Top 30 exercises for slender legs without equipment at home

We offer you a ready-made set of exercises for slender legs that will help you achieve toned thighs without problem areas and firm buttocks. To train, you won't need anything other than comfortable clothes and sneakers. Create your own set of exercises for slender legs from those presented below or do everything on the list - and the result will not be long in coming.

Exercises for Slim Legs (Round 1)

In the first round of training for slender legs, you will find multi-joint strength exercises with which you will pump up your quadriceps and hamstrings, and strengthen your buttocks. The advantage of multi-joint exercises is that during their execution, not only the target leg muscles work, but also other muscle groups: back, abs, core. You will work on slimming your legs and getting rid of problem areas throughout your lower body.

Perform each exercise for the specified number of repetitions. Repeat the round for 2 rounds. Rest between exercises 10-15 seconds, between rounds 1 minute. The approximate total time to complete the two circuits is 15 minutes, but the exact time will depend on your speed, the length of your breaks, and the pace of your overall workout.

See also:

  • Top 20 exercises for losing belly fat
  • Top 30 static exercises for slender legs

Squat with calf raises

Stand up straight, place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and fold your arms at your chest. Squat down, moving your pelvis back. When lifting up, rise onto your toes, straightening your body. Sit back on your heels, do a squat, and repeat.

To avoid losing your balance during the leg exercise, be sure to keep your body weight on your heels during the squat. Do not perform a squat from the top point while remaining on your toes. First lower your heels, then squat. The exercise uses not only the buttocks and thighs, but also perfectly loads the calves, abs, and trains balance and coordination.

How much to do: 15 repetitions.

Progressive squat

Place your feet together and turn your toes slightly to the sides. Lower yourself into a half squat and lock the position. Then take a side step to the right, and then to the left, without straightening your knees. Keep your back straight; to do this, lift your chin and look forward, feel how your abs tense, it also helps to maintain balance. Read more about how to squat correctly.

The exercise focuses on the quadriceps and adductors, but it also works well on the buttocks, promoting muscle growth and definition. Additionally, forward squats will make you more resilient and physically stronger.

How much to do: 10 reps on each side.

Pulsating lunge in place

Lunge forward, making sure your front thigh and back shin are parallel to the floor. The knees do not go beyond the toes, the back is straight. From this position, make 3-4 pulsating movements and straighten your knees, rising into a high lunge.

The exercise combines strength and isometric loads and maximally loads the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. As a result, not only fast, but also slow muscle fibers are activated, which makes the legs strong, toned and sculpted.

How much to do: 10 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other side.

Plie squat

Get into the starting plie position with your toes turned out to the sides. Lower yourself into a plie squat with a flat back, without moving your pelvis too far back. Do not lean your body forward so as not to reduce the load on the inner thigh. Squat until parallel to the floor, keeping your hands close to your chest to maintain balance.

This is one of the classic exercises for slim legs that helps strengthen the muscles of the inner thighs for lean and toned legs. Plie also improves leg flexibility and coordination of movements.

How much to do: 15 repetitions.

Plie squat calf raises

Get into the starting plié squat position with your toes pointed out to the sides. Do a squat with your arms folded at your chest. While at the bottom, lift your heels off the floor and rise onto your toes, lower onto your heels and repeat again. If you find it difficult to maintain balance, you can alternately raise one heel and the other.

This effective exercise for slim legs strengthens the thigh muscles, helps get rid of cellulite, and tightens the calves and inner thighs. The exercise also improves coordination, grace and trains balance.

How much to do: 15 repetitions.

Diagonal lunges

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and lunge back diagonally, lowering until your shins are parallel to the floor. The thigh of the front leg forms a right angle with the lower leg. Come back and lunge with your other leg. You can perform diagonal lunges first only on your right leg, this will make it easier for you to maintain balance.

In training for slender legs, lunges are responsible for the shape of the buttocks, because when they are performed, the entire spectrum of the gluteal muscles is involved. Additionally, diagonal lunges are one of the best exercises for the outer and inner thighs. To avoid losing your balance during these lunges, place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and walk at a slight angle.

How much to do: 10 reps on each side.

