Mussels: KBZHU per 100 grams

The edible part of the mussel (the orange-most shell-shaped surface) is a muscle. The taste of seafood is ambiguous: it varies from sweet to salty and with every movement of the jaw it produces new and new combinations. Mussels are eaten in all sorts of states, from raw to dried or canned.

Seafood is also served in radically different locations: in Michelin-starred restaurants and on beaches in rural areas. What is the ingredient and what real benefit or pleasure can it bring to a person?

General characteristics of the product

Mussels belong to the genus of marine bivalve mollusks of the Mytilidae family. Representatives of mussels that humanity eats live mainly in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Mollusks especially liked the littoral zone (tidal zone with stones or sand) and the upper sublittoral zone. It is from there that fishermen catch them and put them on land for sale.


  • General characteristics of the product
  • Ecological Features
  • Brief historical background
  • Useful properties of the ingredient
  • Chemical composition of seafood
  • Use of the ingredient in cooking
  • How to choose the right mussels

The mussel looks like two connected oblong shells. The outer surface of this shell is painted in a dark range of colors: from olive to purple, turning into black. The dark palette is diluted with minor light splashes and stripes. Average dimensions: 8 centimeters long and 4 centimeters high.

Edible mussels have one significant difference from other varieties of shellfish. The crown and anterior edge of the edible animal are aligned, while in other species they are shifted.

The triangular-oblong shape of the shells hides a strong muscle inside - the only organ of the animal that we eat. The surface of the shell is smooth and shiny; with age, it becomes overgrown with other marine inhabitants: sponges, bryozoans, balanuses and hydroiodes. They destroy the surface and lead to the destruction of the animal. The inner shell flaps are perfectly smooth (so as not to damage the muscle) with a mother-of-pearl tint.

How to cook mussels?

For cooking, you can use sea and river fresh and frozen mussels in shells and without. It is easy to prepare the delicacy over a fire (grill), at home in a frying pan, in a saucepan or in the oven. © There are many recipes with these seafood. Before you begin heat treatment of closed mussels, you need to properly clean them with a sharp knife and running water, carefully removing any remaining algae, sand or any other dirt.

You can cook mussels:

  • snack with avocado and cheese;
  • pizza;
  • salad from cabbage, tomatoes or any other vegetables;
  • rolls and sushi;
  • pasta in creamy, cheese, tomato or garlic sauce;
  • pilaf;
  • funchose noodles in white wine or green oil;
  • rice with soy sauce;
  • spaghetti;
  • soup.

You can also make a preparation from mussel meat by freezing it in the freezer.

How to cook shellfish?

Before putting the meat to boil, the shellfish must be opened and thoroughly washed under running water, since sand and other small debris gets into the middle of the mussels.

Use a large saucepan for cooking. You can add any spices you want to the water. Cook fresh mussels without shells for 6-7 minutes, frozen ones for 10 minutes.

To boil shellfish without separating them from the shell, you need to rinse the mussels under running water and scrape the hard surface of the shell with a knife. Place the mussels in a large saucepan, add water, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Then the water needs to be changed, at this stage you can add any spices. Cook the shells until they open.

How to fry?

It’s easy to fry peeled mussels in a frying pan in butter and with any vegetables. First, all the vegetables are fried, and only after that the shellfish are added and fried over medium heat for 5-6 minutes. The seafood must be stirred periodically.

Mussels in the sink are fried for 15 minutes in a large amount of sauce or vegetable juice. The last 5 minutes of cooking should be simmered with the lid closed.

It is recommended to eat the dish hot; you need to remove the meat from the shells with a fork.

How to bake?

Frozen mussels need to be thawed, fresh mussels need to be cleaned of dirt. You can bake shellfish on one shell. Place the dried and opened mussels on a wide baking sheet (shell side down), sprinkle with spices and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10-14 minutes (time depends on the size of the mussel). You can eat shellfish straight from the shell, washed down with white wine.

