KBJU table (meat products, meat, poultry, eggs, fish)

Meat, offal

Product (100g)kcalSquirrelsFatsCarbohydrates
Beef brains1249,59,50
Beef liver9817,43,10
Beef kidneys6612,51,80
Beef udder17312,313,70
Beef heart871530
Beef tongue16313,612,10
Lamb kidneys7713,62,50
Lamb liver10118,72,90
Lamb heart8213,52,50
Pork kidneys80133,10
Pig tongue20814,216,80
Pork liver10818,83,60
Pork lean31616,427,80
Pork is fatty48911,449,30
Pig heart8915,13,20

BZHU and KBZHU meat per 100 grams

Proper nutrition is the basis of health. To do this, it is not enough to rely only on calorie content - for a balanced diet, you should take into account the body's daily need for nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

Important! In the tables, BZHU values ​​are indicated per 100 grams of product; to find out in a portion, you need to weigh it.


Rabbit meat has a pleasant taste and is considered a dietary product. Completely safe, used in medical nutrition.

Rabbit is an ideal source of protein with a low amount of fat.

Rabbit meat is easily digestible due to its special structure:

  • thin muscle fibers;
  • underdeveloped connective tissue;
  • fat deposits are located as a layer in the withers and groin area.

BJU and calorie content of rabbit (per 100 g of raw product)

Proteins, %20,98
Fats, %9,95
Carbohydrates, %
Calorie content, kcal181,56

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the BJU of watermelon


Elk meat is game and is considered a delicacy. The meat is tough, with a specific smell. Before cooking, elk meat is soaked in marinades for a long time, then cooked for a long time.

Moose meat has a number of contraindications and is not recommended:

  • children;
  • pregnant women;
  • women who are breastfeeding;
  • people with allergic reactions.

BJU and calorie content of elk (per 100 g of raw product)

Proteins, %21,4
Fats, %1,8
Carbohydrates, %
Calorie content, kcal112

Important! Elk meat contains a lot of cadmium, which is toxic to humans.


Pork is an energy-intensive product containing a lot of proteins and fats. The product is useful for people with heavy physical activity; in dietetics it is used to quickly restore a weakened body, gain weight and muscle mass.

BJU and calorie content of pork tenderloin and neck (per 100 g of raw product)

Proteins, %19,513,5
Fats, %7,132,1
Carbohydrates, %
Calorie content, kcal142543

Important! Pork contains refractory fats; it is contraindicated for people with lipid metabolism disorders.


Chicken – mainly broiler chicken meat is used, a dietary product with high digestibility. Contains all the proteins a person needs, enriched with microelements and vitamins B, A, E.

The low fat and cholesterol content makes chicken an ideal choice for those suffering from atherosclerosis as part of their diet.

BJU and calorie content of breast and leg with skin (per 100 g of raw product)

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the BZHU of crab sticks

Macronutrientsbreastleg with skin
Proteins, %23,621,3
Fats, %1,911,2
Carbohydrates, %
Calorie content, kcal113185


Turkey is one of the most dietary meat products. In terms of ease of absorption, it is superior to chicken and rabbit meat, and in terms of leanness it is comparable to veal. Turkey meat contains a high amount of omego-3-unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and microelements. In all respects it is superior to any other.

Turkey meat is hypoallergenic, has no restrictions on its use, and is indicated for quick recovery after illness or a course of chemotherapy.

BJU and calorie content of breast and wings (per 100 g of raw product)

Proteins, %23,6620,22
Fats, %1,4812,32
Carbohydrates, %
Calorie content, kcal114197

Important! Turkey is the only meat that contains as much phosphorus as fish.


Calf meat is soft, tender, lean. Due to the low content of connective and fatty tissues, it is easily digestible, without loading the digestive tract, and contains virtually no cholesterol.

Veal has no contraindications and is considered dietary meat.

Due to its properties, it is the only meat ingredient indicated for disorders of the digestive system and atherosclerosis.

KBJU of veal meat category 1 (per 100 g of raw product)

Proteins, %19,70
Fats, %1,98
Carbohydrates, %
Calorie content, kcal97,3


Reindeer meat owes its unique properties and value to the free grazing of animals in a region where there are no pesticides, herbicides, hormonal fertilizers, or industrial waste.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with BZHU kiwi

Venison is a high-quality, environmentally friendly product. Possessing excellent taste properties, it is rich in macro- and microelements and vitamins.

It contains more iron in digestible form, 5 times more acetylsalicylic acid than beef, and is superior to all other types in the amino acid composition of proteins.

Venison can be a product of dietary, therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition. It is allowed for people suffering from cholesterolemia and metabolic disorders. It is recommended for children's, rehabilitation, and gerontodietary nutrition.