Deep lunges back in a half squat

Lower yourself into a half squat, keeping your knees in front of your toes. Take your right leg back, transferring your body weight to it and straightening it at the knee. Return to a half squat and then walk your left leg out. Perform the exercise alternately on both legs. Maintain a half-squat position throughout the exercise to strengthen the muscles.

This effective and simple exercise for slender legs not only works the hips and buttocks, but also engages the abdominal muscles, and also trains balance, improves coordination of movements and forms a beautiful body contour. In addition, the exercise perfectly pumps the back of the thigh.

How much to do: 10 reps on each side.

Swing forward with pulsation

Stand up straight, fold your hands at your waist. The right foot is turned to the side. Raise your right leg straight as you swing forward. Hold your leg in the upper position and make three pulsations. Maintain balance with your body weight on your supporting leg. Keep your back straight and do not bend your knee.

This non-boring static-dynamic exercise fits perfectly into a workout for slender legs, strengthening the muscles of the quadriceps and the front of the thighs. In addition, swinging forward with a straight back develops grace, coordination and improves posture.

How much to do: 10 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other side.

Simple secrets for losing weight on your legs

In addition to the above exercises, which should be done for about 30 minutes daily (yes, yes, remember that regularity is important), there are also other useful types of physical activity. They help get rid of extra centimeters on your legs and tone your body. This:

  • walking
  • race walking
  • swimming
  • intense running, easy jogging
  • jumping rope (burns many more calories than running)

Also use a contrast shower aimed at your feet. It will not help get rid of fat, but it will remove the hated cellulite (in combination with other means, of course) and make the back surface of the legs more even and attractive. A contrast shower has a good effect on the condition of the skin, which is important for a healthy and beautiful appearance.

Walk more. This helps your metabolism not go into hibernation. For example, if you can go 2 stops on a minibus, it’s better to walk them. The elevator should also be abandoned. Walking on the steps not only helps your legs lose weight, but also makes our buttocks more toned and firm.

We have already talked above about the benefits of regular intensive massage for correcting leg problems. Also remember such an effective remedy as vacuum massage. It helps against swelling and cellulite, so your legs will decrease in volume after it!

Girls with spider veins, varicose veins, skin lesions on the lower extremities, fractures, sprains and similar problems need to be careful. Losing weight in your legs can be dangerous for you, because... physical activity and massages can aggravate the existing problem. Consult your doctor before exploring how to lose weight in your legs. Slender legs for you!

Exercises for slender legs (Round 2)

In the second round, complex functional exercises predominate, providing not only anaerobic, but also aerobic exercise to the body. Dynamic exercises for slender legs will not only keep you from getting bored, but will also help you develop endurance, coordination and strength.

Perform the indicated number of repetitions of each exercise. Repeat the round for 2 rounds. Rest between exercises 10-15 seconds, between rounds 1 minute. The approximate total time to complete the two circuits is 15 minutes, but the exact time will depend on your speed, the length of your breaks, and the pace of your overall workout.

Calf muscle exercises at home

You can use the muscle group located in your calves with exercises you can do at home. This part of the body is easy to pump, so make sure you perform the complex used for weight loss correctly. It is important that the exercises are performed without much effort. A large number of approaches and repetitions will help achieve results. You can enhance the effect of your workout by using a step platform. When training, experts also recommend paying attention to static exercises to stretch muscles.

Rolling from toes to heels

A simple and effective way to get rid of excess volume in your calves is to roll from your toes to your heels. The process involves the lower leg and foot. At first, repeat the movement 10 times and 3-4 repetitions per workout, gradually increase the number of exercises to 70. The movements are very simple, you don’t even need a description with a photo to do it correctly:

  • stand exactly on a horizontal surface, straighten your shoulders;
  • rise on your tiptoes and roll onto your heels as much as possible, lifting your toes off the floor;
  • maintain balance and keep your back straight.

Exercises for Slim Legs (Round 3)

In this round, you can work the back of your legs, target your glutes, and strengthen your inner thighs. When performing exercises, do not rush and do not try to increase the amplitude of movements, because this will reduce the effectiveness of the workout. Perform each movement slowly and consistently, feeling the tension in the muscles being worked.

