Diet options with kefir and green tea

Quick navigation through the article:
  • Benefits of Green Tea
  • Fasting day with green tea
  • 9 diet options
  • Meals for two weeks and a month
  • Green tea and blood pressure
  • Adviсe
  • How to choose the right tea
  • Expert help

Green tea lovers probably know that after drinking this drink, you feel a surge of energy, your mood improves, and your appetite disappears for a while. In addition, this drink perfectly quenches thirst; you can drink it in the heat or after physical activity. These properties can be successfully used for weight loss. It is important to use high-quality green tea that undergoes minimal fermentation.

Benefits of Green Tea

The benefits of green tea are obvious, so even if you have never drunk this drink, you should definitely try it. Here are its main advantages:

  • people who regularly drink green tea practically do not suffer from obesity;
  • The benefits of green tea are explained by the high content of vitamins, minerals, and polyphenols in its tender young leaves. These substances help increase heat exchange, which accelerates the breakdown of adipose tissue.
  • Research by scientists has proven that with regular consumption of this drink, at least 4-5 glasses a day, the process of calorie expenditure increases by 45% ;
  • green tea lowers blood sugar levels;
  • the drink reduces appetite, so it is recommended to drink a glass of green tea half an hour before meals to avoid overeating.

In addition, green tea for weight loss helps maintain the required amount of vitamins, prevents depression, and ensures the desired metabolic rate. The main advantage of this drink is its diuretic effect, which helps remove excess fluid.

What is useful for losing weight

The number of positive qualities inherent in this drink makes you lose count - in its rich chemical composition it also contains antioxidants that prevent cellular aging. These same substances help eliminate toxins and accelerate metabolism. When losing weight, green tea is also useful in terms of improving thermoregulation inside cells, which helps burn fat deposits - other types of tea do not have such properties. Additional advantages include:

  • mild suppression of hunger (relevant only for a drink without sugar, otherwise there will be a surge in insulin) for 1.5 hours;
  • calming the nervous system (during strict diets, this helps to endure them with less emotional loss);
  • maintaining skin health (diet mainly affects appearance, as it creates a deficiency of vitamins and minerals).

Fasting day with green tea

If you want to bring your body back to normal after a festive feast, cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, and lose 0.7-2.0 kg of excess weight , you can follow a one-day diet with green tea. Here are some useful tips:

  • you don’t need anything other than clean still water and high-quality green tea;
  • It is advisable to use green tea without additives;
  • to brew tea correctly, you need to thoroughly wash and scald the teapot with boiling water , pour two or three teaspoons of tea into it, pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid and leave for 5-10 minutes;
  • During unloading you need to drink as much tea as you want. During breaks or when you are away from home, you can drink clean water;
  • drink tea warm, brewing a fresh portion two to three times;
  • unloading on green tea starts the process of burning fat and removes toxins, flushes the intestines, allows you to establish the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • It is permissible to carry out such unloading twice a month.

Disadvantages of unloading on tea:

  • It is better if you choose a day off for deloading, since due to the large amount of liquid, you will be forced to frequently visit the toilets.
  • On this day, no nutrients are supplied, so unloading should not be too frequent.

There are other methods of using green tea for weight loss. They are based on the inclusion of several more products in the diet, in addition to tea.


Set “Tea Assortment” green tea with berries and fruits (10 types) Description Assorted green teas with various additives, pressed into cubes of 5-7 grams: Green tea with orange; Green tea with cherries; Green tea with mint; Green tea with peach; Green tea with black currant; Green tea with strawberries; Green tea with ginger; Green tea with melon; Green tea with cranberries; Green tea with raspberries.

395 RUR Sale Top

Morgenthau green tea Description Ingredients: sencha tea, green gunpowder tea, blue cornflower, calendula, rose petals, flavoring.

210 RUR Sale Top

Green tea Fluffy bunny Description Ingredients: sencha tea, green gunpowder tea, pineapple, calendula, raspberry, forget-me-not, flavoring.

215 RUR Sale Top

Green tea Macau Description Ingredients: sencha tea, green gunpowder tea, pineapple, calendula, blue cornflower, rose petals, flavoring.

180 RUR Sale Top

Gift tea for rescuers (green) Description High-quality green tea.

165 RUR Sale Top

Mango green tea with genmaicha and coconut aroma, 100 g Description Ingredients: genmaicha green tea, sencha green tea, pineapple cubes, mango pieces, natural flavoring.

