We make leg weights ourselves. How to make weights at home

Benefits of running with weights

Running weights are used to improve muscle strength, speed and jumping ability. Amateurs can use weights when jogging to increase their labor costs, which will create an increased calorie consumption, which means the process of burning excess fat will be faster and more effective.

Track and field athletes (as well as football players, basketball players and all-around athletes) use weights to improve their athletic performance in disciplines that require explosive strength, endurance, and speed. For bodybuilders, running with weights on their legs is one of the most effective ways to give beautiful relief to the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and legs, and strengthen the cardiovascular system in the shortest possible time. Running with weights on your hands will help strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle and upper back, which will undoubtedly improve the performance of fans of team sports and martial arts.

What are they?


The most versatile subspecies, filled with a solid load. Metal weights are placed in a thick tarpaulin shell; all weights have the same weight, which allows you to vary the level of difficulty. Tarpaulin is the most wear-resistant material, it is much more practical than ordinary textiles, it can withstand high loads and does not wear out.

With bulk filling

A simpler variation, loose cargo, such as sand or metal balls, is sewn into textile-based pockets. The cost of such models is lower, but the weight will always remain the same. The inability to manage loads is not the only disadvantage; the fabric is short-lived, over time it will fray and the load will crumble.

The first option seems more preferable, however, the second is also in demand, especially as light weight bracelets for beginners, as well as in the form of weight vests and gloves.

About the benefits

The benefits of leg weights have been proven and confirmed in practice. As the load increases, athletic performance increases, and this is one of the easiest ways to make classes harder.

Let's look at the main advantages:

  • promoting weight loss - an additional complication increases resistance for the muscles, the largest muscles are located in the lower part of the body, due to which subcutaneous fat is metabolized faster. It has been determined that when running with such a load, energy consumption becomes 15-20% higher;
  • formation of endurance - due to the addition of additional resistance, the heart rate becomes higher, due to which the heart becomes stronger, the athlete’s endurance indicator increases;
  • gaining a toned silhouette - weight cuffs serve to strengthen the buttocks and thighs, which for many are a problem area. In order to harmonize the physique, it is recommended to add cuffs to the upper limbs to work the back and shoulders;
  • overcoming a plateau - everyone who plays sports has experienced the effect of stagnation. Progress stops and will not move forward until you manage to surprise the body with a new level of load. Using weights, you don’t need to invent anything; with them, familiar exercises will become much more difficult.
  • You should not have any illusions and think that such devices will help pump up bulky muscles; that is not their purpose. In order to pump up, you need strength equipment, as for these accessories, they serve the role of creating additional tension in aerobic programs, as well as increasing efficiency in fitness.

Why are leg weights needed and for what workouts?

Despite the obvious benefits, weights are not suitable for any form of exercise. ACT notes that they are effective for active activities such as walking, aerobics and step aerobics. And you shouldn't use weights for more vigorous workouts like running. Using weights will change your workout rhythm, which is not a good thing. You may, for example, move your arms more vigorously, which will ultimately lead to injury due to the added stress on your muscles, ligaments and joints.

Weights perform well during strength training with your own weight, such as leg swings, lunges, squats and other exercises that involve repeated low-intensity movements of certain parts of the body. With the help of weights in this case, you can tone your muscles more quickly.

Why are they needed?

Why do you need sports leg weights? Firstly, of course, to increase the load on the muscles during sports. To make training in the gym or just at the stadium more effective, equipment such as leg weights was invented.

Exercising with weights helps increase the intensity of your workouts and burn more calories than during regular exercise. And the effect of them will be simply amazing, you will see for yourself after a while.

With the help of weights we:

  • we build muscle mass faster because our muscles train more efficiently and efficiently;
  • we lose extra calories, which as a result helps to lose excess weight and remove fat deposits in problem areas of our body;
  • we improve our strength and endurance indicators, since training with weights is more complex and grueling and the load on the body is greater.

The benefits of weights are obvious, which means that if you decide to use them in your workouts, you will soon simply not recognize your body, because it will become more toned and sculpted.

General information about leg weights

Leg weights are worn on the legs during training, and due to the additional load, the load on the muscles increases and the difficulty of the exercise increases. Most often, these cuffs are used in cardio training and in training for the legs and buttocks, less often in abdominal training. Weights are convenient and compact sports equipment, so they are very common in home workouts.

