaxseed porridge. This is a dietary porridge on which you can lose weight and build muscles, and do all this easily and with pleasure. Since many people still don’t even know about it, our healthy diet decided to correct this annoying misunderstanding. Today's review is dedicated to the real big queen: flaxseed porridge, its benefits and harms. Losing weight. Recipes on how to cook.

Flaxseed porridge: benefits

First, let's talk about the benefits of flaxseed porridge. We are constantly told that almost the healthiest food is regular cereal. For example, corn semolina porridge is an irreplaceable product. Flaxseed porridge is not inferior to it - the benefits from it are simply invaluable.

Flaxseed porridge contains 30-35 grams of protein (pure protein) per 100 grams of dry “flour”. And protein, as you know, is the main building material for muscles, without which all the sweating in the gym will be in vain.

It contains up to 45 grams of dietary fiber, which is responsible for digestion and intestinal function. And the intestines, as you know, are responsible not only for our weight loss, but also for our well-being, as well as immunity.

Chemical composition

Flaxseed is considered a storehouse of valuable enzymes. This is why people of all ages love him, regardless of gender.

So, the composition contains retinol, tocopherol, thiamine, pantothenic acid, niacin and other substances. Polyunsaturated fatty acids preserve tissue youth.

Many micro- and macroelements, including potassium, boron, copper, calcium, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, aluminum, ensure the proper functioning of all internal organs.

Interestingly, flaxseed contains more than 700 plant hormones. This quality is valuable for the reproductive system of the male and female body.

The hypoallergenic composition allows flaxseed porridge to be taken by all categories of citizens without exception who have no individual contraindications.

As for the nutritional value of the product, flax porridge has an ideal (!) BJU ratio. It accumulates 6% carbohydrates, 15% fats and 43% proteins. It is these proportions that are easily absorbed by the blood and distributed to all internal organs.

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Contraindications for use

Not a single product can be called harmless for absolutely every person in the world. Flaxseed porridge is considered the most harmless among all cereals, as it has no contraindications for use. However, do not forget about such a factor as individual intolerance to the product - it occurs in rare cases even for the least harmful dish. Flaxseed porridge can cause allergies in a small number of people if they are personally intolerant to any substance it contains.

At the same time, most allergies can be caused by eating porridge bought in a store - chemical additives, dyes, and flavors are often used in the production of such products.

It is these additives that most often cause allergies in consumers. To prevent its occurrence, it is better to prepare flax seed porridge at home from natural products, this way you can minimize the risk of side effects.

In addition, do not forget that home-cooked porridge is an environmentally friendly product that contains a list of all the useful active components of flax. In this regard, persons with urine and gallstone diseases should carefully use flax products.

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Calorie content of flaxseed porridge 297 kcal

Energy value of flaxseed porridge (ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bzhu).

You will need

  • Flaxseed flour, hot but not boiling water, a little fennel, fresh dill and sea salt, or ready-made flaxseed porridge for weight loss from the pharmacy.


Let's get rid of illusions. You can lose weight with flaxseed, just like with any other diet, only if you manage to create a moderate energy deficit. Calculate your need for kilocalories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates using any available calculator, and subtract 10-20% from this figure. Just enough to lose weight without.

We include flax porridge for weight loss in the diet. Choose a meal that you don't usually drink with hot water. The benefits of flaxseed porridge are its high content of omega-three fats and dietary fiber. Unsaturated fatty acids “do not like” proximity to boiling water, so “space out” the intake of porridge and hot drinks by at least half an hour. A standard serving of flaxseed porridge is 3 tablespoons of flour plus additives. This is approximately 150 kcal, therefore, “from one porridge” you can make either a light first breakfast or a daytime snack.

Cooking flaxseed porridge for weight loss. Boil water, cool it for about 5-6 minutes, pour 3 tablespoons of flour with water, cover the dish with a lid and wait 15 minutes. Then mix the resulting porridge, add herbs and fennel, and welcome to the table.


Flaxseed porridge is good for the heart and digestion, and can speed up your metabolism a little. But the main rule of losing weight is creating an energy deficit, and not consuming “superfoods.” Remember that by adding sugar, cream and candied berries to flaxseed flour, you increase the calorie content of the dish. Reviews of flaxseed porridge for weight loss published on the Internet indicate that it helps with calorie restriction, reduces appetite and improves digestion, and also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

Helpful advice

Flaxseed porridge somewhat reduces appetite due to its high dietary fiber content. If you feel especially hungry at lunchtime and usually overeat in the middle of the day, it makes sense to have porridge for breakfast. For those who arrange 3-4 dinners, instead of the first evening meal, you can eat a portion of porridge and a little protein, for example, a couple of tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese. This will help curb your evening appetite and stay within the “calorie corridor.”