In addition, the exercises presented below perfectly strengthen the buttocks, which is very important for getting rid of breeches. The stronger your gluteal muscles, the better the “ears” on your hips are tightened, which means your legs become slimmer.

Perform each exercise for the specified number of repetitions. Repeat the round for 2 rounds. Rest between exercises 10-15 seconds, between rounds 1 minute. We recommend performing exercises No. 2, 3, 4, 5 first on one side, then on the other. The approximate total time to complete the two circuits is 15 minutes, but the exact time will depend on your speed, the length of your breaks, and the pace of your overall workout.

Plank Leg Raises

Stand in a plank position with your arms straight and swing back with each leg in turn. Raise each leg until your buttocks are tense; you should not try to swing as high as possible, it is important to feel the muscles working. With each swing, the pelvis can move slightly upward, there is nothing wrong with that, the main thing is not to round your back, bending slightly in the lower back.

Plank exercises are considered one of the most effective, because in this position almost all muscle groups are included in the work: back, core, pectorals, legs, buttocks.

How much to do: 10 reps on each side.

Swing your leg up

Get on all fours and lift your leg bent at the knee up. The thigh should be parallel to the floor, this is how the load on the buttocks becomes maximum. Keep your hip tight and focus on your target muscles as you perform this exercise for slimmer legs and a shapely butt.

How much to do: 15 reps + 15 pulsating swings at the end of the set.

To pump up your legs even more, use the pumping technique: hold at the top point and make several pulsating movements. The pulsating variation can be done at the end of each repetition or only at the end of the set.

Straight leg swing

From a position on all fours, straighten one leg and lift it up, making a swing. Perform the movements slowly, do not try to make the swing as high as possible, otherwise you will concentrate on stretching the muscles rather than pumping them up. Repeat for the other leg.

In addition to the buttocks, back swings actively engage the hamstrings, “turning off” the quadriceps, which makes the back of the legs sculpted and toned.

How much to do: 15 reps + 15 pulsating swings at the end of the set.

You can pump up your biceps and glutes even better if you do pumping: fix your leg at the top of the swing and make several pulsating movements with a small amplitude.

Swing your leg left and right

Standing on all fours, straighten one leg and swing, lowering your leg to the side. Then swing up and lower your leg diagonally so that your straight leg is behind your supporting leg. The leg should move along the arc path. Perform the exercise slowly so that the muscles engage as much as possible.

To evenly pump up the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, include all types of swings in your workout for slender legs, as they are responsible for working out different muscle groups. Swings in each direction perfectly strengthen and tighten the inner and outer thighs, making the skin elastic and the muscles strong and strong.

How much to do: 15 repetitions.

Fire hydrant

Get on all fours and, without straightening your knee, swing your leg to the side. Feel the muscles in your inner thighs and buttocks tighten. Raise your leg at an angle of 90 degrees so that the muscles are under maximum tension. Do the same with the other leg.

This is another type of swing aimed at working the small gluteal muscles. The exercise is great for “finishing off” the buttocks to get toned and sculpted shapes.

How much to do: 15 repetitions.

Bridge leg raises

If you want to improve the effectiveness of the glute bridge, do leg raises while doing it. To do this, lie on your back and lift your pelvis up. Fix and begin to lift each leg up one by one. Don't straighten your knees and make sure your body doesn't sag when you lift your legs; to do this, keep your buttocks tight.

The bridge is one of the most effective exercises for slender legs and a toned butt, as it helps to work the gluteal muscles almost in isolation. Leg raises make the exercise more effective due to dynamic movements of the legs while constantly squeezing the buttocks.

How much to do: 15 reps on each side.

Bridge leg spread

A variation of the bridge for targeted work on the buttocks, especially the outer region of the gluteus maximus muscle, as well as the inner surface of the thigh. To perform, lie on your back and lift your pelvis up, feet together. At the top point, spread your legs with maximum amplitude, then bring them together and repeat the movement.

In this exercise, the gluteus maximus muscle, which is responsible for the round shape of the butt, actively works. Be sure to include the glute bridge and its variations in your workout for slender legs to target your buttocks and thighs from all sides.