Who can benefit from leg weights?

  • For those who want to work on strengthening and toning the muscles of the thighs and buttocks
  • For those who want to increase the effectiveness of cardio exercises and increase calorie burning.
  • For those who practice martial arts and martial arts and want to increase their punching power.
  • For those who run, leg weights will help increase the load.
  • For those who don’t play sports, but walk a lot and want to combine walking and fitness.
  • For those who train at home and do video training that uses weights.

The benefits of leg weights

Leg weights are not the most popular sports equipment when compared with the more familiar dumbbells, barbells, fitballs and expanders. Let's figure it out, is it really necessary for training? What are the benefits of regular training with leg weights:

1. Leg weights help you lose weight. Using additional weight increases the load, which means you burn more calories per workout and reduce body fat.

2. Thanks to weights, you work on increasing endurance, strengthening the heart muscle and developing the cardiovascular system.

3. Leg weights tone your muscles and add definition to your body by using extra weight. This will help you get rid of problem areas, especially on the thighs and buttocks.

4. With the help of leg weights it is very easy to complicate any cardio workout, including walking, running, dancing, jumping. You don't have to constantly increase the speed or duration of your cardio session, just use weighted cuffs. Some even use weights while swimming.

5. Thanks to weights, you can diversify your workouts and include additional muscle groups in your work. They will be useful to you not only in classic cardio and strength training, but also in Pilates, yoga, callanetics, and barre training.

6. With leg weights, you can work on developing firm buttocks and slender legs without lunges and squats, which are quite traumatic exercises. For example, with exercises such as leg raises, it is very difficult to increase the load using dumbbells. In this case, weighted cuffs will be very useful for you:

As a result of regular training with weights, you will notice an improvement in your speed, strength and endurance. The added weight provides a great workout for the glutes and thighs, making it the ideal piece of equipment for those looking to target their lower body. However, leg weights are not as harmless as they seem at first glance.

Disadvantages and harms of leg weights:

  • Leg weights put stress on your ankle and put more pressure on your ankle, putting you at risk of injury while exercising.
  • The ankle area has virtually no muscle and cannot handle heavy weights, so you won't be able to continually add weights to your body even if your core muscles are ready for it.
  • Various studies show that frequent walking and running with weights can cause various leg injuries or joint and tendon problems.
  • Weights also put pressure on the hip and knee joints, so you shouldn't immediately take on too much weight with the cuffs.

Your muscles, joints and tendons need rest, so avoid long-term use of leg weights, especially if you have weak joints or a history of limb injuries. In addition, try to increase the weight of the weights gradually, starting with the minimum (0.5-1 kg), even if you are an experienced athlete.

We also emphasize that leg weights are used to strengthen and tone muscles, as well as burn calories and fat. You should not expect that such sports equipment will become your good assistant in the growth of muscle mass. For such purposes, it is better to use free weights and exercise machines.

Contraindications for exercises with leg weights

  • Limb injuries
  • Phlebeurysm
  • Joint problem
  • Recent surgeries
  • Presence of urolithiasis
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Large overweight

The best hand weights

Such devices are usually attached to the wrists; their production takes into account the shape of the hand, and ensures a tight and comfortable fit. These cuffs are suitable for strength training, as well as aerobics, martial arts and swimming.

Torres PL607605

Cuffs attached to the wrists. Strengthens arm muscles, increasing their endurance. Suitable for aerobics and can be combined with other sports equipment. “Torres PL607605” allows you to increase the intensity of your workouts, get rid of extra calories and strengthen your arm muscles. The outside of the cuffs is made of nylon, inside there are metal shavings. They are fixed on the hands using Velcro. The simple design and moderate weight allow the model to be used at home. The average cost is 308 rubles.

hand weights Torres PL607605


  • comfortable and compact;
  • elastic, pleasant to the touch material;
  • reliable fixation;
  • attractive price.


  • not detected.

Lite Weights 5235WC

A set of weights made of high quality materials, thanks to which the device lasts a long time and does not wear out even after intense training. The outer part of the products is made of neoprene, which provides comfort during exercise. The fabric does not absorb moisture, does not cause irritation to the skin, and repels dirt. Metal shavings are used as internal filler. The weight of one device is 0.5 kg. The gloves are secured with Velcro, preventing them from slipping during active actions.