Porridge is one of the healthiest dishes in a nutritious diet. And porridge prepared from truly miraculous flax seeds will help solve many issues aimed at restoring the health and beauty of the body.

It helps cleanse the body, removes harmful toxins from it, and saturates cells with essential microelements. Thanks to this, flaxseed porridge improves intestinal function, restores the health of hair, nail plates and skin, and even helps you lose weight!

Porridge for weight loss: which cereal burns fat

Published: 03/03/2018
You can and should lose weight with health benefits. Porridges for weight loss are perfect for this. But not all of them work equally well. Therefore, for a healthy diet you need to choose cereals that burn fat and saturate...

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You can eat porridge several times a day (up to two to three times is recommended). The process of preparing this product is very simple - you just need to add water and cook over low heat until cooked. At the end of cooking, you can add milk to the porridge. If desired, you can also add some additional ingredients, for example, condensed milk or honey, and, of course, salt and sugar. Porridge can be consumed as a main dish or as an addition, for example to soup, sauce, or even in baked goods. This porridge is suitable for absolutely everyone, even small children. By supplementing your diet with porridge, you can’t go wrong, because you will have a nutritious, dietary, and most importantly healthy and perfectly balanced breakfast

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It contains plant lignans - organic phenolic compounds related to phytoestrogens. What it is? These are natural, eco-friendly plant substances in flaxseed porridge that have estrogen-like activity. There is evidence that they suppress carcinogenesis, that is, cell mutations that lead to tumors, a healthy diet warns. Lignans are effective as an antiallergen and antioxidant. In this respect, it is similar to synthetic antioxidants.

Special benefits of flaxseed porridge:

  • Omega 3 (linolenic acid) - approx. 5 %;
  • Omega 6 (linoleic acid - 65-70%;
  • Omega 9 (oleic acid - 10-15%.

Polyunsaturated acids, when properly balanced, improve kidney function, promote cell regeneration, and improve skin condition. They exhibit the properties of anti-inflammatory agents and accelerate the immune response, reminds poleznaya-dieta.ru. This means that even if a virus or bacteria enters the body, it immediately turns on the immune system to the fullest and actively fights them.

Omega treats arthritis and arthrosis, diabetes and atherosclerosis, strengthens the heart muscle. And thanks to omega, flaxseed porridge normalizes hormonal levels and slows down the aging process, prolonging life. It also contains selenium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and other microelements, B vitamins. Our healthy diet believes that this is quite an impressive list of arguments that should convince everyone of the benefits of flaxseed porridge and the need to include it in their diet. Especially if you decide to lose weight and are on a diet.

Let's analyze the composition and calorie content

The benefits and harms of flaxseed porridge are explained by its chemical composition. Oily seeds contain 35 types of fatty acids, 13 essential amino acids and proteins. The product is famous for its content of Omega-3 and Omega-6, lignin, oligonucleotides and oligosaccharides.

Vitamin and mineral composition:

Item name Content in 100 g/% of normal
IN 1 1.6 mg/110%
AT 2 0.2 mg/9%
AT 5 1 mg/20%
AT 6 0.5 mg/24%
AT 9 87 mcg/22%
Ascorbic acid 0.6 mg/1%
Vitamin E 0.3 mg/2%
Niacin 3.1 mg/15%
Phylloquinone 4.3 µg/4%
Macro- and microelements
Calcium 256 mg/26%
Magnesium 390 mg/98%
Potassium 810 mg/33%
Phosphorus 640 mg/80%
Iron 6 mg/32%
Zinc 4.3 mg/36%
Copper 1200 mcg/120%
Manganese 2.5 mg/120%
Selenium 25 mcg/46%
Sodium 30 mg/2%

Nutritional value of flax


  • calorie content – ​​530 kcal;
  • dietary fiber – 27 g;
  • proteins – 36.5 g;
  • fats – 34.9 g;
  • carbohydrates – 1.6 g.

This level of fiber and protein is due to the production of flaxseed cereals. The raw material for preparation is plant seeds.

Flaxseed porridge: harm

We hasten to please you: flaxseed porridge will not harm the body. The fact is that it is a specially processed flour. This is low-fat flax seed, which is devoid of dangerous properties. Therefore, flaxseed porridge has no harm.