How much to do: 15 repetitions.

Exercises for the gym

Leg press

This exercise uses a leg press machine. Place your feet in the machine so that only your toes are on the platform. To avoid injuring your knees, keep them slightly bent. The body and legs form a right angle.

Calf raises with dumbbells

Take dumbbells of minimal weight, stand on any step 5-7 cm high with your toes, heels on the floor. Rise onto your toes and lower onto your heels at maximum speed, as in the previous exercise.

Below is a video with a more complete set of calf exercises suitable for the gym:

Each person has his own genetics and his own level of physical fitness, so everyone needs an individual approach to finding a set of exercises for losing weight in calves. Don't expect results in a very short time, especially in a week!

Exercises for Slim Legs (Round 4)

The fourth round completes the workout for slender legs, in which you will perform Pilates exercises: swings, stretches and others aimed at targeting problem areas of the hips and buttocks. In this round, as in the previous one, the exercises should be performed slowly, concentrating on each movement.

Perform each exercise for the specified number of repetitions. Repeat the round for 2 rounds. Rest between exercises 10-15 seconds, between rounds 1 minute. We recommend performing exercises No. 1, 2, 3, 4 first on one side, then on the other. The approximate total time to complete the two circuits is 15 minutes, but the exact time will depend on your speed, the length of your breaks, and the pace of your overall workout.

Side straight leg swing

Lying leg swings work the gluteus medius and small muscles and engage the hip adductors. To perform, lie on your side, resting on your forearm. Raise your leg at an acute angle, feeling the tension in your thigh muscles.

A common mistake when performing this exercise for slender legs is to swing too high, causing the target muscles to relax and negating the benefits. An angle of 45 degrees is considered optimal for high-quality muscle load.

How much to do: 15 reps + 15 pulsating swings at the end of the set.

To make the exercise even more effective, complete the approach with pulsating movements at the top.

Leg rotation while lying on your side

Remain lying on your side, supporting yourself on your forearm. Raise your top leg up to a 45-degree angle and begin rotating clockwise. Don't relax your leg at the bottom, keep your muscles tense.

Despite the fact that this exercise from a workout for slender legs will seem quite easy to many, during it the muscles are constantly under tension. In addition, the exercise works the joints, improving their mobility, and promotes the development of flexibility.

How much to do: 10 clockwise reps and 10 counterclockwise reps.

Side hip adduction

Lie on your side, supporting yourself on your forearm. The upper leg is bent at the knee and stands in front of the lower leg. Raise your straight lower leg up to an angle of 45 degrees.

Include this simple exercise in your workout for slender legs to pump up your hip adductors and get rid of problem areas on your inner thighs. When performing, try not to relax the muscles at the lowest point, otherwise the effectiveness of the exercise will decrease.

How much to do: 15 reps + 15 pulse raises at the end of the set.

To maximally work the adductors, do a few pulsating movements at the end of the set.

Leg rotations for the inner thigh

And another high-quality exercise for slender legs, namely to work the adductor muscles of the hips. To perform, lie on your side, rest on your forearm and bend your top leg at the knee, placing it behind your bottom leg. Lift your bottom leg and rotate in a circle.

During circular movements, the muscles are constantly under tension, which makes the exercise especially effective. And, as a bonus, the core and abdominal muscles work during rotation.

How much to do: 10 clockwise reps and 10 counterclockwise reps.

Supine stretch with pulse

To perform the exercise, lie on your back and lift your legs straight up. Spread your legs at a right angle and at the bottom point make two energetic “pulses”, then bring your legs together.

You should not spread your legs too far, otherwise you can strain the ligaments. But stepping at an acute angle will not bring much benefit, because the muscles will not have time to engage in work. Do the exercise regularly to not only make your legs leaner, but also improve their flexibility or even do the splits.

How much to do: 15 repetitions.


This easy exercise is suitable to complete a workout for slender legs, as its effect is more “finishing” than working. Lie on your back and lift your legs up. Do classic scissors at a dynamic pace.

During the exercise, it is not recommended to bend your knees, as the load on the hips is reduced. If you lower your legs at a slight angle, your abs will come into play and the exercise will become more difficult.