Ecological Features

All littoral organisms are adapted to unfavorable environmental conditions, otherwise they simply would not survive through natural selection. At low tide, the mussel tightly closes the valves of its shell. A certain amount of sea water gets inside. The liquid enters the mantle plane and from there the mollusk scoops it up to maintain its vital functions. Sea water reserves last for several days.

The tide manages to change the ebb, and the mussel opens its doors again and returns to its usual daily routine. Animals are also able to withstand sharp temperature fluctuations (both daily and seasonal).

Why are mussels harmful?

Mussels can be harmful to human health. Especially if they do not undergo mandatory pre-sale preparation (we are talking about mollusks living in their natural habitat). They can interfere with blood clotting and can cause serious allergic reactions.

In addition, the harm of mussels has been proven for patients suffering from gout, since in the human body protein compounds are converted into uric acid, and it can be painfully deposited in the joints.

But in general, mussels have few contraindications. In fact, anyone can eat these shellfish in reasonable quantities. Unless, of course, you have an individual intolerance to seafood.

Brief historical background

Mussels were present in the diet of the ancient Romans (about 70 thousand years ago). Catch and artificial breeding began in the 13th century in Ireland. Several centuries later, production reached an industrial scale: entire farms were created for growing seafood, export supplies were established, strong trade relations were established, and new varieties of mussels began to be developed. Today, the leading countries of the world are engaged in industrial cultivation of mussels: Australia, China, Spain, Scotland, Japan, Belgium, France, Chile.

The population of Belgium loved the seafood delicacy so much that the locals decided to organize a mussel festival. It is held annually at the end of August. All thematic establishments of the country and coastal areas are filled with celebration, dishes and clients.

Useful properties of the ingredient


Selenium (Se) is one of the most important components of hormones. These hormones work tirelessly every day to ensure that a person feels good and is able to experience happiness. The element helps the body absorb iodine better, faster and more efficiently. This, in turn, guarantees the health of the thyroid gland, the main hormone-producing organ.

Selenium helps strengthen the protective function of the immune system and protects us from pathogenic microflora. Scientists have found that the element can prevent the development of herpes. If the HPV virus has already settled in the body, then selenium minimizes its manifestations and reduces exacerbations of herpes to zero.

Doctors point out the importance of consuming products with selenium after long-term therapy with “heavy” medications. The element will restore liver cells, improve mineral metabolism, and prevent the development of stones. Therefore, in addition to traditional probiotics, also pay attention to seafood.

The benefits of selenium are most noticeable for women during pregnancy. The element reduces the duration and severity of toxicosis. Instead of languishing from toxicosis, organize an evening at a specialized fish restaurant. In addition, such an event will also cause emotional release. In addition to reducing toxicosis, selenium promotes normal intrauterine development of the fetus and significantly improves the well-being and appearance of the mother.

Men should also pay attention to mussels. Selenium helps balance male hormonal levels. Androgens and testosterone bring not only unshakable confidence, but also increased libido.


Sodium (Na) is the main ion in human blood. In addition, the element supports the health of the muscle corset, the functionality of nervous activity, and the equal distribution of fluid throughout the body. Sodium is also responsible for the transport function within the human body.

In the process of evolution, humans consumed little sodium and our body resorted to a little trick. Even minimal intake of sodium into the body leads to its supply and accumulation. The body specifically holds the element and uses it very carefully.

Modern man is no longer afraid of sodium deficiency. Only 100 grams of mussels contain 280 milligrams of the element. Now humanity suffers from an excess of the component:

  • swelling;
  • hypertension;
  • kidney diseases.

To avoid going overboard with sodium, watch your own diet. The main sodium blocker, potassium, should always be in your menu and balance the balance of forces. Don't forget about the dosage of seafood. Allow yourself 2-3 fish meals a week to nourish your body with nutrients and minimize possible risks.


100 grams of mussels contain about 15 grams of protein. Moreover, protein from seafood is absorbed much faster and easier than animal protein from beef. Mussel meat is much easier to digest, does not cause heaviness in the stomach and eliminates abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and heartburn.