This type of sports equipment is suitable for beginner athletes, advanced sports enthusiasts, and for home exercises. “Lite Weights 5235WC” are well suited for practicing punches - the shape of the gloves protects the skin of the hands, and also does not twist and does not cause discomfort during intense training. The model is presented in blue and red color design. The average cost is 580 rubles.

hand weights Lite Weights 5235WC


  • high-quality tailoring;
  • comfort during exercise;
  • strong fixation;
  • strong, wear-resistant outer material;
  • attractive design.


  • not detected.

Starfit WT-101

A weighting model recommended for various types of training. The outside is covered with soft neoprene fabric, equipped with special inserts that do not rub the skin and do not cause irritation even when tightly fitted. The filling consists of metal chips that are evenly distributed, providing an even load on the wrists. The load weight is 3 kg, so Starfit WT-101 is recommended for professional athletes and those who are in good physical shape. The average cost is 645 rubles.

hand weights Starfit WT-101


  • high-quality execution;
  • comfortable wearing;
  • tight fit;
  • effectiveness from training.


  • Sometimes it unfastens due to active movements.


The device is from a Russian manufacturer that has been producing sports equipment for amateur and professional athletes, sports equipment for adults and children, as well as products for extreme sports for more than 15 years. Cuffs allow you to adjust the weight starting from 1 kg. You can increase the load using metal plates. As a result, the maximum mass of one weighting agent will be 3 kg. The high load affects the pectoral muscles and also helps strengthen the chest muscles. “BANZAI 3” cuffs are made of high quality artificial leather. The cuffs are strong and designed for active use. The protection of the metal from corrosion is provided by the powder paint with which the loads are coated. The average cost is 4,000 rubles.

hand weights BANZAI 3


  • possibility of adjusting the load value;
  • the product meets Russian quality standards;
  • high quality materials.


  • not detected.

Why running with additional load?

To increase the effectiveness of any physical exercise, including running, you need to add variety to your workouts and modify them to suit your physical abilities. The following methods serve as tools for increasing the complexity of running training:

  • Running with changes in speed (for a while);
  • Running with lengthening distance;
  • Changing running tactics (alternating fast and slow paces);
  • Running on altered terrain (uphill);
  • Running with weights.

This is interesting

  • Running with dumbbells, learn from our article how to properly run with dumbbells in your hands
  • Quotes about running, read aphorisms and proverbs about running if you are looking for a boost of motivation
  • What is doping? What doping for running can you get from a pharmacy?

How to properly run with weights

If you're new to running, adding weights to your workout routine can cause overexertion and even lead to injury. It is recommended to proceed according to the following plan:

  1. In addition to jogging, add active walking with weighted cuffs on your legs; their duration should be at least 25 minutes, regularly – 2-3 times a week.
  2. Gradually increase the intensity of your runs - adding 5-8 minutes to your running session weekly;
  3. After 4 - 6 months, start running with weights on your legs; the training time is determined individually, based on your well-being.

This is important Before starting any jogging, be sure to warm up, this will prepare the muscles for stress and protect the joints from injury.

If you are an athlete, are in the process of preparing for a competition, or want to improve your athletic performance, include running with weights in your training process. It is recommended to gradually increase the load - in this case, the weight of the weights: start with the minimum, gradually increasing it. Also try using a vest or weighted belt for running: it does not put stress on the spine, distributing the weight evenly throughout the body. Control your running technique: be sure to place your heel on the surface, distribute your body weight over the entire surface of the foot.

This is interesting

  • How to make a parachute for running with your own hands, why do you need a running parachute?
  • Why do you need elastic bands for training? Correct Application

Top 15 exercises with weights for legs and arms

Comprehensive training maximally utilizes all muscle groups. Select the weight of the cuffs individually, based on their level of training. Unfortunately, the weight of weights cannot replace the load with a barbell or dumbbells, so the exercises must be performed a large number of repetitions to obtain the necessary load. Perform the complex for 3-4 circles from 15 to 30 repetitions until you feel a burning sensation in the muscles. Train every other day, but no more than 4 times a week.