340 RUR Sale Top

Green tea Sousep Description Ingredients: green tea gunpowder, green jasmine tea, carob, orange zest, strawberry, safflower, flavoring.

200 RUR. Sale Top

Green tea Strawberry dessert (gunpowder) Description Ingredients: green tea, safflower petals, strawberry pieces, strawberry and cream flavoring.

250 RUR. Sale Top

Green tea Mojito Description Green tea with pieces of white chocolate and mint-citrus aroma.

375 RUR Sale Top

Green tea Gummi Bears Description Ingredients: green tea, gunpowder, pineapple, calendula, red currant, flavoring.

195 RUR Sale Top

Green tea Six Treasures of Shaolin Description Ingredients: green tea, pineapple, lily, calendula, strawberry, flavoring.

250 RUR. Sale Top

Gift tea for builders (green), 50g Description Refreshing green tea with the addition of linden and chamomile.

165 RUR Sale Top

Green tea Egyptian nights on gunpowder Description Ingredients: green tea gunpowder, pineapple, red currant, flavoring.

230 RUR. Sale Top

Gunpowder green tea with mint Description Gunpowder green tea with mint aroma.

295 RUR Sale Top

Green tea Gunpowder Bergamot Description Green tea gunpowder with lemon zest and linden, flavored with bergamot oil.

165 RUR Sale Top

Green tea Portofino Description Ingredients: green tea, gunpowder, orange, pineapple, linden, mint, blackberry, lily, flavoring.

285 RUR Sale Top

Green large-leaf fireweed tea Description Ingredients: green large-leaf fireweed tea.

300 RUR. Sale Top

Green tea Gunpowder (gunpowder), small Description Green tea rolled into small balls. Suitable for everyday tea drinking.

230 RUR. Sale Top

Is it possible to drink green tea during the kefir diet?

Milk and tea for weight loss

One way to quickly lose weight is to drink green tea with milk. Some advise using such a diet for three days, but on the advice of a nutritionist, it is better to use it only for one day , since the lack of nutrients and such rapid weight loss can be harmful to health.

So, per day you should drink 1.5 liters of pure water (see water diet) and one and a half liters of tea with milk.


Green tea with milk for weight loss:

Milk and tea can be prepared in two ways:

  1. Method 1: Add three tablespoons of green tea to 1.5 liters of low-fat milk (up to 1.5% fat). It’s better to do this by placing the leaves in a strainer so that you don’t have to strain the drink later. After 10 minutes, the milk tea is ready.
  2. Method 2: Brew tea in water, at the rate of a teaspoon of leaves per glass of boiling water, after steeping, add 50 ml of low-fat milk. Additionally, you need to drink 500 ml of milk per day.


Drink a glass of tea every hour. Drink half a glass of water at the same intervals, alternating between drinks. If you do active exercises or training on this day, the result will be even more effective. A diet of green tea with milk will allow you to lose up to 2.5 kg per day .

The video explains how to properly use the green tea with milk diet:


Dried fruits and tea

You can drink green tea with dried fruits. This diet will appeal to those who cannot imagine drinking tea without sweets. You can use the following dried fruits:

  • prunes;
  • dried apricots;
  • dried apples;
  • dried berries (cranberries, cherries, raspberries, strawberries, etc.)
  • raisin;
  • pieces of pineapple, mango;
  • dates.

In total, take no more than 200g of dried fruits per day. They are divided into 5-6 parts, which will replace all daily meals. Dried fruits should be chewed thoroughly, washed down with 1.5-2 liters of warm green tea. Additionally, you can drink clean water.


Green tea with lemon

Green tea with ginger and lemon for weight loss is also sold in ready-made form. But you can cook it yourself. Ginger and lemon are famous for their ability to break down fats, and the peculiar taste of ginger makes this drink able to suppress appetite . Additionally, you can eat a piece of lemon with each cup of tea along with the peel, which contains a lot of useful substances.

Ginger tea with lemon

For one and a half liters of boiling water you will need 70g of grated ginger root, a quarter of a lemon, 3-4 tablespoons of green tea. Lemon can be used with the peel, or just the juice can be squeezed out to avoid a bitter taste.

Pour slightly cooled boiling water over tea, ginger and lemon, wait 10 minutes, pour the drink into a thermos. It can be drunk hot throughout the day.

This is interesting!

Green tea in bags is no worse than brewed tea. Many people mistakenly believe that loose leaf tea is better. In fact, tea dust gives a richer shade, brews faster, and it is obtained from the most delicate young leaves. For larger teas, older, larger leaves are used.