Vitamins and fatty acids

The benefits of vitamins and fatty acids are:

  • improving skin condition;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • release of free radicals;
  • formation of a strong and beautiful nail plate and hair follicle;
  • regeneration of the body.

Properties of mussels: health benefits and harms

Mussels are widely used in cooking. They can be canned, steamed, smoked, marinated in brine with vinegar or oil, fried and boiled. At the same time, the calorie content of the product changes slightly, and its properties that affect health are preserved.

The beneficial effects of shellfish on the body

Being a storehouse of valuable substances, mussels produce a positive effect on the body:

  1. The Black Sea mussel, widely available in Russian stores, the benefits and harms of which have been well studied by nutritionists, is extremely rich in vitamins A, B and D. For this reason, doctors advise eating this seafood to strengthen the immune system.
  2. Low calorie content and the presence of Omega-3 fatty acids are factors due to which bivalves are recommended to be included in the diet for problems with cardiac activity. Seafood will lower the level of triglycerides in the blood and prevent the development of arrhythmia.
  3. The benefits of the product for the skeletal system are also invaluable. The presence of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and vitamin C in the invertebrate helps eliminate inflammation in bone diseases and neutralize the damage caused to the body by osteoporosis.
  4. The Black Sea clam, rich in iodine, has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, stimulating this organ to generate natural hormones in the amount necessary for the body. Thus, the product benefits the endocrine system and metabolism.
  5. Despite the presence of cholesterol in seafood, it will not harm people with cardiovascular diseases. On the contrary, the benefits of the product are not least related to its ability to remove cholesterol from the body thanks to the amino acids it contains.
  6. Zinc, which the Black Sea shellfish is rich in, improves the quality of sperm and restores a man's potency. At the same time, the benefits of the element will not decrease, even if invertebrates are boiled, pickled or subjected to other culinary processing.
  7. A man who regularly eats mussels protects himself from the appearance of prostate adenoma. This property of the mollusk is explained by the abundance of antioxidants in it, which relieve the body of the damage caused by free radicals.
  8. A woman trying to lose weight will also appreciate the benefits of seafood. Mussel is low in calories, regardless of the cooking method. Thus, canned seafood contains 150 kcal per 100 g, boiled - 54.02 kcal per 100 g. If you add oil to the product, its calorie content will increase significantly, so fried shellfish have no place in the diet of a losing weight woman. In addition to its low calorie content, seafood has another advantage, namely, a large amount of high-quality protein, an element that helps muscles burn fat.

The dangers of eating shellfish

Instead of the expected benefits, mussels will cause harm to health if a person has allergies. According to recent studies, about 15% of people on Earth have allergic reactions to shellfish (and both marine and river species can cause a negative effect).

Those who suffer from poor blood clotting should not eat invertebrates. For people with such a disorder, the gift of the sea, known for its ability to thin the blood, will bring nothing but harm.

The mollusk passes a large amount of water through itself, as a result of which some poisons and microorganisms dissolved in it accumulate in its body and on the shell flaps. For this reason, mussels that live in environmentally unfavorable places cause a lot of harm to human health. You need to be especially careful when eating river shellfish, since the fresh water where it lives can contain dangerous bacteria.

The risk may also lie in the low quality of the product itself or the brine in which it is pickled. Expired seafood, violations of storage conditions, errors in brine preparation are common causes of poisoning.

Chemical composition of seafood

Nutritional value (per 100 grams of raw product)

Calorie content77 kcal
Squirrels11.5 g
Fats2 g
Carbohydrates3.3 g
Alimentary fiber0 g
Water82 g
Ash1.6 g

Vitamin composition (in milligrams per 100 grams of raw product)

Retinol (A)0,06
Thiamine (B1)0,1
Riboflavin (B2)0,14
Ascorbic acid (C)1
Tocopherol (E)0,9
Nicotinic acid (PP)3,7

Nutrient balance (in milligrams per 100 grams of raw product)

Potassium (K)310
Calcium (Ca)50
Magnesium (Mg)30
Sodium (Na)290
Sulfur (S)115
Phosphorus (P)210
Iron (Fe)0,0032

Use of the ingredient in cooking

Mussel meat (represents a muscle) is very tender and soft. The taste is vaguely reminiscent of the white of a chicken or quail egg with a richer and more harmonious taste. The culinary palette of seafood consists of a viscous, sweetish taste, which is replaced by a pleasant marine note.