Nutritional value and calorie content of young venison (reindeer) (per 100 g of raw product)

Proteins, %22,3
Fats, %3,8
Carbohydrates, %
Calorie content, kcal154,5


Product (100g)kcalSquirrelsFatsCarbohydrates

Sausages, canned meats and smoked meats

Product (100g)kcalSquirrelsFatsCarbohydrates
Boiled sausage Diabetic25412,122,80
Boiled sausage Dietary17012,113,50
Boiled sausage Doctorskaya26013,722,80
Boiled sausage Lyubitelskaya30112,2280
Boiled sausage Milk25211,722,80
Boiled sausage Separate22810,120,11,8
Boiled veal sausage31612,529,60
Boiled-smoked Amateur42017,3390
Boiled-smoked Cervelat36028,227,50
Raw smoked brisket6327,666,80
Beef stew23216,818,30
Tourist breakfast (beef)17620,510,40
Tourist breakfast (pork)20616,915,40
Sausage mince21315,215,72,8
Raw smoked loin46710,547,20
Pork sausages33210,131,61,9
Dairy sausages27712,325,30
Russian sausages2201219,10
Pork sausages32411,830,80
Semi-smoked Krakow46616,244,60
Semi-smoked Minsk2592317,42,7
Semi-smoked Poltavskaya41716,4390
Semi-smoked Ukrainian37616,534,40
Pork stew34914,932,20
Raw smoked Amateur51420,947,80
Raw smoked Moscow47324,841,50

​Meat and poultry calorie table

Calorie table for meat and poultry

Animal and poultry meat is a source of complete protein of animal origin, and therefore essential amino acids. They should be present in our diet daily. It is especially important to have a sufficient amount of complete proteins in the diet of children, adolescents, boys and girls, and people actively involved in sports.

Meat can be eaten once or twice a day. In a total amount of 200g (men) and 100-150g (women) of the prepared product.

The meat must be lean. When processing it, it is necessary to remove all external fat.

First, let's talk about red varieties of animal meat - beef, veal, lamb, horse meat, etc. such meat contains a large amount of connective fibers. Therefore, it takes a long time to digest, takes a long time to absorb - for 3-5 hours and requires a lot of energy for digestion. Poultry meat is much easier to digest. But not so much that it can be eaten after 17.00 hours.

Red meat of animals and poultry should be consumed before 17.00 inclusive.

Any meat should be eaten with herbs and vegetable salads. Protein products shift the acid-base balance of the body to the “sour” side, and greens and vegetables compensate for this shift and thereby provide the body with great assistance in the complex process of digestion and assimilation of animal proteins.

You should not combine tomatoes and eggplants with meat. They “acidify” the body and worsen the conditions for protein digestion.

Here is a table of calorie content for meat and poultry.

Meat, offal, poultry

Product Water Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates Kcal
Mutton 67,6 16,3 15,3 0 203
Beef 67,7 18,9 12,4 0 187
horsemeat 72,5 20,2 7 0 143
Rabbit 65,3 20,7 12,9 0 199
Pork is not fatty 54,8 16,4 27,8 0 316
Pork is fatty 38,7 11,4 49,3 0 489
Veal 78 19,7 1,2 0 90
Beef brains 78,9 9,5 9,5 0 124
Beef liver 72,9 17,4 3,1 0 98
Beef kidneys 82,7 12,5 1,8 0 66
Beef heart 79 15 3 0 87
Beef tongue 71,2 13,6 12,1 0 163
Pork kidneys 80,1 13 3,1 0 108
Pork liver 71,4 18,8 3,6 0 108
Pork heart 78 15,1 3,2 0 89
Pork tongue 66,1 14,2 16,8 0 208
Geese 49,7 16,1 33,3 0 364
Turkey 64,5 21,6 12 0,8 197
Chickens 68,9 20,8 8,8 0,6 165
Chickens 71,3 18,7 7,8 0,4 156
Ducks 51,5 16,5 61,2 0 346

Canned meat and smoked meats

Product Water Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates Kcal
Var. count diabetic 62,4 12,1 22,8 0 254
Var. count dietary 71,6 12,1 13,5 0 170
Var. doctor's sausage 60,8 13,7 22,8 0 260
Var. count amateur 57 12,2 28 0 301
Var. milk sausage 62,8 11,7 22,8 0 252
Var. veal sausage 55 12,5 29,6 0 316
Pork sausages 53,7 10,1 31,6 1,9 332
Milk sausages 60 12,3 25,3 0 277
Russian sausages 66,2 12 19,1 0 220
Pork sausages 54,8 11,8 30,8 0 324
Var. cop. amateur 39,1 17,3 39 0 420
Var. cop. cervelat 39,6 28,2 27,5 0 360
Polukop. Krakow 34,6 16,2 44,6 0 466
Half-cop. Minsk 52 23 17,4 2,7 259
Polukop. Poltava 39,8 16,4 39 0 417
Polukop. Ukrainian 44,4 16,5 34,4 0 376
Cheesecake. amateur 25,2 20,9 47,8 0 514
Cheesecake. Moscow 27,6 24,8 41,5 0 473