Green tea and honey

If you do not suffer from an allergy to honey, you can try a green tea diet with honey. This unloading will help:

  • cleanse the body;
  • start the fat burning process;
  • increase heat exchange and blood circulation;
  • relieve nervous tension;
  • rinse the stomach after feasts.

When using this diet, you can add one teaspoon of natural honey to your daily tea intake of 1.5-2 liters for each cup. You can lose 1-1.5 kg in a day.


Green tea with apple

For a green tea with apples diet, choose sweet apples. The diet can last up to a week, but it has disadvantages and contraindications:

  • only a small amount of the necessary substances is supplied;
  • weight loss too rapidly;
  • such a nutrition system is harmful, like any mono-diet, it can be used no more than once a year, in the most extreme cases;
  • the complete absence of protein foods leads to a decrease in muscle mass.

However, here are the food standards for each day of this diet:

  • Green tea 1.5l per day;
  • Clean water 1.5 liters per day;
  • Sweet apples;
  • The first two days 1 kg;
  • The second two days, 2 kg;
  • Third 2 days 1.5 kg;
  • Seventh day 1kg.


Green tea and eggs

You can make your diet healthier and easier to tolerate by adding eggs to your menu. The green tea and egg diet can last from one to three days. Also, the diet is often supplemented with low-fat cottage cheese, which will allow you to quickly lose weight without harm to muscle tissue.

The diet of green tea, eggs and cottage cheese is often called the model diet, as it is used by models before fashion shows. In 3 days it takes up to 3kg.

  • First breakfast: soft-boiled egg, green tea
  • Second breakfast: 100g low-fat cottage cheese, a cup of tea
  • Lunch: cottage cheese 100g, boiled egg, green tea with lemon
  • Afternoon snack: 100g cottage cheese, tea
  • Dinner: soft-boiled egg, green tea


Rice and green tea

The rice and green tea diet is often called the “Geisha Diet.” Such food is typical for Japanese women, who are slim until old age. In addition, you will rarely see wrinkled faces and flabby bodies, since proper nutrition and plenty of seafood in the diet allow you to maintain smooth skin for many years.

Geisha diet

Used for six days, during which you can lose up to 7 kg. After ten days, the diet can be repeated. Unpolished brown rice is used, you can choose basmati rice.

First comes the preparation of the body. During the first day, you need to eat vegetable soup with rice, and drink about 1 liter of green tea.

Geisha diet on green tea and rice 2-6 days menu:

  • Breakfast: a glass of milk tea, prepared as follows:
  • Green tea is poured into a mixture of hot milk and water, taken in equal quantities, at the rate of: 3 tbsp. spoons per 1.5 liters of liquid.
  • Second breakfast: a glass of milk tea
  • Lunch: boiled rice, at the rate of 2g per kilogram of weight, a glass of tea with milk.
  • Afternoon snack: glass of tea
  • Dinner: same amount of rice, glass of tea.

Nutritionist's opinion:

The geisha diet cannot be healthy, since it lacks proteins, vegetables, fruits, dairy products and other beneficial substances. This diet leads to persistent constipation, which is difficult to treat.

And here is a video in which a nutritionist will talk about the rules for brewing, using and contraindications for drinking green tea:


Buckwheat porridge and green tea

You can try a diet based on green tea, fruits and buckwheat. It lasts a week, and, according to reviews, you can lose up to 5-7 kg. You can eat not only buckwheat, but also all types of fruits, except bananas, grapes, figs, persimmons and mangoes. You also need to drink low-fat kefir.

To properly prepare buckwheat, you need to steam a glass of cereal overnight with two glasses of boiling water.

Buckwheat and green tea diet menu

You need to drink 1.5 liters of green tea and a liter of water per day. The amount of buckwheat is not limited, but you should not overeat.

Three main meals are interspersed with two snacks, which consist of a cup of warm green tea and 100 ml of kefir.

  • Breakfast: buckwheat, 100 ml kefir, 100 g fruits or berries;
  • Second breakfast: 100ml kefir, a cup of tea
  • Lunch: porridge, 100g fruit, 100ml kefir
  • Afternoon snack: kefir and tea
  • Dinner: porridge, 100 ml kefir.

Another option for this diet is a diet without fruits. All other products are unchanged. This option is best used as a fasting day.

We have compiled for you an approximate diet menu based on buckwheat porridge and green tea for 3 days. You can download it for free:


Green tea and grapefruit

The green tea and grapefruit diet lasts up to 3 days. These two products are powerful fat burners, and together they work wonders. For this diet you will need per day:

  • 4 grapefruits, cut in half;
  • 1.5 liters of green tea;
  • 1 liter of clean water.