Only tightly closed mussels are used for food. The sashes must be smooth and complete. Even with the slightest damage, the mollusk becomes unfit for consumption.

Most often, shellfish are boiled or baked. Heat treatment helps the mussels open up and acquire a softer taste (the overcooked product becomes tough and almost impossible to chew). If the animal does not open the flaps during cooking, then it is not used. Nobody eats the shells themselves; the main delicacy of mussels is the mantle, muscle and liquid that is inside.

How to prepare shellfish:

  • fry in a frying pan;
  • baked on the grill/oven/over a fire;
  • boil in broth/wine/plain water with spices;
  • marinate;
  • canned;
  • stew;
  • smoke;
  • steamed.

Recipe for risotto with mussels and shrimp

We will need:

  • rice – 400 g;
  • mussels – 500 g;
  • tomatoes – 250 g;
  • shrimp – 350 g;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • dry white wine – 200 ml;
  • dry martini – 50 ml;
  • vegetable oil to taste – 10 ml;
  • vegetable broth (can be replaced with fish or seafood broth) – 1.5-2 l;
  • lemon – 1 piece;
  • spices and herbs to taste.


Prepare a saucepan and fry the chopped garlic in it (adding a drop of vegetable oil for frying).

As soon as the onion becomes soft and begins to turn golden brown, add the rest of the ingredients. Pour wine into the pan, add a few sprigs of thyme, your favorite spices and add the main component of the dish - mussels. Leave the mixture to simmer for 1-2 minutes, then add the peeled shrimp.

An important culinary aspect: if you use fresh mussels, there is no need to salt the dish. Seafood contains a sufficient amount of salt, which will be transferred to other components. If the mussels were frozen (i.e. a number of properties have already been lost), then salt must be added. Try the dish periodically and focus on your taste preferences.

Cover the pan tightly with a lid, set the heat to medium and cook the contents for about 2-3 minutes. As soon as the mussel doors open, add chopped tomatoes, herbs and, if necessary, spices to the pan. Stir and remove from heat.

While cooking the mussels, prepare the rice. Fry rice in a saucepan with a drop of vegetable oil. The grains must be completely saturated with oil, filled with taste and aromatic components. Then pour the broth into the saucepan and bring it to a boil. After boiling, reduce the temperature and cook, stirring constantly, until the broth has completely evaporated. While cooking, add a martini glass and spices to taste into the broth.

As soon as the broth has boiled away, pour the contents of the first saucepan into the rice, pour in lemon juice and serve immediately before the food has cooled.

What are the benefits of mussels?

The benefits of mussels are determined by the composition of their meat (muscle), as well as the mantle and shell fluid, which are also used to prepare delicious dishes.

The inclusion of mussels in the diet of a modern person (with regular consumption) provides:

  • improvement of metabolism;
  • improving immune status.

Mussel meat is a product that can provide fairly reliable prevention of arthritis. And besides, such meat stimulates:

  • circulation;
  • removing toxins and waste from the body.

Mussel meat is literally saturated with mineral salts, vitamins (here almost the entire group B, as well as vitamins PP, E and D), and microelements. Mussels contain a lot of phosphorus, iron, manganese, zinc and cobalt. High content of iodine, as well as healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Like any seafood, mussels have a beneficial effect on the activity of the thyroid gland. They also improve mood and prevent numerous nervous disorders. Regular consumption of mussels is the key to strong bones, prolonging external youth, and maintaining the natural beauty of skin and hair.

The positive effect of mussel meat, mantle and shell fluid on male potency has been proven. Some doctors even call this product "natural Viagra."

But mussels are not recommended for children, pregnant and lactating women due to some features of their existence that can affect the quality of nutrition of these population groups. So not everyone can appreciate the beneficial properties of mussels.

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