  1. Extending your leg to the side while standing.
  1. Taking the leg back while standing.
  1. Swing your leg back on all fours.
  1. Back lunge + forward leg swing.
  1. Stepping onto the bench alternately + bending your elbows (biceps).
  1. Overhead press (triceps).
  1. Tilt with balance on one leg.
  1. Bend your body forward with your arms above your head.
  1. Leg adduction while lying on your side.
  1. Raising your arms to the sides while lying down.
  1. Overhead press with arms.
  1. Swing your arms out to the sides.
  1. Wave your arms in front of you.
  1. Fold - raising the hand to the opposite foot.
  1. Raise your legs 45 degrees.

Training with leg weights in video format

Full body weight training

Making your own leg weights

Materials and tools:1. Fabric.2. Sand.3. Slings.4. Zippers (zip-locks) – sealed bags.5. Scotch tape for packaging.6. Threads, buckles, Velcro. As for buckles, you can buy them, make them yourself, or detach them from old unnecessary things (for example, a briefcase, a bag). 7. If the Velcro straps will be made manually, then you should stock up on pliers, wire, tongs or a grinder.8. Sewing machine.9. Needle.10. Scissors.11. Ruler.

Procedure: If sand is chosen as the material for weighting, it must be thoroughly sifted and, if necessary, dried. After it has acquired the desired appearance, you need to pour it into zippers. The easiest way to do this is with a bottle cap.

It is important to ensure that each package contains the same amount of sand. If you have kitchen scales, this will not be a problem.

If there are none, then it’s okay - you just need to use bags of the same size. 10x6 cm is recommended. When placing sand, it is important to ensure that it does not get into the latch, otherwise it will not close properly and the entire contents will crumble. The filling goes to the limit, but at the same time in such a way that it is convenient to close.

After filling, you should decide how the zippers will be positioned on the leg. It is best to prepare 20 pieces - 10 for each leg. Every 10 pieces need to be rewound together with tape. The packaging one is suitable, as it is wide enough, which is convenient when applying layers to ziplocks. In general, each of them has two layers of adhesive tape, which should be well secured.

Types of leg weights and what weight to choose

Bulk weights are a small fabric bag that is filled with sand, metal shavings, or other loose material. The stronger the material from which the cuffs are made, the more expensive the equipment is. The cost of one pair of bulk weights per 1 kg on average varies from 500 to 1000 rubles, depending on the manufacturer. The downside of these weights is the inability to increase weight.

Plate leg weights use iron plates as weights. They are inserted into special pockets, which are sewn onto a thick canvas fabric. As a rule, the weight of plate weights can be adjusted by inserting additional metal plates, which is very convenient for training. The cost of one pair of plate weights per 1 kg on average varies from 1000 to 2000 rubles.

Small weights can also be used for the hands. Just remember that the joints and ligaments in the wrist area are very fragile, so increase the weight gradually. There are also special arm weights in the form of cuffs or gloves and core weights in the form of a belt or vest.

What weight of leg weights should I choose?

Leg weights are equipment whose weight should be added gradually, without forcing it in any way. Even if you have been training with weights for a long time, do not rush to take 4-5 kg ​​weights. The fact is that your joints and ligaments may not be ready for such a load. Therefore, start with a light weight, and as your muscles strengthen, increase the weight of the cuffs by 0.5-1 kg (no more!).

For cardio training, running, walking, beginners can purchase weights weighing 0.5-1 kg, more experienced exercisers can purchase 1-2 kg. Leg weights weighing more than 3 kg are not recommended for cardio training.

For strength exercises on the legs and buttocks, you can take more weight. The recommended weight for girls is: 1-2 kg for beginners, 2-3 kg for experienced practitioners. Men: 2-3 kg for beginners, 3-4 kg for experienced practitioners.

Ideally, it is better to purchase several cuffs of different weights, but if you do not yet have such an opportunity, then proceed from the recommendations above. You can make your own leg weights at home. Take regular fabric, sew it or tie it with elastic bands, after filling it with sand or rice.

Some useful tips

To make the use of weights as comfortable and easy as possible, and to ensure that the resulting device lasts a considerable time, you should always use a reliable bag in which the crumbly form is placed. This way the fabric will not come into contact with the fillers, and therefore it will last longer and will not wear out.

Another important point is what material is chosen as an aggravating element. In principle, any crumbly substance will do, but some options will be much better than others. And you should not choose materials as a filler that can injure the skin or other parts of the body. Such fillers include various sea stones or non-crumbly materials.