At regular intervals, eat half a grapefruit with tea. During breaks, drink tea or water. In 2-3 days you can lose up to 3.5 kg.

Essence and features

Green and black tea are made from the same plant, only the former is not fermented, as a result of which it retains most of its beneficial properties. The drink contains caffeine, which promotes increased breakdown of fats, provided that intense physical activity is present in a person’s life. Therefore, for those who do not like green tea, the coffee diet is perfect.

In addition to vitamins and minerals, green tea contains substances that help improve mood, and this automatically reduces the risk of stress and fatigue. In addition, the emperors' drink helps speed up metabolism - the digestive system will work faster, which means that undigested food will not be deposited in the form of fat folds.

Green tea has the ability to reduce appetite, that is, food portions will be reduced, and a person will not have to starve. It is because of this that it is very effective to use green tea for weight loss, and such a diet is quite natural for our body. Also, the imperial drink has a diuretic effect, so it helps eliminate swelling, which adorns the figure no better than fat deposits.

All green tea diets can be divided into strict and gentle. The first group includes one-component methods, according to which you will have to give up food for several days, replacing it with the imperial drink. This is a strong stress for the body, not recommended by nutritionists, so a long-term diet is only suitable as a last resort. Typically, this method is used only as a fasting day.

Gentle diets include those methods in which green tea is the main, but not the only component. A balanced diet is prepared for 3-14 days, which, if followed, will help you lose weight without harm to your health.

Meals for two weeks and a month

In order for the results to be more durable and the lost kilograms not to return, it is necessary to carry out a longer weight loss process. A green tea diet for two weeks or a month is more reminiscent of the basics of proper nutrition. Her recommendations are:

  • eat at least 5-6 times a day in small portions;
  • exclude all harmful foods and drinks;
  • drink a lot of water and green tea (at least 1.5 liters per day);
  • cook only boiled, baked or stewed food;
  • eat more raw vegetables;
  • minimize the consumption of sweet fruits and starchy vegetables;
  • add a little salt.

This diet can be used for longer by making it a way of life.

Diet Basics

Weight loss involves giving up any set of foods and including tea and other herbal drinks in your diet. The green tea diet is no exception. It is based on the inclusion of this drink in the daily menu. The technique does not involve complete abstinence from food for several days, since any living organism needs energy, which cannot be obtained by drinking only tea and herbal decoctions.

There is an opinion that green tea can help you lose weight. This is wrong. The diet involves reducing the amount of food consumed, avoiding high-calorie foods and creating the right menu. The role of the drink is to remove excess fluid from the body, which helps to gently reduce weight. The norm is 2 liters of freshly brewed tea per day.

All this applies only to tea in its pure form, without chemical flavoring additives, as well as natural ones, in the form of sugar and milk. The benefits of the drink can hardly be overestimated. This:

  • the presence of antioxidants that prevent cellular aging;
  • removal of toxins;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • decreased feeling of hunger for a short period of time;
  • improvement of the nervous system;
  • positive effect on the skin.

Before you start using the diet, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of foods that are recommended to be consumed and which you will have to give up.

Green tea and blood pressure

Before starting a diet, you need to find out whether green tea is available for those who suffer from hypertension.

Some people believe that green tea increases blood pressure, but this is actually not the case. The properties of this drink indicate the opposite.

  1. Thiamine or vitamin B1 contained in the leaves (0.6 mg per 100g) lowers sugar levels, and nicotinic acid or vitamin B3 (0.6 mg per 100g) lowers cholesterol. B vitamins are always prescribed for disorders of the cardiovascular system; they reduce muscle tone and calm the nervous system.
  2. Vitamin E, which is found in green tea more than sprouted wheat, reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes, as well as heart disease.
  3. Vitamin P is responsible for strengthening the walls of blood vessels. If you drink only three cups of tea a day, you will reach your daily requirement of this vitamin.
  4. Vitamin U helps prevent gastritis and stomach ulcers.
  5. The polyphenol catechin, which gives tea a tart taste and is contained in tea leaves up to 40%, thins the blood, makes blood vessels more elastic, and removes cholesterol.
  6. The ability to remove excess fluid helps to avoid hypertension, and therefore reduce blood pressure. Therefore, scientists from all countries agree that green tea lowers blood pressure.