But flaxseed is really very fatty, so it is hard on the liver and can be harmful to a patient with gall, pancreas and kidneys. Flax seed can also cause rumbling in the stomach, gas and other “delights” in the form of diarrhea and allergies.

But flaxseed porridge will not do any harm - all the heavy artillery has been removed from it, which adds a fair fly in the ointment to the flaxseed ointment.

Carefully! Special cases

It is impossible to assert the absolute usefulness of a particular product. There are always contraindications for use. Or conditions in which you will have to limit yourself to a specific delicacy.

The benefits and harms of pearl barley, buckwheat or flaxseed porridge are considered together. After all, a person may have diseases for which they need to eat these dishes carefully.

When are flax seeds harmful?


  • The product gives a strong choleretic effect. Therefore, in case of exacerbation of colitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, be careful.
  • Flaxseed porridge is not recommended for people with gallstones or bladder stones.
  • Flax improves peristalsis. But with severe diarrhea, this is of no use.
  • Due to the high protein content, individual intolerance may occur.

We must also not forget about the norm of consumption: a varied diet is important for health.

Flaxseed porridge for weight loss: calorie content

Flaxseed porridge will really help you lose weight and build up your abs, butt and biceps, because it contains a lot of protein - pure vegetable protein. We have already written about egg white and talked about its benefits. But flaxseed porridge is not particularly inferior to eggs, and also does not contain fats and cholesterol, like the yolk.

Calorie content of flaxseed porridge: 290-300 calories per 100 grams of dry product. Of course, this is in porridge without sugar and butter. And if you generously flavor the porridge with butter, it will lose some of its beneficial properties.

But 100 grams of flaxseed porridge produces such a decent portion that it is quite possible to divide this portion into 2 times. As a result, you will get a minimum of calories - exactly what you need for weight loss.

Beneficial features

This cereal can be useful for internal organs, such as the liver, thyroid gland, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Eating porridge leads to increased immunity, weight loss, it also improves the condition of the cardiovascular system, blood sugar levels return to normal, and blood flow in tissues is stimulated. And this is only a small part of the beneficial effects of this porridge on the body.

It is also important to note that men who eat a bowl of flaxseed porridge every day involuntarily increase the amount of testosterone hormone produced in the body. As a result, their sexual function improves significantly. For women, this product can be an effective fat burner.

Recipe for flax porridge (from flax seeds) with apple, raisins and prunes

  • Flax porridge (flax seed) - 4 tbsp;
  • Apples - 150 g (1 - 2 pcs);
  • Prunes (pitted) - 75 g;
  • Raisins - 40 g;
  • Water - 170 ml.

Cooking method:

Pour cold water over flax porridge (seeds) in the evening and leave it to soak overnight.

Wash the apples, peel them from the seeds, cut them into small cubes. Pour clean warm water over the raisins and rinse several times. Also wash dried prunes, warns healthy diet ru. Then dry the fruit. Cut the prunes into small pieces.

Place flaxseed with water and apples in a blender. Blend until you have a smooth pureed mixture. Then add 2/3 of the raisins and blend again

Mix the mixture with dried prunes.

Place the finished puree in a suitable dish or bowl, and garnish with the remaining raisins. You can also use mint leaves or other favorite berries for garnish. You can eat with pleasure!

Porridge made from flax, banana and dates

Ingredients for making flaxseed porridge: flax, banana, water, dates

To prepare flax porridge, we will need the following products (the number of ingredients is indicated per serving):

  1. Flax seeds - 50 g (4 tablespoons)
  2. Water – 150 ml
  3. Banana - 1 pc.
  4. Dates - 4 pcs.

Where to buy flaxseed porridge? Where to buy flax? We buy it at a regular grocery store in the dried fruit section. You can also buy flaxseed porridge at Magnit or Pyaterochka - flax seeds are sold in many chain stores. You can find them on the shelves next to “healthy food” products. In extreme cases, you can buy it at the pharmacy.

When you buy flax seeds, pay attention that they contain as little debris as possible (ideally, none at all), because, for example, I somehow came across quite dirty flax and had to spend at least 20 minutes to get it out. sort through.

Garbage in flax seeds

Which dates to take? It is better to opt for those that are softer, I would even say “juicy”. We take “Sheikh” variety dates from Iran. Small, hard and shriveled ones, I think, are not worth taking.

In total, more than 1000 varieties of dates are grown. “Food given by Allah”! This is what this product is called in Islamic countries (where these fruits are used as medicine, and they are also allowed to be eaten during fasting).

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