If you want to use salt, it is better to buy the option that says “Extra” on the package. This is explained by the fact that this salt has a softer structure. In this case, you still need to use a bag, since the material will not spill out from it alone. In addition, this way you can avoid skin irritation.

It is necessary to ensure that the weight is the same for both limbs. This way you can avoid overexertion, injuries and other unpleasant sensations. You should start training with a small weight, and then gradually increase the load.

If you use a disposable weight, you should not attach it to your leg with tape. It will be very difficult to unhook it after training, and if you tighten the limb too much, numbness will occur. Needless to say, how painful it will be for guys who don't bother shaving their legs to remove the adhesive tape.

As you can see, there are several ways to make weights that can be used by anyone with different sewing skills. A homemade weighting device can make training a real test of strength, especially if you perform exercises such as leg raises and leg raises. Light weights should be used first.

Start by making slow movements as you practice, but be very careful. If there are any problems with the knee joints, as well as the ankle and hip parts, it is better to consult a doctor before starting your workouts. You should not use such weights when walking, as they can lead to injuries and sprains.

It is not at all necessary to buy various expensive equipment, since now you know how you can make weights for your arms and legs at home.

The beauty of home-made weights is that the quality of weights will not be inferior to store-bought ones. You can choose absolutely any weight. In this way you can save money and get a good thing that you will be proud of, because it was made yourself.

Leg weights - what weight to choose?

Do you want to lose weight in your thighs, tighten your buttocks and get rid of cellulite, but don’t plan to go to the gym or group training? We offer you a super selection of effective leg exercises at home that will help you burn fat and forget about problem areas. For classes you will need minimal equipment and some free time, while most exercises are suitable for any level of training. The presented exercises will help you strengthen the muscles of your legs and buttocks. The article also offers a sample exercise plan that can be adapted to suit your abilities.

A few weights on your legs and arms won't improve your appearance, but these simple accessories will instantly increase the intensity of your workout. The effectiveness of the training will increase significantly, and its duration will be halved.

How to make a WEIGHTED VEST with your own hands – Street Workout

I would like to say a few words right away about the advantages of this equipment. A weighted vest can be used for:

All measurements have been taken, all that remains is to take a few simple steps towards the goal: 1. Let's start with a plan. The plan is a rectangle, the basis of the foundations. It is built according to the measurements of OG (chest girth) and DI (product length). The width of the front and back of the vest is the same. The neck line is drawn on the pattern (to avoid confusion, let’s make it red) and the width (OS) is determined. 2. The width of the front neck (blue) must correspond to the back of the vest, its depth is not less than 8 cm. The shape - oval, corner - is at your discretion. 3. The armhole line (green) can coincide with the side line (lowered shoulder), coincide with the width of the shoulder (12-13cm), or fit onto the shelf (an example would be a T-shirt). The bottom of the armhole can be rectangular or oval. 4. For a vest with a zipper (just our case), the front is knitted in two parts, the pattern is divided along the center line. 5. On the pattern you need to draw the width of the trim (yellow lines) along the lines of the armhole, neckline, side, and bottom of the product. The shaded part of the pattern, as shown in the figure, in our case will be used as pockets for “weights”. 6. All that remains is to sew it up. PS the zipper must be strong enough, since holding 30 kg is no joke.

It would seem that everything, but it was not so. The most important thing is yet to come! - these are weights. Weights are a problem that anyone who is planning to make such a vest will face. The problem is that it is very difficult, almost impossible, to get ready-made samples (and even 42 pieces). Therefore, it’s easier to do it yourself, as we read below.

How to make weights for a weighted vest? We will use smooth, preferably round, reinforcement. And so, we buy a metal rod, 30-32 mm in diameter, 5 meters long (not necessarily in one piece). This length is just enough for all 42 cells.

Now comes the most difficult step - preparing samples. This is backbreaking and harmful work, which also requires at least a grinder (aka an “angle grinder”), so if possible, do not skimp on cutting the reinforcement. Sample sizes: 100x30 (or 32) or 115x30 (or 32)

A little math for reference: 42 cylinders with a diameter of 32 mm and a length of 115 mm weigh 30 kg. 30 kg * 10 UAH = 300 UAH ($37.5) plus 42 pcs. * 3 UAH = 126 UAH ($16). Total: 300 + 126 = 426 UAH ($53.3) After cutting, all samples MUST be sharpened so as not to tear the fabric. It is best if the ends of the weights are turned on a lathe. But I didn’t have such luck (in the sense of a lathe), so they gave me weights from a machine that cuts metal with a regular saw. It took about 50 minutes to cut all 42 weights.