Long-term diets from 7 days

With serious weight gain, mini-diets and fasting days will not significantly help solve the problem. A different approach is needed here. First of all, increase physical activity and reduce calorie intake. Long-term diets that last 2 or more weeks, designed to stimulate fat burning processes, but do not deplete the diet of nutrients, are considered effective in this situation.

All harmful and high-calorie foods and dishes are excluded from the diet:

  • sugar;
  • confectionery;
  • sausages;
  • fried foods;
  • alcohol;
  • bread;
  • pasta.

Reduce the consumption of sour cream, potatoes, pearl barley and eggs to 2 times a week. The basis of the diet is cereals (buckwheat and rice), vegetables, non-sweet fruits, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir, chicken and turkey, fish and mushrooms. All dishes are prepared without adding salt. Salads are not seasoned with sour cream or mayonnaise, but only sprinkled with lemon juice and spices are added if desired. The daily calorie content of dishes should not exceed 2100 kcal, but after an adjustment period that lasts 3-4 days, the calorie content is reduced to 1600-1800 kcal.

Can I include nuts and dried fruits in my diet? These are valuable sources of vitamins and minerals, but are usually high in calories. Therefore, peanuts are excluded from the list of nuts, and figs are excluded from dried fruits. Raisins and walnuts are healthy.

Drink 6 cups of tea, water, and freshly squeezed juices a day. In the first days, it will be difficult to cook without salt, so to improve the taste of dishes, especially fresh salads, add sesame seeds, dill, parsley, sunflower seeds, ground or fresh ginger. All porridges are cooked in water.

A green tea diet is always effective. There are very few overweight people in China and Japan, and all because a drink made from camellia leaves is consumed by every resident at least 5-7 times a day, without sugar, sweeteners or confectionery. This drink is perceived as self-sufficient and does not require supplementation.

Tips for those who want to lose weight with green tea

  • never use sugar, which will add extra calories;
  • do not eat sweets and pastries during tea drinking;
  • do not use harmful sweeteners (see natural sweeteners);
  • chilled green tea perfectly quenches thirst in the heat, and moreover, 50 kcal more is spent on its absorption than on a warm drink, because the stomach needs to warm it up;
  • tea does not contain calories, so it can be drunk instead of any sweet carbonated drinks and used in any diet;
  • weakly brewed tea promotes the healing of ulcers and wounds; it can be used in the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Diet for a month

In 30 days you can lose from 5 to 8 kg. During this period, the body will be cleansed of toxins and free radicals. You will lose weight naturally because you won't be starving. But you will have to give up the following products:

  • dough dishes (dumplings, dumplings);
  • smoked meats, fatty meats;
  • fried and spicy foods;
  • alcohol;
  • baked goods and sugar.

What can you have for tea?

It is recommended to limit salt intake. Drink 5-6 cups of this tasty and aromatic drink daily. Use loose leaf tea and brew it in a teapot in advance. Eat simple lean foods: light soups, stewed and boiled vegetables. Low-fat fermented milk products are recommended. In addition to tea, do not forget to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.

Diet for 14 days

The principle is the same as for a month, about 5 kg are lost, the following foods are prohibited:

  • fruits containing glucose (grapes, bananas, melons);
  • honey and dried fruits;
  • semolina and pearl barley;
  • potato;
  • eggs and sour cream;
  • flour products, confectionery;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Limit oil in salad dressings by replacing it with lemon juice. Boiled turkey or chicken meat and fish are acceptable. Diversify the menu with buckwheat and millet porridge with boiled vegetables. Drink freshly squeezed juices.

How to choose the right tea

To learn how to choose the right tea you need to know that:

  • Black, white and green tea are harvested from the same bush. It is important how it is prepared in order to obtain different varieties.
  • White tea is subjected to minimal fermentation; only the topmost young 1-2 leaves are selected for it, and then steamed for no more than 1 minute.
  • Green tea – kept for no more than two days and then heated with heated steam to stop the fermentation process. Oxidation is only 3-12%.
  • Black tea is aged until it turns dark brown. This is why the degree of brewing is much different, and the color of the tea is much darker and richer.

Expert help:

It is wrong to think that loose leaf tea is the best. It is usually obtained by cutting the lowest large, and therefore older, leaves of the tea bush. These large leaves are also rolled into tubes and then cut into another type of tea. Having visited a tea plantation in Sri Lanka, and then at a factory where tea is produced and packaged, they explained to us that tea dust is the most expensive. Fine dust, packaged in bags, is obtained for the reason that the delicate upper leaves are much easier to crush, give a richer color, and a more lasting aroma.

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