How much to do: 15 repetitions on each side (30 crunches).

Stomach stretch

To “finish off” the buttocks and back of the thighs, perform a split step on your stomach. Lie on your stomach, fold your arms in front of you, lower your head on them. As you exhale, lift your legs up, lifting your hips off the floor, as in the boat exercise. Remaining in this position, spread your legs apart and then bring them together.

This is an excellent exercise that pumps not only the legs and buttocks, but also the muscles of the back and lower back. When performing, try to tense your abs to evenly distribute the load.

How much to do: 15 repetitions.

How to train with this set of exercises?

We offer you several leg workout plans depending on your time availability. You can train by counting, performing the number of repetitions specified in the description, or using a timer by installing a mobile application with a Tabata timer on your phone.

For rep training:

  1. For 60 minutes. Perform all 30 exercises for the specified number of repetitions. Each round is repeated in 2 circles. In this case, you can train 1-2 times a week.
  2. For 30 minutes. Alternate two days of training: on one day, perform the first and third rounds (or the first and second), on the second day, the second and fourth rounds (or the third and fourth). Each round is repeated in 2 circles. In this case, you can train 2-3 times a week.
  3. For 10-15 minutes. Alternate four days of training: do the first round on one day, the second round on the second, etc. Each round is repeated in 2 circles. In this case, you can train 5-6 times a week.
  4. For 10-15 minutes. Alternate two days of training: do the first and third rounds on one day, and the second and fourth rounds on the second day. But with this scheme, the exercises in the round are not repeated, that is, they are performed in 1 circle. In this case, you can train 5-6 times a week.

For timed training:

  1. For 60 minutes. Do all 30 exercises. Exercises are performed according to the following scheme: 40 seconds of work / 20 seconds of rest or 45 seconds of work / 15 seconds of rest. Each round is repeated in 2 circles. In the first circle, exercises are performed on the right side, in the second circle on the left side. In this case, you can train 1-2 times a week.
  2. For 50 minutes. Do all 30 exercises. Exercises are performed according to the following scheme: 30 seconds of work / 15 seconds of rest or 40 seconds of work / 10 seconds of rest. Each round is repeated in 2 circles. In the first circle, exercises are performed on the right side, in the second circle on the left side. In this case, you can train 1-2 times a week.
  3. For 30 minutes. Do the first and third rounds on the same day, and the second and fourth rounds on the second day. Exercises are performed according to the following scheme: 40 seconds of work / 20 seconds of rest or 45 seconds of work / 15 seconds of rest. Each round is repeated in 2 circles. In the first circle, exercises are performed on the right side, in the second circle on the left side. In this case, you can train 2-3 times a week.
  4. For 25 minutes. Do the first and third rounds on the same day, and the second and fourth rounds on the second day. Exercises are performed according to the following scheme: 30 seconds of work / 15 seconds of rest or 40 seconds of work / 10 seconds of rest. Each round is repeated in 2 circles. In the first circle, exercises are performed on the right side, in the second circle on the left side. In this case, you can train 2-3 times a week.
  5. For 15 minutes. Alternate four days of training: do the first round on one day, the second round on the second, etc. Exercises are performed according to the following scheme: 40 seconds of work / 20 seconds of rest or 45 seconds of work / 15 seconds of rest. Each round is repeated in 2 circles. In this case, you can train 5-6 times a week.

The time option is more suitable for those losing weight who want to reduce the size of their legs. For interval training, check out our selection of apps with handy timers.

  • Timer 40 seconds work / 20 seconds rest:
  • Timer 30 seconds work / 15 seconds rest:

What else is important to know?

This workout for slender legs is a great option to do at home or in the gym if you like to train with minimal weights.