Canned meat and smoked meats

Product Water Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates Kcal
Beef stew 63 16,8 18,3 0 232
Tourist breakfast beef 66,9 20,5 10,4 0 176
Tourist breakfast pork 65,6 16,9 15,4 0 206
Sausage mince 63,2 15,2 15,7 2,8 213
Pork stew 51,1 14,9 32,2 0 349
Raw smoked brisket 21 7,6 66,8 0 632
Raw smoked loin 37,3 10,5 47,2 0 467
Ham 53,5 22,6 20,9 0 276

Fish products

Product (100g)kcalSquirrelsFatsCarbohydrates
Pink salmon1472170
Chum salmon caviar granular25113,613,80
Breakout bream caviar14224,74,80
Pollock caviar, punched13128,41,90
Sturgeon caviar granular20328,99,71,8
crucian carp8717,71,80
Chum salmon138225,60
Far Eastern shrimp13428,71,22,8
Sea kale50,90,23
Marbled notothenia15614.810.70
Sea bass11717.65.20
River perch8218.50.90
Pasta "Ocean"13718,96,80
Cod liver6134,265,70
Blue whiting7216.10.90
Saber fish11020.33.20
Caspian fisherman9819.22.40
Large saury26218.620.80
Small saury14320.40.80
Horse mackerel11918.550
coal fish15813.211.60
Sea eel9419.11.90

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Bulat Gazizoff

I talk about fitness, healthy eating and self-development as tools for achieving health, good appearance and personal effectiveness.
The contents of this article are for general information only and should not be construed as a substitute for medical advice from your physician or other healthcare professional. TsRL LLC (Online store "Diso" Nutrimun) is not responsible and cannot be held liable for any diagnosis that a user may make based on the content of this site. Always seek the advice of your physician if you have any concerns about your health.

Boiled meat: nutritional value, BJU, vitamins and chemical composition

Read more about microelements in the composition of boiled meat.
Iron, Fe
- is involved in the formation of hemoglobin. Without the help of iron, the formation of muscle pigment - myoglobin - is impossible. Without it, the formation of the human immune system is impossible. Takes part in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. The presence of iron in the body is a prerequisite for the absorption of B vitamins. It delivers oxygen to the cells.

Manganese, Mn

— a chemical element is necessary for the human body, but in small quantities. Participates in the processes of blood clotting and bone tissue formation. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, participates in the metabolism of amino acids, cholesterol, glucose and carbohydrates. The human body cannot synthesize manganese on its own, but it receives it from food in sufficient quantities.

Copper, Cu

- Contained in almost all internal organs, ensuring their normal functioning.
Participates in the production of hemoglobin and provides cells with a supply of oxygen. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, protects the body from external attacks - viruses and bacteria. Directly participates in collagen synthesis, ensuring skin elasticity and radiance. Affects the synthesis of the pituitary gland, regulates the functioning of the endocrine system. Powerful antioxidant. show all
Zinc, Zn

- the metal is present in all cells of the body and is necessary for cell division. A powerful oxidant that can provide protection against the proliferation of cancer cells. Maintains hormonal balance in the body, helps fight diabetes. It has a positive effect on the elasticity of blood vessels and reduces inflammation. Combats digestive problems.

Fluorine, F

- an essential microelement, without which it is impossible to have healthy teeth and bones. In its pure form, it is a yellow gas with an unpleasant odor. It occurs in the body in the form of fluorides. A person needs it in micro doses. Fluorine removes radionuclides and heavy metal salts from the body. Increases resistance to radiation, participates in the mineralization of bones and tooth enamel. Stimulates the immune system and prevents osteoporosis. Slows down the activity of bacteria that produce oxygen.

Aluminium, Al

- the most important immunotoxin microelement. The highly active element is capable of creating compounds with most chemicals. It stimulates cell regeneration processes, participates in the formation of cells of bones, ligaments, cartilage and muscle tissue. Promotes epithelization of the skin. Increases the efficiency of digestive enzymes and activates the thyroid gland. Catalyzes the production of phosphate and protein complexes.

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