And here's how scary they turned out:

Then began the process of cleaning off rust using sandpaper. After cleaning from rust, all the weights had their edges ground with a grinder taken from a friend. Washed with soap and water and lined up for opening with primer using a can:

At the final stage, the weights look like this:

A larger diameter will fit into the cells. Limit 36 ​​mm. You can insert a block up to 13 cm long, but then the Velcro pockets will not close. An alternative to fittings can be bearings, nuts, etc.

That's all - the vest and weights are ready. Don’t forget that you need to dose the weight based on your capabilities. The result is important, and there is no result without quality. In strength sports, everything is natural, so you need to soberly assess your capabilities. In conclusion of the article, I would like to say that there are many models of weighted vests in the world. This article was written for a model authored by Denis Minin.

Criterias of choice

So, we figured out why weighting agents are needed - it’s time to choose a suitable weighting agent:

  1. Wearing comfort. No matter what, this indicator should be the most important. Indeed, unlike dumbbells, weights are worn for a much longer period of time - and any rubbing or improper balancing can lead to discomfort, and in rare cases even to dislocations.
  2. Weight of the weight. It should be chosen depending on your purpose and period of wearing. It is better to purchase several sets, for everyday wear, for cardio and for strength training.
  3. Target. Not only the weight of the weighting agent, but also the type of structure depends on this. For CrossFit, soft cuff weights filled with sand are best suited.
  4. Filler. Lead, sand and metal. Lead is rare, and metal is quite uncomfortable to wear, as it limits the range of movement. The best solution would be to purchase a sand weighting agent.

How to choose

Weights are pads that are made of dense fabric, filled inside with salt, sand or other filler that makes them heavier. Sports stores will offer you a wide variety of these gizmos. Typically, the weight of weights can vary from half a kilogram to five or six. They can also be either bulk or lamellar.

What is their difference:

  • Bulk weighting agents are those whose filler is the material poured into them, most often this is special sand. The downside is that they wear out quickly, and you also cannot change their weight if necessary. If you need heavy weights, you will need to buy new ones.
  • But plate weights are more advanced and convenient, since the weight in them can be increased depending on how many iron plates you insert there. They are convenient for beginners to use, since thanks to the plates it is easy to set the required weight. In addition, they will save a considerable amount of money.

If you plan to exercise at home, then, in principle, half a kilogram weights will be enough for you. But if you plan to work out in the gym, then it is better to purchase plate ones, since in them you will still be able to regulate the intensity of the workout, setting exactly the weight that is necessary for certain types of exercises.

Cons of running with weights

Since weights increase the runner's weight, they create additional stress on his musculoskeletal system: the risk of injuries to the feet, joints, and knees increases. The meniscus, the cartilage shock absorber of the knee joint, is especially sensitive to increased load; damage to it can lead to serious problems and long periods of rehabilitation.

This is important If you experience discomfort, pain in your legs or knees, immediately contact a qualified specialist, undergo the necessary examination, and take the treatment prescribed by him. Do not trigger a possible disease and do not self-medicate.

Ankle weights

Additional load should be applied in the area that is slightly above the ankle joint. This will provide good resistance when your legs move. The purpose of the exercise is to increase the tone of the buttocks, calf, and quadriceps muscles.

With the help of additional resistance, you can achieve an increase in muscle mass in the legs. But you need to be very careful if you position or attach weights incorrectly, there is a risk of sprains, minor injuries or dislocations. All this usually happens while walking or running.


To make it you need to take long socks, as well as beans, peas or beans.

  1. Weigh 450−680 g of beans or other types of cereals. You can use regular kitchen scales for this. This amount will be more consistent with the size of the sock. Place the beans in a bowl first so they don't spill and you don't have to start measuring again. And then begin to form a second pile, which will be equal to the previous one.
  2. We tie a knot, but step back one quarter from the top of the sock. Pour the beans in there. We tie the second knot. But make sure that these nodes are located approximately the same distance at the bottom and top. The beans should be located in the center of the sock.
  3. Tie the sock in place around the ankle or thigh. You can also attach it with Velcro, and this will provide additional fixation.
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