  • If you want to lose weight in your legs, then do the exercises at a fast pace. The faster the pace of your workout, the more calories you will burn.
  • If you want to tone and tighten your muscles first, you can use weights: dumbbells for lunges and squats, or weights for swings and flyes.
  • An excellent option for complicating your workouts and increasing their effectiveness is the use of fitness bands. This is a simple, affordable and very useful equipment for training your legs and buttocks. Read more in the article about fitness bands.
  • You can train either by time or by number of repetitions. Choose a convenient option for yourself.
  • If it is more convenient for you to count the number of repetitions, then you can use the scheme proposed above: each round is repeated in two circles of 15-20 repetitions, the exercises are performed in one approach. Or you can, for example, consistently perform each exercise one after another in several approaches. 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions will be enough.
  • It is not necessary to complete all rounds in one day. You can divide them: for example, the first and second rounds on one day, the third and fourth on another. Or for a more even load, the first and third rounds on one day, the second and fourth on another.
  • Before training, be sure to warm up (ready warm-up for 5 minutes) and at the end do stretching (selection of stretching exercises).

If you're just starting to exercise at home, you can check out our workout plan for beginners that will help you lose weight and tone your body:

  • Mon: Lower body workout (hips and buttocks)
  • VT: Interval training for body tone and weight loss
  • CP: Low Impact Cardio Workout
  • CT: Upper Body Workout
  • PT: Circuit training for problem areas

The role of water for losing weight in legs

The cleaner and more balanced in salts and minerals the water we drink, the better our metabolism. Good metabolism (metabolism) guarantees normal breakdown of fat in the body. This means that fat deposits will not be deposited on our problem area - the legs. In addition, poor quality water often causes swelling. A person with edema looks fuller than he really is (and you may even notice significant weight gain on the scale).

If you are too inactive (sedentary or sedentary) or constantly work on your feet, you may suffer from swelling of the lower extremities. Moreover, not only the feet swell, but also the thighs and legs. If at the end of the working day (or just in the evening) you have one or more of the following symptoms, you probably have edema:

  • the shoes that you put on without any problems in the morning begin to pinch you
  • your legs feel heavy (even if you haven't spent the entire day standing)
  • your legs visually appear fuller (pay attention to both the leg as a whole and the feet individually)
  • you can’t fit into shoes that you can easily put on at other times of the day
  • when you take off jeans or other tight clothing from the bottom, streaks from seams and other hard elements are visible on your legs

What should you drink to avoid swelling in the legs? Give preference to still mineral water, filtered home water, and green tea. It is useful to drink at least 150 ml of water on an empty stomach (after waking up), 15-25 minutes before breakfast. It is also recommended to drink a glass of water between main meals. Eliminate sweet teas, carbonated drinks, coffee.

Is it possible to lose weight in your calves quickly?

Nothing happens quickly in our iron world. Everything requires time, strength and patience.

As I have said many times, if your problem area is the lower leg, and fat is deposited there more than in other parts of the body, then it will be the last place to go .

Therefore, it will not be possible to lose weight in your calves in a short period of time. Eat right, train hard and you will be happy.

How quickly you can lose weight in your calves will depend on:

  • your physical activity;
  • diet;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • starting result.

If you are very concerned about timing, then read my article about fast weight loss in your legs.

Is it possible to lose weight only in your calves?

First of all, I want to destroy some myths. First of all, Santa Claus does not exist. Secondly, it’s not the brownie Kuzya who empties the refrigerator at night, but you. Thirdly, it is impossible .

Let's figure out why this happens?

And now I don’t want to talk about eating sausage at night, although you shouldn’t remain silent about this either.

I want to tell you how our body works. And it’s structured in a very interesting way.

Many people think - I’ll pump up my abs, and my stomach and sides will go away, I’ll get six-packs, a crowd of fans and a millionaire husband . In fact, we only get greasy fingers from the cream, because I’m so great, I worked out for 15 minutes and deserved this piece of cake . And the fat remained there, just as it was there.

Our body works on a different principle. For example, you work out your abs, and the fat disappears from your chin.

“Where is the connection?” - you ask, but there is no connection. It’s just that our body takes fat from all over the body as energy, but in some places the fat goes away faster, in others more slowly. And, as a rule, the place where we want to lose weight stores fat more than all other parts of the body. Therefore, he will be the last to leave from there.

What's the conclusion? Be patient, stay hydrated and exercise. Your calves will only lose weight if you lose all the weight .

If you want your calves to lose weight, you most likely have excess weight on your thighs. They are a different story, so I wrote an article about losing weight in the hips.

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